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SO 2/83 (alternative identifier: SO198302)

Period: 1983-04-06 00:00 to 1983-04-18 00:00 Local

Duration: 12.00 days

Region: Australian North West Shelf

Ship: Soela [details]

Description: Soela cruise SO 2/83 was undertaken to carry out a sampling programme in the North West Shelf for demersal fish, larval fish, benthic fauna, bottom types, zooplankton, and hydrology. Leg 1 cruise objectives were to determine the demersal fish community composition; determine zooplankton abundances at alternate trawl sites and collect larval fish; to obtain photography of trawls to determine gear efficiency and bottom types, and to release two satellite buoys. Leg 2 cruise objectives were to collect hydrological and particulate samples, fish larvae samples, benthic samples and specimens for Northern Territory Museum.
This voyage forms part of the North West Shelf study conducted by CSIRO Division of Fisheries between 1982 and 1991. Related voyages are Soela SO 5/82, SO 6/82, SO 1/83, SO 3/83, SO 4/83, SO 5/83, SO 6/86, SO 7/87, SO 5/88; Pride of Eden PoE 4/89; Southern Surveyor SS 02/90, SS 04/91.

Leader: J. Stevens & C. Stanley (CSIRO)

Project: North West Shelf Demersal Marine Resources Study (1982-1992) [details]

Voyage extents: 20° 15.0' S to 17° 30.0' S    115° 45.0' E to 119° 30.0' E

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Soela Voyage SO 2/83 Biological Data Overview [details]

  • Soela Voyage SO 2/83 Hydrology Data [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • CSIRO, North West Shelf Demersal Marine Resources Study 1980-1997

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Participants:- no records

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    • View the Survey plan - includes objectives, investigator details, proposed data collection, voyage track and equipment to be used.

    • View the Survey Summary report - includes preliminary results, voyage narrative, types of data collected with C77/ROSCOP codes.

