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Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.
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Survey | When (UTC) | Latitude | Longitude | Instrument | Identifier | Action | Log | Subject / Comments |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-13 23:00 [view ] | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | ship departs | |||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-13 23:07 [view ] | -42.8871 | 147.3481 | Voyage | Start | in2016_v02 | start TECHSAS1 and 2 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-13 23:25 [view ] | -42.8944 | 147.3633 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | ADCP's started, bottom tracking OS75 - 16m bins OS150 - 16m bins | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 00:30 [view ] | -42.8892 | 147.3560 | Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | Instrument Clean Seawater Pump start | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 00:47 [view ] | -42.9018 | 147.3654 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | em710 start for voyage all systems came up fine | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 00:50 [view ] | -42.9077 | 147.3712 | pCO2 [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | pC02 start pC02 started - gas bottles not turned on (by mistake) 06:30 - turned on gas bottles | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 00:50 [view ] | -42.9077 | 147.3712 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | em122 star but not logging started em122 - all ok but not logging until later on as we are in 15 metres of water | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 01:30 [view ] | -42.9016 | 147.3685 | ADCP [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | ADCP Configuration change ADCP configuration changed due to drop keel position change os75 - 8m bins (water depth ~18m) os150 - 8m bins | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 03:08 [view ] | -43.0207 | 147.3833 | VSAT | Stop | in2016_v02 | down 10 minutes for crew access to Monkey Island | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 04:20 [view ] | -43.2270 | 147.4882 | Gravity Meter [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 09:20 [view ] | -43.7211 | 147.0804 | EM710 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | from v shalow to shallow | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 09:30 [view ] | -43.7381 | 147.0524 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | in2016_v02_sst001 applied took ages but SVP builder kept creating a bad svp with inverted depths - could not replicate - changed svp to use climatology not surface temp ! | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 09:30 [view ] | -43.7381 | 147.0524 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | in2016_v02_sst001 applied took ages but SVP builder kept creating a bad svp with inverted depths - could not replicate - changed svp to use climatology not surface temp ! | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 10:00 [view ] | -43.7947 | 146.9594 | TSG [view] | in2016_v02 | Startup of TSG Attempted to start TSG but unable to communicate and wake unit up Fault eventually traced to deck unit wiring (see electronics report) Final startup completed around 10:00 UTC | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 10:24 [view ] | -43.8456 | 146.8870 | ADCP [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | ADCP Configuration change Both shipboard ADCP's changed over to non bottom tracking mode. OS75 - NB 16m bins OS150 - NB 8m bins | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 12:16 [view ] | -44.0903 | 146.5827 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | garbled sate as we went over the shelf the 122 behaved badly not finding bottom - changed mode to medum and forced depth to 450 - it cam bacl ok | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 12:16 [view ] | -44.0903 | 146.5827 | EM710 [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | garbled sate as we went over the shelf the 710 behaved badly not finding bottom - changed mode to v deep and forced depth to 450 - it cam bacl ok | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 12:55 [view ] | -44.1750 | 146.4771 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | in 1000m water stoped logging | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 12:56 [view ] | -44.1793 | 146.4717 | EM122 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | from medium to deep crossed 1000 m line heading to sots | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 13:13 [view ] | -44.2118 | 146.4241 | Gravity Meter [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | time to put it to bed for the night | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-14 23:34 [view ] | -45.4909 | 144.4895 | Sea Snake | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Sea Snake on | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 02:45 [view ] | -45.8970 | 143.8661 | Gravity Meter [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | failure to re-start Restart attempt from over night shutdown. Does not want to be stable and always trying to tilt to starboard. Tested power and that was ok. After 3 attempts at start, shut it down and waiting on HQ advice. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 04:13 [view ] | -46.0022 | 143.7079 | CTD [view] | TMR 1 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | TMR |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 05:33 [view ] | -46.0153 | 143.6836 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | in2016_v02_sst002 applied | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 05:43 [view ] | -46.0378 | 143.6489 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | in2016_v02_ct001 applied first ctd cast | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 08:08 [view ] | -46.0024 | 143.7076 | CTD [view] | 1 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Secondary conductivity sensor not working. Offset from primary got larger with increasing pressure but didn't decrease when coming back to the surface. Primary oxygen sensor went bad coming back to the surface |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 19:59 [view ] | -46.8728 | 141.8984 | Sea Snake | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 22:01 [view ] | -46.8745 | 141.9120 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | Whale sighting within 500m of vessel EM122 stopped logging and pinging at this time due to whales sighted within 500m of port side | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 22:04 [view ] | -46.8726 | 141.9138 | mooring | Start | in2016_v02 | Start FluxPulse-1 deployment | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 22:18 [view ] | -46.8624 | 141.9232 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | EM122 - restart ping and logging after whales cleared vessel No sighting of whales for at least 10 min. Restarted pinging and logging EM122. No other sounders changed | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-15 23:43 [view ] | -46.8170 | 141.9607 | uwyMerger | restarted | in2016_v02 | excluding opticalRain, modeofairsamplinginlet and absorbtionphotometerstatus | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 04:58 [view ] | -46.7638 | 142.0040 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | fix range dialogue etc When setting were changed to deep, the ek60 software froze and upon restart did not want to write to in2016_v02 folder that had been working to this stage. It kept writing to in2015_v01. The range would also not be able to be changed. The reboot fixed that | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 12:20 [view ] | -46.7128 | 141.8972 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | ADCP Stopped Stopped pinging to allow triangulation of mooring without interference | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 12:21 [view ] | -46.7128 | 141.8972 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | Triangulation of mooring | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 12:21 [view ] | -46.7128 | 141.8972 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | Triangulation of mooring | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 14:47 [view ] | -46.7391 | 141.8854 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | Tringulation of morring complete | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 14:47 [view ] | -46.7391 | 141.8854 | EK60 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | Tringulation of morring complete | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 14:48 [view ] | -46.7413 | 141.8833 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | triangulation of mooring completed | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 17:05 [view ] | -46.7534 | 141.9307 | Gravity Meter [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | Fixed Gyro and restarted The cross-track gyro was replaced with a spare unit and meter restarted. For 20 minutes it remained stable. Logging continued for 30 minutes before night shutdown. