Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Voyage details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

IN2018_V02    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Title: SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania; Subantarctic Biogeochemistry of Carbon and Iron, Southern Ocean Time Series site

Voyage details on MNF site:

Period: 2018-03-02 22:00 to 2018-03-20 22:23 UTC

Duration: 18.02 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: Southern Ocean

Ship: Investigator (RV) [details]

Description: Integrated Monitoring Observing System Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania (Chief Scientist: Professor Tom Trull, ACE-CRC) The Southern Ocean Time Series provides world-leading automated observations from deep-ocean moorings of the exchanges of heat, water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen between the ocean and atmosphere, and the physical and biological processes that control them. These results contribute to forward projections of anthropogenic climate warming, inform the setting of emissions targets, illuminate controls on climate variability, and provide a baseline for impacts on ocean pelagic ecology. Sensor data is returned live to the internet and samples are returned annually for further study in shore laboratories. Subantarctic Biogeochemistry of Carbon and Iron, Southern Ocean Time Series site (Lead Principal Investigator: Professor Philip Boyd, UTAS) The Southern Ocean straddles the waters between Australia and Antarctica and has two distinct regions – the subantarctic and the polar seas. The latter is comprehensively studied by expeditions by Australia’s Antarctic Division, whereas the subantarctic has received much less attention. This voyage aims to determine processes within the subantarctic environment that control productivity, foodwebs and cycles of elements such as carbon. Enhanced understanding will maximise investments, such as in ocean time-series in subpolar waters and enable better predictions to be made on how marine life and chemistry are controlled by both natural and human-made shifts in climate and ocean conditions.

Leader: Thomas W. Trull


  • SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania [details] Primary

  • Subantarctic Biogeochemistry of Carbon and Iron, Southern Ocean Time Series site [details] Primary

  • Acoustic zooplankton and fish [details] Piggy-back

  • IMOS Australian Continuous Plankton Recorder (AusCPR) survey [details] Piggy-back

Voyage extents: 47° 09.5' S to 42° 53.1' S    141° 30.6' E to 147° 32.9' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • CSIRO Micronekton Database: 1992 to 2018 [details]

  • IMOS - AusCPR: Phytoplankton Abundance [details]

  • IMOS - AusCPR: Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Abundance - Global Continuous Plankton dataset (GACs) [details]

  • IMOS - AusCPR: Zooplankton Abundance [details]

  • IMOS Bio-Acoustic Ships of Opportunity (BA SOOP) Sub-Facility [details]

  • RV Investigator Radon Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Sea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data - Selected Voyages (2014 onwards) [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 ADCP Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 CTD Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 EK60 Echosounder [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 EM122 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 EM710 MKII Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 End of Voyage (EOV) Archive [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 Gravity Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 Hydrology Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 SBP120 Sub-bottom Profiler Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 Underway UWY Data [details]

  • RV Investigator Voyage IN2018_V02 XBT Data [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • IMOS - Phytoplankton Abundance and Biovolume (CPR), Australia (2007 to present)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • IMOS - Zooplankton Abundance and Biomass Index (CPR)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Cruise Summary Report at SeaDataNet:-

  • View Cruise Summary Report at
  • Participants - on ship:-

    NameRoleOrganisation Project
    Eric Schulz Co-Chief Scientist Bureau of Meteorology SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania
    Philip Boyd Principal Investigator University of Tasmania Subantarctic Biogeochemistry of Carbon and Iron, Southern Ocean Time Series site
    Rudy Kloser Principal Investigator CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart Acoustic zooplankton and fish
    Tom Trull Chief Scientist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart SOTS: Southern Ocean Time Series automated moorings for climate and carbon cycle studies southwest of Tasmania

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.

    Conference abstract

    • Caroline A. Sutton , Annabelle Erskine , David Webb and Rudy Kloser (2024) CSIRO’s Micronekton database including data from 1992 to 2021. ICES PICES 7th International Zooplankton Production Symposium March 17 22, 2024, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. S04 17387 Oral     External link to reference


    • Bakker, Dorothee C E; Pfeil, Benjamin (2020): SOCATv2019 metadata list with links to data in original SOCAT format and cruise documentation files. PANGAEA,     10.1594/PANGAEA.919935

    • Michael Ellwood (2024) Dissolved iron profiles at the Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) from IN2018_V02 and IN2019_V02. IMAS metadata catalogue     10.25959/D25J-ST60

    • Traill, C. (2021). Lithogenic particle flux to the subantarctic Southern Ocean: a multi-tracer estimate using sediment trap samples [Data set]. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania (UTAS).     10.25959/W7T4-3A93

    IPT Resource

    Journal Article

    • Aragon, L. G. B.,Huang, Y.,May, P. T.,Crosier, J.,Duque, E. Montoya,Connolly, P. J.,Bower, K. N. (2024) Characterizing Precipitation and Improving Rainfall Estimates Over the Southern Ocean Using Ship‐Borne Disdrometer and Dual‐Polarimetric C‐Band Radar. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 pp-.     10.1029/2023JD040250

    • Boss, Emmanuel,Waite, Anya M.,Karstensen, Johannes,Trull, Tom,Muller-Karger, Frank,Sosik, Heidi M.,Uitz, Julia,Acinas, Silvia G.,Fennel, Katja,Berman-Frank, Ilana,Thomalla, Sandy,Yamazaki, Hidekatsu,Batten, Sonia,Gregori, Gerald,Richardson, Anthony J.,Wanninkhof, Rik (2022) Recommendations for Plankton Measurements on OceanSITES Moorings With Relevance to Other Observing Sites. Frontiers in Marine Science 9 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2022.929436

    • Duque, E. Montoya,Huang, Y.,May, P.T.,Siems, S.T. (2023) An evaluation of IMERG and ERA5 quantitative precipitation estimates over the Southern Ocean using shipborne observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology pp-.     10.1175/JAMC-D-23-0039.1

    • Gilbert, Naomi E.,LeCleir, Gary R.,Pound, Helena L.,Strzepek, Robert F.,Ellwood, Michael J.,Twining, Benjamin S.,Roux, Simon,Boyd, Philip W.,Wilhelm, Steven W.,Makhalanyane, Thulani P. (2023) Giant Virus Infection Signatures Are Modulated by Euphotic Zone Depth Strata and Iron Regimes of the Subantarctic Southern Ocean. mSystems pp-.     10.1128/msystems.01260-22

    • Hallegraeff, Gustaaf,Eriksen, Ruth,Davies, Claire,Slotwinski, Anita,McEnnulty, Felicity,Coman, Frank,Uribe-Palomino, Julian,Tonks, Mark,Richardson, Anthony (2020) The marine planktonic dinoflagellate Tripos: 60 years of species-level distributions in Australian waters. Australian Systematic Botany pp-.     10.1071/SB19043

    • Haris, K.,Kloser, Rudy J.,Ryan, Tim E.,Downie, Ryan A.,Keith, Gordon,Nau, Amy W. (2021) Sounding out life in the deep using acoustic data from ships of opportunity. Scientific Data 8 pp-.     10.1038/s41597-020-00785-8

    • Janssen, David J.,Rickli, Jörg,Abbott, April N.,Ellwood, Michael J.,Twining, Benjamin S.,Ohnemus, Daniel C.,Nasemann, Philipp,Gilliard, Delphine,Jaccard, Samuel L. (2021) Release from biogenic particles, benthic fluxes, and deep water circulation control Cr and δ53Cr distributions in the ocean interior. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 574 pp117163-.     10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117163

    • McEnnulty, Felicity R.,Davies, Claire H.,Armstrong, Asia O,Atkins, Natalia,Coman, Frank,Clementson, Lesley,Edgar, Steven,Eriksen, Ruth S.,Everett, Jason D.,Anthony Koslow, J.,Lønborg, Christian,McKinnon, A. David,Miller, Margaret,O’Brien, Todd D.,Pausina, Sarah A.,Uribe-Palomino, Julian,Rochester, Wayne,Rothlisberg, Peter C.,Slotwinski, Anita,Strzelecki, Joanna (2020) A database of zooplankton biomass in Australian marine waters. Scientific Data 7 pp-.     10.1038/s41597-020-00625-9

    • Merwe, Pier,Trull, Thomas W.,Goodwin, Trevor,Jansen, Peter,Bowie, Andrew (2019) The autonomous clean environmental (ACE) sampler: A trace-metal clean seawater sampler suitable for open-ocean time-series applications. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 17 pp490-504.     10.1002/lom3.10327

