Marine Laboratories Reports List, Division of Fisheries & Oceanography/CSIRO
Marine Laboratories
Thomson, J. M. (1956). Fluctuations in catch of the yellow-eye mullet Aldrichetta forsteri (Cuvier and Valenciennes) (Mugilidae). Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 1. full text
Nicholls, A. G. (1956). The Tasmanian trout fishery. I. Sources of information
and treatment of data. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO
Australia, no. 2. full
Nicholls, A. G. (1957). The Tasmanian trout fishery. II. The fishery of the north-west region. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 3. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1957). An analysis of recent catches of humpback whales from the stocks in Groups IV and V. Prepared for the International Commission on Whaling. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 4. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1957). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 3/56, 4/56, 5/56. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 5. full text
Cowper, T. R. and Downie, R. J. (1957). A line-fishing survey of the fishes of the southeastern Australian continental slope. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 6. full text
Davis, P. S. (1957). A method for the determination of chlorophyll in sea-water. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 7. full text
Jitts, H. R. (1957). The 14C method for measuring C02 uptake in marine productivity studies. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 8. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1957). Mean sea level variation on the coast of New South Wales. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 9. full text
Nicholls, A. G. (1957). The Tasmanian trout fishery. III. The rivers of the north and east. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 10. full text
Nicholls, A. G. (1957). The population of a trout stream and the survival of released fish. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 11. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1957). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruise 6/56. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 12. full text
Chau, Y. K. (1957). The coastal circulation of New South Wales from drift card results 1953-56. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 13. full text
Kott, P. (1957). Zooplankton of East Australian waters 1945-1954. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 14. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1958). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 1/5 7-4/5 7. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 15. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1958). The seasonal circulation of the surface water masses of the Tasman and Coral Seas. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 16. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1958). Australian catches of humpback whales 1957. Prepared for the International Commission on Whaling. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 17. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1958). Australian documents prepared for the Unesco Conference on the Oceanography of the Tasman and Coral Seas held at Cronulla, August 9-14, 1958. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 18. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1958). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 5/57-8/57. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 19. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1959). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises DH 9/57-12/57. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 20. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1959). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 13/57-16/57. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 21. full text
Robins, J. P. (1958). F.R.V. "Marelda". Scientific report of Cruises July 1957 - May 1958. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 22. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1959). Australian humpback whales 1958. Prepared for the International Commission on Whaling. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 23. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1959). H.M.A.S. "Queenborough" and "Quickmatch". Scientific report of a cruise March 24-April 26, 1958. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 24. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1959). H.M.A.S. "Warrego". Scientific reports of Cruises W1/57 and W1/58. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 25. full text
Thomson, J. M. (1959). Summary review of a scientific survey of Lake Macquarie by CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 26. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1958). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 1/58 - 9/58. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 27. full text
Wood, E. J. F. (1963). Check-list of dinoflagellates recorded from the Indian Ocean. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 28. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1960). Australian catches of humpback whales 1959. Prepared for the International Commission on Whaling. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 29. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1960). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 10/58-20/58. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 30. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1961). Australian catches of humpback whales 1960. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 31. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1961). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 1/59-10/59. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 32. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1963). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific report of Cruises 11/59-4/60. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 33. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1962). Australian catches of humpback whales 1961. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 34. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1963). Australian catches of humpback whales 1962. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 35. full text
