Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

IN2020_V06    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: Probing the Australian-Pacific Plate Boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D

Voyage details on MNF site:

Period: 2020-10-08 01:00 to 2020-11-02 21:20 UTC

Duration: 25.85 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]

Description: The primary objectives of the voyage are to acquire passive seismological data that will enable us to:

  1. Characterise the 3-D structure of the oceanic crust and sub-crustal lithosphere along the Macquarie Ridge Complex (MRC) with novel lithospheric seismic imaging. This includes teleseismic receiver function analysis, teleseismic and ambient noise tomography, joint inversion of receiver functions and ambient noise dispersion, shear wave splitting analysis, autocorrelation analysis, and enhancing of regional and teleseismic wavefield through array seismology.
  2. Describe the structural, thermal, and compositional nature of the central MRC by applying a range of seismic imaging techniques to identify velocity anomalies in the crust and mantle. This is possible because 2-D or 3-D images of velocity anomalies in the crust and mantle may be interpreted as structural, thermal, or compositional variations.
These seismological objectives will be addressed by PIs Tkalcic, Eakin, and Rawlinson following instrument and data recovery scheduled by the MNF in 2021. To achieve the above objectives, we will deploy ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) around Macquarie Island, to be recovered in 2021. The primary marine geophysical objectives of the voyage are to:
  1. Define sites for OBS deployments in the vicinity of Macquarie Island using multibeam sonar and sub-bottom profiling data. Pending scheduled testing later this year, deployment parameters are tentatively in water depths =1000 m and on gentle seafloor slopes, ideally flat, but not to exceed 30°. Sediment cover is preferred over bare igneous rock for OBS deployment. Existing data around Macquarie Island are not of sufficient quality to define deployment sites.
  2. Characterise the neotectonics, structure, and stratigraphy of the active Australian-Pacific plate boundary in the vicinity of Macquarie Island using multibeam sonar (both bathymetry and backscatter), sub-bottom profiling, gravity, and magnetics data. These data will also provide critical baseline information for benthic habitat mapping.
PIs Coffin and Stock will lead efforts to address these marine geophysical objectives.

Leader: Dr Coffin (UTAS)

Project: Probing the Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D [details] Primary

Underway data from NRUD - see this voyage
Voyage extents: 55° 49.5' S to 42° 53.1' S    147° 20.3' E to 159° 48.6' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • IMOS Bio-Acoustic Ships of Opportunity (BA SOOP) Sub-Facility [details]

  • RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Sea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 ADCP Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 EK80 Echosounder [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 EM710 MKII Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 ME70 Multibeam Fisheries Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 Underway UWY Data (Processed) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_V06 XBT Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2020_v06 Magnetometer Data [details]

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Caroline Eakin Seismologist Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences Probing the Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D
    Hrvoje Tkalcic Alternate Chief Scientist Australian National University - Research School of Earth Sciences Probing the Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D
    Mike Coffin Chief Scientist University of Tasmania - Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies Probing the Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D

    Participants - shore based:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Joann Stock Principal Investigator California Institute of Technology Probing the Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D
    Nicholas Rawlinson Principal Investigator University of Cambridge Probing the Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.

    Conference abstract

    • Ma, X., Tkalčić, H., Eakin, C., Rawlinson, N., Pham, T.-S., Winder, T., Pickle, R., Coffin, M., and Stock, J. and the Macquarie Ridge 3D Team: Crustal Structure of the Macquarie Ridge Complex Constrained by the Ambient Noise and Earthquake Autocorrelograms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10875,     10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10875

    • Pham, T.-S., Tkalcic, H., Ma, X., Pickle, R., Muir, J., Duru, K., Winder, T., Rawlinson, N., Eakin, C., Coffin, M., and Stock, J. and the Macquarie Ridge 3D Team: Probabilistic ambient noise imaging of the Macquarie Ridge Complex using ocean-bottom and land-based seismometers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10662,     10.5194/egusphere-egu23-10662

    • Rawlinson, N., Winder, T., Tkalcic, H., Stock, J., and Coffin, M.: Microseismicity of the Macquarie Ridge Complex, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9886,     10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9886


    • Coffin, Mike; Vandenbossche, Phil; Navidad, Cisco; Boyd, Matt; Gifford, Davina (2024): IN2020_V06 Macquarie Island Bathymetry 10m - 210m Multi-resolution AusSeabed products. v1. CSIRO. Data Collection.    

    • Tilbrook, Bronte; Neill, Craig; Akl, John (2022). Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) sea surface and atmospheric fCO2 measurements in the Southern Ocean, South Pacific, Indian Ocean onboard R/V Investigator in 2020 (NCEI Accession 0253534). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset.     10.25921/ctqh-rn91

    Journal Article

    • Haris, K.,Kloser, Rudy J.,Ryan, Tim E.,Downie, Ryan A.,Keith, Gordon,Nau, Amy W. (2021) Sounding out life in the deep using acoustic data from ships of opportunity. Scientific Data 8 pp-.     10.1038/s41597-020-00785-8

    • Lucieer, Vanessa,Flukes, Emma,Monk, Jacquomo,Walsh, Peter (2024) Geomorphometric maps of Australia’s Marine Park estate and their role in improving the integrated monitoring and management of marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 10 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2023.1302108

    Magazine Article

    • Tkalčić, Hrvoje,Eakin, Caroline,Coffin, Millard,Rawlinson, Nicholas,Stock, Joann (2021) Deploying a Submarine Seismic Observatory in the Furious Fifties. Eos 102 pp-.     10.1029/2021EO159537

    Online Publication

    • Shaking up earthquake science on Macquarie Island, Australian Antarctic Division News Communique, 6 July 2021.     External link to reference

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2020-10-08 03:53 to 2020-11-02 18:25
    Latitude: -55.82 to -43.10
    Longitude: 147.45 to 159.76
    Ensembles: 10,522
    Depth per cell: 16 m
    Cells per ensemble: 50
    Ensemble period: 300 sec
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    Download the OS75 NetCDF Data

    Download the OS150 NetCDF Data

    Gravity Measurements
    Time (UTC): 2020-10-08 00:10 to 2020-11-02 22:11
    Latitude: -55.82 to -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34 to 159.80
    Get Data from Trawler

    Geophysical Survey and Mapping acquisition report

    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2020-10-08 04:15 to 2020-11-02 14:59
    Latitude: -55.82 to -43.16
    Longitude: 147.50 to 159.67
    Datafiles: 764
    Total size: 43.03 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2020-10-08 04:37 to 2020-11-02 19:03
    Latitude: -55.82 to -43.04
    Longitude: 147.39 to 159.81
    Observations: 22656
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Data fields and units document (.pdf)

    Radon measurements No data in database Get Data from Trawler

    Download RV Investigator Radon dataset (XLSX)

    Sub-bottom profiler
    Time (UTC): 2020-10-09 04:15 to 2020-11-03 14:59
    Latitude: -55.82 to 0.00
    Longitude: 147.50 to 159.81
    Datafiles: 3502
    Total size: 14.41 Gb
    Get Data from Trawler

    Geophysical Survey and Mapping data acquisition and processing report

    Singlebeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2020-10-08 00:10 to 2020-11-02 22:11
    Latitude: -55.82 to -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34 to 159.80
    Get Data from Trawler

    Geophysical Survey and Mapping acquisition report

    SOOP Bio-acoustics
    Time (UTC): 2020-10-08 08:33 to 2020-11-02 14:14
    Transects: 2
    External link
    NetCDF Data Format: Manual Download

    Time (UTC): 2020-10-08 01:00 to 2020-11-02 21:20
    Latitude: -55.82 to -42.88
    Longitude: 147.34 to 159.81
    Track length: 8176.209 km
    Locations: 445,668
    Measurements: 31,196,760
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    Download the 5 minute Underway data (CSV format)

    Download the 5 second Underway data (netCDF format)

    Download the 1 minute csv data

    5 second Underway data (CSV)

    XBT Profile
    Time (UTC): 2020-10-10 04:08 to 2020-10-30 02:09
    Latitude: -55.24 to -49.83
    Longitude: 152.81 to 159.57
    Quantity: 23 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1100.3 db
    Get Data from Trawler