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    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Time (UTC): 1983-04-06 23:48 to 1983-04-25 06:40
    Latitude: -20.37 to -18.53
    Longitude: 116.07 to 118.88
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    Catch Details
    Time (UTC): 1983-04-06 23:04 to 1983-04-25 08:04
    Latitude: -20.37 to -18.55
    Longitude: 116.08 to 118.89
    Catch Summary:Deployments: 52
    Catch Composition: 2434
    Measurements: 4275
    Specimens: 3214
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    Time (UTC): 1983-04-19 00:04 to 1983-04-25 00:04
    Latitude: -20.25 to -17.50
    Longitude: 115.75 to 119.50
    Quantity: 13 Casts
    Max Pressure: 907 db
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    >cfset depth_range = '26'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 26'> >cfset depth_range = '30'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 30'> >cfset depth_range = '40'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 38'> >cfset depth_range = '43'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 45'> >cfset depth_range = '52'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 54'> >cfset depth_range = '32'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 34'> >cfset depth_range = '42'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 42'> >cfset depth_range = '43'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 44'> >cfset depth_range = '44'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 42'> >cfset depth_range = '58'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 57'> >cfset depth_range = '64'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 65'> >cfset depth_range = '64'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 66'> >cfset depth_range = '60'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 62'> >cfset depth_range = '56'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 58'> >cfset depth_range = '57'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 56'> >cfset depth_range = '30'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 29'> >cfset depth_range = '41'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 42'> >cfset depth_range = '42'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 44'> >cfset depth_range = '34'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 33'> >cfset depth_range = '46'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 47'> >cfset depth_range = '43'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 42'> >cfset depth_range = '38'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 38'> >cfset depth_range = '52'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 53'> >cfset depth_range = '56'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 56'> >cfset depth_range = '64'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 64'> >cfset depth_range = '68'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 66'> >cfset depth_range = '84'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 84'> >cfset depth_range = '72'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 76'> >cfset depth_range = '112'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 110'> >cfset depth_range = '124'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 124'> >cfset depth_range = '134'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 128'> >cfset depth_range = '132'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 132'> >cfset depth_range = '132'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 132'> >cfset depth_range = '144'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 136'> >cfset depth_range = '130'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 130'> >cfset depth_range = '124'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 116'> >cfset depth_range = '141'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 141'> >cfset depth_range = '146'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 145'> >cfset depth_range = '136'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 140'> >cfset depth_range = '90'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 86'> >cfset depth_range = '82'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 84'> >cfset depth_range = '88'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 90'> >cfset depth_range = '86'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 84'> >cfset depth_range = '72'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 72'> >cfset depth_range = '64'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 65'> >cfset depth_range = '56'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 55'> >cfset depth_range = '26'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 26'> >cfset depth_range = '38'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 38'> >cfset depth_range = '40'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 45'> >cfset depth_range = '60'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 62'> >cfset depth_range = '360'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 340'> >cfset depth_range = '400'> >cfset depth_range &= ' to 392'>
    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepth rangeMax DepthDescription
    Catch Failed [details] 1   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-06 07:35 1983-04-06 08:05 -20.0183 118.1500 -20.0167 118.1833 26
    Catch Failed [details] 2   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-06 09:45 1983-04-06 10:15 -20.0183 118.1850 -20.0167 118.1533 26
    Catch [details] 3   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-06 23:48 1983-04-07 00:18 -20.0167 118.1467 -20.0217 118.1750 26
    Catch [details] 4   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-07 01:35 1983-04-07 02:05 -20.0667 118.1000 -20.0867 118.1183 30
    Catch [details] 5   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-07 03:30 1983-04-07 04:00 -19.9000 117.8700 -19.9283 117.8700 40
    Catch [details] 6   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-07 05:50 1983-04-07 06:20 -19.8700 117.9433 -19.8750 117.9283 45
    Catch [details] 7   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-07 08:10 1983-04-07 08:40 -19.7417 117.9833 -19.7167 117.9833 54
    Catch [details] 8   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-09 04:33 1983-04-09 05:03 -20.1500 117.7633 -20.1283 117.7383 34
    Catch [details] 9   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-09 06:15 1983-04-09 06:45 -20.0033 117.6867 -20.0083 117.6367 42
    Catch [details] 10   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-09 07:20 1983-04-09 07:50 -20.0000 117.6100 -20.0017 117.5850 44
    Catch [details] 11   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-09 09:00 1983-04-09 09:30 -20.0250 117.4100 -20.0383 117.4167 44
    Catch [details] 12   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-09 22:30 1983-04-09 23:00 -19.8550 117.1167 -19.8717 117.1417 58
    Catch [details] 13   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-10 00:15 1983-04-10 00:45 -19.7500 117.0683 65
    Catch [details] 14   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-10 02:12 1983-04-10 02:42 -19.8000 117.0033 -19.7683 117.0083 66
    Catch [details] 15   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-10 04:05 1983-04-10 04:35 -19.8833 117.0167 62
    Catch [details] 16   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-10 06:35 1983-04-10 07:05 -19.8083 116.7083 -19.8217 116.6833 58
    Catch [details] 17   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-10 08:40 1983-04-10 09:10 -19.7883 116.5217 -19.7833 116.5500 57
    Catch Failed [details] 18   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-10 09:55 1983-04-10 10:55 -19.8133 116.5767 -19.8750 116.5750 58
