Data Trawler - Survey Details

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IN2018_V05    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?

Voyage details on MNF site:

Period: 2018-10-16 05:00 to 2018-11-15 21:00 UTC

Duration: 30.67 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: Southern Ocean

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]

Description: RV Investigator research voyage in2018_v05, titled “How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?" The planet’s largest current, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) distributes heat, freshwater and carbon-dioxide among the major oceans. It is a central element of the global overturning circulation that has allowed the ocean to absorb 93% of global warming. Despite Southern Ocean winds increasing for the last 2 decades, the ACC strength has not changed. A major puzzle in understanding climate variability is how the ACC responds to the additional wind energy. We will address the societally-important need to understand how the ACC and Southern Ocean’s capacity to absorb heat and carbon-dioxide will respond to climate variability and change. We will combine a full-depth CTD/LADCP and bathymetric survey of the full meander, with targeted, rapid underway sampling of smaller-scale variability using the Triaxus towed CTD, a VMP-2000 microstructure profiler and underway instruments. Multi-beam data will be important for interpreting the survey data. Water samples will be analysed for nutrients, chlorophyll and particulate organic carbon (POC). Incubation experiments will be conducted to observe phytoplankton productivity under varying physical and chemical conditions. Objectives 1. Deployment of a fleet of EM-APEX profiling floats. 2. Deployment of a tall mooring at the crest of a meander in the Polar Front of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. 3. Full-depth hydrographic survey of the physics and biogeochemistry of the targeted ACC meander, conducting transects across the front. This will include CTD/LADCP profiles, water sample analysis, VMP-2000 microstructure profiles, bathymetry and underway instruments. 4. Triaxus transects. These will include transects across and along the front and transects around the mooring.

Leader: Prof Nathan Bindoff (UTAS)


  • How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current? [details] Primary

  • Upper ocean biogeochemistry in the Macquarie Meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current [details] Supplementary

Voyage extents: 57° 19.6' S to 42° 53.0' S    147° 20.3' E to 156° 14.5' E

Marlin Metadata:-

  • RV Investigator ISAR/SST Sea Surface Temperature Data Overview (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Sea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 ADCP Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 CTD Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 EK60 Echosounder [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 EM710 MKII Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 Gravity Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 Hydrology Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 Triaxus (undulating CTD) Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 Underway UWY Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V05 XBT Data [details]

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Don McKenzie Voyage Manager Marine National Facility Voyage Management on RV Investigator
    Helen Phillips Principal Investigator University of Tasmania How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
    Kurt Polzin Principal Investigator Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (USA) How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
    Nathan Bindoff Chief Scientist University of Tasmania How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?

    Participants - shore based:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Max Nikurashin Principal Investigator University of Tasmania How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
    Peter Strutton Principal Investigator University of Tasmania Upper ocean biogeochemistry in the Macquarie Meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
    Steve Rintoul Principal Investigator CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart How does a standing meander southeast of Tasmania brake the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Bindoff, N., Phillips, H., Rintoul, S. and Rosenberg, M. (2020) CTD data of cruise in2018_v05 of the RV Investigator, Ver. 1, Australian Antarctic Data Centre     10.26179/5ce4a56acb6e0

    • Phillips, H.E. and Bindoff, N. (2024) EM-APEX float data collected from a standing meander near the Macquarie Ridge south of Australia, Ver. 1, Australian Antarctic Data Centre     10.26179/qavd-tc77

    • Strutton, P., & Yang, X. (2021). IN2018_V05 biogeochemistry [Data set]. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS).     10.25959/Y5C2-Y445

    • Tilbrook, Bronte; Neill, Craig; Akl, John (2020). Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) sea surface and atmospheric fCO2 measurements in the Southern Ocean onboard R/V Investigator in 2018 (NCEI Accession 0209040). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.     10.25921/wry5-9f26

    Journal Article

    • Cyriac, Ajitha,Meyer, Amelie,Phillips, Helen E.,Bindoff, Nathaniel L. (2023) Observations of Internal Wave Interactions in a Southern Ocean Standing Meander. Journal of Physical Oceanography 53 pp1997-2011.     10.1175/JPO-D-22-0157.1

    • Cyriac, Ajitha,Phillips, Helen E.,Bindoff, Nathaniel L.,Polzin, Kurt (2022) Turbulent mixing variability in an energetic standing meander of the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography pp-.     10.1175/JPO-D-21-0180.1

    • Jakes, Maya I.,Phillips, Helen E.,Foppert, Annie,Cyriac, Ajitha,Bindoff, Nathaniel L.,Rintoul, Stephen R.,Thompson, Andrew F. (2024) Observational Evidence of Cold Filamentary Intensification in an Energetic Meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Journal of Physical Oceanography 54 pp717-740.     10.1175/JPO-D-23-0085.1

    • Yang, Xiang,Strutton, Peter G.,Cyriac, Ajitha,Phillips, Helen E.,Pittman, Nicholas A.,Vives, Clara R. (2022) Physical Drivers of Biogeochemical Variability in the Polar Front Meander. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 pp-.     10.1029/2021JC017863


    • Wang, Kai (2020) 2019-20 Honours project - Characterising upwelling of Circumpolar Deep Water at the Polar Front and investigating submesoscale processes associated with upwelling. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS)     External link to reference

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 18:10 to 2018-11-16 09:11
    Latitude: -57.33 to -42.88
    Longitude: 147.34 to 156.24
    Ensembles: 16,980
    Depth per cell: 8 m
    Cells per ensemble: 50
    Ensemble period: 300 sec
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    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 21:10 to 2018-11-11 07:11
    Latitude: -57.26 to -45.86
    Longitude: 148.71 to 156.17
    Quantity: 77 Casts
    Max Pressure: 4297 db
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    Gravity Measurements
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-15 22:10 to 2018-11-16 21:11
    Latitude: -57.30 to -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34 to 156.23
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping acquisition report

    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 21:10 to 2018-11-11 07:11
    Latitude: -57.26 to -45.86
    Longitude: 148.71 to 156.17
    Quantity: 77 Casts
    Max Pressure: 4297 db
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    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 05:10 to 2018-11-15 20:11
    Latitude: -57.32 to -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34 to 156.24
    Datafiles: 609
    Total size: 22.05 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2018-10-17 01:52 to 2018-11-15 19:06
    Latitude: -57.32 to -43.08
    Longitude: 147.41 to 156.24
    Observations: 26158
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Data fields and units document (.pdf)

    Radon measurements
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 01:00 to 2018-11-16 23:00
    Latitude: -57.31 to -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34 to 156.22
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    Download RV Investigator Radon dataset (XLSX)

    Sub-bottom profiler
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-17 06:58 to 2018-11-16 21:40
    Latitude: -57.27 to 0.00
    Longitude: 147.35 to 156.16
    Datafiles: 279
    Total size: 5.45 Gb
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping data acquisition and processing report

    Singlebeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 05:20 to 2018-11-15 21:25
    Latitude: -57.30 to -42.89
    Longitude: 147.35 to 156.20
    Datafiles: 1221
    Total size: 105.50 Gb
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping acquisition report

    SOOP Bio-acoustics
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 10:51 to 2018-11-15 11:18
    Transects: 2
    External link
    NetCDF Data Format: Manual Download

    Sea Surface Temperature
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 06:06 to 2018-10-20 09:09
    Latitude: -55.84 to -42.97
    Longitude: 147.38 to 151.02
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    Towed CTD
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-22 03:10 to 2018-11-11 11:11
    Latitude: -57.19 to -54.38
    Longitude: 149.06 to 156.20
    Tows: 33
    Duration: 75.35 hours
    Data points: 220,728
    Maximum Depth: 305.00 m
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    Time (UTC): 2018-10-16 05:10 to 2018-11-15 22:11
    Latitude: -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34
    Track length: 6585.204 km
    Locations: 530,573
    Measurements: 33,426,099
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    XBT Profile
    Time (UTC): 2018-10-18 12:10 to 2018-10-18 12:10
    Latitude: -52.51
    Longitude: 150.03
    Quantity: 1 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1476 db
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping data acquisition and processing report

