CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)


Found 171 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
23 650000 Octopoda octopods
23 651000 Cirroteuthidae finned octopods
23 652000 Stauroteuthidae finned octopods
23 653000 Opisthoteuthidae octopods
23 653905 Grimpoteuthis spp. [an octopod]
23 653906 Luteuthis spp. [an octopod]
23 653904 Opisthoteuthis spp. [an octopod]
23 653004 Grimpoteuthis abyssicola [an octopod]
23 653003 Grimpoteuthis innominata [an octopod]
23 653009 Grimpoteuthis meangensis [an octopod]
23 653005 Luteuthis dentatus [an octopod]
23 653006 Opisthoteuthis chathamensis [an octopod]
23 653007 Opisthoteuthis mero [an octopod]
23 653001 Opisthoteuthis persephone [a jelly octopod]
23 653002 Opisthoteuthis pluto [a jelly octopod]
23 653008 Opisthoteuthis robsoni [an octopod]
23 655000 Amphitretidae pelagic octopods
23 655905 Amphitretus spp. [a pelagic octopod]
23 655901 Bolitaena spp. [a pelagic octopod]
23 655903 Japetella spp. [a pelagic octopod]
23 655904 Vitreledonella spp. [a pelagic octopod]
23 655005 Amphitretus pelagicus [a pelagic octopod]
23 655006 Amphitretus thielei [a pelagic octopod]
23 655003 Bolitaena pygmaea [a pelagic octopod]
23 655001 Bolitaena sheardi [a pelagic octopus]
23 655002 Japetella diaphana [a pelagic octopus]
23 655004 Vitreledonella richardi [a pelagic octopod]
23 659000 Octopodidae, Eledonidae, Megaleledonidae, Bathypolypodidae, Enteroctopodidae Octopus
23 659921 Octopodidae octopus
23 659917 Abdopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659904 Ameloctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659903 Amphioctopus spp. Baby Octopus
23 659920 Callistoctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659928 Galeoctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659908 Grimpella spp. [an octopus]
23 659909 Hapalochlaena spp. blue-ringed octopuses
23 659929 Histoctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659919 Macroctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659901 Octopus spp. octopus
23 659913 Pinnoctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659915 Scaeurgus spp. [an octopus]
23 659930 Thaumoctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659914 Wunderpus spp. [an octopus]
23 659042 Abdopus aculeatus [an octopus]
23 659043 Abdopus capricornicus [an octopus]
23 659044 Abdopus tenebricus [an octopus]
23 659007 Ameloctopus litoralis banded stringarm octopus
23 659016 Amphioctopus aegina marbled octopus
23 659024 Amphioctopus exannulatus [an octopus]
23 659069 Amphioctopus marginatus [an octopus]
23 659027 Amphioctopus mototi poison ocellate octopus
23 659070 Amphioctopus neglectus [an octopus]
23 659028 Amphioctopus polyzenia [an octopus]
23 659039 Amphioctopus rex [an octopus]
23 659073 Amphioctopus siamensis [an octopus]
23 659017 Callistoctopus alpheus Capricorn octopus
23 659018 Callistoctopus aspilosomatis [an octopus]
23 659019 Callistoctopus bunurong southern white-spot octopus
23 659022 Callistoctopus dierythraeus red-spot night octopus
23 659025 Callistoctopus graptus [an octopus]
23 659064 Callistoctopus kermadecensis [an octopus]
23 659065 Callistoctopus ornatus [an octopus]
23 659072 Galeoctopus lateralis [an octopus]
23 659011 Grimpella thaumastocheir velvet octopus
23 659014 Hapalochlaena fasciata blue-lined octopus
23 659012 Hapalochlaena lunulata greater blue-ringed octopus
23 659013 Hapalochlaena maculosa southern blue-ringed octopus
23 659071 Histoctopus zipkasae [an octopus]
23 659003 Macroctopus maorum Maori octopus
23 659001 Octopus australis hammer octopus
23 659002 Octopus berrima southern keeled octopus
23 659037 Octopus bulbus bulb-tip octopus
23 659020 Octopus caerulescens [an octopus]
23 659060 Octopus campbelli [an octopus]
23 659021 Octopus cyanea day octopus
23 659005 Octopus djinda [an octopus]
23 659036 Octopus harpedon spagetti octopus
23 659030 Octopus huttoni club pygmy octopus
23 659061 Octopus kaharoa [an octopus]
