CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 37 296026 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Bembras longipinnis    Imamura & Knapp, 1998
CAAB category: 37 - Pisces
Standard Name (AS5300): Longfin Flathead
Distribution map:
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Modelled distribution shown as blue polygon (source: Australian National Fish Expert Distributions) Updated on 2008-11-19.
Occurrence locations [33] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records
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Catch records - 33 records found.
Click on survey to see survey details. Click on Operation to see full details of the catch. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
1982-03-27 22:55 18° 24.0' S    118° 31.0' E SO198202 8   5 0.19 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-03-28 01:35 18° 33.0' S    118° 22.0' E SO198202 9   2 0.13 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-01 22:25 18° 20.0' S    118° 27.0' E SO198202 13   55 7 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-02 02:50 18° 31.0' S    118° 09.0' E SO198202 14   14 3 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-02 05:45 18° 39.0' S    117° 53.0' E SO198202 15   2 0.22 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-02 08:05 18° 41.0' S    117° 54.0' E SO198202 16   4 0.5 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-13 22:00 19° 04.0' S    117° 05.0' E SO198202 47   14 1.7 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-14 04:05 18° 56.0' S    117° 21.0' E SO198202 48   22 2 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-14 06:45 19° 05.0' S    117° 17.0' E SO198202 49   6 0.42 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-14 09:00 18° 58.0' S    117° 31.0' E SO198202 50   1 0.06 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1982-04-14 22:00 19° 12.0' S    117° 38.0' E SO198202 51   1 0.06 Stern Trawl 50 minutes
1983-01-26 06:10 20° 20.3' S    117° 22.5' E SO198301 29   1 0.05 30 minutes
1983-04-14 01:30 19° 00.0' S    117° 31.5' E SO198302 35   128 to 134 30 minutes
1983-04-14 04:15 18° 59.0' S    117° 44.0' E SO198302 36   132 to 132 30 minutes
1983-04-14 08:20 18° 51.0' S    117° 51.0' E SO198302 38   136 to 144 30 minutes
1983-06-06 07:45 18° 49.7' S    117° 41.8' E SO198303 29   166 to 168 30 minutes
1986-10-30 22:48 18° 49.2' S    117° 42.0' E SO198606 118   0.46 30 minutes
1987-08-30 22:16 19° 12.4' S    116° 52.6' E SO198707 85   0.07 30 minutes
1987-10-10 08:00 19° 40.1' S    115° 42.0' E SO198707 126   0.08 30 minutes
1987-10-11 22:22 19° 06.1' S    117° 07.0' E SO198707 129   0.5 30 minutes
1988-10-05 06:15 19° 07.1' S    117° 04.4' E SO198805 117   176 to 183 1.56 30 minutes
1988-10-10 04:09 19° 59.0' S    115° 09.0' E SO198805 170   197 to 213 0.31 30 minutes
1988-10-12 08:07 18° 46.5' S    117° 51.8' E SO198805 189   151 to 162 0.09 30 minutes
1989-10-02 23:56 19° 10.1' S    116° 47.1' E POE198901 108   166 to 180 0.12 30 minutes
1989-10-03 22:28 18° 52.2' S    117° 36.0' E POE198901 112   193 to 211 0.12 30 minutes
1990-10-06 08:40 18° 49.7' S    117° 42.1' E SS199002 97   169 to 169 0.05 30 minutes
1990-10-07 07:35 19° 06.4' S    117° 07.2' E SS199002 104   169 to 175 0.61 30 minutes
1990-10-11 00:10 19° 09.2' S    116° 37.4' E SS199002 137   205 to 230 0.42 30 minutes
1991-01-24 11:00 21° 39.3' S    113° 58.2' E SS199101 7   209 to 215 2 0.14 Trawl 30 minutes
1991-01-26 06:30 23° 25.4' S    113° 03.9' E SS199101 16   297 to 311 2 0.14 Trawl 30 minutes
1991-09-23 09:25 18° 54.4' S    117° 37.9' E SS199104 82   156 to 160 0.19 30 minutes
1991-09-26 09:20 18° 42.9' S    118° 10.0' E SS199104 111   130 to 130 0.08 30 minutes
1997-08-08 23:13 19° 06.8' S    117° 00.1' E SS199707 7   187 to 196 0.09 30 minutes

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