Wood, E. J. F. (1963). Checklist of diatoms recorded from the Indian Ocean. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 36. full text
Hynd, J. S. and Vaux, D. (1963). Report of a survey for tuna in Western Australian waters. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 37. full text
Bannister, J. L. (1964). Australian whaling 1963. Catch results and research. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 38. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1965). F.R.V. "Derwent Hunter". Scientific reports of cruises 1950-56. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 39. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1967). 20th Marine Science School May 22-27, 1966. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 40. full text
Kesteven, G. L. (1967). Colombo Plan fishery resources research, India. Report to Government of India. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 41. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1967). 21st Marine Science School May 23-June 2, 1967. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 42. full text
Jitts, H. R. (1968). Data collected by Australian participants during the May,1968 sea trials of SCOR/UNESCO working group 15 on 'photosynthetic radiation in the sea'. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 43 full text
Newell, B. S. (1969). Dispersal of pulp mill effluent in Hospital Bay, Tasmania. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 44. full text
Newell, B. S. (1969). Total transport and flushing times in the lower Tamar River. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 45. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1969). Review papers. 1. Current-effect on sea level. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 46.full text
Hamon, B. V. (1969). Review papers. 2. Oceanic eddies. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 46. full text
Lockwood, D. R. (1970). Portable temperature-chlorinity bridge (s-t meter) instruction manual. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 47. full text
Cowper, T. P. (1970). Scientific reports of cruises of T.S.Fukushima Maru, August 31 - October 5, 1964: June 8 - July 19, 1965. F.V.Suruga Maru, September 27 - December 2, 1965. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 48. full text
Newell, B. S. (1971). Chlorinity and temperature distribution in Deception Bay, Queensland, 1968-69. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 49. full text
Cresswell, G. R. (1971). Current measurements in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 50. full text
Major, G. A., Dal Pont, G., Klye, J. L., Newell, B. S., (1972). Laboratory techniques in marine chemistry. A manual. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 51.full text
Cresswell, G. R., (1972). Wind-driven ocean surface transport around Australia. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 52. full text
Cresswell, G. R. (1973). French-Australian satellite-buoy experiment. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 53. full text
Greig, M. A. (1974). Estimation of surface currents from ships' set. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 54. full text
Dal Pont, G., Hogan, M. J. and Newell, B. (1974). Laboratory techniques in marine chemistry. 2. Determination of ammonia in sea water and the preservation of samples for nitrate analysis. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 55. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1974). Development of a tag for the western rock lobster. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 56. full text
Piip, A. T. (1974). Critical description of the CSIRO sea surface temperature and salinity sampling program from merchant ships. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 57. full text
Chittleborough, R. G. (1974). Tropical rock lobster Panulirus ornatus (Fabr.) as a resource in Torres Strait. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 58. full text
Newell, B. S. (1974). Distribution of oceanic water types off south-eastern Tasmania, 1973. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 59. full text
Scott, B. D. (1974). Total dissolved inorganic carbon analyser. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 60. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1974). Sediment trapping of nutrients in Australian estuaries. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 61. full text
Boland, F., Cresswell, G. R. and Wood, J. E. (1975). CSIRO continental shelf mooring system for current meters. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 62. full text
Phillips, B. F. (1975). Effect of water currents and the intensity of moonlight on catches of the puerulus larval stage of the western rock lobster. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 63. full text
Kirkman, H. (1976). A review of the literature on seagrass related to its decline in Moreton Bay, Qld. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 64. full text
Scott, B. D. (1975). Reactive silicate in sea water. A comparison of the reduced alpha and beta molybdosilicic acid methods of spectrophotometric analysis. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 65p. full text
