Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199701 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 69

Operation No.: 69

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 1997-01-31 02:21 to 1997-01-31 03:32 UTC

Where: 44° 23.8' S    147° 08.8' E
to 44° 23.9' S    147° 10.7' E

Maximum Depth (m): 1687.6

Description: Area: Hill V Transect name: mid-2

Comments: Position determination - uncorrected ships position

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 1997-01-31 02:21 1688 1262 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10000000 Porifera 0.573
10025024 Polymastia 4531 (Qld Mus.)
10084022 Sigmaxinella 4579 (Qld Mus.)
10093047 Halichondria 4272 (Qld Mus.)
10301005 Hyalonema apertum apertum
10311006 Lefroyella 4554 (Qld Mus.) cf. decora
10312002 Farrea occa occa
11000000 Hydrozoa 0.005
11077000 Stylasteridae 0.171
11157000 Cladopathidae
11160000 Antipatharia 0.202
11229000 Actiniaria 0.224
11290000 Scleractinia 0.929
11290901 Stony corals: Solitary 1.078
14000000 Nemertea 0.043
19170013 Jaffaia jaffaensis 0.044
22046010 Glycerella magellanica 10
22056063 Nicon maculata 7
22062000 Polynoidae, Iphionidae
23250019 Acesta saginata
23270059 Delectopecten fosterianus
25008002 Feracrinus koslowi 3
25102000 Asteroidea
25143901 Henricia spp.
25170022 Ophiocreas sibogae
25171023 Gorgonocephalus pustulatum 1
25176004 Ophiocten hastatum 1
25176005 Ophiomisidium irene 1
25176058 Ophiura sp. MoV 2728 72
25176059 Ophiuridae sp. MoV 2733 3
25185001 Ophiacantha rosea 58
25185002 Ophiacantha vivipara 119
25185003 Ophiacantha densispina 13
25185004 Ophiacantha spectabilis 2
25185005 Ophiacantha yaldwyni 2
25185006 Ophiacantha vepratica
25185008 Ophiomitrella conferta 1
25185009 Ophiocamax applicatus
25185045 Ophiurothamnus clausa 2
25185052 Ophiomitrella sp. MoV 2732 104
25185055 Ophiacantha sp. MoV 2780 12
25185056 Ophiacantha sp. MoV 2731
25185068 Ophiacantha sp. MoV 4532
25185089 Ophiolimna cf. bairdi (Seamount)
25190002 Ophiactis abyssicola 7
25191061 Amphiura sp. MoV 2722 5
25202903 Aporocidaris spp.
27500000 Cirripedia 1 0.004
28215901 Aega spp. 2
28220000 Cirolanidae
28220110 Cirolana australis
28400000 Gammaridea
28451002 Parepimeria pedra 1
28737006 Nematocarcinus sigmoideus 1
28767002 Leontocaris bulga 1
28767040 Eualus sp. MoV 2681 15
28836902 Paralomis spp. 4
28840049 Munida endeavourae 6
28840050 Munida isos 148
28901003 Trichopeltarion janetae 24
33000000 Pycnogonida 3 0.001
33020016 Bathypallenopsis antipoda
99100669 Hexactinellida 4542 (Qld Mus.)
99100670 Hyalonema cf. topsenti
99110260 Keratoisis sp. A
99110357 Pleurogorgia n. sp. A
99110360 Anthomastus sp. F 1
99110362 Anthothela sp. A 1
99110557 Anthothela sp. E 1
99220132 Eunice cf. prognatha
99220137 Hermadion sp. 1
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