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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Found 155 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
25 176000 | Ophiuridae, Ophiomusaidae, Ophiosphalmidae, Astrophiuridae, Ophiopyrgidae | brittlestars |
25 176931 | Perlophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176126 | Perlophiura profundissima | [a brittlestar] |
25 176951 | Ophiuridae | brittlestars |
25 176906 | Haplophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176933 | Ophiambix spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176907 | Ophiocrossota spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176908 | Ophiocten spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176910 | Ophiomastus spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176913 | Ophionotus spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176902 | Ophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176924 | Ophiuraster spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176015 | Haplophiura gymnopora | [a brittlestar] |
25 176143 | Ophiambix aculeatus | [a brittlestar] |
25 176144 | Ophiambix epicopus | [a brittlestar] |
25 176016 | Ophiocrossota multispina | [a brittlestar] |
25 176107 | Ophiocten amitinum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176133 | Ophiocten australis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176095 | Ophiocten banzarei | [a brittlestar] |
25 176112 | Ophiocten cryptum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176004 | Ophiocten hastatum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176102 | Ophiocten megaloplax | [a brittlestar] |
25 176068 | Ophiocten sp. MoV 5674 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176053 | Ophiomastus meridionalis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176022 | Ophiomastus tegulitius | [a brittlestar] |
25 176087 | Ophiomastus sp. MoV 5503 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176047 | Ophionotus hexactis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176145 | Ophionotus taylori | [a brittlestar] |
25 176048 | Ophionotus victoriae | [a brittlestar] |
25 176064 | Ophiura aequalis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176002 | Ophiura clemens | [a brittlestar] |
25 176052 | Ophiura crassa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176001 | Ophiura flagellata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176094 | Ophiura fluctuans | [a brittlestar] |
25 176088 | Ophiura lanceolata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176038 | Ophiura micracantha | [a brittlestar] |
25 176039 | Ophiura ooplax | [a brittlestar] |
25 176040 | Ophiura palliata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176097 | Ophiura spinicantha | [a brittlestar] |
25 176058 | Ophiura sp. MoV 2728 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176084 | Ophiura sp. MoV 2734 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176091 | Ophiura sp. MoV 4545 | [a brittle star] |
25 176072 | Ophiura sp. MoV 5513 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176125 | Ophiura sp. MoV 7067 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176098 | Ophiuraster symmetricus | [a brittlestar] |
25 176059 | Ophiuridae sp. MoV 2733 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176085 | Ophiuridae sp. MoV 5506 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176952 | Ophiomusaidae | brittlestars |
25 176912 | Ophiomusa spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176024 | Ophiomusa anisacantha | [a brittlestar] |
25 176025 | Ophiomusa australis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176123 | Ophiomusa constricta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176065 | Ophiomusa facunda | [a brittlestar] |
25 176129 | Ophiomusa granosa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176026 | Ophiomusa incerta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176027 | Ophiomusa kimblae | [a brittlestar] |
25 176069 | Ophiomusa luetkeni | [a brittlestar] |
25 176007 | Ophiomusa lymani | [a brittlestar] |
25 176078 | Ophiomusa miranda | [a brittlestar] |
25 176044 | Ophiomusa relicta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176028 | Ophiomusa scalaris | [a brittlestar] |
25 176029 | Ophiomusa simplex | [a brittlestar] |
25 176953 | Ophiosphalmidae | brittlestars |
25 176901 | Ophiosphalma spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176121 | Ophiosphalma armigerum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176130 | Ophiosphalma corticosum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176137 | Ophiosphalma glabrum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176073 | Ophiosphalma laqueatum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176080 | Ophiosphalma sp. MoV 4891 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176089 | Ophiosphalma sp. MoV 5668 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176954 | Astrophiuridae | brittlestars |
25 176904 | Astrophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176911 | Ophiomisidium spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176925 | Ophiophycis spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176146 | Astrophiura kohurangi | [a brittlestar] |