    Catch [details] 19   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-10 22:30 1983-04-10 23:00 -20.3050 117.0533 -20.3267 117.0667 30
    Catch [details] 20   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-11 00:25 1983-04-11 00:55 -20.1767 117.0583 -20.1583 117.0450 42
    Catch [details] 21   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-11 02:40 1983-04-11 03:10 -20.2450 116.8517 -20.2300 116.8583 44
    Catch [details] 22   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-11 04:50 1983-04-11 05:20 -20.3433 116.6633 -20.3500 116.6500 34
    Catch [details] 23   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-11 06:55 1983-04-11 07:25 -20.2033 116.5033 -20.1917 116.4917 47
    Catch [details] 24   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-11 08:25 1983-04-11 08:55 -20.2517 116.4467 -20.2767 116.4033 43
    Catch [details] 25   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-12 01:20 1983-04-12 01:50 -20.3667 116.2967 -20.3683 116.2717 38
    Catch [details] 26   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-12 03:05 1983-04-12 03:35 -20.1700 116.1667 -20.1750 116.1383 53
    Catch [details] 27   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-12 05:55 1983-04-12 06:25 -20.1017 116.2033 -20.1217 116.1850 56
    Catch [details] 28   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-12 15:30 1983-04-12 16:00 -19.9750 116.0833 64
    Catch [details] 29   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-12 22:30 1983-04-12 23:00 -19.6967 116.2583 -19.7017 116.2850 68
    Catch [details] 30   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-13 01:48 1983-04-13 02:18 -19.5467 116.4450 -19.5417 116.4700 84
    Catch [details] 31   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-13 03:35 1983-04-13 04:05 -19.5683 116.4517 -19.5550 116.4767 76
    Catch [details] 32   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-13 09:20 1983-04-13 09:50 -19.3767 116.9717 -19.3917 116.9833 112
    Catch Failed [details] 33   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-13 11:20 1983-04-13 12:20 -19.4333 117.0000 -19.4500 117.0383 102
    Catch [details] 34   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-13 22:40 1983-04-13 23:10 -19.2000 117.5000 -19.1833 117.5133 124
    Catch [details] 35   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-14 01:30 1983-04-14 02:00 -19.0000 117.5250 -19.0417 117.5617 134
    Catch [details] 36   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-14 04:15 1983-04-14 04:45 -18.9833 117.7333 -18.9750 117.7500 132
    Catch [details] 37   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-14 06:05 1983-04-14 06:35 -19.0083 117.7683 -18.9833 117.7800 132
    Catch [details] 38   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-14 08:20 1983-04-14 08:50 -18.8500 117.8500 -18.8583 117.8683 144
    Catch Failed [details] 39   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-14 09:45 1983-04-14 10:15 -18.8667 117.9350 -18.8867 117.9250 132
    Catch [details] 40   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-14 22:35 1983-04-14 23:05 -18.6700 118.8883 -18.6767 118.8683 130
    Catch [details] 41   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-15 00:50 1983-04-15 01:20 -18.7617 118.6417 -18.7667 118.6183 124
    Catch [details] 42   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-15 03:30 1983-04-15 04:00 -18.5550 118.6017 -18.5583 118.5750 141
    Catch [details] 43   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-15 05:45 1983-04-15 06:15 -18.6833 118.3717 -18.6950 118.3833 146
    Catch [details] 44   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-15 08:15 1983-04-15 08:45 -18.8250 118.4183 -18.8333 118.3833 140
    Catch Failed [details] 45   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-15 10:05 1983-04-15 11:05 -18.8683 118.3950 -18.9100 118.3767 104
    Catch [details] 46   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-15 22:35 1983-04-15 23:05 -19.1000 118.0033 -19.1183 118.0017 90
    Catch [details] 47   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-16 00:15 1983-04-16 00:45 -19.1517 118.0433 -19.1383 118.0667 84
    Catch [details] 48   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-16 02:42 1983-04-16 03:12 -19.0467 118.2050 -19.0417 118.2267 90
    Catch [details] 49   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-16 05:00 1983-04-16 05:30 -19.1750 118.1717 -19.1867 118.1850 86
    Catch [details] 50   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-16 08:00 1983-04-16 08:30 -19.3217 118.4000 -19.3133 118.4000 72
    Catch [details] 51   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-16 09:30 1983-04-16 10:00 -19.4017 118.4833 -19.3917 118.4583 65
    Catch [details] 52   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-16 22:30 1983-04-16 23:00 -19.3517 118.7167 -19.3700 118.7167 56
    Catch [details] 53   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-17 01:15 1983-04-17 01:45 -19.7183 118.7500 -19.7167 118.7217 26
    Catch [details] 54   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-17 03:30 1983-04-17 04:00 -19.6283 118.5867 -19.6267 118.5600 38
    Catch [details] 55   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-17 05:48 1983-04-17 06:18 -19.6433 118.3383 -19.6367 118.3167 45
    Catch [details] 56   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-17 07:36 1983-04-17 08:06 -19.5500 118.2000 -19.5250 118.1717 62
    Catch Failed [details] 57   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-17 09:50 1983-04-17 10:40 -19.6633 118.2433 -19.6933 118.2183 47
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-19 00:00 1983-04-19 00:00 -19.0833 119.3333 70
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-19 00:00 1983-04-19 00:00 -19.4167 119.5000 40
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-19 00:00 1983-04-19 00:00 -18.7500 119.0833 100
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-20 00:00 1983-04-20 00:00 -18.3333 118.8333 120
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-21 00:00 1983-04-21 00:00 -17.8000 118.5000 289
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-21 00:00 1983-04-21 00:00 -17.5000 118.3333 880
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-23 00:00 1983-04-23 00:00 -19.9167 116.5833 50
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-23 00:00 1983-04-23 00:00 -20.2500 116.8333 40
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-23 00:00 1983-04-23 00:00 -19.5333 116.3333 77
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-23 00:00 1983-04-23 00:00 -18.7500 115.7500 907
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-24 00:00 1983-04-24 00:00 -19.0000 116.0000 284
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-24 00:00 1983-04-24 00:00 -19.2500 116.1667 200
    Hydrology Cast [details] 1   171 1983-04-25 00:00 1983-04-25 00:00 -18.5000 117.5000 289
    Catch [details] 58   Prawn trawl - scampi 171 1983-04-25 01:30 1983-04-25 03:30 -18.6917 117.3083 -18.6550 117.4267 360
    Catch [details] 59   Prawn trawl - scampi 171 1983-04-25 06:40 1983-04-25 08:40 -18.5517 117.5133 -18.5017 117.6083 400
    Catch Failed [details] 60   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-26 09:40 1983-04-26 10:40 -19.5117 118.7700 -19.5500 118.7283 35
    Catch Failed [details] 61   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-27 12:40 1983-04-27 13:40 -19.0583 118.8767 -19.0500 118.8217 84
    Catch Failed [details] 62   Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 171 1983-04-28 12:20 1983-04-28 13:20 -19.3667 118.6700 -19.4417 118.6617 58

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