CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Images

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CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC)

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Found 5597 images. Click on image for full details.

Eledone palari
[an octopus]
CAAB: 23 659009
Date of image: 09-December-2015
Position: -33.417° 131.046°
Depth: 213.6 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Eledone palari
[an octopus]
CAAB: 23 659009
Date of image: 09-December-2015
Position: -33.417° 131.046°
Depth: 213.6 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Eledone palari
[an octopus]
CAAB: 23 659009
Date of image: 05-December-2005
Position: -27.9286° 113.138°
Depth: 252.9 metres
Survey: SS200510

Eledone palari
[an octopus]
CAAB: 23 659009
Date of image: 05-December-2005
Position: -27.9286° 113.138°
Depth: 252.9 metres
Survey: SS200510

Eledone palari
[an octopus]
CAAB: 23 659009
Date of image: 13-December-2005
Position: -21.9702° 113.791°
Depth: 381.7 metres
Survey: SS200510

Argonauta hians
[an argonaut]
CAAB: 23 662003
Date of image: 03-December-2005
Position: -29.0406° 113.721°
Depth: 736.8 metres
Survey: SS200510

Argonauta nodosus
[an argonaut]
CAAB: 23 662004
Date of image: 03-December-2015
Position: -37.184° 135.567°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Argonauta nodosus
[an argonaut]
CAAB: 23 662004
Date of image: 03-December-2015
Position: -37.184° 135.567°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Argonauta nodosus
[an argonaut]
CAAB: 23 662004
Date of image: 03-December-2015
Position: -37.184° 135.567°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Argonauta nodosus
[an argonaut]
CAAB: 23 662004
Date of image: 03-December-2015
Position: -37.184° 135.567°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Perotrochus westralis
[a slit shell]
CAAB: 24 036001
Date of image: 06-July-2007
Position: -13.265° 123.374°
Depth: 394.2 metres
Survey: SS200705

Perotrochus westralis
[a slit shell]
CAAB: 24 036001
Date of image: 06-July-2007
Position: -13.265° 123.374°
Depth: 394.2 metres
Survey: SS200705

Emarginula patula
[a slit limpet]
CAAB: 24 040004
Date of image: 24-November-2005
Position: -35.3397° 118.341°
Depth: 213.2 metres
Survey: SS200510

Emarginula patula
[a slit limpet]
CAAB: 24 040004
Date of image: 24-November-2005
Position: -35.3397° 118.341°
Depth: 213.2 metres
Survey: SS200510

Ecionemia acervus
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 009001
Date of image: 07-April-2007
Position: -43.7235° 146.271°
Depth: 122 metres
Survey: SS200702

Penares micraster
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 012021
Position: -43.6918° 146.976°
Depth: 110 metres
Survey: SS200702

Penares micraster
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 012021
Position: -44.3263° 147.119°
Depth: 1200 metres
Survey: SS200702

Penares micraster
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 012021
Position: -44.2318° 147.473°
Depth: 1350 metres
Survey: SS200702

Penares micraster
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 012021
Position: -44.1256° 147.248°
Depth: 1000 metres
Survey: SS200702

Penares micraster
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 012021
Position: -43.9223° 150.465°
Depth: 660 metres
Survey: SS200702

Penares schulzei
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 012024
Position: -43.6915° 146.977°
Depth: 110 metres
Survey: SS200702

Radiella irregularis
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 025041
Position: -28.0615° 154.08167°
Depth: 1021 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Aaptos aaptos
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 028001
Date of image: 08-April-2007
Position: -44° 146.33°
Depth: 220 metres
Survey: SS200702

Trachycladus laevispirulifer
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 031001
Date of image: 31-March-2007
Position: -43.6918° 146.976°
Depth: 110 metres
Survey: SS200702

Trachycladus laevispirulifer
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 031001
Date of image: 05-April-2007
Position: -43.6918° 146.976°
Depth: 110 metres
Survey: SS200702

Clathria canaliculata
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066012
Date of image: 27-April-2004
Position: -37.9502° 149.242°
Depth: 115 metres
Survey: SS200404

Clathria cylindrica
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066013
Date of image: 27-April-2004
Position: -37.9502° 149.242°
Depth: 115 metres
Survey: SS200404

