Deployment Details
Survey: - SS199702 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Operation No.: 12
Gear: Florida Flyer
When: 1997-02-14 19:05 to 1997-02-14 19:35 UTC
10° 03.6' S
143° 08.3' E
10° 02.0' S
143° 08.9' E
Maximum Depth (m): unknown
Description: Prawn Trawl (Torres_Strait Transect)
Comments: Codend leakage overcome with cloth insert into bottom. Dawn breaks before 0600 h
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
Florida Flyer | 1997-02-14 19:05 | 1997-02-14 19:35 | Trawl | 30 Minutes |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
10067013 | Echinodictyum pulchrum | 0.3 | |
10098000 | Callyspongiidae | 0.017 | |
10102011 | Xestospongia testudinaria | 21.8 | |
10112028 | Ircinia 1228 (Qld Mus.) | 3.7 | |
10112030 | Ircinia 1255 (Qld Mus.) | 6.1 | |
10126010 | Pseudoceratina 190 (Qld Mus.) | 3 | 21.2 |
10127003 | Ianthella basta | 9 | 2.7 |
10127004 | Ianthella flabelliformis | 29 | 16.1 |
11001000 | Hydroida | 0.418 | |
11173000 | Alcyonacea | 8 | 4.92 |
11185001 | Dichotella divergens | 6 | 1.1 |
11185004 | Ctenocella pectinata | 2 | 0.7 |
23615000 | Teuthoidea | 2 | 0.007 |
28711026 | Metapenaeus endeavouri | 20 | 0.372 |
28711044 | Penaeus esculentus | 13 | 0.361 |
28821008 | Thenus australiensis | 1 | 0.096 |
28821015 | Petrarctus demani | 2 | 0.019 |
28895003 | Rhinolambrus longispinus | 1 | 0.004 |
28911026 | Monomia rubromarginatus | 10 | 0.176 |
28911042 | Xiphonectes tenuipes | 43 | 0.469 |
28911081 | Charybdis yaldwyni | 2 | 0.033 |
35000000 | Ascidiacea | 9.046 | |
37085006 | Amblygaster sirm | 17 | 0.184 |
37085014 | Sardinella albella | 11 | 0.095 |
37086006 | Stolephorus indicus | 16 | 0.017 |
37118004 | Synodus sageneus | 6 | 0.22 |
37118005 | Saurida argentea | 4 | 0.515 |
37118016 | Saurida grandisquamis | 91 | 2.417 |
37308001 | Dactyloptena papilio | 2 | 0.034 |
37326003 | Priacanthus tayenus | 3 | 0.088 |
37327013 | Jaydia truncata | 2 | 0.032 |
37337008 | Selar boops | 1 | 0.029 |
37337011 | Platycaranx chrysophrys | 1 | 0.055 |
37337015 | Selaroides leptolepis | 41 | 0.41 |
37337016 | Caranx bucculentus | 4 | 0.498 |
37337024 | Atule mate | 1 | 0.042 |
37341002 | Photopectoralis bindus | 1 | 0.014 |
37341003 | Equulites laterofenestra | 6 | 0.021 |
37347003 | Nemipterus peronii | 1 | 0.06 |
37347005 | Nemipterus furcosus | 12 | 0.336 |
37347008 | Scolopsis meridiana | 18 | 1.234 |
37347028 | Pentapodus paradiseus | 9 | 0.178 |
37349002 | Pentaprion longimanus | 3 | 0.007 |
37349022 | Gerres oblongus | 1 | 0.112 |
37351002 | Lethrinus genivittatus | 1 | 0.012 |
37355009 | Upeneus luzonius | 7 | 0.263 |
37355014 | Upeneus tragula | 13 | 0.235 |
37372001 | Pristotis obtusirostris | 1 | 0.005 |
37384004 | Choerodon cephalotes | 3 | 0.273 |
37384009 | Choerodon sugillatum | 4 | 0.093 |
37401000 | Champsodontidae | 1 | 0.001 |
37427006 | Pseudocalliurichthys goodladi | 1 | 0.008 |
37427007 | Calliurichthys grossi | 13 | 0.232 |
37427019 | Repomucenus meridionalis | 4 | 0.073 |
37438004 | Siganus canaliculatus | 4 | 0.16 |
37460015 | Pseudorhombus diplospilus | 1 | 0.02 |
37465064 | Paramonacanthus choirocephalus | 16 | 0.129 |
37466005 | Ostracion nasus | 1 | 0.004 |
37467007 | Lagocephalus sceleratus | 7 | 0.106 |
37467014 | Arothron stellatus | 1 | 0.045 |
37467062 | Torquigener tuberculiferus | 25 | 0.294 |
99100168 | Niphates sp. | 0.3 | |
99110116 | Gorgonian 20 | 1 | 0.1 |
99110126 | Solenocaulon sp. 1 | 1 | 0.5 |
99250065 | Crinoid 1 | 0.008 | |
99250073 | Crinoid 9 | 0.012 | |
99250106 | Asteroid 2109 | 0.005 |
Deployment observations.
Cloud cover: | 3/8 |
Sea state: | Rippled |