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CSIRO Marine Invertebrate Image Collection (MIIC)
Found 5597 images. Click on image for full details.
Each page shows 80 images -
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Date of image: 06-December-2015 Position: -35.0428° 134.079° Depth: 366.8 metres Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Date of image: 06-December-2015 Position: -35.0428° 134.079° Depth: 366.8 metres Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Date of image: 06-December-2015 Position: -35.0428° 134.079° Depth: 366.8 metres Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Date of image: 17-April-2017 Position: -35.7158° 131.656° Depth: 3817 metres Survey: IN2017_C01 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Date of image: 17-April-2017 Position: -35.7158° 131.656° Depth: 3817 metres Survey: IN2017_C01 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Position: -39.50333° 149.5925° Depth: 4100 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Position: -39.50333° 149.5925° Depth: 4100 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Position: -38.43783° 150.18133° Depth: 3948 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Position: -38.43783° 150.18133° Depth: 3948 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Position: -33.43117° 152.646° Depth: 4200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Laetmonice yarramba [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043015 Position: -33.43117° 152.646° Depth: 4200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Laetmonice benthaliana [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043034 Position: -41.75967° 149.14083° Depth: 2729 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Laetmonice benthaliana [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 043034 Position: -41.75967° 149.14083° Depth: 2729 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Nephtys paradoxa [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 055017 Position: -30.10667° 153.5895° Depth: 1200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Nephtys paradoxa [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 055017 Position: -30.10667° 153.5895° Depth: 1200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Neanthes bassi [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 056035 Position: -36.39733° 150.9135° Depth: 4760 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Histioteuthis macrohista [a jewel squid] CAAB: 23 630008 Date of image: 15-December-2015 Position: -33.5555° 130.684° Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Histioteuthis macrohista [a jewel squid] CAAB: 23 630008 Date of image: 15-December-2015 Position: -33.5555° 130.684° Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Histioteuthis macrohista [a jewel squid] CAAB: 23 630008 Date of image: 15-December-2015 Position: -33.5555° 130.684° Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Eucleoteuthis luminosa [a squid] CAAB: 23 636001 Date of image: 26-May-2003 Position: -32.1932° 160.861° Depth: 1361 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Eucleoteuthis luminosa [a squid] CAAB: 23 636001 Date of image: 26-May-2003 Position: -32.1932° 160.861° Depth: 1361 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Eucleoteuthis luminosa [a squid] CAAB: 23 636001 Date of image: 26-May-2003 Position: -32.1932° 160.861° Depth: 1361 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Eucleoteuthis luminosa [a squid] CAAB: 23 636001 Date of image: 26-May-2003 Position: -32.1932° 160.861° Depth: 1361 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Eucleoteuthis luminosa [a squid] CAAB: 23 636001 Date of image: 26-May-2003 Position: -32.1932° 160.861° Depth: 1361 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Nototodarus gouldi Gould's Squid CAAB: 23 636004 Date of image: 06-December-2015 Position: -35.7399° 135.412° Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Nototodarus gouldi Gould's Squid CAAB: 23 636004 Date of image: 06-December-2015 Position: -35.7399° 135.412° Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Nototodarus sloanii New Zealand Arrow Squid CAAB: 23 636006 Date of image: 06-June-2003 Position: -34.1113° 171.661° Depth: 400 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Ornithoteuthis volatilis long-tailed flying squid CAAB: 23 636008 Date of image: 05-June-2003 Position: -28.498° 161.259° Depth: 1530 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Ornithoteuthis volatilis long-tailed flying squid CAAB: 23 636008 Date of image: 20-May-2003 Position: -28.498° 161.259° Depth: 1530 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Ornithoteuthis volatilis long-tailed flying squid CAAB: 23 636008 Date of image: 24-May-2003 Position: -31.6758° 159.157° Depth: 700 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Ornithoteuthis volatilis long-tailed flying squid CAAB: 23 636008 Date of image: 24-May-2003 Position: -31.6758° 159.157° Depth: 700 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Todarodes filippovae Southern Ocean arrow squid CAAB: 23 636011 Date of image: 05-June-2003 Position: -32.7083° 162.564° Depth: 872 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Todarodes filippovae Southern Ocean arrow squid CAAB: 23 636011 Date of image: 27-May-2003 Position: -32.7083° 162.564° Depth: 872 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Todaropsis eblanae lesser flying squid CAAB: 23 636013 Date of image: 11-December-2005 Position: -22.0719° 113.756° Depth: 398.7 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Idioteuthis cordiformis [a whip-lash squid] CAAB: 23 639002 Position: -28.0615° 154.08167° Depth: 1021 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Gemmula congener [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220096 Date of image: 10-December-2005 Position: -23.9866° 112.534° Depth: 411.3 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Cryptogemma aethiopica [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220107 Date of image: 06-December-2005 Position: -27.1335° 112.751° Depth: 414 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Cryptogemma aethiopica [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220107 Date of image: 06-December-2005 Position: -27.1335° 112.751° Depth: 414 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Gemmula westaustralis [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220125 Date of image: 20-November-2005 Position: -31.6088° 114.981° Depth: 370.4 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Gemmula westaustralis [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220125 Date of image: 20-November-2005 Position: -31.6088° 114.981° Depth: 370.4 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -32.492° 152.99383° Depth: 1000 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -32.492° 152.99383° Depth: 1000 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -32.492° 152.99383° Depth: 1000 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -30.10667° 153.5895° Depth: 1200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -30.10667° 153.5895° Depth: 1200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -30.10667° 153.5895° Depth: 1200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -28.0615° 154.08167° Depth: 1021 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Marshallena nierstraszi [a turrid shell] CAAB: 24 220376 Position: -28.0615° 154.08167° Depth: 1021 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Terebra commaculata [an auger shell] CAAB: 24 221001 Date of image: 09-December-2005 Position: -24.6245° 112.671° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Profunditerebra brazieri [an auger shell] CAAB: 24 221006 Date of image: 14-December-2015 Position: -33.4234° 130.735° Depth: 399.8 metres Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Profunditerebra brazieri [an auger shell] CAAB: 24 221006 Date of image: 14-December-2015 Position: -33.4234° 130.735° Depth: 399.8 metres Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Punctoterebra baileyi [an auger shell] CAAB: 24 221095 Date of image: 09-December-2005 Position: -24.6194° 112.666° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Punctoterebra baileyi [an auger shell] CAAB: 24 221095 Date of image: 09-December-2005 Position: -24.6194° 112.666° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Acanella rigida [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 188042 Position: -32.492° 152.99383° Depth: 1000 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Acanella rigida [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 188042 Position: -32.492° 152.99383° Depth: 1000 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Acanella rigida [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 188042 Date of image: 18-June-2007 Position: -16.7381° 119.251° Depth: 697.6 metres Survey: SS200705 |
Jasonisis thresheri [a bamboo coral] CAAB: 11 188043 Date of image: 10-January-2009 Position: -45.3673° 144.609° Depth: 2632 metres Survey: TT200801 |
Jasonisis thresheri [a bamboo coral] CAAB: 11 188043 Date of image: 10-January-2009 Position: -45.3673° 144.609° Depth: 2632 metres Survey: TT200801 |
Primnoisis tasmani [an octocoral or bamboo coral] CAAB: 11 188049 Date of image: 03-April-2007 Position: -44.1541° 147.128° Depth: 920 metres Survey: SS200702 |
Primnoisis tasmani [an octocoral or bamboo coral] CAAB: 11 188049 Date of image: 07-April-2007 Position: -44.2012° 146.199° Depth: 1230 metres Survey: SS200702 |
Primnoisis tasmani [an octocoral or bamboo coral] CAAB: 11 188049 Date of image: 07-April-2007 Position: -44.2012° 146.199° Depth: 1230 metres Survey: SS200702 |
Bathygorgia tasmaniensis [an octocoral or bamboo coral] CAAB: 11 188075 Survey: TT200801 |
Bathygorgia tasmaniensis [an octocoral or bamboo coral] CAAB: 11 188075 Survey: TT200801 |
Keroeides gracilis [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 189001 Date of image: 22-May-2003 Position: -29.2187° 159.008° Depth: 330 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Keroeides gracilis [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 189001 Date of image: 22-May-2003 Position: -29.2187° 159.008° Depth: 330 metres Survey: TAN0308 |
Melithaea zimmeri [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 190001 Date of image: 22-November-2005 Position: -34.886° 115.507° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Melithaea zimmeri [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 190001 Date of image: 22-November-2005 Position: -34.886° 115.507° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Melithaea zimmeri [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 190001 Date of image: 23-November-2005 Position: -35.335° 118.294° Depth: 99.9 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Scleronephthya indica [a soft coral] CAAB: 11 191003 Date of image: 13-June-2007 Position: -20.2041° 115.139° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200705 |
Paragorgia arborea [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 193001 Date of image: 26-April-2010 Position: -44.3308° 146.887° Depth: 1335 metres Survey: TT200801 |
Paragorgia arborea [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 193001 Date of image: 17-December-2008 Position: -44.3308° 146.887° Depth: 1335 metres Survey: TT200801 |
Paragorgia arborea [an octocoral] CAAB: 11 193001 Date of image: 27-December-2008 Position: -44.3832° 147.251° Depth: 1893 metres Survey: TT200801 |
Neanthes bassi [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 056035 Position: -36.39733° 150.9135° Depth: 4760 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Neanthes cricognatha [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 056038 Position: -30.10667° 153.5895° Depth: 1200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Neanthes cricognatha [a polychaete worm] CAAB: 22 056038 Position: -30.10667° 153.5895° Depth: 1200 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Euphione sp. MoV 6636 [a scale worm] CAAB: 22 062089 Date of image: 07-December-2015 Position: -35.0428° 134.079° Depth: 366.8 metres Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Euphione sp. MoV 6636 [a scale worm] CAAB: 22 062089 Date of image: 07-December-2015 Position: -35.0428° 134.079° Depth: 366.8 metres Survey: IN2015_C02 |
Petta assimilis [a mason worm] CAAB: 22 117010 Position: -39.469° 149.2195° Depth: 2750 metres Survey: IN2017_V03 |
Leptochiton collusor [a chiton] CAAB: 23 101004 Date of image: 22-November-2005 Position: -34.886° 115.507° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200510 |
Leptochiton collusor [a chiton] CAAB: 23 101004 Date of image: 22-November-2005 Position: -34.886° 115.507° Depth: 100 metres Survey: SS200510 |