    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2018-10-16 04:14 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Other [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging POSMV d:\in2018_v05\Raw_POSMV\in2018_v05
    2018-10-16 04:19 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas1 [view] Reboot in2018_v05
    2018-10-16 04:19 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas2 [view] Reboot Hydrochem_in2018_v02
    2018-10-16 04:19 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas1 [view] Reboot Hydrochem_in2018_v02
    2018-10-16 04:19 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas2 [view] Reboot in2018_v05
    2018-10-16 05:06 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas1 [view] Start in2018_v05
    2018-10-16 05:06 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas2 [view] Start Hydrochem_in2018_v02
    2018-10-16 05:06 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas1 [view] Start Hydrochem_in2018_v02
    2018-10-16 05:06 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas2 [view] Start in2018_v05
    2018-10-16 05:09 [view ] -42.8862 147.3390 Voyage Start in2018_v05 in2018_v05 departs Hobart
    2018-10-16 05:09 [view ] -42.8862 147.3390 Voyage Start Hydrochem_in2018_v02 in2018_v05 departs Hobart
    2018-10-16 05:10 [view ] -42.8860 147.3397 Other [view] note GSM_in2018_v05 Departed Wharf
    2018-10-16 05:19 [view ] -42.8852 147.3465 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start Logging EM710
    2018-10-16 05:23 [view ] -42.8902 147.3540 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EK60
    2018-10-16 06:08 [view ] -42.9795 147.3752 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v05 narrow band, bottom tracking on
    2018-10-16 06:08 [view ] -42.9795 147.3752 ADCP [view] Start Hydrochem_in2018_v02 narrow band, bottom tracking on
    2018-10-16 06:13 [view ] -42.9945 147.3780 Underway Seawater Data Start in2018_v05 Underway Seawater Lab instrumentation started
    2018-10-16 06:13 [view ] -42.9945 147.3780 Underway Seawater Data Start Hydrochem_in2018_v02 Underway Seawater Lab instrumentation started
    2018-10-16 06:56 [view ] -43.1252 147.4437 Underway Seawater Data Start in2018_v05 Turned on water to FIRe in underway seawater lab
    2018-10-16 06:56 [view ] -43.1252 147.4437 Underway Seawater Data Start Hydrochem_in2018_v02 Turned on water to FIRe in underway seawater lab
    2018-10-16 06:58 [view ] -43.1307 147.4482 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP120
    2018-10-16 07:57 [view ] -43.2985 147.5872 SBP [view] Outage GSM_in2018_v05 SBP stopped working when changed from Fixed to External Trigger
    2018-10-16 08:23 [view ] -43.3733 147.6405 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Started recording SBP again after testing - external bottom tracker not working correctly.
    2018-10-16 09:12 [view ] -43.5365 147.6795 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 restart logging after some testing
    2018-10-16 09:41 [view ] -43.6372 147.7035 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122 & Qinsy Start logging in EM122 @ depth of 145m
    2018-10-16 09:46 [view ] -43.6518 147.7072 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 POSMV position poor POSMV Position status RED (Marinestar VBS). Seapath Still GREEN with G2 corrections.
    2018-10-16 10:23 [view ] -43.7807 147.7378 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_002.asvp applied
    2018-10-16 10:23 [view ] -43.7807 147.7378 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_002.asvp applied
    2018-10-16 10:53 [view ] -43.8843 147.7628 EK60 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed to 1500m and Ping to Max
    2018-10-16 10:53 [view ] -43.8843 147.7628 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed to DEEP Ping Mode and Internal Trigger
    2018-10-16 10:53 [view ] -43.8843 147.7628 EM710 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed to AUTO Ping Mode and Internal Trigger
    2018-10-16 10:59 [view ] -43.9042 147.7677 SBP [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed to Linear Chirp Up in >300m deoth
    2018-10-16 11:00 [view ] -43.9061 147.7681 Radon Detector [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 calibration run Calibration was started about 6 hours after ship left port
    2018-10-16 11:01 [view ] -43.9388 147.7762 EM122 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed to MEDIUM mode
    2018-10-16 11:09 [view ] -43.9392 147.7762 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_003.asvp applied
    2018-10-16 11:09 [view ] -43.9392 147.7762 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_003.asvp applied
    2018-10-16 11:12 [view ] -43.9488 147.7785 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging in EM710 (Depth >1100m)
    2018-10-16 11:14 [view ] -43.9557 147.7800 EM122 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed to DEEP mode
    2018-10-16 11:48 [view ] -44.0670 147.8070 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Test CTD Site Reached Bridge called to say that we are 12 NM away from Test CTD site, but Science Party only ready for a 9am deployment - requested advice. Benois (science party) indicated that ship continues to approx. 44°45.112S; 147°51.559E to a NEW CTD Test Site (as roughly selected from the map).
    2018-10-16 12:14 [view ] -44.1525 147.8240 Air Chemistry [view] restarted in2018_v05 restarted picarro due to high number of errors reporting 'bad sensor data format' - seems to be OK now
    2018-10-16 12:14 [view ] -44.1525 147.8240 Air Chemistry [view] restarted Hydrochem_in2018_v02 restarted picarro due to high number of errors reporting 'bad sensor data format' - seems to be OK now
    2018-10-16 12:18 [view ] -44.1643 147.8248 ADCP [view] Adjusted in2018_v05 turned off bottom tracking
    2018-10-16 12:18 [view ] -44.1643 147.8248 ADCP [view] Adjusted Hydrochem_in2018_v02 turned off bottom tracking
    2018-10-16 12:41 [view ] -44.2358 147.8277 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_004.asvp applied
    2018-10-16 13:09 [view ] -44.3257 147.8303 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Test CTD Site Bridge called and mentiond their concern about us waiting on station for 6 hours at the new CTD station. Bridge will chat to Benoit (science team) but my need VMs final decision.
    2018-10-16 13:24 [view ] -44.3705 147.8322 SBP [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed to BURST. Restarted logging on file 0009
    2018-10-16 13:24 [view ] -44.3705 147.8322 K-Sync [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Changed Depth mode to Deep (>2000m) Had to reconfigure KSync Settings for Deep Mode: EK60 - Calculated 2000ms, Max pinging SBP120 - External Input, Max Pinging EM122 - External Input, Max Pinging
    2018-10-16 13:49 [view ] -44.4468 147.8825 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 New Test CTD Decision was taken between Benoit and the Bridge to place the New Test CTD station at 45°32.3& 39;S; 148°42.0& 39;E as this is further south and will place us on site at ~8am (local) on 17/10/2018. Water depth expexted to be ~1200m.
    2018-10-16 14:32 [view ] -44.5950 147.9905 Other [view] Stop VSAT_in2018_v05 restarted reference modem Ref modem Rx1 and NET lights blinking amber. Rebooted modem but it came back up the in the same state. Both port and stbd ACUs have similar AGC readings (both good). Promoted VSAT ahead of W35 on commbox since mobile signal is marginal. Even so, VSAT periodically dropping out with the TX and Net lights going out on the active modem for a second or 2 before lighting up again (green) .
    2018-10-16 15:06 [view ] -44.6745 148.0493 Both Beam switch VSAT_in2018_v05 switched beam from 180E to 183E after switching beams reference modem came good (all green leds) - signal seems to be holding (will monitor)
    2018-10-16 15:21 [view ] -44.7182 148.0820 EM122 [view] Change in2018_v05 EM122 needed to have it's data distribution set to point to the ADCP machine EM122& 39;s data distribution applicaiton was set to send to - this was changed to the ADCP machine:
    2018-10-16 15:21 [view ] -44.7182 148.0820 EM122 [view] Change Hydrochem_in2018_v02 EM122 needed to have it's data distribution set to point to the ADCP machine EM122& 39;s data distribution applicaiton was set to send to - this was changed to the ADCP machine:
    2018-10-16 18:05 [view ] -45.2085 148.4477 pCO2 [view] in2018_v05 pCO2 has not been working, have tried restarting application using v2.4 instead of v2.3
    2018-10-16 18:05 [view ] -45.2085 148.4477 pCO2 [view] Hydrochem_in2018_v02 pCO2 has not been working, have tried restarting application using v2.4 instead of v2.3
    2018-10-16 19:43 [view ] -45.4983 148.6673 Other [view] restarted in2018_v05 ELOG problem reverted to v04 - set up V05 again, recovered data
    2018-10-16 20:05 [view ] -45.5597 148.7130 Metstation Reboot in2018_v05 Rebooted starboard PSP/PIR sensor board - data available now
    2018-10-16 21:34 [view ] -45.8563 148.7070 Other [view] restarted in2018_v05 influx
    2018-10-16 21:59 [view ] -45.8613 148.7093 CTD [view] 1 Deployed in2018_v05 Test station en route to survey
    2018-10-16 22:31 [view ] -45.8615 148.7092 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 calibration in2018_v05 Unmatch between CTD Temp and Salinity Calibration There is an apparent difference - bias between the two CTD temperature sensor of ~0.001 C at a depth of ~2720 m, potentially due to calibration, it was decided not to replace temperature sensors. Salinity looks more stable ranging from 0 to 0.0005 ups.
    2018-10-16 22:52 [view ] -45.8612 148.7093 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2018_v05 Stopped TSG to clean filter - lots of critters in there already
    2018-10-16 22:58 [view ] -45.8610 148.7095 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Other in2018_v05 CTD to 4300 db CTD profile up to ~4275.5 db. from 4200 m half speed to be cautious of the bottom.
    2018-10-16 23:04 [view ] -45.8610 148.7093 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 down in2018_v05 CTD at bottom (4197 m) CTD stoped at 30 m over the sea floor and hold it for a couple of minutes.
    2018-10-16 23:06 [view ] -45.8612 148.7093 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Start in2018_v05 Firing CTD bottles Bottom CTD bottle fired at 4205.53 m (4275.5 db).
    2018-10-16 23:13 [view ] -45.8610 148.7093 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Sample in2018_v05 Second bottle fired Second bottle fired at 3992.2 db or 3923 m
    2018-10-16 23:23 [view ] -45.8610 148.7093 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Sample in2018_v05 Third bottle fired Third bottle fired at 3500.7 m. Sample Number: 145273
    2018-10-16 23:31 [view ] -45.8610 148.7093 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Other in2018_v05 There may be a insignificant pressure dependence with the temperature (nothing to worry about).
    2018-10-16 23:34 [view ] -45.8612 148.7093 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Sample in2018_v05 Fourth Bottle Fired Fourth bottle sampled at 3000.4 m. Sample Number: 160417
    2018-10-16 23:59 [view ] -45.8613 148.7092 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Other in2018_v05 CTD sensors Difference - bias between the two temperature CTD sensors of ~0.001. Differences between the two conductimeters (salinity) are smaller and closer to 0. Temperature and salinity don& 39;t overlap as expected. There was a insignificant slope in the mesurements, suggesting a dependance with pressure (Nothing to worry about). This entry was resubmited due to unknown issues in the elog system.
    2018-10-17 00:35 [view ] -45.8615 148.7090 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 error in2018_v05 Error firing bottles Bottle 27 did not fire at 100db. Attempt of firing it at 850 db instead, and adjusted shallower pressure levels.
    2018-10-17 00:37 [view ] -45.8615 148.7090 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Stop in2018_v05 CTD logging stopped CTD Logging stopped
    2018-10-17 00:38 [view ] -45.8615 148.7090 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 error in2018_v05 CTD triggering not working Trigger to close bottles stopped working.
    2018-10-17 00:43 [view ] -45.8615 148.7088 CTD [view] IN2018_V05_001 Retrieved in2018_v05 CTD retrieved CTD Stop firing bottles and it was retrieved, due to a connection issue.
    2018-10-17 01:44 [view ] -45.9528 148.6988 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging SBP while at test CTD location
    2018-10-17 01:46 [view ] -45.9553 148.6985 pCO2 [view] restarted in2018_v05 Licor recycled Logging ok now
    2018-10-17 01:47 [view ] -45.9553 148.6985 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP120 as transiting away from test CTD site
    2018-10-17 01:47 [view ] -45.9553 148.6985 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122 as transiting away from test CTD site
    2018-10-17 03:00 [view ] -46.1573 148.6700 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Bottom tracker back on
    2018-10-17 03:31 [view ] -46.2548 148.6555 EK60 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Depth range for RAW data changed to 1500m It was noted during checks that although the window range on EK60 was set on 1500m the raw data range was still on 250m. This was recified and changed to match (1500m).
    2018-10-17 03:40 [view ] -46.2850 148.6510 Other [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging in QINSy
    2018-10-17 05:34 [view ] -46.6580 148.5997 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_005.asvp applied
    2018-10-17 05:44 [view ] -46.6892 148.5960 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging line 0010 and started logging 0011 with new gains. pwr @-5db & 3 beams (due to slope)
    2018-10-17 06:13 [view ] -46.7860 148.5838 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging WCD for EM122 over a possible sea mount
    2018-10-17 06:15 [view ] -46.7930 148.5828 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_006.asvp applied
    2018-10-17 07:33 [view ] -47.0442 148.5827 Both Beam switch VSAT_in2018_v05 switched beam from 183E back to 180E Unsurprisingly, not getting the best from 183E, thought I& 39;d try 180E again to see what happens. Here& 39;s the last few hours on 183:
    2018-10-17 07:33 [view ] -47.0442 148.5827 Both Beam switch VSAT_in2018_v05 switched beam from 183E back to 180E
    2018-10-17 07:33 [view ] -47.0455 148.5830 Both Beam switch VSAT_in2018_v05 switched beam from 183E back to 180E I& 39;m entering this again due to having the record disappear. The switch to 183E yesterday doesn& 39;t seem to have made much difference to the stability of the signal, with periodic dropouts experienced. After changing back to 180E data throuput increased, but dropouts were still present:
    2018-10-17 10:52 [view ] -47.6953 148.7583 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_0011.asvp applied
    2018-10-17 12:01 [view ] -47.9202 148.8197 eLog incident in2018_v05 records missing records have disappeared from the VSAT_in2017_v05 and GSM_in2017_v05 logs. The missing VSAT record could be seen in the current\science\ELOG\logbooks\VSAT_in2018_v05\2018 directory, but not in the eLog web application (GSM is not saved to a logbook directory, so could not be compared). The ‘create elogs’ task was turned off on the science VM at 17/10/2018 1100z in case this script is responsible for generating these odd results.
    2018-10-17 12:42 [view ] -48.0552 148.8565 SBP [view] Line GSM_in2018_v05 Changed line from 0012 to 0013
    2018-10-17 13:38 [view ] -48.2395 148.9070 Both Stop VSAT_in2018_v05 Turned off while a loose halyard is secured in the monkey island
    2018-10-17 14:04 [view ] -48.3248 148.9305 Picarro Spectrometer [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Picarro restarted after PC fault
    2018-10-17 14:04 [view ] -48.3267 148.9310 Piccaro [view] restarted in2018_v05
    2018-10-17 14:37 [view ] -48.4355 148.9610 Both Start VSAT_in2018_v05 after isolation turned off, both ACUs needed to be reset before re-aquiring satellite Unsurprisingly, not getting the best from 183E, thought I& 39;d try 180E again to see what happens. Here& 39;s the last few hours on 183:
    2018-10-17 14:38 [view ] -48.4383 148.9617 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 Tried using the CTD Net CDF profile from test site but vel was inconsistent. Reverted back to sst0011
    2018-10-17 14:53 [view ] -48.4905 148.9760 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging WCD
    2018-10-17 15:05 [view ] -48.5295 148.9868 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_0012.asvp applied
    2018-10-17 18:52 [view ] -49.3095 149.2040 eLog in2018_v05 Test eLog entry
    2018-10-17 19:19 [view ] -49.4020 149.2300 eLog in2018_v05 test
    2018-10-17 19:27 [view ] -48.8118 149.0650 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned upderway fluorometer re-entry of Brett& 39;s record
    2018-10-17 19:36 [view ] -49.4593 149.2460 eLog test in2018_v05 ops-gp1 test mozilla
    2018-10-17 21:09 [view ] -49.7757 149.3353 Port VSAT_in2018_v05 all well
    2018-10-18 01:58 [view ] -50.4023 149.5215 Metstation Other in2018_v05 Clamped off soft hose to barometer drain bottle, looking for pressure artefact with wind direction
    2018-10-18 01:58 [view ] -50.4023 149.5215 Metstation Other in2018_v05 Clamped off soft hose to barometer drain bottle, looking for pressure artefact with wind direction
    2018-10-18 02:08 [view ] -50.4367 149.5290 Other [view] Fault Atmospherics_in2018_v05 eLog has been losing entries for some reason. There were events logged before this that are now missing
    2018-10-18 02:09 [view ] -50.4407 149.5298 Aerosol Manifold Sensor Interface Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Aerosol lab manifold drain was rerouted. Drain was very briefly open allowing a small amount of lab air to be mixed into sample air.
    2018-10-18 04:49 [view ] -50.9733 149.5945 Picarro Spectrometer [view] Outage Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Restarted due to crds error
    2018-10-18 05:32 [view ] -51.1132 149.6333 Other [view] test in2018_v05 test for eLog
    2018-10-18 05:32 [view ] -51.1132 149.6333 Other [view] test in2018_v05 test for eLog
    2018-10-18 06:13 [view ] -51.2472 149.6707 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing eLog
    2018-10-18 06:13 [view ] -51.2472 149.6707 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing eLog
    2018-10-18 06:36 [view ] -51.3247 149.6923 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing eLog
    2018-10-18 06:36 [view ] -51.3247 149.6923 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing eLog
    2018-10-18 06:53 [view ] -51.3783 149.7073 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing elog
    2018-10-18 06:53 [view ] -51.3783 149.7073 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing elog
    2018-10-18 07:19 [view ] -51.4638 149.7312 Other [view] test in2018_v05 elog test
    2018-10-18 07:19 [view ] -51.4638 149.7312 Other [view] test in2018_v05 elog test
    2018-10-18 07:44 [view ] -51.5448 149.7540 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing eLog
    2018-10-18 07:44 [view ] -51.5448 149.7540 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing eLog
    2018-10-18 08:18 [view ] -51.6553 149.7850 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing elog after creating and leaving a draft (using save instead of submit for the draft)
    2018-10-18 08:18 [view ] -51.6553 149.7850 Other [view] test in2018_v05 testing elog after creating and leaving a draft (using save instead of submit for the draft)
    2018-10-18 09:34 [view ] -51.9012 149.8543 eLog test in2018_v05 test for eLog 2
