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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Syllidae (polychaete worms)
Found 330 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
22 066000 | Syllidae | polychaete worms |
22 066901 | Alcyonosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066902 | Amblyosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066957 | Anguillosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066903 | Anoplosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066904 | Astreptosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066906 | Branchiosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066907 | Brania spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066950 | Brevicirrosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066908 | Clavisyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066955 | Epigamia spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066909 | Erinaceusyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066910 | Eurysyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066911 | Eusyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066912 | Exogone spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066913 | Haplosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066914 | Inermosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066915 | Karroonsyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066917 | Megasyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066905 | Myrianida spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066919 | Nooralia spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066920 | Nudisyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066921 | Odontosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066922 | Opisthodonta spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066923 | Opisthosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066924 | Paraehlersia spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066925 | Parahaplosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066926 | Paraopisthosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066927 | Parapionosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066928 | Parasphaerosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066947 | Parexogone spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066951 | Perkinsyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066929 | Pionosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066930 | Plakosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066931 | Proceraea spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066932 | Procerastea spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066933 | Prosphaerosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066934 | Psammosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066935 | Ramisyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066936 | Rhopalosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066937 | Salvatoria spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066938 | Sphaerosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066956 | Streptodonta spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066939 | Streptosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066940 | Syllides spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066941 | Syllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066952 | Synmerosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066942 | Tetrapalpia spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066954 | Trypanedenta spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066948 | Trypanobia spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066943 | Trypanosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066945 | Virchowia spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066953 | Westheidesyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066946 | Xenosyllis spp. | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066251 | Alcyonosyllis bisetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066252 | Alcyonosyllis hinterkircheri | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066166 | Alcyonosyllis phili | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066253 | Alcyonosyllis xeniaecola | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066218 | Amblyosyllis enigmatica | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066002 | Amblyosyllis granosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066219 | Amblyosyllis multidenticulata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066001 | Amblyosyllis spectabilis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066003 | Amblyosyllis vesiculosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066120 | Anoplosyllis sexoculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066220 | Astreptosyllis acrassiseta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066004 | Astreptosyllis similiseta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066008 | Branchiosyllis australis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066210 | Branchiosyllis baringabooreen | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066211 | Branchiosyllis carmenroldanae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066130 | Branchiosyllis cirropunctata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066009 | Branchiosyllis exilis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066212 | Branchiosyllis maculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066213 | Branchiosyllis orbiniiformis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066214 | Branchiosyllis thylacine | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066163 | Branchiosyllis verruculosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066010 | Brania articulata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066012 | Brania furcelligera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066016 | Brania pusilla | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066228 | Brevicirrosyllis ancori | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066233 | Brevicirrosyllis mariae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066234 | Brevicirrosyllis mayteae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066256 | Clavisyllis alternata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066247 | Clavisyllis yongei | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066275 | Epigamia charcoti | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066176 | Erinaceusyllis belizensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066179 | Erinaceusyllis bidentata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066093 | Erinaceusyllis centroamericana | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066178 | Erinaceusyllis cirripapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066177 | Erinaceusyllis ettiennei | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066096 | Erinaceusyllis hartmannschroederae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066098 | Erinaceusyllis horrockensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066180 | Erinaceusyllis kathrynae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066105 | Erinaceusyllis opisthodentata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066107 | Erinaceusyllis perspicax | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066111 | Erinaceusyllis serratosetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066248 | Eurysyllis japonica | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066019 | Eurysyllis tuberculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066221 | Eusyllis assimilis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066020 | Eusyllis kupfferi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066022 | Eusyllis lamelligera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066025 | Exogone africana | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066026 | Exogone aristata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066198 | Exogone arrakatarkoola | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066027 | Exogone australis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066203 | Exogone