Data Trawler - Survey Details

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SS 07/2008 (alternative identifier: SS200807)    - is a Marine National Facility voyage

Period: 2008-04-30 00:00 to 2008-06-07 00:00 UTC

Duration: 38.00 days

From: Noumea To: Suva

Region: South West Pacific Ocean

Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]

Description: Scientific Objectives
The fastest spreading backarc region on Earth forms the northern Lau Basin (NLB), and is the strongest source of mantle-derived 3He-rich hydrothermal plumes in the southwestern Pacific. Following Southern Surveyor NoToVE voyage (SS11/04) to the northern Tofua arc-Fonualei Rifts (Tonga) system, and ... the first Leg of SS07/2008, we propose to survey the bathymetry, magnetic characteristics, petrology, hydrothermal activity, and hence origins and evolution of ..(this regeon)... which are essentially unstudied. ....
Following high resolution 30 kHz multibeam bathymetric surveys, vertical CTD hydrocasts and tow-yos coupled with rock (glass) dredging will be used to sample along/across-strike of the spreading centres. Post-voyage laboratory 3-D magnetisation inversions ...[to]... identify mantle sources likely including Pacific- and Indian-type mid-ocean ridge and Samoan plume components, and hence obtain insights into upper mantle flows.
In the 2nd Leg we will extend the area of exploration planned for SS07/2008 to the Peggy Ridge, a leaky transform linking spreading centres in the southeastern Lau Basin with the NWLSC and Futuna Spreading Centre to the north of Fiji. We will use the same approach as in the first Leg using high resolution 30 kHz multibeam surveys, hydrocasts and tow-yos coupled with dredging to sample along and adjacent to the Peggy Ridge. Post-voyage laboratory laboratory studies will use the same techniques and pursue the same objectives as in the Ist leg.
Summarised from the SS200807 Marine National Facility voyage plan.

Leader: Professor Richard J. Arculus (ANU)

Project: National Facility External Users: R. J. Arculus (ANU) [details]

Voyage extents: 22° 24.1' S to 13° 42.0' S    166° 22.8' E to 171° 45.2' W Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 07/2008 ADCP Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 07/2008 CTD Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 07/2008 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 07/2008 Raw Data Tapes and Documentation [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 07/2008 Underway Data [details]

  • Participants - on ship:-

    Anne Kennedy MNF Swath Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Anne Kennedy MNF Swath Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Bernadette Heaney MNF Computing Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Bernadette Heaney MNF Computing Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Charles Tambiah Photographer Australian National University
    Charles Tambiah Photographer Australian National University
    Hiski Kippo MNF Computing Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Hiski Kippo MNF Computing Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    James Colwyn Petrology Murdoch University
    James Colwyn Petrology URI
    Jeff Cordell MNF Voyage Manager/Electronics Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jeff Cordell MNF Voyage Manager/Electronics Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jelena Puzic Geologist CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Jelena Puzic Geologist Teck Cominco
    Joanna Parr Hydrothermal activity CSIRO Exploration and Mining
    Joanna Parr Hydrothermal activity CSIRO Exploration and Mining
    Katie Kelley Petrology URI
    Katie Kelley Petrology URI
    Marion Lytle Petrology URI
    Marion Lytle Petrology URI
    Michael Chandler Magnetics UH
    Michael Chandler Magnetics UH
    Peter Dunn MNF Voyage Manager/Electronics Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Peter Dunn MNF Voyage Manager/Electronics Support CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart
    Richard Arculus Chief Investigator Australian National University
    Richard Arculus Chief Investigator Australian National University
    Ron Greene Helium National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Ron Greene Helium National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Shannon Johns Hydrothermal activity CSIRO Exploration and Mining
    Shannon Johns Hydrothermal activity CSIRO Exploration and Mining
    Zarah Heyworth Petrology University of Queensland
    Zarah Heyworth Petrology University of Queensland