    2018-10-18 09:34 [view ] -51.9012 149.8543 eLog test in2018_v05 test for eLog 2
    2018-10-18 09:42 [view ] -51.9273 149.8617 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped SBP logging to test a setting
    2018-10-18 09:48 [view ] -51.9455 149.8668 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP 0015
    2018-10-18 10:01 [view ] -51.9883 149.8790 eLog test in2018_v05 test for eLog 2.2
    2018-10-18 10:01 [view ] -51.9883 149.8790 eLog test in2018_v05 test for eLog 2.2
    2018-10-18 10:30 [view ] -52.0790 149.9047 eLog test in2018_v05 test for eLog 2.3
    2018-10-18 10:30 [view ] -52.0790 149.9047 eLog test in2018_v05 test for eLog 2.3
    2018-10-18 10:56 [view ] -52.1595 149.9277 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.4
    2018-10-18 10:56 [view ] -52.1595 149.9277 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.4
    2018-10-18 11:33 [view ] -52.2713 149.9595 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.5
    2018-10-18 11:33 [view ] -52.2713 149.9595 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.5
    2018-10-18 11:33 [view ] -52.2732 149.9600 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_0017.asvp applied
    2018-10-18 12:09 [view ] -52.3782 149.9900 eLog test in2018_v05 testing eLog 2.6
    2018-10-18 12:09 [view ] -52.3782 149.9900 eLog test in2018_v05 testing eLog 2.6
    2018-10-18 12:31 [view ] -52.4412 150.0080 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_0018.asvp applied
    2018-10-18 12:48 [view ] -52.4913 150.0223 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.7
    2018-10-18 12:48 [view ] -52.4913 150.0223 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.7
    2018-10-18 13:08 [view ] -52.5465 150.0382 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 New SVP in2018_v05_xbt001.asvp applied New SVP in2018_v05_xbt001.asvp applied
    2018-10-18 13:21 [view ] -52.5842 150.0490 eLog test in2018_v05 testing eLog 2.8
    2018-10-18 13:21 [view ] -52.5842 150.0490 eLog test in2018_v05 testing eLog 2.8
    2018-10-18 14:33 [view ] -52.7943 150.1095 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Suspended logging briefly to change to 3 beams 3 beams selected as topography very undulating
    2018-10-18 14:33 [view ] -52.7943 150.1095 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Restarted Logging with 3 beams selected
    2018-10-18 14:42 [view ] -52.8202 150.1170 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.8
    2018-10-18 14:42 [view ] -52.8202 150.1170 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.8
    2018-10-18 14:44 [view ] -52.8273 150.1192 eLog test in2018_v05 xxx
    2018-10-18 14:44 [view ] -52.8273 150.1192 eLog test in2018_v05 xxx
    2018-10-18 14:45 [view ] -52.8293 150.1197 eLog test in2018_v05
    2018-10-18 14:45 [view ] -52.8293 150.1197 eLog test in2018_v05
    2018-10-18 14:46 [view ] -52.8338 150.1210 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.30
    2018-10-18 14:46 [view ] -52.8338 150.1210 eLog test in2018_v05 test for elog 2.30
    2018-10-18 18:32 [view ] -53.5135 150.3190 Other [view] test in2018_v05 elog 3.2 Wiped out Peter& 39;s test series 2.1-Rec 25 should have been 51
    2018-10-18 18:32 [view ] -53.5135 150.3190 Other [view] test in2018_v05 elog 3.2 Wiped out Peter& 39;s test series 2.1-Rec 25 should have been 51
    2018-10-18 19:16 [view ] -53.6520 150.3597 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-18 19:22 [view ] -53.6708 150.3652 VSAT_in2018_v05
    2018-10-18 19:23 [view ] -53.6728 150.3658 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-18 21:44 [view ] -54.1118 150.4953 Underway Nick Hydrochem Lab : uwy bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v05 Stored Frozen until assay.
    2018-10-19 00:21 [view ] -54.6027 150.6428 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_019.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_019.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 01:12 [view ] -54.7612 150.6908 Other [view] test in2018_v05 Another new with backdated time by 5 hours
    2018-10-19 02:19 [view ] -54.9712 150.7543 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_020.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_020.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 03:00 [view ] -55.1032 150.7943 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_020.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_020.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 03:19 [view ] -55.1648 150.8140 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_022.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 04:25 [view ] -55.3870 150.8818 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start Logging WCD WCD data logging ON
    2018-10-19 04:29 [view ] -55.4012 150.8862 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_023.asvp applied SST = 0.26°C ! TSG SAKINITY = 33.87 ppt
    2018-10-19 04:40 [view ] -55.4385 150.8977 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 New line 0017
    2018-10-19 05:20 [view ] -55.5760 150.9398 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_024.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_024.asvp applied approx. 12 NM away from Mooring site
    2018-10-19 05:30 [view ] -55.6105 150.9505 EM122 [view] Line GSM_in2018_v05 New line selected (0087) New line 0087, 10NM away from Mooring site
    2018-10-19 05:30 [view ] -55.6105 150.9505 SBP [view] Line GSM_in2018_v05 New line selected (0018) New line 0018 (SBP), 10NM away from Mooring site
    2018-10-19 05:33 [view ] -55.6228 150.9543 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_025.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_025.asvp applied (appro.x 10NM away from Moorning site
    2018-10-19 06:06 [view ] -55.7112 150.9812 Other [view] test in2018_v05
    2018-10-19 06:10 [view ] -55.7203 150.9828 Other [view] test in2018_v05 updated
    2018-10-19 06:11 [view ] -55.7223 150.9835 Other [view] test in2018_v05 Test
    2018-10-19 06:14 [view ] -55.7315 150.9867 Other [view] test in2018_v05
    2018-10-19 08:44 [view ] -55.8892 150.8848 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_030.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_030.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 09:30 [view ] -55.7803 150.8513 FIRe [view] restarted in2018_v05 java out of memory error
    2018-10-19 09:34 [view ] -55.7738 150.8390 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Suspended logging due to failure of anti-roll system Bridge called to say they have to break off line to hold vessel into the swell as anti-roll system has failed. Logging suspended (EM122 & SBP)
    2018-10-19 09:35 [view ] -55.7737 150.8373 eLog error in2018_v05 elog deleted the last 14 hours worth of entries from in2018_v05
    2018-10-19 09:35 [view ] -55.7737 150.8373 eLog error in2018_v05 elog deleted the last 14 hours worth of entries from in2018_v05
    2018-10-19 09:55 [view ] -55.7760 150.8488 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Restarted logging on mooring line S to N. Restarted logging on mooring line S to N. EM122 (incl. WCD) = 0096 SBP = 0020
    2018-10-19 10:08 [view ] -55.7462 150.8408 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_031.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 10:46 [view ] -55.6635 150.8157 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_032.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 11:51 [view ] -55.5077 150.7680 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped looging EM122 & SBP Stopped looging EM122 & SBP. Transiting to CTD site nearby.
    2018-10-19 12:25 [view ] -55.5452 150.8582 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP on station at Mooring CTD Start logging SBP on station at Mooring CTD
    2018-10-19 12:26 [view ] -55.5452 150.8583 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 On station for Mooring CTD Position: 55 32.710S; 150 51.516E Depth: 3606
    2018-10-19 12:41 [view ] -55.5452 150.8587 Other [view] Drop GSM_in2018_v05 CTD Dropped
    2018-10-19 12:42 [view ] -55.5452 150.8587 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD Being Recovered - bottles not closed
    2018-10-19 12:47 [view ] -55.5452 150.8588 CTD [view] 2 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-19 12:56 [view ] -55.5452 150.8590 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD Redropped
    2018-10-19 13:33 [view ] -55.5453 150.8582 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging SBP at Mooring CTD Station
    2018-10-19 14:05 [view ] -55.5458 150.8565 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD vs MBES Depth Difference of 13 m (CTD Mooring) CTD = 3592 m (incl altimeter) MBES = 3605 m Therefore MBES is reading deeper by 13 m at Moorings CTD location
    2018-10-19 14:48 [view ] -55.5463 150.8547 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Butanol Emptied/Refilled
    2018-10-19 14:49 [view ] -55.5463 150.8547 CPC 3772 [view] Fault Atmospherics_in2018_v05 MFC Not functioning MFC powered down the display was not showing anything, unsure if this means there was no regulation of flow.... working fine after power down showing nominal flow of 1lm
    2018-10-19 20:56 [view ] -55.6695 150.8585 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_002.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_ctd_002.asvp applied
    2018-10-19 21:00 [view ] -55.6682 150.8587 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe
    2018-10-20 01:46 [view ] -55.5480 150.8545 TSG [view] 1 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 01:46 [view ] -55.5480 150.8545 TSG [view] 1 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 01:50 [view ] -55.5480 150.8545 TSG [view] 2 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 01:50 [view ] -55.5480 150.8545 TSG [view] 2 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 01:52 [view ] -55.5460 150.8550 TSG [view] 3 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 01:52 [view ] -55.5480 150.8545 TSG [view] 3 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 02:43 [view ] -55.5190 150.8568 Other [view] GSM_in2018_v05 All Acoustics Off All Acoustics Off prior to measuring range to Mooring
    2018-10-20 05:54 [view ] -55.5607 150.7940 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v05 restarted after mooring triangulation finished
    2018-10-20 08:37 [view ] -55.5398 150.8788 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v05 back on after successful mooring ping test
    2018-10-20 11:15 [view ] -55.5285 150.1433 Piccaro [view] Adjusted in2018_v05 set write permissions on c:\data for the picarro user
    2018-10-20 11:18 [view ] -55.5283 150.1298 eLog error in2018_v05 more records disappear Several log entries after ID53 have disappeared (about ADCP being turned off and on while pinging the new mooring). Previously missing records between 2 018-10-19 09:35:13 and 2018-10-19 21:00:38 re-appeared
    2018-10-20 11:18 [view ] -55.5283 150.1298 eLog error in2018_v05 missing records turn up again, newer records disappear Several messages entered after ID53 have disappeared (about ADCP being turned off and on while pinging the new mooring)
    2018-10-20 11:33 [view ] -55.5275 150.0595 Piccaro [view] Adjusted in2018_v05 set write permissions on c:\data for picarro user
    2018-10-20 11:35 [view ] -55.5275 150.0523 eLog error in2018_v05 mising adcp records re-appear The records between 2 018-10-19 09:35:13 and 2018-10-19 21:00:38 have disappeared again
    2018-10-20 12:10 [view ] -55.5258 149.8945 Picarro Spectrometer [view] Outage Atmospherics_in2018_v05 software accidently shutdown
    2018-10-20 13:53 [view ] -55.5127 149.4462 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_033.asvp applied
    2018-10-20 15:35 [view ] -55.4903 148.9953 Picarro Spectrometer [view] Outage Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Restarted Picarro. Data distribution on the network was very odd... seemed to be a 'ghost process' doing this job and interfering with the instance with a UI. When the data distributer was shut down, we started to get good data on the network, but that was strange as that is the application that was supposed to disseminate the data. It seemed like there was another, unseen instance doing the same job.
    2018-10-20 15:39 [view ] -55.4893 148.9752 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_034.asvp applied
    2018-10-20 16:15 [view ] -55.4795 148.8132 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-20 16:15 [view ] -55.4795 148.8132 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-20 16:20 [view ] -55.4773 148.7865 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-20 16:20 [view ] -55.4775 148.7890 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-20 16:27 [view ] -55.4735 148.7590 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-20 16:27 [view ] -55.4735 148.7590 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter reentered
    2018-10-20 16:46 [view ] -55.4665 148.7367 eLog restarted in2018_v05 Simplified configuration applied on vm
    2018-10-20 16:46 [view ] -55.3387 148.8047 eLog restarted in2018_v05 Simplified configuration applied on vm
    2018-10-20 16:51 [view ] -55.4670 148.7370 CTD [view] 3 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 16:51 [view ] -55.4670 148.7370 CTD [view] 3 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 18:27 [view ] -55.4737 148.7287 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe
    2018-10-20 18:27 [view ] -55.4737 148.7287 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe reentered
    2018-10-20 18:46 [view ] -55.4752 148.7267 eLog test in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 20:22 [view ] -55.4615 148.7352 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_035.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_035.asvp applied
    2018-10-20 21:46 [view ] -55.3383 148.8048 CTD [view] 4 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-20 21:46 [view ] -55.3383 148.8048 CTD [view] 4 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-21 01:17 [view ] -55.3270 148.8140 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_004.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_ctd_004.asvp applied
    2018-10-21 02:28 [view ] -55.2092 148.8700 CTD [view] 5 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-21 04:12 [view ] -55.2108 148.8673 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_036.asvp applied at stn CTD005
    2018-10-21 05:51 [view ] -55.2118 148.8655 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD recovered to deck - CDT004 completed
    2018-10-21 05:54 [view ] -55.2118 148.8655 CTD [view] Stop in2018_v05 recovered
    2018-10-21 06:00 [view ] -55.2113 148.8673 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Started logging EM122 & SBP
    2018-10-21 06:18 [view ] -55.2100 148.8708 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging of EM122 & SBP as remaining on CTD station 004. Short delay on station to drop floats. Suspended logging until under way.
    2018-10-21 06:53 [view ] -55.2075 148.8712 Other [view] Deployed in2018_v05 EM_APEX float 8490 deployed
    2018-10-21 06:56 [view ] -55.2050 148.8697 Other [view] Deployed in2018_v05 Drifter 65512690 Deployed
    2018-10-21 07:04 [view ] -55.1978 148.8663 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging Start logging EM122 (incl. WCD) & SBP. On route to CDT stn006
    2018-10-21 07:05 [view ] -55.1963 148.8653 Other [view] Deployed in2018_v05 EM-APEX Float 8493 deployed
    2018-10-21 07:06 [view ] -55.1947 148.8640 Other [view] Deployed in2018_v05 Drifter 65613490 Deployed
    2018-10-21 08:00 [view ] -55.0785 148.9365 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived at CTD stn006 Assessing the sea conditions for deployment
    2018-10-21 08:10 [view ] -55.0788 148.9350 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop EM122 & SBP logging at station cdt006
    2018-10-21 08:23 [view ] -55.0793 148.9340 CTD [view] 6 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-21 11:43 [view ] -55.0983 148.9128 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck - CTD stn006 completed Deploying floats and then proceeding to CTD stn007
    2018-10-21 11:57 [view ] -55.0992 148.9107 CTD [view] Stop in2018_v05 retrieved
    2018-10-21 11:57 [view ] -55.0992 148.9107 CTD [view] Stop in2018_v05 retrieved
    2018-10-21 12:00 [view ] -55.0975 148.9128 Other [view] Deployed in2018_v05 EM_APEX float 8492 deployed
    2018-10-21 12:00 [view ] -55.0975 148.9128 Other [view] Deployed in2018_v05 EM_APEX float 8492 deployed
    2018-10-21 12:02 [view ] -55.0953 148.9160 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging Start logging EM122 (incl. WCD) & SBP. On route to CTD stn.007
    2018-10-21 12:07 [view ] -55.0892 148.9252 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_006.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_ctd_006.asvp applied to line 0119.
    2018-10-21 13:15 [view ] -54.9505 149.0023 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 In position at CTD stn 007
    2018-10-21 13:15 [view ] -54.9505 149.0023 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 In position at CTD stn 007. Stopped logging Stopped logging EM22 & SBP while on station
    2018-10-21 13:24 [view ] -54.8235 149.0765 CTD [view] 7 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-21 13:36 [view ] -54.9502 149.0010 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed
    2018-10-21 15:42 [view ] -54.9617 149.0072 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-21 15:50 [view ] -54.9622 149.0073 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-21 15:50 [view ] -54.8578 149.1075 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter reentered
    2018-10-21 15:55 [view ] -54.9623 149.0072 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-21 16:05 [view ] -54.9627 149.0070 Aerosol Lab [view] Observation Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Wrapped nafion dryers in insulation (partially) to see if it explains dewpoint cycling of sample air
    2018-10-21 19:48 [view ] -54.8263 149.0822 CTD [view] 8 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-21 20:39 [view ] -54.8397 149.1148 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe
    2018-10-22 03:15 [view ] -54.8117 149.0572 Triaxus [view] 1 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-22 03:15 [view ] -54.8112 149.0565 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 & SBP briefly at CTD008 Stopped logging while Triaxus being deployed.
    2018-10-22 03:19 [view ] -54.8087 149.0528 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122 & SBP Triaxus 1 run from CTD008 to CTD009
    2018-10-22 03:32 [view ] -54.8112 149.0780 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 0133 is a line turn
    2018-10-22 03:33 [view ] -54.8127 149.0787 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_008.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_ctd_008.asvp applied (Note that ctd007 was not applied and therefore we have increased from ctd006 to ctd008)
    2018-10-22 04:03 [view ] -54.8888 149.1428 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 reentered - time was 15:42:32 54
    2018-10-22 06:01 [view ] -55.1202 149.4047 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_038.asvp applied
    2018-10-22 10:28 [view ] -55.5852 149.9347 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_039.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_039.asvp applied
    2018-10-22 10:48 [view ] -55.6155 149.9702 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Triaxus tow ended ~600m past CDT stn009 - cabling in
    2018-10-22 11:22 [view ] -55.6447 150.0027 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Triaxus onboard
