Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200510 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 4

Operation No.: 4

When: 2005-11-18 16:51 to 2005-11-18 17:51 UTC

Where: 31° 37.1' S    114° 58.3' E
to 31° 37.4' S    114° 58.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 404.3

Description: Area: Two Rocks Transect name: T4 400

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
2005-11-18 16:51 2005-11-18 17:51 364 404 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10029905 Tethya spp. 50
10066059 Clathria selachia 0.271
10180000 Demospongiae 0.001
10200000 Calcarea 1797
11229000 Actiniaria 4 0.002
11299002 Letepsammia formosissima 1 0.001
11304001 Anthemiphyllia dentata 5 0.009
11314019 Stephanocyathus spiniger 1 0.007
14000000 Nemertea 1 0
17000000 Sipuncula 2 0.001
19100000 Brachiopoda 1 0.001
20000000 Bryozoa 0
22000000 Polychaeta 6 0
22024901 Eunice spp. 4 0.033
22030906 Hyalinoecia spp. 32 0.004
22043000 Aphroditidae 2 0.001
22062000 Polynoidae, Iphionidae 10 0.003
22083000 Sabellidae, Fabriciidae 10
22085000 Serpulidae
23621904 Enoploteuthis spp. 1 0.068
24176046 Sassia remensa 3 0.002
24202089 Granulifusus kiranus 1 0.001
25111901 Astropecten spp. 5 0.01
25160000 Ophiuroidea
25166006 Ophiomyxa crinita 15 0.03
25176010 Amphiophiura urbana 4 0.004
25176024 Ophiomusa anisacantha 200 0.03
25176039 Ophiura ooplax 2 0
25176044 Ophiomusa relicta 1 0.001
25179020 Ophiodoris malignus 1 0
25185063 Amphilimna transacta 1 0
25185078 Ophiurothamnus sp. MoV 5489 4 0
25190012 Ophiactis profundi 3 0.002
25191062 Amphiura sp. MoV 3579 1 0
25192001 Ophiothrix aristulata 2 0.001
25220003 Caenopedina mirabilis 1 0.001
25437008 Aphelodactyla bacilla 1 0.052
27500000 Cirripedia 1 0
28223000 Cymothoidae 1 0.001
28399000 Amphipoda 1 0
28714003 Hadropenaeus lucasii 5 0.003
28770020 Plesionika edwardsii 1 0.003
28786002 Metanephrops boschmai 1 0.001
28821001 Ibacus alticrenatus 6 0.11
28827077 Paguristes aciculus 11 0.005
28830001 Pylocheles mortensenii 1 0
28837029 Paragiopagurus sp. MoV 5272 1 0.002
28837031 Strobopagurus sp. MoV 5282 1 0.001
28840158 Agononida sp. MoV 5218 1 0.015
28850000 Brachyura 7 0.001
28855002 Tymolus similis 9 0.002
28855902 Tymolus spp. 1 0
28860001 Dagnaudus petterdi 1 0.001
28876046 Ebalia tuberculosa 10 0.002
28880001 Platymaia wyvillethomsoni 7 0.058
28880069 Cyrtomaia murrayi 1 0.001
28880164 Physachaeus ctenurus 6 0.002
28880172 Oxypleurodon wilsoni 3 0.002
28880173 Rochinia annae 97 0.03
28901006 Trichopeltarion sp. MoV 5135 1 0.003
28922002 Pycnoplax meridionalis 1 0.001
99100423 Geodia WAM sp. Ng1 0.016
99100594 Xestospongia WAM sp. SS1 0.057
99110308 Viminella sp. H 6 0.05
99230138 Talochlamys cf. pulleineana 1 0.001
99240190 Xandraovula cf. pagoda 1 0
99240260 Bathytoma cf. atractoides 1 0.001
99240275 Gemmula sp. 06 4 0.002
99250316 Luidia cf. hardwicki 1 0.005
99250352 Pteraster cf. corynetes 1 0.001
99250361 Allostichaster n. sp. 1 1 0.001
99250364 Sclerasterias n. sp. 1 14 0.011
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