Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

SS 03/2008 (alternative identifier: SS200803)    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Period: 2008-02-28 00:00 to 2008-03-17 00:00 UTC

Duration: 18.00 days

From: Port Adelaide To: Hobart

Region: Great Australian Bight; South Australian and Tasmanian continental slope

Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]

Title: "Estimating the effectiveness of spatial closures for deepwater gulper sharks and associated fishery species"
Scientific Objectives
Areas of seabed in Commonwealth waters off temperate Australia are being closed to fishing as marine reserves are developed by the DEHA, and as spatial closures are increasingly used by AFMA to manage fishery stocks. One current focus for both conservation and fishery closures is the protection of gulper sharks which are under consideration for endangered species listing. Other species and habitats................

Voyage Objectives
1. Map and characterize the benthic ecosystem of the 60-mile closure in the GAB using the EM300 multibeam and quantitative towed camera surveys
2. Quantify the abundance of gulper sharks and associated species, inside and outside the closure by non-extractive quantitative towed camera surveys.
3. Estimate species relative abundances inside and outside the 60-mile closure using non-extractive underwater baited video cameras (BRUVs).
4. Assess the survivorship by gulper sharks and other species following tagging. This will use a specially designed trap with (1) a surveillance camera to monitor behaviour during descent, on the bottom, and during ascent, and (2) an acoustic receiver to track fish movements away from the trap after release.
5. Evaluate movement in and out of the 60-mile closure using two curtains of acoustic VR2 listening stations to detect fish tagged with acoustic V16 tags.
6. Acquire additional deepwater camera calibration data with scalebar and rotating 16-laser array......
Taken from SS200803 Voyage Plan (see link above).

Leader: A. Williams (CSIRO/DEH)

Project: Determining the ecological basis for spatial management of deep water fishes with a focus on pink ling, gulper sharks and ribaldo [details]

Voyage extents: 43° 25.8' S to 34° 45.7' S    133° 40.1' E to 148° 55.2' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • LS01/2008 - GAB Mapping and Video Survey [details]

  • SS 03/2008 - Video Survey and spatial closures for deepwater gulper sharks [details]

  • SS200803 - Fishery Spatial Closures Project - Pilot survey in the 60-mile closure for southern dogfish (GAB): Biological catch data [details]

  • SS200803 - Fishery Spatial Closures Project - Pilot survey in the 60-mile closure for southern dogfish (GAB): Video Survey [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 03/2008 ADCP Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 03/2008 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 03/2008 Raw Data Tapes and Documentation [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 03/2008 Underway Data (Note TSG data high) [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • CSIRO, Cruise SS200803, Marine Biological Survey, Great Australian Bight; South Australian and Tasmanian continental slope, 2008

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Global benthic biogeographical regions and macroecological drivers for ophiuroids [Data set]

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)   

