Deployment Details
Survey: - SO198805 [details]
Deployment Type: - Catch
Station: 74
Operation No.: 74
Gear: Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl
When: 1988-09-29 02:12 to 1988-09-29 02:42 UTC
19° 51.8' S
116° 44.9' E
19° 51.5' S
116° 43.8' E
Maximum Depth (m): 66
Gear used
Net | Sample | Start | End | Start depth | End depth | Method | Effort |
Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl | 1988-09-29 02:12 | 1988-09-29 02:42 | 66 | 66 | 30 minutes |
Catch Composition
CAAB | Taxa | Count | Weight (kg) |
23607000 | Sepiidae | 1.68 | |
37467018 | Canthigaster rivulata | 0.02 | |
37018006 | Rhizoprionodon acutus | 2.92 | |
37018020 | Hemigaleus australiensis | 2.1 | |
37027003 | Rhinobatos sainsburyi | 0.68 | |
37118001 | Saurida undosquamis | 2.92 | |
37308001 | Dactyloptena papilio | 0.14 | |
37311009 | Epinephelus areolatus | 7 | |
37326005 | Priacanthus hamrur | 17.5 | |
37327012 | Ostorhinchus septemstriatus | 0.01 | |
37336001 | Echeneis naucrates | 0.64 | |
37337005 | Platycaranx malabaricus | 0.09 | |
37337011 | Platycaranx chrysophrys | 2.42 | |
37337021 | Turrum caeruleopinnatum | 5.78 | |
37337022 | Turrum gymnostethus | 0.42 | |
37341011 | Equulites elongatus | 0.01 | |
37346003 | Lutjanus vitta | 3 | |
37346004 | Lutjanus sebae | 3.5 | |
37346012 | Lutjanus sp. (in Yearsley, Last & Ward, 1999) | 1.7 | |
37346013 | Dipterygonotus balteatus | 0.01 | |
37347003 | Nemipterus peronii | 0.3 | |
37347004 | Nemipterus celebicus | 0.02 | |
37347005 | Nemipterus furcosus | 13 | |
37347006 | Scolopsis regina | 1.78 | |
37349002 | Pentaprion longimanus | 0.02 | |
37351001 | Lethrinus punctulatus | 27 | |
37351010 | Gymnocranius elongatus | 1.02 | |
37353006 | Argyrops bleekeri | 0.85 | |
37355004 | Parupeneus heptacanthus | 8.5 | |
37355008 | Upeneus guttatus | 0.01 | |
37355016 | Parupeneus chrysopleuron | 0.38 | |
37357004 | Parapriacanthus ransonneti | 0.01 | |
37365003 | Parachaetodon ocellatus | 0.12 | |
37365008 | Chaetodontoplus personifer | 1.73 | |
37384005 | Choerodon cauteroma | 1.27 | |
37384007 | Bodianus perditio | 0.49 | |
37386001 | Scarus ghobban | 0.58 | |
37390006 | Parapercis alboguttata | 0.12 | |
37460015 | Pseudorhombus diplospilus | 0.32 | |
37465011 | Abalistes stellatus | 2.55 | |
37465014 | Sufflamen fraenatum | 0.77 | |
37465020 | Pseudomonacanthus peroni | 1.9 | |
37466005 | Ostracion nasus | 0.25 | |
37466006 | Tetrosomus gibbosus | 0.09 | |
37467007 | Lagocephalus sceleratus | 0.1 | |
28821008 | Thenus australiensis | 0.77 |
Catch Specimen data
CAAB | Species | Specimen number | Count | Sex | Length (cm) | Length code | Weight (g) | CSIRO Accession | Sample lodged with | Museum registration | |
37346004 | Lutjanus sebae | 1 | Female | 36.4 | 0.95 | ||||||
37346004 | Lutjanus sebae | 2 | Female | 52.5 | 3 |
Deployment observations.
Bottom type: | Shelly Sand |
Cloud cover: | 4/8 |
Sea direction: | 200 degrees |
Sea state: | Slight |
Wind direction: | 200 degrees |
Wind force: | Moderate Breeze |