    • Roca-Martí, Montserrat,Puigcorbé, Viena,Castrillejo, Maxi,Casacuberta, Núria,Garcia-Orellana, Jordi,Cochran, J. Kirk,Masqué, Pere (2021) Quantifying 210Po/210Pb Disequilibrium in Seawater: A Comparison of Two Precipitation Methods With Differing Results. Frontiers in Marine Science 8 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2021.684484

    • Schallenberg, Christina,Harley, James W.,Jansen, Peter,Davies, Diana M.,Trull, Thomas W. (2019) Multi-Year Observations of Fluorescence and Backscatter at the Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) Shed Light on Two Distinct Seasonal Bio-Optical Regimes. Frontiers in Marine Science 6 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2019.00595

    • Schallenberg, Christina,Strzepek, Robert F.,Schuback, Nina,Clementson, Lesley A.,Boyd, Philip W.,Trull, Thomas W. (2020) Diel quenching of Southern Ocean phytoplankton fluorescence is related to iron limitation. Biogeosciences 17 pp793-812.     10.5194/bg-17-793-2020

    • Shadwick, Elizabeth,Rigual-Hernández, Andrés,Eriksen, Ruth,Jansen, Peter,Davies, Diana,Wynn-Edwards, Cathryn,Sutton, Adrienne,Schallenberg, Christina,Trull, Thomas (2021) Changes in Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry and the Potential Impact on pH-Sensitive Planktonic Organisms. Oceanography pp14-15.     10.5670/oceanog.2021.supplement.02-06

    • Sofen, Laura E.,Antipova, Olga A.,Buck, Kristen N.,Caprara, Salvatore,Chacho, Lauren,Johnson, Rodney J.,Kim, Gabriella,Morton, Peter,Ohnemus, Daniel C.,Rauschenberg, Sara,Sedwick, Peter N.,Tagliabue, Alessandro,Twining, Benjamin S. (2023) Authigenic Iron Is a Significant Component of Oceanic Labile Particulate Iron Inventories. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 37 pp-.     10.1029/2023GB007837

    • Sofen, Laura E.,Antipova, Olga A.,Ellwood, Michael J.,Gilbert, Naomi E.,LeCleir, Gary R.,Lohan, Maeve C.,Mahaffey, Claire,Mann, Elizabeth L.,Ohnemus, Daniel C.,Wilhelm, Steven W.,Twining, Benjamin S. (2022) Trace metal contents of autotrophic flagellates from contrasting open‐ocean ecosystems. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 7 pp354-362.     10.1002/lol2.10258

    • Tamsitt, Veronica,Cerovecki, Ivana,Josey, Simon A.,Gille, Sarah T.,Schulz, Eric (2020) Mooring Observations of Air–Sea Heat Fluxes in Two Subantarctic Mode Water Formation Regions. Journal of Climate 33 pp2757-2777.     10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0653.1

    • Traill, Christopher D.,Weis, Jakob,Wynn‐Edwards, Cathryn,Perron, Morgane M. G.,Chase, Zanna,Bowie, Andrew R. (2022) Lithogenic Particle Flux to the Subantarctic Southern Ocean: A Multi‐Tracer Estimate Using Sediment Trap Samples. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 36 pp-.     10.1029/2022GB007391

    • Trull, Thomas W.,Jansen, Peter,Schulz, Eric,Weeding, Ben,Davies, Diana M.,Bray, Stephen G. (2019) Autonomous Multi-Trophic Observations of Productivity and Export at the Australian Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) Reveal Sequential Mechanisms of Physical-Biological Coupling. Frontiers in Marine Science 6 pp-.     10.3389/fmars.2019.00525

    • Wynn-Edwards, Cathryn A.,Shadwick, Elizabeth H.,Davies, Diana M.,Bray, Stephen G.,Jansen, Peter,Trinh, Rebecca,Trull, Thomas W. (2020) Particle Fluxes at the Australian Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) Achieve Organic Carbon Sequestration at Rates Close to the Global Median, Are Dominated by Biogenic Carbonates, and Show No Temporal Trends Over 20-Years. Frontiers in Earth Science 8 pp-.     10.3389/feart.2020.00329

    • Yang, X., Wynn-Edwards, C. A., Strutton, P. G., & Shadwick, E. H. (2024). (2024). Drivers of air-sea CO2 flux in the subantarctic zone revealed by time series observations. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38: 18     10.1029/2023GB007766

    • Yang, Xiang,Wynn‐Edwards, Cathryn A.,Strutton, Peter G.,Shadwick, Elizabeth H. (2024) Carbon Export in the Subantarctic Zone Revealed by Multi‐Year Observations From Biogeochemical‐Argo Floats and Sediment Traps. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38 pp-.     10.1029/2024GB008135


    • Shadwick, E. H., Wynn-Edwards, C. A., Eriksen, R. S., Jansen, P., Yang, X., Woodward, G., and Davies, D.: The Southern Ocean Time Series: A climatological view of hydrography, biogeochemistry, phytoplankton community composition, and carbon export in the Subantarctic Zone, EGUsphere [preprint], 2024.     10.5194/egusphere-2024-3887


    • Sutton, Caroline; Kloser, Rudy; Gershwin, Lisa. Micronekton in southern Australia and the Southern Ocean: A collation of the biomass, abundance, diversity and distribution data from CSIRO’s historical mesopelagic depth stratified net samples.. Hobart: CSIRO; 2018.    

    • Wynn-Edwards, CA, Davies, DM, Jansen, P, Shadwick, E, Trull, TW (2020) Southern Ocean Time Series. SOTS Annual Reports: 2018/2019. Report 1. Overview. Version 1.0 CSIRO, Australia.     10.26198/r9ny-r549

    • Wynn-Edwards, CA, Davies, DM, Jansen, P, Shadwick, EH, Trull, TW (2020) Southern Ocean Time Series. SOTS Annual Reports: 2017/2018. Report 1. Overview. Version 1.0 CSIRO, Australia.     10.26198/6h8j-7358

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-03 23:03 to 2018-03-21 03:03
    Latitude: -47.16 to -43.64
    Longitude: 141.51 to 147.30
    Ensembles: 4,006
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    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-08 00:00 to 2018-03-17 00:00
    Latitude: -47.12 to -43.61
    Longitude: 141.87 to 147.38
    Depth range: 0 to 607.8 m
    Occurrences: 2,319
    Taxa count: 233
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    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-02 23:03 to 2018-03-16 19:03
    Latitude: -47.00 to -43.10
    Longitude: 141.84 to 147.43
    Quantity: 7 Casts
    Max Pressure: 2252 db
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    Gravity Measurements
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-02 00:03 to 2018-03-21 02:03
    Latitude: -47.16 to 0.00
    Longitude: 141.54 to 147.55
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping acquisition report

    Time (UTC): 2018-03-04 18:03 to 2018-03-13 21:03
    Latitude: -47.00 to -45.91
    Longitude: 142.00 to 142.35
    Quantity: 5 Casts
    Max Pressure: 2252 db
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    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-03 03:03 to 2018-03-20 23:03
    Latitude: -47.15 to -42.89
    Longitude: 141.52 to 147.51
    Datafiles: 435
    Total size: 17.68 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2018-03-03 08:17 to 2018-03-18 02:59
    Latitude: -47.16 to -43.20
    Longitude: 141.77 to 147.51
    Observations: 9646
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Data fields and units document (.pdf)

    Radon measurements
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-02 23:00 to 2018-03-20 23:00
    Latitude: -47.15 to -42.89
    Longitude: 141.52 to 147.55
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    Download RV Investigator Radon dataset (XLSX)

    Sub-bottom profiler
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-04 00:02 to 2018-03-06 06:54
    Latitude: -47.00 to -43.10
    Longitude: 141.96 to 147.50
    Datafiles: 22
    Total size: 2.41 Gb
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping data acquisition and processing report

    Singlebeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-03 02:31 to 2018-03-21 02:48
    Latitude: -47.16 to -42.89
    Longitude: 141.54 to 147.55
    Datafiles: 692
    Total size: 65.55 Gb
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping acquisition report

    SOOP Bio-acoustics
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-03 09:46 to 2018-03-20 13:40
    Transects: 4
    External link
    NetCDF Data Format: Manual Download

    Time (UTC): 2018-03-02 21:03 to 2018-03-20 22:03
    Latitude: -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34
    Track length: 3810.358 km
    Locations: 311,942
    Measurements: 19,652,346
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    XBT Profile
    Time (UTC): 2018-03-20 06:03 to 2018-03-20 06:03
    Latitude: -44.36 to -44.35
    Longitude: 144.55 to 144.59
    Quantity: 2 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1100.3 db
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    Geophysical Survey and Mapping data acquisition and processing report

    Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.