  • Participants - on ship:-

    Alan Williams Chief Scientist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Bruce Barker Watch Leader/ Camera systems CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jeff Cordell Camera systems CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Karen Gowlett-Holmes Invertebrate biology CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Karl Forcey NF electronics support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Mark Green Tagging & vessel coordination CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Mark Lewis Gear operations CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Matt Sherlock Camera electronics CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Pamela Brodie NF Computing CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Rick Smith NF Swath mapping CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Ross Daley Shark biology & tagging CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Tony Smith Data synthesis CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Bakker, Dorothee C E; Pfeil, Benjamin; Smith, Karl; Hankin, Steven; Olsen, Are; Alin, Simone R; Cosca, Catherine E; Harasawa, Sumiko; Kozyr, Alexander; Nojiri, Yukihiro; O'Brien, Kevin M; Schuster, Ute; Telszewski, Maciej; Tilbrook, Bronte; Wada, Chisato; Akl, John; Barbero, Leticia; Bates, Nicolas R; Boutin, Jacqueline; Bozec, Yann; Cai, Wei-Jun; Castle, Robert D; Chavez, Francisco P; Chen, Lei; Chierici, Melissa; Currie, Kim I; de Baar, Hein J W; Evans, Wiley; Feely, Richard A; Fransson, Agneta; Gao, Zhongyong; Hales, Burke; Hardman-Mountford, Nicolas J; Hoppema, Mario; Huang, Wei-Jen; Hunt, Christopher W; Huss, Betty; Ichikawa, Tadafumi; Johannessen, Truls; Jones, Elizabeth M; Jones, Steve D; Jutterstrøm, Sara; Kitidis, Vassilis; Körtzinger, Arne; Landschützer, Peter; Lauvset, Siv K; Lefèvre, Nathalie; Manke, Ansley; Mathis, Jeremy T; Merlivat, Liliane; Metzl, Nicolas; Murata, Akihiko; Newberger, Timothy; Omar, Abdirahman M; Ono, Tsuneo; Park, Geun-Ha; Paterson, Kristina; Pierrot, Denis; Ríos, Aida F; Sabine, Christopher L; Saito, Shu; Salisbury, Joe; Sarma, Vedula V S S; Schlitzer, Reiner; Sieger, Rainer; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Steinhoff, Tobias; Sullivan, Kevin; Sun, Heng; Sutton, Adrienne; Suzuki, Toru; Sweeney, Colm; Takahashi, Taro; Tjiputra, Jerry; Tsurushima, Nobuo; van Heuven, Steven; Vandemark, Doug; Vlahos, Penny; Wallace, Douglas WR; Wanninkhof, Rik; Watson, Andrew J (2014): Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V2. PANGAEA,     10.1594/PANGAEA.811776

    • Smith, S. R.,Lopez, N.,Bourassa, M. A. (2016) SAMOS air‐sea fluxes: 2005–2014. Geoscience Data Journal 3 pp9-19.     10.1002/gdj3.34

    IPT Resource

    • Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC) (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • CSIRO, Cruise SS200803, Marine Biological Survey, Great Australian Bight; South Australian and Tasmanian continental slope, 2008 (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    • Global benthic biogeographical regions and macroecological drivers for ophiuroids [Data set] (Darwin Core Archive)     External link to reference

    Journal Article

    • O'Hara, T. D. and Harding, C. (2014) A new species of Sigsbeia and additional records of ophiuroids from the Great Australian Bight. Memoirs of Museum of Victoria 72 131-140     10.24199/j.mmv.2014.72.08

    • Waite, Anya M.,Raes, Eric,Beckley, Lynnath E.,Thompson, Peter A.,Griffin, David,Saunders, Megan,Säwström, Christin,O'Rorke, Richard,Wang, Miao,Landrum, Jason P. (2019) Production and ecosystem structure in cold-core vs. warm-core eddies: Implications for the zooplankton isoscape and rock lobster larvae. Limnology and Oceanography 64 pp2405-2423.     10.1002/lno.11192

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2008-02-28 04:02 to 2008-03-17 01:03
    Latitude: -43.43 to -34.90
    Longitude: 133.67 to 148.92
    Ensembles: 4,926
    Depth per cell: 8 m
    Cells per ensemble: 80
    Ensemble period: 300 sec
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    Processing report for this dataset - SS200803_UWY_ADCP_Report.pdf

    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Latitude: -41.24 to -35.02
    Longitude: 133.91 to 148.83
    Depth range: 200 to 1380 m
    Occurrences: 154
    Taxa count: 77
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    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2008-02-28 01:02 to 2008-03-17 03:03
    Latitude: -43.39 to -34.76
    Longitude: 133.67 to 148.92
    Datafiles: 256
    Total size: 5.82 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2008-02-28 09:38 to 2008-03-16 00:01
    Latitude: -41.25 to -34.93
    Longitude: 133.67 to 148.92
    Observations: 11795
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Time (UTC): 2008-02-28 00:02 to 2008-03-17 04:03
    Latitude: -34.84
    Longitude: 138.51
    Track length: 5350.086 km
    Locations: 154,806
    Measurements: 2,208,727
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    Download NetCDF dataset (Note TSG high)

    Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).

