CSIRO Atmospheric Research Technical Papers
CSIRO Atmospheric Research Technical Papers are thoroughly reviewed reports
that document significant scientific achievements such as model development
and results from field observations. Typically, Technical Papers contain
material that is too detailed or specialised for publication in a scientific
CSIRO Atmospheric Research Technical Papers may be issued out of sequence.
CSIRO Atmospheric Research Technical Papers: ISSN 1445-6982
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CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications (COSSA)/Earth Observation
Centre (EOC) technical papers available at: http://www.cossa.csiro.au/tech_reps/tech_reports.htm
Archive list 1983 — 2005
(Series title changed from CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research Technical
Papers at number 38)
No. 1 Galbally, I.E.;
Roy, C.R.; O'Brien, R.S.; Ridley, B.A.; Hastie, D.R.; Evans, W.J.F.; McElroy,
C.T.; Kerr, J.B.; Hyson, P.; Knight, W.; Laby, J.E.
Measurements of trace composition of the Austral stratosphere: chemical
and meteorological data. 1983. 31 p.
No. 2 Enting, I.G.
Error analysis for parameter estimates from constrained inversion. 1983.
18 p.
No. 3 Enting, I.G.; Pearman,
Refinements to a one-dimensional carbon cycle model. 1983. 35 p.
No. 4 Francey, R.J.;
Barbetti, M.; Bird, T.; Beardsmore, D.; Coupland, W.; Dolezal, J.E.; Farquhar,
G.D.; Flynn, R.G.; Fraser, P.J.; Gifford, R.M.; Goodman, H.S.; Kunda,
B.; McPhail, S.; Nanson, G.; Pearman, G.I.; Richards, N.G.; Sharkey, T.D.;
Temple, R.B.; Weir, B.
Isotopes in tree rings. 1984. 86 p.
No. 5 Enting, I.G.
Techniques for determining surface sources from surface observations of
atmospheric constituents. 1984. 30 p.
No. 6 Beardsmore,
D.J.; Pearman, G.I.; O'Brien, R.C.
The CSIRO (Australia) Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Monitoring Program: surface
data. 1984. 115 p.
No. 7 Scott, J.C.
High speed magnetic tape interface for a microcomputer. 1984. 17 p.
No. 8 Galbally, I.E.;
Roy, C.R.; Elsworth, C.M.; Rabich, H.A.H.
The measurement of nitrogen oxide (NO, NO2) exchange over plant/soil surfaces.
1985. 23 p.
No. 9 Enting, I.G.
A strategy for calibrating atmospheric transport models. 1985. 25 p.
No. 10 O'Brien, D.M.
TOVPIX: software for extraction and calibration of TOVS data from the
high resolution picture transmission from TIROS-N satellites. 1985. 41
No. 11 Enting, I.G.; Mansbridge,
Description of a two-dimensional atmospheric transport model. 1986. 22
No. 12 Everett, J.R.;
O'Brien, D.M.; Davis, T.J.
A report on experiments to measure average fibre diameters by optical
fourier analysis. 1986. 22 p.
No. 13 Enting, I.G.
A signal processing approach to analysing background atmospheric constituent
data. 1986. 21 p.
No. 14 Enting, I.G.; Mansbridge,
Preliminary studies with a two- dimensional model using transport fields
derived from a GCM. 1987. 47 p.
No. 15 O'Brien, D.M.;
Mitchell, R.M.
Technical assessment of the joint CSIRO/Bureau of Meteorology proposal
for a geostationary imager/ sounder over the Australian region. 1987.
53 p.
No. 16 Galbally, I.E.;
Manins, P.C.; Ripari, L.; Bateup, R.
A numerical model of the late (ascending) stage of a nuclear fireball.
1987. 89 p.
No. 17 Durre, A.M.; Beer, T.
Wind information prediction study: Annaburroo meteorological data analysis.
1989. 30 p. + diskette.
No. 18 Mansbridge,
J.V.; Enting, I.G.
Sensitivity studies in a two- dimensional atmospheric transport model.
1989. 33 p.
No. 19 O'Brien, D.M.;
Mitchell, R.M.
Zones of feasibility for retrieval of surface pressure from observations
of absorption in the A band of oxygen. 1989. 12 p.
No. 20 Evans, J.L.