    2018-10-22 11:25 [view ] -55.6457 150.0037 Triaxus [view] 1 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-22 11:26 [view ] -55.6462 150.0043 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging Stopped logging EM122, SBP & QINSy. Turning onto CTD009 for VMP drop followed by CTD.
    2018-10-22 12:21 [view ] -55.6110 149.9658 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP deployed at CTD stn 009
    2018-10-22 14:08 [view ] -55.6105 150.0120 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck - transiting short distance back to CTD 009
    2018-10-22 14:36 [view ] -55.6105 149.9637 CTD [view] 9 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-22 14:50 [view ] -55.6100 149.9647 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed
    2018-10-22 16:02 [view ] -55.6097 149.9648 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe
    2018-10-22 16:05 [view ] -55.6095 149.9648 CTD [view] 9 down in2018_v05 CTD 009 at bottom CTD 009 Reached the bottom at 3842dBar
    2018-10-22 16:50 [view ] -55.6072 149.9653 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-22 16:54 [view ] -55.6068 149.9653 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-22 16:59 [view ] -55.6067 149.9653 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-22 17:51 [view ] -55.6028 149.9658 CTD [view] 9 Stop in2018_v05
    2018-10-22 19:07 [view ] -55.4742 149.9868 CTD [view] 10 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-22 23:41 [view ] -55.4880 150.0928 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_040.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst_040.asvp applied
    2018-10-23 01:11 [view ] -55.3395 149.9990 CTD [view] 11 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-23 03:37 [view ] -55.3490 150.0372 eLog Change in2018_v05 Possibly fixed - turned off the old cluster where a second copy of the elog daemon was running.
    2018-10-23 04:19 [view ] -55.3527 150.0472 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD onboard. CTD stn011 completed
    2018-10-23 04:34 [view ] -55.3352 150.0457 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging Start logging Em122 (incl WCD) and SBP. On route to CTD0012 from CTD0011
    2018-10-23 04:38 [view ] -55.3245 150.0437 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_041.asvp applied
    2018-10-23 05:08 [view ] -55.2502 150.0292 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_011.asvp applied
    2018-10-23 05:28 [view ] -55.2077 150.0177 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived on station at CTD012
    2018-10-23 05:43 [view ] -55.2062 150.0195 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging of EM122 & SBP on CTD station 012
    2018-10-23 05:59 [view ] -55.2063 150.0228 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed
    2018-10-23 09:05 [view ] -55.2265 150.0598 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CDT being recovered to deck - end of CTD0012
    2018-10-23 09:15 [view ] -55.2277 150.0608 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging - moving back to CTD Stn 0012 for VMP as drifted off dueing CTD cast
    2018-10-23 09:15 [view ] -55.2277 150.0608 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Paused logging again for VMP cast at CTD Stn 0012
    2018-10-23 09:30 [view ] -55.2158 150.0362 TSG [view] Sample in2018_v05 tsg04
    2018-10-23 09:31 [view ] -55.2138 150.0323 TSG [view] Sample in2018_v05 TSG05
    2018-10-23 09:32 [view ] -55.2128 150.0303 TSG [view] Sample in2018_v05 TSG06
    2018-10-23 09:45 [view ] -55.2062 150.0158 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP deployed at CTD stn 012
    2018-10-23 11:09 [view ] -55.2240 150.0590 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck
    2018-10-23 11:17 [view ] -55.2213 150.0575 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging Started logging QINSy, EM122 (incl. WCD) and SBP on route for CTD 0013
    2018-10-23 11:17 [view ] -55.2213 150.0575 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_012.asvp applied
    2018-10-23 12:27 [view ] -55.0732 150.0358 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging of EM122 & SBP on CTD station 013
    2018-10-23 12:30 [view ] -55.0747 150.0362 CTD [view] 13 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-23 13:37 [view ] -55.0905 150.0585 Other [view] error in2018_v05 SST radiometer shutter being reported as not opening Shutter.opening reporting No.shutter.end.state Found.CLOSED.switch.stopping There are, however, valid looking ISAR5 and ISGCG messages coming through. SIT are investigating
    2018-10-23 18:58 [view ] -54.9373 150.0598 CTD [view] 14 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-23 19:07 [view ] -54.9383 150.0693 CTD [view] 12 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-23 20:47 [view ] -54.9552 150.1503 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-23 20:51 [view ] -54.9562 150.1528 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-23 20:58 [view ] -54.9580 150.1577 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-23 21:24 [view ] -54.9647 150.1692 Fluorometer [view] error in2018_v05 FiRe fluorometer crashed and rebooted Not sure exactly what happened. Some java issue. I turned the power off for 2 minutes, disconnected USB / adapter and reconnected and rebooted. On reboot, didnt seem to want to log properly so restarted software. Seems to be working now but will continue to monitor over the next few hours.
    2018-10-23 21:27 [view ] -54.9655 150.1707 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe (in process of rebooting)
    2018-10-23 23:29 [view ] -54.9527 150.0625 Triaxus [view] 2 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 02:54 [view ] -55.3112 150.3978 Triaxus [view] Retrieved in2018_v05 tow ended early due to communications errors
    2018-10-24 04:09 [view ] -55.3152 150.3985 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2018_v05 SST radiometer driver update tried updating SST radiometer driver, got: & 39;An error occurred during acquisition startup& 39; reverted to the old driver and restarted, got the same error :( Shut down and re-installed the new driver, restarted, but still getting the error message. SST still running OK on Techsas 2, but could not get it going on Techsas 1. Eventually resolved with a chmod 775 on the file (to make it executable)
    2018-10-24 04:20 [view ] -55.3285 150.4133 Triaxus [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 05:47 [view ] -55.4870 150.5635 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_043.asvp applied
    2018-10-24 05:52 [view ] -55.4960 150.5720 SBP [view] Crash GSM_in2018_v05 SBP stopped - attempting to re-acquire
    2018-10-24 05:58 [view ] -55.5078 150.5832 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_044.asvp applied
    2018-10-24 05:58 [view ] -55.5078 150.5832 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Restarted logging in SBP after a 'crash'/Freezeup
    2018-10-24 07:34 [view ] -55.6830 150.7478 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging SBP at CTD stn 015
    2018-10-24 07:56 [view ] -55.7073 150.7780 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 at CTD015
    2018-10-24 07:58 [view ] -55.7083 150.7798 Triaxus [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 08:52 [view ] -55.6540 150.7270 CTD [view] 15 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 08:53 [view ] -55.6538 150.7273 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at stn 015
    2018-10-24 08:54 [view ] -55.6538 150.7275 Techsas2 [view] Adjusted in2018_v05 Installed and started using the new SST radiometer driver
    2018-10-24 09:16 [view ] -55.6540 150.7363 CTD [view] 15 Stop in2018_v05 brought back on board due to a noisy O2 channel
    2018-10-24 09:23 [view ] -55.6537 150.7363 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD back on deck - O2 sensor has issue - investigating
    2018-10-24 09:44 [view ] -55.6537 150.7335 CTD [view] 15 restarted in2018_v05 re-deployed after repairs were made to the O2 cable
    2018-10-24 09:47 [view ] -55.6537 150.7363 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD re-deployed - O2 working
    2018-10-24 12:12 [view ] -55.6560 150.7570 CCNC [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 fill milli q and zero check
    2018-10-24 12:44 [view ] -55.6572 150.7615 Aerosol Lab [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 emptied inlet water drain bottle
    2018-10-24 12:55 [view ] -55.6575 150.7628 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD onboard. CTD stn015 completed. Preparing for VMP deployment
    2018-10-24 12:56 [view ] -55.6575 150.7630 CTD [view] 15 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 13:07 [view ] -55.6583 150.7667 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 14:19 [view ] -55.6697 150.7937 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_015.asvp applied
    2018-10-24 14:38 [view ] -55.6717 150.7982 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 14:42 [view ] -55.6720 150.7987 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck - preparing to transit to CTD0016
    2018-10-24 15:05 [view ] -55.6175 150.7527 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 New SBP Logging Line New SBP Logging Line 0036
    2018-10-24 16:00 [view ] -55.5220 150.6140 CTD [view] 16 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 16:19 [view ] -55.5247 150.6218 TSG [view] restarted in2018_v05 Restarted TSG deck unit, fluorometer data was not displaying
    2018-10-24 16:36 [view ] -55.5270 150.6277 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-24 16:41 [view ] -55.5273 150.6293 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-24 16:49 [view ] -55.5278 150.6318 Metstation Other in2018_v05 Clamped off soft hose to barometer drain bottle, looking for pressure artefact with wind direction. This had been done previously but was removed at unknown time.
    2018-10-24 19:26 [view ] -55.5333 150.6732 CTD [view] in2018_v05 CTD 016 out of wter and back on deck
    2018-10-24 19:36 [view ] -55.5340 150.6777 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 21:09 [view ] -55.5462 150.7508 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-24 22:35 [view ] -55.3852 150.6793 CTD [view] 17 Deployed in2018_v05 start of CTD 017
    2018-10-24 22:35 [view ] -55.3852 150.6795 CTD [view] 17 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-25 01:55 [view ] -55.4020 150.7483 CTD [view] 17 Retrieved in2018_v05 CTD on deck
    2018-10-25 03:42 [view ] -55.4233 150.8053 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck - preparing to transit to CTD018
    2018-10-25 03:47 [view ] -55.4160 150.8002 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Restarted pinging and recording on all sonars (EM122, SBP, EK60). Heading to CTD018 Em122 (line 0177) incl WCD SBP (Line 036) EK60
    2018-10-25 03:49 [view ] -55.4128 150.7980 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_017.asvp applied
    2018-10-25 05:10 [view ] -55.2533 150.6582 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 & SBP at CTD stn 0018
    2018-10-25 05:20 [view ] -55.2560 150.6625 CTD [view] 18 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-25 05:25 [view ] -55.2575 150.6653 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at stn 0018
    2018-10-25 08:52 [view ] -55.3057 150.7375 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck. Repositioning for VMP
    2018-10-25 08:54 [view ] -55.3062 150.7383 CTD [view] 18 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-25 09:17 [view ] -55.3113 150.7467 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 EM122, SBP & EK60 all pinging paused for VMP drop. Testing of WHOI winch with weight
    2018-10-25 09:38 [view ] -55.3158 150.7555 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP in the water Off CTD018 site by 5NM. Position: 50 19.967S; 150 45.365E
    2018-10-25 09:38 [view ] -55.3160 150.7558 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-25 10:20 [view ] -55.3228 150.7687 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-25 10:32 [view ] -55.3228 150.7610 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start pinging of sonars and logging (EM122, SBP & EK60, QINSy) EM122 (line 0179) SBP (line 0039)
    2018-10-25 12:03 [view ] -55.1152 150.6392 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 & SBP at CTD stn 0019
    2018-10-25 12:28 [view ] -55.1150 150.6328 CTD [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-25 12:29 [view ] -55.1150 150.6330 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CDT in the water - CTD0019
    2018-10-25 15:39 [view ] -55.1245 150.6892 CTD [view] 19 Retrieved in2018_v05 CTD 019 On Deck
    2018-10-25 17:35 [view ] -55.0258 150.6413 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-25 17:36 [view ] -55.0252 150.6408 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-25 17:40 [view ] -55.0182 150.6362 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-25 18:20 [view ] -54.9868 150.6277 CTD [view] 20 Deployed in2018_v05 Transect 3.6; Bow thruster will be on for this deployment.
    2018-10-25 21:47 [view ] -54.9928 150.7575 CTD [view] 20 Retrieved in2018_v05 Done with station 020
    2018-10-25 22:05 [view ] -54.9947 150.7713 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-25 23:43 [view ] -55.0013 150.8450 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-26 02:11 [view ] -54.8513 150.5950 CTD [view] Deployed in2018_v05 CTD 021 deployment Deployment of CTD 021 -- Transect 3.7 -- bow thruster still on.
    2018-10-26 02:30 [view ] -54.8532 150.6025 Metstation Stop in2018_v05 SST Radiometer not closing properly in rain, helped it closed and shut down for the voyage
    2018-10-26 05:41 [view ] -54.8660 150.7102 CTD [view] Stop in2018_v05
    2018-10-26 05:42 [view ] -54.8660 150.7110 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck
    2018-10-26 06:14 [view ] -54.8657 150.7380 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-26 06:30 [view ] -54.8662 150.7550 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP deployed - All sonars set to OFF
    2018-10-26 07:19 [view ] -54.8695 150.7947 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-26 07:22 [view ] -54.8697 150.7970 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP back on deck. All sonars back on.
    2018-10-26 07:23 [view ] -54.8698 150.7982 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_021.asvp applied
    2018-10-26 07:41 [view ] -54.8655 150.7630 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP and QINSy (EM60 already logging) Prepositioning back to CTD stn 021 for Triaxus deployment.
    2018-10-26 08:29 [view ] -54.8318 150.5890 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Triaxus in the water and paying out
    2018-10-26 08:33 [view ] -54.8318 150.5857 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 File changed to 0188 for turn. SBP logged off on file 0042 for turn
    2018-10-26 08:57 [view ] -54.8622 150.6057 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Turn complete - changed file names 0189 (EM122) & 0043 (SBP) On line for run Triaxus 3
    2018-10-26 09:00 [view ] -54.8673 150.6132 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Acquisition window reduced from 400 to 350ms
    2018-10-26 09:16 [view ] -54.8945 150.6602 Triaxus [view] 3 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-26 10:08 [view ] -54.9833 150.7977 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_046.asvp applied
    2018-10-26 10:11 [view ] -54.9883 150.8057 SBP [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped file 0043, changed Acq window to 250ms and logged back on file 0044
    2018-10-26 11:55 [view ] -55.1602 151.0740 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 MBES angles changed to 72° from 68° to obtain additional coverage over ridge
    2018-10-26 16:16 [view ] -55.5783 151.7318 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe
    2018-10-26 19:24 [view ] -55.8317 152.0782 Triaxus [view] 3 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-26 20:14 [view ] -55.7917 152.0750 CTD [view] 22 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-26 21:26 [view ] -55.6410 152.9992 WinchServer restarted in2018_v05 python job
    2018-10-26 22:01 [view ] -55.7915 152.1153 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-26 22:04 [view ] -55.7915 152.1163 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-26 22:07 [view ] -55.7915 152.1177 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-26 23:17 [view ] -55.7928 152.1425 CTD [view] 22 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 02:09 [view ] -55.6580 152.0293 CTD [view] 023 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 03:52 [view ] -55.6655 152.0463 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 butenol refuel
    2018-10-27 04:30 [view ] -55.6715 152.0563 Radiometers Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Clean glass
    2018-10-27 05:36 [view ] -55.6657 152.0768 CTD [view] 23 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 05:44 [view ] -55.6648 152.0818 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck end of CTD023
    2018-10-27 05:46 [view ] -55.6647 152.0835 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_023.asvp applied
    2018-10-27 05:50 [view ] -55.6643 152.0855 TSG [view] 007 calibration in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 05:51 [view ] -55.6643 152.0858 TSG [view] 008 calibration in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 05:51 [view ] -55.6643 152.0862 TSG [view] 009 calibration in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 06:03 [view ] -55.6638 152.0932 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 06:06 [view ] -55.6637 152.0952 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP in water. All sounders OFF
    2018-10-27 07:23 [view ] -55.6627 152.1433 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck - sonars back on
    2018-10-27 07:24 [view ] -55.6625 152.1442 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 07:32 [view ] -55.6515 152.1345 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Started logging in EM122, SBP and QINSy Had to & 39;soft restart& 39; SBP as wasn& 39;t pinging on start.
    2018-10-27 08:13 [view ] -55.5395 152.0092 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_047.asvp applied
    2018-10-27 08:23 [view ] -55.5233 151.9900 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 024
    2018-10-27 08:32 [view ] -55.5223 151.9947 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Paused logging at CTD Stn 024 (EM122, SBP, QINSy)
    2018-10-27 08:34 [view ] -55.5222 151.9958 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed
    2018-10-27 08:38 [view ] -55.5218 151.9980 CTD [view] 24 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 11:21 [view ] -55.5065 152.0238 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Started logging EM122 briefly (test)
    2018-10-27 11:38 [view ] -55.5048 152.0278 CTD [view] 24 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 11:40 [view ] -55.5048 152.0275 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck. Preparinf for VMP
    2018-10-27 11:54 [view ] -55.5058 152.0248 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP deployed - All sonars set to OFF
    2018-10-27 11:55 [view ] -55.5058 152.0248 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 13:05 [view ] -55.5058 152.0533 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 13:08 [view ] -55.5060 152.0548 Seapath [view] warning GSM_in2018_v05 Seapath corrections outage Seapath G2 and RTCM dropping out more frequently, Bridge also alerted GSM to this. Changed from Chan B (POR) to A (AusSat) - RTCM back in but G2 still acquiring.