Stamper, W. J. (1975). On the concept of fish mortality rates in the exploited phase and their estimation by sampling the commercial catch, with special attention to rock lobster fisheries. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 66. full text
Godfrey, J. S. and Parslow, J. S. (1976). Description and preliminary theory of circulation in Port Hacking estuary. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 67. full text
Dredge, M., Kirkman, H. and Potter, M. (1977). Short term biological survey. Tin Can Inlet/Great Sandy Strait. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 68.full text
Jitts, H. R. and Scott, B. D. (1976). Two xenon lamp incubators for measuring the photosynthesis of phytoplankton. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 69. full text
Hodgkin, E. P. and Majer, K. (1976). Index to ecological information on estuaries and marine embayments in Western Australia. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 70. full text
Brown, J. L. (1976). Selected bibliography on the fish resources of the south-eastern Indian Ocean. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 71. full text
Young, P. C. (1977). Working key to the common species of juvenile penaeid prawns from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia (Penaeidae : Natantia). Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 72. full text
Edwards, R. J. (1977). Hydrological investigations of R.V. Sprightly, April 1974-April 1975. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 73. full text
Greig, M. A. (1977). Digitizing of Torres Strait tidal records. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 74. full text
Bulleid, N. C. (1977). Adenosine triphosphate analysis in marine ecology: a review and manual. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 75. full text
Major, G. A. (1977). Inexpensive system for remote triggering of water samplers. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 76. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1977). Present evidence for summer upwelling off the north east coast of Victoria. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 77. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1977). Time series station off north west Australia. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 78. full text
Colquhoun-Kerr, J. S. (1977). Carbon flux through the south west arm populations of Crassostrea commercialis and Trichomya hirsuta. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 79. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1977). Spectrum of sea level at Sydney. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 80. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1977). Review of a possible upwelling situation off Port Macdonnell S.A. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 81. full text
Cresswell, G. R., Richardson, G. T., Wood, J. E. and Watts, R. (1978). CSIRO satellite-tracked 'Torpedo' buoy. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 82. full text
Dal Pont, G. and Major, G. A. (1978). Determination of mercury in sea-water using tin II reduction and syringe injection atomic absorption. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 83. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1977). Surface salinity regime of the Tasman and Coral seas. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 84. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1977). Upwelling off the north west coast of Australia. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 85. full text
Cresswell, G. R. and Vaudrey, D. J. (1977). Satellite-tracked buoy data report 1. Western Australian releases 1975 and 1976. Report. Division of Fisheries and Oceanography. CSIRO Australia, no. 86. full text
Allen, K. R. and Kirkwood, G. P. (1977). Were 1946 sperm whale stocks at the unexploited level?. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 87. full text
Edwards, R. J. (1979). Tasman and Coral Sea ten year mean temperature and salinity fields, 1967-1976. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 88.full text
Allen, K. R. (1977). Energy inputs and outputs in an Australian coastal whaling operation. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 89. full text
Golding, T. J., Cresswell, G. R. and Boland, F. M. (1977). Sea surface current and temperature data report from the 'Sprightly' programme off Western Australia 1973-1976. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 90. full text
Cresswell, G. R. and Wood, J. E. (1977). Satellite-tracked buoy data report 2. Tasman sea releases November 1976 - July 1977. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 91. full text
Young, P. C. (1977). East coast prawn research project. Concluding report of the project leader P C Young. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 92. full text
Rimmer, D. W. and Phillips, B. F. (1978). Pump net sampler to examine the spatial distribution of rock lobster larvae. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 93. full text
Griffiths, F. B. and Rimmer, D. W. (1977). Description of a paired sampler suitable for quantitative plankton studies. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 94. full text
Major, G. A. and Pettis, R. W. (1977). Analysis of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in sea-water: Interlaboratory comparison among Australian laboratories. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 95. full text
Weiner, P. and Kirkman, H. (1979). Continuous recording technique to measure oxygen release from a seagrass community within an acrylic insulation chamber. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 96. full text
Blackburn, M. (1978). Changes in size composition, indicative of stock conditions in the New South Wales trawl fishery, from 1945/46 to 1966/67. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 97. full text