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 17:28 [view ] | -46.7530 | 141.9300 | Gravity Meter [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | shutdown for night | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 18:09 [view ] | -46.7545 | 141.9286 | VSAT | in2016_v02 | cleared error status on both ACUs | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-16 21:57 [view ] | -46.8026 | 141.9620 | Triaxis [view] | tow 1 - SOTS-Flux mooring | Deployed | in2016_v02 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 01:38 [view ] | -47.2546 | 141.9634 | Gravity Meter [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | back on line | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 02:33 [view ] | -47.1815 | 141.9229 | Gravity Meter [view] | caution | GSM_in2016_v02 | erratic beam voltage machine clamped - appears not to be stable. sea conditions are not too bad. screen shot taken in2016_v02_2016-03-17 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 03:54 [view ] | -47.0166 | 141.8673 | Triaxis [view] | in2016_v02 | outage of SUNA, Ecotriple and flight data 03:40 to 04:54 rebooting it-gp3 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 04:28 [view ] | -46.9515 | 141.8451 | Gravity Meter [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | restart restarted to see if stable - beam voltage seems settled about zero | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 04:43 [view ] | -46.9197 | 141.8345 | Gravity Meter [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | sea conditions too lumpy beam voltage maximing at +5 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 09:07 [view ] | -46.4468 | 141.6107 | Gravity Meter [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | try again with following sea see if it stabkle! | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 09:51 [view ] | -46.5374 | 141.5891 | EM122 [view] | Crash | GSM_in2016_v02 | no pings being received in SIS Started BIST. Reported no problems see in2016_v02_2016-03-17_ok Rebooting the system | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 11:14 [view ] | -46.7063 | 141.5605 | ADCP [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | Both ADCP's restarted The incorrect voyage name was set in the config for both adcp's both were temorarily stopped while the problem was fixed | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 11:23 [view ] | -46.7227 | 141.5576 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | restart afer losing pinging Took 5 attempts including reboot of em122-2 PC. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 12:06 [view ] | -46.7665 | 141.5627 | Triaxis [view] | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | Triaxus retrieved Triaxus retrieved to inspect problem with both conductivity sensors | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 13:31 [view ] | -46.5981 | 141.5816 | Triaxus [view] | Calibration | in2016_v02 | Changed Triaxus secondary conductivity sensor The triaxus secondary conductivity sensor (4426) was swapped out and replaced by conductivity sensor serial number 2312 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 14:09 [view ] | -46.5633 | 141.5895 | Triaxis [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Triaxus deployed | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 15:19 [view ] | -46.7022 | 141.5726 | Triaxus [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | Triaxus winch data coming through again After the restart of both triaxus software and cap when the triaxus was retrieved, winch data started coming through again | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 16:16 [view ] | -46.8257 | 141.5530 | Gravity Meter [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | end of shift shutdown | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 17:41 [view ] | -46.9800 | 141.5285 | Triaxis [view] | tow 2 | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 21:36 [view ] | -46.6910 | 141.9314 | Other [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | SAZ-18 mooring deployment | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 22:46 [view ] | -46.7043 | 141.9153 | VSAT | down | in2016_v02 | port acu problem support called | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 22:48 [view ] | -46.7052 | 141.9149 | Sonde [view] | Launch | in2016_v02 | when was this? Was it the first? | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-17 23:08 [view ] | -46.7149 | 141.9134 | ADCP [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | 150kHz off Not logging between 1114 and 2308 20160317 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 01:53 [view ] | -46.7494 | 141.8694 | Gravity Meter [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | back on shift | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 02:10 [view ] | -46.7531 | 141.8617 | VSAT | reset | in2016_v02 | stbd antenna attenuation reset; power issue with port | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 03:14 [view ] | -46.7664 | 141.8470 | Gravity Meter [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | turned off as not stable Still getting gravity not settling to be around 9,000 to 10,000 mgal. It still keeps tilting to starboard. The replacement cross-track gyro seemed not to be the fix hoped for. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 03:48 [view ] | -46.7727 | 141.8393 | VSAT | incident | in2016_v02 | VSAT Port relay replaced | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 05:51 [view ] | -46.7964 | 141.8152 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | Triangulation starting for SAZ 18 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 05:51 [view ] | -46.7964 | 141.8152 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | Triangulation starting for SAZ 18 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 05:52 [view ] | -46.7963 | 141.8149 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | Triangulation starting for SAZ 18 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 06:24 [view ] | -46.7998 | 141.8121 | Other [view] | in2016_v02 | Acoustic noise | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 06:27 [view ] | -46.8001 | 141.8122 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | Transducer off to find source of noise preventing triangulation | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 06:27 [view ] | -46.8001 | 141.8122 | EM710 [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | Transducer off to find source of noise preventing triangulation | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 06:27 [view ] | -46.8001 | 141.8122 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | Transducer off to find source of noise preventing triangulation | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 07:31 [view ] | -46.7975 | 141.8320 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | ADCP restarted after noise finding exercise | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 08:21 [view ] | -46.7925 | 141.8759 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | ADCP stopped to chase noise problems with mooring triangulation | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 08:34 [view ] | -46.7869 | 141.8699 | VSAT | incident | in2016_v02 | VSat connection dropped out on heading 280 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 09:25 [view ] | -46.7344 | 141.8016 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | restart after triangulation | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 09:26 [view ] | -46.7344 | 141.8016 | EK60 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | Restart after triangulation of SAZ-18 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 09:26 [view ] | -46.7344 | 141.8016 | K-Sync [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | Restart aftre triangulation of SAZ-18 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 09:26 [view ] | -46.7344 | 141.8016 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | Restart after triangulation of SAZ-18 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 09:41 [view ] | -46.7454 | 141.8631 | Triangulaton | Stop | in2016_v02 | triangulation finished, acoustic noise less at 10 knots | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 09:46 [view ] | -46.7519 | 141.8817 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | took 2 attempts to start pinging | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 10:06 [view ] | -46.7731 | 141.9342 | CTD [view] | Tom Trull 2 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD deployment 2 EK60 frequencies other than 18khz turned off 1025 - CTD in water, started late, down to 10m 1029 CTD brought to surface 1030 - Started deployment to 2250m Winchserver not active for this cast - no data going through on rapp or winchserver display Restarted bot rapp and winchserver 1142 - Heave Comp activated at each station 1226 ctd retrieved |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 10:24 [view ] | -46.7686 | 141.9340 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | all bands stopped except 18kHz for running ladcp on a ctd | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 17:11 [view ] | -46.7700 | 141.9368 | TMR [view] | Ellwood | Start | in2016_v02 | TMR deployment 2 in2016_v02 TMR deployment. Second cast of this CTD for the voyage. Time 17:33 TMR at 700m wire out and hold at depth for 5 min |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 17:58 [view ] | -46.7711 | 141.9412 | TMR [view] | Ellwood 2 | Stop | in2016_v02 | TMR deployment 2 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 19:24 [view ] | -46.8102 | 141.6957 | VSAT | down | in2016_v02 | lost connection for short time on heading 265 only port antenna in operation | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-18 21:37 [view ] | -46.8243 | 141.6621 | mooring | Tom Trull | Start | in2016_v02 | Start of SAZ017 Mooring recovery |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 00:55 [view ] | -46.8376 | 141.7667 | Triaxis [view] | Repair | in2016_v02 | Change out of primary DO sensors Observed high primary DO readings on first tow Changed over primary DO sensors. s/n 3198 removed, s/n 1794 fitted and CAP coefficients updated | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 01:09 [view ] | -46.8364 | 141.7795 | ADCP [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | both 150 and 75kHz off since 20:24 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 02:00 [view ] | -46.8331 | 141.8096 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | back on after acoustic release for mooring | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 03:17 [view ] | -46.8301 | 141.8338 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | applied in2016_v02_ctd002 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 04:50 [view ] | -46.8251 | 141.8662 | EM122 [view] | warning | GSM_in2016_v02 | bad headiing - see log strange did - restart and see what happensAfter 5 attempts booting the transceiver and finally once the em122 -2 pc, nothing worked.Can see outgoing pings in hydrophone using internal triggeringDecide to swap to the spare HWS. All BIST were OK except TX36 saying non-unique hardware.Found no improvement. Still saw pings - a little more infrequent.Switched back to em122-2 PCTesting ended 10:06 UTC | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 10:00 [view ] | -46.7319 | 141.9701 | Surface Net [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | 2 x vertical nets 2 x vertical nets deployed 1st - 1000 - down to 200m 2n - 1040 - down to 30m | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 17:03 [view ] | -46.7686 | 142.0298 | TMR [view] | Ellwood TMR03 | Start | in2016_v02 | TMR deployment 3 17:37 - Max cast depth with wire out of 1600m. 5 min stop at bottom of downcast 17:42 - Commence upcast 18:09 - at surface 18:11 - on deck |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 20:26 [view ] | -46.9430 | 142.3633 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | Stop pinging for acoustic release comms to Pulse mooring | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-19 22:13 [view ] | -46.9442 | 142.3308 | K-Sync [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | K-sync restart after mooring released but requested EM122 stay off - see below 22:14 - EM122 prevented from pinging after request from moorings team to keep ranging to the releases using their deck unit, as releases did not surface due to broken float packs | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-20 00:25 [view ] | -46.9600 | 143.0380 | mooring | Stop | in2016_v02 | pause to free line check time | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-20 01:28 [view ] | -46.9641 | 142.4019 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2016_v02 | pCO2 filter clean | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-20 03:42 [view ] | -46.9740 | 142.4626 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-20 08:00 [view ] | -46.9762 | 142.5536 | Voyage | in2016_v02 | turn for Hobart - time? | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-21 00:00 [view ] | -46.4138 | 143.0066 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | service call | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-21 18:10 [view ] | -46.0950 | 143.5658 | TSG [view] | 1 | calibration | in2016_v02 | finished 20:06 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-21 22:24 [view ] | -46.0476 | 143.6434 | Trace Metal Sampling Towfish [view] | Philip Boyd 1 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Trace Metal towfish test deployment 22:27: Brought back onboard 22:30: Re-deployed. Noted that the towfish is very close to the ship side. Vessel speed only about 2kts 01:15: Towfish recovered in preparation for diver attendance |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-21 23:33 [view ] | -46.0344 | 143.6664 | VSAT | in2016_v02 | internet back | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 01:26 [view ] | -46.0122 | 143.7046 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | MRU shutdown for pending diver activity | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 01:26 [view ] | -46.0122 | 143.7046 | K-Sync [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | paused for pending diver activity | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 01:26 [view ] | -46.0122 | 143.7046 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | MRU shutdown for pending diver activity | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 01:26 [view ] | -46.0122 | 143.7046 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | MRU shutdown for pending diver activity | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 01:26 [view ] | -46.0122 | 143.7046 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | MRU shutdown for pending diver activity | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 01:41 [view ] | -46.0086 | 143.7100 | ADCP [view] | silent | in2016_v02 | 75 and 150 off pending diver activity | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 08:15 [view ] | -46.0110 | 143.8139 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | VSat out for monkey island access Will on monkey Island, VSat isolated | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 08:28 [view ] | -45.9959 | 143.8350 | VSAT | restarted | in2016_v02 | VSat turned back on Will left monkey island | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 09:34 [view ] | -45.9083 | 143.9503 | FBB | Stop | in2016_v02 | Sim card removed and powered down at Actuec request | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 09:39 [view ] | -45.8991 | 143.9624 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | Both ADCP's restarted Divers left the area, both engine room and bridge permission to restart adcps and echosounders | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 09:56 [view ] | -45.8744 | 143.9943 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | pinging again - diver ops finished | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 09:56 [view ] | -45.8744 | 143.9943 | K-Sync [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | pinging again - diver ops finished | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 09:56 [view ] | -45.8744 | 143.9943 | EK60 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | pinging again - diver ops finished | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 10:18 [view ] | -45.8359 | 144.0359 | FBB | Start | in2016_v02 | FBB sim inserted and powered on | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 14:20 [view ] | -45.5091 | 144.5557 | Weather Balloon | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 18:02 [view ] | -45.2055 | 145.0662 | Weather Balloon | Launch | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 22:10 [view ] | -44.8580 | 145.6352 | VSAT | reset | in2016_v02 | attenuation stbd antenna | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 23:05 [view ] | -44.7807 | 145.7627 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | restart appraching tassie Getting to shallow water so started m710. First start one rx not found. so did cold restart. SIS cant find sounder. Did rescan. Took ages to MRU data. Initial TX36 was missing one board. rerun BIST 1 and 4 now worke23 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 23:11 [view ] | -44.7711 | 145.7756 | Other [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | Acutec pc | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 23:28 [view ] | -44.7463 | 145.8142 | VSAT | silent | in2016_v02 | work on monkey is. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-22 23:49 [view ] | -44.7215 | 145.8650 | VSAT | restarted | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 07:00 [view ] | -44.1350 | 146.8711 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | reloaded old PU and user settings, did restart, checked depths limist and it STARTED!!!!Note new survey name and starting at line 120 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 07:00 [view ] | -44.1350 | 146.8711 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | reloaded old PU and user settings, did restart, | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 07:11 [view ] | -44.1212 | 146.8966 | Radiometer - Met | test | in2016_v02 | Stbd PIR sensor testing Stopped 0194 board for Stbd PIR sensor to measure 10k resistor and PIR thermistor. Also changed Python code (at to test for corrections for Python code to evaluate potential error sources in thermistor temperature measurement. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 08:10 [view ] | -44.0550 | 147.0154 | EM122 [view] | Crash | GSM_in2016_v02 | went down with no pinging Came back from tea and gets lots of COM2 errors on logging MRU dataEM122 then went dead with no beam return (as before)Tried a few times BUT then reloaded backup_PU file Backup_EM122_122_20160317_100125 from start of voyage (in D:\sisdata\common\backup_settings)It started OK | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 08:10 [view ] | -44.0550 | 147.0154 | EM710 [view] | warning | GSM_in2016_v02 | COM2 error Came back from tea and gets lots of COM2 errors on logging MRU data.It cleared just as quick as it came. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:07 [view ] | -43.3302 | 147.4143 | Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | All science seawater pumps off for diver attendance | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:11 [view ] | -43.3303 | 147.4091 | General Clean Seawater pump [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | All science seawater pumps off for diver attendance | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:28 [view ] | -43.3290 | 147.3810 | Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | Science seawater pumps permitted to stay on for diver work aft | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:29 [view ] | -43.3292 | 147.3799 | General Clean Seawater pump [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | Science seawater pumps permitted to stay on for diver work aft | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:30 [view ] | -43.3292 | 147.3789 | TSG [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | Temporary seawater pump stop/start | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:31 [view ] | -43.3293 | 147.3780 | pCO2 [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | Temporary seawater pump stop/start | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:35 [view ] | -43.3295 | 147.3747 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | at adventure bay, divers due | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:35 [view ] | -43.3295 | 147.3747 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | at adventure bay, divers due | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:45 [view ] | -43.3298 | 147.3691 | Anchor | down | in2016_v02 | stand by for dive boat Adventure Bay, Bruny Island | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 19:49 [view ] | -43.3293 | 147.3698 | VSAT | reset | in2016_v02 | attenuation stbd antenna | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 20:11 [view ] | -43.3295 | 147.3705 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | OS75 and OS150 ADCP stop due to diver work below | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 20:21 [view ] | -43.3297 | 147.3703 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | EK60 stopped pinging for diver work below | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 21:00 [view ] | -43.3296 | 147.3704 | VSAT | silent | in2016_v02 | Dome inspection | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 21:35 [view ] | -43.3295 | 147.3703 | Other [view] | in water | in2016_v02 | diver inspecting stbd propeller | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 22:40 [view ] | -43.3295 | 147.3702 | Other [view] | in2016_v02 | stbd propeller cleared port prop encumbered | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-23 22:44 [view ] | -43.3295 | 147.3701 | Gravity Meter [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | Restart of gravity with a cal In adventure bay, calm waters so did a beam zero/gain test. Both looked OK and not changed. Gimbal stilled persisted in tilting to starboard. Restart logging and it took 30 minutes to stablise at beam zero. For 4 hours in calmwaters the machine behaved perfectly. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 02:04 [view ] | -43.3300 | 147.3698 | Other [view] | in2016_v02 | dive ship unties, standing by | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 02:38 [view ] | -43.3294 | 147.3702 | Radiometer - Met | Repair | in2016_v02 | Stbd PIR sensor testing Suspect leakage on 0194 PCB may be causing observed offsets by NOAA, so have written and uploaded new python code (v1.02), to test formula to compensate. Further changes to base firmware may be needed later. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 05:49 [view ] | -43.3662 | 147.4194 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | divers gone - restart | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 05:50 [view ] | -43.3662 | 147.4194 | K-Sync [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | divers off - restart | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 05:56 [view ] | -43.3886 | 147.4182 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | divers gone - restart | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 05:56 [view ] | -43.3886 | 147.4182 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | divers gone - restart | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 07:59 [view ] | -43.7407 | 147.3591 | EM122 [view] | warning | GSM_in2016_v02 | (PU Sensor) motion sensor input is missing during logging (1811) | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 07:59 [view ] | -43.7407 | 147.3591 | EM710 [view] | warning | GSM_in2016_v02 | (PU Sensor) motion sensor input is missing during logging (1811) | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 09:42 [view ] | -44.0281 | 147.3398 | EM710 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | from shallow to medium | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 09:48 [view ] | -44.0445 | 147.3382 | EM710 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | medium to deep | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 09:52 [view ] | -44.0554 | 147.3371 | EM122 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | shallow to medium | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 09:52 [view ] | -44.0554 | 147.3371 | EM710 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | deep to v deep | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 10:07 [view ] | -44.0992 | 147.3329 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | over 1000 m deep as we head south | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 11:09 [view ] | -44.2744 | 147.3158 | Gravity Meter [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | stop for the off-shift | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 17:58 [view ] | -45.0220 | 147.2536 | Weather Balloon | Launch | in2016_v02 | unsuccessful wind 28k | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 18:23 [view ] | -45.0223 | 147.2535 | Weather Balloon | Launch | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 21:00 [view ] | -45.0241 | 147.2520 | Other [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | MRR pc restarted | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-24 22:01 [view ] | -45.0289 | 147.2468 | Gravity Meter [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | seas too rough - left off | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 01:08 [view ] | -45.0323 | 147.2358 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | to in2016_v02_sst001 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 04:48 [view ] | -45.1113 | 147.2831 | Radiometer - Met | Repair | in2016_v02 | PIR radiometer Stbd and Port Python Code updated PIR radiometer Stbd and Port Python Code updated to "Eppley Radiometers". Has compensation for suspected leak errors on ADC for thermistor temperature measurements. Further work to be done to review this once docked. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 11:09 [view ] | -45.1117 | 146.7322 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | apply in2016_v02_sst002 sst at 16.8 deg C, Climatology svp was too low. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 18:03 [view ] | -45.0386 | 146.2579 | Weather Balloon | Launch | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 20:14 [view ] | -44.9834 | 146.1706 | Sea Snake | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | Port fwd boom with NOAA SST thermistor retrieved due to worsening weather | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 22:03 [view ] | -44.9359 | 146.0876 | Weather Balloon | Launch | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 23:07 [view ] | -44.9183 | 146.0310 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | rebooting seapath seapath not seeing G2 data | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 23:07 [view ] | -44.9183 | 146.0310 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | rebooting seapath finished | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-25 23:10 [view ] | -44.9175 | 146.0285 | SeaPath [view] | Reboot | in2016_v02 | down short time for maintenance 23:31 - Seapath restart completed including acceptance of G2 correction data | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-26 01:31 [view ] | -44.9074 | 145.8694 | Gravity Meter [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | Tried gravity meter but too rough Sea sarte seems ok so turned on grav meter. But still getting violet starboard movements followed by one to bow. Does not like bouncing ship. