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Event count for each voyage, equipment or action is shown in ().
Caveat: this event log was authored on the voyage using either a standalone logging system called ELOG or more recently an inhouse event logging tool called Everlog. For this reason, some positions are unknown and may be resolved using the logged time and the underway dataset for the voyage.
Events ordered by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'When' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.
Survey | When (UTC) | Latitude | Longitude | Instrument | Identifier | Action | Log | Subject / Comments |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 21:05 [view ] | -16.9260 | 145.7810 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dropped Lines and departed Wharf | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 21:17 [view ] | -16.9183 | 145.7847 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Calibration data from in2019_e01 applied to 18, 38, 70, 120 and 200kHz Applied by reprocessing XML files from Matt | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 22:00 [view ] | -16.8250 | 145.8357 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging in Cairns Channel No svp (salinity not running) using old in2019_e01_sst011.asvp | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 22:35 [view ] | -16.8298 | 145.9430 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Started logging EK60 Linear Chirp Up & Matched Filter | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 22:57 [view ] | -16.8323 | 145.9798 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stopped pinging due to whales | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 22:58 [view ] | -16.8325 | 145.9798 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Port drop keel at 2m, stbd flush with gondola | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 23:31 [view ] | -16.8357 | 146.0788 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restarted logging SBP - clear of Whales | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-06 23:41 [view ] | -16.8090 | 146.1005 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2019_v04 | Started logging with bottom track | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 00:12 [view ] | -16.7260 | 146.1680 | EK60 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging with EK80, decimation rate 10Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 00:58 [view ] | -16.6603 | 146.2903 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_001.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 01:06 [view ] | -16.6632 | 146.3172 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start WCD logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 01:10 [view ] | -16.6647 | 146.3298 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | 70 kHz to passive | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 01:12 [view ] | -16.6662 | 146.3338 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 01:18 [view ] | -16.6773 | 146.3510 | ADCP [view] | restarted | in2019_v04 | Restarted ADCPs with bottom track off | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 01:19 [view ] | -16.6792 | 146.3537 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Decimate rate changed to 5Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 01:33 [view ] | -16.7017 | 146.3870 | EM710 [view] | note | GSM_in2019_v04 | Frequency range changed to 40-100kHz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 01:36 [view ] | -16.7068 | 146.3943 | EM710 [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | Ping errors trying to switch frequencies (497, 1800, 524) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 02:03 [view ] | -16.7525 | 146.4600 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Started logging WCD | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 02:23 [view ] | -16.7862 | 146.5085 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | 70kHz back to active | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 03:16 [view ] | -16.8760 | 146.6380 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging- deep water | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 03:51 [view ] | -16.9373 | 146.7265 | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | CPC - removed drip of butanol from exhaust line There was a bubble of butanol between the catchpot and the MFC. We interrupted the vacuum breifly so a fitting could be removed to remove this drop. | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 05:36 [view ] | -17.1315 | 147.0065 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SBP file name | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 05:41 [view ] | -17.1408 | 147.0198 | SBP [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Changed logging file size Changed file size logging from 25mb to 200 mb at request Rob Beaman. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 05:46 [view ] | -17.1503 | 147.0338 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_002.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 07:34 [view ] | -17.3572 | 147.3325 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_003.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 07:35 [view ] | -17.3582 | 147.3338 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Plant risk assessmen for mag winch @ 1500 local | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 08:36 [view ] | -17.4420 | 147.4550 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetomter in water - testing No able to sync time. Testing | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 08:43 [view ] | -17.4497 | 147.4662 | Techsas1 [view] | restarted | in2019_v04 | restarted gui which had crashed due to error messages from metstation driver | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 08:57 [view ] | -17.4720 | 147.4985 | Techsas2 [view] | in2019_v04 | restarted gui which had crashed due to error messages from metstation driver | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 09:11 [view ] | -17.4942 | 147.5307 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Hauling in Mag | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 10:00 [view ] | -17.5715 | 147.6423 | Picarro Spectrometer [view] | Change | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Picarro Picarro completed calibration run - Instrument set to mon_run | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 11:24 [view ] | -17.7308 | 147.8730 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer With the assistance of SIT/DAP the Magnetometer laptop was reconfigured using FRanson GpsGate to handle the bi-directional comms for the SeaSPY2 better after experiencing a lockup and not being able to sync with GPS time. System now used TCP to the Comtrol rather than UDP. "BOB" was reinstalled as a fresh install *ver". | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 11:36 [view ] | -17.7493 | 147.8998 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deployed magnetometer to 300m After several tests, deployed the SeaSPY2 magnetometer to towing distance of 300m. Depth of fish = 15.5m @ 11.6 knots. Position: 17 44.96S; 147 53.99E Sampling @ 1Hz (agreed by science party) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 11:49 [view ] | -17.7680 | 147.9270 | Techsas2 [view] | restarted | in2019_v04 | Restarted TECHSAS2 to reset acquisition status which had lost connection to GUI | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 13:18 [view ] | -17.9362 | 148.1705 | Metstation | Other | in2019_v04 | Reconnected foremast barometer to static pressure head The barometer had been reading very erroneously on the previous voyage and up until the start of this one. Opening a vent on the catchpot so that the barometer could read lab pressure showed an instant change to expected pressure. This means that there must have been a blockage at the static pressure head or in the tubing. At time of this event, the tubing was blown our and reconnected as per design and will be monitored. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 23:30 [view ] | -18.8678 | 150.0668 | Fluorometer [view] | Cleaned | in2019_v04 | Cleaned fluorometer | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 23:30 [view ] | -18.8680 | 150.0673 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | pC02 filter clean | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 23:30 [view ] | -18.8682 | 150.0677 | TSG [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | Cleaned TSG filter | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-07 23:56 [view ] | -18.9085 | 150.1527 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Switched QINSY to UTM56S | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 01:40 [view ] | -19.0688 | 150.4912 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_004.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 05:17 [view ] | -19.3975 | 151.1862 | Mag [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | BOB software crashed - Mag recodring stopped | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 05:31 [view ] | -19.4168 | 151.2272 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restarted BOB - Mag logging in project in219_v04_001 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 06:00 [view ] | -19.4555 | 151.3090 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck Mag on deck while preparing for RapidCAST SV | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 07:23 [view ] | -19.5135 | 151.4320 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Started Logging EM710 Resumed logging Em710 after some depth data distribution testing | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 08:06 [view ] | -19.5803 | 151.5735 | Rapid Cast [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Fault finding on RapidCAST winch | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 08:12 [view ] | -19.5910 | 151.5960 | POSMV [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | POSMV Position Nav Status VBS | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 08:30 [view ] | -19.6172 | 151.6515 | Rapid Cast [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | RapidCAST issue traced to a faulty break relay "Use Backup Brake Relay" was set in Rapid CAST Interface | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 09:09 [view ] | -19.6457 | 151.7120 | Rapid Cast [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | SVP cast successful to ~220m (wd = 360) Successful SV CAst after the relay issue had been detected and the secondary relay used in the RapidCAST. Cast was performed to ~220m in a water depth of 360m (as a safety precaution). | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 09:11 [view ] | -19.6467 | 151.7142 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_001.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 09:11 [view ] | -19.6467 | 151.7142 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_001.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 09:35 [view ] | -19.6745 | 151.7732 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer deployed 300m behind vessel. Logging data | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 09:56 [view ] | -19.7038 | 151.8352 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag software (BOB) crashed due to a UI error. Had to restart BOB due to a "UI raised an exception" error was encountered. This may have been a result of "Long Deflect" having changed to OFF on restart, whereas the default should be Auto. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 10:10 [view ] | -19.7038 | 151.8352 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag software (BOB) crashed due to a UI error. Had to restart BOB due to a "UI raised an exception" error was encountered. This may have been a result of "Long Deflect" having changed to OFF on restart, whereas the default should be Auto. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 10:32 [view ] | -19.7577 | 151.9493 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restarted logging of Mag @10:10 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 12:38 [view ] | -19.9013 | 152.3682 | pCO2 [view] | Other | in2019_v04 | Adjusted STD4 flow rate and replaced faulty Vent Flow sensor (request by John Akl) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 15:49 [view ] | -20.1278 | 152.9717 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_005.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 15:49 [view ] | -20.1278 | 152.9717 | EM710 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_005.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 17:18 [view ] | -20.2477 | 153.2400 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging- deep water | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 17:22 [view ] | -20.2532 | 153.2523 | SBP [view] | Power | GSM_in2019_v04 | Power to -3dB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 21:18 [view ] | -20.5725 | 153.9692 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | POSMV Position degraded | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 22:31 [view ] | -20.6850 | 154.1939 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 22:32 [view ] | -20.6860 | 154.1955 | EM710 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging over seamount | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 22:56 [view ] | -20.7285 | 154.2665 | SBP [view] | File | GSM_in2019_v04 | Changed logging file size back to 25MB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-08 23:20 [view ] | -20.7722 | 154.3308 | EM710 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop pinging- deep water | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 00:13 [view ] | -20.9037 | 154.4363 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start Fredericks reef line | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 01:24 [view ] | -21.0172 | 154.3307 | CPC 3772 [view] | Fault | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Mass Flow Controller Mass flow control display was not illuminated: Checked input power and the plug to the control unit was not seated correctly. Seated power plug and set display to "flow" | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 02:29 [view ] | -20.8468 | 154.3808 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved- disconnected in software | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 03:21 [view ] | -20.8155 | 154.3277 | Rapid Cast [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast 2 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 03:28 [view ] | -20.8185 | 154.3280 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_002.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 03:34 [view ] | -20.8268 | 154.3355 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_002b.asvp applied - extended profile | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 03:55 [view ] | -20.8265 | 154.3490 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 04:45 [view ] | -20.8212 | 154.3728 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 04:55 [view ] | -20.8200 | 154.3783 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 05:09 [view ] | -20.8190 | 154.3802 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 05:18 [view ] | -20.8185 | 154.3805 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 05:30 [view ] | -20.8178 | 154.3808 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 06:11 [view ] | -20.8177 | 154.3860 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge back on deck - Rocks in dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 06:35 [view ] | -20.8332 | 154.3882 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Started logging Em122 & Qinsy - mapping | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:09 [view ] | -20.9768 | 154.4876 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:17 [view ] | -20.9587 | 154.4937 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:20 [view ] | -20.9522 | 154.4960 | SST Radiometer [view] | Adjusted | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:25 [view ] | -20.9400 | 154.4997 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:31 [view ] | -20.9380 | 154.4977 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:35 [view ] | -20.9370 | 154.4956 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:36 [view ] | -20.9368 | 154.4952 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge deployed - DR2 (Eastern side of Frederick Reef) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:41 [view ] | -20.9359 | 154.4934 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:45 [view ] | -20.9353 | 154.4919 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:48 [view ] | -20.9347 | 154.4907 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:50 [view ] | -20.9342 | 154.4895 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 08:56 [view ] | -20.9329 | 154.4868 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:00 [view ] | -20.9322 | 154.4855 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:02 [view ] | -20.9316 | 154.4844 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:04 [view ] | -20.9311 | 154.4835 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:08 [view ] | -20.9304 | 154.4823 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:16 [view ] | -20.9285 | 154.4789 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:18 [view ] | -20.9278 | 154.4779 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:21 [view ] | -20.9273 | 154.4772 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:23 [view ] | -20.9270 | 154.4767 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:25 [view ] | -20.9265 | 154.4758 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:29 [view ] | -20.9255 | 154.4738 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:30 [view ] | -20.9253 | 154.4735 | SBP [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SBP Line 008 Changed number of beams to 3 (sloping terrain) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:33 [view ] | -20.9248 | 154.4727 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:37 [view ] | -20.9238 | 154.4710 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:39 [view ] | -20.9235 | 154.4707 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 09:58 [view ] | -20.9205 | 154.4663 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 10:26 [view ] | -20.9203 | 154.4740 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging of EM122 - on station DR2 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 10:32 [view ] | -20.9205 | 154.4753 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 11:12 [view ] | -20.9240 | 154.4780 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 12:21 [view ] | -20.9010 | 154.4725 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge back on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 12:29 [view ] | -20.8957 | 154.4650 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_006.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 12:32 [view ] | -20.8917 | 154.4578 | EM122 [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | SIS crashed when zooming map | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 12:33 [view ] | -20.8908 | 154.4563 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 12:33 [view ] | -20.8908 | 154.4563 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP120 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 12:36 [view ] | -20.8865 | 154.4487 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_007.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 13:08 [view ] | -20.8508 | 154.4148 | SBP [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Automatic Slope Correction turned OFF | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 13:27 [view ] | -20.8020 | 154.4000 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 13:39 [view ] | -20.7690 | 154.3899 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 13:48 [view ] | -20.7569 | 154.4047 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 13:56 [view ] | -20.7571 | 154.4279 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 14:25 [view ] | -20.8053 | 154.4420 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 14:45 [view ] | -20.8492 | 154.4167 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | D | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 14:48 [view ] | -20.8549 | 154.4175 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 14:50 [view ] | -20.8593 | 154.4220 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 14:55 [view ] | -20.8601 | 154.4374 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 15:01 [view ] | -20.8600 | 154.4540 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 15:03 [view ] | -20.8600 | 154.4599 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 15:07 [view ] | -20.8561 | 154.4700 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 16:14 [view ] | -20.8013 | 154.4848 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 16:15 [view ] | -20.8010 | 154.4850 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 16:21 [view ] | -20.7998 | 154.4843 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 16:35 [view ] | -20.7980 | 154.4808 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 16:38 [view ] | -20.7977 | 154.4803 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 16:41 [view ] | -20.7992 | 154.4802 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 17:02 [view ] | -20.8080 | 154.4958 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 17:41 [view ] | -20.8010 | 154.4835 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 17:43 [view ] | -20.8007 | 154.4830 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 17:53 [view ] | -20.7990 | 154.4798 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 17:55 [view ] | -20.7987 | 154.4795 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 18:19 [view ] | -20.7950 | 154.4763 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 18:33 [view ] | -20.7983 | 154.4813 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 18:37 [view ] | -20.7923 | 154.4732 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 18:53 [view ] | -20.7900 | 154.4705 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 20:23 [view ] | -20.7793 | 154.4793 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop pinging- restarting to check card 3 error | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 20:28 [view ] | -20.7782 | 154.4798 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restart logging- all Online Monitor errors cleared after restart | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 21:48 [view ] | -20.7593 | 154.4895 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging to move off Frederick station | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 22:26 [view ] | -20.7650 | 154.5142 | Rapid Cast [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast 3 cast to 500m at 4kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 22:47 [view ] | -20.7792 | 154.5393 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_003.