25 176011 | Astrophiura permira | [a brittlestar] |
25 176023 | Ophiomisidium flabellum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176005 | Ophiomisidium irene | [a brittlestar] |
25 176108 | Ophiomisidium speciosum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176115 | Ophiophycis johni | [a brittlestar] |
25 176114 | Ophiophycis richardi | [a brittlestar] |
25 176955 | Ophiopyrgidae | brittlestars |
25 176903 | Amphiophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176923 | Aspidophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176905 | Dictenophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176934 | Euvondrea spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176926 | Ophioperla spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176930 | Ophiophyllum spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176914 | Ophiopleura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176915 | Ophioplinthus spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176917 | Ophiopyrgus spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176927 | Ophiosparte spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176918 | Ophiosteira spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176932 | Ophiuroglypha spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176922 | Stegophiura spp. | [a brittlestar] |
25 176113 | Amphiophiura bakeri | [a brittlestar] |
25 176124 | Amphiophiura bullata convexa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176076 | Amphiophiura confecta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176061 | Amphiophiura distincta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176139 | Amphiophiura fisheri | [a brittlestar] |
25 176140 | Amphiophiura improba | [a brittlestar] |
25 176008 | Amphiophiura insolita | [a brittlestar] |
25 176141 | Amphiophiura kermadecensis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176082 | Amphiophiura lapidaria | [a brittlestar] |
25 176066 | Amphiophiura laudata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176131 | Amphiophiura ornata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176132 | Amphiophiura paraconcava | [a brittlestar] |
25 176042 | Amphiophiura pertusa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176142 | Amphiophiura prisca | [a brittlestar] |
25 176128 | Amphiophiura sculptilis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176063 | Amphiophiura sordida | [a brittlestar] |
25 176079 | Amphiophiura spatulifera | [a brittlestar] |
25 176043 | Amphiophiura turgida | [a brittlestar] |
25 176010 | Amphiophiura urbana | [a brittlestar] |
25 176012 | Dictenophiura ctenophora | [a brittlestar] |
25 176116 | Dictenophiura platyacantha | [a brittlestar] |
25 176013 | Dictenophiura squamosa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176014 | Dictenophiura stellata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176086 | Dictenophiura sp. MoV 5499 | [a brittlestar] |
25 176149 | Euvondrea floretta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176103 | Ophioperla koehleri | [a brittlestar] |
25 176138 | Ophiophyllum petilum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176120 | Ophiophyllum teplium | [a brittlestar] |
25 176151 | Ophiophyllum umbonatum | [a brittlestar] |
25 176067 | Ophiopleura inermis | [a brittlestar] |
25 176006 | Ophioplinthus accomodata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176147 | Ophioplinthus banzarei | [a brittlestar] |
25 176054 | Ophioplinthus brevirima | [a brittlestar] |
25 176105 | Ophioplinthus carinata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176055 | Ophioplinthus gelida | [a brittlestar] |
25 176096 | Ophioplinthus inornata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176056 | Ophioplinthus martensi | [a brittlestar] |
25 176104 | Ophioplinthus tumescens | [a brittlestar] |
25 176122 | Ophiopyrgus saccharatus | [a brittlestar] |
25 176062 | Ophiopyrgus trispinosus | [a brittlestar] |
25 176110 | Ophiosparte gigas | [a brittlestar] |
25 176049 | Ophiosteira antarctica | [a brittlestar] |
25 176099 | Ophiosteira debitor | [a brittlestar] |
25 176050 | Ophiosteira echinulata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176150 | Ophiosteira lissopatella | [a brittlestar] |
25 176100 | Ophiosteira rotundata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176051 | Ophiuroglypha ambigua | [a brittlestar] |
25 176106 | Ophiuroglypha brevispinosa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176101 | Ophiuroglypha carinifera | [a brittlestar] |
25 176003 | Ophiuroglypha irrorata irrorata | [a brittlestar] |
25 176135 | Ophiuroglypha irrorata polyacantha | [a brittlestar] |
25 176136 | Ophiuroglypha irrorata involuta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176134 | Ophiuroglypha irrorata concreta | [a brittlestar] |
25 176037 | Ophiuroglypha kinbergi | [a brittlestar] |
25 176041 | Ophiuroglypha rugosa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176117 | Ophiuroglypha verrucosa | [a brittlestar] |
25 176060 | Stegophiura singletoni | [a brittlestar] |
25 176148 | Stegophiura sterilis | [a brittlestar] |
99 250259 | Ophiura sp. | [a brittlestar] |
99 250261 | Stegophiura sp. | [a brittlestar] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.