Phillips, B. F. and Hall, N. G. (1978). Catches of puerulus larvae on collectors as a measure of natural settlement of the western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus George. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 98. full text
Wadley, V. A. (1978). A checklist and illustrated key to the epibenthic shrimps (Decapoda: Natantia) of Moreton Bay, Queensland. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 99. full text
Scott, B. D. (1978). Hydrological features of a warm core eddy and their biological implications. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 100. full text
Cresswell, G. R. and Golding, T. J. (1979). Satellite-tracked buoy data report III. Indian Ocean 1977. Tasman sea July-December 1977. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 101. full text
Braine, S. J., Rimmer, D. W. and Phillips, B. F. (1979). Illustrated key and notes on the phyllosoma stages of the western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus George. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 102. full text
Blackburn, M. (1979). Gemfish, Rexea solandri (Cuvier and Valenciennes): distribution and length data from Australian east coast shelf waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 103. full text
Cresswell, G. R. and Greig, M. A. (1979). Satellite-tracked buoy data report IV. South west Pacific Ocean January - June 1978. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 104. full text
Tranter, D. J., Parker, R. R. and Vaudrey, D. J. (1979). In vivo chlorophyll alpha fluorescence in the vicinity of warm-core eddies off the coast of New South Wales. 1. September 1978. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 105. full text
Webster, I., Golding, T. J. and Dyson, N. (1979). Hydrological features of the near shelf waters off Fremantle, Western Australia, during 1974. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 106. full text
Gardner, D. (1979). Design and operation of a laminar flow clean-room for trace metal analysis in marine chemistry. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 107. full text
Sandland, R. L. and Young, P. C. (1979). Tables of probabilities associated with the fission of replicate samples in classifications. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 108. full text
Rainer, S. F. (1980). Benthic biotopes of South West Arm, Port Hacking, N.S.W., 1975. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 109. full text
Tranter, D. J., Parker, R. R. and Higgins, H. W. (1979). In vivo chlorophyll alpha fluorescence in the vicinity of warm-core eddies off the coast of New South Wales. 2. October 1978. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 110. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1979). Mean sea level at Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 111. full text
Tranter, D. J., Parker, R. R., Gardner, D. and Campbell, R. A. (1980). In vivo chlorophyll alpha fluorescence in the vicinity of warm-core eddies off the coast of New South Wales. 3. November 1978. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 112. full text
Tranter, D. J., Parker, R. R. and Vaudrey, D. J. (1980). In vivo chlorophyll alpha fluorescence in the vicinity of warm-core eddies off the coast of New South Wales. 4. December 1978. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 113. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1981). Anomalously warm sea surface temperatures in the western Tasman Sea, their causes and effects upon the Southern Bluefin Tuna Catch, 1966-1977. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 114. full text
Cresswell, G. R. and Garrett, J. (1980). Response of drogued and undrogued drifting buoys to eddies and the wind. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 115. full text
Redfield, J. A. and Salini, J. P. (1980). Techniques of starch-gel electrophoresis of penaeid prawn enzymes (Penaeus spp. and Metapenaeus spp.). Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 116. full text
Rainer, S. F. and Griffiths, F. B. (1980). Hydrology of an estuary with periodic deoxygenation. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 117. full text
Ivanovici, A. M. (1981). Method for extraction and analysis of adenine nucleotides for determination of adenylate energy charge in molluscan tissue. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 118. full text
Blackburn, M. (1980). Observations on the distribution of Nyctiphanes australis Sars (Crustacea, Euphausiidae) in Australian waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 119. full text
Greig, M. A. (1980). Satellite-tracked buoy data report 5. Bureau of Meteorology buoys tracked in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans January to March 1979. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 120. full text
Forbes, A. M. G. and Church, J. A. (1980). Effects of compass calibration on Aanderaa current meter records. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 121. full text
Griffiths, F. B., Brandt, S. B. and Cavill, G. A. (1980). Collapsible rectangular midwater trawl - RMT 1+8. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 122. full text
Castle, M. J. (1980). Proceedings of the Australasian workshop on the use of underwater acoustics in biological oceanography, February 1979. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 123. full text
Church, J. A. (1980). Relationship between mean sea level and steric height at Sydney. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 124. full text
Parker, R. R. and Vaudrey, D. J. (1980). Proposed reference standards for in vivo chlorophyll a fluorometry. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 125. full text