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-26 02:18 [view ] | -44.9063 | 145.8118 | SeaPath [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | acquisition on Techsas | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-26 06:50 [view ] | -44.9349 | 145.4509 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | reapplied ctd001 back in same waters when we headed sooth to sots so reuse CTD001 profile | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-26 08:13 [view ] | -44.9495 | 145.3487 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | in2016_v02_sst003 tried climatology but sound too high | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-27 03:12 [view ] | -45.6236 | 144.0780 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | small course change to trial grappling hook | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-27 10:49 [view ] | -46.6571 | 143.9321 | Techsas1 [view] | in2016_v02 | restarted metstation driver updated true air heading averaging | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-27 12:00 [view ] | -46.8223 | 143.9166 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | changed baclk to ctd002 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-27 15:26 [view ] | -46.9867 | 143.8957 | Techsas1 [view] | in2016_v02 | changed anemometer back to original Anemomenter changes reverted | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-27 16:20 [view ] | -46.9861 | 143.8959 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2016_v02 | pC02 filter clean - water also off to UWY Fluoro and Tom's FIRe | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-28 11:38 [view ] | -47.0272 | 144.0861 | TM tow fish [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | sampling for SCC experiment Subantarctic climate change deployed 1945 h local position 2140 h local | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-28 13:39 [view ] | -41.0267 | 143.8772 | Trace Metal Sampling Towfish [view] | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | on board local time 2240 h | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-28 21:05 [view ] | -46.8732 | 144.2291 | Sea Snake | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | Sea snake on Port fwd boom recovered for mooring works | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-28 22:14 [view ] | -46.8527 | 144.2709 | mooring | in2016_v02 | shot fired on graball | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-28 23:30 [view ] | -46.8512 | 144.2464 | Gravity Meter [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | seas calm so restart | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-28 23:30 [view ] | -46.8512 | 144.2464 | Gravity Meter [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | turned off as still erratic. suspect cross-track gyro or related | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-29 10:54 [view ] | -47.4563 | 144.3811 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | apply sst004 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-29 15:09 [view ] | -48.3075 | 144.4460 | TSG [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | start tsg cal | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-29 21:59 [view ] | -49.6362 | 144.5927 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | apply sst005 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-30 00:02 [view ] | -50.0205 | 144.6512 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | in2016_v02_clim004.asvp | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-30 01:41 [view ] | -50.3350 | 144.7163 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | not pinging for one hour SBP got into state where k-sync was on standbyMade SBP in K-sync inactive then after em122 ping, made it active againIt started pinging again | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-30 06:22 [view ] | -50.3458 | 145.1490 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | stopped for eddy work Team Eddy is wanting good quality adcp data so Ek60 is turned off until further notice. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-30 08:50 [view ] | -50.3759 | 145.9066 | EK60 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | partail turnonn Turned on 18 and 200 kHz from advice from team eddie - the rest are in passive mode. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-30 10:50 [view ] | -50.3757 | 145.7040 | Triaxis [view] | 3 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ctd file 10; initially triaxus tow 2; ecoTriplet deployment 10 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-30 22:55 [view ] | -50.3824 | 148.1260 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | apply in2016_v02_SST006 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-30 23:00 [view ] | -50.3824 | 148.1426 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | Stopped due to possible OnLine Monitor failure Details in voyage report - possible memory leak in OnLine Monitor program causing SBP to stop pinging. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 00:26 [view ] | -50.3833 | 148.4139 | EK60 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | EK60 crash Time unknown but within the last ten hours of this time. Steve Thomas restarted it. Outage reason unknown. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 00:35 [view ] | -50.3843 | 148.4308 | Triaxis [view] | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 03:47 [view ] | -50.3849 | 148.3694 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | applied ctd003 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 04:59 [view ] | -50.3834 | 148.1611 | CTD [view] | eddy 4 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | a2 bottom 31-Mar-2016 05:33 retrieved 31-Mar-2016 06:29 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 06:30 [view ] | -50.3856 | 148.1545 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom during CTD 004 tried forcing bottom detection - no luckdid BIST - no issuesrestarted SIS - no lucktried import PU file - no luckAfter numerous tries, rebooted pre-amp and it came good.Fortunately the area we had the outage over had been mapped the previous day | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 07:50 [view ] | -50.3829 | 147.8838 | CTD [view] | eddy 5 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | a3 bottom 31-Mar-2016 08:23 retrieved 31-Mar-2016 09:23 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 10:44 [view ] | -50.3842 | 147.6181 | CTD [view] | eddy 6 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | a4 bottom 31-Mar-2016 11:18 retrieved 31-Mar-2016 12:16 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 12:15 [view ] | -50.3958 | 147.6136 | CTD [view] | incident | in2016_v02 | CTD rosette possibly hit side of hull on deployment 6 retrieval due to ship roll | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 13:46 [view ] | -50.3815 | 147.3535 | CTD [view] | eddy 7 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | a5 bottom 31-Mar-2016 14:18 retrieved 31-Mar-2016 15:15 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 16:40 [view ] | -50.3823 | 147.0886 | CTD [view] | eddy 8 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | a6 bottom 31-Mar-2016 17:21:48 retrieved 31-Mar-2016 18:38:36 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 18:58 [view ] | -50.3879 | 147.0780 | SOCCOM float [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 22:51 [view ] | -50.3785 | 147.0471 | CTD [view] | eddy 9 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-03-31 23:53 [view ] | -50.3794 | 147.0428 | ISP [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | ISP pumps x 3 1/4/16 at 0120 - Pumps recovered. End of this op | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-01 00:35 [view ] | -50.3800 | 147.0402 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | applied ctd 008 this ctd is in the centre of the eddy. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-01 00:53 [view ] | -50.3802 | 147.0391 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | Restarted SBP after EM122 went in a bad state. I had turned SBP completely off to ensure the em122 could be given the best chance to be restarted.Changed line to 0002 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-01 07:39 [view ] | -50.3836 | 148.4234 | CTD [view] | eddy 10 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-01 10:51 [view ] | -50.3840 | 148.1524 | CTD [view] | eddy 11 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-01 13:25 [view ] | -50.3815 | 147.8846 | CTD [view] | eddy 12 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-01 16:44 [view ] | -50.3806 | 147.6172 | CTD [view] | eddy 13 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-01 19:43 [view ] | -50.3833 | 147.3465 | CTD [view] | eddy 14 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 00:58 [view ] | -50.3890 | 147.0707 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | appy ctd008 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 02:12 [view ] | -50.3915 | 147.0682 | CTD [view] | eddy 15 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 03:24 [view ] | -50.3785 | 147.0471 | CTD [view] | Steve Thomas 16 | Stop | in2016_v02 | CTD 16 - Fluoro dark test, cal lab water and zooplankton samples CTD Deployment 16: 1. Tom Trull's fluorometer masked with black tape for dark test 2. Bottles 1-14 all sampled at 1000dbar for CSIRO cal lab 3. Bottles 15-24 all sampled at 170dbar for zooplankton samples for Philip Boyd |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 03:27 [view ] | -50.3922 | 147.0686 | McLane Pumps [view] | Michael Ellwood | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ISP pumps x 4 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 08:15 [view ] | -50.4137 | 147.1024 | CTD [view] | 17 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD Thorium analysis CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 10:53 [view ] | -50.2508 | 146.9595 | drop keel [view] | Repair | in2016_v02 | Stbd drop keel status indication working again | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 13:44 [view ] | -49.9885 | 146.7300 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst007 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 17:28 [view ] | -49.6767 | 146.4899 | Surface Net [view] | Philip Boyd | Deployed | in2016_v02 | 2 x vertical net tows started but cancelled due to strong winds |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 18:50 [view ] | -49.6746 | 146.4904 | TMR [view] | TMR05 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | TMR deployment to 600m and hold 5min 19:25 - TMR back on deck . Op complete |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 20:00 [view ] | -49.6778 | 146.5015 | CTD [view] | 18 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Eddy C1 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-02 22:46 [view ] | -49.8085 | 146.6179 | CTD [view] | 19 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Eddy C2 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 01:02 [view ] | -49.8270 | 146.6338 | VSAT | hangup | in2016_v02 | No internet - found Stbd ACU attenuating, but tracking - retargetted to recover | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 03:40 [view ] | -49.9525 | 146.7326 | CTD [view] | 20 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Eddy C3 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 04:14 [view ] | -50.0041 | 146.7673 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | apply in2016_v02_ctd020 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 04:14 [view ] | -50.0041 | 146.7673 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | apply in2016_v02_ctd022 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 04:54 [view ] | -50.0909 | 146.8528 | CTD [view] | 21 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 07:40 [view ] | -50.2299 | 146.9628 | CTD [view] | 22 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Eddy C5 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 10:08 [view ] | -50.3793 | 147.0796 | CTD [view] | 23 | in2016_v02 | Eddy C6 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 11:17 [view ] | -50.3772 | 147.0804 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | SBP seem to lock with no response to ping triggers. unsure when it happened. Restart all software and came good. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-03 22:52 [view ] | -50.3858 | 147.0816 | TMR [view] | Michael Ellwood TMR06 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Cold core eddy centre Deployment to 1600m |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 00:11 [view ] | -50.3939 | 147.0841 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | retarget port and stbd | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 00:57 [view ] | -50.3968 | 147.0805 | CTD [view] | 24 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | Eddy centre |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 01:26 [view ] | -50.3980 | 147.0785 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | no file writes? from 2016-04-03 14:00 (or there abouts) the sbp appeared to be logging but no file being created. Fixed by starting normally and checked the file where being created. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 04:34 [view ] | -50.5486 | 146.8955 | Techsas1 [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | Stopped SST radiometer, SIT performing maintenance | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 05:10 [view ] | -50.5452 | 146.8911 | Techsas1 [view] | Start | in2016_v02 | Started SST radiometer driver | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 13:44 [view ] | -50.0750 | 147.5462 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | ctd019 matches the SVP sensor speed and this ctd was in the half distance from eddy centre to the edge which matches the current ship track | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 13:44 [view ] | -50.0750 | 147.5462 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | ctd008 matches the SVP sensor speed and this ctd was in the eddy centre to the edge which matches the current ship track | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 19:04 [view ] | -50.3826 | 147.0804 | McLane Pumps [view] | Michael Ellwood | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ISP pumps x 6 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-04 23:14 [view ] | -50.4161 | 147.0713 | TSG [view] | outage | in2016_v02 | TSG stopped and filter rinsed, then started again | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-05 03:10 [view ] | -50.3176 | 147.0574 | VSAT | Recovered | in2016_v02 | retarget acus | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-05 04:24 [view ] | -50.3780 | 147.0825 | VSAT | Recovered | in2016_v02 | retarget acus | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-05 09:08 [view ] | -50.9625 | 146.7015 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | sbp not signaling ready to k-sync k-sync showing no 'ready' signal. Restarted sbp sw to re-enable pinging/logging. Lost about 60 minutes. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-05 09:55 [view ] | -51.0930 | 146.6565 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | change to ctd19 as sv changed | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-05 12:42 [view ] | -51.5618 | 146.5546 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | not pinging for one hour same issue as prior outage for sbp | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-05 22:32 [view ] | -52.9365 | 147.0668 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst008 water temp now 5 deg. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 00:48 [view ] | -53.0052 | 147.0983 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | retarget several outages on westerly course | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 02:23 [view ] | -53.0110 | 147.1002 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | ksync not triggering SBP just made sbp disabled and then active again - sbp came back pinging | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 02:56 [view ] | -57.0167 | 147.0987 | CTD [view] | 25 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 25 South of warm core eddy |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 04:35 [view ] | -52.8762 | 147.2608 | CTD [view] | 26 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 26 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 07:04 [view ] | -52.8276 | 147.2278 | Triaxus [view] | Will Tow 4 | in2016_v02 | Triaxus Tow 4 recovery 18:31 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 10:11 [view ] | -52.5986 | 147.6051 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | sv probe not firing? sbp stopped getting into ready state. Noted that em122 was not getting sv from the probe even though the probe phython script was running. Restarted the script, emm12 was now reading sv (after a quick click on pinging with em710 to start probe) - perhaps the probe had stoped being initiated.Stared sbp and now pinging OK. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 19:31 [view ] | -51.8990 | 148.5121 | TMR [view] | Michael Ellwood TMR07 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | 600 meters deep; held for 5 minutes; retrieve from 20:12; recovered 20:32 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-06 20:57 [view ] | -51.9002 | 148.5129 | CTD [view] | 27 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 27 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 00:11 [view ] | -51.9153 | 148.5063 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | used ctd027 in eddy centre, using last CTD cast | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 00:18 [view ] | -51.9153 | 148.5072 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | fixed attenuation 1236 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 02:26 [view ] | -51.9130 | 148.5403 | Other [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | RESPIRE drifting sediment trap deployed warm core eddy | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 02:54 [view ] | -51.9023 | 148.5128 | SOCCOM float [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 09:21 [view ] | -52.0664 | 150.1343 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst010 sst is 6.3 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 11:30 [view ] | -52.0308 | 149.8465 | CTD [view] | 28 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 28 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 15:04 [view ] | -51.9943 | 149.5762 | CTD [view] | 29 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 29 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 22:01 [view ] | -51.9590 | 149.3114 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom - time unknown | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 22:01 [view ] | -51.9590 | 149.3114 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom lost bottom - no data from 16:37 to 22:01 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 22:18 [view ] | -51.9573 | 149.3127 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | to old ctd ctd019 sound back up to 1488.9 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-07 23:29 [view ] | -51.9507 | 149.3108 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost sounderrebooted whole systemtook a while to find sounder from sis | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 00:04 [view ] | -51.9488 | 149.3115 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | reset stbd ACU | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 01:10 [view ] | -51.9448 | 149.3053 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom lost bottom again - in clam seas whilst hove tooreboot all from pre-amp - got it going again. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 02:53 [view ] | -51.9349 | 149.2902 | ADCP [view] | outage | in2016_v02 | pilot whales nearby | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 02:53 [view ] | -51.9349 | 149.2902 | EK60 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | pilot whales nearby | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 02:53 [view ] | -51.9349 | 149.2902 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | pilot whales nearby | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 02:53 [view ] | -51.9349 | 149.2902 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | pilot whales nearby | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 03:17 [view ] | -51.9319 | 149.2851 | ADCP [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | pilot whales now gone | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 03:17 [view ] | -51.9319 | 149.2848 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | pilot whales gone | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 03:17 [view ] | -51.9319 | 149.2848 | EK60 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | pilot whales gone | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 03:17 [view ] | -51.9319 | 149.2848 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | pilot whales gone | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 04:35 [view ] | -51.9271 | 149.2693 | Acoustics [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | Pilot whales nearby Pressed pause on acoustics screen at 14:32 EST. Bridge called to say pilot whales were nearby. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 05:28 [view ] | -51.9271 | 149.2648 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | due to pilot whales nearby | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 05:28 [view ] | -51.9271 | 149.2648 | EK60 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | due to pilot whales nearby | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 05:28 [view ] | -51.9271 | 149.2648 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | due to pilot whales nearby | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 08:28 [view ] | -50.9700 | 149.3062 | CTD [view] | 30 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 09:30 [view ] | -51.9646 | 149.3104 | Winch | noisy | in2016_v02 | Winch7 7 tension event, raw techsas data - no cause for concern 2016-04-08T09:17:01.108,<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <message name="Winch message"> <winch> <number>7</number> <isTrawlWinch>false</isTrawlWinch> <name>Outboard CTD Winch</name> </winch> <sheave> <wireOut> <length units="m">904.0</length> <velocity units="m/s">0.0</velocity> </wireOut> <tension units="kN"> <tension>3.502</tension> <minTension>0.666</minTension> <maxTension>3.502</maxTension> </tension> </sheave> <derived> <wireOut> <length units="m">899.7</length> <velocity units="m/s">0.1</velocity> </wireOut> <tension units="kN"> <tension>0.000</tension> </tension> </derived> <status> <mode>0</mode> <isActive>true</isActive> <alarms>0</alarms> <workingHours>6.000</workingHours> </status> </message> ***NOTE: The tension data is 3.5kN which is 0.35 tonne. This is not a tension spike. Compare to other bottle stops *** | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 22:05 [view ] | -51.9466 | 149.0584 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | power down in Hobart | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-08 22:19 [view ] | -51.9465 | 149.0598 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | k-sync /sbp not ready state. from 19:56 to 22:20, no response trigger from k-sync - sbp has not said it is redy. Just make in-active then active in ksync !! | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 03:03 [view ] | -51.9335 | 149.0645 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2016_v02 | Maintenance to check for leaks and filter clean System shutdown at UTC 09/04/16 0230 with request to check for leaks emailed by Craig Neill. System restart at UTC 09/04/16 0255. Monitor regularly to see if Vent Flow is between approx 0 to -15 or so. Value of -43 is error. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 07:05 [view ] | -51.9489 | 149.0556 | CTD [view] | 31 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 07:57 [view ] | -51.9486 | 149.0566 | CTD [view] | 32 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 11:16 [view ] | -51.9269 | 148.7894 | CTD [view] | 33 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 33 station E2 Deployed at 40m/min to observe effect on wire kink and rosette rotation |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 13:03 [view ] | -51.9411 | 148.7944 | CTD [view] | incident | in2016_v02 | CTD boom hydraulic failure Unable to retract boom | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 14:53 [view ] | -51.8987 | 148.5227 | CTD [view] | 34 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 16:58 [view ] | -51.8991 | 148.5213 | CTD [view] | 35 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 35 station E1 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 17:04 [view ] | -51.8992 | 148.5213 | Other [view] | restarted | in2016_v02 | meinberg service on adcp-acq os150 offset was 319813 ms (5 m 19.813 s) | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 19:22 [view ] | -51.8982 | 148.5214 | McLane Pumps [view] | Michael Ellwood | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ISP pumps x 6 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-09 22:00 [view ] | -51.9024 | 148.5204 | Aerosol Lab [view] | Repair | in2016_v02 | Removed, repaired, and replaced peristaltic pump for manifold ~22:00 -23:00 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 00:49 [view ] | -51.7827 | 148.3267 | CTD [view] | 36 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 36 station F2 |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 03:09 [view ] | -51.7317 | 148.2319 | VSAT | in2016_v02 | changed heading source from gyro to seapath reverted to gyro: back on the air 0810 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 04:01 [view ] | -51.6649 | 148.1406 | CTD [view] | 37 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 07:09 [view ] | -51.5464 | 147.9436 | CTD [view] | 38 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 07:40 [view ] | -51.5466 | 147.9440 | ADCP [view] | outage | in2016_v02 | ADCP not getting nav data Possible linked with VSAT not getting nav data | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 10:26 [view ] | -51.4278 | 147.7603 | ADCP [view] | Recovered | in2016_v02 | ADCP receiving nav data Techsas gyro driver died and was restarted. Rebroadcast service had also stopped picking up and rebroadcasting | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 18:25 [view ] | -50.3863 | 148.4426 | CTD [view] | 3 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 20:47 [view ] | -51.4832 | 147.7138 | Sea Snake | Recovered | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 22:02 [view ] | -51.4957 | 147.7179 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom lost bottom at unknown start time. Rebboted entire system and gained it back | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-10 22:02 [view ] | -51.4957 | 147.7179 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom from EM122 lost bottom at unknown start time. Rebboted entire system and gained it back | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 00:05 [view ] | -51.4572 | 148.1817 | VSAT | reset | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 01:00 [view ] | -51.4553 | 148.2361 | Fluorometer [view] | Other | in2016_v02 | Underway fluorometer cleaned 00:30 - 01:00 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 02:45 [view ] | -51.4581 | 148.2408 | Sea Snake | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 03:43 [view ] | -51.4574 | 148.2386 | TMR [view] | Michael Ellwood TMR08 | Deployed | in2016_v02 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 09:00 [view ] | -51.4033 | 148.9290 | ISP [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | ISP deployed | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 11:07 [view ] | -51.4137 | 148.9305 | CTD [view] | Deployed | in2016_v02 | CTD 39 - Th/Ba 500m cast | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 22:04 [view ] | -50.9793 | 151.2833 | VSAT | down | in2016_v02 | man aloft retarget | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 23:46 [view ] | -50.9551 | 151.3092 | Other [view] | Philip Boyd | Recovered | in2016_v02 | RESPIRE sediment trap recovery underway |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-11 23:50 [view ] | -50.9550 | 151.3098 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | k-sync not firing again | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 01:19 [view ] | -50.9423 | 151.2768 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | unfavourable heading attenuation developed after retarget | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 02:23 [view ] | -50.9159 | 151.0256 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | Tweaked pre-amp Shutdown pre-amp and Steve Thomas adjusted two pots (current limiters marked I +/-) as suggested from Kongsberg (help request 010451790). Turned them to max clockwise and then back to 90% setting. Original setting was circa 50% and Kongsberg suggested the current limiter outage is possible when em122 andsbp120 are in sync. