CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Family list

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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)

(turban shells)

Found 112 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.

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CAAB Scientific Name Common name
24 045000 Turbinidae, Liotiidae, Areneidae turban shells
24 045904 Turbinidae Turban Shells
24 045916 Astraea spp. [a turban shell]
24 045905 Astralium spp. [a turban shell]
24 045917 Bellastraea spp. [a turban shell]
24 045907 Bolma spp. [a turban shell]
24 045918 Cookia spp. [a turban shell]
24 045912 Guildfordia spp. [a star shell]
24 045920 Lunella spp. [a turban shell]
24 045919 Modelia spp. [a turban shell]
24 045901 Turbo spp. [a turban shell]
24 045099 Astraea heliotropium [a turban shell]
24 045007 Astralium pileolum [a star shell]
24 045061 Astralium rhodostomum [a star shell]
24 045062 Astralium rotularium [a star shell]
24 045063 Astralium stellare [a star shell]
24 045008 Astralium tentoriiforme [a star shell]
24 045064 Astralium tentorium [a star shell]
24 045013 Bellastraea aurea [a star shell]
24 045100 Bellastraea rutidoloma [a turban shell]
24 045012 Bellastraea squamifera [a star shell]
24 045057 Bolma aureola [a turban shell]
24 045059 Bolma henica [a turban shell]
24 045101 Bolma kermadecensis [a turban shell]
24 045058 Bolma millegranosa [a turban shell]
24 045102 Bolma recens [a turban shell]
24 045060 Bolma tamikoana [a turban shell]
24 045103 Cookia sulcata [a turban shell]
24 045065 Guildfordia yoka [a star shell]
24 045055 Lunella cinerea [a turban shell]
24 045105 Lunella smaragda [a turban shell]
24 045003 Lunella torquata Rough Turban Shell
24 045004 Lunella undulata Wavy Periwinkle
24 045104 Modelia granosa [a turban shell]
24 045044 Turbo argyrostomus argyrostomus [a turban shell]
24 045051 Turbo argyrostomus perspeciosus [a turban shell]
24 045005 Turbo brunneus [a turban shell]
24 045107 Turbo cepoides [a turban shell]
24 045045 Turbo chrysostomus [a turban shell]
24 045046 Turbo crassus [a turban shell]
24 045108 Turbo debesi [a turban shell]
24 045056 Turbo exquisitus [a turban shell]
24 045048 Turbo gemmatus [a turban shell]
24 045043 Turbo gruneri [a turban shell]
24 045049 Turbo haynesi [a turban shell]
24 045106 Turbo imperialis [a turban shell]
24 045109 Turbo intercostalis [a turban shell]
24 045042 Turbo jourdani [a turban shell]
24 045052 Turbo kenwilliamsi [a turban shell]
24 045050 Turbo lajonkairii [a turban shell]
24 045054 Turbo lamniferus [a turban shell]
24 045112 Turbo markusrufi [a turban shell]
24 045001 Turbo marmoratus Green Turban Shell
24 045002 Turbo militaris smooth turban shell
24 045041 Turbo petholatus [a turban shell]
24 045053 Turbo radiatus [a turban shell]
24 045047 Turbo setosus [a turban shell]
24 045111 Turbo smithi [a turban shell]
24 045110 Turbo tuberculosus [a turban shell]
24 045113 Turbo walteri [a turban shell]
24 045902 Liotiidae gastropods
24 045906 Austroliotia spp. [a gastropod]
24 045908 Brookula spp. [a gastropod]
24 045909 Circumstella spp. [a gastropod]
24 045910 Cyclostrema spp. [a gastropod]
24 045911 Dentarene spp. [a gastropod]
24 045914 Liotina spp. [a gastropod]
24 045915 Munditia spp. [a gastropod]
24 045021 Austroliotia australis [a liotine]
24 045022 Austroliotia botanica [a liotine]
24 045089 Austroliotia darwinensis [a gastropod]
24 045023 Austroliotia densilineata [a liotine]
24 045024 Austroliotia pulcherrima [a liotine]
24 045026 Austroliotia scalaris [a liotine]
24 045067 Brookula angeli [a gastropod]
24 045082 Brookula benthicola [a gastropod]
24 045083 Brookula contigua [a gastropod]
24 045086 Brookula corulum [a gastropod]
24 045068 Brookula crebresculpta [a gastropod]
24 045087 Brookula enderbyensis [a gastropod]
24 045071 Brookula finesia [a gastropod]
24 045088 Brookula finlayi [a gastropod]
24 045070 Brookula jacksonensis [a gastropod]
24 045079 Brookula kerguelensis [a gastropod]
24 045069 Brookula nepeanensis [a gastropod]
24 045080 Brookula pfefferi [a gastropod]
24 045084 Brookula prognata [a gastropod]
24 045085 Brookula stibarochila [a gastropod]
24 045081 Brookula strebeli [a gastropod]
24 045027 Circumstella devexa [a liotine]
24 045073 Cyclostrema marchei [a gastropod]
24 045072 Cyclostrema spinosa [a gastropod]
24 045074 Cyclostrema torridum [a gastropod]
24 045028 Dentarene sarcina [a liotine]
24 045032 Liotina crassibassis [a liotine]
24 045011 Liotina peronii [a liotine]
24 045090 Munditia anomala [a gastropod]
24 045091 Munditia aupouria [a gastropod]
24 045092 Munditia delicatula [a gastropod]
24 045093 Munditia echinata [a gastropod]
24 045029 Munditia hedleyi [a liotine]
24 045094 Munditia manawatawhia [a gastropod]
24 045030 Munditia mayana [a liotine]
24 045095 Munditia owengaensis [a gastropod]
24 045096 Munditia serrata [a gastropod]
24 045009 Munditia subquadrata [a ring-mouth shell]
24 045097 Munditia suteri [a gastropod]
24 045031 Munditia tasmanica [a liotine]
24 045098 Munditia tryphenensis [a gastropod]
99 240163 Bolma sp. 1 [a turban shell]
99 240067 Turbo sp. 1 [a turban shell]
99 240068 Turbo sp. 2 [a turban shell]

Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.

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