Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - TAN0308 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Operation No.: 168

Gear: MWT fine meshed codend

When: 2003-06-05 04:14 UTC

Where: 35° 56.5' S    170° 01.0' E
to 36° 01.6' S    170° 06.2' E

Maximum Depth (m): 2261

Description: MWT fine meshed codend

Comments: west Norfolk Ridge, Position and depth from gear mounted sensor.

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
MWT fine meshed codend 2003-06-05 04:14 2191 2261 Trawl

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
11120000 Scyphozoa 3
37402001 Chiasmodon microcephalus 3 0
23606001 Spirula spirula 2
23620001 Lycoteuthis lorigera 1
23621000 Enoploteuthidae, Pyroteuthidae & Ancistrocheiridae 1
23623000 Onychoteuthidae 3
23630006 Histioteuthis miranda 2
23639003 Magnoteuthis magna 3
23643000 Cranchiidae 2
23643001 Bathothauma lyromma 2
25400000 Holothuroidea 1
28081001 Neognathophausia ingens 2
28086000 Mysidae 3
28399000 Amphipoda 1
28702000 Euphausiidae 1
28713017 Benthesicymus howensis 1
28714017 Gordonella kensleyi 1
28734003 Oplophorus novaezeelandiae 3
28735000 Acanthephyridae 1
28735007 Acanthephyra quadrispinosa 3
28745000 Pasiphaeidae 5
37065000 Nettastomatidae 1 0
37075000 Serrivomeridae 11 0
37076000 Nemichthyidae 1 0
37079001 Eurypharynx pelecanoides 4 0
37098000 Bathylagidae 1 0
37106004 Sigmops elongatus 2 0
37106020 Sigmops bathyphilus 26 0
37107006 Argyropelecus hemigymnus 2 0
37107009 Sternoptyx diaphana 14 0
37108000 Astronesthidae 1 0
37108013 Neonesthes capensis 2 0
37109000 Melanostomiidae 1 0
37109006 Echiostoma barbatum 1 0
37110000 Malacosteidae 3 0
37111001 Chauliodus sloani 45 0
37112003 Stomias longibarbatus 1 0
37113002 Idiacanthus atlanticus 1 0
37114000 Alepocephalidae 1 0
37115001 Persparsia kopua 1 0
37115002 Holtbyrnia laticauda 1 0
37122000 Myctophidae 53 0
37122003 Ctenoscopelus phengodes 14 0
37122028 Bolinichthys supralateralis 5 0
37122030 Diaphus anderseni 8 0
37122043 Electrona risso 30 0
37122047 Lampadena notialis 1 0
37122061 Diaphus hudsoni 2 0
37126005 Arctozenus risso 2 0
37127000 Omosudidae 1 0
37128002 Alepisaurus brevirostris 7 0
37213001 Melanocetus johnsonii 1 0
37213002 Melanocetus murrayi 1 0
37216000 Oneirodidae 1 0
37224016 Melanonus zugmayeri 1 0
37251000 Melamphaidae 9 0
37327036 Howella sherborni 1 0
14000000 Nemertea 5
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