CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Images

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CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC)

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Found 5597 images. Click on image for full details.

Oparinisis parkeri
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188003
Date of image: 22-November-2005
Position: -33.98° 114.734°
Depth: 96.7 metres
Survey: SS200510

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.1555° 131.641°
Depth: 1834.3 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.1555° 131.641°
Depth: 1834.3 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.1555° 131.641°
Depth: 1834.3 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.2503° 131.692°
Depth: 1835.9 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.2503° 131.692°
Depth: 1835.9 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 10-November-2015
Position: -35.2503° 131.692°
Depth: 1835.9 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 23-November-2015
Position: -34.7378° 131.841°
Depth: 1349.9 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 23-November-2015
Position: -34.7378° 131.841°
Depth: 1349.9 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 23-November-2015
Position: -34.7378° 131.841°
Depth: 1349.9 metres
Survey: IN2015_C01

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 07-December-2015
Position: -35.0428° 134.079°
Depth: 366.8 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 07-December-2015
Position: -35.0428° 134.079°
Depth: 366.8 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 17-December-2015
Position: -34.0723° 130.26°
Depth: 1535.3 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Date of image: 17-December-2015
Position: -34.0723° 130.26°
Depth: 1535.3 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Position: -40.46383° 149.12883°
Depth: 2505 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Position: -40.46383° 149.12883°
Depth: 2505 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Aphrodita goolmarris
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043003
Position: -40.46383° 149.12883°
Depth: 2505 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Aphrodita talpa
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043007
Position: -41.75967° 149.14083°
Depth: 2729 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Aphrodita talpa
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043007
Position: -41.75967° 149.14083°
Depth: 2729 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Aphrodita talpa
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043007
Position: -36.3355° 150.64783°
Depth: 2700 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Onykia robsoni
[a hooked squid]
CAAB: 23 623006
Date of image: 18-May-2003
Position: -26.3922° 167.02°
Depth: 1028 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Onykia robsoni
[a hooked squid]
CAAB: 23 623006
Date of image: 05-June-2003
Position: -26.3922° 167.02°
Depth: 1028 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Histioteuthis bonnellii
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630002
Date of image: 23-April-2017
Position: -34.7675° 130.713°
Depth: 1808 metres
Survey: IN2017_C01

Histioteuthis bonnellii
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630002
Date of image: 26-May-2003
Position: -32.5375° 169.726°
Depth: 3610 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Histioteuthis pacifica
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630003
Survey: SS200705

Histioteuthis pacifica
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630003
Survey: SS200705

Histioteuthis pacifica
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630003
Position: -21.9702° 113.793°
Depth: 355.5 metres
Survey: SS200510

Histioteuthis pacifica
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630003
Position: -21.9702° 113.793°
Depth: 355.5 metres
Survey: SS200510

Histioteuthis pacifica
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630003
Position: -21.9702° 113.793°
Depth: 355.5 metres
Survey: SS200510

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 15-December-2015
Position: -33.5555° 130.684°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 15-December-2015
Position: -33.5555° 130.684°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 15-December-2015
Position: -33.5555° 130.684°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 15-December-2015
Position: -33.5555° 130.684°
Survey: IN2015_C02

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 17-May-2003
Position: -26.426° 167.189°
Depth: 754 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 17-May-2003
Position: -26.426° 167.189°
Depth: 754 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 05-June-2003
Position: -32.4347° 161.756°
Depth: 1259 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 05-June-2003
Position: -32.7083° 162.564°
Depth: 872 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 27-May-2003
Position: -32.7083° 162.564°
Depth: 872 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Histioteuthis miranda
[a jewel squid]
CAAB: 23 630006
Date of image: 30-May-2003
Position: -33.7758° 167.488°
Depth: 1460 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Tritia ephamilla
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202128
Position: -32.492° 152.99383°
Depth: 1000 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Tritia ephamilla
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202128
Position: -32.492° 152.99383°
Depth: 1000 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Tritia ephamilla
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202128
Date of image: 23-November-2005
Position: -35.3925° 118.309°
Depth: 775.8 metres
Survey: SS200510

Tritia ephamilla
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202128
Date of image: 23-November-2005
Position: -35.3925° 118.309°
Depth: 775.8 metres
Survey: SS200510

Tritia ephamilla
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202128
Date of image: 26-November-2005
Position: -35.2713° 118.723°
Depth: 980.4 metres
Survey: SS200510

Tritia ephamilla
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202128
Date of image: 26-November-2005
Position: -35.2713° 118.723°
Depth: 980.4 metres
Survey: SS200510

Nassarius crebricostatus
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202169
Date of image: 20-November-2005
Position: -31.6088° 114.981°
Depth: 370.4 metres
Survey: SS200510

Nassarius crebricostatus
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202169
Date of image: 20-November-2005
Position: -31.6088° 114.981°
Depth: 370.4 metres
Survey: SS200510