    Search for deployments from this voyage and others

    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Temperature Sensor-HMP233,Barometer,Fluorometer WS3S-443P,Humidity Sensor-HMP233,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young Rain Gauge,Remote Temperature (T)-SN 2621,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Simrad EA500 Echosounder,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777 2190 2008-02-28 00:45 2008-03-17 04:04 -34.8372 138.5096 -42.8863 147.3385
    Multibeam echosounder [details]   EM300 Multibeam Echosounder 2008-02-28 01:35 2008-03-17 03:02 -34.8372 138.5096 -42.9688 147.3544 1980.8
    ADCP Data [details]   RDI Ocean Surveyor Acoustic Doppler current profiler 2190 2008-02-28 04:02 2008-03-17 01:26 -34.9028 138.2327 -43.1105 147.4850 639
    Video [details] 2   Shallow Video System 2008-02-29 22:50 2008-02-29 23:55 -35.1408 134.3554 -35.1588 134.3863
    Video [details] 3   Shallow Video System 2008-03-01 00:08 2008-03-01 01:05 -35.1622 134.3924 -35.1779 134.4290
    Video [details] 4   Shallow Video System 2008-03-01 03:06 2008-03-01 04:36 -35.2119 134.4251 -35.2334 134.4620
    Video [details] 7   Shallow Video System 2008-03-01 17:26 2008-03-01 18:45 -35.3886 134.7304 -35.4276 134.7158
    Video [details] 8   Shallow Video System 2008-03-01 19:53 2008-03-01 21:06 -35.3127 134.6244 -35.3412 134.5883
    Video [details] 9   Shallow Video System 2008-03-01 21:58 2008-03-01 23:26 -35.2940 134.6031 -35.2962 134.5473
    Video [details] 10   Shallow Video System 2008-03-01 23:55 2008-03-02 01:10 -35.2574 134.5487 -35.2881 134.5151
    Photos [details] 11   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-02 07:19 2008-03-02 07:35 -35.1465 134.2989 -35.1450 134.2968
    Photos [details] 12   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-02 07:36 -35.1447 134.2965
    Photos [details] 13   2008-03-02 08:07 -35.1381 134.2983
    Photos [details] 14   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-02 08:40 -35.1529 134.3074
    Video [details] 15   Shallow Video System 2008-03-02 16:47 2008-03-02 18:27 -35.1379 134.3307 -35.1806 134.2920
    Video [details] 16   Shallow Video System 2008-03-02 19:13 2008-03-02 20:14 -35.1403 134.2675 -35.1732 134.2804
    Video [details] 17   Shallow Video System 2008-03-02 21:19 -35.1986 134.4348
    CTD Cast [details] 18   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-02 23:17 2008-03-02 23:40 -35.2180 134.4312 -35.2197 134.4312
    Video [details] 20   Shallow Video System 2008-03-03 01:11 -35.1988 134.4356
    Photos [details] 22   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-03 06:15 -35.2205 134.4324
    Photos [details] 23   2008-03-03 06:38 -35.2173 134.4304
    Photos [details] 24   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-03 06:56 -35.2140 134.4280
    Photos [details] 25   2008-03-03 07:17 -35.2108 134.4261
    Photos [details] 26   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-03 08:00 -35.2185 134.4374
    Photos [details] 27   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-03 08:33 -35.2164 134.4351
    CTD Cast [details] 28   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-03 20:41 2008-03-03 20:54 -35.1888 134.4448 -35.1877 134.4454
    CTD Cast [details] 29   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-03 21:16 2008-03-03 21:38 -35.1870 134.4309
    CTD Cast [details] 30   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-03 22:39 2008-03-03 23:11 -35.2102 134.4507 -35.2101 134.4499
    CTD Cast [details] 31   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-03 23:32 2008-03-04 00:05 -35.2214 134.4425
    CTD Cast [details] 32   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-04 02:34 2008-03-04 03:06 -35.2221 134.4427 -35.2215 134.4423