23 659026 Octopus kaurna southern sand octopus
23 659076 Octopus laqueus [an octopus]
23 659062 Octopus mernoo [an octopus]
23 659038 Octopus micros pygmy keeled octopus
23 659063 Octopus oliveri [an octopus]
23 659004 Octopus pallidus Pale Octopus
23 659077 Octopus pyrum [an octopus]
23 659055 Octopus sinensis [an octopus]
23 659029 Octopus superciliosus frilled pygmy octopus
23 659006 Octopus tetricus Gloomy Octopus
23 659041 Octopus vulgaris [an octopus]
23 659075 Thaumoctopus mimicus [an octopus]
23 659049 Wunderpus photogenicus Wunderpus
23 659922 Eledonidae octopus
23 659905 Eledone spp. [an octopus]
23 659045 Eledone massyae [an octopus]
23 659009 Eledone palari [an octopus]
23 659923 Megaleledonidae octopus
23 659927 Adelieledone spp. [an octopus]
23 659907 Graneledone spp. [an octopus]
23 659910 Megaleledone spp. [an octopus]
23 659911 Microeledone spp. [an octopus]
23 659912 Pareledone spp. [an octopus]
23 659926 Thaumeledone spp. [an octopus]
23 659031 Adelieledone adelieana [an octopus]
23 659010 Graneledone antarctica [an octopus]
23 659057 Graneledone challengeri [an octopus]
23 659059 Graneledone gonzalezi [an octopus]
23 659046 Graneledone macrotyla [an octopus]
23 659058 Graneledone taniwha [an octopus]
23 659015 Megaleledone setebos [an octopus]
23 659048 Microeledone mangoldae [an octopus]
23 659074 Pareledone aurorae [an octopus]
23 659032 Pareledone charcoti [an octopus]
23 659033 Pareledone framensis [an octopus]
23 659034 Pareledone harrisoni [an octopus]
23 659035 Pareledone prydzensis [an octopus]
23 659047 Pareledone turqueti [an octopus]
23 659066 Thaumeledone marshalli [an octopus]
23 659068 Thaumeledone peninsulae [an octopus]
23 659067 Thaumeledone zeiss [an octopus]
23 659924 Bathypolypodidae octopus
23 659902 Bathypolypus spp. [octopus]
23 659925 Enteroctopodidae octopus
23 659906 Enteroctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659916 Muusoctopus spp. [an octopus]
23 659040 Enteroctopus dofleini North Pacific giant octopus
23 659056 Enteroctopus zealandicus [an octopus]
23 659051 Muusoctopus clyderoperi [an octopus]
23 659054 Muusoctopus karubar [an octopus]
23 659008 Muusoctopus levis [an octopus]
23 659050 Muusoctopus tangaroa [an octopus]
23 659052 Muusoctopus tegginmathae [an octopus]
23 659053 Muusoctopus thielei [an octopus]
23 660000 Tremoctopodidae blanket octopods
23 660901 Tremoctopus spp. [a blanket octopod]
23 660001 Tremoctopus gracilis [a blanket octopod]
23 660002 Tremoctopus robsoni [a blanket octopod]
23 661000 Ocythoidae argonautoid octopods
23 661901 Ocythoe spp. [an argonautoid octopod]
23 661001 Ocythoe tuberculata [an argonautoid octopod]
23 662000 Argonautidae argonauts
23 662901 Argonauta spp. [an argonaut]
23 662001 Argonauta argo [an argonaut]
23 662003 Argonauta hians [an argonaut]
23 662004 Argonauta nodosus [an argonaut]
23 663000 Alloposidae argonautoid octopods
23 663901 Haliphron spp. [an argonautoid octopod]
23 663001 Haliphron atlanticus [an argonautoid octopod]
23 664000 Cirroctopodidae finned octopods
23 664901 Cirroctopus spp. [a finned octopod]
23 664001 Cirroctopus hochbergi [a finned octopod]
23 664002 Cirroctopus mawsoni [a finned octopod]
99 230007 Argonauta sp. 1
99 230231 Benthoctopus sp. 1 [an octopus]
99 230236 Benthoctopus sp. 2 [an octopus]
99 230232 Callistoctopus sp. 1 [an octopus]
99 230233 Callistoctopus sp. 2 [an octopus]
99 230013 Japetella sp. 1
99 230099 Macrotritopus sp. 1 [an octopus]
99 230022 Octopus sp.
99 230023 Octopus sp. 2
99 230021 Octopus sp. a
99 230228 Octopus sp. 2 [an octopus]
99 230229 Octopus sp. 3 [an octopus]
99 230230 Octopus sp. 4 [an octopus]
99 230234 Pteroctopus sp. 1 [an octopus]
99 230235 Scaegurus sp. 1 [an octopus]
99 230084 Octopus 1 [an octopus]
99 230085 Octopus 2 [an octopus]
99 230086 Octopus 3 [an octopus]
99 230087 Octopus 4 [an octopus]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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