    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2020-10-08 00:36 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Turning systems on Gravity meter, EK80, EM710, EM122 and SBP all powered on (not pinging)
    2020-10-08 02:10 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Lines away, departing Hobart Wharf
    2020-10-08 02:30 [view ] -42.9023 147.3690 Aerodyne Spectrometer [view] Start in2020_v06_Atmospherics Auto-start initialized to lock laser.
    2020-10-08 02:40 [view ] -42.9315 147.3817 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Systems set to pinging (EM710, EK80, SBP)
    2020-10-08 03:27 [view ] -43.0733 147.4045 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_001.asvp
    2020-10-08 03:45 [view ] -43.1007 147.4360 Radon Detector [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Calibration Started
    2020-10-08 03:47 [view ] -43.1037 147.4395 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Drop keel down to 2m and bridge ES off
    2020-10-08 03:49 [view ] -43.1080 147.4447 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80
    2020-10-08 04:04 [view ] -43.1417 147.4835 Fluorometer [view] Start in2020_v06 Pump started.
    2020-10-08 04:05 [view ] -43.1427 147.4848 TSG [view] Start in2020_v06 Pump started.
    2020-10-08 04:05 [view ] -43.1435 147.4857 Oxygen Optode Start in2020_v06 Pump started.
    2020-10-08 04:05 [view ] -43.1445 147.4868 pCO2 [view] Start in2020_v06 Pump started.
    2020-10-08 04:06 [view ] -43.1452 147.4877 Instrumentation Clean Seawater Pump [view] Start in2020_v06
    2020-10-08 04:16 [view ] -43.1687 147.5147 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging EM710 Storm Bay
    2020-10-08 04:16 [view ] -43.1687 147.5147 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging SBP Storm Bay
    2020-10-08 05:30 [view ] -43.3833 147.4982 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop for Bacvkscatter Cal Line
    2020-10-08 05:31 [view ] -43.3867 147.4973 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop for backscatter cal line
    2020-10-08 05:31 [view ] -43.3887 147.4968 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-08 05:35 [view ] -43.3973 147.4943 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stopped ADCP at request of GSM
    2020-10-08 05:35 [view ] -43.3977 147.4943 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Backscatter Calibration Line 3
    2020-10-08 06:08 [view ] -43.4768 147.4958 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 Started ADCP as advised by GSM
    2020-10-08 06:14 [view ] -43.4903 147.5017 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 logging SBP120
    2020-10-08 06:17 [view ] -43.4972 147.5063 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start ek80 after backscatter line
    2020-10-08 07:23 [view ] -43.6105 147.6438 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging Magnetometer
    2020-10-08 08:00 [view ] -43.6887 147.7363 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_002.asvp
    2020-10-08 08:28 [view ] -43.7477 147.8063 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging Data very noisy
    2020-10-08 08:30 [view ] -43.7507 147.8100 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122
    2020-10-08 08:30 [view ] -43.7518 147.8113 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_002.asvp
    2020-10-08 08:33 [view ] -43.7575 147.8180 EK80 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Change depth and recording setting to 1500m
    2020-10-08 08:41 [view ] -43.7753 147.8392 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_003.asvp
    2020-10-08 10:48 [view ] -44.0485 148.1650 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_004.asvp
    2020-10-08 13:55 [view ] -44.2875 148.6052 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging watercolumn
    2020-10-08 14:56 [view ] -44.3333 148.7227 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 New file - changed window to 400ms (from 200) an delay hysteresis to 25 (from 35)
    2020-10-08 15:37 [view ] -44.3632 148.8032 K-Sync [view] GSM_in2020_v06 EM122 set to external trigger via KSync Ping rate on free run (internal) = 0.06Hz and in KSync (external) = 0.06-0.07Hz
    2020-10-08 15:48 [view ] -44.3720 148.8253 K-Sync [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 NMEA DPT string fixed into KSync (Restarted in Techsas by DAP) Changed EK80 from fixed 2500ms to Calculated using the KSync depth utility
    2020-10-08 19:04 [view ] -44.4775 149.2378 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_005.asvp
    2020-10-08 20:07 [view ] -44.4935 149.3733 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-08 20:11 [view ] -44.4947 149.3827 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Duplicate TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-08 20:14 [view ] -44.4955 149.3905 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Duplicate TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-08 20:17 [view ] -44.4965 149.3972 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_006.asvp
    2020-10-08 21:50 [view ] -44.6230 149.4800 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 EM122 set to internal trigger (removed from Ksync) Testing to see if this setting is better for increased ping Hz
    2020-10-08 22:24 [view ] -44.7222 149.4498 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_007.asvp
    2020-10-09 00:18 [view ] -45.0633 149.3708 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_008.asvp
    2020-10-09 00:18 [view ] -45.0633 149.3708 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Angles set to 70° from 68 Approaching planned western transit line after a diversion for weather. It was discussed with the CS that the eastern line be sailed however the bridge opted for the original western route.
    2020-10-09 00:52 [view ] -45.1690 149.4035 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_009.asvp
    2020-10-09 02:09 [view ] -45.3745 149.5698 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Angles set to 72° from 70 (for additional coverage adjacent to historical data)
    2020-10-09 02:58 [view ] -45.5083 149.6795 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_010.asvp
    2020-10-09 03:24 [view ] -45.5807 149.7388 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_011.asvp
    2020-10-09 04:18 [view ] -45.7328 149.8638 TSG [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-09 04:18 [view ] -45.7337 149.8645 pCO2 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-09 04:18 [view ] -45.7343 149.8650 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer cleaned
    2020-10-09 04:44 [view ] -45.8083 149.9262 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_013.asvp
    2020-10-09 06:41 [view ] -46.1403 150.2005 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_014.asvp
    2020-10-09 08:15 [view ] -46.3948 150.4122 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_016.asvp
    2020-10-09 08:30 [view ] -46.4345 150.4452 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_017.asvp
    2020-10-09 09:18 [view ] -46.5608 150.5507 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_018.asvp
    2020-10-09 09:45 [view ] -46.6325 150.6105 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_019.asvp
    2020-10-09 10:28 [view ] -46.7460 150.7055 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_020.asvp
    2020-10-09 10:55 [view ] -46.8200 150.7677 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_021.asvp
    2020-10-09 11:06 [view ] -46.8497 150.7927 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_022.asvp
    2020-10-09 11:55 [view ] -46.9833 150.9052 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_023.asvp
    2020-10-09 12:25 [view ] -47.0630 150.9722 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_024.asvp
    2020-10-09 12:51 [view ] -47.1355 151.0333 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_025.asvp
    2020-10-09 13:15 [view ] -47.2000 151.0880 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_026.asvp
    2020-10-09 14:24 [view ] -47.4072 151.2057 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_027.asvp
    2020-10-09 15:49 [view ] -47.6740 151.3333 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 New file - changed window to 500ms (from 800ms) due to flatter terrain
    2020-10-09 16:45 [view ] -47.8483 151.4170 Mag [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-10-09 18:03 [view ] -48.0933 151.5352 POSMV [view] warning GSM_in2020_v06 Nav degraded to CA on POSMV
    2020-10-09 18:06 [view ] -48.1037 151.5402 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP120 to restart POSMV
    2020-10-09 18:06 [view ] -48.1037 151.5402 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging in EM122 to restart POSMV
    2020-10-09 18:06 [view ] -48.1037 151.5402 POSMV [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Suspended ethernet logging in POSView and rebooted POSMV Heading of 162° Position: 48 07.821 S, 151 33.198 E
    2020-10-09 18:06 [view ] -48.1037 151.5402 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging Qinsy to restart POSMV
    2020-10-09 18:06 [view ] -48.1037 151.5402 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80 to restart POSMV
    2020-10-09 18:19 [view ] -48.1445 151.5598 POSMV [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Restarted Ethernet logging in POSView. System still has degraded nav (CA)
    2020-10-09 18:23 [view ] -48.1582 151.5665 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Restarted logging EM122 POSMV back on Marinestar G4 (position accuracy ~0.8m, Altitude ~1m)
    2020-10-09 18:23 [view ] -48.1582 151.5665 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Restarted logging SPB120 POSMV back on Marinestar G4
    2020-10-09 18:23 [view ] -48.1582 151.5665 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Restarted logging EK80 POSMV back on Marinestar G4
    2020-10-09 18:37 [view ] -48.2035 151.5885 POSMV [view] GSM_in2020_v06 POSMV status still unstable - changing between CA and G4 Continuing to monitor the system
    2020-10-09 20:31 [view ] -48.5708 151.7477 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_028.asvp
    2020-10-09 20:54 [view ] -48.6428 151.7745 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_029.asvp
    2020-10-09 21:59 [view ] -48.8462 151.8507 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_030.asvp
    2020-10-09 22:25 [view ] -48.9278 151.8813 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_031.asvp
    2020-10-10 01:17 [view ] -49.3855 152.3328 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 New file - Changed window from 500ms to 600ms (for undulating terrain)
    2020-10-10 02:22 [view ] -49.5530 152.5120 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-10 02:25 [view ] -49.5620 152.5217 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-10-10 02:32 [view ] -49.5790 152.5398 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_032.asvp
    2020-10-10 04:11 [view ] -49.8405 152.8212 XBT [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-10 04:15 [view ] -49.8515 152.8330 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_001.asvp
    2020-10-10 04:43 [view ] -49.9238 152.9112 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_033.asvp
    2020-10-10 05:24 [view ] -50.0340 153.0303 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_034.asvp
    2020-10-10 06:00 [view ] -50.1168 153.1647 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_035.asvp
    2020-10-10 06:11 [view ] -50.1397 153.2070 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_036.asvp
    2020-10-10 10:12 [view ] -50.6640 154.1852 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_037.asvp
    2020-10-10 11:31 [view ] -50.8327 154.5018 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_038.asvp
    2020-10-10 14:40 [view ] -51.2325 155.1653 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_039.asvp
    2020-10-10 14:52 [view ] -51.2608 155.2015 POSMV [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Occassional POSMV position degrading to VBS
    2020-10-10 15:03 [view ] -51.2858 155.2332 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_040.asvp
    2020-10-10 15:36 [view ] -51.3653 155.3340 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-10-10 15:59 [view ] -51.4195 155.4030 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_041.asvp
    2020-10-10 16:02 [view ] -51.4255 155.4103 POSMV [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Nav status back to Marinestar G4+
    2020-10-10 18:05 [view ] -51.7120 155.7762 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_042.asvp
    2020-10-10 18:06 [view ] -51.7137 155.7783 POSMV [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Nav degraded to CA on POSMV
    2020-10-10 19:00 [view ] -51.8393 155.9393 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_043.asvp
    2020-10-10 21:05 [view ] -52.1168 156.2967 Other [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 Changed Qinsy project to z57
    2020-10-10 21:15 [view ] -52.1375 156.3235 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_044.asvp
    2020-10-10 21:17 [view ] -52.1428 156.3305 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 New file name - Start of UTM Zone 57
    2020-10-10 23:08 [view ] -52.3752 156.6315 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_045.asvp
    2020-10-10 23:51 [view ] -52.4540 156.7287 Mag [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-10-11 00:01 [view ] -52.4728 156.7483 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Vessel turning - issue with stablising tanks
    2020-10-11 00:07 [view ] -52.4828 156.7368 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP while turning
    2020-10-11 00:12 [view ] -52.4947 156.7398 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_046.asvp
    2020-10-11 00:25 [view ] -52.5227 156.7662 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - resumed course
    2020-10-11 01:34 [view ] -52.6623 157.0058 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_047.asvp
    2020-10-11 01:47 [view ] -52.6912 157.0435 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_048.asvp
    2020-10-11 02:36 [view ] -52.8058 157.1928 POSMV [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Ca mode
    2020-10-11 04:38 [view ] -53.0450 157.6092 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_050.asvp
    2020-10-11 07:08 [view ] -53.3448 158.1737 TSG [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-11 07:08 [view ] -53.3453 158.1747 pCO2 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-11 07:08 [view ] -53.3460 158.1758 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer cleaned
    2020-10-11 10:06 [view ] -53.7107 158.8675 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_051.asvp
    2020-10-11 10:35 [view ] -53.7702 158.9812 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_052.asvp
    2020-10-11 11:42 [view ] -53.9077 159.2423 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Change mb angles to 70/70
    2020-10-11 11:45 [view ] -53.9127 159.2520 CCNC [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Draind and filled milliQ
    2020-10-11 11:52 [view ] -53.9247 159.2752 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start new survey in2020_v06_Macquarie Other notes: SBP file = Line007_098 EM122 set to ping internally (free-run) @0.04hz. SBP also set to free-run. EK60 in KSync
    2020-10-11 12:13 [view ] -53.9722 159.2958 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_002.asvp
    2020-10-11 15:08 [view ] -54.4225 159.1528 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_005.asvp XBT drops 003 and 004 failed and 005 (this xbt) was only good to ~150m. Possible bad batch
    2020-10-11 17:08 [view ] -54.7473 159.0482 XBT [view] GSM_in2020_v06 XBT 007
    2020-10-11 17:16 [view ] -54.7678 159.0413 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_007.asvp
    2020-10-11 17:48 [view ] -54.8487 159.0152 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_053.asvp
    2020-10-11 18:17 [view ] -54.9212 158.9918 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 End of NEQ Line 02 - commencing turn
    2020-10-11 18:18 [view ] -54.9238 158.9912 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging at end of line (Line007_123)
    2020-10-11 18:19 [view ] -54.9268 158.9898 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 End of NEQ Line 02 - turning
    2020-10-11 18:58 [view ] -54.9098 158.8675 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Start of Line 01 (NE Quadrant)
    2020-10-11 18:58 [view ] -54.9098 158.8675 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging Line 01 (NE Quadrant) Window set to 600ms
    2020-10-11 20:06 [view ] -54.7617 158.9167 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Changed port beam to 72° for extended coverage inshore Chief scientist Mike Coffin requested possibly additional coverage closer to the island. New line sent to the bridge 0.5NM inshore of current line. Bridge will move across to get better coverage of the shallower region
    2020-10-11 20:12 [view ] -54.7490 158.9192 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Slight course deviation to join new line
    2020-10-11 20:19 [view ] -54.7348 158.9143 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Expanded stbd beam to 72°
    2020-10-11 20:38 [view ] -54.6905 158.9242 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging in EM710 (wd=800m) To try and achieve additional data density in the shaloower water EM710 was engaged
    2020-10-11 21:14 [view ] -54.6107 158.9617 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_054.asvp
    2020-10-11 21:14 [view ] -54.6107 158.9617 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_054.asvp
    2020-10-11 21:48 [view ] -54.5345 158.9975 EM710 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Changed Ping mode to Dynamic and removed slope filter
    2020-10-11 21:58 [view ] -54.5108 159.0077 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging in EM710 -too deep for good data (wd=1600m)
    2020-10-11 22:37 [view ] -54.4275 159.0257 Mag [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-10-11 23:10 [view ] -54.3773 159.0420 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Issues in engine room - had to slow down from 8kts to 3knts Astrid called up and stated the engineers needed some maintenance in engine room and would slow down for approx. 30min
    2020-10-11 23:17 [view ] -54.3712 159.0440 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Card has been swapped out in engine room, and propulsion issue remediated. Mike said will get back up to 8 knts now from 4knts.
    2020-10-11 23:31 [view ] -54.3448 159.0528 RM Yound Rain Gauge Maintenance in2020_v06 Heater switched on
    2020-10-11 23:38 [view ] -54.3315 159.0633 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Butanol catchpots emptied
    2020-10-12 00:11 [view ] -54.2713 159.0807 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Automatic slope across track only SBP120 was having difficulties picking up bottom on slope edge.
    2020-10-12 00:30 [view ] -54.2363 159.0842 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Line 071 changed back to normal mode with no slope correction Didn& 39;t really improve much SBP120. so turned slope correction off.
    2020-10-12 01:56 [view ] -54.0693 159.1242 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 Can't do XBTs - not safe
    2020-10-12 03:13 [view ] -53.9155 159.1797 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging - turn
    2020-10-12 03:18 [view ] -53.9165 159.2013 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Logging SBP transit from L01 to L03
    2020-10-12 04:22 [view ] -53.9483 159.5093 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped while turning
    2020-10-12 04:32 [view ] -53.9770 159.5240 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging NEQ Line 03
    2020-10-12 05:04 [view ] -54.0022 159.4937 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop SBP weather to rough to run survey line
    2020-10-12 05:08 [view ] -53.9985 159.4878 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Ship heading 320° for weather
    2020-10-12 05:20 [view ] -53.9890 159.4708 Other [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Hove To for weather
    2020-10-12 05:26 [view ] -53.9850 159.4633 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped SBP while hoved to
    2020-10-12 06:44 [view ] -53.9388 159.3675 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop sampling
    2020-10-12 08:57 [view ] -53.8515 159.1907 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging new survey in2020v06_Macquarie_A
    2020-10-12 09:06 [view ] -53.8443 159.1793 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging over ridge
    2020-10-12 09:56 [view ] -53.8240 159.1565 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging new line in2020_v06_transit_to_line_03
    2020-10-12 11:24 [view ] -53.9685 159.4880 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for turn onto line 03
    2020-10-12 11:35 [view ] -53.9910 159.5117 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging runline 3
    2020-10-12 12:08 [view ] -54.0650 159.5002 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_055.asvp
    2020-10-12 15:12 [view ] -54.4865 159.3678 XBT [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 XBT cast 008
    2020-10-12 15:19 [view ] -54.5012 159.3630 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_008.asvp
    2020-10-12 16:28 [view ] -54.6588 159.3132 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Changed stbd beam to 67° from 70°. This lines covers the reported position of the wreck of the Nella Dan
    2020-10-12 17:15 [view ] -54.7620 159.2803 XBT [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 XBT cast 009
    2020-10-12 17:23 [view ] -54.7782 159.2752 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_009.asvp
    2020-10-12 18:12 [view ] -54.8762 159.2443 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 End of NEQ Line 03 - commencing turn
    2020-10-12 18:12 [view ] -54.8762 159.2443 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - End of NEQ Line 03, commencing turn