Brandt, S. B., Parker, R. R. and Vaudrey, D. J. (1981). Physical and biological description of warm-core eddy J during September-October, 1979. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 126. full text
Airey, D. and Hogan, M. J. (1980). Methods for the determination of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in marine samples. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 127. full text
Pearce, A. F. (1980). Variability of currents off Cape Hawke, New South Wales 1978-1979. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 128. full text
Wadley, V. A., Ivanovici, A. M. and Rainer, S. F. (1980). Comparison of techniques for the measurement of adenine nucleotides in three species of estuarine mollusc. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 129. full text
Williams, K. F. (1981). Aerial survey of pelagic fish resources off south east Australia 1973-1977. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 130. full text
Hintz, M. A. (translator) (1981). "Ecology and stock of southern bluefin tuna" by C. Shingu, 1978. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 131. full text
Pearce, A. F. (1981). A brief introduction to descriptive physical oceanography. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 132. full text
Pearce, A. F. (1981). Simple physical oceanographic techniques for use in coastal waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 133. full text
Major, G. A., Dickson, W. D., Leech, G. S. and Dingeldei, S. (1981). A prototype system for monitoring off-shore marine pollution. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 134. full text
Pearce, A. F. (1981). Temperature-salinity relationships in the Tasman Sea. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 135. full text
Maxwell, J. G. H. (1981). The fishing ventures of the Great Australian Bight: with a resume of known potential resources and review of trawling surveys on the south western Australian continental shelf. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 136. full text
Greig, M. A. (1982). Satellite-tracked buoy data report. 6. Bureau of Meteorology buoys tracked in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans March to June 1979. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 137. full text
Somers, I. F. and Taylor, B. R. (1981). Fishery statistics relating to the declared management zone of the Australian northern prawn fishery 1968-1979. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 138. full text
Forbes, A. M. G. (1981). Tide stream atlas - Gulf of Carpentaria. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 139. full text
Pearce, A. F. and Boland, F. M. (1982). Aanderaa current meter records from the New South Wales continental shelf, 1978-1980. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 140. full text
Kanciruk, P., Herrnkind, W. F., Phillips, B. F. and Arnaud, P. M. (1982). An indexed bibliography of the spiny (rock) lobsters (Decapoda : Palinuridae). Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 141. full text
Majkowski, J. V. (1982). CSIRO data base for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii (Castlenau)). Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 142. full text
Majkowski, J. V. (1982). Estimation of the abundance of the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii (Castlenau)) subpopulation exploited by the Australian fishery. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 143. full text
Okera, W. (1982). Observations on the maturation condition of some pelagic fishes from northern Australian waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 144. full text
Clarke, T. A. (1982). Distribution, growth, and reproduction of the lightfish Maurolicus muelleri (Sternoptychidae) off south-east Australia. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 145. full text
Greig, M. A. and Cresswell, G. R. (1982). Satellite-tracked buoy data report 7. South-west Pacific Ocean July to December 1978. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 146. full text
Sainsbury, K. J. (1982). The biological management of Australia's multispecies tropical demersal fisheries: a review of problems and some approaches. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 147. full text
Stevens, J. D. and Hausfeld, H. F. (1982). Age determination and mortality estimates on an unexploited population of Jack mackerel Trachurus declivis (Jenyns, 1841) from south-east Australia. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 148. full text
Wells, G. S. (1983). Satellite-tracked buoy data report 8. South-West Pacific Ocean July 1980-December 1981. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 149. full text
Okera, W. and Gunn, J. S. (1986). Exploratory trawl surveys by FRV Soela in the Australian Fishing Zone sector of the Timor-Arafura Seas and in the Gulf of Carpentaria, 1980-81. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 150. full text
Munro, I. S. R. (1983). Atlas of operational, environmental, and biological data from the Gulf of Carpentaria Prawn Survey, 1963-65 Part 1. Introduction. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 151. full text
Munro, I. S. R. (1984). Atlas of operational, environmental, and biological data from the Gulf of Carpentaria Prawn Survey, 1963-65 Part 2. Survey operations. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 152. full text
Munro, I. S. R. (1984). Atlas of operational, environmental, and biological data from the Gulf of Carpentaria Prawn Survey, 1963-65 Part 3. Physical and chemical environment. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 153. full text
Staples, D. J. (1983). Environmental monitoring: Climate of Karumba and hydrology of the Norman River estuary, south-east Gulf of Carpentaria. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 156. full text