    Photos [details] 33   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-04 04:15 -35.2858 134.5630
    Photos [details] 34   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-04 04:42 -35.2817 134.5611
    Photos [details] 35   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-04 05:38 -35.2889 134.5729
    Photos [details] 36   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-04 05:54 -35.2837 134.5762
    Photos [details] 37   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-04 06:28 -35.2798 134.5728
    Catch [details] 38   CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-04 10:40 -35.2945 134.5788
    Catch [details] 39   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-04 10:55 -35.2949 134.5778
    Catch [details] 47   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-05 12:02 -35.2094 134.4507
    Catch [details] 48   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-05 12:30 -35.2089 134.4508
    Catch [details] 49   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-05 12:43 -35.2096 134.4510
    Catch [details] 50   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-05 13:22 -35.2214 134.4416
    Catch [details] 51   2008-03-05 13:46 -35.2216 134.4416
    CTD Cast [details] 52   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-05 17:33 2008-03-05 18:39 -35.2725 134.4397 -35.2721 134.4386
    CTD Cast [details] 53   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-05 19:02 2008-03-05 19:59 -35.2673 134.4258 -35.2672 134.4269
    CTD Cast [details] 54   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-05 20:20 2008-03-05 21:15 -35.2495 134.4386 -35.2462 134.4383
    Photos [details] 64   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-06 04:53 -35.1786 134.3753
    Photos [details] 65   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-06 05:00 -35.1779 134.3744
    Photos [details] 66   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-06 05:40 -35.1691 134.3686
    Photos [details] 67   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-06 05:56 -35.1663 134.3661
    Photos [details] 68   2008-03-06 06:13 -35.1625 134.3636
    Catch [details] 69   Benthic sled 2008-03-06 10:57 2008-03-06 11:53 -35.1378 134.2734 -35.1657 134.2852
    Video [details] 70   Shallow Video System 2008-03-06 16:45 2008-03-06 17:37 -35.0437 133.9128 -35.0463 133.9386
    Video [details] 71   Shallow Video System 2008-03-06 18:10 2008-03-06 18:50 -35.0550 133.9591 -35.0676 133.9816
    CTD Cast [details] 75   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-07 00:39 2008-03-07 01:10 -35.2093 134.4489 -35.2095 134.4491
    CTD Cast [details] 76   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-07 01:50 2008-03-07 02:22 -35.2205 134.4419 -35.2199 134.4417
    Photos [details] 77   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-07 04:48 -35.2389 134.5074
    Photos [details] 78   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-07 05:19 -35.2342 134.5028
    Photos [details] 79   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-07 05:22 -35.2333 134.5014
    Photos [details] 80   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-07 05:57 -35.2285 134.4959
    Photos [details] 81   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-07 06:18 -35.2251 134.4912
    Catch [details] 82   Benthic sled 2008-03-07 10:46 2008-03-07 14:19 -35.2948 134.6040 -35.1831 134.1403
    Video [details] 83   Shallow Video System 2008-03-07 16:10 2008-03-07 17:17 -35.0478 133.9079 -35.0153 133.9084
    Video [details] 84   Shallow Video System 2008-03-07 18:05 2008-03-07 18:55 -35.0470 133.9170 -35.0211 133.9234
    Video [details] 85   Shallow Video System 2008-03-07 20:31 2008-03-07 21:53 -35.0843 134.1236 -35.1251 134.0996