    2020-10-12 18:17 [view ] -54.8810 159.2605 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - transit between NEQ lines 03 and 04
    2020-10-12 19:00 [view ] -54.8878 159.4652 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Removed P NE Area (18000) line from the planning file This line was not run but shifted to the west by 3000m (called P NE Area 15000)
    2020-10-12 19:02 [view ] -54.8878 159.4772 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Turn onto NEQ Line04
    2020-10-12 19:06 [view ] -54.8800 159.4812 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Start of Line 04 (NE Quadrant)
    2020-10-12 19:07 [view ] -54.8777 159.4822 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - Start of NEQ Line04
    2020-10-12 20:56 [view ] -54.6507 159.5522 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-12 20:57 [view ] -54.6500 159.5523 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-12 20:57 [view ] -54.6497 159.5525 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-10-12 21:25 [view ] -54.5917 159.5705 XBT [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 XBT 010
    2020-10-12 21:37 [view ] -54.5665 159.5783 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_010.asvp
    2020-10-13 00:00 [view ] -54.2840 159.6657 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Breaking off NEQ Line04 due to weather. Turning
    2020-10-13 00:00 [view ] -54.2840 159.6657 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Breaking off NEQ Line04 due to weather. Turning
    2020-10-13 00:09 [view ] -54.2807 159.6447 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 On tansit from NEQ Line04 to Macquarie
    2020-10-13 00:09 [view ] -54.2807 159.6447 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 On tansit from NEQ Line04 to Macquarie Running at 230° back to island due to incoming weather
    2020-10-13 00:16 [view ] -54.2910 159.6232 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Changed port and stbd beam to 55° (focused coverage across already mapped area)
    2020-10-13 00:16 [view ] -54.2910 159.6232 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Gain from 8 to 7db
    2020-10-13 02:13 [view ] -54.4997 159.2242 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Changed port and stbd beam to 45° (focused coverage over possible OBS site) Possible OBS site NEQ 02. Slowed to 4 knots for high density coverage
    2020-10-13 02:22 [view ] -54.5068 159.2105 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging new line @4kts across Poss Obs Site Window set to 400ms. Gain=5
    2020-10-13 02:27 [view ] -54.5107 159.2030 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_057.asvp
    2020-10-13 03:16 [view ] -54.5508 159.1265 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 No obvious sediment noted across the possible OBS Site01 (at -54 32.18S, 159 09.19E)
    2020-10-13 03:23 [view ] -54.5568 159.1148 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop magnetometer for retreival
    2020-10-13 05:11 [view ] -54.6445 158.9477 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging, hiding from bad weather
    2020-10-13 05:19 [view ] -54.6512 158.9375 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_058.asvp
    2020-10-13 07:21 [view ] -54.7380 158.8930 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging EM710. Unable to ping echosounder. Problem false/erroneous absorbtions values
    2020-10-13 08:50 [view ] -54.6310 158.9607 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Logging Depth 950m
    2020-10-13 09:30 [view ] -54.6185 159.0720 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging Transit over potential OBS 03 site W - E
    2020-10-13 10:03 [view ] -54.6095 159.1402 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_059.asvp
    2020-10-13 11:01 [view ] -54.5920 159.2725 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging for turn
    2020-10-13 11:02 [view ] -54.5922 159.2732 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging
    2020-10-13 11:05 [view ] -54.5935 159.2737 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging end of turn. Beams at 45°
    2020-10-13 11:10 [view ] -54.5967 159.2680 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start, new filename
    2020-10-13 12:26 [view ] -54.6423 159.1900 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop For Turn
    2020-10-13 12:26 [view ] -54.6418 159.1888 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-13 12:27 [view ] -54.6407 159.1880 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit over obs sites 03 and 04 s -n
    2020-10-13 12:29 [view ] -54.6375 159.1890 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-13 14:12 [view ] -54.4922 159.3008 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped vessel turning
    2020-10-13 14:13 [view ] -54.4908 159.2997 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 vessel turning
    2020-10-13 14:14 [view ] -54.4905 159.2978 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_060.asvp
    2020-10-13 15:57 [view ] -54.5088 159.0937 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 SBP power set to -5db from -6db
    2020-10-13 16:04 [view ] -54.5117 159.0762 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Turning
    2020-10-13 16:05 [view ] -54.5122 159.0753 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - End of NEW Transit_02
    2020-10-13 16:09 [view ] -54.5177 159.0722 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 INFILL adjacent to the Island in ~2800m wd. Using Burst Mode and half array Settings: Window=400ms Power= -5db, Mode=Burst mode, Beam width=Half array
    2020-10-13 18:46 [view ] -54.7038 159.0158 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_062.asvp
    2020-10-13 19:34 [view ] -54.7525 159.0007 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Turning inshore
    2020-10-13 19:34 [view ] -54.7525 159.0007 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - Turning inshore
    2020-10-13 20:30 [view ] -54.7368 158.8837 EK80 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Changed EK80 to 250m setting for shallow water
    2020-10-13 20:30 [view ] -54.7368 158.8837 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging in EM710 (wd=200m) Running inshore along eastern shoreline of Macquarie Island
    2020-10-13 20:36 [view ] -54.7270 158.8857 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 Params: Normal mode, 300ms acq window, -8db pwr, full array
    2020-10-13 20:54 [view ] -54.7038 158.8938 EK80 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Reverted back to 1500m setting as depth is undulating beyond 250m
    2020-10-13 21:48 [view ] -54.6362 158.9243 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - Breaking of line to try and OBS deployment
    2020-10-13 21:56 [view ] -54.6272 158.9303 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Breaking off Island Line 03 for OBS site (TURN)
    2020-10-13 21:56 [view ] -54.6272 158.9303 EM710 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Breaking off Island Line 03 for OBS site (TURN)
    2020-10-13 22:00 [view ] -54.6253 158.9393 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Issue with EM122 - double bottom. Stopped logging and pinging and restarted pinging to resolve
    2020-10-13 22:03 [view ] -54.6238 158.9508 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EM710. Moving to deep water
    2020-10-13 22:13 [view ] -54.6208 158.9843 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - transit to MRO04
    2020-10-13 22:17 [view ] -54.6203 159.0013 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_063.asvp
    2020-10-13 23:10 [view ] -54.6427 159.2337 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM122 - preparing to approach OBS site
    2020-10-13 23:12 [view ] -54.6407 159.2425 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP
    2020-10-13 23:27 [view ] -54.6327 159.2222 Rapid Cast [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 Rapidcast SVP 001 on approach to OBS MRO04
    2020-10-13 23:42 [view ] -54.6235 159.1997 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_rsvp_001.asvp
    2020-10-13 23:47 [view ] -54.6165 159.1840 Other [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 applid to USBL
    2020-10-13 23:57 [view ] -54.6108 159.1705 EK80 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 EK80 logging off and set to passive
    2020-10-14 00:01 [view ] -54.6108 159.1710 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging SBP120 over site MRO04 - some sediment visible
    2020-10-14 00:10 [view ] -54.6108 159.1708 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Deploying CAS MRO04 CAS in the water
    2020-10-14 00:12 [view ] -54.6108 159.1708 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP
    2020-10-14 00:27 [view ] -54.6110 159.1707 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Setup USBL to Slot 1 as Simulator was on Slot0
    2020-10-14 02:58 [view ] -54.6107 159.1715 Other [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 MRO04 Released 140m above the seafloor MRO04 deployed ~305m at a bearing of ~033° (T) from the planned position. Depth of seafloor 4638m (at release position), depth released=4500m (from USBL) Position from USBL Ranger: 54°36.49801& 39; S; 159°10.37557& 39; E
    2020-10-14 04:35 [view ] -54.6093 159.1703 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO08
    2020-10-14 04:36 [view ] -54.6085 159.1760 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to site MRO08
    2020-10-14 05:00 [view ] -54.6162 159.2940 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped for turn
    2020-10-14 05:09 [view ] -54.6107 159.3280 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start SBP120 logging on approach to OBS MR008
    2020-10-14 05:11 [view ] -54.6088 159.3267 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging 0199
    2020-10-14 05:28 [view ] -54.6047 159.3203 Rapid Cast [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 Rapidcast to 600m. 1200m of line out
    2020-10-14 05:33 [view ] -54.6040 159.3172 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-14 06:13 [view ] -54.5957 159.2850 EM122 [view] Line GSM_in2020_v06 Line has incorrect SVP applied
    2020-10-14 06:24 [view ] -54.5932 159.2742 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging on station for deployment MRO08
    2020-10-14 06:35 [view ] -54.5933 159.2738 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging on station MRO08
    2020-10-14 06:35 [view ] -54.5933 159.2738 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Obs deployed
    2020-10-14 06:39 [view ] -54.5937 159.2735 Other [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging USBL alpha text MRO08
    2020-10-14 06:48 [view ] -54.5938 159.2733 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped so they could ping obs
    2020-10-14 08:20 [view ] -54.5973 159.2693 Other [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped winch deployment paused usbl depth 3010m. Dist to sea floor 2440m
    2020-10-14 08:25 [view ] -54.5975 159.2690 Other [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Retrieve winch wire. Obs range showing released from released.
    2020-10-14 08:48 [view ] -54.5985 159.2680 Other [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging usbl ascii file at time0835
    2020-10-14 09:37 [view ] -54.5972 159.2622 Other [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 USBL onboard, moving to begin triangulation
    2020-10-14 09:50 [view ] -54.5785 159.2492 Other [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 commence triangulation
    2020-10-14 11:27 [view ] -54.5718 159.2910 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_rsvp_002.asvp
    2020-10-14 11:28 [view ] -54.5700 159.2898 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging Transit to MRO03
    2020-10-14 11:30 [view ] -54.5670 159.2883 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging Transit to MRO03
    2020-10-14 11:48 [view ] -54.5338 159.2707 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging Transit to MRO03
    2020-10-14 14:20 [view ] -54.3005 159.1680 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Logging vessel turn
    2020-10-14 14:21 [view ] -54.2995 159.1695 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop for turn
    2020-10-14 14:29 [view ] -54.3015 159.1920 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging
    2020-10-14 14:34 [view ] -54.3148 159.1953 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Turning
    2020-10-14 14:37 [view ] -54.3187 159.1925 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging MRO03 E -W
    2020-10-14 14:38 [view ] -54.3188 159.1913 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit over MRO03 E - W
    2020-10-14 14:40 [view ] -54.3185 159.1858 TSG [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-14 14:41 [view ] -54.3185 159.1852 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer cleaned
    2020-10-14 14:41 [view ] -54.3185 159.1843 pCO2 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-14 14:42 [view ] -54.3185 159.1818 SMPS [view] Fault in2020_v06_Atmospherics SMPS software frozen. SMPS software found to be frozen and no data being produced for the last few days. Tried to restart but software wouldn& 39;t behave. Awaiting advice from Aspendale.
    2020-10-14 14:59 [view ] -54.3188 159.1453 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_065.asvp
    2020-10-14 17:21 [view ] -54.5825 159.0050 EK80 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Noticed that EK80 was still set to Passive after the last OBS site - Changed to ACTIVE
    2020-10-14 17:48 [view ] -54.6118 158.9963 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_066.asvp Note: Wind gusting 49 knots
    2020-10-14 18:13 [view ] -54.6387 158.9883 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_067.asvp
    2020-10-14 19:19 [view ] -54.7038 158.9687 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP
    2020-10-14 19:40 [view ] -54.7235 158.9628 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Infill 2 completed - Turning inshore to pick up yesterday's Island Line 02
    2020-10-14 20:36 [view ] -54.6663 158.9157 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Running Island Line03 Externally triggered via KSync
    2020-10-14 20:36 [view ] -54.6663 158.9157 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_067.asvp Externally Triggered via KSync Note: ADCPs OFF
    2020-10-14 20:36 [view ] -54.6663 158.9157 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging - Island Line03
    2020-10-14 20:39 [view ] -54.6628 158.9167 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP - Island Line03 Settings: Window=600ms, Pwr=-6db, Full array, 1 beam, AUTOMATIC SLOPE CORRECTION=on (as a test), Gain=12db External Trigger via Ksync
    2020-10-14 21:03 [view ] -54.6335 158.9258 EM122 [view] Power GSM_in2020_v06 Reduced the power to -10dn for shallower water (~240m)
    2020-10-14 22:03 [view ] -54.5665 158.9572 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Changed to Half Array
    2020-10-14 22:43 [view ] -54.5205 158.9750 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Back to Full array and power reduced to -9db
    2020-10-14 23:15 [view ] -54.5248 158.9728 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - Start of Island Line04
    2020-10-14 23:36 [view ] -54.5622 158.9528 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Changes to settings Window=400ms, Delay Hys=20, Bottom Pos=40, Gain=9, Slope correct=on
    2020-10-15 00:00 [view ] -54.6195 158.9335 SMPS [view] Start in2020_v06_Atmospherics Cycled power and restarted data acquisition.
    2020-10-15 00:01 [view ] -54.6208 158.9328 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Re-primed butanol line since it has an air bubble
    2020-10-15 01:08 [view ] -54.7760 158.8715 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - Turning
    2020-10-15 01:10 [view ] -54.7797 158.8710 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Turning
    2020-10-15 01:10 [view ] -54.7797 158.8710 EM710 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Turning
    2020-10-15 01:38 [view ] -54.7487 158.8810 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging - Inshore mapping (Island_Line05) Heading north along the inshore line towards Buckles Bay
    2020-10-15 01:38 [view ] -54.7487 158.8810 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 New File - Inshore mapping Heading north along the inshore line towards Buckles Bay EM122 set to free-run (external to KSync)
    2020-10-15 01:58 [view ] -54.7230 158.8805 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EK80. Interference with EM710
    2020-10-15 02:20 [view ] -54.6960 158.8892 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-15 02:23 [view ] -54.6920 158.8905 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-15 02:26 [view ] -54.6890 158.8915 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-15 04:30 [view ] -54.5150 158.9687 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging vessel turning
    2020-10-15 04:30 [view ] -54.5150 158.9687 SBP [view] Line GSM_in2020_v06 New line 7 SN logging vessel turning
    2020-10-15 04:32 [view ] -54.5148 158.9748 EM710 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Turn
    2020-10-15 04:32 [view ] -54.5148 158.9748 EM710 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Turn
    2020-10-15 04:32 [view ] -54.5155 158.9757 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Turn
    2020-10-15 04:32 [view ] -54.5155 158.9757 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Turn
    2020-10-15 06:59 [view ] -54.7325 158.8850 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Butanol catchpot emptied
    2020-10-15 07:00 [view ] -54.7312 158.8853 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 New line 7 heading north
    2020-10-15 07:01 [view ] -54.7292 158.8860 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 New line 7 heading north
    2020-10-15 08:20 [view ] -54.5182 158.9870 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Logging 870m depth
    2020-10-15 08:58 [view ] -54.4417 159.0100 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging 700m water depth
    2020-10-15 09:07 [view ] -54.4400 159.0000 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 New File heading south
    2020-10-15 09:14 [view ] -54.4568 159.0025 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging/pinging +700m
    2020-10-15 09:58 [view ] -54.5518 158.9810 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging
    2020-10-15 10:00 [view ] -54.5532 158.9803 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging EM710 only
    2020-10-15 12:41 [view ] -54.7458 158.8853 EM710 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Turning North
    2020-10-15 12:45 [view ] -54.7427 158.8805 SBP [view] GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-15 15:52 [view ] -54.4990 159.0032 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM710 Achieving good lock on seafloor at 153m (@4 knots)
    2020-10-15 15:52 [view ] -54.4990 159.0032 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP
    2020-10-15 16:05 [view ] -54.4972 159.0047 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM710 Running on reciprocal line to previous for additional data density
    2020-10-15 16:27 [view ] -54.5193 158.9953 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - Start of Island Line05 (North-South) Reciprocal line with Automatica slope off for comparison to previous line Power=-8db
    2020-10-15 17:25 [view ] -54.6003 158.9608 Nephelometer [view] Start in2020_v06_Atmospherics Restarted Sensor Interface I restarted the sensor interface because the nepholometer has been saying "Warming Up" since we left. Seeing if that message will disappear.
    2020-10-15 19:43 [view ] -54.7737 158.8848 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Holding station at end of line to the south of Island to assess the windward side sea conditions
    2020-10-15 19:43 [view ] -54.7737 158.8848 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM710 Holding station at end of line to the south of Island to assess the windward side sea conditions
    2020-10-15 19:43 [view ] -54.7737 158.8848 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP Holding station at end of line to the south of Island to assess the windward side sea conditions
    2020-10-15 21:01 [view ] -54.7682 158.8975 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM710 - Additional data acquisition along the ~1200m isobath (Heading north)
    2020-10-15 21:15 [view ] -54.7343 158.9153 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP Auto Slope=on
    2020-10-15 22:33 [view ] -54.5225 159.0222 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging - moving to deeper water (>2000m)
    2020-10-15 22:33 [view ] -54.5225 159.0222 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging
    2020-10-15 22:40 [view ] -54.5027 159.0365 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 - transit to MRO03
    2020-10-15 22:49 [view ] -54.4792 159.0532 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80
    2020-10-15 22:53 [view ] -54.4685 159.0610 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_068.asvp
    2020-10-15 23:07 [view ] -54.4325 159.0893 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP
    2020-10-15 23:47 [view ] -54.3365 159.1801 Nephelometer [view] Outage in2020_v06_Atmospherics 0194 stopped to test system warmup The neph keeps reporting "instrument in warmup". I& 39;m testing ahypothesis that the 0194 is preventing the neph from doing it& 39;s normal warmup procedure I have shut down the 0194 application code for 15 minutes, and will then restart it.
    2020-10-15 23:59 [view ] -54.3045 159.2073 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_011.asvp
    2020-10-16 00:06 [view ] -54.3015 159.2037 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 00:06 [view ] -54.3015 159.2037 Other [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 loaded into Ranger2