Pearce, A. F. (1983). A bibliography of physical oceanography in southwest Australian waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 157. full text
Church, J. A. and Golding, T. J. (1983). Cruises into the Western Coral Sea by R.V.'Sprightly' 1980/81. A data report. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 158. full text
Vaudrey, D. J., Wells, G. S. and Cresswell, G. R. (1983). Satellite-tracked Buoy Data Report IX. South-west Pacific and Indian Oceans and Great Australian Bight January to June 1982. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 159. full text
Crossland, C. J. and Wells, F. E. (1985). Selected bibliography of marine and estuarine studies (other than physical oceanography) in Western Australia. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 160. full text
Tomczak, M. (1983). Water masses in east Australian current eddy H. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 161. full text
Forbes, A. M. G. (1987). METSPAR : a marine meteorological spar buoy. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 162. full text
Hamon, B. V. (1984). Diurnal and semi-diurnal tides on the Great Barrier Reef. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 163. full text
Stevens, J. D., Hausfeld, H. F. and Davenport, S. R. (1984). Observations on the biology, distribution and abundance of Trachurus declivis, Sardinops neopilchardus and Scomber australasicus in the Great Australian Bight. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 164. full text
Hampton, J. W., Majkowski, J. V. and Murphy, G. I. (1984). The 1982 assessment of the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) population and the determination of catch levels which stabilize the parental biomass. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 165. full text
Airey, D. and Sandars, G. A. (1987). Automated analysis of nutrients in seawater. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 166. full text
Pearce, A. F., Johannes, R. E., Manning C. R., Rimmer, D. W. and Smith, D. F. (1985). Hydrology and nutrient data off Marmion, Perth, 1979-1982. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 167. full text
Ridgway, K. R. (1987). Mean temperature-salinity relationships and their application to computing steric height in Australian waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 168. full text
Freeland, H. J., Church, J. A., Smith, R. L. and Boland, F. M. (1985). Current meter data from the Australian coastal experiment; a data report. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 169. full text
Forbes, A. M. G. (1985). Meteorological data from the Australian Coastal Experiment; a data report. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 170. full text
Forbes, A. M. G. (1985). Sea-level data from the Australian Coastal Experiment; a data report. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 171. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1986). Interannual changes in sea surface temperatures and salinities of the Coral and Tasman Seas between 1966 and 1977. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 172. full text
Greig, M. A., Ridgway, K. R., Vaudrey, D. J., Lambert, D. J., Foran, D. J., Hynes K. V. and Godfrey, J. S. (1986). M/V 'Nimos' sections: thermal profiles of the Coral and Bismarck Seas, June 1983 to July 1984. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 173. full text
Greig, M. A., Ridgway, K. R., Vaudrey, D. J. and Godfrey, J. S. (1986). M/V 'Anro Australia' sections: thermal profiles in the Eastern Indian Ocean, May 1983 to July 1984. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 174. full text
Greig, M. A., Godfrey, J. S., Schneider, P. and Ridgway, K. R. (1986). ' Warreen' sections; temperatures, salinities, densities and steric heights in the Leeuwin Current, Western Australia, 1947-1950. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 175. full text
Heales, D. S. (1985). Water quality changes during the conditioning of small, closed seawater systems. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 176. full text
Shaklee, J. B. and Keenan, C. P. (1986). Practical laboratory guide to the techniques and methodology of electrophoresis and its application to fish fillet identification. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 177. full text
Stanley, C. A. (1986). Tagging experiments on Australian salmon (Arripus trutta esper) : recapture data for South Australian releases, 1952 to 1976. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 178. full text
Majkowski, J. V. and Morris, G. B. (1986). Data on southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii (Castlenau)) : Australian, Japanese and New Zealand systems for collecting, processing and accessing catch, fishing effort, aircraft observation and tag release/recapture data. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 179. full text
Metso, A. A., Wells, G. S., Vaudrey, D. J. and Cresswell, G. R. (1986). Satellite-tracked buoy data, July 1982 to September 1984. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 180. full text
Airey, D. and Storey, C. (1987). Errors in the values for nitrate and silicate concentrations in seawater, as listed in the CSIRO and world data banks. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 181. full text
Crossland, C. J. (1988). Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) in a temperate coastal lagoon off Perth, Western Australia. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 182. full text
Ridgway, K. R. (1986). Seasonal cycles of steric sea level off Western Australia with error analysis. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 183. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1987). Monitoring of Great Barrier Reef waters; some oceanographic requirements. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 184. full text