Envisaged impacts of enhanced greenhouse warming on tropical cyclones
in the Australian region. 1990. 31 p. [Out of print. Available electronically]
No. 21 Whetton, P.H.;
Pittock, A.B.
Australian region intercomparison of the results of some general circulation
models used in enhanced greenhouse experiments. 1991. 73 p. [Out of print.
Available electronically]
No. 22 Enting, I.G.
Calculating future atmospheric CO2 concentrations. 1991. 32 p. available
No. 23 Kowalczyk, E.A.;
Garratt, J.R.; Krummel, P.B.
A soil-canopy scheme for use in a numerical model of the atmosphere
1D stand- alone model. 1992. 56 p.
No. 24 Physick, W.L.;
Noonan, J.A.; McGregor, J.L.; Hurley, P.J.; Abbs, D.J.; Manins, P.C.
LADM: A Lagrangian Atmospheric Dispersion Model. 1994. 137 p.
No. 25 Enting, I.G.
Constraining the atmospheric carbon budget: a preliminary assessment.
1992. 28 p. Available electronically
No. 26 McGregor, J.L.;
Gordon, H.B.; Watterson, I.G.; Dix, M.R.; Rotstayn, L.D.
The CSIRO 9-level atmospheric general circulation model. 1993. 89 p.
No. 27 Enting, I.G.; Lassey,
Projections of future CO2. with appendix by R.A. Houghton. 1993. 42 p.
Available electronically
No. 28 [Not published]
No. 29 Enting, I.G.; Trudinger,
C.M.; Francey, R.J.; Granek, H.
Synthesis inversion of atmospheric CO2 using the GISS tracer transport
model. 1993. 44 p.
No. 30 O'Brien, D.M.
Radiation fluxes and cloud amounts predicted by the CSIRO nine level GCM
and observed by ERBE and ISCCP. 1993. 37 p.
No. 31 Enting, I.G.; Wigley,
T.M.L.; Heimann, M.
Future emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide: key ocean/atmosphere/land
analyses. 1994. 120 p. available electronically
No. 32 Kowalczyk, E.A.;
Garratt, J.R.; Krummel, P.B.
Implementation of a soil-canopy scheme into the CSIRO GCM regional
aspects of the model response. 1994. 59 p.
No. 33 Prata, A.J.
Validation data for land surface temperature determination from satellites.
1994. 40 p.
No. 34 Dilley, A.C.; Elsum,
Improved AVHRR data navigation using automated land feature recognition
to correct a satellite orbital model. 1994. 22 p.
No. 35 Hill, R.H.; Long,
The CSIRO dual-frequency microwave radiometer. 1995. 16 p.
No. 36 Rayner, P.J.; Law,
A comparison of modelled responses to prescribed CO2 sources. 1995. 84
No. 37 Hennessy, K.J.
CSIRO Climate change output. 1998. 23 p.
No. 38 Enting, I. G.
Attribution of greenhouse gas emissions, concentrations and radiative
forcing. 1998. 29 p. Available electronically
No. 39 OBrien, D.M.;
Tregoning, P..
Geographical distributions of occultations of GPS satellites viewed from
a low earth orbiting satellite. 1998. 23 p.
No. 40 Enting, I.G.
Characterising the temporal variability of the global carbon cycle. 1999.
23 p. Available electronically
No. 41 Enting, I.G. and
Law, R.M.
Characteristing Historical Responsibility for the Greenhouse Effect, 2002.
50 p. Electronic edition only
No. 42 Mitchell, R.M.
Calibration status of the NOAA AVHRR solar reflectance channels: CalWatch
revision 1. 1999. 20 p.
No. 43 Hurley, P.J.
The Air Pollution Model (TAPM) Version 1: technical description and examples.
1999. 41 p. Available electronically
No. 44 Frederiksen,
J.S.; Dix, M.R.; Davies, A.G.
A new eddy diffusion parameterisation for the CSIRO GCM. 2000. 31 p.
No. 45 Young, S.A.
Vegetation canopy lidar studies. 2000. 35 p. Electronic edition only.
No. 46 Prata, A.J.
Global Distribution of Maximum Land Surface Temperature Inferred from
Satellites: Implications for the Advanced Along Tracking Scan Radiometer.
2000. 30 p. Electronic edition only.
No. 47 Prata, A.J.
Precipitable water retrieval from multi-filtered shadowband radiometer
measurements. 2000. 14 p. Electronic edition only.