    2020-10-16 00:15 [view ] -54.3130 159.1828 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EK80 - on station at MRO03 (CAS)
    2020-10-16 00:33 [view ] -54.3187 159.1747 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 00:33 [view ] -54.3187 159.1747 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 00:33 [view ] -54.3185 159.1747 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 00:58 [view ] -54.3178 159.1742 Other [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MR003 deployed CAS free fall deployment due to weather constraints. 105m NE of planned position at bearing 046 degrees. Water depth is
    2020-10-16 01:01 [view ] -54.3178 159.1742 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging for MR003 deployment
    2020-10-16 01:02 [view ] -54.3178 159.1742 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for MR003 deployment
    2020-10-16 02:30 [view ] -54.3190 159.1758 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MRO03 on bottom 92min to reach seafloor
    2020-10-16 04:15 [view ] -54.3115 159.1980 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Ping OBS from NE position PING OBS
    2020-10-16 04:36 [view ] -54.3327 159.1802 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Third Ping
    2020-10-16 05:01 [view ] -54.3267 159.1423 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transitting in to West
    2020-10-16 05:07 [view ] -54.3203 159.1293 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start pinging and logging after obs deployment
    2020-10-16 05:16 [view ] -54.3053 159.1033 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Restart logging and pinging after obs deploy. Transit to western side of macca
    2020-10-16 05:38 [view ] -54.2668 159.0427 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 XBt 011 added
    2020-10-16 06:04 [view ] -54.2285 158.9667 OS75 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 ADCP turned off. EM710 used to map
    2020-10-16 06:21 [view ] -54.2223 158.9352 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 06:23 [view ] -54.2218 158.9348 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging vessel stationary
    2020-10-16 06:24 [view ] -54.2217 158.9348 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging vessel stationary
    2020-10-16 06:34 [view ] -54.2198 158.9350 Other [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 New blank Qinsy sounding grid: in2020_V06_20201016
    2020-10-16 06:47 [view ] -54.2182 158.9357 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped EK noise testing EM710
    2020-10-16 07:24 [view ] -54.2227 158.9325 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 07:24 [view ] -54.2242 158.9317 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 08:17 [view ] -54.3512 158.8715 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-16 10:54 [view ] -54.7575 158.6985 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_069.asvp
    2020-10-16 10:55 [view ] -54.7613 158.6968 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_069.asvp
    2020-10-16 11:09 [view ] -54.8003 158.6850 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Split North South SBP line
    2020-10-16 11:20 [view ] -54.8272 158.6822 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Split line end of line heading east to shelter
    2020-10-16 11:44 [view ] -54.8258 158.8047 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_070.asvp
    2020-10-16 11:44 [view ] -54.8257 158.8077 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_070.asvp
    2020-10-16 12:10 [view ] -54.7760 158.8775 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging stop pinging in behind macca, already surveyed
    2020-10-16 12:22 [view ] -54.7448 158.8885 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging inside island, well surveyed
    2020-10-16 16:10 [view ] -54.5848 158.9860 TSG [view] Reboot in2020_v06 Restarted sensor interface.
    2020-10-16 16:31 [view ] -54.6193 158.9797 Underway Seawater Data Reboot in2020_v06 Rebooted sensor interface
    2020-10-16 19:46 [view ] -54.5950 158.9478 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Buckles01
    2020-10-16 21:41 [view ] -54.4777 158.9728 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging em710 - Line Buckles_02
    2020-10-17 01:18 [view ] -54.4975 158.9767 EM710 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 End of Buckles 03 Weather too bad to go closer inshore
    2020-10-17 03:39 [view ] -54.7238 158.9113 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging area of infill
    2020-10-17 04:44 [view ] -54.8273 158.9460 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_071.asvp
    2020-10-17 05:07 [view ] -54.8130 159.0223 SST Radiometer [view] Fault in2020_v06 Shutter stuck open Shutter travelled past the final endstop when opening following a rain event. Manually closed and retried automatic open. Second attempt had the same result with the shutter being stuck open and the equipmnet not outputting any data. Believed faulty trigger/hall effect sensro on the final open position. Shutter manualy shut and system turned off.
    2020-10-17 05:10 [view ] -54.8083 159.0275 SST Radiometer [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stopped due to fault
    2020-10-17 06:48 [view ] -54.6452 159.1105 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging for transponder testing
    2020-10-17 08:10 [view ] -54.6620 159.1412 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_072.asvp
    2020-10-17 08:14 [view ] -54.6707 159.1347 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging transitting south into SEQ
    2020-10-17 08:33 [view ] -54.7143 159.1008 TSG [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-17 08:33 [view ] -54.7150 159.1003 pCO2 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-17 08:33 [view ] -54.7157 159.0998 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer cleaned
    2020-10-17 08:55 [view ] -54.7655 159.0595 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging SEQ_Line_01
    2020-10-17 08:57 [view ] -54.7692 159.0570 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging running south
    2020-10-17 09:04 [view ] -54.7860 159.0463 OS75 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 ADCP's turned on
    2020-10-17 10:22 [view ] -54.8495 158.9528 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 new line after vessel turn
    2020-10-17 10:30 [view ] -54.8340 158.9368 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-17 10:39 [view ] -54.8158 158.9182 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 EK80 stopped
    2020-10-17 11:05 [view ] -54.7470 158.8870 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging inside island
    2020-10-17 18:56 [view ] -54.6797 158.9227 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80 (wd ~700m) East of Macquarie Island
    2020-10-17 20:12 [view ] -54.7612 158.9023 ME70 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging ME70 -12dB and range 500m Set file size to 500mb. Used in2019v01 settings.
    2020-10-17 20:23 [view ] -54.7718 158.8998 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 Heading to OBS MRO23 deployment site in the NW Quadrant
    2020-10-17 20:41 [view ] -54.7955 158.8823 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - transit to MRO23 from NE Quadrant
    2020-10-17 21:09 [view ] -54.8088 158.8260 ME70 [view] Power GSM_in2020_v06 Max power
    2020-10-17 22:01 [view ] -54.8162 158.6913 XBT [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 XBT cast 011 After an issue with connecting to the XBT the netCDF file displayed an error in SVPBuilder
    2020-10-17 22:03 [view ] -54.8135 158.6857 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 New file - Approach MRO0023
    2020-10-17 22:15 [view ] -54.8117 158.6828 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_012.asvp Managed to convert the NetCDF in SSM but it& 39;s outside of climatology - bad drop
    2020-10-17 22:22 [view ] -54.8117 158.6828 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP & EK80
    2020-10-17 22:25 [view ] -54.8115 158.6828 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP in2020_v06_sst_073.asvp (On site at MRO023)
    2020-10-17 22:32 [view ] -54.8115 158.6827 Other [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 Deploying MRO023 (CAS) - in water
    2020-10-17 22:34 [view ] -54.8115 158.6820 Other [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 OBS USBL logging (MRO023)
    2020-10-17 23:08 [view ] -54.8113 158.6822 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS at MRO023 has been released (CAS) CAS OBS - MRO23 deployed ~28m away at a bearing of ~033° (T) from the planned position. Depth of seafloor 979m (at release position), depth released=880m (from USBL) Position from USBL Ranger: 54°48.69107& 39; S; 158°40.94553& 39; E NOTE: OBS may not have released from wire - assessing
    2020-10-17 23:23 [view ] -54.8113 158.6822 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 CAS OBS at MRO023 FAILED on release - Surfacing on its own Mishap on the release and OBS is surfacing under its own buoyancy
    2020-10-17 23:28 [view ] -54.8118 158.6835 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 OBS on surface - preparing to attempt recovery after which wire is on deck Note: Weight and frame lost
    2020-10-18 00:37 [view ] -54.8208 158.7067 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 CAS OBS lifting bail broke on recovery - Sesor&float is unrecoverable
    2020-10-18 00:50 [view ] -54.8195 158.7068 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging USBL Alpha Numeric in Qinsy
    2020-10-18 01:19 [view ] -54.8118 158.6823 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Preparing for a second OBS (CAS) deployment attempt at site MRO023
    2020-10-18 01:28 [view ] -54.8115 158.6822 Other [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 Deploying MRO023 (CAS) - Attempt 2 OBS in water. Free fall deployment (no USBL) from the surface
    2020-10-18 01:52 [view ] -54.8118 158.6818 Other [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 OBS on seafloor in position at MRO023 Attempt 2 successful. Ranged to be 920m (Actual water depth from MBES = 979m)
    2020-10-18 02:18 [view ] -54.8057 158.6725 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Ranged to OBS @ ~1km NW (Range 1)
    2020-10-18 02:26 [view ] -54.8072 158.6947 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Ranged to OBS @ ~1km NE (Range 2) Successful ranging
    2020-10-18 02:33 [view ] -54.8082 158.6975 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging
    2020-10-18 02:33 [view ] -54.6638 158.7138 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Logging
    2020-10-18 02:34 [view ] -54.8078 158.6993 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging
    2020-10-18 02:34 [view ] -54.6638 158.7138 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging
    2020-10-18 02:34 [view ] -54.8075 158.7017 ME70 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging
    2020-10-18 02:34 [view ] -54.6638 158.7138 ME70 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Logging
    2020-10-18 02:35 [view ] -54.8068 158.7042 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging north
    2020-10-18 02:35 [view ] -54.6638 158.7138 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging north
    2020-10-18 04:09 [view ] -54.6600 158.7080 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 Obs deployed at surface. 0.1knots current @ 133°
    2020-10-18 04:33 [view ] -54.6603 158.7080 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 04:43 [view ] -54.6592 158.7055 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 First range
    2020-10-18 04:55 [view ] -54.6597 158.7107 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 second ping
    2020-10-18 05:06 [view ] -54.6638 158.7130 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Third Ping
    2020-10-18 05:19 [view ] -54.6625 158.7002 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Fourth Ping
    2020-10-18 05:20 [view ] -54.6627 158.6985 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging
    2020-10-18 05:22 [view ] -54.6668 158.6957 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 05:23 [view ] -54.6670 158.6957 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging NWQ Line 02 NS
    2020-10-18 05:33 [view ] -54.6937 158.6938 ME70 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging
    2020-10-18 06:20 [view ] -54.8065 158.6602 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped for obs ranging
    2020-10-18 06:21 [view ] -54.8082 158.6637 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 06:28 [view ] -54.8168 158.6820 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging to range osb
    2020-10-18 06:40 [view ] -54.8137 158.6783 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 MRO23
    2020-10-18 06:52 [view ] -54.8125 158.6687 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging line SWQ Ridge crest line south
    2020-10-18 06:54 [view ] -54.8175 158.6692 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 06:57 [view ] -54.8268 158.6702 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging SWQ
    2020-10-18 07:46 [view ] -54.9380 158.6493 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging water column
    2020-10-18 08:06 [view ] -54.9820 158.6380 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_074.asvp
    2020-10-18 08:25 [view ] -54.9967 158.6178 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging hove to
    2020-10-18 08:32 [view ] -54.9945 158.6148 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Hove To
    2020-10-18 08:33 [view ] -54.9943 158.6143 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 09:19 [view ] -54.9780 158.5773 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_074.asvp
    2020-10-18 09:19 [view ] -54.9778 158.5768 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging in 120m water
    2020-10-18 09:34 [view ] -54.9747 158.5612 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging and pinging while hove to. Restart computer EM122-1
    2020-10-18 10:04 [view ] -54.9687 158.5277 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Logging
    2020-10-18 10:05 [view ] -54.9687 158.5272 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging still hove to @ 2knots
    2020-10-18 10:20 [view ] -54.9658 158.5083 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging SBP. Hove to 2-3 knots NW
    2020-10-18 11:09 [view ] -54.9545 158.4562 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 12:32 [view ] -54.9348 158.3978 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_075.asvp
    2020-10-18 13:05 [view ] -54.9282 158.3738 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Stop/Start recording
    2020-10-18 14:52 [view ] -54.9185 158.3030 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 14:54 [view ] -54.9185 158.3018 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-18 15:18 [view ] -54.9195 158.2913 EK80 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80
    2020-10-18 19:33 [view ] -54.9000 158.1513 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_076.asvp
    2020-10-18 19:50 [view ] -54.8962 158.1490 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Turned around and heading back to main line on reciprocal course Requested an offset to the line - bridge advised they need to take shortest route back for weather considerations
    2020-10-18 19:50 [view ] -54.8962 158.1490 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Turned around and heading back to main line on reciprocal course Requested an offset to the line - bridge advised they need to take shortest route back for weather considerations
    2020-10-18 19:57 [view ] -54.9007 158.1780 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80
    2020-10-18 21:17 [view ] -54.9715 158.5228 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_077.asvp
    2020-10-18 21:17 [view ] -54.9715 158.5228 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM710
    2020-10-18 21:17 [view ] -54.9715 158.5228 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_077.asvp
    2020-10-18 21:21 [view ] -54.9748 158.5388 OS75 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped ADCP
    2020-10-18 21:21 [view ] -54.9748 158.5388 OS150 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped ADCP
    2020-10-18 21:41 [view ] -54.9880 158.6210 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start loggin new line1_crest_ns
    2020-10-18 21:42 [view ] -54.9888 158.6267 EM710 [view] Line GSM_in2020_v06 New line1_crest_ns Turn
    2020-10-18 21:43 [view ] -54.9893 158.6305 EM122 [view] Line GSM_in2020_v06 New line1_crest_ns Turn
    2020-10-18 21:48 [view ] -54.9957 158.6347 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Put Mag on at 4knts - start SWQ line1_crest_ns run
    2020-10-18 21:53 [view ] -55.0013 158.6317 Mag [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 Magnetometer in the water
    2020-10-18 21:58 [view ] -55.0065 158.6297 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 6knts and building for start of line1_crest ns logging
    2020-10-18 21:59 [view ] -55.0073 158.6292 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging at 6knts line1_crest_ns
    2020-10-18 22:13 [view ] -55.0353 158.6163 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Mag out at 300mk -Start sampling (Project name: in2020_v06_Macquarie_c) Speed up to 9knts and start sampling at 1Hz (mag depth ~20m @ 9knots) Layback set to 361m Cable counter system not working - investigating issue
    2020-10-18 23:24 [view ] -55.2092 158.5848 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_078.asvp
    2020-10-18 23:24 [view ] -55.2092 158.5848 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_078.asvp
    2020-10-18 23:34 [view ] -55.2323 158.5785 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM710 - too dep (1900m)
    2020-10-18 23:58 [view ] -55.2865 158.5540 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_079.asvp
    2020-10-19 00:18 [view ] -55.3325 158.5332 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_080.asvp
    2020-10-19 00:39 [view ] -55.3800 158.5117 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 00:40 [view ] -55.3803 158.5115 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 00:40 [view ] -55.3807 158.5113 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 01:27 [view ] -55.4898 158.4892 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_081.asvp
    2020-10-19 01:55 [view ] -55.5477 158.4588 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_082.asvp
    2020-10-19 02:56 [view ] -55.6730 158.4000 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging EOL
    2020-10-19 03:04 [view ] -55.6907 158.3927 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Turn
    2020-10-19 03:09 [view ] -55.6935 158.4092 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging after turn. Transit to SEArea
    2020-10-19 03:10 [view ] -55.6907 158.4178 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 03:36 [view ] -55.6463 158.5400 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_083.asvp
    2020-10-19 03:43 [view ] -55.6340 158.5705 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_084.asvp
    2020-10-19 04:16 [view ] -55.5733 158.7135 Underway Richard Atkinson Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 04:16 [view ] -55.5772 158.7042 CPC 3750 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Airlock in supply There was a large airlock in the supply line, which was causing a liquid level alarm. Supply line primed and system operating again but likely airlock will return.
    2020-10-19 04:20 [view ] -55.5707 158.7198 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_085.asvp
    2020-10-19 04:21 [view ] -55.5680 158.7262 Underway Richard Atkinson Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 04:24 [view ] -55.5627 158.7390 Underway Richard Atkinson Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 05:14 [view ] -55.4357 158.8228 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 06:34 [view ] -55.2117 158.8970 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Clean and signal check Fluorometer has had numerous occasions where output value is below calibrated darkcounts. Instrument was removed and rigorously cleaned in fresh water. Full scale was tested with test stick and worked. Reinstalled for monitoring.
    2020-10-19 07:37 [view ] -55.0338 158.9555 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_086.asvp
    2020-10-19 07:53 [view ] -54.9885 158.9705 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_087.asvp
    2020-10-19 08:00 [view ] -54.9708 158.9763 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Mag survey backup log
    2020-10-19 08:24 [view ] -54.9067 158.9973 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_088.asvp
    2020-10-19 08:29 [view ] -54.8922 159.0022 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging
    2020-10-19 08:31 [view ] -54.8882 159.0037 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging
    2020-10-19 08:33 [view ] -54.8837 159.0125 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging after turn
    2020-10-19 08:34 [view ] -54.8832 159.0160 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging
    2020-10-19 09:04 [view ] -54.8567 159.1550 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 SBP restarted
    2020-10-19 09:22 [view ] -54.8470 159.2393 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for turn
    2020-10-19 09:32 [view ] -54.8567 159.2807 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 09:33 [view ] -54.8588 159.2842 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 09:50 [view ] -54.8912 159.2903 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Segy lines out of sync. Restart logging with new file name
    2020-10-19 11:36 [view ] -55.1102 159.2175 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_090.asvp
    2020-10-19 11:39 [view ] -55.1160 159.2145 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped sampling. Hove to Magnetometer moved to position behind vessel
    2020-10-19 12:13 [view ] -55.1237 159.1978 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging line SEQ south