Clathria inanchorata
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066030
Date of image: 26-April-2004
Position: -40.6404° 148.789°
Depth: 168.4 metres
Survey: SS200404

Clathria inanchorata
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066030
Date of image: 30-March-2007
Position: -43.6915° 146.977°
Depth: 110 metres
Survey: SS200702

Clathria inanchorata
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066030
Date of image: 31-March-2007
Position: -43.6918° 146.976°
Depth: 110 metres
Survey: SS200702

Clathria inanchorata
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066030
Date of image: 07-April-2007
Position: -43.7235° 146.271°
Depth: 122 metres
Survey: SS200702

Clathria rubra
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066095
Date of image: 26-April-2004
Position: -40.6404° 148.789°
Depth: 168.4 metres
Survey: SS200404

Clathria australiensis
[a sponge]
CAAB: 10 066103
Date of image: 07-April-2007
Position: -43.7235° 146.271°
Depth: 122 metres
Survey: SS200702

Anthoptilum murrayi
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 210002
Position: -40.4655° 149.43367°
Depth: 4110 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Anthoptilum murrayi
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 210002
Date of image: 27-May-2003
Position: -34.1843° 162.653°
Depth: 740 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Anthoptilum murrayi
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 210002
Date of image: 27-May-2003
Position: -34.1843° 162.653°
Depth: 740 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Anthoptilum gowlettholmesae
rock pen
CAAB: 11 210004
Date of image: 17-December-2008
Position: -44.3333° 147.281°
Depth: 1441 metres
Survey: TT200801

Anthoptilum gowlettholmesae
rock pen
CAAB: 11 210004
Date of image: 13-January-2009
Position: -45.1428° 145.817°
Depth: 1629 metres
Survey: TT200801

Anthoptilum gowlettholmesae
rock pen
CAAB: 11 210004
Date of image: 13-January-2009
Position: -45.1428° 145.817°
Depth: 1629 metres
Survey: TT200801

Kophobelemnon macrospinosum
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215001
Position: -41.75967° 149.14083°
Depth: 2729 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Kophobelemnon macrospinosum
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215001
Position: -35.33567° 151.22583°
Depth: 2650 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Kophobelemnon macrospinosum
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215001
Date of image: 25-May-2003
Position: -32.0663° 159.88°
Depth: 1934 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Kophobelemnon macrospinosum
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215001
Date of image: 25-May-2003
Position: -32.0663° 159.88°
Depth: 1934 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Kophobelemnon macrospinosum
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215001
Date of image: 26-May-2003
Position: -32.1932° 160.861°
Depth: 1361 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Kophobelemnon macrospinosum
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215001
Date of image: 26-May-2003
Position: -32.1932° 160.861°
Depth: 1361 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Sclerobelemnon burgeri
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215002
Date of image: 16-December-2015
Position: -33.3366° 130.257°
Depth: 190.7 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Sclerobelemnon burgeri
[a seapen]
CAAB: 11 215002
Date of image: 16-December-2015
Position: -33.3366° 130.257°
Depth: 190.7 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Umbellula lindahli
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 11 216001
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.1555° 131.641°
Depth: 1834.3 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Umbellula lindahli
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 11 216001
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.1555° 131.641°
Depth: 1834.3 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Umbellula lindahli
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 11 216001
Date of image: 01-April-2017
Position: -34.8645° 130.592°
Depth: 2049 metres
Survey: RE2017_C01

Acesta saginata
[a file clam]
CAAB: 23 250019
Date of image: 26-October-2006
Position: -44.225° 147.378°
Depth: 1513.6 metres
Survey: SS199701

Acesta saginata
[a file clam]
CAAB: 23 250019
Date of image: 26-October-2006
Position: -44.3967° 147.147°
Depth: 1687.6 metres
Survey: SS199701

Acesta saginata
[a file clam]
CAAB: 23 250019
Date of image: 18-December-2008
Position: -44.3243° 147.269°
Depth: 1460 metres
Survey: TT200801

Acesta saginata
[a file clam]
CAAB: 23 250019
Date of image: 18-December-2008
Position: -44.3243° 147.269°
Depth: 1460 metres
Survey: TT200801