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 22:58 [view ] | -20.7905 | 154.5610 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed, sampling at 1Hz, 300m cable out | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 23:15 [view ] | -20.8177 | 154.6130 | SBP [view] | Power | GSM_in2019_v04 | Power to -10dB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 23:20 [view ] | -20.8265 | 154.6298 | SBP [view] | Power | GSM_in2019_v04 | Power to -3dB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 23:21 [view ] | -20.8278 | 154.6322 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Beam angles to 70/70 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 23:37 [view ] | -20.8523 | 154.6793 | SBP [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Window size to 250m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 23:38 [view ] | -20.8535 | 154.6815 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Beam angles to 65/65 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-09 23:57 [view ] | -20.8830 | 154.7381 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:01 [view ] | -20.8882 | 154.7480 | Mag [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | BOB crash. Restarted program, sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:06 [view ] | -20.8962 | 154.7636 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:08 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:38 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:39 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | D | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:42 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:45 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | D | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:48 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:50 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | D0 | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:54 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:57 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 00:58 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:00 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:05 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:11 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:14 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:17 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:47 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:50 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 01:52 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 02:49 [view ] | -21.0935 | 155.2693 | TSG [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | Cleaned TSG filter | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 02:50 [view ] | -21.0935 | 155.2710 | Fluorometer [view] | Cleaned | in2019_v04 | Cleaned fluorometer | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 04:19 [view ] | -21.0967 | 155.5740 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Turned onto recon line at Kenn Reef | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 08:36 [view ] | -21.3725 | 155.6612 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stopped logging Magnetometer - preparing to recover | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 09:15 [view ] | -21.3872 | 155.7955 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 09:33 [view ] | -21.3953 | 155.8240 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge being deplyed at DR4 (south side of Kenn seamount) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 09:37 [view ] | -21.3957 | 155.8230 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 10:01 [view ] | -21.3970 | 155.8208 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP120 - DR4 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 10:47 [view ] | -21.4037 | 155.8055 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 11:02 [view ] | -21.4063 | 155.7995 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 11:15 [view ] | -21.4085 | 155.7945 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 11:22 [view ] | -21.4093 | 155.7928 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging of SBP120 - on station DR4 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 11:23 [view ] | -21.4093 | 155.7927 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 11:51 [view ] | -21.4060 | 155.7995 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 11:57 [view ] | -21.4063 | 155.7985 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging of EM122 - on station DR4 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 12:07 [view ] | -21.4077 | 155.7963 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 12:56 [view ] | -21.4148 | 155.7813 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge on deck - preparing for SVP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:02 [view ] | -21.4192 | 155.7822 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:10 [view ] | -21.4252 | 155.7823 | Rapid Cast [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:28 [view ] | -21.4345 | 155.7855 | Rapid Cast [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:36 [view ] | -21.4397 | 155.7897 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_004.asvp applied SVP to 800m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:46 [view ] | -21.4532 | 155.8018 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag in the water | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:50 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:52 [view ] | -21.4575 | 155.8118 | SBP [view] | File | GSM_in2019_v04 | Started logging SBP File 0013 (South Kenn Reefs) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 13:59 [view ] | -21.4492 | 155.8270 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:06 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:08 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:11 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:24 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:30 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:35 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:54 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 14:57 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:02 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:10 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:16 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:23 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:30 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:40 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:46 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:50 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:52 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 15:55 [view ] | -20.8847 | 154.6111 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 17:07 [view ] | -20.9937 | 155.8905 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling- mag being retrieved | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 17:11 [view ] | -21.0010 | 155.8915 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 17:42 [view ] | -21.0663 | 155.8945 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 17:46 [view ] | -21.0668 | 155.8930 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 17:47 [view ] | -21.0668 | 155.8925 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge being deployed at DR5 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 18:39 [view ] | -21.0730 | 155.8720 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 18:44 [view ] | -21.0732 | 155.8713 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 18:44 [view ] | -21.0732 | 155.8714 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 18:52 [view ] | -21.0738 | 155.8709 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 18:57 [view ] | -21.0740 | 155.8707 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 19:09 [view ] | -21.0723 | 155.8735 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 19:13 [view ] | -21.0720 | 155.8738 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 19:14 [view ] | -21.0718 | 155.8739 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 19:17 [view ] | -21.0716 | 155.8737 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 20:43 [view ] | -21.0683 | 155.8704 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 20:56 [view ] | -21.0670 | 155.8698 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge on deck, no good sample, heading north to find another site | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 20:57 [view ] | -21.0665 | 155.8700 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 21:37 [view ] | -20.9488 | 155.8787 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 21:41 [view ] | -20.9381 | 155.8839 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 22:09 [view ] | -20.9258 | 155.9116 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 22:18 [view ] | -20.9273 | 155.9083 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 22:23 [view ] | -20.9272 | 155.9063 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on DR6 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 22:30 [view ] | -21.0938 | 155.2603 | pCO2 [view] | restarted | in2019_v04 | UPS power loss The main UPS 02 had an emergercy e-stop alarm, which caused power outage to all UPS power outlets on main deck. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 22:43 [view ] | -20.9266 | 155.8985 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 23:05 [view ] | -20.9257 | 155.8877 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 23:15 [view ] | -20.9253 | 155.8828 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 23:23 [view ] | -20.9249 | 155.8824 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 23:32 [view ] | -20.9252 | 155.8822 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-10 23:52 [view ] | -20.9252 | 155.8820 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 00:20 [view ] | -20.9275 | 155.8872 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:13 [view ] | -20.9227 | 155.8842 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging, moving off Kenn reef to next waypoint | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:18 [view ] | -20.9203 | 155.8868 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast 5 deployed Set to deploy to 500m at 2.6 kts | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:24 [view ] | -20.9173 | 155.8902 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Loose line error- retrieving to launch position at 200rpm | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:34 [view ] | -20.9123 | 155.8955 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast retrieved | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:41 [view ] | -20.9043 | 155.9053 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed, counter reset at 50m, deploying to 300m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:42 [view ] | -20.9037 | 155.9062 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP Applied in2019_v04_svp_005.asvp | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:46 [view ] | -20.8988 | 155.9122 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:55 [view ] | -20.8824 | 155.9308 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 01:59 [view ] | -20.8742 | 155.9405 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 02:15 [view ] | -20.8368 | 155.9798 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stbd beam angle to 65 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 02:42 [view ] | -20.7483 | 155.9889 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 02:48 [view ] | -20.7286 | 155.9888 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 02:52 [view ] | -20.7156 | 155.9889 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 04:37 [view ] | -20.3750 | 155.9980 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_008.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 04:40 [view ] | -20.3632 | 155.9983 | SBP [view] | File | GSM_in2019_v04 | SBP - Changed acq window to 500ms (steep terrain) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 06:46 [view ] | -20.4672 | 155.8870 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag back on deck - stopped sampling Not that there will be noise on the mag signal as it was brought close to the ship. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 07:32 [view ] | -20.3842 | 155.9345 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 07:32 [view ] | -20.3842 | 155.9345 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge in the water at DR7 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 08:26 [view ] | -20.4023 | 155.9480 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 08:37 [view ] | -20.4058 | 155.9507 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 08:51 [view ] | -20.4098 | 155.9538 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 09:03 [view ] | -20.4125 | 155.9560 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 09:36 [view ] | -20.4073 | 155.9567 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging EM122 & SBO - on station DR7 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 09:39 [view ] | -20.4060 | 155.9565 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 10:01 [view ] | -20.3990 | 155.9522 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 10:13 [view ] | -20.3980 | 155.9515 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 10:28 [view ] | -20.3973 | 155.9515 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 11:19 [view ] | -20.3897 | 155.9463 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge on deck (DR7) - preparing for SVP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 11:36 [view ] | -20.3855 | 155.9433 | Rapid Cast [view] | Drop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 11:55 [view ] | -20.3810 | 155.9332 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Cast completed - failed to acquire data Changed battery | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 12:09 [view ] | -20.3773 | 155.9258 | Rapid Cast [view] | Drop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m (SVP006b) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 12:23 [view ] | -20.3737 | 155.9185 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Cast was interrupted at 950m due to slack line but achived 620m profile. | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 12:32 [view ] | -20.3705 | 155.9100 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 12:36 [view ] | -20.3675 | 155.9028 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_006b.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 12:37 [view ] | -20.3665 | 155.9002 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Started Logging EM122 Transit to next dredge site | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 12:50 [view ] | -20.3518 | 155.8667 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 12:50 [view ] | -20.3512 | 155.8650 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz LB applied to GPS (361m) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 13:06 [view ] | -20.3304 | 155.8175 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 13:19 [view ] | -20.3131 | 155.7777 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 13:28 [view ] | -20.3000 | 155.7478 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 13:32 [view ] | -20.2947 | 155.7355 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 13:41 [view ] | -20.2833 | 155.7094 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 13:46 [view ] | -20.2758 | 155.6922 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 13:53 [view ] | -20.2660 | 155.6694 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:01 [view ] | -20.2557 | 155.6458 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:05 [view ] | -20.2494 | 155.6314 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:09 [view ] | -20.2445 | 155.6202 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:18 [view ] | -20.2318 | 155.5912 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:23 [view ] | -20.2253 | 155.5760 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:26 [view ] | -20.2218 | 155.5680 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:32 [view ] | -20.2134 | 155.5487 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:41 [view ] | -20.2015 | 155.5213 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 14:43 [view ] | -20.1992 | 155.5161 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 18:55 [view ] | -19.8668 | 154.7551 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 19:12 [view ] | -19.8415 | 154.7053 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start survey lines around site 6 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 20:25 [view ] | -19.6893 | 154.5303 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start NE survey line | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 21:26 [view ] | -19.5675 | 154.6693 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start SE survey line | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 22:34 [view ] | -19.7192 | 154.8390 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start SW survey line | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 23:00 [view ] | -19.7788 | 154.7902 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start NW survey line over top of seamount | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 23:24 [view ] | -19.7387 | 154.7227 | in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-11 23:59 [view ] | -19.6690 | 154.6983 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling and disconnected- being retrieved for dredge 8 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 00:01 [view ] | -19.6660 | 154.7007 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 00:17 [view ] | -19.6293 | 154.7297 | EK60 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | EK80 sampling rate changed to full sampling (at sensor input rate) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 00:26 [view ] | -19.6255 | 154.7402 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge 8 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 00:28 [view ] | -19.6260 | 154.7397 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 00:55 [view ] | -19.6342 | 154.7318 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 00:58 [view ] | -19.6352 | 154.7310 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 01:01 [view ] | -19.6360 | 154.7303 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 01:17 [view ] | -19.6430 | 154.7247 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 01:19 [view ] | -19.6437 | 154.7242 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 01:30 [view ] | -19.6473 | 154.7212 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 01:40 [view ] | -19.6488 | 154.7200 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 02:10 [view ] | -19.6520 | 154.7178 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 02:26 [view ] | -19.6528 | 154.7178 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 02:40 [view ] | -19.6533 | 154.7185 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 03:29 [view ] | -19.6577 | 154.7182 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging to clear depth and beam error (red) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 04:12 [view ] | -19.6667 | 154.7130 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 04:29 [view ] | -19.6748 | 154.7063 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast SV to ~820m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 04:37 [view ] | -19.6778 | 154.7018 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_007.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 04:58 [view ] | -19.6489 | 154.6686 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 05:01 [view ] | -19.6527 | 154.6618 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 05:34 [view ] | -19.7295 | 154.6353 | POSMV [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Posmv status degraded to MarineStar VBS NAv degraded from ~0.1 to 0.3m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 05:38 [view ] | -19.7353 | 154.6428 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 05:44 [view ] | -19.7466 | 154.6574 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 05:50 [view ] | -19.7581 | 154.6713 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 05:57 [view ] | -19.7735 | 154.6898 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:02 [view ] | -19.7806 | 154.7018 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:09 [view ] | -19.7919 | 154.7232 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:18 [view ] | -19.8054 | 154.7487 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:25 [view ] | -19.8054 | 154.7698 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:27 [view ] | -19.8003 | 154.7661 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:30 [view ] | -19.7945 | 154.7603 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:32 [view ] | -19.7889 | 154.7543 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:35 [view ] | -19.7827 | 154.7476 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:37 [view ] | -19.7790 | 154.7436 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:40 [view ] | -19.7731 | 154.7374 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 06:43 [view ] | -19.7659 | 154.7298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 07:44 [view ] | -19.7008 | 154.6597 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | On site for DR9 - Electrical issue with net drum (expected 30min delay) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 07:45 [view ] | -19.7008 | 154.6597 | SST Radiometer [view] | Stop | in2019_v04 | SST Radiometer removed from bridge wing for internal adjustments | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 08:37 [view ] | -19.7060 | 154.6660 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 Mapping while awaiting repair of winch | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 08:37 [view ] | -19.7060 | 154.6660 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP120 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 10:08 [view ] | -19.6625 | 154.7065 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 11:03 [view ] | -19.6888 | 154.5902 | SST Radiometer [view] | Start | in2019_v04 | SST Radiometer restored to bridge wing and restarted | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 11:26 [view ] | -19.7218 | 154.5673 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 11:41 [view ] | -19.7297 | 154.5692 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 11:47 [view ] | -19.7332 | 154.5697 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_008.asvp applied No position appended to SV cast - added manually | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 14:06 [view ] | -19.7002 | 154.6598 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 14:31 [view ] | -19.7087 | 154.6597 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 14:41 [view ] | -19.7120 | 154.6598 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 15:01 [view ] | -19.7153 | 154.6597 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 15:26 [view ] | -19.7123 | 154.6635 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 15:34 [view ] | -19.7127 | 154.6652 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 15:34 [view ] | -19.7128 | 154.6652 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging EM122 & SBP - on station DR9 NOTE: EM122 displayed an error (RED) Beam and Depth Status upon logging off. This conditions goes away when logging is reinstated. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 16:09 [view ] | -19.7177 | 154.6698 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging on way to DR10 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 16:32 [view ] | -19.6603 | 154.7138 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging on way to DR10 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 17:00 [view ] | -19.6213 | 154.7603 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 17:00 [view ] | -19.6213 | 154.7603 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on DR10 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 17:21 [view ] | -19.6270 | 154.7632 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop pinging/logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 17:32 [view ] | -19.6285 | 154.7638 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 18:32 [view ] | -19.6392 | 154.7703 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 18:32 [view ] | -19.6392 | 154.7705 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging- lost bottom on dredge site | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 18:35 [view ] | -19.6398 | 154.7707 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restart logging on dredge so Techsas can send depth to bridge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 18:44 [view ] | -19.6418 | 154.7722 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 18:48 [view ] | -19.6428 | 154.7727 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:08 [view ] | -19.6453 | 154.7748 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:36 [view ] | -19.6483 | 154.7763 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:41 [view ] | -19.6482 | 154.7767 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:49 [view ] | -19.6482 | 154.7763 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:49 [view ] | -19.6482 | 154.7763 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:52 [view ] | -19.6482 | 154.7763 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:54 [view ] | -19.6484 | 154.7762 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 19:59 [view ] | -19.6487 | 154.7758 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 20:06 [view ] | -19.6490 | 154.7752 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 20:09 [view ] | -19.6490 | 154.7752 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 20:34 [view ] | -19.6489 | 154.7752 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 21:15 [view ] | -19.6387 | 154.7958 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start rapid cast | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 21:39 [view ] | -19.6327 | 154.8048 | Rapid Cast [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of cast | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 21:39 [view ] | -19.6323 | 154.8055 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 21:42 [view ] | -19.6307 | 154.8082 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 21:45 [view ] | -19.6278 | 154.8123 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_009.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 21:56 [view ] | -19.6118 | 154.8360 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start sampling at 1 Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 22:03 [view ] | -19.6000 | 154.8547 | POSMV [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Poor positioning | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 22:10 [view ] | -19.5867 | 154.8755 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | High gradient and strength readings- after troubleshooting found autotuning was off. Turned on and all green again | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:08 [view ] | -19.4845 | 155.0351 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:10 [view ] | -19.4797 | 155.0427 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:13 [view ] | -19.4752 | 155.0498 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:15 [view ] | -19.4720 | 155.0548 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:18 [view ] | -19.4661 | 155.0640 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:25 [view ] | -19.4532 | 155.0840 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:27 [view ] | -19.4497 | 155.0895 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:31 [view ] | -19.4428 | 155.1002 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:34 [view ] | -19.4390 | 155.1062 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:37 [view ] | -19.4352 | 155.1143 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Turning on to Site 7 mapping route | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:37 [view ] | -19.4349 | 155.1160 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:40 [view ] | -19.4347 | 155.1219 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:41 [view ] | -19.4357 | 155.1266 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:44 [view ] | -19.4385 | 155.1327 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:45 [view ] | -19.4405 | 155.1357 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start SE line site 7 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:46 [view ] | -19.4424 | 155.1386 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:49 [view ] | -19.4466 | 155.1447 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:50 [view ] | -19.4488 | 155.1479 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:53 [view ] | -19.4534 | 155.1547 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:54 [view ] | -19.4568 | 155.1595 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:57 [view ] | -19.4617 | 155.1666 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-12 23:59 [view ] | -19.4659 | 155.1727 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 00:34 [view ] | -19.5152 | 155.2633 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start line to NE | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 03:24 [view ] | -19.4238 | 155.2883 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling- being retrieved | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 03:52 [view ] | -19.3683 | 155.2802 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 04:52 [view ] | -19.3947 | 155.2757 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 05:01 [view ] | -19.3987 | 155.2752 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 05:26 [view ] | -19.4028 | 155.2732 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 06:03 [view ] | -19.4035 | 155.2725 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 06:10 [view ] | -19.4037 | 155.2723 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 06:26 [view ] | -19.4030 | 155.2717 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 06:44 [view ] | -19.3970 | 155.2727 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 06:49 [view ] | -19.3953 | 155.2723 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 07:52 [view ] | -19.3992 | 155.2743 | EM122 [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | Completed DR11 heading towards DR12 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 08:07 [view ] | -19.4033 | 155.2683 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 08:22 [view ] | -19.4077 | 155.2704 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 08:47 [view ] | -19.4199 | 155.2784 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 08:56 [view ] | -19.4228 | 155.2803 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:07 [view ] | -19.4250 | 155.2820 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:14 [view ] | -19.4263 | 155.2828 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:28 [view ] | -19.4274 | 155.2831 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:29 [view ] | -19.4273 | 155.2832 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:33 [view ] | -19.4274 | 155.2831 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:39 [view ] | -19.4273 | 155.2832 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:43 [view ] | -19.4269 | 155.2827 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:44 [view ] | -19.4267 | 155.2825 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:48 [view ] | -19.4259 | 155.2814 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:50 [view ] | -19.4257 | 155.2812 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 09:53 [view ] | -19.4264 | 155.2819 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 10:01 [view ] | -19.4269 | 155.2821 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 10:21 [view ] | -19.4241 | 155.2828 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 10:28 [view ] | -19.4213 | 155.2821 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 10:36 [view ] | -19.4215 | 155.2847 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 10:41 [view ] | -19.4222 | 155.2864 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 11:14 [view ] | -19.4248 | 155.2973 | Rapid Cast [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m @2kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 11:23 [view ] | -19.4250 | 155.3030 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast SV terminated at 902m out - loose line detected. Achieved a cast of 595m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 11:30 [view ] | -19.4250 | 155.3092 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploying magnetometer Zeroed depth sensor and synced to GPS | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 11:38 [view ] | -19.4248 | 155.3252 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_010.