    Search for events from this voyage and others

    Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2018-03-02 20:25 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2018_v02 Techas started
    2018-03-02 21:08 [view ] -42.8864 147.3404 Voyage Start in2018_v02
    2018-03-02 23:05 [view ] -43.1000 147.4310 TSG [view] Start in2018_v02
    2018-03-03 00:13 [view ] -43.0990 147.4315 CTD [view] 1 in2018_v02 test CTD at 10db, no profile, 36 bottles fired
    2018-03-03 00:17 [view ] -43.0990 147.4313 Delta restarted in2018_v02 Restarted apache when delta became unresponsive
    2018-03-03 02:07 [view ] -43.0995 147.4327 PLAOS [view] 1 Deployed in2018_v02 test first run in progress
    2018-03-03 02:35 [view ] -43.0995 147.4327 Underway hug164 Hydrochem Lab : tsg001 Sample TSG_Samples_in2018_v02 assayed in sal001. result: 34.715
    2018-03-03 03:06 [view ] -43.0997 147.4330 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 1 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-03 03:38 [view ] -43.2049 147.2844 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01 (L1 and L2) START
    2018-03-03 06:05 [view ] -43.6102 147.3755 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 updates svp to in2018_v02_sst_002.asvp
    2018-03-03 07:10 [view ] -43.7139 147.1352 Other [view] Start in2018_v02 Rain water collection RV2018_V02_RW01
    2018-03-03 08:10 [view ] -43.8085 146.9147 CPR [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-03 10:00 [view ] -44.0462 146.6003 Other [view] Stop in2018_v02 Rain water collection RV2018_V02_RW01
    2018-03-03 10:01 [view ] -44.0520 146.5973 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 em122 started logging ; em710 off -
    2018-03-03 11:47 [view ] -44.3562 146.4453 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v02 Started logging os75
    2018-03-03 13:03 [view ] -44.5627 146.3417 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 clamped and stopped - rough weather
    2018-03-03 13:18 [view ] -44.5988 146.3235 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_004
    2018-03-03 14:32 [view ] -44.7797 146.2323 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_005.asvp
    2018-03-03 14:54 [view ] -44.8347 146.2045 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_006.asvp
    2018-03-03 21:55 [view ] -45.7893 145.7182 ac9 [view] Start in2018_v02 started looging for the voyage Alternating frequently between filtered and unfiltered measurements
    2018-03-03 23:41 [view ] -46.0762 145.5703 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_007.asvp
    2018-03-04 00:39 [view ] -46.2288 145.4912 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-04 01:05 [view ] -46.2952 145.4568 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-04 01:21 [view ] -46.3382 145.4347 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_008.asvp
    2018-03-04 01:46 [view ] -46.3932 145.3910 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 start line east to west to target site
    2018-03-04 03:02 [view ] -46.4430 145.1308 SBP [view] Power GSM_in2018_v02 -10
    2018-03-04 04:30 [view ] -46.4635 145.0233 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01 (L1 and L2) STOP
    2018-03-04 04:40 [view ] -46.5092 144.7843 Fluorometer [view] Stop in2018_v02 Turned off water for cleaning
    2018-03-04 04:44 [view ] -46.5115 144.7717 Fluorometer [view] Start in2018_v02 Flurometer start after cleaning
    2018-03-04 04:44 [view ] -46.4630 145.0230 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_02 (L1 and L2) START
    2018-03-04 04:56 [view ] -46.5193 144.7308 RMT 25 [view] test in2018_v02 adding RMT 25 as a type
    2018-03-04 05:11 [view ] -46.5298 144.6760 Techsas2 [view] Reboot in2018_v02 GUI Frozen GUI frozen so badly that had to use top to send SIGKILL to java process to get it to stop.
    2018-03-04 05:12 [view ] -46.5303 144.6732 Delta Reboot in2018_v02 Restarted apache Restarted apache after web interface became unresponsive
    2018-03-04 07:54 [view ] -46.6327 144.1075 FIRe [view] Start in2018_v02 started logging for the voyage
    2018-03-04 14:46 [view ] -46.7953 142.6397 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 off as i'm going off shift
    2018-03-04 14:47 [view ] -46.7958 142.6382 XBT [view] warning GSM_in2018_v02 could not connect to hardware - maybe java was updated on laptop - Karl Malakoff reset shortcut to turo to use java 7 - test ok now
    2018-03-04 17:27 [view ] -46.9778 142.0693 CPR [view] Retrieved in2018_v02 Note, CPR opened 2018-03-06 05:22 to add formalin. Reel had jammed early in operation
    2018-03-04 18:14 [view ] -46.9994 142.0027 CTD [view] 2 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-04 19:41 [view ] -47.0013 Ship power Stop in2018_v02 engine outage, ups ok ctd at 1225m upcast; no underway seawater pumps
    2018-03-04 22:12 [view ] -46.9998 142.0250 Trace Metal Rosette [view] 1 in progress in2018_v02
    2018-03-04 23:05 [view ] -47.0009 142.0266 TM fish [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 01:48 [view ] -46.9430 142.0568 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 Assayed in nut001 (aborted), new samples assayed in nut002
    2018-03-05 02:17 [view ] -46.9561 142.0445 TM fish [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 02:34 [view ] -46.9555 142.0425 Motorhead Net Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 02:59 [view ] -46.9548 142.0420 Motorhead Net Recovered in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 03:45 [view ] -46.9567 142.0287 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_009.asvp
    2018-03-05 04:31 [view ] -46.9605 142.0110 EM122 [view] Line GSM_in2018_v02 ship power tripped at 19:40 - so sbp not on since - on restart sbp tripped ups - reset by ship& 39;s electrician - ok now
    2018-03-05 05:25 [view ] -46.9665 141.9870 SBP [view] Other GSM_in2018_v02 off again had tripped again - ships electricians are still working around ship -
    2018-03-05 05:57 [view ] -46.9738 141.9620 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 05:57 [view ] -46.9740 141.9620 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 and copied files before re-starting
    2018-03-05 06:28 [view ] -46.9750 141.9623 SBP [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 restarting again - green light flickering
    2018-03-05 07:00 [view ] -46.9759 141.9624 Plankton net [view] Emma Cavan 1 hangup in2018_v02 For characterising plankton community > 20 um using Flow Cam
    2018-03-05 07:01 [view ] -46.9758 141.9623 Techsas2 [view] Stop in2018_v02 Stopping techsas 2 to deploy radar driver
    2018-03-05 07:02 [view ] -46.9760 141.9623 Techsas2 [view] Start in2018_v02 Started techsas 2 after radar driver configuration
    2018-03-05 07:03 [view ] -46.9760 141.9620 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_02 (L1 and L2) STOP
    2018-03-05 07:30 [view ] -46.9760 141.9620 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01PB (L1 and L2), 3 min blank
    2018-03-05 07:44 [view ] -46.9780 141.9620 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_03(L1 and L2)
    2018-03-05 07:46 [view ] -46.9775 141.9622 Techsas1 [view] Stop in2018_v02 Stop to add radar target generic driver
    2018-03-05 07:46 [view ] -46.9775 141.9623 Techsas1 [view] Start in2018_v02 Started after adding radar driver
    2018-03-05 09:24 [view ] -46.9793 141.9617 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_002.asvp
    2018-03-05 10:49 [view ] -46.9830 141.9600 Plankton net [view] Retrieved in2018_v02 1 Haul, then cod end lost
    2018-03-05 11:32 [view ] -46.9843 141.9598 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 2 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 13:12 [view ] -46.9808 141.9612 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 2 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 14:41 [view ] -47.0037 142.2373 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 end of shift
    2018-03-05 15:34 [view ] -47.0110 142.3365 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 3 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 16:00 [view ] -47.0108 142.3363 RESPIRE traps [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 17:12 [view ] -47.0083 142.3335 PLAOS [view] Rudi Kloser 3 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-05 21:22 [view ] -47.0248 142.4327 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, flow cyto
    2018-03-06 01:51 [view ] -47.0263 142.3692 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, flow cyto
    2018-03-06 04:00 [view ] -47.0198 142.3608 Underway Seawater Data restarted in2018_v02 FIRe window clean and fresh start The time is approximate.
    2018-03-06 05:31 [view ] -47.0173 142.3213 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, flow cyto
    2018-03-06 05:53 [view ] -47.0173 142.3155 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 09:23 [view ] -47.0130 142.2423 Mooring anchor SOFS-7 anchor release 4520m waterdepth Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 10:23 [view ] -47.0142 142.2367 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 off for listening to mooring
    2018-03-06 10:46 [view ] -47.0150 142.2372 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 stop pinging to listen for mooring
    2018-03-06 11:04 [view ] -47.0158 142.2377 ADCP [view] Stop in2018_v02 ADCP stopped to look for mooring
    2018-03-06 11:29 [view ] -47.0150 142.2410 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_03(L1 and L2) STOP
    2018-03-06 11:50 [view ] -47.0120 142.2350 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_04(L1 and L2) START
    2018-03-06 11:54 [view ] -47.0120 142.2298 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 restart
    2018-03-06 11:55 [view ] -47.0118 142.2270 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 restart
    2018-03-06 12:26 [view ] -47.0090 142.1708 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_010.asvp
    2018-03-06 12:37 [view ] -47.0082 142.1497 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v02 Started logging again
    2018-03-06 12:54 [view ] -47.0065 142.1132 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_011.asvp
    2018-03-06 14:26 [view ] -46.9968 142.0028 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 Assayed in nut003
    2018-03-06 14:27 [view ] -46.9968 142.0028 Underway hug164 Hydrochem Lab : tsg002 Sample TSG_Samples_in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 14:28 [view ] -46.9968 142.0028 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 18:07 [view ] -46.9968 142.0048 CTD [view] 3 Deployed in2018_v02 in water 1813