No. 48 Prata, A.J., Grant,
Determination of mass loadings and plume heights of volcanic ash clouds
from satellite data. 2001. 39 p. Electronic edition only.
No. 49 OBrien, D.M.
Numerical calculation of the transfer of polarized radiation by a scattering
and absorbing atmosphere. 2001. 65 p. Electronic edition only.
No. 50 R.L. Law, Vohralik,
Methane sources from mass-balance inversions: Sensitivity to transport.
2001 27p. Electronic edition only.
No. 51 Meyer, C.P., Galbally,
I.E., Wang, Y.P., Weeks, I.A., Jamie, I., Griffith, D.W.T.,
Two automatic chamber techniques for measuring soil-atmosphere exchanges
of trace gases and results of their use in the OASIS field experiment.
2001. 33 p. Electronic edition only.
No. 52 Mitchell, R.M.
In-flight characteristics of the space count of NOAA AVHRR channels 1
and 2. 2001. 24 p. Electronic edition only.
No. 53 Young, S.A. An investigation
into the performance of algorithms used to retrieve cloud parameters from
LITE lidar data, and implications for their use with PICASSO-CENA lidar
data. 2001. Electronic edition only.
No 54 Young, S. A. The Hybrid Extinction Retrieval Algorithms (HERA) for the analysis of lidar data from space. Electronic edition only.
No. 55 Hurley, P. The
Air Pollution Model (TAPM) Version 2. Part 1. Technical Description. 2002.
Electronic edition only.
No. 56 Enting, I.G. and
Trudinger C.M.
Modelling earth system change. 1, Validating parameterisations for attribution
calculations. 2002. Electronic edition only.
No. 57 Hurley, P., Physick,
W.L. and Luhar, A.K. The Air Pollution Model (TAPM) Version 2. Part 2.
Summary of some verification studies. 2002. Electronic edition only.
No. 58 [in preparation]
No. 59 Frederiksen,
J.S., Collier, M.A., and Watkins A. B.
Ensemble Prediction Methods based on Fast Growing Perturbations. 2002.
Electronic edition only.
No. 60 Gordon, H.B., et.
The CSIRO Mk3 Climate System Model. 2002. Electronic edition only.
No. 61 Graetz, R. D.
The net carbon dioxide flux from biomass burning on the Australian continent.
2002. Electronic edition only.
No. 62 Enting, I. G.
Inverse problems in earth system science: A complex systems perspective.
2002. Electronic edition only.
No. 63 McCabe, M. F. , Prata, A. J. and Kalma, J. D.
A comparison of brightness temperatures derived from geostationary and polar orbiting satellites. 2002.
Electronic edition only, link to text from cover page.
No. 64 Graetz, R.D., and
Skjemstad J.O.
The charcoal sink of biomass burning on the Australian continent. 2003.
Electronic edition only.
No. 65 Young, S.A.
Interpretations of the performance of the hybrid extinction retrieval
algorithms (HERA) during the CALIPSO Build 2 tests. Electronic edition
No 66 Schmidt, M., King.
E.A. and McVicar T.R.
Development of a Web-based data and product delivery system for the CSIRO
AVHRR Time Series (CATS): Architecture, Interface and Processing Descriptions.
2004. Electronic edition only
No 67 Mitchell, R.M,
Campbell, S.K., and Daniel P.J.
Selection of a Radiance Source for the Radiometric Calibration Facility
at the CSIRO Earth Observation Centre
2004. Electronic edition only.
No 68 Collier, M.A.
The CSIRO NCEP/NCAR/DOE R-1/R-2 archive. 2004. Electronic edition only.
No. 69 Collier, M.A.,
CMIP experimental results from the CSIRO Mk3 Climate System Model: comparison
with reanalysis and observations. Electronic edition only
No. 70 McGregor, J.L.
C-CAM: Geometric Aspects and dynamical formulation. Electronic edition
No. 71 Hurley, P.
The air pollution model (TAPM) version 3. Part 1, Technical description.
Electronic edition only
No. 72 Hurley, P., Physick,
W.L., Luhar, A.K. and Edwards M.
The Air Pollution Model (TAPM) Version 3. Part 2: Summary of Some Verficiation
Studies. Electronic edition only
No. 73 Vives, B. and Jones, R. N..
Detection of abrupt changes in Australian decadal rainfall (1890-1989). Electronic edition only |