Eckert, G. J., Kalish, J., Majkowski, J. V. and Pethebridge, R. L. (1987). An indexed bibliography of the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii (Castlenau, 1872)). Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 185. full text
Nishikawa, Y. and Rimmer, D. W. (1987). Identification of larval tunas, billfishes and other Scombroid fishes (suborder Scombroidei): an illustrated guide. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 186. full text
Hallegraeff, G. M. (1987). Red tides in the Australasian region. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 187. full text
White, N. J. and Church, J. A. (1987). Salinity, temperature and pressure data from the Australian coastal experiment. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 188. full text
Lindholm, R. Y. and Maxwell, J. G. H. (1988). Stock separation of Jack mackerel Trachurus declivis (Jenyns, 1841) and yellowtail T. novaezealandiae (Richardson 1843) in southern Australian waters, using principal component analysis. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 189. full text
Mawson, V. A. (1988). Publications by staff of the CSIRO Marine Laboratories, 1978-1984. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 190. full text
Rochford, D. J. (1988). Seasonal influx of nitrates to the slope and shelf waters off north-west Australia. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 191. full text
Stanley, C. A. (1988). Tagging experiments on school shark (Galeorhinus australis) and gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus): recapture data for south-eastern Australian releases, 1942 to 1956. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 192. full text
Stanley, C. A. (1988). Tagging experiments on Australian salmon (Arripis trutta): recapture data for Tasmanian releases, 1949 to 1964. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 193. full text
Hisada, K. and Green, R. D. (1988). Investigation of the tuna hand-line fishing grounds and some biological observations on yellowfin and bigeye tunas caught in the north-western Coral Sea. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 194. full text
Crossland, C. J., Denby, G. A., Phillips, B. F. and Brown, R. (1988). The use of fluorescent pigments (lipofuscin) for ageing western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) and scampi (Metanephrops andamanicus): a preliminary assessment. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 195. full text
Stanley, C. A. (1988). Tagging experiments on Australian salmon (Arripis trutta esper): recapture data for Western Australian releases, 1945 to 1976. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 196. full text
Stanley, C. A. (1988). Tagging experiments on Australian salmon (Arripis trutta): recapture data for New South Wales releases, 1939 to 1965, and Victorian releases, 1939 to 1964. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 197. full text
Boland, F. M., Church, J. A., Forbes, A. M. G., Godfrey, J. S., Huyer, A., Smith, R. L. and White, N. J. (1988). Current-meter data from the Leeuwin Current Interdisciplinary Experiment. The LUCIE Group. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 198. full text
Green, R. D. (1988). An annotated bibliography of Japanese literature on the tuna (excluding southern bluefin tuna) and billfishes of the Coral and Tasman Seas. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 199. full text
Johannes, R. E. and Alexander, J. (1988). The potential for sea ranching of salmonids in Tasmania. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 200. full text
CSIRO Division of Fisheries, McLoughlin, R. and Kirkman, H. (1989). CSIRO diving procedures manual. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 201. full text
Forbes, A. M. G. and Morrow, R. A. (1989). Meteorological data from the Leeuwin Current interdisciplinary experiment: a data report. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 202. full text
Pearce, A. F. (1989). A catalogue of NOAA-AVHRR satellite imagery received in Perth, Western Australia, 1981-1987. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 203. full text
Meyers, G. A., Sprintall, J., Phillips, H. E., Peterson, J. L. and Fonseca, T. (1989). Design of an ocean temperature observing network in the seas north of Australia. Part 1. Tropical Pacific Ocean: statistics. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 204. full text
Brown, M. R., Jeffrey, S. W. and Garland, C. D. (1989). Nutritional aspects of microalage used in mariculture; a literature review. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 205. full text
Davis, T. L. O. and Clementson, L. A. (1989). Data report on the vertical and horizontal distribution of tuna larvae in the East Indian Ocean, January-February 1987. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 206. full text
Phillips, B. F. (ed.) (1989). Workshop on Rock Lobster Ecology and Management. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 207. full text
Ridgway, K. R. (1989). Sea-level changes around Papua New Guinea, 1984-1987. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 208. full text
Rothlisberg, P. C., White, N. J. and Forbes, A. M. G. (1989). Hydrographic atlas of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 209. full text
Blaber, S. J. M., Salini, J. P. and Brewer D. T. (1990). A checklist of the fishes of Albatross Bay and the Embley Estuary, North-eastern Gulf of Capentaria. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 210. full text
Phillips, H. E., Bailey, R. J. and Meyers, G. A. (1990). Design of an ocean temperature observing network in the seas north of Australia. Part II. Tropical Indian Ocean: Statistics. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 211. full text