    2018-03-06 18:59 [view ] -46.9980 141.9993 CTD [view] 3 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 19:04 [view ] -46.9980 142.0000 Trace Metal Rosette [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 20:10 [view ] -46.9980 141.9997 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 HPLC, Fchl-a, POC, flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-06 20:20 [view ] -46.9980 141.9996 Trace Metal Rosette [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 22:32 [view ] -47.0005 141.9988 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-06 23:47 [view ] -47.0023 141.9987 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-07 01:43 [view ] -47.0025 141.9985 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-07 02:03 [view ] -47.0013 141.9982 ISP [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 03:34 [view ] -46.9968 141.9970 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-07 04:03 [view ] -46.9960 141.9968 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 04:33 [view ] -46.9938 141.9908 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 Assayed in nut005
    2018-03-07 04:57 [view ] -46.9870 141.9588 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_002.asvp
    2018-03-07 05:59 [view ] -46.9793 141.9295 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-07 06:04 [view ] -46.9793 141.9290 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 off for listening to mooring
    2018-03-07 06:38 [view ] -46.5880 141.5570 Vertical Plankton Net in water in2018_v02 Zooplankton net deployed, 3 tows, upper 100 m
    2018-03-07 07:07 [view ] -46.9785 141.9305 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 off for listening to mooring
    2018-03-07 07:13 [view ] -46.9787 141.9305 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 5 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 07:20 [view ] -46.9700 141.9300 Trace Metal Rosette [view] in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 07:48 [view ] -46.9785 141.9303 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-07 09:18 [view ] -46.9797 141.9307 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 4 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 09:30 [view ] -46.9798 141.9308 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, absorption, flow cyto
    2018-03-07 09:43 [view ] -46.9788 141.9307 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut006
    2018-03-07 09:45 [view ] -46.9787 141.9308 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : f13 to f14 Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in sal001
    2018-03-07 09:47 [view ] -46.9785 141.9308 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : f01 to f12 Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in sal001
    2018-03-07 10:41 [view ] -46.9755 141.9317 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 4 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 10:50 [view ] -46.9750 141.9320 Plankton net [view] Deployed in2018_v02 3 tows
    2018-03-07 10:58 [view ] -46.9750 141.9320 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_04(L1 and L2) STOP
    2018-03-07 11:22 [view ] -46.9760 141.9320 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01EB (L1 and L2), ~24h exposure blank, START
    2018-03-07 11:44 [view ] -46.9758 141.9318 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 12:26 [view ] -46.9765 141.9320 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 5 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 14:28 [view ] -46.9720 141.9328 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 6 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 14:35 [view ] -46.9718 141.9332 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 off as i'm going off shift
    2018-03-07 15:48 [view ] -46.9670 141.9345 PLAOS [view] 6 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-07 20:59 [view ] -46.8253 142.0098 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-08 00:00 [view ] -46.8112 141.9185 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-08 03:00 [view ] -46.7947 141.8103 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 back on shift
    2018-03-08 03:28 [view ] -46.7917 141.7923 Mooring anchor SAZ-20 mooring anchor drop Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-08 03:41 [view ] -46.7958 141.8113 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 EM122 EK60 and AML off for mooring triangulation
    2018-03-08 04:16 [view ] -46.7978 141.8110 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-08 04:54 [view ] -46.7965 141.8110 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut007
    2018-03-08 04:55 [view ] -46.7965 141.8108 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle lable Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut007
    2018-03-08 05:15 [view ] -46.7897 141.8232 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 EM122 EK60 back on
    2018-03-08 06:48 [view ] -46.7182 142.2577 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_012.asvp temp 14.76
    2018-03-08 07:37 [view ] -46.6973 142.2872 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-08 09:02 [view ] -46.4800 142.1120 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01EB (L1 and L2), ~24h exposure blank, STOP
    2018-03-08 09:13 [view ] -46.8302 142.1610 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_013.asvp
    2018-03-08 09:26 [view ] -46.5230 142.0720 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_05 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-08 09:32 [view ] -46.8782 142.1180 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_014.asvp
    2018-03-08 09:58 [view ] -46.9205 142.0773 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-01 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-08 10:10 [view ] -46.9223 142.0742 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-01 Net Open in2018_v02
    2018-03-08 12:12 [view ] -46.9417 142.0287 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-01 Net Closed in2018_v02 net closed
    2018-03-08 12:23 [view ] -46.9418 142.0287 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-01 Retrieved in2018_v02 net on deck
    2018-03-08 12:23 [view ] -46.9980 142.0003 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser 1 Retrieved in2018_v02 net on deck
    2018-03-08 13:24 [view ] -46.9974 142.0000 CTD [view] 4 Start in2018_v02 CTD Launched
    2018-03-08 15:12 [view ] -47.0004 142.0021 CTD [view] 4 Retrieved in2018_v02 Bottles not fired at 400 and 225m. 4 fired at 300 and 2 fired at 200
    2018-03-08 16:30 [view ] -47.0047 142.0028 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-08 16:31 [view ] -47.0047 142.0028 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_015.asvp
    2018-03-08 19:13 [view ] -47.0085 142.1442 TM fish [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-08 19:33 [view ] -47.0113 142.2040 Acoustics [view] in2018_v02 Acoustics shut down for sounding
    2018-03-09 00:37 [view ] -47.0000 141.9996 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-09 01:06 [view ] -47.0007 141.9991 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 02:17 [view ] -47.0030 141.9978 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, absorption, flow cyto
    2018-03-09 03:02 [view ] -47.0037 141.9973 Acoustics [view] in2018_v02 Acoustics restarted
    2018-03-09 03:08 [view ] -47.0036 141.9974 FIRe [view] maintenance in2018_v02 Fire windows cleaned and restart
    2018-03-09 04:09 [view ] -47.0059 141.9961 ISP [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 04:44 [view ] -47.0067 141.9957 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-09 05:00 [view ] -47.0040 141.5970 Plankton net [view] Deployed in2018_v02 3 tows
    2018-03-09 05:26 [view ] -47.0015 141.9943 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 05:37 [view ] -47.0005 141.9933 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_002.asvp
    2018-03-09 06:07 [view ] -46.9968 141.9965 Trace Metal Rosette [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 06:16 [view ] -46.9955 141.9973 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut009
    2018-03-09 06:40 [view ] -46.9920 141.9954 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Ship exhaust sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01SE START
    2018-03-09 07:00 [view ] -46.9910 141.9930 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Ship exhaust sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01SE STOP
    2018-03-09 07:10 [view ] -46.9902 141.9921 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Ship exhaust sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_01SEPB, procedure blank in Aerosol Lab
    2018-03-09 07:26 [view ] -46.9887 141.9898 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-09 07:45 [view ] -46.9867 141.9870 Trace Metal Rosette [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 09:08 [view ] -46.9804 141.9746 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 10:21 [view ] -46.9802 141.9747 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut009
    2018-03-09 11:39 [view ] -46.9828 141.9730 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_016.asvp
    2018-03-09 12:30 [view ] -46.9846 141.9716 ISP [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 12:55 [view ] -46.0560 142.1810 Plankton net [view] out of water in2018_v02 2 tows
    2018-03-09 13:40 [view ] -46.8567 141.9700 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 IN2018_v02_sst_017.asvp
    2018-03-09 14:06 [view ] -46.7690 141.9690 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : c01 to c12 Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in sal003
    2018-03-09 14:18 [view ] -46.7280 141.9688 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_018.asvp
    2018-03-09 14:47 [view ] -46.6353 141.9908 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-09 15:22 [view ] -46.5282 142.0535 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_019.asvp
    2018-03-09 21:04 [view ] -46.1033 142.3030 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-09 21:42 [view ] -46.0997 142.3032 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-09 21:43 [view ] -46.0560 142.1810 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_05 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-09 21:57 [view ] -46.1022 142.3147 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, flow cyto
    2018-03-09 22:04 [view ] -46.0560 142.1810 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_06 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-09 22:25 [view ] -46.0870 142.3275 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-09 23:03 [view ] -46.0677 142.3303 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-09 23:44 [view ] -46.0455 142.3390 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 00:41 [view ] -46.0260 142.3740 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 01:50 [view ] -45.9928 142.3688 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-10 02:08 [view ] -45.9842 142.3648 ADCP [view] Stop in2018_v02 Brief restart