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 11:39 [view ] | -19.4248 | 155.3292 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP120 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 11:45 [view ] | -19.4248 | 155.3470 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 12:06 [view ] | -19.4087 | 155.4015 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 12:21 [view ] | -19.3652 | 155.4152 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 12:25 [view ] | -19.3522 | 155.4193 | POSMV [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | POSMV Position Nav Status VBS for a few min | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 12:35 [view ] | -19.3219 | 155.4288 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 12:41 [view ] | -19.3030 | 155.4347 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:01 [view ] | -19.2435 | 155.4534 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:04 [view ] | -19.2338 | 155.4564 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:06 [view ] | -19.2266 | 155.4586 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:07 [view ] | -19.2243 | 155.4593 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:11 [view ] | -19.2120 | 155.4632 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:13 [view ] | -19.2073 | 155.4646 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:19 [view ] | -19.1882 | 155.4706 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 13:27 [view ] | -19.1634 | 155.4784 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 17:31 [view ] | -18.3852 | 155.6630 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_009.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 19:54 [view ] | -17.9258 | 155.7022 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_010.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 20:17 [view ] | -17.8550 | 155.7082 | POSMV [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stopped USB logging- restarted line .999 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 20:58 [view ] | -17.7243 | 155.7193 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_011.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 21:26 [view ] | -17.6368 | 155.7268 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag stopped sampling, disconnected, being retrieved | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 21:40 [view ] | -17.5963 | 155.7305 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 21:57 [view ] | -17.5782 | 155.7473 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging- dredge 13, copying database | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 21:59 [view ] | -17.5778 | 155.7480 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restart logging so bridge can get depth datagram | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 22:09 [view ] | -17.5803 | 155.7512 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 22:16 [view ] | -17.5825 | 155.7540 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | DR13 being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 22:39 [view ] | -17.5910 | 155.7650 | POSMV [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Postition status VBS | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 22:40 [view ] | -17.5910 | 155.7651 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 22:50 [view ] | -17.5940 | 155.7690 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:02 [view ] | -17.5940 | 155.7690 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:07 [view ] | -17.5943 | 155.7692 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:07 [view ] | -17.5943 | 155.7691 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:12 [view ] | -17.5943 | 155.7692 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:12 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:19 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:22 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:23 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:28 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:30 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:30 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:33 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:34 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:37 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-13 23:55 [view ] | -17.5942 | 155.7692 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 00:37 [view ] | -17.5947 | 155.7717 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast deployment- 600m @ 2 kts- failed loose line at 469m line out | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 00:45 [view ] | -17.5947 | 155.7772 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start redo cast 600m @ 4 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 00:53 [view ] | -17.5925 | 155.7863 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start on Mellish mapping route | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 01:06 [view ] | -17.5798 | 155.7947 | Rapid Cast [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 01:13 [view ] | -17.5720 | 155.8003 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_011b.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 01:15 [view ] | -17.5693 | 155.8020 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 01:29 [view ] | -17.5463 | 155.8182 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start samping at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 01:43 [view ] | -17.5123 | 155.8428 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling- retrieving for dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 01:47 [view ] | -17.5014 | 155.8506 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 01:54 [view ] | -17.4892 | 155.8595 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:05 [view ] | -17.4823 | 155.8710 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:08 [view ] | -17.4827 | 155.8717 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start DR14 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:24 [view ] | -17.4852 | 155.8756 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:33 [view ] | -17.4872 | 155.8792 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:34 [view ] | -17.4872 | 155.8793 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:37 [view ] | -17.4880 | 155.8807 | CCNC [view] | Maintenance | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | CCNC - Milli-q Refilled Milli-q and emptied waste bottle | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:37 [view ] | -17.4880 | 155.8806 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:40 [view ] | -17.4883 | 155.8812 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:41 [view ] | -17.4883 | 155.8813 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:43 [view ] | -17.4884 | 155.8814 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:44 [view ] | -17.4885 | 155.8815 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:45 [view ] | -17.4885 | 155.8814 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:48 [view ] | -17.4888 | 155.8815 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:51 [view ] | -17.4889 | 155.8814 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:53 [view ] | -17.4890 | 155.8814 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:55 [view ] | -17.4891 | 155.8813 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:56 [view ] | -17.4893 | 155.8815 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 02:59 [view ] | -17.4895 | 155.8819 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:01 [view ] | -17.4895 | 155.8822 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:02 [view ] | -17.4895 | 155.8823 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:05 [view ] | -17.4898 | 155.8826 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:08 [view ] | -17.4900 | 155.8829 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:10 [view ] | -17.4901 | 155.8830 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:11 [view ] | -17.4902 | 155.8831 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:14 [view ] | -17.4902 | 155.8831 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:16 [view ] | -17.4902 | 155.8831 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:18 [view ] | -17.4903 | 155.8832 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:23 [view ] | -17.4909 | 155.8837 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 03:59 [view ] | -17.4813 | 155.8832 | SBP [view] | File | GSM_in2019_v04 | New line | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 05:09 [view ] | -17.3295 | 155.8595 | Air Sampling Pump | Change | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Altered frequency to 35Hz to 420-430L/min | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 05:21 [view ] | -17.3260 | 155.8398 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 05:46 [view ] | -17.3630 | 155.8242 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 05:49 [view ] | -17.3723 | 155.8249 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 05:54 [view ] | -17.3827 | 155.8278 | Air Sampling Pump | Change | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Changed frequency again to 34.5Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 05:59 [view ] | -17.3932 | 155.8307 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 06:09 [view ] | -17.4153 | 155.8340 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 06:16 [view ] | -17.4315 | 155.8335 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 06:40 [view ] | -17.4792 | 155.8512 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Complted circumnavigation of Mellish Seamount | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 06:49 [view ] | -17.4786 | 155.8325 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 06:58 [view ] | -17.4644 | 155.8084 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 07:04 [view ] | -17.4441 | 155.8084 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 08:00 [view ] | -17.3588 | 155.7805 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 08:08 [view ] | -17.3645 | 155.7792 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 08:36 [view ] | -17.3738 | 155.7842 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredging - DR15 (Mellish Seamount) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 08:48 [view ] | -17.3787 | 155.7862 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 09:02 [view ] | -17.3827 | 155.7880 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 09:08 [view ] | -17.3832 | 155.7882 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 09:24 [view ] | -17.3857 | 155.7883 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 09:45 [view ] | -17.3828 | 155.7852 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 10:21 [view ] | -17.3852 | 155.7893 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 10:37 [view ] | -17.3852 | 155.7892 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 11:21 [view ] | -17.3852 | 155.7888 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge on deck - end of DR15 Broke shear pin - rocks lost in main dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 11:31 [view ] | -17.3867 | 155.7878 | SBP [view] | File | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restarted logging SBP - departing Mellish | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 11:47 [view ] | -17.3940 | 155.7715 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m @ 4kts | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 11:50 [view ] | -17.3935 | 155.7678 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | SV cast aborted at 1200m line out Line was trailing too close to stern of ship | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 11:52 [view ] | -17.3933 | 155.7652 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 11:55 [view ] | -17.3929 | 155.7622 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:01 [view ] | -17.3922 | 155.7550 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Depth of cast = 570m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:13 [view ] | -17.3922 | 155.7393 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_012.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:20 [view ] | -17.3898 | 155.7214 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:24 [view ] | -17.3887 | 155.7081 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:30 [view ] | -17.3875 | 155.6878 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:32 [view ] | -17.3868 | 155.6806 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:45 [view ] | -17.3837 | 155.6405 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:50 [view ] | -17.3824 | 155.6225 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:59 [view ] | -17.3800 | 155.5923 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 12:59 [view ] | -17.3798 | 155.5909 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:02 [view ] | -17.3792 | 155.5831 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:03 [view ] | -17.3789 | 155.5786 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:04 [view ] | -17.3787 | 155.5753 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:08 [view ] | -17.3776 | 155.5621 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:12 [view ] | -17.3767 | 155.5503 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved - Logging/Sampling suspended Mag being recovered in preparation for ARGO float deployment. | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:25 [view ] | -17.3753 | 155.5282 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:34 [view ] | -17.3800 | 155.5238 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | ARGO float deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 13:52 [view ] | -17.3582 | 155.4998 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer deployed 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 15:49 [view ] | -16.9933 | 155.5503 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start line to NW | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 19:26 [view ] | -16.7382 | 155.4075 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, disconnected, mag being retrieved for dredge 16 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 19:40 [view ] | -16.7038 | 155.4107 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 19:49 [view ] | -16.6818 | 155.4127 | POSMV [view] | warning | GSM_in2019_v04 | USB logging error | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 20:00 [view ] | -16.6538 | 155.4195 | POSMV [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | USB logging continually failed- plugged in new USB (16BG) and set file number to .1000 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 20:02 [view ] | -16.6535 | 155.4198 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploying DR16 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 20:04 [view ] | -16.6535 | 155.4197 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 20:33 [view ] | -16.6633 | 155.4268 | POSMV [view] | caution | GSM_in2019_v04 | POSMV Position Nav Status VBS for a few min | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 20:40 [view ] | -16.6662 | 155.4290 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging to restart software- testing NMEA input | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 20:48 [view ] | -16.6693 | 155.4318 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 20:53 [view ] | -16.6715 | 155.4335 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 21:16 [view ] | -16.6807 | 155.4417 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 21:19 [view ] | -16.6813 | 155.4418 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 21:25 [view ] | -16.6823 | 155.4428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 21:29 [view ] | -16.6832 | 155.4428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 21:36 [view ] | -16.6842 | 155.4440 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 21:54 [view ] | -16.6852 | 155.4445 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 22:01 [view ] | -16.6852 | 155.4447 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 22:33 [view ] | -16.6850 | 155.4447 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 23:29 [view ] | -16.6860 | 155.4465 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging on way to DR17 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-14 23:29 [view ] | -16.6862 | 155.4470 | EM122 [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | Transit way to DR17 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:20 [view ] | -16.7408 | 155.5543 | EM122 [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | SIS crashed when zooming map | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:23 [view ] | -16.7423 | 155.5570 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restart logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:24 [view ] | -16.7425 | 155.5573 | EM122 [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start DR17 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:25 [view ] | -16.7425 | 155.5578 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:28 [view ] | -16.7429 | 155.5591 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:34 [view ] | -16.7439 | 155.5623 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:37 [view ] | -16.7443 | 155.5637 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:40 [view ] | -16.7445 | 155.5651 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:43 [view ] | -16.7449 | 155.5665 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:49 [view ] | -16.7454 | 155.5693 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:53 [view ] | -16.7457 | 155.5709 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:56 [view ] | -16.7461 | 155.5720 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 00:59 [view ] | -16.7469 | 155.5741 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 01:04 [view ] | -16.7475 | 155.5767 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 01:20 [view ] | -16.7488 | 155.5837 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 01:22 [view ] | -16.7488 | 155.5840 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 01:28 [view ] | -16.7486 | 155.5841 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 01:46 [view ] | -16.7487 | 155.5840 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 01:49 [view ] | -16.7487 | 155.5840 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 01:51 [view ] | -16.7485 | 155.5842 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 02:01 [view ] | -16.7487 | 155.5840 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 02:05 [view ] | -16.7487 | 155.5840 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 02:10 [view ] | -16.7487 | 155.5838 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 02:20 [view ] | -16.7487 | 155.5840 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:11 [view ] | -16.7563 | 155.5890 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | DR17 on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:20 [view ] | -16.7595 | 155.5915 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start cast 13, 600m @ 2 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:40 [view ] | -16.7693 | 155.6014 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:51 [view ] | -16.7757 | 155.6107 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:53 [view ] | -16.7783 | 155.6167 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_013.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:54 [view ] | -16.7797 | 155.6196 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:55 [view ] | -16.7805 | 155.6213 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:56 [view ] | -16.7819 | 155.6241 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 03:58 [view ] | -16.7837 | 155.6277 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging at 1 Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 07:21 [view ] | -16.2453 | 155.5943 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Argo Float deployed Water Depth = 3730m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 07:23 [view ] | -16.2410 | 155.5952 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_012.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 08:38 [view ] | -16.0285 | 155.5933 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_013.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 08:41 [view ] | -16.0208 | 155.5923 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_014.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 10:18 [view ] | -15.7442 | 155.5967 | EK60 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | EK60 set to passive for upcoming wreck search. ADCPs also set to off. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 10:19 [view ] | -15.7408 | 155.5967 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2019_v04 | Stopped logging at request of GSM | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 10:26 [view ] | -15.7212 | 155.5972 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Approaching survey area for USS Neosho New EM122 file = 0327 & SBP file = 0034 Slowing to 6 kts Parameters: 68° Port & Stbd Internal Trigger Dual Swath = Dynamic Ping Mode = Auto SV = in2019_v014_sst_014.asvp Filters: Spike = weak, RAnge = Normal, Phase = Normal, Penetration = Medium Slope Filter = on TX = Max Pwr | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 10:47 [view ] | -15.6852 | 155.5980 | Picarro Spectrometer [view] | Start | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Restarted Picarro - due to strange H20 and CH4 readings | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 11:03 [view ] | -15.6587 | 155.5985 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Possible target ~1045 UTC 15°41.01201S; 155°35.6986E (at nadir of record) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 11:22 [view ] | -15.6277 | 155.5992 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Possible target ? | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 11:42 [view ] | -15.5932 | 155.5998 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Possible targets - High intensity returns on BS and subtle mound in MBES | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 11:47 [view ] | -15.5845 | 155.6002 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Possible target - High intensity return on BS (Nadir) Almost exactly at known position of the Neosho | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 11:56 [view ] | -15.5703 | 155.6003 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Possible target - nadir Close to provided position of Neosho Side Note: At 6 knots magnetometer depth = 32m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 12:37 [view ] | -15.5000 | 155.5998 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Argo Float deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 12:44 [view ] | -15.4880 | 155.5998 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of survey transect through Neosho site Heading towards next survey transect for Lexington | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 13:39 [view ] | -15.3592 | 155.5108 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Approaching survey area for USS Lexington New EM122 file = 0333 & SBP file = 0037 Slowing to 6 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 14:24 [view ] | -15.2872 | 155.4823 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Possible targets to investigate (Stdb Side) Depth ~2958m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 15:25 [view ] | -15.1890 | 155.4435 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_015.