Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199702 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Operation No.: 92

Gear: Engel high-opening bottom trawl,Engel high-rise cod-end cover

When: 1997-02-21 04:14 to 1997-02-21 04:43 UTC

Where: 16° 24.8' S    140° 04.2' E
to 16° 24.2' S    140° 03.8' E

Maximum Depth (m): 35

Description: Fish Trawl (East_Mornington Transect)

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Engel high-opening bottom trawl 1997-02-21 04:14 1997-02-21 04:43 35 31 Trawl 29 Minutes
Engel high-rise cod-end cover 1997-02-21 04:14 1997-02-21 04:43 35 31 Trawl 29 Minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10012006 Geodia globostellifera 3 5.2
39125021 Hydrophis elegans 1 1.2
10093013 Axinyssa bergquistae 1 0.5
10101000 Phloeodictyidae 1 0.1
10112000 Irciniidae 8 10.1
10112028 Ircinia 1228 (Qld Mus.) 1 3
10114026 Hyattella intestinalis 1 0.4
10125000 Aplysinidae 3 19.8
10126000 Pseudoceratinidae 3 0.3
11173000 Alcyonacea 1 0.3
23607013 Sepia smithi 1 0.154
23617000 Loliginidae 136 1.873
25122034 Anchitosia queenslandensis 7 0.4
25200000 Echinoidea 3 0.4
28821008 Thenus australiensis 1 0.175
28911005 Portunus armatus 1 0.072
37035004 Neotrygon australiae 6 2.2
37035013 Neotrygon leylandi 10 4.6
37037001 Gymnura australis 1 0.647
37118016 Saurida grandisquamis 4 0.232
37311007 Epinephelus coioides 1 6.2
37311009 Epinephelus areolatus 2 0.603
37337011 Platycaranx chrysophrys 1 0.406
37346003 Lutjanus vitta 1 0.292
37346004 Lutjanus sebae 8 12.2
37346005 Lutjanus erythropterus 74 77.6
37346007 Lutjanus malabaricus 22 36.9
37346012 Lutjanus sp. (in Yearsley, Last & Ward, 1999) 2 1.1
37347003 Nemipterus peronii 17 1.163
37347005 Nemipterus furcosus 31 3.269
37347006 Scolopsis regina 13 5.1
37347014 Nemipterus hexodon 2 0.107
37349002 Pentaprion longimanus 3 0.022
37349003 Gerres filamentosus 3 0.595
37350003 Diagramma pictum 46 28.8
37350012 Plectorhinchus gibbosus 1 3.5
37351006 Lethrinus laticaudis 72 31.8
37351007 Lethrinus lentjan 9 3.8
37353006 Argyrops bleekeri 22 6.3
37362003 Zabidius novemaculeatus 56 43
37365009 Chaetodontoplus duboulayi 6 1.928
37380002 Acanthocepola abbreviata 1 0.031
37382009 Sphyraena qenie 25 70.3
37384010 Choerodon schoenleinii 3 2.11
37386001 Scarus ghobban 6 2.1
37438001 Siganus fuscescens 1 0.383
37441007 Scomberomorus commerson 2 3.2
37457001 Psettodes erumei 2 0.278
37460011 Pseudorhombus spinosus 3 0.196
37460038 Pseudorhombus argus 4 0.407
37464001 Trixiphichthys weberi 73 2.588
37465011 Abalistes stellatus 4 1.599
37466005 Ostracion nasus 6 1.2
37469004 Tragulichthys jaculiferus 1 0.524
99110087 Hydroid 9 5 0.1
99250110 Pentaceraster sp. 1 3 3.6
23617000 Loliginidae 75 0.314
37296013 Elates ransonnettii 1 0.011
37341002 Photopectoralis bindus 1 0.002
37341011 Equulites elongatus 1 0.003
37349002 Pentaprion longimanus 15 0.043
10073000 Coelosphaeridae 4 1
Deployment observations.
Bottom type:Mud
Cloud cover:3/8
Sea direction:45 degrees
Sea state:Slight
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