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Bakker, Dorothee C E; Pfeil, Benjamin; Smith, Karl; Hankin, Steven; Olsen, Are; Alin, Simone R; Cosca, Catherine E; Harasawa, Sumiko; Kozyr, Alexander; Nojiri, Yukihiro; O'Brien, Kevin M; Schuster, Ute; Telszewski, Maciej; Tilbrook, Bronte; Wada, Chisato; Akl, John; Barbero, Leticia; Bates, Nicolas R; Boutin, Jacqueline; Bozec, Yann; Cai, Wei-Jun; Castle, Robert D; Chavez, Francisco P; Chen, Lei; Chierici, Melissa; Currie, Kim I; de Baar, Hein J W; Evans, Wiley; Feely, Richard A; Fransson, Agneta; Gao, Zhongyong; Hales, Burke; Hardman-Mountford, Nicolas J; Hoppema, Mario; Huang, Wei-Jen; Hunt, Christopher W; Huss, Betty; Ichikawa, Tadafumi; Johannessen, Truls; Jones, Elizabeth M; Jones, Steve D; Jutterstrøm, Sara; Kitidis, Vassilis; Körtzinger, Arne; Landschützer, Peter; Lauvset, Siv K; Lefèvre, Nathalie; Manke, Ansley; Mathis, Jeremy T; Merlivat, Liliane; Metzl, Nicolas; Murata, Akihiko; Newberger, Timothy; Omar, Abdirahman M; Ono, Tsuneo; Park, Geun-Ha; Paterson, Kristina; Pierrot, Denis; Ríos, Aida F; Sabine, Christopher L; Saito, Shu; Salisbury, Joe; Sarma, Vedula V S S; Schlitzer, Reiner; Sieger, Rainer; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Steinhoff, Tobias; Sullivan, Kevin; Sun, Heng; Sutton, Adrienne; Suzuki, Toru; Sweeney, Colm; Takahashi, Taro; Tjiputra, Jerry; Tsurushima, Nobuo; van Heuven, Steven; Vandemark, Doug; Vlahos, Penny; Wallace, Douglas WR; Wanninkhof, Rik; Watson, Andrew J (2014): Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V2. PANGAEA,     10.1594/PANGAEA.811776

    • Graham, D. W., Michael, P. J., Drignon, M., 2023. Helium Isotopes, Carbon Isotopes, and Volatiles (CO2, H2O, Cl, S) in Submarine Basalt Glasses from Rochambeau Ridge and Northwest Lau Spreading Center, Version 1.0. Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).     10.26022/IEDA/112510

    • Smith, S. R.,Lopez, N.,Bourassa, M. A. (2016) SAMOS air‐sea fluxes: 2005–2014. Geoscience Data Journal 3 pp9-19.     10.1002/gdj3.34

    Journal Article

    • Jenner, F. E.,Arculus, R. J.,Mavrogenes, J. A.,Dyriw, N. J.,Nebel, O.,Hauri, E. H. (2012) Chalcophile element systematics in volcanic glasses from the northwestern Lau Basin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 ppn/a-n/a.     10.1029/2012gc004088

    • Kendrick, Mark A.,Arculus, Richard J.,Danyushevsky, Leonid V.,Kamenetsky, Vadim S.,Woodhead, Jon D.,Honda, Masahiko (2014) Subduction-related halogens (Cl, Br and I) and H2O in magmatic glasses from Southwest Pacific Backarc Basins. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 400 pp165-176.     10.1016/j.epsl.2014.05.021

    • Lupton, J. E.,Arculus, R. J.,Greene, R. R.,Evans, L. J.,Goddard, C. I. (2009) Helium isotope variations in seafloor basalts from the Northwest Lau Backarc Basin: Mapping the influence of the Samoan hotspot. Geophysical Research Letters 36 pp-.     10.1029/2009GL039468

    • Lupton, J. E.,Arculus, R. J.,Greene, R. R.,Evans, L. J.,Goddard, C. I. (2009) Helium isotope variations in seafloor basalts from the Northwest Lau Backarc Basin: Mapping the influence of the Samoan hotspot. Geophysical Research Letters 36 pp-.     10.1029/2009gl039468

    • Lupton, J. E.,Arculus, R. J.,Resing, J.,Massoth, G. J.,Greene, R. R. (2012) Hydrothermal activity in the Northwest Lau Backarc Basin: Evidence from water column measurements. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 13 pp-.     10.1029/2011GC003891

    • Lytle, Marion L.,Kelley, Katherine A.,Hauri, Erik H.,Gill, James B.,Papia, Dominic,Arculus, Richard J. (2012) Tracing mantle sources and Samoan influence in the northwestern Lau back-arc basin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 ppn/a-n/a.     10.1029/2012gc004233

    • Pető, Maria K.,Mukhopadhyay, Sujoy,Kelley, Katherine A. (2013) Heterogeneities from the first 100 million years recorded in deep mantle noble gases from the Northern Lau Back-arc Basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 369-370 pp13-23.     10.1016/j.epsl.2013.02.012

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    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2008-04-30 04:04 to 2008-05-25 18:05
    Latitude: -22.35 to -13.90
    Longitude: -179.99 to 180.00
    Ensembles: 7,217
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    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2008-05-01 03:05 to 2008-06-05 08:06
    Latitude: -22.33 to -14.67
    Longitude: 170.72 to 186.52
    Quantity: 54 Casts
    Max Pressure: 3360 db
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    Download Processing report SS200807_CTD_Report.pdf