Blaber, S. J. M., Milton, D. A. and Rawlinson, N. J. F. (1991). A checklist of fishes recorded by the baitfish research project in Solomon Islands from 1986 to 1990. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 212. full text
Stevens, J. D. and Davenport, S. R. (1991). Analysis of catch data from the Taiwanese gill-net fishery off northern Australia, 1979 to 1986. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 213. full text
Bulman, C. M. and Elliott, N. G. (1994). 1987 orange roughy exploratory cruises off Tasmania. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 214. full text
Bulman, C. M., Wayte, S. E. and Elliott, N. G. (1994). Orange roughy surveys, 1988 and 1989. Part A: Abundance indices; Part B: Biological data. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 215. full text
Elliott, N. G. and Kloser, R. J. (1994). Comparison of acoustic and trawl results of the 1989 CSIRO deepwater survey in southeastern Australian waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 216. full text
Pearce, A. F., Phillips, B. F. and Crossland, C. J. (1992). Larval distributions across the Leeuwin Current: report on RV Franklin cruise FR8/87 in August/September 1987. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 217. full text
Blaber, S. J. M., Brewer D. T. and Salini, J. P. (1992). A checklist of the fishes of Groote Eylandt, north-western Gulf of Carpentaria. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 218. full text
Long, B. G. and Poiner, I. R. (1994). A checklist of megabenthos recorded in the Gulf of Carpentaria, November-December 1990. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 219. full text
Bailey, R. J., Gronell, A. M., Phillips, H. E., Tanner, E. and Meyers, G. A. (1994). Quality control cookbook for XBT data (expendable bathythermograph data): Version 1.1. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 221. full text
Morgan, P. P. (1994). SEAWATER: a library of MATLAB(R) computational routines for the properties of sea water: Version 1.2. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 222. full text
Reid, J. S. and Fandry, C. B. (1994). Wave climate measurements in the Southern Ocean. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 223. full text
Yearsley, G. K., Last, P. R. and Morris, G. B. (1997). Codes for Australian aquatic biota (CAAB): an upgraded and expanded species coding system for Australian fisheries databases. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 224. full text
Morgan, P. P. (1995). Box inverse modelling with DOBOX 4.2. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 225. full text
Jernakoff, P., Hick, P., Ong, C., Hosja, W. and Grigo, S. (1996). Remote sensing of algal blooms in the Swan River: CSIRO Blue-Green Algal Multi-Divisional Program. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 226. full text
Schiller, A., Godfrey, J. S., McIntosh, P. and Meyers, G. (1997). A global ocean general circulation model for climate variability studies. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 227. full text
Whitelaw, A. W. and Unnithan, V. K. (1997). Synopsis of the distribution, biology and fisheries of the bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus, Lowe) with a bibliography. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 228. full text
Mackey, M. D., Higgins, H. W., Mackey, D. J. and Wright, S. W. (1997). CHEMTAX user's manual: a program for estimating class abundances from chemical markers - application to HPLC measurements of phytoplankton pigments. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 229. full text
Thresher, R. E., Mills, D. J., Proctor, C. H., Ianelli, J. N. (eds) (1997) Proceedings of the International Symposium on skeletal microanalysis of marine fish stocks. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 230. full text
Godfrey, J. S., Schiller, A. (1997) Tests of mixed-layer schemes and surface boundary conditions in an ocean general circulation model, using the IMET flux data set. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 231. full text
Johannes, R. E., Young, J. W. (1999) An appraisal of the commercial fishery potential of krill (Nyctiphanes australis) Sars, in Tasmanian waters. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 233. full text
Mata, M. M., Wijffels, S., Tomczak, M., Church, J. A. (1998) Direct measurments of the transport of the East Australian current. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 234. full text
Domingues, C. M., Tomczak, M., Wijffels, S., Beggs, H., Church, J. A. (1999) Direct observations of the Leeuwin current at 22 S (August 1994 - June 1996) Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 235. full text
Cowley, R. (1999) Hydrochemistry operations manual. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 236. full text
Plaschke, R. (1999) Shipboard analysis of seawater for salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients.Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 237. full text
Meyers, G., Pigot, L. (1999) Analysis of frequently repeated XBT lines in the Indian Ocean. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 238. full text
Last, P. R. (ed) (1999) Australian catcharks of the genus Asymbolus (Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 239. full text
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Kolody, D.S., Jumppanen P.C., Ricard, D.G., Hartog, J.R., Preece, A.L., and
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Butler E. C. V. (Ed.), (2005) Considerations for an Underway Biogeochemistry Observing System. A report for the CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship. Report. Marine Laboratories. CSIRO Australia, no. 242. full text
Compagno, L.J.V., Last, P.R., Stevens, J.D., & Alava, M.N.R. ( May 2005
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