Plicatula plicata
[an oyster]
CAAB: 23 260002
Date of image: 01-August-2005
Position: -28.9879° 113.837°
Survey: SS200507

Dimya corrugata
[a bivalve]
CAAB: 23 265001
Date of image: 04-December-2005
Position: -28.9997° 113.847°
Depth: 113.8 metres
Survey: SS200510

Dimya corrugata
[a bivalve]
CAAB: 23 265001
Date of image: 04-December-2005
Position: -28.9997° 113.847°
Depth: 113.8 metres
Survey: SS200510

Mimachlamys asperrima
doughboy scallop
CAAB: 23 270006
Date of image: 24-November-2005
Position: -35.3397° 118.341°
Depth: 213.2 metres
Survey: SS200510

Mimachlamys asperrima
doughboy scallop
CAAB: 23 270006
Date of image: 24-November-2005
Position: -35.3397° 118.341°
Depth: 213.2 metres
Survey: SS200510

Pecten fumatus
Commercial Scallop
CAAB: 23 270007
Date of image: 09-December-2005
Position: -24.0437° 113.027°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200510

Pecten fumatus
Commercial Scallop
CAAB: 23 270007
Date of image: 09-December-2005
Position: -24.0437° 113.027°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200510

Semipallium aktinos
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270008
Date of image: 20-November-2005
Position: -31.6088° 114.981°
Depth: 370.4 metres
Survey: SS200510

Talochlamys pulleineana
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270009
Date of image: 10-December-2015
Position: -34.2778° 132.693°
Depth: 194.7 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Talochlamys pulleineana
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270009
Date of image: 10-December-2015
Position: -34.2778° 132.693°
Depth: 194.7 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Talochlamys pulleineana
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270009
Date of image: 14-May-2007
Position: -31.7184° 115.162°
Survey: SS200704

Talochlamys pulleineana
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270009
Date of image: 14-May-2007
Position: -31.7184° 115.162°
Survey: SS200704

Scaeochlamys livida
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270010
Date of image: 11-May-2007
Position: -31.7676° 115.522°
Survey: SS200704

Scaeochlamys livida
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270010
Date of image: 11-May-2007
Position: -31.7676° 115.522°
Survey: SS200704

Veprichlamys perillustris
[a scallop]
CAAB: 23 270016
Date of image: 18-April-2013
Position: -33.4147° 131.062°
Depth: 185.6 metres
Survey: SS2013_C02

Eurythenes thurstoni
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 427003
Date of image: 31-May-2003
Position: -32.605° 167.791°
Depth: 1029 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Eurythenes thurstoni
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 427003
Date of image: 26-November-2005
Position: -35.2815° 118.709°
Depth: 980.1 metres
Survey: SS200510

Eurythenes thurstoni
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 427003
Date of image: 16-April-2013
Position: -34.6191° 130.266°
Depth: 2018.2 metres
Survey: SS2013_C02

Epimeria norfanzi
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 444003
Date of image: 04-June-2003
Position: -34.2973° 168.43°
Depth: 1268 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Epimeria norfanzi
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 444003
Date of image: 04-June-2003
Position: -34.2973° 168.43°
Depth: 1268 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Epimeria rafaeli
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 444020
Date of image: 03-December-2005
Position: -29.0609° 113.636°
Depth: 1036.7 metres
Survey: SS200510

Epimeria rafaeli
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 444020
Date of image: 03-December-2005
Position: -29.0609° 113.636°
Depth: 1036.7 metres
Survey: SS200510

Huonella huonensis
[an amphipod]
CAAB: 28 539110
Date of image: 10-April-2007
Position: -43.9223° 150.465°
Depth: 660 metres
Survey: SS200702

Lanceola sayana
[a hyperid amphipod]
CAAB: 28 555003
Date of image: 04-June-2003
Position: -34.5688° 168.941°
Depth: 1340 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Megalanceola stephenseni
[a hyperiid amphipod]
CAAB: 28 555004
Date of image: 01-June-2003
Position: -32.6065° 167.843°
Depth: 1345 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Megalanceola stephenseni
[a hyperiid amphipod]
CAAB: 28 555004
Date of image: 02-June-2003
Position: -33.4873° 170.012°
Depth: 1230 metres
Survey: TAN0308
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