Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - TAN0308 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Operation No.: 45

Gear: MWT fine meshed codend

When: 2003-05-18 04:35 UTC

Where: 26° 31.4' S    166° 34.4' E
to 26° 32.8' S    166° 26.9' E

Maximum Depth (m): 3588

Description: MWT fine meshed codend

Comments: Position and depth from gear mounted sensor.

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
MWT fine meshed codend 2003-05-18 04:35 3550 3588 Trawl

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
23615000 Teuthoidea 12 0
37467000 Tetraodontidae 2 0.002
23643014 Teuthowenia pellucida 1 0
23650000 Octopoda 3 0
28081001 Neognathophausia ingens 2 0
28702000 Euphausiidae 2 0
28702032 Thysanopoda pectinata 2 0
28720000 Sergestidae 8 0
28734004 Oplophorus spinosus 5 0
28735000 Acanthephyridae 2 0
28745001 Eupasiphae gilesii 1 0
35101000 Pyrosomatidae 1 0
37075000 Serrivomeridae 8 0.4
37076000 Nemichthyidae 2 0.004
37079001 Eurypharynx pelecanoides 3 0.15
37106000 Gonostomatidae, Phosichthyidae 1 0.002
37107000 Sternoptychidae 5 0.036
37108001 Astronesthes bilobatus 1 0.03
37109000 Melanostomiidae 2 0.03
37109029 Pachystomias microdon 1 0.25
37110000 Malacosteidae 1 0.04
37111001 Chauliodus sloani 11 0.3
37115000 Platytroctidae 4 0.35
37115004 Platytroctes apus 2 0.08
37122000 Myctophidae 1 0.005
37122004 Hygophum hygomii 9 0.012
37122005 Scopelopsis multipunctatus 2 0.002
37122008 Diaphus perspicillatus 3 0.005
37122009 Dasyscopelus asper 1 0.001
37122021 Ceratoscopelus warmingii 7 0.01
37122022 Notoscopelus resplendens 3 0.01
37122030 Diaphus anderseni 2 0.005
37122032 Diaphus brachycephalus 1 0.002
37122038 Diaphus mollis 5 0.005
37122039 Diaphus parri 2 0.005
37122041 Diaphus termophilus 11 0.03
37122049 Lampanyctus ater 4 0.015
37122054 Lobianchia gemellarii 5 0.01
37122069 Taaningichthys bathyphilus 4 0.006
37122070 Notoscopelus caudispinosus 1 0.01
37122086 Diaphus lucidus 3 0.005
37122094 Lampadena luminosa 1 0.001
37126005 Arctozenus risso 2 0.015
37127001 Omosudis lowii 1 0.01
37128002 Alepisaurus brevirostris 1 0.1
37133001 Rondeletia loricata 1 0.05
37213000 Melanocetidae 1 0.001
37251000 Melamphaidae 8 0.15
37251004 Poromitra crassiceps 4 0.75
23643001 Bathothauma lyromma 1 0
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