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Deployment Details
Survey: - LB200301 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 205
Operation No.: 205
When: 2003-10-10 20:43 UTC
Where: 18° 16.5' S 146° 27.3' E
Maximum Depth (m): 29.7
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
1.5m EpiSled | 2003-10-10 20:43 | 2003-10-10 20:43 | 30 | 30 | Benthic Sled |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
10009023 | Stelletta clavosa | 1 | |
63605004 | Halophila decipiens | 1 | |
11310001 | Trachyphyllia geoffroyi | 1 | |
20126001 | Mesonea radians | 1 | |
20312008 | Tarsocryptus laboriosa | 1 | |
20392014 | Hippothoa distans | 1 | |
20433001 | Bryopesanser latesco | 1 | |
23272004 | Spondylus wrightianus | 1 | |
24045048 | Turbo gemmatus | 1 | |
24125005 | Doxander campbelli | 1 | |
24145002 | Onustus indicus | 1 | |
24201013 | Tudivasum armigerum | 1 | |
24220005 | Lophiotoma acuta | 1 | |
25111016 | Astropecten zebra | 1 | |
25127049 | Poraster superbus | 1 | |
25202018 | Prionocidaris bispinosa | 1 | |
25241028 | Temnotrema bothryoides | 1 | |
25242002 | Gymnechinus epistichus | 1 | |
25266005 | Peronella lesueuri | 1 | |
25417007 | Stichopus horrens | 1 | |
28036003 | Gonodactylaceus graphurus | 2 | |
28840004 | Allogalathea elegans | 1 | |
28895002 | Parthenope longimanus | 1 | |
28895009 | Cryptopodia dorsalis | 1 | |
28911042 | Xiphonectes tenuipes | 1 | |
28926038 | Actumnus squamosus | 1 | |
37287038 | Scorpaenopsis furneauxi | 1 | |
37287055 | Inimicus caledonicus | 1 | |
37427036 | Calliurichthys ogilbyi | 1 | |
37460004 | Pseudorhombus dupliciocellatus | 1 | |
37460012 | Engyprosopon grandisquama | 1 | |
37460046 | Asterorhombus intermedius | 1 | |
37465085 | Paramonacanthus lowei | 1 | |
54025006 | Lobophora variegata | 1 | |
54045014 | Sporochnus moorei | 1 | |
55111011 | Champia parvula | 1 | |
55130166 | Haloplegma duperreyi | 1 | |
55133128 | Lenormandiopsis lorentzii | 1 | |
55133147 | Osmundaria fimbriata | 1 | |
56180007 | Chaetomorpha crassa | 1 | |
56186006 | Gayralia oxysperma | 1 | |
56196004 | Udotea argentea | 1 | |
56196007 | Halimeda opuntia | 1 | |
56196041 | Udotea flabellum | 1 | |
56196043 | Udotea orientalis | 1 | |
56197015 | Caulerpa brachypus | 1 | |
56215002 | Bornetella sphaerica | 1 | |
63605002 | Halophila ovalis | 1 | |
63605003 | Halophila spinulosa | 1 | |
11298011 | Cycloseris cyclolites | 1 |