CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Images

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CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC)

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Found 5597 images. Click on image for full details.

Halipteris cf. finmarchica
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 99 110259
Date of image: 03-June-2003
Position: -33.3418° 170.233°
Depth: 675 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Halipteris cf. finmarchica
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 99 110259
Date of image: 03-June-2003
Position: -33.3418° 170.233°
Depth: 675 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Pennatula cf. murrayi
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 99 110528
Date of image: 29-June-2007
Position: -14.9781° 121.67°
Depth: 201.8 metres
Survey: SS200705

Pennatula n.sp. A
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 99 110398
Date of image: 22-June-2007
Position: -17.4345° 120.435°
Depth: 205.7 metres
Survey: SS200705

Pennatula sp. B
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 99 110529
Date of image: 07-July-2007
Position: -12.445° 123.601°
Depth: 95.3 metres
Survey: SS200705

Pennatula sp. B
[a sea pen]
CAAB: 99 110529
Date of image: 07-July-2007
Position: -12.445° 123.601°
Depth: 95.3 metres
Survey: SS200705

Anthenoides epixanthus
[a seastar]
CAAB: 25 122046
Date of image: 14-June-2007
Position: -18.7742° 116.912°
Depth: 404.4 metres
Survey: SS200705

Anthenoides epixanthus
[a seastar]
CAAB: 25 122046
Date of image: 14-June-2007
Position: -18.7742° 116.912°
Depth: 404.4 metres
Survey: SS200705

Anthenoides epixanthus
[a seastar]
CAAB: 25 122046
Date of image: 15-June-2007
Position: -18.5713° 117.457°
Depth: 406.7 metres
Survey: SS200705

Astroceramus sphaeriostictus
[a seastar]
CAAB: 25 122047
Date of image: 26-June-2007
Position: -14.9904° 121.652°
Depth: 206.1 metres
Survey: SS200705

Astroceramus sphaeriostictus
[a seastar]
CAAB: 25 122047
Date of image: 26-June-2007
Position: -14.9904° 121.652°
Depth: 206.1 metres
Survey: SS200705

Nymphaster arthrocnemis
[a seastar]
CAAB: 25 122048
Date of image: 03-July-2007
Position: -14.8533° 121.431°
Depth: 402.6 metres
Survey: SS200705

Nymphaster arthrocnemis
[a seastar]
CAAB: 25 122048
Date of image: 03-July-2007
Position: -14.8533° 121.431°
Depth: 402.6 metres
Survey: SS200705

Muricella sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110424
Date of image: 08-December-2005
Position: -25.9297° 112.68°
Depth: 120 metres
Survey: SS200510

Muricella sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110424
Date of image: 08-December-2005
Position: -25.9297° 112.68°
Depth: 120 metres
Survey: SS200510

Versluysia sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110460
Date of image: 12-June-2007
Position: -21.0358° 114.888°
Depth: 99.6 metres
Survey: SS200705

Versluysia sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110460
Date of image: 12-June-2007
Position: -21.0358° 114.888°
Depth: 99.6 metres
Survey: SS200705

Anthomastus sp. D
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110421
Date of image: 29-October-2006
Position: -44.3933° 147.147°
Depth: 1712.8 metres
Survey: SS199701

Anthomastus sp. D
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110421
Date of image: 29-October-2006
Position: -44.3933° 147.147°
Depth: 1712.8 metres
Survey: SS199701

Anthomastus sp. E
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110296
Date of image: 24-November-2005
Position: -35.4341° 118.351°
Depth: 921.9 metres
Survey: SS200510

Anthomastus sp. F
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110360
Date of image: 28-October-2006
Position: -44.3433° 147.158°
Depth: 1592.8 metres
Survey: SS199701

Anthomastus sp. F
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110360
Date of image: 28-October-2006
Position: -44.3217° 147.115°
Depth: 1166.8 metres
Survey: SS199701

Anthomastus sp. G
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110361
Date of image: 06-April-2007
Position: -44.0658° 146.234°
Depth: 880 metres
Survey: SS200702