    Multibeam echosounder
    Time (UTC): 2008-04-30 02:04 to 2008-06-06 04:06
    Latitude: -22.39 to -13.84
    Longitude: -179.80 to 179.99
    Datafiles: 276
    Total size: 10.81 Gb
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    Time (UTC): 2008-04-30 02:33 to 2008-06-06 18:52
    Latitude: -22.39 to -17.34
    Longitude: 166.73 to 180.00
    Observations: 3951
    External link - download datafile at IMOS
    Time (UTC): 2008-04-29 03:04 to 2008-06-06 22:06
    Latitude: -22.27
    Longitude: 166.44
    Track length: 12093.063 km
    Locations: 334,880
    Measurements: 4,477,431
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    When (UTC) LatitudeLongitude InstrumentIdentifierActionLogSubject / Comments
    2008-04-30 20:26 [view ] -22.0000 170.0000 Argo float [view] 33370 deploy Owner: WEBB CTD Type: SBE-41 Serial number: 3716
    2008-05-02 14:57 [view ] -20.6700 172.0000 Argo float [view] 33369 deploy Owner: WEBB CTD Type: SBE-41 Serial number: 3715

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    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Air Temperature Sensor-HMP233,Barometer,Fluorometer WS3S-443P,Gyro-Generic SS-NF,Humidity Sensor-HMP233,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young 05106 wind monitor-75621,RM Young Rain Gauge,Seapath 200,Seapath 200,Simrad EA500 Echosounder,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 2753,ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG)-SN 2753 1707 2008-04-29 03:41 2008-06-06 22:03 -22.2651 166.4363 -18.1351 178.4231
    Multibeam echosounder [details]   EM300 Multibeam Echosounder 2008-04-30 02:31 2008-06-06 04:26 -22.3900 166.7220 -17.6405 181.0001 5380.1
    ADCP Data [details]   RDI Ocean Surveyor Acoustic Doppler current profiler 1707 2008-04-30 04:50 2008-04-30 05:55 -22.3172 167.1079 -18.1590 178.3945 415
    ADCP Data [details]   1707 2008-04-30 06:00 2008-05-25 18:05 -22.2973 167.3416 -18.1590 178.3945 415
    ARGO float [details]   33370 2394 2008-04-30 20:26 -22.0000 170.0000 Owner: WEBB CTD Type: SBE-41 Serial number: 3716
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 1 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-01 03:12 2008-05-01 03:26 -21.9016 170.7202 -21.9007 170.7219 104
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 2 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-01 03:40 2008-05-01 05:06 -21.8997 170.7229 -21.8940 170.7322 1898
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 3 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-01 09:23 2008-05-01 10:23 -21.9795 170.7503 -21.9798 170.7505 1244
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 4 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-01 19:51 2008-05-01 20:54 -22.2917 171.1154 1682
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 5 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-01 23:15 2008-05-02 00:01 -22.3260 171.3551 -22.3201 171.3803 808
    ARGO float [details]   33369 2394 2008-05-02 14:57 -20.6700 172.0000 Owner: WEBB CTD Type: SBE-41 Serial number: 3715
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 6 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-02 23:48 2008-05-03 01:39 -20.5082 173.3473 -20.5089 173.3441 2892
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 7 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-03 23:28 2008-05-04 01:33 -20.3780 175.2005 -20.3777 175.2005 3360
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 8 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-04 11:59 2008-05-04 14:12 -19.5512 176.9317 -19.5508 176.9293 3310
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 9 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-05 15:05 2008-05-05 16:49 -17.5849 179.8318 -17.5827 179.8323 2598
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 10 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-06 07:30 2008-05-06 09:28 -16.0566 181.9693 -16.0563 181.9689 2944
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 11 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-09 02:36 2008-05-09 04:33 -14.7002 184.0251 -14.6998 184.0243 2728
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 12 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-09 13:17 2008-05-09 15:20 -14.6665 184.4502 -14.6663 184.4503 3300
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 13 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-10 14:32 2008-05-10 16:06 -14.9805 183.3465 -14.9812 183.3458 2112
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 14 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-11 04:29 2008-05-11 05:43 -14.8432 184.0584 -14.8443 184.0587 2356
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 15 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-12 06:00 2008-05-12 07:38 -14.8600 183.8617 -14.8599 183.8609 2328
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 16 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-12 17:27 2008-05-12 18:57 -14.9999 183.9997 -14.9995 183.9992 2100
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 17 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-14 20:48 2008-05-14 22:01 -15.1360 183.8422 -15.1368 183.8420 2472
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 18 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-15 09:20 2008-05-15 10:28 -15.3348 183.7263 -15.3340 183.7256 1496
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 19 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-15 13:14 2008-05-15 14:16 -15.3213 183.7215 -15.3216 183.7211 1502
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 20 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-17 17:54 2008-05-17 19:43 -15.0819 186.5165 -15.0829 186.5187 2568
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 21 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-18 01:14 2008-05-18 02:05 -15.1505 186.4203 -15.1511 186.4214 928