    2018-10-27 13:08 [view ] -55.5060 152.0548 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck. Sonars back ON
    2018-10-27 13:18 [view ] -55.5013 152.0512 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122 and QINSy (SBP still finding bottom)
    2018-10-27 13:20 [view ] -55.5013 152.0512 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_024.asvp applied
    2018-10-27 13:52 [view ] -55.4325 151.9833 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP Due to significantly undulating seafloor topography SBP is unable to get a good lock on the bottom.
    2018-10-27 14:18 [view ] -55.3915 151.9517 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 & CTD. At CTD stn 025 CTD launched
    2018-10-27 14:19 [view ] -55.3915 151.9517 CTD [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 15:32 [view ] -55.3948 151.9545 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-27 15:37 [view ] -55.3952 151.9545 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-27 15:42 [view ] -55.3953 151.9547 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-27 17:25 [view ] -55.4022 151.9562 CTD [view] 025 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 17:54 [view ] -55.4007 151.9658 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 19:03 [view ] -55.4017 151.9733 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 20:18 [view ] -55.2537 151.9130 CTD [view] 026 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 22:55 [view ] -55.2508 151.9140 CTD [view] 026 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-27 23:05 [view ] -55.2512 151.9105 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 00:09 [view ] -55.2537 151.9185 Fluorometer [view] error in2018_v05 FIRe fluorometer crashed and rebooted Crashed again.....
    2018-10-28 01:16 [view ] -55.1247 151.8740 CTD [view] 27 Deployed in2018_v05 CTD 27 Deployed
    2018-10-28 02:38 [view ] -55.1242 151.8747 Metstation Other in2018_v05 Removed clamp from barometer drain to see if there are any differences now
    2018-10-28 04:35 [view ] -55.1265 151.8742 CTD [view] 27 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 04:39 [view ] -55.1267 151.8742 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck. Preparing for VMP. Sonars to OFF
    2018-10-28 04:52 [view ] -55.1277 151.8747 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP in the water
    2018-10-28 04:53 [view ] -55.1278 151.8748 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 06:06 [view ] -55.1280 151.8773 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 06:11 [view ] -55.1280 151.8778 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck. Sonars back ON
    2018-10-28 06:14 [view ] -55.1265 151.8752 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP, QINSy & EK60 EM122=0213 SBP=0050
    2018-10-28 06:26 [view ] -55.0982 151.8623 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_027.asvp applied
    2018-10-28 07:11 [view ] -54.9933 151.8368 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 028. CTD going in the water.
    2018-10-28 07:12 [view ] -54.9933 151.8370 CTD [view] 28 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 07:22 [view ] -54.9937 151.8385 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped looging at CTD stn 0028
    2018-10-28 08:13 [view ] -54.9955 151.8393 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 stop logging
    2018-10-28 10:21 [view ] -55.0033 151.8410 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 028. No VMP at this station
    2018-10-28 10:25 [view ] -55.0035 151.8410 CTD [view] 28 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 10:26 [view ] -55.0037 151.8412 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122
    2018-10-28 10:31 [view ] -55.0038 151.8412 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_028.asvp applied
    2018-10-28 10:36 [view ] -55.0012 151.8385 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP
    2018-10-28 11:52 [view ] -54.8607 151.7953 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed
    2018-10-28 11:54 [view ] -54.8608 151.7955 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging on CTD station
    2018-10-28 11:54 [view ] -54.8608 151.7955 CTD [view] 29 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 14:56 [view ] -54.8625 151.7973 CTD [view] 29 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-28 15:03 [view ] -54.8628 151.7970 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD back on deck. CTD stn 029 completed
    2018-10-28 15:06 [view ] -54.8580 151.7948 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy
    2018-10-28 15:40 [view ] -54.7720 151.7677 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-28 15:40 [view ] -54.7710 151.7673 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-28 15:43 [view ] -54.7620 151.7648 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-28 16:11 [view ] -54.7270 151.7638 CTD [view] 030 Deployed in2018_v05 Delay at 50m w/o getting winchroom cctv system connection. Resumed 1711.
    2018-10-28 18:36 [view ] -54.7257 151.7908 Metstation Other in2018_v05 Put clip back on again for further test
    2018-10-28 21:25 [view ] -54.5933 151.7215 CTD [view] 031 Deployed in2018_v05 CTD 31 Deployed
    2018-10-29 03:23 [view ] -54.4607 151.6883 CTD [view] 32 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-29 03:28 [view ] -54.4595 151.6913 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived on station at CTD032
    2018-10-29 03:39 [view ] -54.4582 151.6947 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging of EM122 & SBP on CTD station 032
    2018-10-29 04:42 [view ] -54.4537 151.7120 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Started logging on stantion for some additional data while drifing
    2018-10-29 05:14 [view ] -54.4537 151.7120 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped Logging
    2018-10-29 06:44 [view ] -54.4378 151.7570 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging
    2018-10-29 06:49 [view ] -54.4367 151.7600 CTD [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-29 06:55 [view ] -54.4353 151.7635 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck. Preparing for VMP. All Sonars OFF
    2018-10-29 07:05 [view ] -54.4327 151.7688 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-29 07:17 [view ] -54.4285 151.7770 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP has been deployed
    2018-10-29 08:11 [view ] -54.4157 151.8028 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP at surface. Sonars back ON
    2018-10-29 08:12 [view ] -54.4155 151.8032 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-29 08:23 [view ] -54.4133 151.7977 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy. Repositioning back on site for Triaxus run
    2018-10-29 08:26 [view ] -54.4132 151.7883 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_032.asvp applied
    2018-10-29 09:22 [view ] -54.4278 151.6037 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Triaxus being deployed
    2018-10-29 09:24 [view ] -54.4287 151.6003 Triaxus [view] 4 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-29 09:31 [view ] -54.4310 151.5920 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 New file 0229 - TURN (logged off SBP for turn)
    2018-10-29 09:56 [view ] -54.4620 151.6345 Triaxus [view] 4 Adjusted in2018_v05 logging leg 2 - lined up and undulating
    2018-10-29 10:00 [view ] -54.4622 151.6493 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Turn complete - new EM122 file 0230 & SBP file 0057
    2018-10-29 12:33 [view ] -54.4215 152.2390 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst_048.asvp applied
    2018-10-29 14:58 [view ] -54.3890 152.6958 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-29 14:59 [view ] -54.3887 152.6978 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_049.asvp applied
    2018-10-29 15:00 [view ] -54.3885 152.7017 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-29 15:02 [view ] -54.3882 152.7068 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-30 02:17 [view ] -55.4017 153.5647 Triaxus [view] 4 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 02:58 [view ] -55.3695 153.5338 CTD [view] 33 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 02:59 [view ] -55.3695 153.5340 CTD [view] 33 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 03:19 [view ] -55.3697 153.5345 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_ctd_050.asvp applied
    2018-10-30 03:20 [view ] -55.3697 153.5347 Starboard Start VSAT_in2018_v05 No internet connection. Modem flashing amber, Rebooted VSAT dropouts. Re targeted, restarted active modem. Came back on line, called Acutec to advise.
    2018-10-30 03:21 [view ] -55.3697 153.5347 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging of EM122 & SBP on CTD station 033
    2018-10-30 06:40 [view ] -55.3762 153.5042 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck. No VMP at this station
    2018-10-30 06:45 [view ] -55.3770 153.5012 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP Transiting to CTD034
    2018-10-30 07:05 [view ] -55.4095 153.4300 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD033.asvp applied
    2018-10-30 07:22 [view ] -55.4393 153.3733 CTD [view] 33 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 07:35 [view ] -55.4545 153.3505 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived on CTD station 034
    2018-10-30 07:52 [view ] -55.4578 153.3533 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging of EM122 & SBP on CTD station 034 CTD deployed
    2018-10-30 07:56 [view ] -55.4590 153.3533 CTD [view] 34 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 11:17 [view ] -55.4825 153.3512 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 034. VMP to follow.
    2018-10-30 11:25 [view ] -55.4825 153.3493 CTD [view] 34 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 11:35 [view ] -55.4832 153.3477 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 11:36 [view ] -55.4832 153.3477 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD034.asvp applied
    2018-10-30 11:36 [view ] -55.4832 153.3477 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP deployed. All sounders OFF
    2018-10-30 12:35 [view ] -55.4935 153.3592 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 12:44 [view ] -55.4950 153.3612 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck
    2018-10-30 12:48 [view ] -55.4958 153.3630 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy
    2018-10-30 13:11 [view ] -55.5128 153.2860 CTD [view] Change in2018_v05 changed 2ndry conductivity sensor from 3168 to 2235 -> in2018_v05_2.xmlcon
    2018-10-30 13:48 [view ] -55.5403 153.1677 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 035. CTD going in the water.
    2018-10-30 13:50 [view ] -55.5407 153.1675 CTD [view] 35 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 13:56 [view ] -55.5418 153.1685 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging SBP at CTD stn 035
    2018-10-30 16:28 [view ] -55.5643 153.1725 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-10-30 16:32 [view ] -55.5652 153.1727 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-30 16:37 [view ] -55.5663 153.1728 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-30 17:03 [view ] -55.5717 153.1737 CTD [view] 35 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 17:15 [view ] -55.5732 153.1740 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 18:31 [view ] -55.5958 153.2093 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-30 19:56 [view ] -55.6240 152.9813 CTD [view] 36 Deployed in2018_v05 CTD 036 Deployed
    2018-10-30 21:10 [view ] -55.6385 152.9980 CTD [view] 36 Start in2018_v05 CTD 036 At Bottom
    2018-10-30 21:26 [view ] -55.6410 152.9992 WinchServer restarted in2018_v05 python job
    2018-10-30 23:20 [view ] -55.6512 153.0188 CTD [view] 36 Retrieved in2018_v05 CTD 036 Retrieved
    2018-10-30 23:31 [view ] -55.6523 153.0215 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 00:40 [view ] -55.6650 153.0450 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 00:46 [view ] -55.6655 153.0453 Other [view] in2018_v05 Drifter Deployment Drifter 65613430 deployed.
    2018-10-31 00:51 [view ] -55.6670 153.0370 Other [view] in2018_v05 Drifter Deployment Drifter 65512710 deployed
    2018-10-31 01:56 [view ] -55.7060 152.8015 CTD [view] 37 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 03:06 [view ] -55.7055 152.8175 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD036.asvp applied
    2018-10-31 03:07 [view ] -55.7055 152.8177 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging
    2018-10-31 05:07 [view ] -55.7050 152.8422 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 037.
    2018-10-31 05:09 [view ] -55.7050 152.8427 CTD [view] 37 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 05:20 [view ] -55.7058 152.8455 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Logging EM122 and SBP onroute to CTD 038
    2018-10-31 05:21 [view ] -55.7058 152.8435 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD037.asvp applied
    2018-10-31 06:33 [view ] -55.7902 152.6108 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 038.
    2018-10-31 06:40 [view ] -55.7907 152.6110 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped SBP at CTD stn 038
    2018-10-31 06:53 [view ] -55.7910 152.6127 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at stn 0038
    2018-10-31 06:55 [view ] -55.7912 152.6140 CTD [view] 38 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 07:58 [view ] -55.7955 152.6352 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122
    2018-10-31 10:22 [view ] -55.7992 152.6753 CTD [view] 38 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 10:23 [view ] -55.7992 152.6755 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 038. Deploying 2 floats
    2018-10-31 10:29 [view ] -55.7990 152.6773 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122
    2018-10-31 10:32 [view ] -55.7993 152.6770 Other [view] in2018_v05 Drifter 5512720 deployed
    2018-10-31 10:35 [view ] -55.7997 152.6732 Other [view] in2018_v05 Drifter 5613580 Deployed
    2018-10-31 10:39 [view ] -55.8012 152.6652 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP
    2018-10-31 11:25 [view ] -55.8415 152.5162 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD038.asvp applied
    2018-10-31 12:09 [view ] -55.8737 152.4213 CTD [view] 39 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 12:10 [view ] -55.8737 152.4212 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging SBP on CTD station 039. Still logging EM122 & WCD
    2018-10-31 12:14 [view ] -55.8740 152.4222 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at stn 0039
    2018-10-31 13:22 [view ] -55.8772 152.4467 winchserver restarted in2018_v05 restarted rap python script
    2018-10-31 13:40 [view ] -55.8787 152.4507 WinchServer restarted in2018_v05 restarted rap script
    2018-10-31 13:45 [view ] -55.8790 152.4500 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-10-31 13:48 [view ] -55.8792 152.4497 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 cleaned
    2018-10-31 14:59 [view ] -55.8880 152.4752 CTD [view] 39 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 15:44 [view ] -55.9287 152.3352 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-10-31 16:25 [view ] -55.9565 152.2347 CTD [view] 040 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 16:50 [view ] -55.9568 152.2397 TSG [view] 10 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 16:53 [view ] -55.9568 152.2403 TSG [view] 11 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 16:56 [view ] -55.9568 152.2408 TSG [view] 12 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 19:38 [view ] -55.9662 152.2625 CTD [view] 40 Retrieved in2018_v05 CTD 040 Retrieved
    2018-10-31 19:50 [view ] -55.9670 152.2655 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 20:56 [view ] -55.9723 152.2838 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 21:27 [view ] -55.9725 152.2923 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-10-31 22:30 [view ] -55.9725 152.2923 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 00:26 [view ] -56.0860 152.3065 ADCP [view] restarted in2018_v05 logging Request from Jules
    2018-11-01 01:04 [view ] -56.0590 152.3282 ADCP [view] restarted in2018_v05 150 deck unit 150khz not logging
    2018-11-01 03:32 [view ] -56.1792 152.6485 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst051.asvp applied
    2018-11-01 04:01 [view ] -56.2530 152.7617 Other [view] Stop VSAT_in2018_v05 ship to shore signal dropped out during a phone call to Ian. Could still hear the shore side OK
    2018-11-01 05:15 [view ] -56.4233 153.0367 ADCP [view] restarted in2018_v05 Hugh fixed the /dev/ttyUSB issues and restarted. OS150 still not registering Connects but doesn& 39;t receive any data. Hugh& 39;s fowarded on to Jules for further analysis
    2018-11-01 05:23 [view ] -56.4225 153.0382 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived on CTD station 041. SBP stopped logging. MBES file chaged to 0295 Continue logging of EM122
    2018-11-01 05:24 [view ] -56.4225 153.0383 CTD [view] 41 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 05:32 [view ] -56.4215 153.0412 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed
    2018-11-01 08:09 [view ] -56.4067 153.0892 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped recording WCD
    2018-11-01 08:39 [view ] -56.4040 153.0983 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD041. VMP to follow.
    2018-11-01 08:39 [view ] -56.4038 153.0987 CTD [view] 41 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 08:48 [view ] -56.4028 153.1008 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD041.asvp applied
    2018-11-01 08:52 [view ] -56.4027 153.1017 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122. VMP being deployed. All sonars OFF
    2018-11-01 08:57 [view ] -56.4025 153.1023 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 10:06 [view ] -56.4023 153.1368 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 10:07 [view ] -56.4023 153.1375 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP onboard. Sonars back ON
    2018-11-01 10:14 [view ] -56.4023 153.1393 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122 + WCD.
    2018-11-01 10:18 [view ] -56.3948 153.1403 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP
    2018-11-01 10:53 [view ] -56.3043 153.1455 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 042
    2018-11-01 10:53 [view ] -56.3043 153.1455 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging SBP
    2018-11-01 11:03 [view ] -56.3047 153.1472 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at stn 042
    2018-11-01 11:05 [view ] -56.3047 153.1472 CTD [view] 42 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 11:24 [view ] -56.3048 153.1527 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 - noisy data on station
    2018-11-01 12:15 [view ] -56.3020 153.1728 ADCP [view] Reboot in2018_v05 found that both os150 and 75 were off - did some debugging with Will, confirming that the serial ports were receiving data, modifying the configuration file and communicating and restarting each. Then found that Jules had logged in earlier probably turning off the operating os75 in the process
    2018-11-01 14:01 [view ] -56.3040 153.2067 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Restarted logging EM122 - drifting away from CTD station
    2018-11-01 14:03 [view ] -56.3042 153.2078 CTD [view] 42 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 14:05 [view ] -56.3042 153.2083 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 042. VMP to follow.