Nassarius crebricostatus
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202169
Date of image: 20-November-2005
Position: -31.6088° 114.981°
Depth: 370.4 metres
Survey: SS200510

Nassarius crebricostatus
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202169
Date of image: 26-November-2005
Position: -35.2698° 118.72°
Depth: 999.3 metres
Survey: SS200510

Nassarius crebricostatus
[a dog whelk]
CAAB: 24 202169
Date of image: 26-November-2005
Position: -35.2698° 118.72°
Depth: 999.3 metres
Survey: SS200510

Prodotia iostoma
[a whelk]
CAAB: 24 202185
Date of image: 09-December-2005
Position: -24.6194° 112.666°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200510

Prodotia iostoma
[a whelk]
CAAB: 24 202185
Date of image: 09-December-2005
Position: -24.6194° 112.666°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200510

Chryseofusus westralis
[a spindle shell]
CAAB: 24 202214
Date of image: 29-November-2005
Position: -33.0097° 114.57°
Depth: 423.1 metres
Survey: SS200510

Chryseofusus westralis
[a spindle shell]
CAAB: 24 202214
Date of image: 29-November-2005
Position: -33.0097° 114.57°
Depth: 423.1 metres
Survey: SS200510

Cyllene rubrolineata
[a whelk]
CAAB: 24 202216
Date of image: 08-December-2005
Position: -25.9076° 112.823°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200510

Cyllene rubrolineata
[a whelk]
CAAB: 24 202216
Date of image: 08-December-2005
Position: -25.9076° 112.823°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200510

Chryseofusus alisonae
[a spindle shell]
CAAB: 24 202287
Date of image: 16-December-2015
Position: -33.3811° 130.256°
Depth: 420.7 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Chryseofusus alisonae
[a spindle shell]
CAAB: 24 202287
Date of image: 16-December-2015
Position: -33.3811° 130.256°
Depth: 420.7 metres
Survey: IN2015_C02

Pteronisis incerta
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188005
Date of image: 31-October-2006
Position: -43.702° 146.964°
Depth: 115 metres
Survey: SS200611

Mopsea encrinula
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188009
Date of image: 21-November-2005
Position: -33.0364° 114.82°
Depth: 99.3 metres
Survey: SS200510

Mopsea encrinula
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188009
Date of image: 21-November-2005
Position: -33.0364° 114.82°
Depth: 99.3 metres
Survey: SS200510

Mopsea encrinula
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188009
Date of image: 22-November-2005
Position: -33.98° 114.734°
Depth: 96.7 metres
Survey: SS200510

Mopsea encrinula
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188009
Date of image: 22-November-2005
Position: -33.98° 114.734°
Depth: 96.7 metres
Survey: SS200510

Mopsea encrinula
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188009
Date of image: 14-May-2007
Position: -31.7171° 115.267°
Survey: SS200704

Mopsea encrinula
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188009
Date of image: 14-May-2007
Position: -31.7171° 115.267°
Survey: SS200704

Tethrisis suzannae
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188013
Date of image: 08-December-2005
Position: -25.9297° 112.68°
Depth: 120 metres
Survey: SS200510

Tethrisis suzannae
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188013
Date of image: 08-December-2005
Position: -25.9297° 112.68°
Depth: 120 metres
Survey: SS200510

Pteronisis plumacea
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188018
Date of image: 01-April-2007
Position: -43.6918° 146.976°
Depth: 110 metres
Survey: SS200702

Myriozotisis heatherae
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188026
Date of image: 21-May-2003
Position: -29.2182° 158.997°
Depth: 300 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Myriozotisis heatherae
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188026
Date of image: 21-May-2003
Position: -29.2182° 158.997°
Depth: 300 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Lissopholidisis ampliflora
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188029
Position: -23.5955° 154.19433°
Depth: 1000 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Zignisis bifoliata
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188037
Date of image: 21-November-2005
Position: -33.0364° 114.82°
Depth: 99.3 metres
Survey: SS200510

Orstomisis crosnieri
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188039
Date of image: 04-June-2003
Position: -34.62° 168.951°
Depth: 539 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Orstomisis crosnieri
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188039
Date of image: 04-June-2003
Position: -34.62° 168.951°
Depth: 539 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Orstomisis crosnieri
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188039
Date of image: 05-June-2003
Position: -34.62° 168.951°
Depth: 539 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Orstomisis crosnieri
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188039
Date of image: 04-June-2003
Position: -34.62° 168.951°
Depth: 539 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Orstomisis crosnieri
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 11 188039
Date of image: 04-June-2003
Position: -34.62° 168.951°
Depth: 539 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Aphrodita talpa
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043007
Position: -36.3355° 150.64783°
Depth: 2700 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Aphrodita talpa
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043007
Position: -36.3355° 150.64783°
Depth: 2700 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03

Laetmonice producta
[a polychaete worm]
CAAB: 22 043013
Position: -40.4655° 149.43367°
Depth: 4110 metres
Survey: IN2017_V03
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