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 22 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-18 21:53 2008-05-18 22:39 -15.4580 184.3111 -15.4581 184.3116 1170
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 23 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-19 16:20 2008-05-19 17:41 -15.2635 183.6082 -15.2643 183.6090 2186
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 24 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-19 20:57 2008-05-19 22:22 -15.3405 183.5803 2304
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 25 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-20 22:08 2008-05-20 23:26 -15.7200 182.7947 -15.7204 182.7935 2104
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 26 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-21 06:29 2008-05-21 07:54 -15.5165 182.9182 -15.5164 182.9180 2238
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 27 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-21 13:13 2008-05-21 14:35 -15.6715 182.8486 -15.6726 182.8497 2098
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 28 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-21 18:02 2008-05-21 19:31 -15.8056 182.7240 -15.8061 182.7239 2184
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 29 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-21 21:49 2008-05-21 23:09 -15.8000 182.7135 2050
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 30 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-22 23:15 2008-05-23 00:39 -15.9011 182.5859 -15.9041 182.5852 2140
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 31 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-23 06:57 2008-05-23 08:23 -15.8063 182.7492 -15.8066 182.7499 2222
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 32 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-23 10:35 2008-05-23 12:02 -15.8076 182.7220 -15.8077 182.7218 2198
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 33 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-23 21:35 2008-05-23 23:03 -16.0559 182.4297 -16.0558 182.4298 2454
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 34 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-24 15:36 2008-05-24 16:54 -16.2209 182.4246 -16.2215 182.4236 2144
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 35 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-28 17:38 2008-05-28 19:01 -16.8932 183.0921 -16.8933 183.0928 2166
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 36 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-29 04:47 2008-05-29 06:17 -17.3959 183.5936 -17.3967 183.5952 2404
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 37 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-29 20:29 2008-05-29 22:11 -17.1579 183.2971 -17.1570 183.2971 2478
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 38 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-30 07:02 2008-05-30 09:08 -17.0170 183.1572 -17.0166 183.1567 3244
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 39 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-31 15:18 2008-05-31 17:03 -18.4991 183.5915 -18.4987 183.5915 2366
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 40 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-31 20:15 2008-05-31 21:50 -18.4718 183.6394 -18.4712 183.6401 2338
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 41 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-05-31 22:31 2008-06-01 00:03 -18.3905 183.6470 -18.3879 183.6478 2340
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 42 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-01 07:31 2008-06-01 09:31 -18.2465 183.6393 -18.2464 183.6394 2722
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 43 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-02 03:29 2008-06-02 05:21 -17.9815 183.6005 -17.9808 183.6005 2476
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 44 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-02 07:03 2008-06-02 08:41 -18.0943 183.6278 -18.0947 183.6280 2288
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 45 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-02 09:34 2008-06-02 11:17 -18.1922 183.5877 -18.1926 183.5874 2510
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 46 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-02 11:58 2008-06-02 13:39 -18.2625 183.5402 -18.2621 183.5399 2484
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 47 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-02 15:04 2008-06-02 16:40 -18.4008 183.5479 -18.4020 183.5521 2278
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 48 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-02 17:35 2008-06-02 19:18 -18.3487 183.4999 2524
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 49 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-03 18:43 2008-06-03 20:20 -17.4039 183.2018 -17.3998 183.2043 2342
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 50 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-03 23:23 2008-06-04 00:58 -17.3654 183.3595 -17.3657 183.3599 2270
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 51 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-04 04:57 2008-06-04 06:21 -17.5651 183.2987 2616
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 52 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-04 09:09 2008-06-04 10:45 -17.7006 183.4809 -17.7005 183.4815 2474
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 53 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-05 01:40 2008-06-05 03:18 -17.2026 183.6008 -17.2031 183.6028 2336
    CTD Cast [details] 1   Cast 54 CTD 21,Conductivity CTD 21 - SN 3309,Oxygen-CTD 21-Optode SN 716-Foil 4804,Pressure CTD 21,Temperature CTD 21 - SN 4718,Transmissometer - CTD 21 -CST-1016DR 1707 2008-06-05 07:00 2008-06-05 08:47 -16.9127 183.3144 -16.9125 183.3144 2660

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