    2018-03-10 02:09 [view ] -45.9840 142.3647 EK60 [view] Stop in2018_v02 Brief restart
    2018-03-10 02:45 [view ] -45.9703 142.3630 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 03:13 [view ] -45.9610 142.3640 Fluorometer [view] maintenance in2018_v02 Windows cleaned on underway fluorometer in the underway lab
    2018-03-10 03:14 [view ] -45.9607 142.3640 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut011
    2018-03-10 03:16 [view ] -45.9598 142.3638 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut011
    2018-03-10 03:34 [view ] -45.9527 142.3638 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 04:30 [view ] -45.9352 142.3622 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 05:19 [view ] -45.9227 142.3620 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 05:47 [view ] -45.9180 142.3547 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-10 05:59 [view ] -45.9145 142.3503 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 06:28 [view ] -45.9103 142.3465 CTD [view] 5 Start in2018_v02
    2018-03-10 06:52 [view ] -45.9067 142.3472 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, absorption, flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-10 07:54 [view ] -45.9000 142.3405 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 08:46 [view ] -45.8943 142.3338 Float Deployed in2018_v02 Float 687
    2018-03-10 08:53 [view ] -45.8935 142.3328 Float Deployed in2018_v02 Float 686 deployed
    2018-03-10 08:57 [view ] -45.8930 142.3322 Float Deployed in2018_v02 Float 393 deployed
    2018-03-10 09:05 [view ] -45.8918 142.3289 Other [view] Start in2018_v02 Rain water collection RV2018_V02_RW02
    2018-03-10 10:27 [view ] -45.8740 142.2653 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-10 11:24 [view ] -45.8725 142.2647 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_005.asvp
    2018-03-10 11:44 [view ] -45.8724 142.2646 Underway Seawater Data Sediment Traps Di Davies Mooring recovery in2018_v02 25L drums 4 of, GFF filtered, samples for nutrients DD1 to DD4 4 drums of filtered sea water through 47mm GFF for later sediment trap processing. Each drum sampled for nutrients and given to hydrochem on board with sample numbers DD1 to DD4. Drums are in cool room, wet lab, with sediment trap cups.
    2018-03-10 12:06 [view ] -45.8725 142.2647 ISP [view] Retrieved in2018_v02 Shallow Cast 2hours 60, 80, 90, 100m
    2018-03-10 12:18 [view ] -45.8727 142.2650 Experimental Di Davies Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut011
    2018-03-10 22:12 [view ] -45.5230 142.1590 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_06 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-10 22:30 [view ] -45.5230 142.1590 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_02PB (L1 and L2), 3 minutes procedure blank
    2018-03-10 22:59 [view ] -44.9372 144.7440 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-10 23:47 [view ] -44.8722 144.9320 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-11 03:01 [view ] -44.6025 145.7130 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_020.asvp
    2018-03-11 03:53 [view ] -44.5302 145.9213 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-11 04:01 [view ] -44.5180 145.9565 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_021.asvp
    2018-03-11 05:21 [view ] -44.4038 146.2852 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut012
    2018-03-11 06:29 [view ] -44.2278 146.4628 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-11 06:43 [view ] -44.1895 146.4933 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_021.asvp
    2018-03-11 07:02 [view ] -44.1343 146.5365 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-11 07:07 [view ] -44.1180 146.5495 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_022.asvp
    2018-03-11 07:08 [view ] -44.1157 146.5512 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_022.asvp
    2018-03-11 07:20 [view ] -44.0788 146.5802 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FChl-a
    2018-03-11 07:28 [view ] -44.0583 146.5963 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 on shelf on way to hobart
    2018-03-11 07:28 [view ] -44.0570 146.5972 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_023.asvp
    2018-03-11 11:43 [view ] -43.5173 147.4235 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_025.asvp
    2018-03-11 13:14 [view ] -43.2225 147.5075 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_026.asvp
    2018-03-11 13:17 [view ] -43.2098 147.5112 Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] Stop in2018_v02
    2018-03-11 13:18 [view ] -43.2096 147.5112 FIRe [view] Stop in2018_v02 underway seawater turned off, stopped logging some time after that
    2018-03-11 13:18 [view ] -43.2097 147.5112 ac9 [view] Stop in2018_v02 underway seawater turned off, stopped logging some time after that
    2018-03-11 13:57 [view ] -43.1252 147.5452 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 outside of hobart
    2018-03-11 14:03 [view ] -43.1248 147.5453 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 near hobart
    2018-03-11 15:00 [view ] -43.1217 147.5453 EK60 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 stop pinging and logging
    2018-03-11 21:16 [view ] -42.8852 147.3413 ADCP [view] Stop in2018_v02 Hobart port visit
    2018-03-11 21:30 [view ] -42.8863 147.3395 Voyage port stop in2018_v02 arrive Hobart resupply of moorings gear
    2018-03-12 01:55 [view ] -42.8864 147.3388 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Ship exhaust sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_02SE START
    2018-03-12 02:15 [view ] -42.8864 147.3388 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Ship exhaust sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_02SE STOP
    2018-03-12 03:00 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Voyage port stop in2018_v02 depart Hobart
    2018-03-12 03:09 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 leaving hobart
    2018-03-12 03:11 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2018_v02 Logging restarted Techsas1 logging restarted to change SST port back to the normal one
    2018-03-12 04:11 [view ] -42.9593 147.3767 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v02 Started loggin Started logging os75 in bt mode
    2018-03-12 04:56 [view ] -43.0905 147.4188 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-12 04:58 [view ] -43.0957 147.4237 Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] Start in2018_v02
    2018-03-12 05:05 [view ] -43.1180 147.4450 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_07 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-12 05:05 [view ] -43.1152 147.4420 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-12 06:53 [view ] -43.4200 147.4500 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_07 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-12 07:02 [view ] -43.4443 147.4447 FIRe [view] Start in2018_v02 Started logging again after port stop in Hobart, windows cleaned
    2018-03-12 07:08 [view ] -43.4630 147.4390 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_08 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-12 07:47 [view ] -43.5627 147.4107 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 rough and getting rougher!
    2018-03-12 07:52 [view ] -43.5735 147.4077 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_027.asvp
    2018-03-12 07:53 [view ] -43.5782 147.4063 CPR [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-12 07:54 [view ] -43.5782 147.4063 ac9 [view] Start in2018_v02 Restart after port stop in Hobart
    2018-03-12 09:05 [view ] -43.6719 147.2330 Other [view] Start in2018_v02 Rain water collection RV2018_V02_RW02
    2018-03-12 09:37 [view ] -43.7100 147.1440 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_028.asvp
    2018-03-12 11:30 [view ] -43.8487 146.8398 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-12 11:31 [view ] -43.8495 146.8385 EM710 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-12 12:03 [view ] -43.8948 146.7625 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_029.asvp
    2018-03-12 12:06 [view ] -43.8997 146.7545 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut013
    2018-03-12 12:50 [view ] -43.9635 146.6477 Triaxus [view] Broke in2018_v02
    2018-03-12 13:13 [view ] -43.9970 146.5915 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_030.asvp
    2018-03-12 13:37 [view ] -44.0303 146.5357 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_031.asvp
    2018-03-12 13:56 [view ] -44.0605 146.4965 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_030.asvp
    2018-03-12 14:12 [view ] -44.0907 146.4662 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_005.asvp
    2018-03-12 14:28 [view ] -44.1190 146.4372 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_021.asvp
    2018-03-12 15:01 [view ] -44.1817 146.3735 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v02 Restarted logging with out bottom tracking
    2018-03-12 20:29 [view ] -44.5423 145.5143 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-12 22:11 [view ] -44.6470 145.2087 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-12 23:43 [view ] -44.7440 144.9247 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-13 01:31 [view ] -44.8588 144.5882 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-13 02:13 [view ] -44.9058 144.4503 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_005.asvp
    2018-03-13 02:23 [view ] -44.9102 144.4158 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-13 04:47 [view ] -45.1638 144.0578 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-13 05:02 [view ] -45.1950 144.0233 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_032.asvp
    2018-03-13 05:50 [view ] -45.2960 143.9120 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_005.asvp
    2018-03-13 06:25 [view ] -45.3703 143.8297 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_033.asvp
    2018-03-13 07:06 [view ] -45.4553 143.7355 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-13 09:51 [view ] -45.7905 143.3632 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-13 10:33 [view ] -45.8833 143.2597 Fluorometer [view] maintenance in2018_v02 Windows cleaned on underway fluorometer in the underway lab
    2018-03-13 10:56 [view ] -45.9307 143.2068 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_ctd_005.asvp
    2018-03-13 13:27 [view ] -46.2545 142.8438 Experimental Christina Schallenberg Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 CS prefix added to ID, assayed in nut014 (aborted), duplicates combined, assayed in nut015