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 15:26 [view ] | -15.1862 | 155.4423 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of survey transect through USS Lexington site | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 15:36 [view ] | -15.1700 | 155.4360 | EK60 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed pinging and logging of EK60 and ADCPs. Wreck search completed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 15:37 [view ] | -15.1698 | 155.4360 | ADCP [view] | in2019_v04 | Turn on after GSM survey | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 19:13 [view ] | -15.0530 | 155.8977 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, disconnected, mag being retrieved for dredge 18 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 19:33 [view ] | -15.0418 | 155.8502 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 19:43 [view ] | -15.0380 | 155.8530 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 20:52 [view ] | -15.0593 | 155.8712 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:32 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8745 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:32 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:33 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:38 [view ] | -15.0630 | 155.8742 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:39 [view ] | -15.0630 | 155.8742 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:42 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:42 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:46 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:48 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 21:56 [view ] | -15.0628 | 155.8743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 22:57 [view ] | -15.0623 | 155.8748 | EM122 [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of DR18, moving off to do SVP and mag | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:01 [view ] | -15.0630 | 155.8758 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start rapidcast 14, 600m @ 2kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:08 [view ] | -15.0665 | 155.8809 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:19 [view ] | -15.0735 | 155.8912 | Rapid Cast [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | Two failed deployments, attempting third to 600m at 4kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:23 [view ] | -15.0762 | 155.8948 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:39 [view ] | -15.0870 | 155.9102 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | TSG07 |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:41 [view ] | -15.0888 | 155.9147 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | TSG08 |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:42 [view ] | -15.0890 | 155.9153 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:44 [view ] | -15.0900 | 155.9195 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:47 [view ] | -15.0886 | 155.9292 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:51 [view ] | -15.0847 | 155.9425 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sVP_014.asvp applied Created using first cast to 225m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:53 [view ] | -15.0837 | 155.9457 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:55 [view ] | -15.0814 | 155.9534 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-15 23:55 [view ] | -15.0810 | 155.9543 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 00:13 [view ] | -15.0657 | 156.0060 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Changed QINSY to 57S | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 02:55 [view ] | -14.9170 | 156.4945 | TSG [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | Cleaned TSG filter | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 02:56 [view ] | -14.9163 | 156.4972 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 02:57 [view ] | -14.9157 | 156.4988 | Fluorometer [view] | Cleaned | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 03:33 [view ] | -14.8817 | 156.6098 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, disconnect, being retrieved | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 04:27 [view ] | -14.8840 | 156.6668 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 04:58 [view ] | -14.8508 | 156.7508 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | New files approaching Lexington Seamount | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 04:58 [view ] | -14.8508 | 156.7508 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 07:35 [view ] | -14.5943 | 156.9742 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Yellow depth warning indicator | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 13:14 [view ] | -14.6185 | 156.6908 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved - Logging/Sampling suspended for dredge | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 13:34 [view ] | -14.6035 | 156.6665 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Arrived at dredge location DR19 (Lexington seamount) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 13:36 [view ] | -14.6037 | 156.6663 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 14:21 [view ] | -14.6170 | 156.6805 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 14:37 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6865 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 14:50 [view ] | -14.6250 | 156.6887 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 16:09 [view ] | -14.6253 | 156.6888 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 16:52 [view ] | -14.6250 | 156.6892 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Created new survey in2019_v04_a- seemed to fix logging issue | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 17:05 [view ] | -14.6270 | 156.6900 | EM122 [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | Turning to DR20 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 17:14 [view ] | -14.6154 | 156.6818 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 17:32 [view ] | -14.5982 | 156.6537 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 17:42 [view ] | -14.6018 | 156.6565 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 17:47 [view ] | -14.6039 | 156.6577 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 17:57 [view ] | -14.6077 | 156.6604 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:03 [view ] | -14.6099 | 156.6619 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:21 [view ] | -14.6170 | 156.6667 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:30 [view ] | -14.6203 | 156.6690 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:33 [view ] | -14.6215 | 156.6700 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:35 [view ] | -14.6219 | 156.6702 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:37 [view ] | -14.6224 | 156.6705 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:39 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6707 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:40 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6708 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:44 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6708 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:46 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6709 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:47 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6709 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:49 [view ] | -14.6229 | 156.6709 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:51 [view ] | -14.6229 | 156.6709 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:53 [view ] | -14.6229 | 156.6709 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:54 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6708 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:56 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6709 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | D16 | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 18:59 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6708 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 19:00 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6708 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 19:12 [view ] | -14.6230 | 156.6708 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 19:22 [view ] | -14.6225 | 156.6705 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 19:29 [view ] | -14.6215 | 156.6693 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 20:08 [view ] | -14.6250 | 156.6718 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 21:16 [view ] | -14.6543 | 156.6665 | EM122 [view] | File | GSM_in2019_v04 | Heading to DR21 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 21:29 [view ] | -14.6794 | 156.6828 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 21:44 [view ] | -14.7134 | 156.7055 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 22:06 [view ] | -14.7400 | 156.7469 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 22:26 [view ] | -14.7137 | 156.7932 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 23:01 [view ] | -14.7233 | 156.8085 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 23:17 [view ] | -14.7233 | 156.8085 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 23:18 [view ] | -14.7233 | 156.8085 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 23:24 [view ] | -14.7233 | 156.8085 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-16 23:37 [view ] | -14.7233 | 156.8085 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 00:22 [view ] | -14.7290 | 156.8300 | SBP [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Window size to 500 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 00:38 [view ] | -14.7386 | 156.8616 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 00:40 [view ] | -14.7413 | 156.8680 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 00:45 [view ] | -14.7469 | 156.8810 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 01:07 [view ] | -14.7354 | 156.9100 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 01:14 [view ] | -14.7170 | 156.8932 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 02:22 [view ] | -14.5732 | 156.8180 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 03:08 [view ] | -14.5950 | 156.8182 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 03:30 [view ] | -14.6058 | 156.8183 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 03:48 [view ] | -14.6057 | 156.8175 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 04:59 [view ] | -14.5918 | 156.8133 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 05:10 [view ] | -14.5902 | 156.8100 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 05:17 [view ] | -14.5882 | 156.8098 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:07 [view ] | -14.5912 | 156.8077 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge on surface | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:26 [view ] | -14.5927 | 156.8097 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:29 [view ] | -14.5942 | 156.8103 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:35 [view ] | -14.5963 | 156.8116 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:40 [view ] | -14.5980 | 156.8128 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Loose line detected so dive terminated early. Total line out = 850m. Depth of dive ~ 585m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:51 [view ] | -14.6003 | 156.8187 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging of EM122 & SBP - leaving DR22 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:51 [view ] | -14.6003 | 156.8187 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:51 [view ] | -14.6003 | 156.8187 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_015.asvp applied SVP CAST 015 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 06:52 [view ] | -14.6006 | 156.8204 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 07:04 [view ] | -14.6048 | 156.8418 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 11:24 [view ] | -14.6262 | 156.6058 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved - Logging/Sampling suspended for dredge | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 11:36 [view ] | -14.5923 | 156.6148 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 11:50 [view ] | -14.5898 | 156.6227 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 11:52 [view ] | -14.5900 | 156.6228 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Commencing Dredge DR23 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 12:13 [view ] | -14.5970 | 156.6275 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging EM122 - on station DR23 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 12:46 [view ] | -14.6103 | 156.6363 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 13:03 [view ] | -14.6153 | 156.6395 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 14:14 [view ] | -14.6192 | 156.6422 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 14:27 [view ] | -14.6215 | 156.6435 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 15:17 [view ] | -14.6263 | 156.6467 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 16:18 [view ] | -14.6315 | 156.6498 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge back on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 16:22 [view ] | -14.6320 | 156.6502 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 16:23 [view ] | -14.6315 | 156.6505 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging on transit | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 16:29 [view ] | -14.6228 | 156.6465 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag in water | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 16:42 [view ] | -14.5948 | 156.6190 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 17:37 [view ] | -14.4930 | 156.4672 | Other [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Argo Float deployed Hull number F 1096 14.30S 156.15E Depth 3535m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 18:36 [view ] | -14.4009 | 156.2918 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 18:41 [view ] | -14.3930 | 156.2769 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 19:21 [view ] | -14.3517 | 156.1580 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, disconnected, mag being retrieved for dredge 24 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 19:37 [view ] | -14.3333 | 156.1688 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 19:51 [view ] | -14.3305 | 156.1927 | EM122 [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploying DR24 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 19:53 [view ] | -14.3310 | 156.1920 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 20:31 [view ] | -14.3452 | 156.1968 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 20:31 [view ] | -14.3453 | 156.1968 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 20:53 [view ] | -14.3513 | 156.1985 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 20:58 [view ] | -14.3522 | 156.1985 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 21:32 [view ] | -14.3530 | 156.1978 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 21:34 [view ] | -14.3530 | 156.1978 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 21:43 [view ] | -14.3530 | 156.1978 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 21:51 [view ] | -14.3533 | 156.1970 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 21:55 [view ] | -14.3542 | 156.1967 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 22:30 [view ] | -14.3568 | 156.1955 | POSMV [view] | caution | GSM_in2019_v04 | POSMV Position Nav Status VBS for a few min | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 22:32 [view ] | -14.3570 | 156.1953 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 23:04 [view ] | -14.3542 | 156.1970 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging on way to DR25 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 23:23 [view ] | -14.3163 | 156.2133 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 23:37 [view ] | -14.3219 | 156.2174 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 23:40 [view ] | -14.3231 | 156.2176 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 23:45 [view ] | -14.3252 | 156.2181 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-17 23:53 [view ] | -14.3289 | 156.2189 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 00:01 [view ] | -14.3328 | 156.2196 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 00:23 [view ] | -14.3455 | 156.2220 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 00:26 [view ] | -14.3475 | 156.2223 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 00:29 [view ] | -14.3478 | 156.2220 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 00:30 [view ] | -14.3478 | 156.2220 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 00:59 [view ] | -14.3480 | 156.2218 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 01:00 [view ] | -14.3480 | 156.2218 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 01:10 [view ] | -14.3478 | 156.2220 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 01:17 [view ] | -14.3477 | 156.2222 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 01:19 [view ] | -14.3475 | 156.2222 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 02:27 [view ] | -14.3475 | 156.2185 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 02:27 [view ] | -14.3472 | 156.2173 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start rapidcast 16, 600m @ 4 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 02:34 [view ] | -14.3461 | 156.2082 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 02:55 [view ] | -14.3530 | 156.1707 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 03:01 [view ] | -14.3458 | 156.1552 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_016.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 03:04 [view ] | -14.3413 | 156.1475 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 03:28 [view ] | -14.2782 | 156.1482 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 03:36 [view ] | -14.2587 | 156.1621 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 03:37 [view ] | -14.2554 | 156.1644 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 03:38 [view ] | -14.2529 | 156.1662 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 03:40 [view ] | -14.2476 | 156.1700 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 09:00 [view ] | -14.1787 | 156.0098 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 09:13 [view ] | -14.1708 | 155.9735 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 09:24 [view ] | -14.1708 | 155.9657 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 10:10 [view ] | -14.1865 | 155.9758 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 10:24 [view ] | -14.1913 | 155.9785 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 10:32 [view ] | -14.1915 | 155.9783 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stopped logging EM122 & SBP - Stationary at DR26 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 10:32 [view ] | -14.1915 | 155.9783 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 10:56 [view ] | -14.1918 | 155.9788 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 11:24 [view ] | -14.1917 | 155.9790 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 11:27 [view ] | -14.1917 | 155.9790 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 11:31 [view ] | -14.1917 | 155.9790 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 12:30 [view ] | -14.1935 | 155.9735 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 & SBP120. DR26 completed SBP file name = 0048 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 12:33 [view ] | -14.1975 | 155.9703 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 12:37 [view ] | -14.2050 | 155.9651 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 12:45 [view ] | -14.2239 | 155.9519 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 12:47 [view ] | -14.2308 | 155.9472 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 12:54 [view ] | -14.2473 | 155.9356 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 12:57 [view ] | -14.2559 | 155.9296 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 18:41 [view ] | -14.4063 | 155.4560 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, disconnected, mag being retrieved for dredge 27 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 18:57 [view ] | -14.4060 | 155.4427 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 19:23 [view ] | -14.4608 | 155.4337 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 20:26 [view ] | -14.4838 | 155.4255 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 20:31 [view ] | -14.4853 | 155.4248 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 21:17 [view ] | -14.4853 | 155.4245 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 21:22 [view ] | -14.4853 | 155.4245 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 21:28 [view ] | -14.4855 | 155.4247 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 21:31 [view ] | -14.4852 | 155.4250 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 21:36 [view ] | -14.4850 | 155.4250 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 22:36 [view ] | -14.4882 | 155.4337 | EM122 [view] | Crash | GSM_in2019_v04 | SIS crash | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 22:38 [view ] | -14.4880 | 155.4358 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start rapidcast 17, 500m @ 5 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 22:56 [view ] | -14.4653 | 155.4473 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:02 [view ] | -14.4537 | 155.4490 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_017.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:08 [view ] | -14.4355 | 155.4518 | POSMV [view] | warning | GSM_in2019_v04 | Posmv status degraded to MarineStar VBS | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:10 [view ] | -14.4297 | 155.4526 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:20 [view ] | -14.3969 | 155.4574 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:25 [view ] | -14.3820 | 155.4580 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:32 [view ] | -14.3607 | 155.4628 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:36 [view ] | -14.3493 | 155.4644 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-18 23:37 [view ] | -14.3443 | 155.4651 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 00:47 [view ] | -14.1295 | 155.4962 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, disconnected, mag being retrieved for dredge 28 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 01:18 [view ] | -14.1647 | 155.4952 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 01:23 [view ] | -14.1685 | 155.4963 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 01:25 [view ] | -14.1692 | 155.4962 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 02:16 [view ] | -14.1943 | 155.5002 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 02:20 [view ] | -14.1948 | 155.4997 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 02:30 [view ] | -14.1952 | 155.4997 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 02:33 [view ] | -14.1953 | 155.4997 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 02:58 [view ] | -14.1915 | 155.5005 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 03:05 [view ] | -14.1920 | 155.5007 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 03:07 [view ] | -14.1922 | 155.5007 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 03:10 [view ] | -14.1925 | 155.5007 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 03:13 [view ] | -14.1925 | 155.5008 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 03:23 [view ] | -14.1915 | 155.5007 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 03:44 [view ] | -14.1893 | 155.5003 | POSMV [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Posmv status degraded to MarineStar VBS | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 04:22 [view ] | -14.1865 | 155.4998 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 04:24 [view ] | -14.1863 | 155.4998 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 05:25 [view ] | -14.1819 | 155.4993 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 05:48 [view ] | -14.2117 | 155.5232 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 05:58 [view ] | -14.2347 | 155.5392 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 06:01 [view ] | -14.2414 | 155.5437 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 06:03 [view ] | -14.2479 | 155.5482 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 06:04 [view ] | -14.2498 | 155.5495 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 06:12 [view ] | -14.2711 | 155.5641 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 06:18 [view ] | -14.2854 | 155.5739 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 07:30 [view ] | -14.4678 | 155.6963 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved - Logging/Sampling suspended for dredge | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 07:48 [view ] | -14.4948 | 155.7080 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 07:57 [view ] | -14.4962 | 155.7077 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge in the water at DR29 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 08:00 [view ] | -14.4962 | 155.7077 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 08:37 [view ] | -14.5077 | 155.7245 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 08:56 [view ] | -14.5130 | 155.7312 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 09:07 [view ] | -14.5142 | 155.7328 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 09:32 [view ] | -14.5143 | 155.7327 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 09:38 [view ] | -14.5143 | 155.7327 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 09:45 [view ] | -14.5143 | 155.7327 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 09:51 [view ] | -14.5142 | 155.7325 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 09:56 [view ] | -14.5142 | 155.7327 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 10:06 [view ] | -14.5138 | 155.7327 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 10:54 [view ] | -14.5145 | 155.7323 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge back on deck - Rocks in dredge | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 11:06 [view ] | -14.5162 | 155.7342 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 and SBP - transit to next dredge station (DR30) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 11:14 [view ] | -14.5299 | 155.7507 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 11:35 [view ] | -14.5471 | 155.8040 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 11:42 [view ] | -14.5299 | 155.8158 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:00 [view ] | -14.4823 | 155.8484 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:09 [view ] | -14.4592 | 155.8641 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:13 [view ] | -14.4481 | 155.8624 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:22 [view ] | -14.4340 | 155.8360 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:37 [view ] | -14.4220 | 155.8002 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:47 [view ] | -14.4255 | 155.8012 | SBP [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Changed settings Acq. window changed from 500 to 600ms Delay hyst. changes from 50 to 25% | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:51 [view ] | -14.4277 | 155.8018 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge in water - DR30 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 12:57 [view ] | -14.4312 | 155.8026 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 13:04 [view ] | -14.4343 | 155.8033 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 13:22 [view ] | -14.4433 | 155.8053 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 13:45 [view ] | -14.4563 | 155.8083 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 14:04 [view ] | -14.4563 | 155.8082 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 14:14 [view ] | -14.4565 | 155.8082 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 14:24 [view ] | -14.4563 | 155.8082 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 14:35 [view ] | -14.4562 | 155.8082 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 14:48 [view ] | -14.4558 | 155.8083 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 15:20 [view ] | -14.4510 | 155.8085 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 15:25 [view ] | -14.4510 | 155.8083 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 15:37 [view ] | -14.4512 | 155.8083 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 16:33 [view ] | -14.4545 | 155.8143 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start rapidcast 18, 500m @ 6 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 16:34 [view ] | -14.4555 | 155.8162 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 16:35 [view ] | -14.4560 | 155.8168 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 16:48 [view ] | -14.4677 | 155.8350 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_018.