    2020-10-19 12:14 [view ] -55.1247 159.1992 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-19 12:19 [view ] -55.1295 159.2022 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging after redeployment
    2020-10-19 12:50 [view ] -55.1872 159.1888 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop sampling, backed up. winched in to stern
    2020-10-19 12:52 [view ] -55.1863 159.1860 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Hove To
    2020-10-19 12:52 [view ] -55.1860 159.1847 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Hove To
    2020-10-19 21:47 [view ] -55.1128 158.8610 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Magnetometer recovered to deck (for OBS deployment)
    2020-10-19 22:03 [view ] -55.1340 158.8683 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 - approach to MRO13 Beams at 50°
    2020-10-19 22:06 [view ] -55.1403 158.8707 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_091.asvp
    2020-10-19 22:07 [view ] -55.1417 158.8708 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start SBP logging on approach to MR013 drop Beams at 50
    2020-10-19 22:18 [view ] -55.1472 158.8578 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_092.asvp
    2020-10-19 22:22 [view ] -55.1463 158.8567 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MR013 CAS OBS - MRO13 deployed ~ 171m away at a bearing of ~37.5° (T) from the planned position. ADCP suggestsNortherly current @ 1.5-2knts Depth of seafloor 3745m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL Time of drop closer to 2020-10-19 22:40
    2020-10-19 22:33 [view ] -55.1438 158.8625 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Logging while approaching MR013 deploy site
    2020-10-19 22:35 [view ] -55.1448 158.8657 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Logging down to MR013 deployment position Approx 6knts
    2020-10-19 22:52 [view ] -55.1447 158.8602 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 MR013 deployment. Stopped logging
    2020-10-20 00:25 [view ] -55.1185 158.8475 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 MR013 on bottom Ship drifted approx 3384m from drop location towards a bearing of 350. Approx drift of 2knts north. time it took approx 100 minutes from drop.
    2020-10-20 01:02 [view ] -55.1608 158.8367 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 1st ping in triangulation
    2020-10-20 01:25 [view ] -55.1598 158.8780 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start pinging and logging after obs deployment 0324 might be a small file, Can delete.
    2020-10-20 01:34 [view ] -55.1530 158.9007 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - transit from MRO13 back to runline
    2020-10-20 01:44 [view ] -55.1465 158.9437 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_093.asvp
    2020-10-20 01:47 [view ] -55.1440 158.9548 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80
    2020-10-20 02:33 [view ] -55.1128 159.1562 Nephelometer [view] Outage in2020_v06_Atmospherics Turned off for 10minutes to fix warmup message on display.
    2020-10-20 02:49 [view ] -55.1273 159.2115 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Back on main runline (SEQ P-SE Area (1800) n-s
    2020-10-20 02:51 [view ] -55.1295 159.2110 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Back on main runline (SEQ P-SE Area (1800) n-s
    2020-10-20 02:51 [view ] -55.1295 159.2110 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging Magnetometer - Back on main runline (SEQ P-SE Area (1800) n-s Cycling at 1Hz. Layback=361m Zeroed presure sensor and synced to GPS for deplying Mag
    2020-10-20 03:00 [view ] -55.1458 159.2062 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_013.asvp
    2020-10-20 03:30 [view ] -55.1965 159.1897 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_094.asvp
    2020-10-20 04:51 [view ] -55.3375 159.1440 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_096.asvp
    2020-10-20 05:16 [view ] -55.3895 159.1272 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_097.asvp
    2020-10-20 06:27 [view ] -55.5367 159.0793 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging EOL
    2020-10-20 06:28 [view ] -55.5405 159.0782 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging
    2020-10-20 07:32 [view ] -55.6702 159.0073 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-20 07:47 [view ] -55.6988 158.9867 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Shut down and restart
    2020-10-20 08:15 [view ] -55.7380 158.9195 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start recording after restart
    2020-10-20 08:52 [view ] -55.7777 158.8070 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_099.asvp
    2020-10-20 09:17 [view ] -55.7957 158.7233 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_100.asvp
    2020-10-20 09:30 [view ] -55.8042 158.6783 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 change segy aquisition delay to fixed
    2020-10-20 09:46 [view ] -55.8148 158.6208 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_101.asvp
    2020-10-20 10:09 [view ] -55.8228 158.5368 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_102.asvp
    2020-10-20 10:25 [view ] -55.8182 158.4815 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_103.asvp
    2020-10-20 12:21 [view ] -55.7318 158.1548 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Line running north
    2020-10-20 14:59 [view ] -55.3837 158.2757 Other [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Bridge called - we are hoving to due to weather
    2020-10-20 15:02 [view ] -55.3782 158.2780 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped cycling - Recovering mag
    2020-10-20 15:02 [view ] -55.3782 158.2780 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB (in2020_v06_Macquarie_C_20201020_1504
    2020-10-20 15:20 [view ] -55.3457 158.2903 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80 - hove to
    2020-10-20 15:43 [view ] -55.3240 158.2890 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM122 - hove to
    2020-10-21 00:55 [view ] -55.1345 157.7362 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-10-21 00:55 [view ] -55.1345 157.7358 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-21 00:55 [view ] -55.1345 157.7355 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-21 02:51 [view ] -55.1440 157.5807 SMPS [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Topped up butanol
    2020-10-21 08:34 [view ] -55.1583 157.1482 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_104.asvp
    2020-10-21 08:35 [view ] -55.1587 157.1532 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging returning to line
    2020-10-21 08:36 [view ] -55.1588 157.1562 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging after "hove to"
    2020-10-21 08:42 [view ] -55.1607 157.1812 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer changed Fluorometer outputting negative values. Installed fluorometer 443P
    2020-10-21 09:05 [view ] -55.1740 157.2882 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging EK80 transit to east
    2020-10-21 09:38 [view ] -55.1913 157.4387 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer changed Fluorometer 443P gave a larger negative value. Changed back to original 1441.
    2020-10-21 10:20 [view ] -55.2125 157.6298 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging Water Column
    2020-10-21 12:40 [view ] -55.2865 158.2655 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_105.asvp
    2020-10-21 12:49 [view ] -55.2907 158.3075 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Turning
    2020-10-21 12:50 [view ] -55.2903 158.3098 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Turning
    2020-10-21 12:51 [view ] -55.2883 158.3135 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Online heading North
    2020-10-21 12:52 [view ] -55.2845 158.3153 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 SWQ heading north
    2020-10-21 13:07 [view ] -55.2485 158.3295 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging SWQ Line heading North
    2020-10-21 15:45 [view ] -54.9057 158.4647 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_106.asvp
    2020-10-21 16:27 [view ] -54.8192 158.5005 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 End of Line - turning
    2020-10-21 16:27 [view ] -54.8192 158.5005 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP
    2020-10-21 16:30 [view ] -54.8135 158.5002 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_107.asvp
    2020-10-21 17:00 [view ] -54.8127 158.4227 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 Window=400ms, Pwr=8dB, Delay Hyst=25, Bottom screen=50
    2020-10-21 17:29 [view ] -54.8298 158.3327 EM122 [view] GSM_in2020_v06 On line SWQ 05 (N-S) Port=70°, Starboard=72°
    2020-10-21 18:12 [view ] -54.9318 158.2943 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_108.asvp
    2020-10-21 18:50 [view ] -55.0148 158.2613 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_109.asvp
    2020-10-21 19:28 [view ] -55.0967 158.2287 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_110.asvp
    2020-10-21 20:19 [view ] -55.2037 158.1860 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_111.asvp
    2020-10-22 00:37 [view ] -55.6952 157.9890 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 End of Line - Turning
    2020-10-22 01:40 [view ] -55.7232 158.2535 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start line on Fixed rate Normal mode, fixed rate, 500 acq window, power -8db
    2020-10-22 01:42 [view ] -55.7172 158.2568 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start of SWQ line 003 sn New line for pre-2mile line003
    2020-10-22 02:06 [view ] -55.6570 158.2810 Mag [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-10-22 04:18 [view ] -55.3278 158.4555 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging SBP
    2020-10-22 04:27 [view ] -55.3178 158.4887 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Line 003 sn completed at approach to MRO20 CAS
    2020-10-22 04:30 [view ] -55.3220 158.5325 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Magnetometer recovered to deck (for OBS deployment) - MR020 CAS
    2020-10-22 05:19 [view ] -55.3388 158.5470 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS release CAS MR020 CAS OBS - MRO20 deployed ~ 1.27nm away at a bearing of ~0.84° (T) towards the planned position. ADCP suggests current 1.3knts @ 7 degT Depth of seafloor 2442m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-22 05:20 [view ] -55.3385 158.5465 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Drained Catchpot
    2020-10-22 05:20 [view ] -55.3383 158.5465 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Primer inlet line
    2020-10-22 05:21 [view ] -55.3382 158.5467 CPC 3750 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Primer inlet line
    2020-10-22 05:28 [view ] -55.3360 158.5472 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for MR020 deployment
    2020-10-22 05:30 [view ] -55.3355 158.5472 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EK80 - on station at MRO20 (CAS)
    2020-10-22 06:21 [view ] -55.3227 158.5460 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 OBS 20 on bottom
    2020-10-22 06:45 [view ] -55.3132 158.5160 Other [view] Ping OB GSM_in2020_v06 Ping 2 for MR020 triangulation
    2020-10-22 07:12 [view ] -55.3037 158.5528 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Ping 3 OBS 20
    2020-10-22 07:25 [view ] -55.2970 158.5865 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit to MRO15
    2020-10-22 08:23 [view ] -55.2447 158.8230 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging approach to MRO15 deployment
    2020-10-22 08:41 [view ] -55.2407 158.8253 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS release AGOS MR015 AGOS OBS - MRO15 deployed ~ 275m away at a bearing of ~337° (T) towards the planned position. ADCP suggests current 2.3knts @ 19 degT Depth of seafloor 3599.80m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-22 08:54 [view ] -55.2380 158.8242 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06
    2020-10-22 10:00 [view ] -55.2315 158.8125 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 Obs MRO15 on bottom
    2020-10-22 10:32 [view ] -55.2263 158.8073 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Start Triagulation
    2020-10-22 11:00 [view ] -55.2388 158.8315 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Finish Triangulation
    2020-10-22 11:03 [view ] -55.2422 158.8307 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging Transit to MRO17
    2020-10-22 11:07 [view ] -55.2483 158.8372 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06
    2020-10-22 11:08 [view ] -55.2515 158.8397 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_112.asvp
    2020-10-22 11:24 [view ] -55.2783 158.8595 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_113.asvp
    2020-10-22 11:50 [view ] -55.3300 158.8995 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_114.asvp
    2020-10-22 12:01 [view ] -55.3533 158.9157 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_115.asvp
    2020-10-22 12:17 [view ] -55.3872 158.9430 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_116.asvp
    2020-10-22 12:21 [view ] -55.3960 158.9513 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop for vessel turn approaching MRO17
    2020-10-22 12:55 [view ] -55.3805 158.9128 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 Obs deployed. 75m South of mark. Current 2.6 knots to the north
    2020-10-22 12:58 [view ] -55.3792 158.9123 ADCP [view] in2020_v06 Stopped for OBS ranging
    2020-10-22 17:19 [view ] -55.3640 159.0313 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 - transit to MRO30 Beams at 60°
    2020-10-22 17:22 [view ] -55.3685 159.0388 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP Burst mode selected for deep water
    2020-10-22 17:23 [view ] -55.3717 159.0443 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_117.asvp
    2020-10-22 17:55 [view ] -55.4322 159.1335 POSMV [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Nav degraded to CA on POSMV
    2020-10-22 18:19 [view ] -55.4815 159.1997 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Arriving on station for OBS MRO30 deployment Stopped logginf EM122 & SBP
    2020-10-22 18:30 [view ] -55.4838 159.1975 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MRO30 Deployed ~500m south of planned position Type = AGOS, Free-fall deployment Water depth = 5123m, Current ~1knot to N-NNE
    2020-10-22 21:22 [view ] -55.4722 159.1925 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 OBS ranged and is on bottom - preparing to trilaterate its position
    2020-10-22 22:36 [view ] -55.4173 159.2047 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 - transit to MRO16
    2020-10-22 22:37 [view ] -55.4145 159.2033 CPC 3772 [view] Outage in2020_v06_Atmospherics Rebooted 194 board, wasn't responding.
    2020-10-22 22:38 [view ] -55.4107 159.2015 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - transit to MRO16
    2020-10-22 22:38 [view ] -55.4132 159.2027 CPC 3750 [view] Outage in2020_v06_Atmospherics Rebooted 194 board, wasn't responding.
    2020-10-22 22:39 [view ] -55.4090 159.2008 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80
    2020-10-22 23:43 [view ] -55.2590 159.1542 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80
    2020-10-22 23:46 [view ] -55.2645 159.1597 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging & pinging EM122
    2020-10-22 23:46 [view ] -55.2645 159.1597 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging & pinging SBP
    2020-10-23 00:14 [view ] -55.2690 159.1647 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 Drop AGOS OBS MR016 AGOS OBS - MRO16 deployed ~ ADCP suggests current 1.8knts @ 17 degT Depth of seafloor 5252m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-23 00:19 [view ] -55.2678 159.1643 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 MR016 deployment
    2020-10-23 03:51 [view ] -55.2502 159.1760 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Triangulation of MRO16 moving to MRO26
    2020-10-23 04:00 [view ] -55.2375 159.1595 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_118.asvp
    2020-10-23 04:01 [view ] -55.2363 159.1585 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO26
    2020-10-23 04:07 [view ] -55.2270 159.1498 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 Start Transit to MRO26
    2020-10-23 04:52 [view ] -55.1687 159.0862 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Approach to MRO26 Deploy
    2020-10-23 04:54 [view ] -55.1677 159.0857 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_119.asvp
    2020-10-23 05:08 [view ] -55.1612 159.0828 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS release AGOS MR026 AGOS OBS - MRO26 deployed ~ ADCP suggests current 2.0knts @ 23 degT Depth of seafloor 5079m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-23 05:12 [view ] -55.1597 159.0823 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop pinging for triangulation
    2020-10-23 05:12 [view ] -55.1595 159.0823 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 OBS release AGOS MR026
    2020-10-23 06:03 [view ] -55.1287 159.0973 TSG [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-23 06:04 [view ] -55.1287 159.0973 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer cleaned
    2020-10-23 06:04 [view ] -55.1285 159.0975 pCO2 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-23 10:21 [view ] -54.9690 159.2508 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 Start ADCP for current information
    2020-10-23 10:40 [view ] -54.9527 159.2637 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_120.asvp
    2020-10-23 12:12 [view ] -54.9125 159.2755 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_121.asvp
    2020-10-23 12:13 [view ] -54.9137 159.2748 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging Transit to MRO28 after heaving to
    2020-10-23 12:48 [view ] -54.9715 159.2203 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Logging @ MRO28
    2020-10-23 13:14 [view ] -54.9602 159.2095 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 MRO28 Deployed
    2020-10-23 13:51 [view ] -55.0248 159.2133 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 ADCP on transit to MRO27
    2020-10-23 13:52 [view ] -55.0268 159.2130 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_122.asvp
    2020-10-23 13:52 [view ] -55.0278 159.2128 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO27
    2020-10-23 13:55 [view ] -55.0340 159.2115 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit south for deployment
    2020-10-23 14:00 [view ] -55.0432 159.2097 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_123.asvp
    2020-10-23 14:29 [view ] -55.1017 159.2025 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Approaching MRO27
    2020-10-23 14:30 [view ] -55.1040 159.2042 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 @ MRO27
    2020-10-23 14:30 [view ] -55.1055 159.2055 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stopped at MRO27
    2020-10-23 14:56 [view ] -55.1010 159.1875 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS release AGOS MRO27 AGOS OBS - MRO27 deployed ~ ADCP suggests current 2.0knts @ 13 degT Depth of seafloor 5515m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-23 16:27 [view ] -55.0300 159.1467 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Ship possibly passing OBS (MRO26)
    2020-10-23 16:30 [view ] -55.0280 159.1460 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Release command sent to the OBS to make it surface Awaiting AIS signal from OBS when it surfaces.
    2020-10-23 18:15 [view ] -55.0392 159.2272 Other [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Triangulated MRO26 to be in the water column @2300m Heading back to its triangulated position to further investigate (55° 01.7142& 39; S, 159° 08.6364& 39; E)
    2020-10-23 19:44 [view ] -55.0035 159.1735 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Another release sequence sent to OBS MRO26 Believe we are in close proximity to MRO26 but indications are that it is at a depth of ~2300 m.
    2020-10-23 19:49 [view ] -55.0000 159.1803 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Abandoning MRO26 - heading to triangulate MRO28 After several hours of chasing MRO26 the decision was made by the science team to abandon the search for this OBS and continue with the program. Should the OBS surface we may get an AIS signal
    2020-10-23 20:25 [view ] -54.9372 159.2550 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Ranging MRO28
    2020-10-23 20:29 [view ] -54.9370 159.2707 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Completed trilateration of MRO28 Transiting to MRO27
    2020-10-23 20:56 [view ] -54.9735 159.2707 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 - transit to MRO27
    2020-10-23 20:59 [view ] -54.9785 159.2688 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 - transit to MRO27
    2020-10-23 21:00 [view ] -54.9825 159.2673 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80 - transit to MRO27
    2020-10-23 21:19 [view ] -55.0153 159.2452 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for MR027 ranging
    2020-10-23 21:20 [view ] -55.0168 159.2442 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for MR027 ranging
    2020-10-23 21:21 [view ] -55.0180 159.2433 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for MR027 ranging
    2020-10-23 21:21 [view ] -55.0187 159.2430 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Started ranging MRO27
    2020-10-23 22:22 [view ] -55.1315 159.1922 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Completed trilateration of MRO27
    2020-10-23 22:23 [view ] -55.1327 159.1902 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 Started ADCP