    2018-03-13 19:28 [view ] -46.9783 142.0247 CPR [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-13 19:45 [view ] -46.9943 142.0062 CTD [view] 6 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-13 20:49 [view ] -46.9940 142.0083 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-13 21:37 [view ] -46.9948 142.0092 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-13 21:38 [view ] -46.9948 142.0092 CTD [view] 6 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-13 21:41 [view ] -46.9950 142.0090 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_08 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-13 22:13 [view ] -46.9970 142.0090 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_09 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-14 01:00 [view ] -46.9923 141.9940 TM fish [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 01:12 [view ] -46.9915 141.9942 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 02:03 [view ] -46.9880 141.9952 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02 3hr cast 70,100,140,150,160 and 200m depths
    2018-03-14 02:24 [view ] -46.9863 141.9956 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-14 02:38 [view ] -46.9850 141.9960 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Ship exhaust sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_03SE START
    2018-03-14 03:00 [view ] -46.9825 141.9965 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_034.asvp
    2018-03-14 03:03 [view ] -46.9824 141.9966 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Ship exhaust sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_03SE STOP
    2018-03-14 05:16 [view ] -46.9727 141.9991 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-14 05:49 [view ] -46.9722 142.0040 ISP [view] Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 06:20 [view ] -46.9720 142.0080 Plankton net [view] Deployment in2018_v02 3 tows, upper 100 m
    2018-03-14 06:30 [view ] -46.9722 142.0067 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-02 in water in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 06:43 [view ] -46.9717 141.9995 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-02 Net Open in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 07:35 [view ] -46.9700 141.9588 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-14 08:46 [view ] -46.9662 141.9102 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-02 Net Closed in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 10:31 [view ] -46.9718 142.0173 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, absorption, flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-14 11:13 [view ] -46.9720 142.0110 Plankton net [view] Deployed in2018_v02 3 tows, upper 100 m
    2018-03-14 11:30 [view ] -46.9720 142.0113 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-03 Deployed in2018_v02 Net in water
    2018-03-14 11:43 [view ] -46.9713 142.0055 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-03 Net Open in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 13:43 [view ] -46.9783 141.9418 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-03 Net Closed in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 13:57 [view ] -46.9785 141.9422 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-03 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-14 15:14 [view ] -46.9733 142.0152 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-04 Deployed in2018_v02 600 m to 200 m tow. Trawl failed, net did not open
    2018-03-14 15:34 [view ] -46.9765 142.0098 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut014 (aborted), duplicates combined & assayed in nut015
    2018-03-14 15:35 [view ] -46.9768 142.0092 Experimental Matthieu Bressac Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut014 (aborted), triplicates combined and assayed in nut015
    2018-03-14 15:43 [view ] -46.9783 142.0067 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-04 Net Open in2018_v02 Trawl failed, net did not open
    2018-03-14 18:43 [view ] -47.0022 141.9490 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-04 Net Closed in2018_v02 Trawl failed, net did not open
    2018-03-14 19:01 [view ] -47.0023 141.9473 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-04 Retrieved in2018_v02 Trawl failed, net did not open
    2018-03-14 20:14 [view ] -46.9918 142.0007 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-14 21:03 [view ] -46.9930 142.0020 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-14 21:13 [view ] -46.9935 142.0022 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02 3hr cast 140, 150, 160 and 200m depth
    2018-03-14 21:26 [view ] -46.9940 142.0010 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_09 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-14 21:40 [view ] -46.9940 142.0010 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_03PB (L1 and L2), 3minutes procedure blank
    2018-03-14 21:57 [view ] -46.9940 142.0010 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_10 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-14 22:02 [view ] -46.9940 142.0020 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, absorption, flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-14 22:53 [view ] -46.9945 142.0027 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-14 23:48 [view ] -46.9957 142.0043 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-15 00:34 [view ] -46.9963 142.0053 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-15 02:16 [view ] -47.0258 141.9652 Experimental Matthieu Bressac Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut016
    2018-03-15 02:18 [view ] -47.0273 141.9628 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut016
    2018-03-15 02:20 [view ] -47.0273 141.9625 Experimental Svenja Halfter Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut016
    2018-03-15 02:22 [view ] -47.0283 141.9608 Experimental Christina Schallenberg Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 CS prefix added to ID, assayed in nut016
    2018-03-15 03:00 [view ] -47.0475 141.9308 TM fish [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-15 03:36 [view ] -47.0723 141.9173 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-15 04:52 [view ] -47.1165 141.8852 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_035.asvp
    2018-03-15 05:06 [view ] -47.1188 141.8795 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-05 Deployed in2018_v02 day tow 600 m to 200 m
    2018-03-15 05:30 [view ] -47.1218 141.8737 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-05 Net Open in2018_v02
    2018-03-15 05:33 [view ] -47.1223 141.8728 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, Flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-15 07:40 [view ] -47.1480 141.8363 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-15 08:03 [view ] -47.1522 141.8335 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-05 Net Closed in2018_v02
    2018-03-15 08:30 [view ] -47.1580 141.8293 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-05 Retrieved in2018_v02 onboard
    2018-03-15 09:06 [view ] -47.0888 141.9143 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-15 09:15 [view ] -47.0642 141.9372 Fluorometer [view] maintenance in2018_v02 Windows cleaned on underway fluorometer in the underway lab
    2018-03-15 09:52 [view ] -47.0042 141.9868 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut017
    2018-03-15 09:53 [view ] -47.0043 141.9868 Experimental Matthieu Bressac Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 CTL abreviated to CT in tray protocol, assayed in nut017
    2018-03-15 09:54 [view ] -47.0043 141.9868 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-06 Deployed in2018_v02 Night tow 600 to 200 m
    2018-03-15 10:21 [view ] -47.0105 141.9810 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-06 Net Open in2018_v02
    2018-03-15 10:46 [view ] -47.0157 141.9753 Experimental Svenja Halfter Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 SVJ prefix added to ID, assayed in nut017
    2018-03-15 12:51 [view ] -47.0377 141.9482 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-06 Net Closed in2018_v02
    2018-03-15 13:08 [view ] -47.0402 141.9460 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-06 Retrieved in2018_v02 net on deck
    2018-03-15 13:32 [view ] -47.0168 141.9412 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2018_v02 Restated TSG driver after updating temerature coefficents
    2018-03-15 13:42 [view ] -47.0168 141.9412 Techsas2 [view] restarted in2018_v02 Restated TSG driver after updating temerature coefficents
    2018-03-15 18:20 [view ] -46.0983 141.9283 Acoustics [view] in2018_v02 Acoustics off for mooring ranging Acoustics off for ranging ADCP USBL EM122 EK60
    2018-03-15 20:05 [view ] -46.0133 142.0593 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-15 20:35 [view ] -46.0395 142.0407 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-15 21:33 [view ] -46.0225 142.0032 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-15 22:25 [view ] -46.0168 142.0027 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-15 23:31 [view ] -46.0073 142.0033 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-16 00:37 [view ] -46.0012 141.9995 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-16 01:34 [view ] -45.9845 142.0243 EK60 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 after SOFS7 mooring buoy recovery
    2018-03-16 01:36 [view ] -45.9836 142.0249 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 pinging after SOFS7 mooring buoy recovery
    2018-03-16 01:39 [view ] -45.9826 142.0253 EK60 [view] Start in2018_v02 after SOFS7 mooring buoy recovery
    2018-03-16 02:08 [view ] -45.9692 142.0273 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02 in2017_v02_sst_037.asvp
    2018-03-16 03:31 [view ] -45.9562 141.9883 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-16 03:52 [view ] -45.9582 141.9790 Metstation Observation in2018_v02 Port wind suspect Noted suspect data in port true wind sensor. Visual observation confirmed that sensor was moving in time with the roll of the ship.
    2018-03-16 04:56 [view ] -45.9688 141.9520 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 IN2018_V02_038.asvp
    2018-03-16 05:37 [view ] -45.9767 141.9398 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 IN2018_V02_sst_039.asvp
    2018-03-16 06:12 [view ] -45.9825 141.9337 Other [view] SOF-7 anchors away Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 06:16 [view ] -45.9832 141.9317 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02 listtening for SOFS-7
    2018-03-16 06:20 [view ] -45.9822 141.9302 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 FRRF