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 16:53 [view ] | -14.4673 | 155.8288 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 17:04 [view ] | -14.4522 | 155.8000 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 19:21 [view ] | -14.0993 | 155.5782 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, disconnected, mag being retrieved for dredge 31 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 19:38 [view ] | -14.1162 | 155.5683 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 19:44 [view ] | -14.1259 | 155.5640 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 19:50 [view ] | -14.1290 | 155.5522 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 19:53 [view ] | -14.1203 | 155.5520 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:11 [view ] | -14.0645 | 155.5509 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:14 [view ] | -14.0557 | 155.5480 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:16 [view ] | -14.0492 | 155.5416 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:18 [view ] | -14.0453 | 155.5375 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:20 [view ] | -14.0413 | 155.5335 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:22 [view ] | -14.0367 | 155.5289 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:23 [view ] | -14.0321 | 155.5243 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:25 [view ] | -14.0280 | 155.5201 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:27 [view ] | -14.0230 | 155.5156 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:32 [view ] | -14.0091 | 155.5135 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:34 [view ] | -14.0013 | 155.5143 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:36 [view ] | -13.9951 | 155.5150 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:41 [view ] | -13.9793 | 155.5167 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:46 [view ] | -13.9642 | 155.5180 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:57 [view ] | -13.9304 | 155.5223 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 20:59 [view ] | -13.9250 | 155.5230 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 21:01 [view ] | -13.9178 | 155.5239 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 21:03 [view ] | -13.9122 | 155.5246 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 21:04 [view ] | -13.9089 | 155.5250 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-19 23:13 [view ] | -13.6223 | 155.3153 | POSMV [view] | caution | GSM_in2019_v04 | POSMV Position Nav Status VBS for a few min | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 02:37 [view ] | -13.2950 | 154.6865 | CPC 3772 [view] | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Butanol bubble in MFC tubing There was a bubble of butanol between the catchpot and the MFC, I interrupted the vacuum line breifly to clear the butanol. | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 11:20 [view ] | -12.7972 | 153.5375 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag stopped sampling, being retrieved | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 11:20 [view ] | -12.7983 | 153.5375 | Picarro Spectrometer [view] | Change | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Restarted Picarro data forwarding script to allow for testing some undocumented commands | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 11:32 [view ] | -12.8073 | 153.5595 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 11:57 [view ] | -12.8100 | 153.5837 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 13:16 [view ] | -12.8002 | 153.6248 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 13:33 [view ] | -12.7980 | 153.6338 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 14:34 [view ] | -12.7985 | 153.6337 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging EM122 & SBP - on station DR31 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 14:37 [view ] | -12.7987 | 153.6335 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 15:46 [view ] | -12.8003 | 153.6325 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge at surface - end DR31 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 15:53 [view ] | -12.8008 | 153.6328 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 15:53 [view ] | -12.8008 | 153.6328 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 16:04 [view ] | -12.8072 | 153.6367 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | SV Cast 019 @ DR31 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 16:19 [view ] | -12.8157 | 153.6410 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | SV Cast 019 completed Vessel speed = 2 kts Loose line detected at 1210m line out. Cast depth = 755m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 16:24 [view ] | -12.8122 | 153.6413 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_019.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 16:44 [view ] | -12.8088 | 153.5892 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 16:58 [view ] | -12.8070 | 153.5950 | ADCP [view] | Stop | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 16:59 [view ] | -12.8070 | 153.5953 | EK60 [view] | Line | GSM_in2019_v04 | ADCP off- no more interference in 38kHz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 17:07 [view ] | -12.8060 | 153.5978 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 17:11 [view ] | -12.8057 | 153.5992 | ADCP [view] | Start | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 18:28 [view ] | -12.7980 | 153.6335 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 18:32 [view ] | -12.7978 | 153.6342 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 18:37 [view ] | -12.7982 | 153.6340 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 18:41 [view ] | -12.7982 | 153.6340 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 19:00 [view ] | -12.7983 | 153.6338 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 19:34 [view ] | -12.7982 | 153.6338 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 19:57 [view ] | -12.7985 | 153.6337 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 20:01 [view ] | -12.7985 | 153.6337 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 20:27 [view ] | -12.7982 | 153.6338 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 22:12 [view ] | -12.7963 | 153.6360 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 23:20 [view ] | -12.6245 | 153.6107 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on DR33 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 23:26 [view ] | -12.6258 | 153.6128 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-20 23:59 [view ] | -12.6353 | 153.6252 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:01 [view ] | -12.6359 | 153.6259 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:16 [view ] | -12.6408 | 153.6325 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on DR33 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:35 [view ] | -12.6465 | 153.6400 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:37 [view ] | -12.6469 | 153.6407 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:39 [view ] | -12.6473 | 153.6411 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:41 [view ] | -12.6477 | 153.6417 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:44 [view ] | -12.6482 | 153.6423 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:47 [view ] | -12.6485 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:48 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:49 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6430 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:51 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:53 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:55 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:55 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:57 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:58 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 00:59 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:01 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:02 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:04 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:04 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:06 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:08 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:09 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:22 [view ] | -12.6488 | 153.6428 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:28 [view ] | -12.6488 | 153.6428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:32 [view ] | -12.6488 | 153.6428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:34 [view ] | -12.6488 | 153.6428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:37 [view ] | -12.6487 | 153.6428 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:38 [view ] | -12.6486 | 153.6429 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:41 [view ] | -12.6485 | 153.6430 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:42 [view ] | -12.6484 | 153.6430 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:45 [view ] | -12.6484 | 153.6430 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:50 [view ] | -12.6483 | 153.6430 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:56 [view ] | -12.6485 | 153.6430 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:57 [view ] | -12.6484 | 153.6430 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 01:59 [view ] | -12.6483 | 153.6430 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:24 [view ] | -12.6489 | 153.6426 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:26 [view ] | -12.6490 | 153.6425 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:26 [view ] | -12.6490 | 153.6425 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:35 [view ] | -12.6491 | 153.6424 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:39 [view ] | -12.6493 | 153.6423 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:41 [view ] | -12.6494 | 153.6422 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:51 [view ] | -12.6496 | 153.6421 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:55 [view ] | -12.6495 | 153.6421 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:56 [view ] | -12.6495 | 153.6421 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 02:59 [view ] | -12.6494 | 153.6422 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:02 [view ] | -12.6495 | 153.6422 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:05 [view ] | -12.6495 | 153.6421 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:08 [view ] | -12.6497 | 153.6426 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:12 [view ] | -12.6498 | 153.6428 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:19 [view ] | -12.6508 | 153.6433 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:21 [view ] | -12.6510 | 153.6434 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:22 [view ] | -12.6511 | 153.6436 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:32 [view ] | -12.6524 | 153.6445 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:49 [view ] | -12.6549 | 153.6449 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:54 [view ] | -12.6553 | 153.6448 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:57 [view ] | -12.6556 | 153.6449 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 03:59 [view ] | -12.6559 | 153.6449 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 04:02 [view ] | -12.6562 | 153.6449 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 04:05 [view ] | -12.6565 | 153.6449 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 04:07 [view ] | -12.6567 | 153.6450 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 & SBP Depart DR33 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 04:08 [view ] | -12.6567 | 153.6449 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 04:10 [view ] | -12.6570 | 153.6449 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 04:37 [view ] | -12.6737 | 153.6467 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 04:54 [view ] | -12.7125 | 153.6545 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 05:35 [view ] | -12.8234 | 153.6762 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 05:50 [view ] | -12.8658 | 153.6845 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 05:54 [view ] | -12.8774 | 153.6868 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 05:59 [view ] | -12.8884 | 153.6889 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 05:59 [view ] | -12.8893 | 153.6891 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 06:00 [view ] | -12.8929 | 153.6898 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 06:01 [view ] | -12.8952 | 153.6902 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 06:04 [view ] | -12.9031 | 153.6918 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 06:08 [view ] | -12.9147 | 153.6940 | POSMV [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | USB logging at 91% - stopped logging at file 999 - changed to a new USB stick Restarted logging with new USB stick | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 06:57 [view ] | -13.0468 | 153.7200 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Small perturbations in Mag signal A small & 39;high freqncy& 39; signal variance of ~0.2 nT was observed in the magnetic signal. This is likely due to wave & 39;noise& 39; at the surface. Depth of mag = 18.3m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 09:20 [view ] | -13.4266 | 153.7944 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 09:23 [view ] | -13.4347 | 153.7960 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 10:25 [view ] | -13.4256 | 153.9392 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 10:30 [view ] | -13.4218 | 153.9532 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 10:34 [view ] | -13.4185 | 153.9658 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 10:38 [view ] | -13.4152 | 153.9782 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 10:40 [view ] | -13.4142 | 153.9820 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 10:46 [view ] | -13.4097 | 153.9988 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 10:59 [view ] | -13.3992 | 154.0384 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 11:03 [view ] | -13.3959 | 154.0507 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 11:44 [view ] | -13.3642 | 154.1698 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 12:26 [view ] | -13.3314 | 154.2930 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 12:31 [view ] | -13.3272 | 154.3092 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 12:46 [view ] | -13.3163 | 154.3500 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 12:52 [view ] | -13.3115 | 154.3681 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 12:57 [view ] | -13.3073 | 154.3839 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:00 [view ] | -13.3054 | 154.3910 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:12 [view ] | -13.2961 | 154.4261 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:16 [view ] | -13.2925 | 154.4398 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:20 [view ] | -13.2892 | 154.4518 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:23 [view ] | -13.2871 | 154.4598 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:26 [view ] | -13.2850 | 154.4676 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:27 [view ] | -13.2842 | 154.4706 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:30 [view ] | -13.2816 | 154.4805 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:32 [view ] | -13.2799 | 154.4868 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:34 [view ] | -13.2783 | 154.4928 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:35 [view ] | -13.2772 | 154.4969 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:36 [view ] | -13.2766 | 154.4994 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:39 [view ] | -13.2743 | 154.5078 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:42 [view ] | -13.2721 | 154.5163 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:44 [view ] | -13.2705 | 154.5223 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:51 [view ] | -13.2648 | 154.5435 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:54 [view ] | -13.2629 | 154.5507 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:56 [view ] | -13.2609 | 154.5582 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 13:59 [view ] | -13.2587 | 154.5664 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 14:03 [view ] | -13.2558 | 154.5776 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 22:16 [view ] | -12.4423 | 155.8227 | XBT [view] | Drop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Drop 1, only to 350m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 22:33 [view ] | -12.4042 | 155.8558 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_xbt_001.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 22:37 [view ] | -12.3952 | 155.8635 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_xbt_001a.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 22:37 [view ] | -12.3942 | 155.8645 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | SVP in2019_v04_xbt_001.asvp reapplied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 22:47 [view ] | -12.3702 | 155.8850 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_xbt_002.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 22:49 [view ] | -12.3657 | 155.8890 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_xbt_002a.asvp applied Processed with SVP Builder | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 22:51 [view ] | -12.3623 | 155.8918 | XBT [view] | Drop | GSM_in2019_v04 | XBT drop 2- only to 200m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-21 23:35 [view ] | -12.2597 | 155.9807 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Switched QINSY to 57S | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 01:10 [view ] | -12.0505 | 156.1792 | POSMV [view] | caution | GSM_in2019_v04 | POSMV Position Nav Status VBS for a few min | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 01:54 [view ] | -12.1553 | 156.1483 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, mag being retrived for DR34 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:10 [view ] | -12.1220 | 156.1510 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:29 [view ] | -12.0848 | 156.1692 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:38 [view ] | -12.0878 | 156.1705 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge- making new survey | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:51 [view ] | -12.0922 | 156.1733 | TSG [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:52 [view ] | -12.0930 | 156.1738 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:55 [view ] | -12.0943 | 156.1748 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rebooting EM122 PC- grid engine failure | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:57 [view ] | -12.0950 | 156.1753 | Fluorometer [view] | Cleaned | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 02:59 [view ] | -12.0962 | 156.1760 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:01 [view ] | -12.0968 | 156.1765 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:04 [view ] | -12.0977 | 156.1770 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:15 [view ] | -12.1022 | 156.1803 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:26 [view ] | -12.1060 | 156.1832 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:29 [view ] | -12.1058 | 156.1832 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:33 [view ] | -12.1060 | 156.1832 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:46 [view ] | -12.1073 | 156.1843 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 03:57 [view ] | -12.1073 | 156.1843 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 04:07 [view ] | -12.1072 | 156.1843 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 04:23 [view ] | -12.1070 | 156.1845 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 04:27 [view ] | -12.1070 | 156.1845 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 04:32 [view ] | -12.1065 | 156.1838 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 04:34 [view ] | -12.1065 | 156.1838 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 04:44 [view ] | -12.1075 | 156.1840 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 05:28 [view ] | -12.1077 | 156.1842 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge at surface - end DR34 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 05:42 [view ] | -12.1103 | 156.1855 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m (SV 020) | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 05:43 [view ] | -12.1110 | 156.1858 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 05:56 [view ] | -12.1192 | 156.1897 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Tension spike at 1209m line out - cast terminated early. Depth of Cast = 712m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 06:08 [view ] | -12.1002 | 156.1953 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_020.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 06:17 [view ] | -12.0763 | 156.2042 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 06:36 [view ] | -12.0293 | 156.2331 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 06:43 [view ] | -12.0101 | 156.2450 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 06:46 [view ] | -12.0031 | 156.2492 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 06:52 [view ] | -11.9885 | 156.2582 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 06:55 [view ] | -11.9797 | 156.2636 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 07:00 [view ] | -11.9685 | 156.2705 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 07:03 [view ] | -11.9608 | 156.2752 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 16:28 [view ] | -11.1535 | 156.4940 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 16:39 [view ] | -11.1408 | 156.4782 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 16:49 [view ] | -11.1385 | 156.4702 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 16:52 [view ] | -11.1390 | 156.4708 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | New survey in2019_v04_d | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 16:52 [view ] | -11.1390 | 156.4710 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop pinging- restart SIS- 9999 file and waterfall working again | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 17:59 [view ] | -11.1633 | 156.4958 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 18:56 [view ] | -11.1633 | 156.4958 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 19:48 [view ] | -11.1620 | 156.4983 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging on way to DR36 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 20:54 [view ] | -11.0623 | 156.6487 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on DR36 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 20:56 [view ] | -11.0625 | 156.6488 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 21:42 [view ] | -11.0785 | 156.6658 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 22:06 [view ] | -11.0847 | 156.6722 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 22:26 [view ] | -11.0865 | 156.6742 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 22:58 [view ] | -11.0865 | 156.6742 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 23:14 [view ] | -11.0865 | 156.6742 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-22 23:27 [view ] | -11.0868 | 156.6737 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 00:04 [view ] | -11.0863 | 156.6742 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 01:01 [view ] | -11.0863 | 156.6740 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 01:01 [view ] | -11.0863 | 156.6740 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 01:07 [view ] | -11.0858 | 156.6763 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast deployment 21- 600m @ 2 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 01:29 [view ] | -11.0942 | 156.6777 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_021.