Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199803 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Operation No.: 52

Gear: Florida Flyer,Florida Flyer cod-end cover

When: 1998-09-26 22:47 to 1998-09-26 23:18 UTC

Where: 13° 27.2' S    136° 18.7' E
to 13° 28.8' S    136° 18.9' E

Maximum Depth (m): 18

Description: Prawn Trawl (Closed N_Groote 1 transect)

Comments: (only start depth recorded)

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Florida Flyer 1998-09-26 22:47 1998-09-26 23:18 18 Trawl 31 Minutes
Florida Flyer cod-end cover 1998-09-26 22:47 1998-09-26 23:18 18 Trawl 31 Minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10000000 Porifera 0.007
37341006 Deveximentum insidiator 6 0.059
23270003 Amusium pleuronectes 20 0.503
23615000 Teuthoidea 23 0.276
28711044 Penaeus esculentus 1 0.039
37018009 Carcharhinus coatesi 2 3.543
37085009 Pellona ditchela 1 0.026
37085010 Dussumieria elopsoides 24 0.586
37085013 Sardinella gibbosa 19 0.365
37085015 Anodontostoma chacunda 6 0.314
37087001 Chirocentrus dorab 1 0.372
37280001 Centriscus scutatus 1 0.001
37336001 Echeneis naucrates 1 0.246
37337016 Caranx bucculentus 2 0.099
37337036 Alepes kleinii 1 0.039
37337038 Scyris indica 2 0.071
37337041 Atropus aurochs 2 0.148
37337043 Platycaranx talamparoides 3 0.177
37337045 Scomberoides tala 1 0.089
37337072 Parastromateus niger 4 0.874
37341002 Photopectoralis bindus 1 0.002
37341006 Deveximentum insidiator 74 0.866
37341014 Leiognathus equula 4 0.135
37341015 Leiognathus ruconius 1 0.01
37341016 Nuchequula gerreoides 1 0.032
37355013 Upeneus sundaicus 1 0.045
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 10 3.729
11120000 Scyphozoa 0.048
23615000 Teuthoidea 4 0.02
37085010 Dussumieria elopsoides 3 0.074
37085013 Sardinella gibbosa 12 0.227
37341002 Photopectoralis bindus 4 0.012
11173000 Alcyonacea 2 0.009

Catch Specimen data

CAABSpeciesSpecimen numberCountSexLength (cm)Length codeWeight (g)CSIRO AccessionSample lodged withMuseum registration
37018009 Carcharhinus coatesi 1 Female 74 TL 2093
37018009 Carcharhinus coatesi 2 Female 68.1 TL 1450
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 1 Unchecked 24.6 SL 180.4
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 2 Unchecked 33.6 SL 415
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 3 Unchecked 32.8 SL 450.5
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 4 Unchecked 34.1 SL 413.5
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 5 Unchecked 32.2 SL 379.5
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 6 Unchecked 28.6 SL 261.2
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 7 Unchecked 33 SL 425
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 8 Unchecked 35.2 SL 490
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 9 Unchecked 29.1 SL 278.6
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 10 Unchecked 34.1 SL 435
Deployment observations.
Bottom type:Mud
Cloud cover:3/8
Sea direction:135 degrees
Sea state:Rippled
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