    Catch [details] 87   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-08 11:25 2008-03-08 11:44 -35.2035 134.4314 -35.2028 134.4326
    Catch [details] 88   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-08 11:45 -35.2028 134.4327
    Catch [details] 89   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-08 12:08 -35.2113 134.4388
    Catch [details] 90   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-08 12:25 -35.2118 134.4390
    CTD Cast [details] 92   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-08 17:29 2008-03-08 18:20 -35.2487 134.4468 -35.2496 134.4480
    CTD Cast [details] 93   Cast 2008-03-08 18:53 2008-03-08 19:23 -35.2210 134.4426
    CTD Cast [details] 94   Cast CTD (Southern Surveyor) 2008-03-08 19:42 2008-03-08 20:11 -35.2101 134.4501 -35.2102 134.4506
    Video [details] 95   Shallow Video System 2008-03-09 02:23 2008-03-09 03:17 -35.1202 134.1630 -35.0959 134.1505
    Photos [details] 96   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 04:30 -35.0483 133.9175
    Photos [details] 97   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 05:06 -35.0404 133.9156
    Photos [details] 98   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 05:30 -35.0357 133.9144
    Photos [details] 99   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 05:55 -35.0317 133.9143
    Photos [details] 100   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 06:32 -35.0228 133.9126
    Catch [details] 102   Benthic sled 2008-03-09 11:34 2008-03-09 12:36 -100.0000 -1000.0000 -35.0485 133.9094
    Photos [details] 103   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 12:58 -35.0439 133.9166
    Photos [details] 104   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 13:45 -35.0389 133.9151
    Photos [details] 105   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 14:27 -35.0327 133.9134
    Photos [details] 106   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 14:47 -35.0265 133.9127
    Photos [details] 107   Photosea 1000 Camera 2008-03-09 15:11 -35.0187 133.9118
    Video [details] 108   Shallow Video System 2008-03-09 18:32 2008-03-09 19:30 -35.1214 133.7845 -35.1428 133.7943
    Video [details] 120   Shallow Video System 2008-03-10 23:14 2008-03-11 01:00 -35.2643 134.5364 -35.3141 134.5077
    Catch [details] 124   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-11 08:47 -35.2294 134.4440
    Catch [details] 125   Smith-McIntyre Grab 0.1cu.m. 2008-03-11 09:29 -35.2292 134.4444
    Catch [details] 126   Benthic sled 2008-03-11 10:44 -35.2299 134.5137
    Video [details] 127   Shallow Video System 2008-03-12 00:35 2008-03-12 01:40 -36.4620 136.3881 -36.4918 136.4151
    Video [details] 128   Shallow Video System 2008-03-12 02:45 2008-03-12 04:05 -36.4771 136.4724 -36.4592 136.4246
    Video [details] 129   Shallow Video System 2008-03-12 04:46 -36.5031 136.4124
    Video [details] 130   Shallow Video System 2008-03-12 07:45 -36.5739 136.4074
    Video [details] 131   Shallow Video System 2008-03-14 01:44 2008-03-14 02:59 -39.4354 142.7605 -39.4131 142.7388
    Video [details] 132   Shallow Video System 2008-03-14 03:26 2008-03-14 05:23 -39.4044 142.7220 -39.3702 142.7152
    Video [details] 133   Shallow Video System 2008-03-15 16:04 -41.2307 148.7502
    Video [details] 135   Shallow Video System 2008-03-15 19:31 2008-03-15 21:07 -41.2415 148.8151 -41.2326 148.8878
    Video [details] 137   Shallow Video System 2008-03-15 23:55 2008-03-16 01:27 -41.2528 148.6488 -41.2495 148.6713
    Video [details] 138   Shallow Video System 2008-03-16 02:27 -41.2476 148.6579
    Catch [details] 139   Benthic sled 2008-03-16 08:05 2008-03-16 09:02 -41.2452 148.8257 -41.2155 148.8331
    Video [details] 134   Shallow Video System 2008-03-15 18:50 -41.2242 148.8768

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