Anthomastus sp. I
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110463
Date of image: 03-July-2007
Position: -14.9727° 121.643°
Depth: 232.3 metres
Survey: SS200705

Anthomastus sp. I
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110463
Date of image: 03-July-2007
Position: -14.9727° 121.643°
Depth: 232.3 metres
Survey: SS200705

Anthomastus sp. I
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110463
Date of image: 13-January-2009
Position: -45.1443° 145.99°
Depth: 1518 metres
Survey: TT200801

Eleutherobia n. sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110426
Date of image: 02-December-2005
Position: -29.8677° 114.387°
Depth: 413.9 metres
Survey: SS200510

Eleutherobia n. sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110426
Date of image: 02-December-2005
Position: -29.8677° 114.387°
Depth: 413.9 metres
Survey: SS200510

Inflatocalyx n. sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110428
Date of image: 04-December-2005
Position: -29.0127° 113.779°
Depth: 439.1 metres
Survey: SS200510

Umbellulifera cf. striata
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110511
Date of image: 26-June-2007
Position: -15.0853° 121.753°
Depth: 105.2 metres
Survey: SS200705

Umbellulifera sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110443
Date of image: 03-December-2005
Position: -29.807° 114.431°
Depth: 113.6 metres
Survey: SS200510

Umbellulifera sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110443
Date of image: 18-February-2006
Position: -20.9847° 114.907°
Depth: 101 metres
Survey: SS200510

Umbellulifera sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110443
Date of image: 03-December-2005
Position: -29.807° 114.431°
Depth: 113.6 metres
Survey: SS200510

Umbellulifera sp. B
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110512
Date of image: 14-June-2007
Position: -19.7911° 115.476°
Depth: 108.7 metres
Survey: SS200705

Chironephthya sp. B
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110514
Date of image: 13-June-2007
Position: -20.2041° 115.139°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200705

Anthoptilum n. sp. B
[a seapen]
CAAB: 99 110610
Date of image: 18-May-2003
Position: -26.3922° 167.02°
Depth: 1028 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Anthoptilum n. sp. B
[a seapen]
CAAB: 99 110610
Date of image: 27-May-2003
Position: -34.0325° 162.599°
Depth: 818 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 02-January-2009
Position: -41.2432° 148.819°
Depth: 1296 metres
Survey: TT200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 02-January-2009
Position: -41.2432° 148.819°
Depth: 1296 metres
Survey: TT200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 02-January-2009
Position: -41.2432° 148.819°
Depth: 1296 metres
Survey: TT200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 11-January-2009
Position: -45.3004° 146.121°
Depth: 2217 metres
Survey: TT200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 11-January-2009
Position: -45.3004° 146.121°
Depth: 2217 metres
Survey: TT200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 11-January-2009
Position: -45.3004° 146.121°
Depth: 2217 metres
Survey: TT200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 11-January-2009
Position: -45.3004° 146.121°
Depth: 2217 metres
Survey: TT200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 24-January-2008
Position: -45.1474° 146.013°
Depth: 1650 metres
Survey: SS200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 24-January-2008
Position: -45.1474° 146.013°
Depth: 1650 metres
Survey: SS200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 24-January-2008
Position: -45.1474° 146.013°
Depth: 1650 metres
Survey: SS200801

Leontocaris alexander
[a hump-back shrimp]
CAAB: 28 767052
Date of image: 24-January-2008
Position: -45.1474° 146.013°
Depth: 1650 metres
Survey: SS200801

Chironephthya sp. K
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110523
Date of image: 13-June-2007
Position: -20.2041° 115.139°
Depth: 100 metres
Survey: SS200705