    2020-10-23 23:24 [view ] -55.1880 159.0650 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MR026 2 (second AGOS attempt at this site) AGOS OBS - MRO26 deployed (2nd attempt). ADCP suggests current 2.9knts @ 18 degT Depth of seafloor 5005m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-23 23:26 [view ] -55.1870 159.0648 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Deployment of Mr026v2
    2020-10-23 23:28 [view ] -55.1857 159.0647 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stopped ADCP for OBS ranging
    2020-10-24 00:32 [view ] -55.1462 159.0585 CCNC [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Topped up water.
    2020-10-24 01:56 [view ] -55.0995 159.0478 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 MRO26 on bottom - begin trilateration
    2020-10-24 02:44 [view ] -55.1517 159.0172 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-24 02:47 [view ] -55.1550 159.0283 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-24 02:49 [view ] -55.1580 159.0390 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-24 03:17 [view ] -55.1368 159.1308 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_124.asvp
    2020-10-24 03:17 [view ] -55.1350 159.1323 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO21
    2020-10-24 04:05 [view ] -54.9928 159.2457 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_125.asvp Accidentally over-rode file sst_124
    2020-10-24 04:06 [view ] -54.9912 159.2470 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Continue logging after test ranging lost OBS
    2020-10-24 04:21 [view ] -54.9468 159.2828 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging to check range of MR028
    2020-10-24 05:13 [view ] -54.8497 159.3197 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS release AGOS MR021 AGOS OBS - MRO21 deployed. ADCP suggests current 2.4knts @ 30 degT Depth of seafloor 4873m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-24 05:17 [view ] -54.8483 159.3210 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start loggin after MR021 drop towards MR010
    2020-10-24 05:20 [view ] -54.8467 159.3192 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging transit to MR010 Just dropped MR021, moving towards drop for MR010, even before MR021 hits bottom. Trying to save time before bad weather approaches.
    2020-10-24 05:21 [view ] -54.8442 159.3158 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_126.asvp
    2020-10-24 05:22 [view ] -54.8428 159.3138 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO10
    2020-10-24 06:36 [view ] -54.7458 159.1550 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging approach to MRO10
    2020-10-24 06:40 [view ] -54.7445 159.1542 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 MR010 deployment AGOS OBS - MRO10 deployed. ADCP suggests current 0.8knts @ 24 degT Depth of seafloor 5354m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-24 06:42 [view ] -54.7447 159.1545 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging after MR010
    2020-10-24 06:55 [view ] -54.7447 159.1662 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO21
    2020-10-24 06:55 [view ] -54.7450 159.1683 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit to MRO21
    2020-10-24 07:33 [view ] -54.7938 159.2997 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Ranging Obs
    2020-10-24 07:34 [view ] -54.7948 159.3023 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging due to getting close to range OBS MR021
    2020-10-24 07:39 [view ] -54.8087 159.3397 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Start Triangulation MRO21
    2020-10-24 08:41 [view ] -54.8165 159.3943 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 MRO21 floating to surface. Ranging and waiting to reach surface
    2020-10-24 10:10 [view ] -54.7995 159.4302 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 OBS spotted on surface, strobe. AIS signal recieved start recovery
    2020-10-24 10:38 [view ] -54.7812 159.4643 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 OBS Hooked
    2020-10-24 10:49 [view ] -54.7722 159.4733 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Obs on deck Transit to redeploy MRO21
    2020-10-24 10:59 [view ] -54.7762 159.4625 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit to redeploy MRO21
    2020-10-24 11:12 [view ] -54.7937 159.4347 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Logginng Transit to MRO21 deployment
    2020-10-24 12:10 [view ] -54.8633 159.3310 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging approach to MRO21
    2020-10-24 12:12 [view ] -54.8633 159.3283 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging approach to MRO21 deployment
    2020-10-24 12:25 [view ] -54.8548 159.3185 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 MRO21 deployed
    2020-10-24 12:29 [view ] -54.8513 159.3173 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 ADCP stopped for OBS Ranging
    2020-10-24 12:53 [view ] -54.8183 159.2643 Aerodyne Spectrometer [view] Fault in2020_v06_Atmospherics Aerodyne TOR value 106.37 Aerodyne TOR value at 106.37. System restarted.
    2020-10-24 14:37 [view ] -54.8070 159.2945 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 OBS ranged and is on bottom
    2020-10-24 15:24 [view ] -54.8255 159.3803 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Completed trilateration of MRO21 - heading for MRO12
    2020-10-24 15:32 [view ] -54.8325 159.3625 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Completed trilateration MRO21 - MBES can be turned back on
    2020-10-24 15:34 [view ] -54.8338 159.3592 ADCP [view] in2020_v06 ADCP's turned on for transit
    2020-10-24 15:35 [view ] -54.8345 159.3573 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 - Transit to MRO12
    2020-10-24 15:35 [view ] -54.8345 159.3573 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80 - Transit to MRO12
    2020-10-24 15:49 [view ] -54.8458 159.3292 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP120 Power set to -15dB - seeing good seds records. Burst Mode, Acq. Window =450m, Delay Hyst=25, Bottom Screen=50
    2020-10-24 16:03 [view ] -54.8553 159.3057 SBP [view] Power GSM_in2020_v06 Pwr changed from -15dB to -12dB
    2020-10-24 16:58 [view ] -54.8763 159.1760 Other [view] Weather GSM_in2020_v06 Bridge called to say that weather is deteriorating - might not be possible to deploy at MR012
    2020-10-24 17:01 [view ] -54.8767 159.1677 SBP [view] Power GSM_in2020_v06 Pwr changed from -12dB to -14dB
    2020-10-24 19:45 [view ] -54.9262 158.8270 Other [view] Weather GSM_in2020_v06 Descision between Master, CS and PI that weather too bad for infill mapping & deployment of MR012 Planned mapping near MRO12 and deployment has been postponed due to weather considerations. Vessel will head for shelter.
    2020-10-24 19:45 [view ] -54.9262 158.8270 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - weather too bad for infill mapping & deployment of MR012 SBP data records poor on slope - suspended logging
    2020-10-24 20:37 [view ] -54.8165 158.8165 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 ADCP stopped for shallow mapping
    2020-10-24 20:38 [view ] -54.8148 158.8177 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM710 - shallower water (200m)
    2020-10-24 20:38 [view ] -54.8148 158.8177 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_126.asvp (to match EM122)
    2020-10-24 21:21 [view ] -54.7410 158.8927 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EM710 - over previously mapped area to east of the island
    2020-10-24 21:21 [view ] -54.7410 158.8927 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EM122 - over previously mapped area to east of the island
    2020-10-24 21:29 [view ] -54.7287 158.8982 Other [view] Weather GSM_in2020_v06 Arrived in lee of the island - weather holding pattern
    2020-10-24 21:55 [view ] -54.6875 158.9167 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 ADCP's turned on
    2020-10-25 00:41 [view ] -54.6270 158.9583 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-25 00:42 [view ] -54.6273 158.9582 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-25 00:42 [view ] -54.6275 158.9582 Fluorometer [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-25 06:03 [view ] -54.6298 158.9858 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging @ 45° coverage
    2020-10-25 08:37 [view ] -54.5765 158.9778 Aerodyne Spectrometer [view] Start in2020_v06_Atmospherics Inlet Flow Controller failure The inlet flow controller does not appear to be working. Flow rate set manually by adjusting inlet/outlet valves.
    2020-10-25 09:31 [view ] -54.5508 158.9760 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_127.asvp
    2020-10-25 20:34 [view ] -54.7915 158.8973 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122 - slow transit to MRO12 Weather still bad - transiting slowly back to site in the anticipation of weather improving per forecast
    2020-10-25 22:06 [view ] -54.9192 158.8297 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP
    2020-10-25 22:41 [view ] -54.9823 158.8082 Other [view] Weather GSM_in2020_v06 Call from Bridge - we are Hove to due to heavy rolling
    2020-10-25 22:42 [view ] -54.9827 158.8078 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP
    2020-10-25 22:46 [view ] -54.9835 158.8062 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM122 -Hove to
    2020-10-26 01:37 [view ] -55.0060 158.7003 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging Transit to infill mapping line near MR012
    2020-10-26 02:59 [view ] -55.0797 158.7960 XBT [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 XBT drops attempted but all bad (014=software failure, 015=bad temperature, 016=outside of climatology Note 014 failed with old probe loaded - upon staring the software the system went into an automatic drop sequence. SIT investigating possible issues with the XBT launcher, but could be bad batch of probes.
    2020-10-26 03:49 [view ] -55.1075 158.8545 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_128.asvp
    2020-10-26 04:41 [view ] -55.0348 158.8510 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging approach to MRO12
    2020-10-26 04:42 [view ] -55.0350 158.8505 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped deploying MRO12
    2020-10-26 04:54 [view ] -55.0392 158.8438 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 CAS OBS - MRO12 deployed CAS OBS - MRO12 deployed ~ 1440m away at a bearing of ~10° (T) towards the target. ADCP suggests current 0.7knts @ 11 degT Depth of seafloor 2289m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-26 05:01 [view ] -55.0393 158.8437 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-26 06:51 [view ] -55.0172 158.8447 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start pinging/logging transit to MRO11
    2020-10-26 06:53 [view ] -55.0163 158.8417 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO11
    2020-10-26 06:54 [view ] -55.0155 158.8388 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 Transit to MRO11
    2020-10-26 07:57 [view ] -54.9657 158.6485 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-26 07:58 [view ] -54.9660 158.6477 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopping to Deploy MRO11
    2020-10-26 08:15 [view ] -54.9672 158.6468 Other [view] warning GSM_in2020_v06 obs delayed problem with wire on winch
    2020-10-26 10:05 [view ] -54.9670 158.6458 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 MRO11 deployed 893m. Current 0.3knots @ 80°
    2020-10-26 10:08 [view ] -54.9670 158.6462 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stopped to range MRO11
    2020-10-26 10:39 [view ] -54.9672 158.6463 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 Obs first ping
    2020-10-26 11:28 [view ] -54.9688 158.6532 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_017.asvp
    2020-10-26 11:28 [view ] -54.9690 158.6530 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging transit to MRO14
    2020-10-26 11:31 [view ] -54.9688 158.6482 POSMV [view] Outage GSM_in2020_v06 No motion data? All RED lights. Seapath is OK?
    2020-10-26 12:26 [view ] -54.9687 158.4692 POSMV [view] Restart GSM_in2020_v06 Restart POS power off/on Pos initially was in a loop it would get all green lights except Attitude then after a period of time 10mins?? it would automatically restart ie levelling active. This happened 3 or 4 times. Transition to Standby mode and back to NAV. Same result. Transition to standby mode then nav again after stop ethernet logging and waiting a few minutes. POS mode went to Nav aligned but very slow for the Attitude Roll/Pitch to come down under the threshold set of 0.05deg Restart POS Full power cycle for same result all looks ok but the Roll/Pitch very slow to come under the 0.05 deg threshold
    2020-10-26 12:52 [view ] -54.9672 158.4198 POSMV [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 restart ethernet logging in2020_v06c
    2020-10-26 12:54 [view ] -54.9672 158.4198 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 MRO14 released current 0.6knots at 318°
    2020-10-26 15:06 [view ] -54.9825 158.4778 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_018.asvp
    2020-10-26 15:07 [view ] -54.9828 158.4810 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging SWQ Infill South
    2020-10-26 15:10 [view ] -54.9840 158.4938 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-26 16:15 [view ] -55.1297 158.4653 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80
    2020-10-26 18:43 [view ] -55.4767 158.3367 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_130.asvp
    2020-10-26 19:25 [view ] -55.4345 158.4097 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_131.asvp
    2020-10-26 19:43 [view ] -55.3857 158.4097 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_132.asvp
    2020-10-26 19:48 [view ] -55.3775 158.3970 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Breaking off infill line and heading to MRO14
    2020-10-26 20:59 [view ] -55.3212 158.1360 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MR019 deployed (AGOS) OBS - MRO19 deployed ~ 161m away at a bearing of ~161° (T) towards the target. ADCP suggests current 1knts @ 0.03 degT Depth of seafloor 4274m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-26 20:59 [view ] -55.3212 158.1360 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - Deploying MRO19
    2020-10-26 20:59 [view ] -55.3212 158.1360 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80 - Deploying MRO19
    2020-10-26 20:59 [view ] -55.3212 158.1360 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM122 - Deploying MRO19
    2020-10-26 21:05 [view ] -55.3208 158.1367 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stopped ADCP for OBS ranging
    2020-10-26 22:55 [view ] -55.3192 158.1362 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Butanol replenished.
    2020-10-26 22:55 [view ] -55.3192 158.1362 CPC 3750 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Butanol replenished.
    2020-10-26 23:06 [view ] -55.3188 158.1362 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 MRO19 On bottom - starting triangulation
    2020-10-26 23:45 [view ] -55.3083 158.1735 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Completed trilateration of MRO19
    2020-10-26 23:48 [view ] -55.2997 158.1765 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122
    2020-10-26 23:53 [view ] -55.2832 158.1820 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP
    2020-10-27 00:20 [view ] -55.2085 158.2162 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM122 - arriving on site at MRO18
    2020-10-27 00:20 [view ] -55.2085 158.2162 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging - arriving on site at MRO18
    2020-10-27 00:34 [view ] -55.2055 158.1935 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MR018 deployed OBS - MRO18 deployed ~ 90m away at a bearing of ~43.7° (T) towards the target. ADCP suggests current 1knts @ 0.65 degT Depth of seafloor 4449m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-27 00:53 [view ] -55.2055 158.1968 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 00:54 [view ] -55.2053 158.1970 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 00:54 [view ] -55.2053 158.1968 Fluorometer [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 02:58 [view ] -55.1873 158.1943 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 MRO18 On Bottom
    2020-10-27 03:48 [view ] -55.2142 158.1718 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging
    2020-10-27 03:59 [view ] -55.2293 158.2050 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 04:00 [view ] -55.2308 158.2080 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Mag deployed
    2020-10-27 04:04 [view ] -55.2385 158.2240 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start sampling survey MacquarieC
    2020-10-27 04:58 [view ] -55.3068 158.4642 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging Ridge Transit north
    2020-10-27 05:05 [view ] -55.2862 158.4773 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_133.asvp
    2020-10-27 05:29 [view ] -55.2128 158.5033 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging ridge transit sn
    2020-10-27 08:52 [view ] -54.8392 158.3390 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 08:57 [view ] -54.8283 158.3332 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 11:37 [view ] -54.4127 158.4923 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Split NWQ_Line02
    2020-10-27 13:08 [view ] -54.1432 158.5933 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_135.asvp
    2020-10-27 13:21 [view ] -54.1022 158.6085 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_136.asvp
    2020-10-27 13:46 [view ] -54.0228 158.6382 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_137.asvp
    2020-10-27 14:02 [view ] -53.9717 158.6573 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_138.asvp
    2020-10-27 15:07 [view ] -53.7883 158.7758 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 15:30 [view ] -53.7967 158.8905 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_139.asvp
    2020-10-27 15:32 [view ] -53.7983 158.8965 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-27 17:16 [view ] -54.0447 158.8175 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_140.asvp
    2020-10-27 20:47 [view ] -54.6018 158.6110 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Mag stopped looking with a message "can't find towfish" Received Timed out from GPS and Mag - Restarted cycling to resolve issue. Issue resulted in a data gap
    2020-10-27 21:57 [view ] -54.7898 158.5408 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - end of line 03
    2020-10-27 22:18 [view ] -54.8138 158.6320 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 ADCP stopped for shallow mapping
    2020-10-27 22:39 [view ] -54.8307 158.7333 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP
    2020-10-27 22:40 [view ] -54.8270 158.7345 EM122 [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Start of line NWQ_Island_Line01_sn
    2020-10-27 22:40 [view ] -54.8270 158.7345 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging - line NWQ_Island_Line01_sn
    2020-10-28 00:07 [view ] -54.5705 158.7977 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_141.asvp
    2020-10-28 00:23 [view ] -54.5237 158.8145 ME70 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Attempted to ping the ME70 in Running of ME70 not suitable due to bathy mapping
    2020-10-28 00:53 [view ] -54.4392 158.8500 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped EK80 pinging due to interference with EM710 whilst mapping
    2020-10-28 01:02 [view ] -54.4105 158.8665 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_142.asvp
    2020-10-28 01:02 [view ] -54.4105 158.8665 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_142.asvp
    2020-10-28 01:45 [view ] -54.2810 158.9120 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EM710 - moving into deeper area
    2020-10-28 04:35 [view ] -53.7547 159.0338 TSG [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-28 04:35 [view ] -53.7547 159.0352 pCO2 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Filter Cleaned
    2020-10-28 04:35 [view ] -53.7547 159.0362 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 Fluorometer cleaned
    2020-10-28 05:06 [view ] -53.7575 159.2018 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_145.asvp
    2020-10-28 06:08 [view ] -53.7710 159.5140 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 07:04 [view ] -53.8745 159.7192 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging
    2020-10-28 07:12 [view ] -53.8937 159.7340 POSMV [view] Outage GSM_in2020_v06 No Differential for extended period. Nav Status CA
    2020-10-28 08:21 [view ] -54.0755 159.7862 Mag [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Export survey log & backup
    2020-10-28 08:41 [view ] -54.1330 159.7678 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 09:00 [view ] -54.1845 159.7515 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_146.asvp
    2020-10-28 09:47 [view ] -54.3113 159.7105 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 09:54 [view ] -54.3115 159.6818 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 09:59 [view ] -54.2983 159.6622 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop sampling. Backup file and survey
    2020-10-28 11:25 [view ] -54.0825 159.4067 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop logging on Station for OBS Deploy
    2020-10-28 11:26 [view ] -54.0790 159.4030 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 11:31 [view ] -54.0755 159.3970 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 11:46 [view ] -54.0800 159.3780 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 MRO01 away Current 0.4kt @ 219°
    2020-10-28 14:51 [view ] -54.0853 159.3442 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit north for mapping data infill
    2020-10-28 15:00 [view ] -54.0840 159.3260 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 15:25 [view ] -54.0572 159.2370 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_021.asvp
    2020-10-28 15:55 [view ] -54.0053 159.1132 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_148.asvp