    2018-03-16 06:27 [view ] -45.9818 141.9303 Underway Seawater Sample Coccolithophore sampl1 for Diana Davies number 1 in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 08:15 [view ] -45.9957 141.9280 EM122 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 09:04 [view ] -46.0000 141.9313 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 7 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 09:24 [view ] -46.0005 141.9302 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 7 Deployed in2018_v02 2nd attempt
    2018-03-16 10:49 [view ] -45.9942 141.9260 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 7 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 11:25 [view ] -46.9930 141.8950 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_10 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-16 11:28 [view ] -45.9925 141.8953 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-07 Deployed in2018_v02 No USBL beacon signal
    2018-03-16 11:45 [view ] -46.9840 141.8920 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_11 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-16 11:55 [view ] -45.9820 141.8913 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-07 Retrieved in2018_v02 Recovered to deck, USBL beacon low battery. On charge.
    2018-03-16 12:12 [view ] -45.9822 141.8908 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 8 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 13:34 [view ] -45.9730 141.8837 PLAOS [view] 8 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 13:49 [view ] -45.9627 141.8782 Techsas1 [view] restarted in2018_v02 Restarted gyro 1 feed after crash Looking at influx data crash occured at approximatly 01:30 UTC on 16th
    2018-03-16 14:01 [view ] -45.9567 141.8763 ADCP [view] Start in2018_v02 Restarted logging
    2018-03-16 14:02 [view ] -45.9560 141.8765 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-07 Deployed in2018_v02 2nd attempt with new beacon
    2018-03-16 14:18 [view ] -45.9468 141.8767 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-07 Net Open in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 14:59 [view ] -45.9217 141.8700 Experimental Svenja Halfter Hydrochem Lab : exp SVJ bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 Diluted x2, x10 with lnsw, assayed in nut018
    2018-03-16 16:18 [view ] -45.8743 141.8457 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-07 Net Closed in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 16:34 [view ] -45.8660 141.8460 RMT 8 [view] Rudy Kloser RMT-07 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 17:56 [view ] -45.9547 141.8473 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 9 Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 18:20 [view ] -45.9522 141.8428 PLAOS [view] Rudy Kloser 9 Retrieved in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 18:38 [view ] -45.9510 141.8403 CTD [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-16 21:27 [view ] -45.9152 141.9010 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-16 21:55 [view ] -45.8872 141.9241 Other [view] Start in2018_v02 Rain water collection RV2018_V02_RW03
    2018-03-17 03:08 [view ] -45.8230 141.9257 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut018
    2018-03-17 03:10 [view ] -45.8227 141.9257 Experimental Svenja Halfter Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut018
    2018-03-17 05:08 [view ] -45.7875 141.9215 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-17 07:51 [view ] -45.7632 141.9158 Mooring released in2018_v02 SOFS-7 buoy released
    2018-03-17 07:56 [view ] -45.7615 141.9162 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-17 08:06 [view ] -45.7638 141.9198 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, absorption, flow cyto, FRRF
    2018-03-17 09:25 [view ] -45.7482 141.9260 Experimental Matthieu Bressac Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut019
    2018-03-17 10:01 [view ] -45.7330 141.9230 Experimental Svenja Halfter Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut019
    2018-03-17 10:35 [view ] -45.7172 141.9182 Underway Seawater Sample Coccolithophore sample for Diana Davies number 2 in2018_v02
    2018-03-17 10:45 [view ] -45.7130 141.9167 Fluorometer [view] maintenance in2018_v02 Windows cleaned on underway fluorometer in the underway lab
    2018-03-17 11:16 [view ] -45.7003 141.9120 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_042.asvp
    2018-03-17 11:16 [view ] -45.7002 141.9120 Mooring Recovered in2018_v02 SOFS-7
    2018-03-17 11:50 [view ] -45.7508 141.8578 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_043.asvp had to restart pinging and logging for sv used to be updated to profile or sensor value
    2018-03-17 12:31 [view ] -45.8710 141.7760 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_11 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-17 12:48 [view ] -45.9140 141.7740 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_12 (L1 and L2), START
    2018-03-17 14:13 [view ] -46.1860 141.7753 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_044.asvp
    2018-03-17 15:44 [view ] -46.4763 141.7768 Gravity Meter [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-17 19:15 [view ] -46.9088 141.9482 Trace Metal Rosette [view] Deployed in2018_v02
    2018-03-17 20:00 [view ] -46.9065 141.9505 Other [view] Stop in2018_v02 Rain water collection RV2018_V02_RW03
    2018-03-17 20:00 [view ] -46.9065 141.9505 Other [view] Start in2018_v02 Rain water collection RV2018_V02_RW04
    2018-03-17 22:26 [view ] -46.9000 141.9740 Underway Seawater Sample Taken in2018_v02 Fchl-a, HPLC, absorption, FRRF, flow cyto
    2018-03-17 23:54 [view ] -46.8993 141.9918 Underway Seawater Sample Collection of 3L unfiltered and 3 L 210um filtered seawater for Ruth Eriksen Start in2018_v02
    2018-03-18 00:20 [view ] -46.8997 141.9998 ISP [view] Deployed in2018_v02 ISP-8 90 minute cast
    2018-03-18 00:29 [view ] -46.9003 142.0023 Underway Seawater Sample Collection of 3 0.8 um filter samples (1L through 210um pre-filter) Start in2018_v02
    2018-03-18 01:18 [view ] -46.8982 142.0152 Drop keel [view] Raised in2018_v02 Drop keels both raised to flush with hull
    2018-03-18 03:00 [view ] -46.8927 142.0115 TSG [view] Stop in2018_v02
    2018-03-18 03:07 [view ] -46.8805 142.0293 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_045.asvp
    2018-03-18 03:18 [view ] -46.8582 142.0717 EM122 [view] Other GSM_in2018_v02 sound speed at transducer set to profile as drop keel flush with hull -
    2018-03-18 04:22 [view ] -46.6748 142.2072 ADCP [view] restarted in2018_v02 Restarted logging after keel depth change Keel depth change ocurred about an hour before
    2018-03-18 04:44 [view ] -46.6172 142.2587 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_046.asvp temp 10.94 from SST radiometer
    2018-03-18 05:07 [view ] -46.5678 142.3337 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_047.asvp sound velocity at surface back to probe - looks ok flushed with hull
    2018-03-18 07:14 [view ] -46.3202 142.7827 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Duplicate Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut020
    2018-03-18 07:20 [view ] -46.3087 142.8038 Experimental Matthieu Bressac Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut021
    2018-03-18 07:25 [view ] -46.2988 142.8217 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_049.asvp sbe temp 14.58;
    2018-03-18 07:26 [view ] -46.2980 142.8235 TMR [view] TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in sal006
    2018-03-18 09:18 [view ] -46.1508 143.0613 Other [view] Other GSM_in2018_v02 ship hove to in bad weather
    2018-03-18 23:00 [view ] -45.5693 142.6197 Voyage Hove-to in2018_v02
    2018-03-19 03:02 [view ] -45.5707 142.5015 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_050.asvp
    2018-03-19 05:07 [view ] -45.5523 142.4142 Experimental TMR team Hydrochem Lab : exp bottle label Sample Hydrochem_in2018_v02 assayed in nut022
    2018-03-19 11:03 [view ] -45.4088 142.0863 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_051.asvp
    2018-03-19 12:22 [view ] -45.3705 141.9880 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_052.asvp still hove too
    2018-03-19 13:44 [view ] -45.3330 141.8962 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_053.asvp
    2018-03-19 14:58 [view ] -45.2928 141.8097 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_054.asvp
    2018-03-19 19:30 [view ] -45.1440 141.5945 Voyage restarted in2018_v02 Heading for Hobart
    2018-03-20 01:45 [view ] -44.6950 143.2660 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_04PB (L1 and L2), 3minutes procedure blank
    2018-03-20 01:47 [view ] -44.6950 143.2660 Aerosol Lab [view] Air Sampling in2018_v02 Aerosol sampling for TM, RV2018_V02_12 (L1 and L2), STOP
    2018-03-20 03:01 [view ] -44.5952 143.6233 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 IN2018_v02_sst_055.asvp
    2018-03-20 04:35 [view ] -44.4872 144.0200 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 IN2018_V02_sst_056.asvp
    2018-03-20 04:59 [view ] -44.4627 144.1217 Gravity Meter [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-20 05:01 [view ] -44.4612 144.1282 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_057.asvp
    2018-03-20 05:10 [view ] -44.4518 144.1670 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_058.asvp
    2018-03-20 07:03 [view ] -44.3350 144.6382 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_xbt_002.asvp xbt 1 dropped out at 500; xbt ok
    2018-03-20 08:05 [view ] -44.2693 144.8960 EM122 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_059.asvp
    2018-03-20 12:40 [view ] -43.9652 146.0310 ADCP [view] restarted in2018_v02 Turned on bottom tracking Bottom tracking on after crossing shelf.
    2018-03-20 13:13 [view ] -43.9305 146.1675 EM710 [view] Start GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-20 13:13 [view ] -43.9300 146.1690 EM122 [view] Stop GSM_in2018_v02
    2018-03-20 14:05 [view ] -43.8707 146.3905 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_060.asvp
    2018-03-20 14:32 [view ] -43.8392 146.5082 EM710 [view] SVP GSM_in2018_v02 in2018_v02_sst_061.asvp
    2018-03-20 18:58 [view ] -43.4082 147.4548 Other [view] in2018_v02 SIT starting to turn off instruments
    2018-03-20 20:18 [view ] -43.1448 147.4702 ADCP [view] Other in2018_v02 Turned on bottom tracking
    2018-03-20 22:16 [view ] -42.8862 147.3390 uwyMerger Stop in2018_v02
    2018-03-20 22:20 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas1 [view] Stop in2018_v02
    2018-03-20 22:21 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Techsas2 [view] Stop in2018_v02
    2018-03-20 22:23 [view ] -42.8863 147.3388 Voyage Stop in2018_v02

