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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Platycephalidae, Bembridae (Flatheads, Deepwater Flatheads)
Found 85 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 296000 | Platycephalidae, Bembridae | flatheads |
37 296900 | Platycephalidae | [a flathead] |
37 296904 | Ambiserrula spp. | |
37 296906 | Cociella spp. | |
37 296907 | Cymbacephalus spp. | |
37 296908 | Elates spp. | |
37 296909 | Inegocia spp. | |
37 296916 | Insidiator spp. | [a flathead] |
37 296910 | Kumococius spp. | |
37 296911 | Leviprora spp. | |
37 296912 | Onigocia spp. | |
37 296913 | Platycephalus spp. | |
37 296914 | Ratabulus spp. | |
37 296915 | Rogadius spp. | |
37 296917 | Sunagocia spp. | |
37 296918 | Thysanophrys spp. | |
37 296903 | Platycephalus aurimaculatus & Platycephalus richardsoni | tiger flathead |
37 296901 | Platycephalus bassensis & Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | sand flathead (mixed) |
37 296041 | Ambiserrula jugosa | Mud Flathead |
37 296018 | Cociella hutchinsi | Brownmargin Flathead |
37 296031 | Cymbacephalus bosschei | Smalleye Flathead |
37 296023 | Cymbacephalus nematophthalmus | Fringe-eye Flathead |
37 296042 | Cymbacephalus parilis | Northern Rock Flathead |
37 296013 | Elates ransonnettii | Dwarf Flathead |
37 296010 | Inegocia harrisii | Harris' Flathead |
37 296029 | Inegocia japonica | Rusty Flathead |
37 296012 | Insidiator macracanthus | Bigspine Flathead |
37 296019 | Kumococius rodericensis | Whitefin Flathead |
37 296005 | Leviprora inops | Longhead Flathead |
37 296063 | Leviprora semermis | [a flathead] |
37 296050 | Onigocia bimaculata | Twospot Flathead |
37 296057 | Onigocia grandisquama | [a flathead] |
37 296059 | Onigocia lacrimalis | [a flathead] |
37 296025 | Onigocia macrocephala | Notched Flathead |
37 296027 | Onigocia oligolepis | Shortsnout Flathead |
37 296051 | Onigocia pedimacula | Broadband Flathead |
37 296062 | Onigocia sibogae | [a flathead] |
37 296022 | Onigocia spinosa | Midget Flathead |
37 296061 | Platycephalus angustus | [a flathead] |
37 296035 | Platycephalus aurimaculatus | Toothy Flathead |
37 296033 | Platycephalus australis | Bartail Flathead |
37 296003 | Platycephalus bassensis | Southern Sand Flathead |
37 296007 | Platycephalus caeruleopunctatus | Bluespotted Flathead |
37 296039 | Platycephalus chauliodous | Bigtooth Flathead |
37 296002 | Platycephalus conatus | Deepwater Flathead |
37 296021 | Platycephalus endrachtensis | Northern Sand Flathead |
37 296004 | Platycephalus fuscus | Dusky Flathead |
37 296036 | Platycephalus grandispinis | Longspine Flathead |
37 296006 | Platycephalus laevigatus | Rock Flathead |
37 296038 | Platycephalus marmoratus | Marbled Flathead |
37 296058 | Platycephalus orbitalis | [a flathead] |
37 296001 | Platycephalus richardsoni | Tiger Flathead |
37 296037 | Platycephalus speculator | Southern Bluespotted Flathead |
37 296020 | Platycephalus westraliae | Yellowtail Flathead |
37 296011 | Ratabulus diversidens | Freespine Flathead |
37 296060 | Ratabulus fulviguttatus | [a flathead] |
37 296052 | Ratabulus ventralis | [a flathead] |
37 296056 | Rogadius mcgroutheri | [a flathead] |
37 296008 | Rogadius patriciae | Blackbanded Flathead |
37 296054 | Rogadius pristiger | Thorny Flathead |
37 296040 | Rogadius serratus | Serrate Flathead |
37 296030 | Rogadius tuberculatus | Tuberculate Flathead |
37 296043 | Sunagocia arenicola | Broadhead Flathead |
37 296046 | Sunagocia otaitensis | Fringelip Flathead |
37 296055 | Sunagocia sainsburyi | Sainsbury's Flathead |
37 296044 | Thysanophrys celebica | Celebes Flathead |
37 296034 | Thysanophrys chiltonae | Longsnout Flathead |
37 296045 | Thysanophrys cirronasus | Tasselsnout Flathead |
37 296053 | Thysanophrys papillaris | Smallknob Flathead |
37 296919 | Bembridae | [a deepwater flathead] |
37 296905 | Bembras spp. | [a deepwater flathead] |
37 296026 | Bembras longipinnis | Longfin Flathead |
37 296048 | Bembras macrolepis | Bigscale Flathead |
37 296049 | Bembras megacephala | Greenspotted Flathead |
99 370025 | PLATYCEPHALIDAE, specimen retained | |
99 378130 | Platycephalidae gen. sp. unknown | |
99 379520 | Platycephalus spp (unverified) | |
99 379818 | Neoplatycephalus richardsoni & Neoplatycephalus conatus | |
99 379827 | Platycephalus fuscus & Platycephalus speculator | |
99 379828 | Platycephalus laevigatus & Platycephalus marmoratus | |
99 379829 | Platycephalus speculator & Neoplatycephalus conatus | |
99 379182 | Cocius crocodilus (unverified) | |
99 379584 | Ratabulus megacephalus (unverified) | |
99 379678 | Suggrundus harrissi (unverified) | |
99 379708 | Thysanophrys crocodilis (unverified) |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.