Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SO198305 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 19

Operation No.: 19

Gear: Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl

When: 1983-10-10 03:00 to 1983-10-10 03:30 UTC

Where: 18° 45.0' S    118° 14.9' E
to 18° 45.2' S    118° 13.7' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 1983-10-10 03:00 1983-10-10 03:30 144 144 30 minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
23607000 Sepiidae 1 0.1
37427003 Bathycallionymus bifilum
37018007 Carcharhinus plumbeus 1 2.5
37026001 Rhynchobatus australiae 1 17
37037001 Gymnura australis
37118001 Saurida undosquamis 25 1.2
37118006 Saurida cf filamentosa 97 8.2
37118014 Saurida longimanus
37287034 Neocentropogon aeglefinus
37288009 Pterygotrigla elicryste
37288015 Lepidotrigla sp. 2 [in Sainsbury et al, 1985]
37297000 Hoplichthyidae
37311167 Acropoma leobergi
37326001 Priacanthus macracanthus 4 0.8
37326003 Priacanthus tayenus 44 3.8
37326005 Priacanthus hamrur 8 2
37327158 Ostorhinchus fasciatus
37337013 Kaiwarinus equula 2 0.3
37341002 Photopectoralis bindus
37347001 Nemipterus bathybius 574 17.9
37347009 Nemipterus virgatus 35 3
37347010 Parascolopsis tanyactis
37355002 Upeneus torres
37382001 Sphyraena pinguis
37400007 Uranoscopus cf bicinctus
37401000 Champsodontidae
37445007 Psenopsis humerosa
37464001 Trixiphichthys weberi
37465012 Thamnaconus hypargyreus
37467007 Lagocephalus sceleratus
99379999 other fishes (remainder) 41
37440004 Trichiurus lepturus
37355003 Upeneus moluccensis 2637 63.5
37393001 Bembrops philippinus
23615000 Teuthoidea 35 0.4
Deployment observations.
Bottom temperature:27.9 degrees Celsius
Bottom type:Shelly Sand
Cloud cover:3/8
Sea direction:260 degrees
Sea state:Rippled
Wind direction:260 degrees
Wind force:Gentle Breeze
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