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 01:30 [view ] | -11.0922 | 156.6772 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploying mag | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 01:44 [view ] | -11.0687 | 156.6758 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start sampling at 1Hz Depth= 49.3m (4 kts) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 02:40 [view ] | -10.9080 | 156.6933 | CPC 3772 [view] | Maintenance | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Butanol fill and empty containers | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 02:56 [view ] | -10.8694 | 156.7215 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 02:59 [view ] | -10.8602 | 156.7282 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:01 [view ] | -10.8549 | 156.7321 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:04 [view ] | -10.8497 | 156.7359 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:07 [view ] | -10.8399 | 156.7431 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:09 [view ] | -10.8358 | 156.7460 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:11 [view ] | -10.8317 | 156.7490 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:12 [view ] | -10.8285 | 156.7514 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:13 [view ] | -10.8258 | 156.7534 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:14 [view ] | -10.8226 | 156.7557 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:16 [view ] | -10.8186 | 156.7586 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:18 [view ] | -10.8128 | 156.7629 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:19 [view ] | -10.8089 | 156.7657 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:37 [view ] | -10.7636 | 156.7988 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:44 [view ] | -10.7457 | 156.8119 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:45 [view ] | -10.7427 | 156.8140 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:47 [view ] | -10.7384 | 156.8172 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:48 [view ] | -10.7348 | 156.8198 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:51 [view ] | -10.7283 | 156.8246 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:52 [view ] | -10.7255 | 156.8266 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:53 [view ] | -10.7217 | 156.8293 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 03:59 [view ] | -10.7036 | 156.8323 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 04:43 [view ] | -10.5597 | 156.8448 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:01 [view ] | -10.5009 | 156.8499 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:03 [view ] | -10.4935 | 156.8506 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:05 [view ] | -10.4878 | 156.8511 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:07 [view ] | -10.4805 | 156.8517 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:09 [view ] | -10.4742 | 156.8523 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:11 [view ] | -10.4687 | 156.8527 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:13 [view ] | -10.4607 | 156.8536 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:15 [view ] | -10.4545 | 156.8539 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:17 [view ] | -10.4467 | 156.8546 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:20 [view ] | -10.4374 | 156.8554 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:29 [view ] | -10.4082 | 156.8580 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:32 [view ] | -10.3992 | 156.8588 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:35 [view ] | -10.3907 | 156.8595 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:36 [view ] | -10.3852 | 156.8600 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:43 [view ] | -10.3672 | 156.8578 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:46 [view ] | -10.3629 | 156.8536 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:47 [view ] | -10.3610 | 156.8501 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:49 [view ] | -10.3603 | 156.8470 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:50 [view ] | -10.3601 | 156.8430 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:52 [view ] | -10.3609 | 156.8391 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:56 [view ] | -10.3666 | 156.8311 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 05:58 [view ] | -10.3709 | 156.8288 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:00 [view ] | -10.3741 | 156.8282 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:04 [view ] | -10.3831 | 156.8302 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:08 [view ] | -10.3911 | 156.8345 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:08 [view ] | -10.3912 | 156.8345 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:14 [view ] | -10.4035 | 156.8405 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:16 [view ] | -10.4073 | 156.8423 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:19 [view ] | -10.4141 | 156.8454 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:20 [view ] | -10.4158 | 156.8462 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:23 [view ] | -10.4204 | 156.8483 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:25 [view ] | -10.4251 | 156.8504 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:26 [view ] | -10.4266 | 156.8511 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:27 [view ] | -10.4279 | 156.8517 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:27 [view ] | -10.4283 | 156.8518 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 06:49 [view ] | -10.4393 | 156.8573 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 07:36 [view ] | -10.4630 | 156.8642 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 08:01 [view ] | -10.4738 | 156.8672 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 08:11 [view ] | -10.4748 | 156.8673 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 08:39 [view ] | -10.4752 | 156.8670 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 08:46 [view ] | -10.4753 | 156.8668 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 08:47 [view ] | -10.4753 | 156.8668 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging of EM122 & SBP - on station DR37 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 09:04 [view ] | -10.4747 | 156.8675 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 09:45 [view ] | -10.4750 | 156.8667 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 10:38 [view ] | -10.4748 | 156.8668 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge at surface - end DR37 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 11:08 [view ] | -10.4758 | 156.8677 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 700m (SVP022) | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 11:16 [view ] | -10.4793 | 156.8710 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 11:17 [view ] | -10.4797 | 156.8715 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP120 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 11:27 [view ] | -10.4837 | 156.8755 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Depth of cast = 908m Line out = 1560m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 11:37 [view ] | -10.4790 | 156.8852 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_022.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 11:40 [view ] | -10.4737 | 156.8932 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Departing derdge station DR37 - Mapping Pocklington trough/ridge-line | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 11:48 [view ] | -10.4608 | 156.9118 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 15:26 [view ] | -10.1942 | 157.3463 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 15:42 [view ] | -10.1960 | 157.3012 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 15:56 [view ] | -10.2005 | 157.2763 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 16:01 [view ] | -10.2020 | 157.2770 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 16:03 [view ] | -10.2027 | 157.2772 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge in water - DR 38 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 16:31 [view ] | -10.2137 | 157.2862 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 16:50 [view ] | -10.2207 | 157.2925 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 17:17 [view ] | -10.2303 | 157.3007 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 17:20 [view ] | -10.2302 | 157.3010 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 17:38 [view ] | -10.2300 | 157.3010 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 17:48 [view ] | -10.2283 | 157.2995 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:07 [view ] | -10.2258 | 157.2995 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:10 [view ] | -10.2263 | 157.2997 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:35 [view ] | -10.2292 | 157.3003 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:39 [view ] | -10.2297 | 157.3003 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:53 [view ] | -10.2287 | 157.2991 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:54 [view ] | -10.2287 | 157.2990 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:56 [view ] | -10.2282 | 157.2987 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 18:57 [view ] | -10.2277 | 157.2984 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 19:01 [view ] | -10.2269 | 157.2977 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 19:04 [view ] | -10.2273 | 157.2976 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 19:42 [view ] | -10.2213 | 157.2937 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 19:44 [view ] | -10.2215 | 157.2935 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 19:46 [view ] | -10.2215 | 157.2933 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:02 [view ] | -10.2243 | 157.2960 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:08 [view ] | -10.2248 | 157.2970 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:11 [view ] | -10.2247 | 157.2974 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:12 [view ] | -10.2247 | 157.2975 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:14 [view ] | -10.2246 | 157.2975 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:17 [view ] | -10.2245 | 157.2977 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:23 [view ] | -10.2246 | 157.2976 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:25 [view ] | -10.2245 | 157.2976 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:30 [view ] | -10.2245 | 157.2978 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:31 [view ] | -10.2243 | 157.2978 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:36 [view ] | -10.2242 | 157.2982 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:38 [view ] | -10.2240 | 157.2985 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:45 [view ] | -10.2240 | 157.2987 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:46 [view ] | -10.2240 | 157.2987 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:49 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2989 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:52 [view ] | -10.2237 | 157.2991 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:55 [view ] | -10.2237 | 157.2991 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 20:59 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2990 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:02 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2989 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:06 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2987 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:09 [view ] | -10.2239 | 157.2985 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:13 [view ] | -10.2240 | 157.2984 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:17 [view ] | -10.2239 | 157.2985 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:22 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2987 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:27 [view ] | -10.2239 | 157.2986 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:32 [view ] | -10.2239 | 157.2986 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:35 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2987 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:41 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2987 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:46 [view ] | -10.2238 | 157.2987 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:53 [view ] | -10.2240 | 157.2987 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 21:53 [view ] | -10.2240 | 157.2987 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:02 [view ] | -10.2316 | 157.3026 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:03 [view ] | -10.2368 | 157.3042 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast deployment 22- 600m @ 4 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:07 [view ] | -10.2370 | 157.3042 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:11 [view ] | -10.2403 | 157.3048 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:15 [view ] | -10.2429 | 157.3054 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:24 [view ] | -10.2523 | 157.3072 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:25 [view ] | -10.2558 | 157.3075 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_023.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:25 [view ] | -10.2549 | 157.3074 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:29 [view ] | -10.2649 | 157.3087 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:31 [view ] | -10.2705 | 157.3097 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:35 [view ] | -10.2805 | 157.3118 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:38 [view ] | -10.2887 | 157.3138 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:39 [view ] | -10.2893 | 157.3138 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:47 [view ] | -10.3098 | 157.3190 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:49 [view ] | -10.3153 | 157.3203 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:52 [view ] | -10.3225 | 157.3222 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 22:55 [view ] | -10.3310 | 157.3243 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:00 [view ] | -10.3446 | 157.3277 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:03 [view ] | -10.3531 | 157.3298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:08 [view ] | -10.3644 | 157.3326 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:13 [view ] | -10.3774 | 157.3359 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:19 [view ] | -10.3924 | 157.3396 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:21 [view ] | -10.3991 | 157.3413 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:26 [view ] | -10.4112 | 157.3443 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:28 [view ] | -10.4171 | 157.3458 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:31 [view ] | -10.4244 | 157.3477 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:34 [view ] | -10.4310 | 157.3493 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:38 [view ] | -10.4419 | 157.3520 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:41 [view ] | -10.4485 | 157.3536 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:47 [view ] | -10.4641 | 157.3575 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:49 [view ] | -10.4698 | 157.3590 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:53 [view ] | -10.4795 | 157.3614 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:56 [view ] | -10.4875 | 157.3634 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-23 23:59 [view ] | -10.4953 | 157.3653 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:02 [view ] | -10.5022 | 157.3671 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:05 [view ] | -10.5105 | 157.3691 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:07 [view ] | -10.5156 | 157.3704 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:15 [view ] | -10.5367 | 157.3757 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved - Logging/Sampling suspended for dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:20 [view ] | -10.5481 | 157.3751 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:26 [view ] | -10.5520 | 157.3635 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:45 [view ] | -10.5022 | 157.3488 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:49 [view ] | -10.5082 | 157.3421 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 00:52 [view ] | -10.5149 | 157.3336 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:06 [view ] | -10.5237 | 157.3168 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:09 [view ] | -10.5195 | 157.3237 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:12 [view ] | -10.5185 | 157.3265 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:14 [view ] | -10.5185 | 157.3273 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:17 [view ] | -10.5190 | 157.3277 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:22 [view ] | -10.5198 | 157.3285 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:25 [view ] | -10.5198 | 157.3285 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:30 [view ] | -10.5198 | 157.3285 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:42 [view ] | -10.5198 | 157.3287 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:56 [view ] | -10.5255 | 157.3333 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:58 [view ] | -10.5255 | 157.3335 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 01:58 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3335 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:22 [view ] | -10.5254 | 157.3334 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:25 [view ] | -10.5255 | 157.3333 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:29 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3335 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:31 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3335 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:33 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3335 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:34 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3336 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:38 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3334 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:38 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3333 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:39 [view ] | -10.5254 | 157.3334 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:40 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3333 | Fluorometer [view] | Maintenance | in2019_v04 | Turned water off to the inline flurometer as the lower inlet tube was slightly leaking - tightened lower inlet tube up. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:42 [view ] | -10.5254 | 157.3333 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:45 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3333 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 02:45 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3333 | TSG [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:00 [view ] | -10.5255 | 157.3330 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:00 [view ] | -10.5255 | 157.3330 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:02 [view ] | -10.5256 | 157.3329 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:05 [view ] | -10.5253 | 157.3327 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:09 [view ] | -10.5248 | 157.3323 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:11 [view ] | -10.5248 | 157.3324 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:13 [view ] | -10.5247 | 157.3325 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:14 [view ] | -10.5247 | 157.3326 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:16 [view ] | -10.5246 | 157.3327 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:20 [view ] | -10.5245 | 157.3329 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:22 [view ] | -10.5245 | 157.3328 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | 37-029 | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:25 [view ] | -10.5245 | 157.3328 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:29 [view ] | -10.5245 | 157.3328 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:31 [view ] | -10.5244 | 157.3329 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:32 [view ] | -10.5243 | 157.3328 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:34 [view ] | -10.5243 | 157.3331 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:44 [view ] | -10.5243 | 157.3330 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:48 [view ] | -10.5244 | 157.3329 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:51 [view ] | -10.5245 | 157.3327 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:53 [view ] | -10.5245 | 157.3327 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 03:58 [view ] | -10.5247 | 157.3325 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 04:02 [view ] | -10.5249 | 157.3321 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 04:03 [view ] | -10.5250 | 157.3322 | EM710 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Changed Active sensors back to COM 4 and 3 SIS Active Sensors changed back to how they were prior to 2019_v04 Position = Com4 Attitude = Com3 Heading = Com3 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 04:04 [view ] | -10.5249 | 157.3322 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 04:39 [view ] | -10.5130 | 157.3143 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 04:40 [view ] | -10.5132 | 157.3145 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge in the water - DR39 Previous dredge (DR38) parted from line - attempting a new dredge adjacent to previous position. | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 05:30 [view ] | -10.5270 | 157.3295 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 05:45 [view ] | -10.5283 | 157.3303 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 06:00 [view ] | -10.5282 | 157.3305 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 06:02 [view ] | -10.5282 | 157.3305 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 06:19 [view ] | -10.5283 | 157.3303 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 06:26 [view ] | -10.5283 | 157.3303 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 06:36 [view ] | -10.5283 | 157.3303 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 06:40 [view ] | -10.5283 | 157.3303 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 07:05 [view ] | -10.5285 | 157.3300 | Other [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge wire on deck - lost 2nd dredge at DR39 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 07:18 [view ] | -10.5303 | 157.3315 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 07:18 [view ] | -10.5303 | 157.3315 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP120 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 07:43 [view ] | -10.5458 | 157.3543 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag won't sync with GPS - large error in time Troubleshooting | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 08:59 [view ] | -10.7038 | 157.4173 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed Problem with syncing Mag time to GPS/PC is still not resolved however we have overridden this and instructed BOB "IGNORE mag clock" and timestamp mag with readings from GPS time. | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 09:09 [view ] | -10.7225 | 157.4222 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 09:59 [view ] | -10.8441 | 157.4525 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 10:24 [view ] | -10.9051 | 157.4678 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 10:26 [view ] | -10.9101 | 157.4691 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 10:56 [view ] | -10.9857 | 157.4880 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 10:56 [view ] | -10.9861 | 157.4881 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 10:59 [view ] | -10.9927 | 157.4898 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 11:02 [view ] | -11.0002 | 157.4916 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 11:03 [view ] | -11.0041 | 157.4926 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 12:47 [view ] | -11.2708 | 157.5593 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Brief interruption of mag logging to obtain Firmware version for tech support | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 13:22 [view ] | -11.3647 | 157.5828 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Brief interruption of mag logging to obtain screen grabs for tech support | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 15:40 [view ] | -11.7283 | 157.6740 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stopped logging EM122 - no waterfall and soundings erratic Last file is 0670 for in2019_v04_d project in SIS | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-24 15:40 [view ] | -11.7283 | 157.6740 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Restarted logging EM122 Slowed vessel to 5 knots (to prevent a large gap in data) and shut down and restarted SIS. Made a new project in2019_v04_e with 100m grid. Began logging MB and WCL data starting with file number 0671 All looks to be working okay again. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 00:46 [view ] | -12.9818 | 158.5037 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 00:46 [view ] | -12.9818 | 158.5037 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 01:20 [view ] | -12.9298 | 158.4622 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 01:23 [view ] | -12.9312 | 158.4637 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 01:23 [view ] | -12.9313 | 158.4638 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge DR40 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 02:08 [view ] | -12.9463 | 158.4777 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 02:24 [view ] | -12.9513 | 158.4820 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 02:28 [view ] | -12.9520 | 158.4825 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 03:17 [view ] | -12.9520 | 158.4838 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 03:34 [view ] | -12.9517 | 158.4837 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 03:41 [view ] | -12.9518 | 158.4838 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 04:41 [view ] | -12.9532 | 158.4920 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 & SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 04:45 [view ] | -12.9562 | 158.4958 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m (SVP024) | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 04:52 [view ] | -12.9607 | 158.5019 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 05:01 [view ] | -12.9673 | 158.5109 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 05:09 [view ] | -12.9712 | 158.5162 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Total line out = 1574m Total Depth = 727.5m No dive errors | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 05:15 [view ] | -12.9743 | 158.5208 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_024.