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    >cfset depth_range = '211'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 59'> >cfset depth_range = '253'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 57'> >cfset depth_range = '220'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 84'> >cfset depth_range = '595'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 276'> >cfset depth_range = '608'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 243'> >cfset depth_range = '230'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 70'>
    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Altimeter-163,Burket Flow meter,Burket Flow meter,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO Hobart pCO2,CSIRO air sampling inlet,CSIRO air sampling inlet,Chelsea Tech Fluorometer,Gyrocompass,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,Humidity Sensor-HMT333,IMOS Port Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Port Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS Stbd Pyranometer-SN 29125F3,IMOS Stbd Radiometer-SN 29140F3,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,IMOS wind monitor,ISAR SST,Kobold MIK-C Flow meter,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,Kongsberg Maritime Skipper DL850 doppler log,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,LI-COR LI-190 Quantum Sensor,Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP),Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT1,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Ozone Monitor RVT2,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Picarro Greenhouse Gas Spectrometer CO2,CH4,H2o,Port drop keel sensor,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-SN 82705,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05107,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,RM Young Wind Sensor Type 05108,Remote Temperature (T) - SN 671,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Seapath 330+,Simrad EK60 multi-frequency split-beam echosounder,Starboard drop keel sensor,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 3439,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SS-SN 1777,Vaisala Ship's Barometer PTB330 2365 2018-03-02 21:03 2018-03-20 22:18 -42.8864 147.3388 -42.8863 147.3389
    CTD Cast [details]   Cast 1 CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 24-SBE 43-SN 3154,Pressure CTD 20,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2365 2018-03-02 23:56 2018-03-03 00:07 -43.0992 147.4321 0
    ADCP Data [details]   Teledyne RDI ADCP 75 kHz 2365 2018-03-03 23:06 2018-03-21 03:46 -44.4115 146.4175 -43.6860 147.0799 846
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 2 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 23 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 24-SBE 43-SN 3154,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2365 2018-03-04 18:26 2018-03-04 21:01 -46.9993 142.0046 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 3 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 23 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 24-SBE 43-SN 3154,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2365 2018-03-06 18:17 2018-03-06 18:56 -46.9974 142.0045 0
    Catch [details] 1   Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 2506 2018-03-08 00:00 2018-03-08 00:00 -46.9200 142.0700 -46.9400 142.0300 211.3
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 4 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 23 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 24-SBE 43-SN 3154,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2365 2018-03-08 13:24 2018-03-08 15:12 -46.9974 142.0000 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 5 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 23 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 24-SBE 43-SN 3154,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2365 2018-03-10 06:34 2018-03-10 08:20 -45.9102 142.3469 0
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 6 Autosal Salinometer,CTD 23 - SN 1312,CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 24-SBE 43-SN 3154,Pressure CTD 20,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,Quikchem 8000 series auto analyzer,SCRIPPS Automated Photometric Oxygen System,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 6189,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2365 2018-03-13 19:53 2018-03-13 21:36 -46.9937 142.0071 0
    Catch [details] 2   Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 2506 2018-03-14 00:00 2018-03-14 00:00 -46.9700 142.0000 252.8
    Catch [details] 3   Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 2506 2018-03-14 00:00 2018-03-14 00:00 -46.9700 142.0100 -46.9800 141.9400 219.6
    Catch [details] 5   Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 2506 2018-03-15 00:00 2018-03-15 00:00 -47.1200 141.8700 -47.1500 141.8300 594.5
    Catch [details] 6   Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 2506 2018-03-15 00:00 2018-03-15 00:00 -47.0100 141.9800 -47.0400 141.9500 607.8
    Catch [details] 7   Rectangular Midwater Trawl 8 2506 2018-03-16 00:00 2018-03-16 00:00 -45.9500 141.8800 -45.8700 141.8500 229.6
    CTD Cast [details]   Cast 7 CTD 24 - SN 1332,Conductivity CTD 24 - SN 4685,Licor - CTD 24 - SN 70111,Oxygen CTD 24-SBE 43-SN 3154,Pressure CTD 20,Scattering - CTD 24 - Wetlabs ECO,Temperature CTD 24 - SN 4522,Transmissometer - CTD 24 -CST-1421DR 2365 2018-03-16 18:38 2018-03-16 19:20 -45.9510 141.8403 0
    XBT Cast [details]   Sippican Deep Blue 2548 2018-03-20 17:42 493
    XBT Cast [details]   Sippican Deep Blue 2548 2018-03-20 17:51 1100.3

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