Chironephthya sp. N
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110241
Date of image: 15-May-2003
Position: -28.9065° 167.684°
Depth: 113 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Chironephthya sp. O
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110244
Date of image: 16-May-2003
Position: -28.9065° 167.684°
Depth: 113 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Chironephthya sp. P
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110249
Date of image: 16-May-2003
Position: -28.8535° 167.709°
Depth: 812 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Chironephthya sp. Q
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110246
Date of image: 16-May-2003
Position: -28.9065° 167.684°
Depth: 113 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Chironephthya sp. R
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110245
Date of image: 16-May-2003
Position: -28.9065° 167.684°
Depth: 113 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Chironephthya sp. R
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110245
Date of image: 16-May-2003
Position: -28.9065° 167.684°
Depth: 113 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Chironephthya sp. X
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110240
Date of image: 15-May-2003
Position: -28.9065° 167.684°
Depth: 113 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Paragorgia cf. aoteroa
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110396
Date of image: 09-April-2007
Position: -43.9337° 150.512°
Depth: 870 metres
Survey: SS200702

Paragorgia cf. aoteroa
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110396
Date of image: 09-April-2007
Position: -43.9337° 150.512°
Depth: 870 metres
Survey: SS200702

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 18-December-2008
Position: -44.3249° 147.275°
Depth: 1295.2 metres
Survey: TT200801

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 18-December-2008
Position: -44.3249° 147.275°
Depth: 1295.2 metres
Survey: TT200801

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 13-January-2009
Position: -45.138° 145.998°
Depth: 1439 metres
Survey: TT200801

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 13-January-2009
Position: -45.138° 145.998°
Depth: 1439 metres
Survey: TT200801

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 15-January-2009
Position: -44.2968° 147.393°
Depth: 1452 metres
Survey: TT200801

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 15-January-2009
Position: -44.2968° 147.393°
Depth: 1452 metres
Survey: TT200801

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 27-December-2008
Position: -44.388° 147.256°
Depth: 1636 metres
Survey: TT200801

Paragorgia cf. maunga
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110558
Date of image: 27-December-2008
Position: -44.388° 147.256°
Depth: 1636 metres
Survey: TT200801

Studeriotes sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110444
Date of image: 13-December-2005
Position: -20.9847° 114.907°
Depth: 101 metres
Survey: SS200510

Plexauridae n.gen. A n.sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110234
Date of image: 05-June-2003
Position: -32.6555° 162.552°
Depth: 870 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Plexauridae n.gen. A n.sp. A
[an octocoral]
CAAB: 99 110234
Date of image: 05-June-2003
Position: -34.1625° 171.456°
Depth: 573 metres
Survey: TAN0308

Galathea sp. MoV 5209
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840140
Date of image: 29-June-2007
Position: -15.1086° 121.77°
Depth: 96.4 metres
Survey: SS200705

Galathea sp. MoV 5209
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840140
Date of image: 29-June-2007
Position: -15.1086° 121.77°
Depth: 96.4 metres
Survey: SS200705

Munida agave
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840141
Date of image: 01-July-2007
Position: -16.7526° 121.047°
Depth: 107.7 metres
Survey: SS200705

Munida agave
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840141
Date of image: 01-July-2007
Position: -16.7526° 121.047°
Depth: 107.7 metres
Survey: SS200705

Paramunida spiniantennata
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840142
Date of image: 01-July-2007
Position: -16.7402° 121.032°
Depth: 112.2 metres
Survey: SS200705

Paramunida spiniantennata
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840142
Date of image: 01-July-2007
Position: -16.7402° 121.032°
Depth: 112.2 metres
Survey: SS200705

Bathymunida balssi
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840143
Date of image: 02-July-2007
Position: -15.7928° 121.058°
Depth: 119.4 metres
Survey: SS200705

Munida philippinensis
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840146
Date of image: 03-July-2007
Position: -14.9727° 121.643°
Depth: 232.3 metres
Survey: SS200705

Munida philippinensis
[a squat lobster]
CAAB: 28 840146
Date of image: 03-July-2007
Position: -14.9727° 121.643°
Depth: 232.3 metres
Survey: SS200705

Comatula micraster
[a crinoid]
CAAB: 25 030050
Date of image: 13-June-2007
Position: -20.2049° 115.134°
Depth: 97 metres
Survey: SS200705

Mariametra subcarinata
[a crinoid]
CAAB: 25 035009
Date of image: 11-June-2007
Position: -20.981° 114.724°
Depth: 210 metres
Survey: SS200705
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