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 07:12 [view ] | -50.5096 | 149.8719 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | apply ctd020 this ctd in first eddy as we approach it after leaving south eddy | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 09:12 [view ] | -50.2896 | 149.4176 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | to ctd003 this ctd taken earlier on in this patch | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 09:48 [view ] | -50.2245 | 149.2825 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | not pinging sbp only pinged twice then failed. using k-sync to kick active again worked for 2 more pings. Did a power rest to see if problem was sbp related. BUT now the fuse trips upon startup even when power was set at -30db. Sending email to Kongsberg. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 22:35 [view ] | -48.8479 | 146.5033 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | sbp now heaving rejiged current limiter to approx. 50% | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 22:37 [view ] | -48.8447 | 146.4966 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | 10 minutes whilst sbp120 preamp curent limiter modified | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-12 22:39 [view ] | -48.8415 | 146.4900 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst009 sst is now 10.95 deg c | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-13 00:14 [view ] | -48.6954 | 146.1886 | VSAT | outage | in2016_v02 | retarget ok | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-13 00:43 [view ] | -48.6525 | 146.1002 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst010 sst is now 12.4 deg c | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-13 00:43 [view ] | -48.6525 | 146.1002 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst011 sst is now 15.4 deg c | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-13 04:43 [view ] | -48.2638 | 145.3087 | SBP [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | k-sync change placed sbp into separate trigger group as it appears that the em122 was timing out and not allowing sbp to get into a ready state. water depth 4690 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-13 09:01 [view ] | -47.8062 | 144.3632 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst012 sst is now 10.6 deg c | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-13 20:15 [view ] | -46.6644 | 142.1142 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | Pinging stopped for acoustic ranging at SOFS recovery | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-13 23:47 [view ] | -46.6582 | 142.0901 | VSAT | in2016_v02 | outage-recovered | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 00:25 [view ] | -46.6618 | 142.0832 | VSAT | in2016_v02 | outage-recovered | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 02:18 [view ] | -46.6746 | 142.0501 | mooring | in2016_v02 | SOTS buoy on deck | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 02:39 [view ] | -46.6753 | 142.0419 | VSAT | in2016_v02 | retarget down since 0224 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 08:02 [view ] | -46.5881 | 142.0251 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | sofs mooring out of water | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 08:02 [view ] | -46.5881 | 142.0251 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | sofs mooring out of water | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 11:44 [view ] | -46.5575 | 142.3042 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | ctd040 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 23:05 [view ] | -45.7412 | 145.2815 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst013 sst is now 17.3 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-14 23:05 [view ] | -45.7397 | 145.2857 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | SBP not ready from 20:46 to 22:26 - SBP not getting into ready state | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 01:23 [view ] | -45.5527 | 145.8433 | Techsas2 [view] | Reboot | in2016_v02 | Techsas2 rebooted | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 01:25 [view ] | -45.5501 | 145.8512 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2016_v02 | sst014 sst now down by 2.5 dg to 15.9 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 03:00 [view ] | -45.3980 | 146.0729 | VSAT | test | in2016_v02 | figure 8 turn starting end 0317 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 03:09 [view ] | -45.4009 | 146.0601 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom again - rebot pre-amp bist run 2016-04-15-bottom_lostlook like only handing edge detection and not phase detection. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 04:35 [view ] | -45.2482 | 146.1797 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | pre-amp reboot again lost bottom after 15 minutes of prior reboot of pre-ampwater depth 3328 msystem cam back | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 09:53 [view ] | -44.4570 | 146.7388 | EM122 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom - recovered again - pre-amp reboot | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 09:53 [view ] | -44.4570 | 146.7388 | SBP [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | lost bottom from em122 - recovered again - pre-amp reboot | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 09:55 [view ] | -44.4513 | 146.7430 | EK60 [view] | Outage | GSM_in2016_v02 | min depth was 3000 so lost bottom detection changed min depth to 100 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:28 [view ] | -44.1830 | 146.9309 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2016_v02 | on the shelf break to storm bay | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:32 [view ] | -44.1711 | 146.9393 | EM122 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | from deep to medium | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:42 [view ] | -44.1415 | 146.9600 | EM122 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | from medium to shalow | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:42 [view ] | -44.1415 | 146.9600 | EM710 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | from v deep to deep | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:53 [view ] | -44.1125 | 146.9802 | EM710 [view] | Depth Mode | GSM_in2016_v02 | from deep to shallow | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:55 [view ] | -44.1038 | 146.9863 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | in shallow waters 175 m | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:56 [view ] | -44.1008 | 146.9883 | SBP [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | switched depth input from em122 to em710 | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 11:58 [view ] | -44.0979 | 146.9904 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2016_v02 | bridge echosounder on | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 18:09 [view ] | -43.2292 | 147.4888 | ADCP [view] | in2016_v02 | bottom tracking | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 18:54 [view ] | -43.1645 | 147.4737 | Fluorometer [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | End of voyage shutdown and clean | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 20:31 [view ] | -43.0468 | 147.3883 | drop keel [view] | Retrieved | in2016_v02 | End of voyage - Port drop keel raised to flush with hull. Stbd flush with hull. | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 20:50 [view ] | -43.0212 | 147.3833 | VSAT | in2016_v02 | off for man aloft | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 20:51 [view ] | -43.0187 | 147.3828 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | EoV | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 20:51 [view ] | -43.0187 | 147.3828 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | EoV | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 20:51 [view ] | -43.0187 | 147.3828 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2016_v02 | EoV | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 20:55 [view ] | -43.0136 | 147.3819 | Instrument Clean Seawater pump [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | End of voyage - Instrument clean seawater pump stop | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 20:56 [view ] | -43.0124 | 147.3817 | General Clean Seawater pump [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | End of voyage - general clean seawater pump stop | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 21:48 [view ] | -42.9389 | 147.3806 | TSG [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | End of voyage - TSG stopped | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 21:48 [view ] | -42.9389 | 147.3806 | pCO2 [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | End of voyage - pCO2 stopped | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 22:01 [view ] | -42.9179 | 147.3778 | pCO2 [view] | in2016_v02 | stopped | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 22:07 [view ] | -42.9107 | 147.3712 | SST Radiometer [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | End of voyage - SST Radiometer | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 22:47 [view ] | -42.8859 | 147.3385 | Techsas1 [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | ||
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 22:47 [view ] | -42.8859 | 147.3385 | Techsas2 [view] | Stop | in2016_v02 | exit underwayMerger | |
IN2016_V02 | 2016-04-15 22:55 [view ] | Voyage | Stop | in2016_v02 | end of in2016_v02 - lines ashore |