    2018-11-01 14:15 [view ] -56.3043 153.2112 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122. VMP being deployed. All sonars OFF
    2018-11-01 14:23 [view ] -56.3048 153.2165 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 15:15 [view ] -56.3090 153.2543 ADCP [view] Other in2018_v05 150 pinging
    2018-11-01 15:30 [view ] -56.3103 153.2643 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 16:02 [view ] -56.2408 153.2658 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-11-01 16:07 [view ] -56.2260 153.2665 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-11-01 16:10 [view ] -56.2167 153.2670 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-11-01 16:33 [view ] -56.1895 153.2722 CTD [view] 43 Deployed in2018_v05 CTD 043 Deployed
    2018-11-01 19:29 [view ] -56.2082 153.3272 CTD [view] 43 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 19:52 [view ] -56.2098 153.3347 ADCP [view] Change in2018_v05 Jules connecting
    2018-11-01 20:45 [view ] -56.2135 153.3482 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 20:56 [view ] -56.2142 153.3485 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-01 21:30 [view ] -56.1313 153.3725 ADCP [view] restarted in2018_v05 os150 logging again Change os150 default CX1,0 to CX0.0. Thanks Jules!
    2018-11-01 22:02 [view ] -56.0718 153.3863 CTD [view] 44 Deployed in2018_v05 CTD 44 deployed
    2018-11-02 01:16 [view ] -56.0650 153.3987 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 01:43 [view ] -56.0660 153.4008 CTD [view] 44 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 02:19 [view ] -56.0653 153.4112 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 03:15 [view ] -55.9570 153.5155 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived on CTD station 045. Incremented EM122 line to 0317. Stopped logging SBP. CTD deployed
    2018-11-02 03:15 [view ] -55.9570 153.5155 CTD [view] 45 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 03:26 [view ] -55.9565 153.5232 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst053.asvp applied
    2018-11-02 06:23 [view ] -55.9642 153.6257 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 045. VMP to follow.
    2018-11-02 06:29 [view ] -55.9637 153.6298 CTD [view] 45 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 06:31 [view ] -55.9635 153.6305 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122. VMP being deployed. All sonars OFF
    2018-11-02 07:49 [view ] -55.9673 153.6787 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 07:56 [view ] -55.9640 153.6823 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy EK60 pinging and logging
    2018-11-02 07:56 [view ] -55.9640 153.6823 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD045.asvp applied
    2018-11-02 08:53 [view ] -55.8418 153.6330 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 046.
    2018-11-02 09:07 [view ] -55.8458 153.6382 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at stn 046
    2018-11-02 09:07 [view ] -55.8460 153.6385 CTD [view] 46 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 09:19 [view ] -55.8470 153.6485 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped SBP at CTD stn 046
    2018-11-02 09:22 [view ] -55.8472 153.6507 Other [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 CTD drop ABORTED and being recovered due to weather Will wait an hour and reassess conditions
    2018-11-02 09:22 [view ] -55.8473 153.6510 CTD [view] Stop in2018_v05 brought back on board. Standing by to see if the wind decreases over the next hour
    2018-11-02 10:40 [view ] -55.8672 153.6743 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 - holding on weather at station
    2018-11-02 10:59 [view ] -55.8618 153.6843 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy. Moving to new CTD location CTD046 has been aborted and we are transiting to a new CTD location to be determined by the Bridge based on wind/currents
    2018-11-02 11:18 [view ] -55.8255 153.6918 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst054.asvp applied
    2018-11-02 12:28 [view ] -55.7825 153.6950 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at new stn 046 New position of CTD station 46 = -55.78238; 153.69450
    2018-11-02 12:29 [view ] -55.7825 153.6950 CTD [view] 46 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 13:00 [view ] -55.7837 153.6985 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Butanol Emptied/Refilled
    2018-11-02 13:02 [view ] -55.7838 153.6988 Ozone Monitor [view] Observation Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Consistently flagging low flow and pressure on both instruments
    2018-11-02 13:23 [view ] -55.7832 153.7045 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging SBP. CTD046
    2018-11-02 14:32 [view ] -55.7817 153.7172 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Filter cleaned
    2018-11-02 14:33 [view ] -55.7817 153.7173 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2018_v05 Filter cleaned
    2018-11-02 15:40 [view ] -55.7810 153.7267 CTD [view] 46 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 15:52 [view ] -55.7812 153.7283 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 16:46 [view ] -55.7928 153.7425 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 18:30 [view ] -55.6075 153.8663 CTD [view] 47 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 21:50 [view ] -55.6373 153.8905 CTD [view] 47 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 21:58 [view ] -55.6383 153.8933 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 23:04 [view ] -55.6515 153.9165 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-02 23:17 [view ] -55.6532 153.9103 Triaxus [view] 6 Deployed in2018_v05 Tow 6 (after CTD 047)
    2018-11-03 08:20 [view ] -56.7420 153.8882 Triaxus [view] 6 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-03 08:32 [view ] -56.7505 153.8765 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 EM122 file number changed to 0347 for turn. SBP logged off 0070 for turn
    2018-11-03 08:40 [view ] -56.7440 153.8683 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Turn completed - file number advanced for EM and SBP
    2018-11-03 09:50 [view ] -56.5682 153.9613 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122, SBP & EK60. VMP being deployed. All sonars OFF On station CTD048
    2018-11-03 09:53 [view ] -56.5687 153.9622 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-03 11:00 [view ] -56.5900 153.9680 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-03 11:01 [view ] -56.5903 153.9678 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP complete at CTD048. Preparing to deploy CTD
    2018-11-03 11:18 [view ] -56.5908 153.9675 CTD [view] 48 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-03 11:19 [view ] -56.5908 153.9675 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed
    2018-11-03 14:23 [view ] -56.6017 153.9567 CTD [view] 48 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-03 14:26 [view ] -56.6018 153.9565 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck end of CTD048
    2018-11-03 14:33 [view ] -56.5995 153.9553 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP. Transit to CTD049
    2018-11-03 17:29 [view ] -56.4550 154.0480 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe
    2018-11-03 18:21 [view ] -56.4633 154.0565 CTD [view] 049 Retrieved in2018_v05 CTD 049 completed; no VMP after this one due to weather.
    2018-11-03 19:21 [view ] -56.4007 154.0810 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-11-03 19:26 [view ] -56.3875 154.0852 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-11-03 19:29 [view ] -56.3778 154.0882 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-11-03 20:42 [view ] -56.2903 154.1478 CTD [view] 050 Deployed in2018_v05 on the way down, at 1250 dbar
    2018-11-03 23:15 [view ] -56.3020 154.1852 CTD [view] 050 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 00:27 [view ] -56.1657 154.2850 CTD [view] 051 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 03:27 [view ] -56.1798 154.3305 CTD [view] 51 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 03:37 [view ] -56.1810 154.3320 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck and secured. VMP prepared for deployment. All sonars OFF
    2018-11-04 03:44 [view ] -56.1818 154.3325 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP in the water
    2018-11-04 03:44 [view ] -56.1820 154.3328 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 04:51 [view ] -56.1948 154.3593 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 04:55 [view ] -56.1958 154.3610 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck. Sonars back ON
    2018-11-04 05:08 [view ] -56.1783 154.3663 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy
    2018-11-04 05:08 [view ] -56.1783 154.3663 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD051.asvp applied
    2018-11-04 05:21 [view ] -56.1428 154.3812 CCNC [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 HEPA filter weekly ZERO check Zero check successful - <5 or better particales after a minute
    2018-11-04 06:02 [view ] -56.0587 154.4250 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst055.asvp applied Arrived at CTD052. CTD deployed. New SVP applied to EM122. SBP logging off.
    2018-11-04 06:03 [view ] -56.0590 154.4263 CTD [view] 52 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 06:48 [view ] -56.0682 154.4548 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 on CTD station 052
    2018-11-04 09:20 [view ] -56.0912 154.5117 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 052. VMP to follow.
    2018-11-04 09:20 [view ] -56.0912 154.5118 CTD [view] 52 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 09:25 [view ] -56.0912 154.5117 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP being deployed. all sonars to OFF
    2018-11-04 09:36 [view ] -56.0948 154.5232 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 10:46 [view ] -56.1138 154.5667 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 10:54 [view ] -56.1163 154.5720 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 All Sonars back ON. Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy
    2018-11-04 10:54 [view ] -56.1163 154.5720 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD052.asvp applied
    2018-11-04 12:14 [view ] -55.9442 154.5503 CTD [view] 53 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 12:18 [view ] -55.9443 154.5502 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived on CTD station 053. Incremented EM122 line to 0370. Stopped logging SBP. CTD deployed
    2018-11-04 12:18 [view ] -55.9445 154.5505 CTD [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 12:29 [view ] -55.9470 154.5570 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 12:29 [view ] -55.9472 154.5573 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 12:31 [view ] -55.9443 154.5502 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 on station CTD053
    2018-11-04 15:25 [view ] -55.9702 154.6342 CTD [view] 53 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 15:33 [view ] -55.9635 154.6395 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy Transit to CTD054
    2018-11-04 16:30 [view ] -55.8332 154.6828 CTD [view] 54 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 16:48 [view ] -55.8367 154.6913 CTD [view] 54 Other in2018_v05 secondary conductivity no signal, came good at 30m
    2018-11-04 19:20 [view ] -55.8487 154.7338 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe
    2018-11-04 19:50 [view ] -55.8525 154.7438 CTD [view] 54 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-04 21:04 [view ] -55.7163 154.8093 CTD [view] 55 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 00:25 [view ] -55.7182 154.8180 CTD [view] 55 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 01:45 [view ] -55.6053 154.9440 CTD [view] 56 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 05:14 [view ] -55.6307 154.9270 CTD [view] 56 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 05:16 [view ] -55.6308 154.9270 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD back on deck. CTD stn 056 completed
    2018-11-05 05:26 [view ] -55.6317 154.9262 Other [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122. VMP being deployed. All sonars OFF Remaining on station 056 for several hours for repeated VMP drops
    2018-11-05 05:29 [view ] -55.6318 154.9257 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 08:45 [view ] -55.6538 154.9258 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP drops concluded. All sonars back ON
    2018-11-05 08:45 [view ] -55.6538 154.9257 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 08:53 [view ] -55.6405 154.9285 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy
    2018-11-05 08:53 [view ] -55.6405 154.9285 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD056.asvp applied
    2018-11-05 09:29 [view ] -55.5512 154.9433 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Turn. SBP logging suspended for turn 0389 (EM122) = turn
    2018-11-05 09:44 [view ] -55.5635 154.9313 Triaxus [view] 7 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 09:53 [view ] -55.5718 154.9215 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Triaxus deployed. Coming onto Leg7
    2018-11-05 10:10 [view ] -55.6032 154.9320 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP
    2018-11-05 13:07 [view ] -55.9963 155.0173 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst059.asvp applied
    2018-11-05 13:07 [view ] -55.9963 155.0173 Seapath [view] warning GSM_in2018_v05 Seapath G2 and RTCM status red. Monitoring status,
    2018-11-05 20:06 [view ] -56.8560 155.1912 Triaxus [view] 7 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 20:51 [view ] -56.8535 155.1883 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-05 22:55 [view ] -56.8675 155.2033 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05 VMP back on deck after 2 casts, one right after the other.
    2018-11-05 23:18 [view ] -56.8685 155.2040 CTD [view] 56 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 02:14 [view ] -56.8802 155.2240 CTD [view] 56 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 03:25 [view ] -56.7208 155.2070 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD Deployed at station 058
    2018-11-06 03:27 [view ] -56.7210 155.2068 CTD [view] 57 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 05:12 [view ] -56.7283 155.1968 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 05:12 [view ] -56.7283 155.1968 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 06:35 [view ] -56.7322 155.1913 CTD [view] 57 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 06:36 [view ] -56.7322 155.1913 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 VMP being deployed. All sonars OFF
    2018-11-06 06:51 [view ] -56.7333 155.1912 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 07:08 [view ] -56.7362 155.1942 CCNC [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Drain milliq - HEPA checked okay <3 particles
    2018-11-06 07:58 [view ] -56.7412 155.2017 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 08:00 [view ] -56.7322 155.1913 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck. Sonars back ON
    2018-11-06 08:03 [view ] -56.7425 155.2028 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP and EK60
    2018-11-06 08:03 [view ] -56.7425 155.2028 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_CTD058.asvp applied
    2018-11-06 09:08 [view ] -56.5845 155.2252 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 059. CTD deployed
    2018-11-06 09:09 [view ] -56.5845 155.2252 CTD [view] 59 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 09:24 [view ] -56.5852 155.2250 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 & SBP and Qinsy at CTD059
    2018-11-06 12:14 [view ] -56.5970 155.2413 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 059. VMP to follow.
    2018-11-06 12:15 [view ] -56.5970 155.2413 CTD [view] 59 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 12:24 [view ] -56.5978 155.2418 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP deployed - All sonars set to OFF
    2018-11-06 12:28 [view ] -56.5982 155.2423 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 13:36 [view ] -56.6053 155.2482 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck. Sonars back ON
    2018-11-06 13:38 [view ] -56.6042 155.2468 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & EK60 Nee SVP applied - in2018_v05_CTD059.avsp
    2018-11-06 14:33 [view ] -56.4508 155.2457 CTD [view] 60 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 14:34 [view ] -56.4510 155.2458 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 & SBP on station at CTD60. CTD in water
    2018-11-06 16:43 [view ] -56.4672 155.2602 TSG [view] 13 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 16:45 [view ] -56.4675 155.2608 TSG [view] 14 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 16:46 [view ] -56.4678 155.2612 TSG [view] 15 Sample in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 17:34 [view ] -56.4708 155.2638 CTD [view] 60 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 17:44 [view ] -56.4733 155.2672 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 18:50 [view ] -56.4833 155.2812 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 20:11 [view ] -56.3173 155.2727 CTD [view] 061 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 23:34 [view ] -56.3632 155.3692 CTD [view] 61 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-06 23:43 [view ] -56.3667 155.3735 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 00:52 [view ] -56.4015 155.4147 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 02:43 [view ] -56.1862 155.2905 CTD [view] 62 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 05:55 [view ] -56.2287 155.4043 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 062. VMP to follow.
    2018-11-07 06:02 [view ] -56.2315 155.4072 CTD [view] 62 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 06:03 [view ] -56.2318 155.4077 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP deployed - All sonars set to OFF
    2018-11-07 06:12 [view ] -56.2352 155.4122 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 07:17 [view ] -56.2565 155.4567 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 07:26 [view ] -56.2493 155.4573 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck. Sonars back ON. Start logging EM122, SBP, Qinsy, EK60 New SVP applied: in2018_v05_CTD062.asvp
    2018-11-07 08:58 [view ] -56.0507 155.3040 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrive on site at CTD stn 063. CTD being deployed.
    2018-11-07 09:03 [view ] -56.0522 155.3083 CTD [view] 63 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 09:46 [view ] -56.0602 155.3370 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 and SBP while on station at CTD063
    2018-11-07 12:20 [view ] -56.0802 155.4128 CTD [view] 63 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 12:23 [view ] -56.0805 155.4153 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 063. VMP to follow.
    2018-11-07 12:36 [view ] -56.0790 155.4220 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy New SVP applied: in2018_v05_CTD063.asvp No VMP - too rough
    2018-11-07 12:52 [view ] -56.0465 155.3973 EK60 [view] Crash GSM_in2018_v05 EK60 stopped pinging/crashed- restarted Reconfigured project to point to in2018_v05 Reset range to 1500m in File and Range Restarted logging
    2018-11-07 13:55 [view ] -55.9165 155.3235 CTD [view] 64 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 14:09 [view ] -55.9188 155.3295 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122, SBP and QINSy at CTD064