    2020-10-28 16:02 [view ] -53.9812 159.1148 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 17:01 [view ] -53.8228 158.9988 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_149.asvp
    2020-10-28 17:43 [view ] -53.9333 158.9473 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-10-28 20:24 [view ] -54.4017 158.8268 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_150.asvp End of mapping line (0515) - transiting to Macquarie base
    2020-10-28 20:27 [view ] -54.4077 158.8370 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-28 20:41 [view ] -54.4080 158.9050 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_150.asvp
    2020-10-28 20:41 [view ] -54.4080 158.9050 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit to Macca Base to collect passengers
    2020-10-28 20:43 [view ] -54.4080 158.9158 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stopped logging ADCP for shallow mapping
    2020-10-28 20:56 [view ] -54.4087 158.9817 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_151.asvp
    2020-10-28 20:56 [view ] -54.4087 158.9817 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_151.asvp
    2020-10-28 21:39 [view ] -54.5115 158.9675 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging SBP - arriving at Macca Base
    2020-10-28 21:39 [view ] -54.5115 158.9675 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80 - arriving at Macca Base
    2020-10-28 21:45 [view ] -54.5093 158.9622 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging & pinging - arriving at Macca Base
    2020-10-28 21:47 [view ] -54.5092 158.9618 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging & pinging - arriving at Macca Base
    2020-10-28 22:47 [view ] -54.5060 158.9580 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start Logging Transit to MRO05 - Departing Buckles Bay (Macca Base) 2 AAD persons taken aboard from Macquarie base
    2020-10-28 22:53 [view ] -54.4927 158.9658 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122
    2020-10-28 22:54 [view ] -54.4890 158.9660 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80 - departing Buckles Bay
    2020-10-28 23:17 [view ] -54.4430 158.9763 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80 - interference with EM710 mapping
    2020-10-28 23:58 [view ] -54.4132 158.8980 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_152.asvp
    2020-10-28 23:58 [view ] -54.4132 158.8980 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_152.asvp
    2020-10-29 00:06 [view ] -54.4135 158.8738 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EM710
    2020-10-29 00:13 [view ] -54.4115 158.8567 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging & pinging EM122 - arriving on site at MRO05/MRO06
    2020-10-29 00:24 [view ] -54.4042 158.8482 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MR006 (CAS) deployed at site MRO05 First of two deployments at the same location ("MRO05" location) OBS - MRO06 deployed (CAS) ~ 43m away at a bearing of ~218° (T) towards the target. ADCP suggests current 0.3knts @ 160 degT Depth of seafloor 520m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-29 00:30 [view ] -54.4042 158.8483 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Transducer in the water - to range CAS OBS
    2020-10-29 00:41 [view ] -54.4040 158.8487 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 MRO06 on bottom
    2020-10-29 01:13 [view ] -54.4038 158.8490 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MR005 deployed AGOS Second of two deployments at the same location ("MRO05" location) OBS - MRO05 deployed (AGOS) ~ 25m away at a bearing of ~87° (T) towards the target. ADCP suggests current 0.3knts @ 160 degT Depth of seafloor 520m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-29 01:28 [view ] -54.4043 158.8487 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 Ranged on bottom . Start triangulation.
    2020-10-29 01:47 [view ] -54.4122 158.8412 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Transducer in the water - to range CAS MR006 OBS
    2020-10-29 01:55 [view ] -54.4110 158.8510 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Pinging AGOS MR005 on the way to east triangulation point. Ping 1
    2020-10-29 02:03 [view ] -54.4115 158.8625 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 02:06 [view ] -54.4117 158.8635 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Ping 2 for MR006 triangulation
    2020-10-29 02:07 [view ] -54.4115 158.8642 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 02:10 [view ] -54.4113 158.8647 Underway Hugh Barker Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 02:14 [view ] -54.4113 158.8657 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Ping 2 AGOS MR005 on the way to MR007
    2020-10-29 02:34 [view ] -54.4010 158.8410 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 rd Ping on MRO05
    2020-10-29 02:38 [view ] -54.4007 158.8397 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit to MRO07
    2020-10-29 03:32 [view ] -54.3142 158.7413 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_154.asvp
    2020-10-29 04:09 [view ] -54.2762 158.6985 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 MRO07 deployed Current 0.6knts @78°
    2020-10-29 05:44 [view ] -54.2760 158.6980 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 OBS on bottom
    2020-10-29 05:59 [view ] -54.2720 158.6895 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 1st ping MRO07
    2020-10-29 06:19 [view ] -54.2710 158.7113 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Last ping
    2020-10-29 06:23 [view ] -54.2710 158.7152 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 06:40 [view ] -54.2793 158.7415 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 06:42 [view ] -54.2802 158.7452 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 06:43 [view ] -54.2817 158.7472 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 07:20 [view ] -54.3635 158.7892 Fluorometer [view] Maintenance in2020_v06 verify instrument output
    2020-10-29 07:23 [view ] -54.3688 158.7852 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_156.asvp
    2020-10-29 07:49 [view ] -54.4362 158.7420 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_157.asvp
    2020-10-29 13:45 [view ] -55.3882 158.3637 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_161.asvp
    2020-10-29 14:44 [view ] -55.2793 158.1690 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-29 15:06 [view ] -55.2378 158.0920 XBT [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 XBT cast 22
    2020-10-29 15:21 [view ] -55.2102 158.0408 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Setup of Mag for deployment Zero pressure sensor and sync to GPS time. Runinng on project name "in2020_v06_Macquarie_C" Layback = 361m
    2020-10-29 15:32 [view ] -55.1893 158.0023 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start sampling Mag @ 1Hz Running westernmost line
    2020-10-29 15:39 [view ] -55.1770 157.9792 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP
    2020-10-29 16:00 [view ] -55.1320 157.9277 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_162.asvp
    2020-10-29 16:02 [view ] -55.1255 157.9307 ME70 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start logging ME70 - testing Water depth ~3700m
    2020-10-29 18:27 [view ] -54.7247 158.0868 ME70 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging ME70 - approaching MRO25
    2020-10-29 18:38 [view ] -54.6973 158.0973 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging Mag - recovering to deck fin prep for deployment of MRO25
    2020-10-29 18:40 [view ] -54.6937 158.0987 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging EK80 - approaching MRO25
    2020-10-29 18:47 [view ] -54.6807 158.1038 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Mag on deck
    2020-10-29 18:49 [view ] -54.6782 158.1052 SBP [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 New Line_NWQ_Approach_to_MRO25
    2020-10-29 18:52 [view ] -54.6795 158.1185 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_163.asvp
    2020-10-29 19:26 [view ] -54.7023 158.2670 ADCP [view] in2020_v06 ADCP stopped for OBS Ranging
    2020-10-29 19:31 [view ] -54.7058 158.2703 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging - on station at MRO25
    2020-10-29 19:35 [view ] -54.7053 158.2673 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging for MR025 deployment
    2020-10-29 19:37 [view ] -54.7055 158.2670 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS MRO025 Released (AGOS) OBS - MRO25 deployed ~ 152m away at a bearing of ~280° (T) towards the target. ADCP suggests current 0.8knts @ 253 degT Depth of seafloor 4147m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL
    2020-10-29 21:48 [view ] -54.7082 158.2582 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 MRO25 On Bottom
    2020-10-29 22:14 [view ] -54.7070 158.2742 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Mag pressure sensor zeroed - deploying
    2020-10-29 22:23 [view ] -54.7127 158.2387 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Completed triangulation of MRO25
    2020-10-29 22:24 [view ] -54.7135 158.2342 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Magnetometer at 300m cable out
    2020-10-29 22:25 [view ] -54.7143 158.2283 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EK80 - departing MRO25 site
    2020-10-29 22:26 [view ] -54.7145 158.2232 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging EM122
    2020-10-29 22:27 [view ] -54.7143 158.2207 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06 ADCP's turned on
    2020-10-29 22:56 [view ] -54.6945 158.0983 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging SBP - resuming NWQ_line001_ext heading north
    2020-10-29 22:58 [view ] -54.6917 158.0992 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start sampling Mag @ 1Hz
    2020-10-29 23:39 [view ] -54.5948 158.1867 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_164.asvp
    2020-10-29 23:49 [view ] -54.5717 158.2093 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 SBP stopped to change to external Ksync trigger
    2020-10-29 23:55 [view ] -54.5583 158.2207 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Restarted logging in fixed trigger mode - unable to sync in Ksync
    2020-10-29 23:57 [view ] -54.5540 158.2237 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_165.asvp
    2020-10-30 00:36 [view ] -54.4518 158.2633 ME70 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Started logging ME70 - testing system
    2020-10-30 00:50 [view ] -54.4158 158.2778 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 00:50 [view ] -54.4153 158.2780 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 00:51 [view ] -54.4148 158.2782 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 01:06 [view ] -54.3758 158.2937 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_166.asvp
    2020-10-30 02:15 [view ] -54.1910 158.3665 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_xbt_023.asvp
    2020-10-30 02:37 [view ] -54.1303 158.3905 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging Mag - recovering to deck in prep for deployment of MRO22
    2020-10-30 02:40 [view ] -54.1225 158.3935 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_167.asvp
    2020-10-30 02:46 [view ] -54.1048 158.4005 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Mag on board Backed up Mag data
    2020-10-30 02:53 [view ] -54.0862 158.4192 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 03:21 [view ] -54.0945 158.5525 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 03:22 [view ] -54.0948 158.5515 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 03:23 [view ] -54.0948 158.5490 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Deploying MRO22, stop logging
    2020-10-30 03:43 [view ] -54.0910 158.5258 Other [view] OBS Release GSM_in2020_v06 OBS CAS MR022 release OBS - MRO22 deployed ~ 65m away at a bearing of ~80° (T) towards the target. ADCP suggests current 1.0knts @ 81 degT Depth of seafloor 3961m (at release position), depth released=surface NOTE: OBS released freely (without wire), no USBL. LAST ONE!!!!
    2020-10-30 03:47 [view ] -54.0912 158.5257 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop Pinging at deployment of OBS MR022 CAS
    2020-10-30 05:30 [view ] -54.0918 158.5258 Other [view] On Bottom GSM_in2020_v06 CAS MR022 on bottom Start trilateration, 500m to SE
    2020-10-30 05:35 [view ] -54.0922 158.5260 ADCP [view] Stop in2020_v06 Stop for OBS CAS trilateration MR022
    2020-10-30 05:42 [view ] -54.0978 158.5332 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Ping 2 OBS CAS MR022 Trilateration point 2
    2020-10-30 06:01 [view ] -54.0910 158.5417 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Ping 3 OBS CAS MR022
    2020-10-30 06:28 [view ] -54.0885 158.4990 Other [view] Ping OBS GSM_in2020_v06 Last ping on obs
    2020-10-30 06:30 [view ] -54.0877 158.4983 ADCP [view] Start in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 06:33 [view ] -54.0878 158.4962 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 06:39 [view ] -54.0888 158.4823 Mag [view] Drop GSM_in2020_v06 Drop Magnetometer
    2020-10-30 06:49 [view ] -54.0968 158.4577 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Northern Transit, Survey Macquarie Transit home
    2020-10-30 06:59 [view ] -54.1045 158.4260 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_169.asvp
    2020-10-30 07:09 [view ] -54.1035 158.4012 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 NWQ_Northern_route1
    2020-10-30 07:10 [view ] -54.1003 158.4023 EK80 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Start ek80
    2020-10-30 11:21 [view ] -53.6697 159.0862 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_171.asvp
    2020-10-30 12:15 [view ] -53.5028 159.1323 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06
    2020-10-30 12:17 [view ] -53.4983 159.1282 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 Transit home
    2020-10-30 12:20 [view ] -53.4912 159.1207 Mag [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 New survey
    2020-10-30 12:21 [view ] -53.4890 159.1183 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 New line Transit back to Hobart
    2020-10-30 12:57 [view ] -53.3998 159.0122 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_172.asvp
    2020-10-30 14:38 [view ] -53.1507 158.7162 Mag [view] Line GSM_in2020_v06 Change Layback to 361m. Layback at 15.5 from start of file.
    2020-10-30 16:31 [view ] -52.8713 158.3862 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_173.asvp
    2020-10-30 22:52 [view ] -51.9642 157.3290 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_174.asvp
    2020-10-31 00:14 [view ] -51.7773 157.1142 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_175.asvp
    2020-10-31 02:09 [view ] -51.5198 156.8192 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_176.asvp
    2020-10-31 02:27 [view ] -51.4827 156.7768 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_177.asvp
    2020-10-31 03:29 [view ] -51.3615 156.6387 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_178.asvp
    2020-10-31 05:13 [view ] -51.1527 156.4017 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_181.asvp
    2020-10-31 07:05 [view ] -50.9340 156.1545 Mag [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Mag survey backup log
    2020-10-31 07:32 [view ] -50.8768 156.0900 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_182.asvp
    2020-10-31 09:52 [view ] -50.5662 155.7413 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_183.asvp
    2020-10-31 21:02 [view ] -48.9758 153.9922 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-31 21:02 [view ] -48.9755 153.9917 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-10-31 21:02 [view ] -48.9750 153.9912 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-10-31 22:26 [view ] -48.7722 153.7722 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_184.asvp
    2020-11-01 01:53 [view ] -48.2307 153.2802 Underway Richard Atkinson Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-11-01 01:57 [view ] -48.2205 153.2727 Underway Richard Atkinson Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-11-01 01:59 [view ] -48.2123 153.2667 Underway Richard Atkinson Hydrochem Lab : Sample TSG_Samples_in2020_v06
    2020-11-01 02:50 [view ] -48.0703 153.1623 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_185.asvp
    2020-11-01 03:58 [view ] -47.8760 153.0200 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_186.asvp
    2020-11-01 04:00 [view ] -47.8705 153.0162 Mag [view] File GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-11-01 10:12 [view ] -46.8090 152.2482 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Noticed Microsoft Debug error. Stop Recording and Restart
    2020-11-01 10:57 [view ] -46.6837 152.1560 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_RTOFS_001.asvp
    2020-11-01 11:34 [view ] -46.5865 152.0637 CPC 3772 [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Catchpot drained
    2020-11-01 11:55 [view ] -46.5298 152.0100 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied 20201101_115320.asvp SVP RTOFS Synthetic transmitted from SSM
    2020-11-01 12:06 [view ] -46.5020 151.9837 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_187.asvp
    2020-11-01 12:15 [view ] -46.4775 151.9605 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_188.asvp
    2020-11-01 13:45 [view ] -46.2353 151.7320 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-11-01 15:05 [view ] -46.1290 151.4680 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied 20201101_150424.asvp (from SSM ROTFS). Testing auto transmission of SVP
    2020-11-01 15:09 [view ] -46.1292 151.4525 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_189.asvp
    2020-11-01 16:25 [view ] -46.0648 151.1785 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_190.asvp
    2020-11-01 16:26 [view ] -46.0620 151.1757 Mag [view] GSM_in2020_v06 Backed up Mag data from BOB
    2020-11-01 16:41 [view ] -46.0267 151.1390 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_191.asvp
    2020-11-01 17:02 [view ] -45.9762 151.0868 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_192.asvp
    2020-11-01 18:02 [view ] -45.8315 150.9378 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_193.asvp
    2020-11-01 20:42 [view ] -45.4458 150.5422 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_194.asvp
    2020-11-01 21:05 [view ] -45.3923 150.4877 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_195.asvp
    2020-11-01 22:42 [view ] -45.2243 150.2225 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_196.asvp
    2020-11-01 22:59 [view ] -45.1945 150.1597 CCNC [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics MilliQ filled
    2020-11-01 23:06 [view ] -45.1825 150.1342 RM Yound Rain Gauge Maintenance in2020_v06 Heater switched off.
    2020-11-02 00:02 [view ] -45.0832 149.9248 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_197.asvp
    2020-11-02 00:46 [view ] -44.9870 149.7865 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_198.asvp
    2020-11-02 00:52 [view ] -44.9715 149.7685 pCO2 [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-11-02 00:52 [view ] -44.9710 149.7678 TSG [view] Filter Clean in2020_v06
    2020-11-02 00:52 [view ] -44.9705 149.7673 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06
    2020-11-02 03:57 [view ] -44.4268 149.6945 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_199.asvp
    2020-11-02 05:26 [view ] -44.2395 149.4075 SMPS [view] Maintenance in2020_v06_Atmospherics Butanol filled/drained.
    2020-11-02 07:08 [view ] -44.0332 149.0433 Mag [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Noticed Mag Clock out of sync with GPS 1.2sec
    2020-11-02 07:23 [view ] -44.0047 148.9932 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_200.asvp
    2020-11-02 08:03 [view ] -43.9292 148.8600 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_201.asvp
    2020-11-02 09:11 [view ] -43.8243 148.6758 EK80 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Port Drop Keel moved to flush with hull
    2020-11-02 09:39 [view ] -43.7908 148.6170 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_202.asvp
    2020-11-02 10:15 [view ] -43.7265 148.5042 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_203.asvp
    2020-11-02 10:34 [view ] -43.6895 148.4395 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_204.asvp
    2020-11-02 10:57 [view ] -43.6477 148.3660 Mag [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stop sampling for retrieval
    2020-11-02 11:50 [view ] -43.5900 148.2652 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_205.asvp
    2020-11-02 13:27 [view ] -43.4722 148.0593 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2020_v06 New SVP applied in2020_v06_sst_206.asvp
    2020-11-02 13:35 [view ] -43.4623 148.0423 EK80 [view] Other GSM_in2020_v06 Changed EK80 to 250m setting for shallow water
    2020-11-02 13:44 [view ] -43.4517 148.0235 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2020_v06 New file ricker pulse shallow water
    2020-11-02 14:59 [view ] -43.3605 147.8645 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EM122 - In Storm Bay. Backing up data
    2020-11-02 14:59 [view ] -43.3605 147.8645 SBP [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging SBP - In Storm Bay. Backing up data
    2020-11-02 14:59 [view ] -43.3605 147.8645 EK80 [view] Stop GSM_in2020_v06 Stopped logging and pinging EM122 - In Storm Bay. Backing up data All set to Passive Mode
    2020-11-02 15:41 [view ] -43.3108 147.7780 EK80 [view] Power GSM_in2020_v06 EK80 WBTs turned OFF
    2020-11-02 19:08 [view ] -43.0330 147.3855 Instrumentation Clean Seawater Pump [view] Change in2020_v06 Supply in lab turned off for instrument shutdown.
    2020-11-02 19:19 [view ] -43.0130 147.3817 pCO2 [view] Cleaned in2020_v06 Freshwater flush
    2020-11-02 19:19 [view ] -43.0122 147.3815 Fluorometer [view] Cleaned in2020_v06 Freshwater flush
    2020-11-02 19:20 [view ] -43.0113 147.3815 TSG [view] Cleaned in2020_v06 Freshwater flush