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 05:31 [view ] | -12.9813 | 158.5475 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz Using the SPARE Marine Magentics Transceiver box as it allows the mag clock to be synced with GPS time. Have contacted Marine Magnetics regarding the time-sync issue with the new transceiver box. | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 05:38 [view ] | -12.9845 | 158.5615 | SBP [view] | File | GSM_in2019_v04 | Segy logging stopped but raw logging continued (for short time frame) Stopped and restarted logging on both RAW and SEGY on file 0065. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 08:11 [view ] | -13.2210 | 158.6272 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag stopped sampling, being retrieved | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 08:23 [view ] | -13.1893 | 158.6378 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 08:46 [view ] | -13.1408 | 158.6563 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge going in the water (DR41) | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 08:54 [view ] | -13.1407 | 158.6567 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 09:02 [view ] | -13.1415 | 158.6587 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging EM122 & SBP - on station DR41 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 09:44 [view ] | -13.1575 | 158.6750 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:04 [view ] | -13.1650 | 158.6828 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:17 [view ] | -13.1653 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:26 [view ] | -13.1653 | 158.6825 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:33 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:41 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:50 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:53 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 10:58 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 11:00 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 11:07 [view ] | -13.1653 | 158.6825 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 11:12 [view ] | -13.1653 | 158.6825 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 11:33 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 11:39 [view ] | -13.1650 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 11:52 [view ] | -13.1652 | 158.6827 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 12:39 [view ] | -13.1653 | 158.6823 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge at surface - end DR41 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:02 [view ] | -13.1655 | 158.6843 | Rapid Cast [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m at 2knots | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:13 [view ] | -13.1686 | 158.6895 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:18 [view ] | -13.1702 | 158.6920 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Line out = 1201m Depth = 836.8m No issues with dive | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:24 [view ] | -13.1730 | 158.6985 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_025.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:25 [view ] | -13.1735 | 158.6998 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:25 [view ] | -13.1735 | 158.6998 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:27 [view ] | -13.1755 | 158.7050 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:34 [view ] | -13.1824 | 158.7203 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 13:40 [view ] | -13.1898 | 158.7353 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:11 [view ] | -13.2979 | 158.9580 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:13 [view ] | -13.3001 | 158.9635 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:15 [view ] | -13.3023 | 158.9680 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:17 [view ] | -13.3045 | 158.9725 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:20 [view ] | -13.3081 | 158.9799 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:29 [view ] | -13.3230 | 158.9983 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:39 [view ] | -13.3461 | 158.9938 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 15:45 [view ] | -13.3516 | 158.9779 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 16:02 [view ] | -13.3193 | 158.9383 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 16:13 [view ] | -13.2965 | 158.9130 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 16:27 [view ] | -13.2942 | 158.8967 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge DR42 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 16:30 [view ] | -13.2952 | 158.8965 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 16:30 [view ] | -13.2952 | 158.8965 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 17:37 [view ] | -13.3215 | 158.9172 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 17:38 [view ] | -13.3217 | 158.9173 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 17:42 [view ] | -13.3218 | 158.9172 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:11 [view ] | -13.3223 | 158.9167 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:14 [view ] | -13.3222 | 158.9168 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:23 [view ] | -13.3220 | 158.9168 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:35 [view ] | -13.3223 | 158.9167 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:38 [view ] | -13.3223 | 158.9167 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:39 [view ] | -13.3223 | 158.9167 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:40 [view ] | -13.3222 | 158.9168 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:42 [view ] | -13.3222 | 158.9168 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 18:47 [view ] | -13.3220 | 158.9168 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 19:18 [view ] | -13.3222 | 158.9168 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:10 [view ] | -13.3223 | 158.9167 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:11 [view ] | -13.3223 | 158.9168 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging after DR41 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:18 [view ] | -13.3235 | 158.9195 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start cast 26- 600m @ 2 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:34 [view ] | -13.3286 | 158.9301 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:34 [view ] | -13.3287 | 158.9303 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:36 [view ] | -13.3303 | 158.9335 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_026.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:45 [view ] | -13.3407 | 158.9525 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 20:54 [view ] | -13.3521 | 158.9736 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | Lots of large (4-7mm) black crystals (probably pyroxene but subhedral crystals - difficult to tell shape) Lots of lath-like yellow/orange crystals (1-2 mm)- presumed plag - now quite altered Lots of while mica also (1-3 mm) - took picture with microscope Small slither of carbonate/clay breccia on sie of gabbro Possibly dolerite with coarser pyroxene phenocrysts | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 21:06 [view ] | -13.3674 | 159.0017 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | - Highly altered basalt - purple/pink in colour and very fine grained - Full of vesicles (1-12 mm) -Now infilled by clear calcite, green zeolite, and purple and brown clay - Some fractures and veining - Other, smaller volcanic and clay clasts around the edge of the larger clast | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 21:50 [view ] | -13.4350 | 159.1066 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | - Some small white plag laths (0.5 - 2mm) - Rest of groundmass quite altered to orange mineral - small black mineral (0.5 - 2 mm) presumed pyroxene but looks similar to vesicle infill - just clay? - Lots of vesicles - mostly filled by soft black material, maybe clay? Also partially filled by calcite | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:00 [view ] | -13.4534 | 159.1273 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | - Grains, mostly subrounded - Alteration varies in different grains/clasts - Some clasts are volcanics an contain feldspars - Black rounded spots - Mn oxide? - in clasts - 0.5-1mm white crystals in clasts are usually calcite - Weak grading? | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:07 [view ] | -13.4690 | 159.1422 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | Similar to sample D41-011 Calcite crystals in clasts, clasts mostly subrounded, some angular Some crystals in matrix, some are calcite Black spots in clasts Calcite filled veins | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:11 [view ] | -13.4763 | 159.1493 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:13 [view ] | -13.4799 | 159.1528 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:18 [view ] | -13.4910 | 159.1634 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:37 [view ] | -13.5291 | 159.2001 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:39 [view ] | -13.5340 | 159.2048 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:42 [view ] | -13.5414 | 159.2120 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:46 [view ] | -13.5477 | 159.2180 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:49 [view ] | -13.5539 | 159.2241 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:50 [view ] | -13.5574 | 159.2274 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:52 [view ] | -13.5614 | 159.2313 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 22:55 [view ] | -13.5662 | 159.2359 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:00 [view ] | -13.5778 | 159.2470 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:02 [view ] | -13.5815 | 159.2506 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:05 [view ] | -13.5890 | 159.2578 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:09 [view ] | -13.5974 | 159.2659 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:13 [view ] | -13.6043 | 159.2725 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:16 [view ] | -13.6117 | 159.2797 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:19 [view ] | -13.6167 | 159.2845 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:21 [view ] | -13.6226 | 159.2902 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:24 [view ] | -13.6287 | 159.2960 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:26 [view ] | -13.6333 | 159.3005 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:28 [view ] | -13.6366 | 159.3036 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:33 [view ] | -13.6460 | 159.3127 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:35 [view ] | -13.6510 | 159.3175 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:38 [view ] | -13.6575 | 159.3237 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:40 [view ] | -13.6621 | 159.3282 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:43 [view ] | -13.6686 | 159.3345 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:54 [view ] | -13.6916 | 159.3566 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-25 23:58 [view ] | -13.6992 | 159.3640 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 00:01 [view ] | -13.7060 | 159.3705 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 00:23 [view ] | -13.7523 | 159.4151 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 00:37 [view ] | -13.7827 | 159.4445 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 00:40 [view ] | -13.7893 | 159.4508 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 00:42 [view ] | -13.7923 | 159.4537 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:23 [view ] | -14.0050 | 159.6397 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:29 [view ] | -14.0184 | 159.6475 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:37 [view ] | -14.0355 | 159.6465 | CCNC [view] | Maintenance | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Filled and emptied Milli-q | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:37 [view ] | -14.0369 | 159.6470 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:40 [view ] | -14.0643 | 159.6625 | TSG [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | Cleaned TSG filter | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:40 [view ] | -14.0415 | 159.6497 | Fluorometer [view] | Cleaned | in2019_v04 | Cleaned fluorometer | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:40 [view ] | -14.0425 | 159.6505 | pCO2 [view] | Filter Clean | in2019_v04 | pC02 filter clean | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:47 [view ] | -14.0555 | 159.6590 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:55 [view ] | -14.0775 | 159.6674 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 02:57 [view ] | -14.0828 | 159.6679 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:10 [view ] | -14.1196 | 159.6583 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:12 [view ] | -14.1256 | 159.6566 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:14 [view ] | -14.1311 | 159.6550 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:18 [view ] | -14.1430 | 159.6513 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:22 [view ] | -14.1541 | 159.6480 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:24 [view ] | -14.1599 | 159.6485 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:28 [view ] | -14.1657 | 159.6525 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:47 [view ] | -14.1403 | 159.6782 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 03:49 [view ] | -14.1333 | 159.6795 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 04:56 [view ] | -13.9352 | 159.7278 | EM122 [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | GPS height changed from GGA to GGK (Line 0717 onwards) After rebooting PC noticed that CARIS & 39;batch importer& 39; program was set to GGA and not GGK. Note: 0697 to 0716 (inclusive) were processing with GGA as GPS height. | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 05:02 [view ] | -13.9242 | 159.7396 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 05:04 [view ] | -13.9238 | 159.7446 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 05:06 [view ] | -13.9249 | 159.7494 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 05:09 [view ] | -13.9301 | 159.7564 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 05:12 [view ] | -13.9373 | 159.7595 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 05:44 [view ] | -14.0323 | 159.7317 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 05:54 [view ] | -14.0332 | 159.7077 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck - preparing for DR43 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 06:13 [view ] | -14.0267 | 159.6685 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 06:16 [view ] | -14.0270 | 159.6692 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge in water (DR43) | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 06:43 [view ] | -14.0297 | 159.6807 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging of EM122, SBP & QINSy while on station at DR43 Area have been mapped prior to dredging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 06:47 [view ] | -14.0300 | 159.6828 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 07:09 [view ] | -14.0327 | 159.6933 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 07:21 [view ] | -14.0328 | 159.6935 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 07:23 [view ] | -14.0328 | 159.6935 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 07:24 [view ] | -14.0328 | 159.6935 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 07:32 [view ] | -14.0328 | 159.6935 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 08:13 [view ] | -14.0310 | 159.6895 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 08:26 [view ] | -14.0317 | 159.6912 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 08:29 [view ] | -14.0318 | 159.6915 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 08:35 [view ] | -14.0317 | 159.6918 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 08:41 [view ] | -14.0318 | 159.6923 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 08:43 [view ] | -14.0318 | 159.6925 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 08:55 [view ] | -14.0325 | 159.6930 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 09:03 [view ] | -14.0322 | 159.6932 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 09:09 [view ] | -14.0322 | 159.6932 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 09:13 [view ] | -14.0322 | 159.6932 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 09:21 [view ] | -14.0322 | 159.6932 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 09:55 [view ] | -14.0323 | 159.6930 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge on deck - end of DR43 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:13 [view ] | -14.0345 | 159.6963 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m (SVP027) | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:25 [view ] | -14.0375 | 159.7022 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Loose line detected - total depth achieved = 643m Total Line = 925m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:30 [view ] | -14.0390 | 159.7058 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_027.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:31 [view ] | -14.0397 | 159.7072 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:31 [view ] | -14.0397 | 159.7072 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed Zero depth sensor and mag clock ok (delta of zero) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:31 [view ] | -14.0397 | 159.7072 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:51 [view ] | -14.0589 | 159.7491 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:54 [view ] | -14.0638 | 159.7541 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:55 [view ] | -14.0669 | 159.7564 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 10:57 [view ] | -14.0707 | 159.7585 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:03 [view ] | -14.0866 | 159.7619 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:06 [view ] | -14.0946 | 159.7605 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:36 [view ] | -14.1713 | 159.6980 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:39 [view ] | -14.1803 | 159.6910 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:43 [view ] | -14.1911 | 159.6826 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:46 [view ] | -14.1971 | 159.6780 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:49 [view ] | -14.2061 | 159.6710 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:51 [view ] | -14.2121 | 159.6664 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:55 [view ] | -14.2201 | 159.6587 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:57 [view ] | -14.2267 | 159.6517 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 11:59 [view ] | -14.2308 | 159.6474 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 12:00 [view ] | -14.2331 | 159.6441 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 13:00 [view ] | -14.3747 | 159.5063 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Noticed Mag auto tuning was fixed - changed to AUTO | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 13:14 [view ] | -14.4108 | 159.4848 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_016.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 15:00 [view ] | -14.7143 | 159.3853 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_017.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 16:27 [view ] | -14.8028 | 159.4315 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_018.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 16:35 [view ] | -14.7778 | 159.4362 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, mag being retrived for DR44 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 16:51 [view ] | -14.7533 | 159.4052 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 17:00 [view ] | -14.7507 | 159.3832 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging for DR44 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 17:05 [view ] | -14.7520 | 159.3813 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 17:46 [view ] | -14.7588 | 159.3973 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 17:51 [view ] | -14.7598 | 159.3998 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 18:00 [view ] | -14.7615 | 159.4042 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 18:10 [view ] | -14.7618 | 159.4040 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 18:35 [view ] | -14.7613 | 159.4043 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 18:39 [view ] | -14.7615 | 159.4042 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 18:50 [view ] | -14.7613 | 159.4043 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 19:06 [view ] | -14.7608 | 159.4047 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 19:48 [view ] | -14.7603 | 159.4055 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 19:48 [view ] | -14.7603 | 159.4055 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 19:53 [view ] | -14.7603 | 159.4078 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start cast 28- 600m @ 2 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 20:11 [view ] | -14.7588 | 159.4167 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 20:12 [view ] | -14.7588 | 159.4187 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_028.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 20:30 [view ] | -14.7223 | 159.4400 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 21:01 [view ] | -14.6278 | 159.4634 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 21:12 [view ] | -14.5933 | 159.4733 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | SVP in2019_v04_sst_016.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 21:26 [view ] | -14.5481 | 159.4863 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 22:10 [view ] | -14.4210 | 159.5400 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | SVP in2019_v04_svp_028.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 22:16 [view ] | -14.4064 | 159.5495 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 22:19 [view ] | -14.4006 | 159.5532 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 22:33 [view ] | -14.3667 | 159.5752 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_019.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 22:35 [view ] | -14.3606 | 159.5790 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 22:40 [view ] | -14.3504 | 159.5856 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 22:42 [view ] | -14.3451 | 159.5891 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-26 23:55 [view ] | -14.4665 | 159.7475 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_020.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 03:09 [view ] | -14.7252 | 160.2813 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 03:20 [view ] | -14.7312 | 160.3097 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 04:05 [view ] | -14.6878 | 160.2220 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 04:05 [view ] | -14.6878 | 160.2220 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 04:10 [view ] | -14.6887 | 160.2235 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 04:52 [view ] | -14.7003 | 160.2393 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 05:13 [view ] | -14.7053 | 160.2462 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 05:23 [view ] | -14.7055 | 160.2462 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 05:59 [view ] | -14.7053 | 160.2462 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 06:03 [view ] | -14.7053 | 160.2462 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 06:06 [view ] | -14.7052 | 160.2462 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 06:36 [view ] | -14.7052 | 160.2463 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 07:49 [view ] | -14.7073 | 160.2513 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 700m at 2kts | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 07:58 [view ] | -14.7095 | 160.2558 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Terminated early due to tension spike. Line out = 830m Depth = 574m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:02 [view ] | -14.7113 | 160.2593 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_029.