    2018-11-07 15:52 [view ] -55.9315 155.3700 Underway Seawater Data Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-11-07 15:59 [view ] -55.9320 155.3722 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-11-07 15:59 [view ] -55.9322 155.3723 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-11-07 17:11 [view ] -55.9415 155.4070 CTD [view] 64 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 19:04 [view ] -55.7848 155.3477 CTD [view] 65 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-07 22:17 [view ] -55.8310 155.4343 CTD [view] 65 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 00:07 [view ] -55.6500 155.3577 CTD [view] 66 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 03:19 [view ] -55.6883 155.3965 CTD [view] 66 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 03:19 [view ] -55.6885 155.3968 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 066. No VMP to follow as sea too rough
    2018-11-08 03:39 [view ] -55.6947 155.4117 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 No VMP. Transiting to next Transect. New SVP New EM122 file: 0432 New SBP file: 0086 New SVP: in2018_v05_CTD066.asvp
    2018-11-08 04:30 [view ] -55.8210 155.5905 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst061.asvp applied
    2018-11-08 06:30 [view ] -56.0523 156.0145 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD deployed at station 067
    2018-11-08 06:41 [view ] -56.0533 156.0190 CTD [view] 67 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 06:52 [view ] -56.0537 156.0248 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging SBP
    2018-11-08 09:57 [view ] -56.0673 156.1040 CTD [view] 67 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 09:57 [view ] -56.0673 156.1042 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 067. VMP to follow. Stop logging EM122. All Sonars OFF
    2018-11-08 10:19 [view ] -56.0695 156.1147 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP in the water
    2018-11-08 10:22 [view ] -56.0700 156.1155 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 11:22 [view ] -56.0810 156.1527 VMP [view] restarted in2018_v05 Brought to surface and sent down for 2nd cast
    2018-11-08 11:23 [view ] -56.0812 156.1528 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 First VMP completed - deploying for a second cast
    2018-11-08 13:37 [view ] -56.1118 156.2390 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05 Retrieved after a total of 3 casts
    2018-11-08 13:38 [view ] -56.1123 156.2402 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP drops concluded. All sonars back ON Preparing to head back to CTD 067 to deploy Triaxus
    2018-11-08 13:48 [view ] -56.1027 156.2330 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy (and EK60) Heading back to CTD067 for Triaxus deployment
    2018-11-08 14:14 [view ] -56.0687 156.1353 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 14:17 [view ] -56.0638 156.1208 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 14:52 [view ] -56.0495 156.0322 Triaxus [view] 8 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 14:54 [view ] -56.0493 156.0305 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Triaxus deployed. Leg8
    2018-11-08 15:04 [view ] -56.0523 156.0202 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Turn completed - on Triaxus Leg8
    2018-11-08 21:02 [view ] -56.8245 156.0885 Triaxus [view] 8 Stop in2018_v05 comms problem Hauling in
    2018-11-08 21:41 [view ] -56.8580 156.1245 Triaxus [view] 8 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 22:07 [view ] -56.8640 156.1567 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-08 23:17 [view ] -56.8922 156.1840 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 00:36 [view ] -56.9210 156.1928 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 01:52 [view ] -56.9415 156.1922 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 03:16 [view ] -56.7873 156.1027 Triaxus [view] 9 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 04:03 [view ] -56.8677 156.0925 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst062.asvp applied
    2018-11-09 08:12 [view ] -57.3235 156.1318 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 TRIAXUS on deck.
    2018-11-09 08:15 [view ] -57.3267 156.1307 Triaxus [view] 9 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 08:21 [view ] -57.3213 156.1212 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 End of Trixus run Leg8 - advanced file name for Transect9
    2018-11-09 08:52 [view ] -57.2618 156.1308 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD Deployed at station 068
    2018-11-09 08:53 [view ] -57.2618 156.1303 CTD [view] 68 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 09:26 [view ] -57.2637 156.1243 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 and SBP while on station at CTD068
    2018-11-09 11:40 [view ] -57.2707 156.0937 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 068. VMP to follow, All Sonars OFF
    2018-11-09 11:40 [view ] -57.2707 156.0937 CTD [view] 68 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 11:56 [view ] -57.2732 156.0922 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 13:04 [view ] -57.2863 156.0743 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 VMP on deck. All sonars back ON
    2018-11-09 13:04 [view ] -57.2863 156.0743 VMP [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 13:17 [view ] -57.2700 156.0718 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy New SVP appplied: in2018_v05_CTD068.asvp
    2018-11-09 14:10 [view ] -57.1270 156.1152 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 On station CTD 069. Launching CTD
    2018-11-09 14:14 [view ] -57.1277 156.1143 CTD [view] 69 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 14:22 [view ] -57.1283 156.1125 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 and SBP while on station at CTD069
    2018-11-09 17:09 [view ] -57.1330 156.1055 CTD [view] 69 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 19:34 [view ] -56.9947 156.1083 CTD [view] 70 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 22:45 [view ] -57.0130 156.0965 CTD [view] 70 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 22:55 [view ] -57.0143 156.0957 VMP [view] Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-09 23:05 [view ] -57.0165 156.0962 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-11-09 23:05 [view ] -57.0165 156.0962 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-11-09 23:05 [view ] -57.0167 156.0960 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-11-09 23:16 [view ] -57.0172 156.0948 VMP [view] incident in2018_v05 operation aborted wire severed
    2018-11-10 00:57 [view ] -56.8607 156.0917 CTD [view] 71 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 03:16 [view ] -56.8715 156.0812 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging EM122 & SBP on CTD station 071
    2018-11-10 03:58 [view ] -56.8745 156.0782 CTD [view] 71 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 03:58 [view ] -56.8747 156.0780 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck end of CTD071
    2018-11-10 04:06 [view ] -56.8685 156.0770 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy New SVP: in2018_v05_CTD071.asvp applied to file 0471
    2018-11-10 05:04 [view ] -56.7265 156.0798 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy on station CTD072
    2018-11-10 05:08 [view ] -56.7265 156.0797 CTD [view] 72 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 05:09 [view ] -56.7267 156.0797 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD launched
    2018-11-10 08:16 [view ] -56.7477 156.0580 CTD [view] 72 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 08:17 [view ] -56.7477 156.0580 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD 072
    2018-11-10 08:30 [view ] -56.7397 156.0572 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy New SVP: in2018_v05_CTD072.asvp applied
    2018-11-10 09:31 [view ] -56.5918 156.0678 CTD [view] 73 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 09:31 [view ] -56.5918 156.0678 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 On station AT ctd 073. Stopped logging. CTD being deployed
    2018-11-10 12:30 [view ] -56.5982 156.0685 CTD [view] 73 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 12:30 [view ] -56.5982 156.0685 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD being recovered. End of CTD073
    2018-11-10 12:32 [view ] -56.5980 156.0687 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy
    2018-11-10 13:40 [view ] -56.4587 156.0578 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 & SBP at CTD074 CTD Launched
    2018-11-10 13:42 [view ] -56.4588 156.0580 CTD [view] 74 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 16:43 [view ] -56.4763 156.0547 CTD [view] 74 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 18:25 [view ] -56.3282 156.0560 CTD [view] 75 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 19:41 [view ] -56.3428 156.1057 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-11-10 19:44 [view ] -56.3435 156.1058 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-11-10 19:47 [view ] -56.3440 156.1063 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-11-10 21:27 [view ] -56.3702 156.1685 CTD [view] 75 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 21:28 [view ] -56.3703 156.1692 CTD [view] 75 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-10 23:10 [view ] -56.1912 156.0345 CTD [view] 76 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-11 02:25 [view ] -56.2138 156.1940 CTD [view] 76 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-11 04:04 [view ] -56.0563 156.0223 CTD [view] 77 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-11 04:08 [view ] -56.0563 156.0267 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stop logging EM122 & SBP at CTD077 Second cast at Transect 9.1 (previously CTD067) - Last CTD
    2018-11-11 07:16 [view ] -56.0778 156.1767 CTD [view] 77 Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-11 07:25 [view ] -56.0788 156.1853 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 CTD on deck. END OF CTDs (77 CTDs in Total)
    2018-11-11 07:58 [view ] -56.0833 156.1992 Triaxus [view] 10 Deployed in2018_v05
    2018-11-11 08:08 [view ] -56.0907 156.1838 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Start logging EM122, SBP & QINSy Triaxus deployed. New SVP: in2018_v05_CTD077.asvp
    2018-11-11 11:36 [view ] -56.2925 155.8127 Triaxus [view] Retrieved in2018_v05
    2018-11-11 11:44 [view ] -56.2870 155.8087 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Triaxus being recovered - seas too rough Will continue along waypoints and redeploy Triaxus when weather improves
    2018-11-11 13:22 [view ] -56.3690 155.5727 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Advanced file number on both em122 & sbp Vessel change of direction
    2018-11-11 23:38 [view ] -56.1295 153.6910 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned FIRe Thorough clean, emptied water, cleaned container sides with alcohol, rinsed and reset.
    2018-11-12 03:57 [view ] -55.9522 152.9618 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Changed em122 to 74° angle for mapping of seamounts
    2018-11-12 04:07 [view ] -55.9445 152.9310 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Broke off Meander route at WP16. Heading over to map Seamounts A, B, C & D
    2018-11-12 04:42 [view ] -55.9143 152.8150 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst066.asvp applied
    2018-11-12 08:58 [view ] -55.5277 152.0083 CCNC [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 millie-q fill and HEPA check
    2018-11-12 09:01 [view ] -55.5232 152.0022 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 catchpot empty
    2018-11-12 09:01 [view ] -55.5220 152.0007 Butanol Vacuum Pump Atmospherics_in2018_v05
    2018-11-12 09:02 [view ] -55.5202 151.9982 Barometer Aerosol Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 removed paperclip pinching water trap line
    2018-11-12 10:11 [view ] -55.3730 151.7987 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst068.asvp applied
    2018-11-12 11:26 [view ] -55.2232 151.5472 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 in2018_v05_sst069.asvp
    2018-11-12 13:37 [view ] -54.9850 151.0502 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst070.asvp applied
    2018-11-12 14:19 [view ] -54.8910 150.9272 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2018_v05 Tuned north to depart study area. File numbers advanced EM122 = 0524 SBP = 0100 (and Acquisition delay set from 250 to 200ms)
    2018-11-12 15:13 [view ] -54.7358 150.8817 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst071asvp applied
    2018-11-12 15:50 [view ] -54.6225 150.8487 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-11-12 15:54 [view ] -54.6107 150.8453 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-11-12 15:58 [view ] -54.6000 150.8422 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-11-12 19:03 [view ] -54.0308 150.6780 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst072.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst072.asvp applied
    2018-11-13 03:22 [view ] -52.5260 150.2545 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging SBP briefly to try and reacquire bottom tracking
    2018-11-13 03:28 [view ] -52.5180 150.2523 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst073.asvp applied
    2018-11-13 03:49 [view ] -52.4608 150.2365 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v05 Restarted recording in SBP. Not tracking bottom well at speed of 10.4kts Number of beams changed to 3 over steep topography
    2018-11-13 06:04 [view ] -52.1140 150.1412 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 No of beams changed from 3 to 1
    2018-11-13 12:45 [view ] -51.1747 150.0007 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst074.asvp applied
    2018-11-13 21:34 [view ] -49.8763 149.6627 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned underway fluorometer
    2018-11-13 21:40 [view ] -49.8630 149.6497 TSG [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned TSG filter
    2018-11-13 21:40 [view ] -49.8623 149.6492 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2018_v05 Cleaned pCO2 filter
    2018-11-14 04:14 [view ] -48.7217 149.2047 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 SBP power reduced to -4db from -1 Slight course alteration provided to the bridge to achieve better data overlap
    2018-11-14 04:19 [view ] -48.7072 149.1925 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst075.asvp applied
    2018-11-14 05:27 [view ] -48.4953 149.1120 Fire-Underway [view] restarted in2018_v05 software crashed - restarted
    2018-11-14 06:10 [view ] -48.3595 149.0682 Other [view] restarted in2018_v05 restarted CCTV server to try fixing connectivity problems with milestone clients the bridge requested a server restart after communications with the cameras were repeatedly being lost, often while trying to move or zoom
    2018-11-14 08:39 [view ] -47.8870 148.9173 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst076.asvp applied
    2018-11-14 14:50 [view ] -46.6967 148.6858 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2018_v05
    2018-11-14 14:50 [view ] -46.6960 148.6860 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2018_v05
    2018-11-14 14:53 [view ] -46.6872 148.6878 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-14 14:53 [view ] -46.6872 148.6878 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2018_v05
    2018-11-14 17:33 [view ] -46.1777 148.7932 CCNC [view] Maintenance Atmospherics_in2018_v05 Put cover back on instrument. Had to disconnect bottles momentarily. Possible air bubble introduction?
    2018-11-14 20:57 [view ] -45.5557 148.9180 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst077.asvp applied SVP in2018_v05_sst077.asvp applied
    2018-11-15 03:49 [view ] -44.6783 148.2488 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst078.asvp applied
    2018-11-15 05:19 [view ] -44.4905 148.1068 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst080.asvp applied
    2018-11-15 06:11 [view ] -44.3823 148.0253 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst081.asvp applied
    2018-11-15 10:23 [view ] -43.8383 147.8792 K-Sync [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Changed from v4 of K Sync Depth Sender to older version in shallow water v4 stopped receiving NMEA DPT in 1200 m water depth. Changed to older version/
    2018-11-15 10:31 [view ] -43.8225 147.8710 SBP [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging,changed from burst to Normal mode and restarted looging in 1000m Change of settings in 1000m. Changed From Burst to Normal and reduced power to -10dB
    2018-11-15 10:35 [view ] -43.8142 147.8668 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst082.asvp applied New SVP and Depth mode changed from Deep to Medium in EM122. Trying to start EM710 but no sucess as yet.
    2018-11-15 10:58 [view ] -43.7685 147.8437 SBP [view] Power GSM_in2018_v05 Power changed from -10 to -18dB
    2018-11-15 10:58 [view ] -43.7685 147.8437 EM122 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Depth mode changed to shallow (350m water depth)
    2018-11-15 11:05 [view ] -43.7538 147.8362 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst083.asvp applied
    2018-11-15 11:17 [view ] -43.7292 147.8238 ADCP [view] restarted in2018_v05 set bottom tracking on
    2018-11-15 11:24 [view ] -43.7157 147.8168 EK60 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Changed depth mode (range and logging) from 1500m to 250m
    2018-11-15 11:24 [view ] -43.7143 147.8162 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 POSMV locking port 5602 - stopped POSMV for short period
    2018-11-15 11:30 [view ] -43.7025 147.8102 SBP [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 Stopped logging, changed from Linear to Ricker and restarted logging on 0104
    2018-11-15 11:50 [view ] -43.6620 147.7897 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Restarted Ethernet logging in POSMV
    2018-11-15 11:51 [view ] -43.6607 147.7888 EM710 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Unable to get EM710 to produce soundings. Performed BIST tests and all OK. Pinging but no depth record. Forced deth and set the operation depth conditions to Shallow (150m water depth)
    2018-11-15 12:28 [view ] -43.5835 147.7498 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Filter changed to Badpass and Power increased to -18dB from -20
    2018-11-15 12:34 [view ] -43.5712 147.7437 EK60 [view] Depth Mode GSM_in2018_v05 EK60 set to ping at maximum (140 m water depth)
    2018-11-15 13:45 [view ] -43.4407 147.6778 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Bridge called to inform us that ship's echo-sounder is going on.
    2018-11-15 13:58 [view ] -43.4280 147.6713 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v05 SVP in2018_v05_sst084.asvp applied
    2018-11-15 14:24 [view ] -43.4035 147.6590 EK60 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 EK60 changed from max to interval as slowed down to 3.7 kts. Seemed that the system was pinging too fast 0.15(s) - didn& 39;t want to cause an issue with the instrumentation so set EK60 to a slightly slower ping interval.
    2018-11-15 19:08 [view ] -43.0807 147.4068 Underway Seawater Data Other in2018_v05 Turned off salt water, ran fresh water instead
    2018-11-15 22:00 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v05 Arrived alongside in Hobart
    2018-11-15 22:02 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Voyage Stop in2018_v05 Arrive Hobart