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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Sampling Inlet Mode,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Air Temperature Sensor - ROTRONIC T&RH HC2A-S3,Burket Flow meter,Burket Flow meter,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO air sampling inlet,CSIRO air sampling inlet,Depth: TECHSAS-DERIVED. For more information contact the Data Acquisition and Processing group.,Fluorometer Concentration,Fluorometer WSCHL-1441,Gyrocompass,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 35123F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 35111F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 35122F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 35093F3,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,ISAR SST,Kobold MIK-C Flow meter,Kobold MIK-C Fluorometer Flow Meter,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,LI-COR LI-190R Quantum Sensor,LI-COR LI-190R Quantum Sensor,MAAP Status,Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Optode Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,Optode Dissolved Oxygen Saturation,Optode Water Temperature,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Port Rain Gauge,Port drop keel sensor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05106,Remote Temperature (T) - SN 671,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Starboard Rain Gauge,Starboard drop keel sensor,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3470,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3470,Vaisala Ship's Barometer PTB330 2020-10-08 02:10 2020-11-02 21:09 -42.8864 147.3388
    ADCP Data [details]   Teledyne RDI ADCP 150 kHz 2549 2020-10-08 03:53 2020-11-02 18:25 -43.1161 147.4540 -43.1031 147.4489 814
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-10 04:08 1068.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-11 12:05 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-11 14:54 268.6
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-11 14:57 323.8
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-11 15:01 337.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-11 17:02 882.9
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-11 17:06 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-12 15:11 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-12 17:15 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-12 21:30 569.5
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-15 23:52 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-17 21:55 928.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-20 02:55 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-26 02:31 133.6
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-26 02:35 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-26 02:40 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-26 11:13 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-26 14:58 1012.4
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-27 03:25 654.7
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-27 03:28 1024.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-28 15:18 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-29 15:04 1100.3
    XBT Cast [details]   2391 2020-10-30 02:09 1100.3

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