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:04 [view ] | -14.7125 | 160.2613 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:05 [view ] | -14.7135 | 160.2632 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:05 [view ] | -14.7135 | 160.2632 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:17 [view ] | -14.7263 | 160.2940 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:39 [view ] | -14.7458 | 160.3558 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:42 [view ] | -14.7485 | 160.3657 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:47 [view ] | -14.7525 | 160.3798 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:51 [view ] | -14.7561 | 160.3929 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:52 [view ] | -14.7567 | 160.3952 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:55 [view ] | -14.7591 | 160.4035 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:55 [view ] | -14.7596 | 160.4055 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:57 [view ] | -14.7607 | 160.4093 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:58 [view ] | -14.7614 | 160.4120 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 08:58 [view ] | -14.7618 | 160.4133 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 11:32 [view ] | -14.9133 | 160.4530 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved - Logging/Sampling suspended for dredge DR46 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 11:40 [view ] | -14.9196 | 160.4633 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 11:44 [view ] | -14.9117 | 160.4683 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 11:54 [view ] | -14.9042 | 160.4750 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 12:02 [view ] | -14.9050 | 160.4768 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge being deplyed at DR46 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 12:24 [view ] | -14.9085 | 160.4870 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge 46 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 12:44 [view ] | -14.9115 | 160.4960 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 12:59 [view ] | -14.9128 | 160.5002 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 13:02 [view ] | -14.9127 | 160.5002 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 13:45 [view ] | -14.9130 | 160.5000 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 13:48 [view ] | -14.9128 | 160.5000 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 13:52 [view ] | -14.9128 | 160.5002 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 13:54 [view ] | -14.9128 | 160.5002 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 13:57 [view ] | -14.9130 | 160.5000 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 14:00 [view ] | -14.9130 | 160.5000 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 14:05 [view ] | -14.9130 | 160.4998 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 14:10 [view ] | -14.9132 | 160.4998 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 14:19 [view ] | -14.9132 | 160.4995 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 14:28 [view ] | -14.9132 | 160.4993 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 15:18 [view ] | -14.9133 | 160.4992 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge wire on deck - Lost dredge at DR46 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 15:27 [view ] | -14.9155 | 160.4890 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 - Departing DR46 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 15:27 [view ] | -14.9155 | 160.4890 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP - Departing DR46 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 15:41 [view ] | -14.9200 | 160.4533 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Magnetometer 300m behind stern - Sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 16:15 [view ] | -14.9335 | 160.3418 | POSMV [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Swapped USB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 19:04 [view ] | -15.1962 | 160.0013 | Mag [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag clock 2s out of sync with GPS | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 19:31 [view ] | -15.2748 | 159.9765 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_021.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 22:51 [view ] | -15.7292 | 159.5375 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling, mag being retrived for DR47 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 23:02 [view ] | -15.7190 | 159.5282 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 23:11 [view ] | -15.6995 | 159.5388 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge DR47 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-27 23:14 [view ] | -15.6995 | 159.5408 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 00:13 [view ] | -15.7213 | 159.5645 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 00:41 [view ] | -15.7320 | 159.5755 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 00:42 [view ] | -15.7320 | 159.5755 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging on DR47 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 00:45 [view ] | -15.7320 | 159.5753 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 00:55 [view ] | -15.7322 | 159.5753 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 01:12 [view ] | -15.7322 | 159.5753 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 01:28 [view ] | -15.7322 | 159.5753 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 01:43 [view ] | -15.7308 | 159.5743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 01:51 [view ] | -15.7308 | 159.5743 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 02:02 [view ] | -15.7298 | 159.5735 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 02:10 [view ] | -15.7303 | 159.5730 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 02:23 [view ] | -15.7307 | 159.5727 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 03:34 [view ] | -15.7335 | 159.5765 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 03:43 [view ] | -15.7361 | 159.5809 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 03:45 [view ] | -15.7367 | 159.5818 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Rapid cast deployment 30- 600m @ 4 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 03:46 [view ] | -15.7367 | 159.5822 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 03:56 [view ] | -15.7399 | 159.5877 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 03:57 [view ] | -15.7402 | 159.5882 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 04:00 [view ] | -15.7408 | 159.5893 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | SV Cast 030 completed Line out = 1239 Depth = 829m No errors on second attempt. | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 04:02 [view ] | -15.7418 | 159.5910 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 04:02 [view ] | -15.7418 | 159.5912 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_030.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 04:14 [view ] | -15.7673 | 159.5838 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 04:34 [view ] | -15.8227 | 159.5510 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 05:04 [view ] | -15.8915 | 159.4884 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 08:32 [view ] | -16.2885 | 159.0630 | Picarro Spectrometer [view] | Maintenance | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Brief stop of network data output for diagnostics (future output of additional data) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 09:13 [view ] | -16.2135 | 159.1603 | Picarro Spectrometer [view] | Fault | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Inadvertent transposition of variable values to incorrect table in Techsas (now rectified) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 09:56 [view ] | -16.1348 | 159.2695 | Picarro Spectrometer [view] | Change | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Restarted again, with additional data fields for Techsas now (for when the Techsas parser is updated) | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 11:08 [view ] | -16.0615 | 159.2698 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 11:30 [view ] | -16.0857 | 159.2263 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 11:44 [view ] | -16.0893 | 159.2305 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deployed dredge at DR48 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 12:14 [view ] | -16.1003 | 159.2427 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 12:31 [view ] | -16.1073 | 159.2505 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 12:41 [view ] | -16.1075 | 159.2503 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 12:50 [view ] | -16.1075 | 159.2503 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 12:53 [view ] | -16.1073 | 159.2503 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 13:21 [view ] | -16.1075 | 159.2503 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 13:28 [view ] | -16.1075 | 159.2503 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 13:38 [view ] | -16.1075 | 159.2503 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 13:50 [view ] | -16.1075 | 159.2503 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 14:32 [view ] | -16.1070 | 159.2507 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge at surface - end DR48 (lots of rocks) | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 14:52 [view ] | -16.1113 | 159.2550 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 14:54 [view ] | -16.1128 | 159.2565 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 14:54 [view ] | -16.1128 | 159.2565 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 15:08 [view ] | -16.1422 | 159.2780 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 16:27 [view ] | -16.3092 | 159.1605 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for rapidcast | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 16:38 [view ] | -16.3208 | 159.1458 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 16:43 [view ] | -16.3242 | 159.1415 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start rapidcast 31- 600m @ 2 kts After recalibration of tension arm and back on primary relay Max depth- 823m | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 17:01 [view ] | -16.3302 | 159.1325 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 17:02 [view ] | -16.3308 | 159.1313 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP applied in2019_v04_svp_031.asvp | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 17:13 [view ] | -16.3455 | 159.1037 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 21:56 [view ] | -17.0084 | 159.2244 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 21:57 [view ] | -17.0123 | 159.2240 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 21:57 [view ] | -17.0147 | 159.2237 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 21:59 [view ] | -17.0189 | 159.2233 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:01 [view ] | -17.0266 | 159.2224 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:03 [view ] | -17.0330 | 159.2217 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:05 [view ] | -17.0394 | 159.2211 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:08 [view ] | -17.0472 | 159.2202 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:10 [view ] | -17.0562 | 159.2192 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:12 [view ] | -17.0613 | 159.2187 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:15 [view ] | -17.0713 | 159.2176 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:17 [view ] | -17.0775 | 159.2170 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:20 [view ] | -17.0857 | 159.2161 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:24 [view ] | -17.0996 | 159.2146 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:29 [view ] | -17.1162 | 159.2128 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:33 [view ] | -17.1289 | 159.2115 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:41 [view ] | -17.1554 | 159.2081 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:54 [view ] | -17.1966 | 159.1991 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 22:58 [view ] | -17.2072 | 159.1939 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 23:00 [view ] | -17.2145 | 159.1899 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 23:04 [view ] | -17.2240 | 159.1837 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 23:09 [view ] | -17.2373 | 159.1726 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 23:13 [view ] | -17.2464 | 159.1647 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 23:21 [view ] | -17.2653 | 159.1446 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-28 23:23 [view ] | -17.2701 | 159.1387 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 02:54 [view ] | -17.5462 | 158.5000 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops 49 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 03:08 [view ] | -17.5337 | 158.5267 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 03:25 [view ] | -17.5418 | 158.5768 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on DR49 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 03:25 [view ] | -17.5423 | 158.5772 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 03:29 [view ] | -17.5443 | 158.5788 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 03:37 [view ] | -17.5462 | 158.5808 | POSMV [view] | caution | GSM_in2019_v04 | Posmv status degraded to MarineStar VBS | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 04:14 [view ] | -17.5573 | 158.5932 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 04:34 [view ] | -17.5627 | 158.5992 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 04:39 [view ] | -17.5628 | 158.5990 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 04:46 [view ] | -17.5628 | 158.5990 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 04:48 [view ] | -17.5627 | 158.5987 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 04:51 [view ] | -17.5623 | 158.5982 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 05:12 [view ] | -17.5590 | 158.5930 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 05:15 [view ] | -17.5592 | 158.5928 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 05:42 [view ] | -17.5612 | 158.5958 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 05:52 [view ] | -17.5627 | 158.5983 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:00 [view ] | -17.5627 | 158.5985 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:08 [view ] | -17.5628 | 158.5983 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:10 [view ] | -17.5630 | 158.5982 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:18 [view ] | -17.5628 | 158.5983 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:19 [view ] | -17.5627 | 158.5983 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:20 [view ] | -17.5627 | 158.5983 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:25 [view ] | -17.5625 | 158.5985 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 06:44 [view ] | -17.5618 | 158.5987 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:03 [view ] | -17.5610 | 158.6012 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 700m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:10 [view ] | -17.5623 | 158.6052 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 & SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:14 [view ] | -17.5623 | 158.6073 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Line out = 859m Depth = 636.5 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:19 [view ] | -17.5580 | 158.6028 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_032.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:30 [view ] | -17.5520 | 158.5718 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:36 [view ] | -17.5487 | 158.5526 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:39 [view ] | -17.5488 | 158.5425 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:40 [view ] | -17.5490 | 158.5393 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP120 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 08:40 [view ] | -17.5492 | 158.5382 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 09:00 [view ] | -17.5757 | 158.4787 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 09:05 [view ] | -17.5857 | 158.4667 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 09:32 [view ] | -17.6367 | 158.3926 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 09:36 [view ] | -17.6462 | 158.3844 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 09:47 [view ] | -17.6812 | 158.3769 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 09:50 [view ] | -17.6909 | 158.3779 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 17:54 [view ] | -18.3965 | 158.4440 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_022.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 23:44 [view ] | -19.4147 | 158.2064 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-29 23:46 [view ] | -19.4215 | 158.2038 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 01:37 [view ] | -19.7730 | 158.1558 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being retrieved | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 01:51 [view ] | -19.7520 | 158.1405 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag on deck | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:01 [view ] | -19.7428 | 158.1397 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:08 [view ] | -19.7407 | 158.1423 | EM122 [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:09 [view ] | -19.7405 | 158.1425 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:32 [view ] | -19.7322 | 158.1518 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:35 [view ] | -19.7310 | 158.1528 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:38 [view ] | -19.7302 | 158.1538 | Underway | Karl Malakoff Hydrochem Lab : | Sample | TSG_Samples_in2019_v04 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:44 [view ] | -19.7280 | 158.1564 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:45 [view ] | -19.7274 | 158.1569 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:46 [view ] | -19.7273 | 158.1568 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:47 [view ] | -19.7273 | 158.1568 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:50 [view ] | -19.7273 | 158.1568 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 02:54 [view ] | -19.7273 | 158.1567 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 03:06 [view ] | -19.7287 | 158.1558 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 03:10 [view ] | -19.7287 | 158.1560 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 03:15 [view ] | -19.7287 | 158.1562 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 03:48 [view ] | -19.7287 | 158.1560 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:15 [view ] | -19.7288 | 158.1562 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge at surface - end DR50 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:37 [view ] | -19.7262 | 158.1613 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 600m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:44 [view ] | -19.7242 | 158.1648 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:47 [view ] | -19.7232 | 158.1667 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | End of SV Cast Line out = 859m Depth = 593m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:55 [view ] | -19.7255 | 158.1692 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:55 [view ] | -19.7255 | 158.1692 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging SBP | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:56 [view ] | -19.7287 | 158.1688 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_svp_033.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 04:57 [view ] | -19.7303 | 158.1687 | Mag [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 05:09 [view ] | -19.7583 | 158.1782 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag at 300m behind vessel - Started sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 07:01 [view ] | -20.0343 | 158.4236 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:34 [view ] | -20.3235 | 158.5216 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:37 [view ] | -20.3313 | 158.5239 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:40 [view ] | -20.3392 | 158.5261 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:41 [view ] | -20.3453 | 158.5279 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:44 [view ] | -20.3541 | 158.5297 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:47 [view ] | -20.3632 | 158.5298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:50 [view ] | -20.3726 | 158.5298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:53 [view ] | -20.3804 | 158.5298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:55 [view ] | -20.3888 | 158.5298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:57 [view ] | -20.3950 | 158.5298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 08:59 [view ] | -20.4012 | 158.5298 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:01 [view ] | -20.4095 | 158.5294 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:04 [view ] | -20.4170 | 158.5280 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:06 [view ] | -20.4244 | 158.5267 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:09 [view ] | -20.4333 | 158.5250 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:11 [view ] | -20.4392 | 158.5239 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:12 [view ] | -20.4440 | 158.5230 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:15 [view ] | -20.4523 | 158.5215 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:17 [view ] | -20.4608 | 158.5194 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:21 [view ] | -20.4712 | 158.5155 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:27 [view ] | -20.4889 | 158.5079 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 09:29 [view ] | -20.4938 | 158.5049 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 14:30 [view ] | -21.4427 | 158.6017 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_023.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 15:38 [view ] | -21.6613 | 158.6742 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP in2019_v04_sst_024.asvp applied | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 17:50 [view ] | -22.0233 | 158.9223 | SBP [view] | Other | GSM_in2019_v04 | Window size to 250ms | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 18:13 [view ] | -22.0932 | 158.9510 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP applied in2019_v04_sst_025.asvp | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 18:18 [view ] | -22.1070 | 158.9567 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for DR51 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 18:45 [view ] | -22.1510 | 158.9810 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 19:06 [view ] | -22.1465 | 158.9893 | SBP [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop logging on dredge | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 19:33 [view ] | -22.1383 | 159.0015 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 19:42 [view ] | -22.1378 | 159.0018 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 20:00 [view ] | -22.1375 | 159.0015 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 20:03 [view ] | -22.1373 | 159.0015 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 20:19 [view ] | -22.1367 | 159.0018 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 21:04 [view ] | -22.1353 | 159.0018 | SBP [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start logging | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 21:15 [view ] | -22.1338 | 159.0057 | Rapid Cast [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start rapidcast 34; 600m@ 2 kts | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 21:34 [view ] | -22.1255 | 159.0112 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Mag being deployed | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 21:37 [view ] | -22.1295 | 159.0163 | EM122 [view] | SVP | GSM_in2019_v04 | New SVP applied in2019_v04_svp_034.asvp | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 21:56 [view ] | -22.1715 | 159.0675 | SBP [view] | Power | GSM_in2019_v04 | Power to -9dB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 21:58 [view ] | -22.1748 | 159.0715 | Mag [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Start sampling at 1Hz | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 22:33 [view ] | -22.2572 | 159.1710 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 22:37 [view ] | -22.2656 | 159.1813 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 22:39 [view ] | -22.2699 | 159.1864 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 22:41 [view ] | -22.2745 | 159.1919 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 22:43 [view ] | -22.2785 | 159.1967 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 22:48 [view ] | -22.2908 | 159.2117 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 22:51 [view ] | -22.2987 | 159.2213 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 23:20 [view ] | -22.3633 | 159.2997 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 23:25 [view ] | -22.3741 | 159.3129 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 23:30 [view ] | -22.3860 | 159.3273 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 23:32 [view ] | -22.3906 | 159.3329 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-30 23:36 [view ] | -22.3985 | 159.3421 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 00:18 [view ] | -22.4988 | 159.4612 | SBP [view] | Power | GSM_in2019_v04 | Power to -3dB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 01:46 [view ] | -22.7027 | 159.7083 | SBP [view] | Power | GSM_in2019_v04 | Power to -9dB | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 02:37 [view ] | -22.7606 | 159.7400 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | Very fine sand | |||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 03:30 [view ] | -22.7958 | 159.6722 | CPC 3772 [view] | Maintenance | in2019_v04_Atmospherics | Butanol fill and empty | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 03:40 [view ] | -22.8067 | 159.6990 | Mag [view] | Stop | GSM_in2019_v04 | Stop sampling mag, being retrieved for dredging ops DR52 | |
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 04:12 [view ] | -22.8040 | 159.6860 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 04:15 [view ] | -22.8030 | 159.6853 | Other [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Dredge in water - DR52 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 04:40 [view ] | -22.7910 | 159.6812 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 05:07 [view ] | -22.7790 | 159.6770 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 05:13 [view ] | -22.7790 | 159.6768 | EM122 [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Suspended logging of EM122, SBP & QINSy while on station at DR52 | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 05:14 [view ] | -22.7790 | 159.6768 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 05:49 [view ] | -22.7790 | 159.6770 | in2019_v04_dredge | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 06:50 [view ] | -22.7728 | 159.6825 | Rapid Cast [view] | GSM_in2019_v04 | Deploy SV Cast to 700m | ||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 07:01 [view ] | -22.7709 | 159.6888 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 07:06 [view ] | -22.7703 | 159.6913 | Geology_Sed_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 07:09 [view ] | -22.7699 | 159.6931 | Geology_Rocks_in2019_v04 | ||||
IN2019_V04 | 2019-08-31 07:10 [view ] | -22.7697 | 159.6940 | EM122 [view] | Start | GSM_in2019_v04 | Resumed logging EM122 & SBP & Qinsy |