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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Altimeter-163,Burket Flow meter,Burket Flow meter,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO air sampling inlet,CSIRO air sampling inlet,Chelsea Tech Fluorometer,Gyrocompass,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,ISAR SST,Kobold MIK-C Flow meter,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Port drop keel sensor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-SN 82705,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,Remote Temperature (T) - SN 671,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder,Starboard drop keel sensor,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3439,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777,Vaisala Ship's Barometer PTB330 2468 2018-10-16 05:05 2018-11-15 22:00 -42.8864 147.3388
    ADCP Data [details]   Teledyne RDI ADCP 150 kHz,Teledyne RDI ADCP 75 kHz 2468 2018-10-16 07:23 2018-11-15 22:05 -43.1995 147.5052 -42.8864 147.3389 814
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 1 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-16 21:49 2018-10-17 00:33 -45.8607 148.7096 0
    XBT Cast [details]   Sippican Deep Blue 2548 2018-10-18 23:55 1476
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 2 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-19 12:51 2018-10-19 16:12 -55.5451 150.8589 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 3 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-20 16:50 2018-10-20 20:00 -55.4670 148.7371 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 4 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-20 21:46 2018-10-21 00:52 -55.3384 148.8049 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 5 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-21 02:35 2018-10-21 05:52 -55.2090 148.8702 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 6 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-21 08:26 2018-10-21 11:43 -55.0795 148.9339 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 7 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-21 13:41 2018-10-21 17:06 -54.9507 149.0007 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 8 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-21 19:48 2018-10-21 23:29 -54.8263 149.0821 0
    Towed CTD [details] 1   Triaxus 2018-10-22 03:15 2018-10-22 03:49 -54.8111 149.0563 -54.8512 149.1025 136 Leg Deployment 01_001
    Towed CTD [details] 1   Triaxus 2018-10-22 03:49 2018-10-22 10:46 -54.8538 149.1042 -55.6031 149.9554 303 Leg Deployment 01_002
    Towed CTD [details] 1   Triaxus 2018-10-22 10:52 2018-10-22 11:17 -55.6198 149.9746 -55.6420 150.0005 195 Leg Deployment 01_003
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 9 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-22 14:45 2018-10-22 17:52 -55.6101 149.9646 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 10 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-22 19:13 2018-10-22 22:24 -55.4739 149.9881 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 11 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-23 01:18 2018-10-23 04:15 -55.3396 150.0001 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 12 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-23 05:56 2018-10-23 09:06 -55.2061 150.0221 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 13 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-23 12:37 2018-10-23 15:38 -55.0762 150.0372 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 14 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-23 19:00 2018-10-23 22:11 -54.9376 150.0620 0
    Towed CTD [details] 2   Triaxus 2018-10-23 23:20 2018-10-23 23:50 -54.9262 150.0385 -54.9656 150.0746 75 Leg Deployment 02_001
    Towed CTD [details] 2   Triaxus 2018-10-23 23:54 2018-10-24 02:19 -54.9743 150.0827 -55.2588 150.3486 304 Leg Deployment 02_002
    Towed CTD [details] 2   Triaxus 2018-10-24 02:20 2018-10-24 02:27 -55.2645 150.3541 -55.2792 150.3679 226 Leg Deployment 02_003
    Towed CTD [details] 2   Triaxus 2018-10-24 04:23 2018-10-24 04:32 -55.3340 150.4177 -55.3498 150.4337 17.5 Leg Deployment 02_004
    Towed CTD [details] 2   Triaxus 2018-10-24 04:33 2018-10-24 07:21 -55.3520 150.4369 -55.6639 150.7298 299.7 Leg Deployment 02_005
    Towed CTD [details] 2   Triaxus 2018-10-24 07:23 2018-10-24 07:45 -55.6686 150.7341 -55.6960 150.7608 30 Leg Deployment 02_006
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 15 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-24 09:50 2018-10-24 12:52 -55.6539 150.7378 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 16 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-24 16:03 2018-10-24 19:23 -55.5226 150.6157 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 17 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-24 22:40 2018-10-25 01:55 -55.3855 150.6817 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 18 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-25 05:26 2018-10-25 08:51 -55.2577 150.6654 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 19 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-25 12:32 2018-10-25 15:39 -55.1155 150.6346 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 20 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-25 18:33 2018-10-25 21:46 -54.9867 150.6369 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 21 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-26 02:27 2018-10-26 05:42 -54.8532 150.6006 0
    Towed CTD [details] 3   Triaxus 2018-10-26 08:28 2018-10-26 08:40 -54.8318 150.5898 -54.8365 150.5821 8 Leg Deployment 03_001
    Towed CTD [details] 3   Triaxus 2018-10-26 08:41 2018-10-26 08:55 -54.8375 150.5819 -54.8594 150.6016 89 Leg Deployment 03_002
    Towed CTD [details] 3   Triaxus 2018-10-26 08:56 2018-10-26 18:47 -54.8606 150.6034 -55.7822 152.0552 303 Leg Deployment 03_003
    Towed CTD [details] 3   Triaxus 2018-10-26 18:48 2018-10-26 19:13 -55.7956 152.0758 -55.8232 152.0788 268 Leg Deployment 03_004
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 22 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-26 20:19 2018-10-26 23:14 -55.7914 152.0769 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 23 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-27 02:15 2018-10-27 05:33 -55.6576 152.0311 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 24 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-27 08:40 2018-10-27 11:38 -55.5217 151.9989 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 25 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-27 14:23 2018-10-27 17:22 -55.3915 151.9519 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 26 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-27 20:19 2018-10-27 22:50 -55.2536 151.9130 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 27 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-28 01:21 2018-10-28 04:35 -55.1249 151.8736 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 28 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-28 07:16 2018-10-28 10:21 -54.9934 151.8377 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 29 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-28 11:59 2018-10-28 14:55 -54.8612 151.7956 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 30 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-28 16:09 2018-10-28 20:12 -54.7271 151.7624 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 31 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-28 21:30 2018-10-29 00:44 -54.5932 151.7219 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 32 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-29 03:26 2018-10-29 06:47 -54.4602 151.6894 0
    Towed CTD [details] 4   Triaxus 2018-10-29 09:25 2018-10-29 09:55 -54.4289 151.5996 -54.4610 151.6273 99 Leg Deployment 04_001
    Towed CTD [details] 4   Triaxus 2018-10-29 09:55 2018-10-29 16:21 -54.4616 151.6308 -54.3734 152.8972 301 Leg Deployment 04_002
    Towed CTD [details] 4   Triaxus 2018-10-29 16:21 2018-10-30 01:57 -54.3768 152.9142 -55.3768 153.5416 304 Leg Deployment 04_003
    Towed CTD [details] 4   Triaxus 2018-10-30 01:57 2018-10-30 02:08 -55.3857 153.5477 -55.3951 153.5568 53.9 Leg Deployment 04_004
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 33 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-30 03:01 2018-10-30 06:30 -55.3695 153.5339 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 34 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-30 07:56 2018-10-30 11:16 -55.4588 153.3534 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 35 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-30 13:54 2018-10-30 17:00 -55.5411 153.1677 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 36 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-30 19:58 2018-10-30 23:19 -55.6245 152.9825 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 37 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-31 01:58 2018-10-31 05:07 -55.7060 152.8018 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 38 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-31 06:59 2018-10-31 10:21 -55.7913 152.6156 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 39 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-31 12:15 2018-10-31 14:56 -55.8740 152.4225 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 40 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-10-31 16:30 2018-10-31 19:38 -55.9564 152.2350 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 41 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-01 05:35 2018-11-01 08:37 -56.4210 153.0417 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 42 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-01 11:10 2018-11-01 14:03 -56.3047 153.1488 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 43 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-01 16:35 2018-11-01 19:26 -56.1898 153.2729 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 44 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-01 22:07 2018-11-02 00:58 -56.0718 153.3861 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 45 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-02 03:19 2018-11-02 06:24 -55.9570 153.5176 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 46 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-02 12:33 2018-11-02 15:39 -55.7827 153.6955 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 47 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-02 18:36 2018-11-02 21:46 -55.6086 153.8658 0
    Towed CTD [details] 6   Triaxus 2018-11-02 23:19 2018-11-02 23:37 -55.6534 153.9082 -55.6708 153.8758 126.8 Leg Deployment 06_001
    Towed CTD [details] 6   Triaxus 2018-11-02 23:37 2018-11-03 07:51 -55.6722 153.8748 -56.6840 153.8937 304.7 Leg Deployment 06_002
    Towed CTD [details] 6   Triaxus 2018-11-03 07:52 2018-11-03 08:27 -56.7022 153.8942 -56.7484 153.8832 220.7 Leg Deployment 06_003
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 48 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-03 11:19 2018-11-03 14:23 -56.5909 153.9676 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 49 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-03 15:47 2018-11-03 18:44 -56.4399 154.0310 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 50 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-03 20:19 2018-11-03 23:15 -56.2855 154.1466 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 51 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-04 00:37 2018-11-04 03:27 -56.1661 154.2857 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 52 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-04 06:06 2018-11-04 09:20 -56.0597 154.4286 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 53 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-04 12:22 2018-11-04 15:22 -55.9453 154.5528 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 54 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-04 16:44 2018-11-04 19:45 -55.8355 154.6888 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 55 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-04 21:10 2018-11-05 00:17 -55.7164 154.8107 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 56 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-05 01:50 2018-11-05 05:12 -55.6063 154.9435 0
    Towed CTD [details] 7   Triaxus 2018-11-05 09:49 2018-11-05 10:09 -55.5673 154.9268 -55.6000 154.9300 92 Leg Deployment 07_001
    Towed CTD [details] 7   Triaxus 2018-11-05 10:10 2018-11-05 19:46 -55.6029 154.9317 -56.8658 155.1881 305 Leg Deployment 07_002
    Towed CTD [details] 7   Triaxus 2018-11-05 19:47 2018-11-05 19:57 -56.8749 155.1891 -56.8843 155.1883 190.7 Leg Deployment 07_003
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 57 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-05 23:20 2018-11-06 02:14 -56.8685 155.2039 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 58 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-06 03:26 2018-11-06 06:30 -56.7209 155.2069 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 59 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-06 09:15 2018-11-06 12:12 -56.5848 155.2248 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 60 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-06 14:38 2018-11-06 17:33 -56.4513 155.2462 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 61 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-06 20:13 2018-11-06 23:32 -56.3177 155.2737 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 62 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-07 02:41 2018-11-07 05:53 -56.1857 155.2896 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 63 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-07 09:08 2018-11-07 12:21 -56.0534 155.3119 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 64 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-07 13:58 2018-11-07 17:09 -55.9170 155.3249 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 65 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-07 19:05 2018-11-07 22:11 -55.7850 155.3479 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 66 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-08 00:10 2018-11-08 03:20 -55.6511 155.3587 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 67 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-08 06:44 2018-11-08 09:57 -56.0535 156.0199 0
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2018-11-08 14:54 2018-11-08 15:08 -56.0495 156.0313 -56.0580 156.0192 52 Leg Deployment 08_001
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2018-11-08 15:11 2018-11-08 20:03 -56.0659 156.0199 -56.6980 156.0769 302 Leg Deployment 08_002
    Towed CTD [details] 8   Triaxus 2018-11-08 20:04 2018-11-08 20:59 -56.7094 156.0779 -56.8177 156.0879 298 Leg Deployment 08_003
    Towed CTD [details] 9   Triaxus 2018-11-09 03:15 2018-11-09 03:27 -56.7879 156.1052 -56.7974 156.0841 45 Leg Deployment 09_001
    Towed CTD [details] 9   Triaxus 2018-11-09 03:27 2018-11-09 06:50 -56.7990 156.0844 -57.1828 156.1221 303 Leg Deployment 09_002
    Towed CTD [details] 9   Triaxus 2018-11-09 06:51 2018-11-09 08:04 -57.1903 156.1228 -57.3126 156.1330 303 Leg Deployment 09_003
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 68 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-09 08:56 2018-11-09 11:40 -57.2616 156.1294 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 69 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-09 14:15 2018-11-09 17:05 -57.1278 156.1141 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 70 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-09 19:36 2018-11-09 22:41 -56.9948 156.1083 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 71 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-10 01:00 2018-11-10 03:56 -56.8608 156.0915 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 72 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-10 05:13 2018-11-10 08:16 -56.7268 156.0794 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 73 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-10 09:36 2018-11-10 12:30 -56.5919 156.0678 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 74 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-10 13:46 2018-11-10 16:41 -56.4594 156.0585 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 75 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-10 21:27 2018-11-10 21:24 -56.3695 156.1651 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 76 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-10 23:15 2018-11-11 02:22 -56.1917 156.0367 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 77 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Chlorophyll - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 2312,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70677,Oxygen CTD 24 - SN 3534,Pressure CTD 24,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,SEAL AutoAnalyzer 3 HR,Scattering - CTD 24 - WET Labs ECO FLNTU,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1735DR 2468 2018-11-11 04:09 2018-11-11 07:14 -56.0564 156.0265 0
    Towed CTD [details] 10   Triaxus 2018-11-11 07:57 2018-11-11 08:05 -56.0830 156.1998 -56.0877 156.1890 29 Leg Deployment 10_001
    Towed CTD [details] 10   Triaxus 2018-11-11 08:06 2018-11-11 08:17 -56.0893 156.1862 -56.1001 156.1704 64 Leg Deployment 10_002
    Towed CTD [details] 10   Triaxus 2018-11-11 08:19 2018-11-11 11:20 -56.1025 156.1667 -56.2790 155.8426 303 Leg Deployment 10_003
    Towed CTD [details] 10   Triaxus 2018-11-11 11:21 2018-11-11 11:37 -56.2828 155.8352 -56.2922 155.8126 53 Leg Deployment 10_004

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