breviantennata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066028 | Exogone brevifalcigera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066200 | Exogone dispar | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066030 | Exogone fustifera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066197 | Exogone goorapuranga | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066201 | Exogone haswelli | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066032 | Exogone heterosetoides | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066033 | Exogone heterosetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066199 | Exogone ingridae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066202 | Exogone koorenborongi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066195 | Exogone longicornis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066196 | Exogone lourei | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066034 | Exogone naidina | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066204 | Exogone naidinoides | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066036 | Exogone simplex | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066037 | Exogone spinisetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066039 | Exogone verugera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066239 | Haplosyllis basticola | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066240 | Haplosyllis crassicirrata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066041 | Haplosyllis djiboutiensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066241 | Haplosyllis imajimai | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066242 | Haplosyllis ingensicola | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066243 | Haplosyllis sanchoi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066244 | Haplosyllis sandii | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066245 | Haplosyllis tenhovei | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066246 | Haplosyllis uncinigera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066207 | Inermosyllis pseudohaploides | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066215 | Karroonsyllis exogoneformis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066131 | Megasyllis corruscans | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066141 | Megasyllis heterosetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066023 | Megasyllis inflata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066005 | Myrianida australiensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066276 | Myrianida chathamensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066167 | Myrianida longstaffi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066205 | Myrianida maclearanus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066277 | Myrianida monoceros | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066048 | Myrianida pachycera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066171 | Nooralia bulgannabooyanga | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066080 | Nudisyllis tinihekea | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066049 | Odontosyllis annulatus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066050 | Odontosyllis australiensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066052 | Odontosyllis detecta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066053 | Odontosyllis freycinetensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066055 | Odontosyllis globulocirrata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066222 | Odontosyllis gravelyi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066056 | Odontosyllis hyalina | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066057 | Odontosyllis langerhansaesetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066278 | Odontosyllis maorioria | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066223 | Odontosyllis marombibooral | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066279 | Odontosyllis picta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066059 | Odontosyllis polycera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066280 | Odontosyllis psammochroma | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066255 | Odontosyllis robustus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066075 | Opisthodonta "divaricata" | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066224 | Opisthodonta hannaloreae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066078 | Opisthodonta melaenonephra | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066225 | Opisthodonta morena | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066235 | Opisthodonta rousei | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066061 | Opisthosyllis australis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066063 | Opisthosyllis brunnea | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066065 | Opisthosyllis japonica | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066208 | Opisthosyllis longicirrata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066284 | Opisthosyllis macroura | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066067 | Opisthosyllis simpliseta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066066 | Opisthosyllis viridis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066076 | Paraehlersia ehlersiaeformis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066045 | Paraehlersia ferrugina | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066081 | Paraehlersia weissmannioides | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066068 | Parahaplosyllis brevicirra | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066226 | Paraopisthosyllis alternocirra | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066062 | Paraopisthosyllis brevicirra | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066077 | Paraopisthosyllis fusigera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066231 | Paraopisthosyllis kalimna | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066227 | Paraopisthosyllis ornatocirra | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066254 | Paraopisthosyllis pardus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066069 | Paraopisthosyllis phyllocirra | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066186 | Parapionosyllis richardi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066185 | Parapionosyllis winnunga | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066072 | Parasphaerosyllis indica | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066190 | Parexogone annamurrayae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066193 | Parexogone caribensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066029 | Parexogone exmouthensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066192 | Parexogone gambiae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066194 | Parexogone homosetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066168 | Parexogone minuscula | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066189 | Parexogone patriciae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066187 | Parexogone penelopeae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066035 | Parexogone sexoculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066038 | Parexogone tasmanica | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066191 | Parexogone wilsoni | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066188 | Parexogone wolfi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066073 | Perkinsyllis augeneri | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066046 | Perkinsyllis hartmannschroederae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066232 | Perkinsyllis koolalya | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066024 | Perkinsyllis serrata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066230 | Pionosyllis heterochaetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066206 | Pionosyllis kerguelensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066259 | Pionosyllis petalecirrus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066260 | Pionosyllis stylifera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066083 | Plakosyllis brevipes | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066085 | Proceraea filiformis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066084 | Proceraea madeirensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066006 | Proceraea picta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066088 | Procerastea australiensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066090 | Procerastea simpliseta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066175 | Prosphaerosyllis battiri | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066174 | Prosphaerosyllis isabellae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066101 | Prosphaerosyllis longipapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066102 | Prosphaerosyllis magnoculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066103 | Prosphaerosyllis multipapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066173 | Prosphaerosyllis nathani | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066104 | Prosphaerosyllis opisthoculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066106 | Prosphaerosyllis papillosissima | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066113 | Prosphaerosyllis sublaevis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066114 | Prosphaerosyllis xarifae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066060 | Psammosyllis curticirris | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066249 | Ramisyllis multicaudata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066091 | Rhopalosyllis hamulifera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066082 | Salvatoria euritmica | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066013 | Salvatoria kerguelensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066011 | Salvatoria koorineclavata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066014 | Salvatoria longisetosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066281 | Salvatoria nutrix | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066015 | Salvatoria opisthodentata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066172 | Salvatoria pilkena | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066017 | Salvatoria quadrioculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066018 | Salvatoria rhopalophora | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066182 | Sphaerosyllis bardukaciculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066070 | Sphaerosyllis bifurcata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066071 | Sphaerosyllis bifurcatoides | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066094 | Sphaerosyllis capensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066095 | Sphaerosyllis densopapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066184 | Sphaerosyllis georgeharrisoni | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066183 | Sphaerosyllis goorabantennata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066097 | Sphaerosyllis hirsuta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066099 | Sphaerosyllis hystrix | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066100 | Sphaerosyllis lateropapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066108 | Sphaerosyllis pygipapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066109 | Sphaerosyllis rotundipapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066110 | Sphaerosyllis semiverrucosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066112 | Sphaerosyllis sexpapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066181 | Sphaerosyllis voluntariorum | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066237 | Streptodonta pterochaeta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066115 | Streptosyllis aequiseta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066116 | Streptosyllis biarticulata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066117 | Streptosyllis magnapalpa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066282 | Syllides articulosus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066238 | Syllides japonicus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066119 | Syllides pumilus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066121 | Syllides spinosus | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066118 | Syllides tam | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066127 | Syllis albanyensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066283 | Syllis anops | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066128 | Syllis armillaris | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066286 | Syllis attenuata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066263 | Syllis augeneri | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066267 | Syllis boggemanni | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066042 | Syllis broomensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066129 | Syllis busseltonensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066264 | Syllis cerina | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066044 | Syllis cornuta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066132 | Syllis crassicirrata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066261 | Syllis cruzi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066133 | Syllis edensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066134 | Syllis erikae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066123 | Syllis gracilis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066140 | Syllis heronislandensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066143 | Syllis hyalina | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066268 | Syllis joaoi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066269 | Syllis karlae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066144 | Syllis krohnii | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066271 | Syllis lunaris | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066146 | Syllis lutea | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066147 | Syllis macrodentata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066270 | Syllis marceloi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066272 | Syllis monilaris | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066273 | Syllis nigropunctata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066149 | Syllis parturiens | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066150 | Syllis patriciae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066151 | Syllis pectinans | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066122 | Syllis picta | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066154 | Syllis prolifera | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066156 | Syllis punctulata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066250 | Syllis ramosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066274 | Syllis rosea | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066262 | Syllis setoensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066161 | Syllis truncata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066287 | Syllis valida | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066162 | Syllis variegata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066164 | Syllis warrnamboolensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066047 | Syllis yallingupensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066236 | Synmerosyllis yolandae | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066064 | Tetrapalpia dorsoaciculata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066265 | Trypanedenta gemmipara | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066125 | Trypanedenta gigantea | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066258 | Trypanobia cryptica | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066040 | Trypanobia depressa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066209 | Trypanosyllis aeolis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066285 | Trypanosyllis gigantea | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066126 | Trypanosyllis luzonensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066266 | Trypanosyllis taboadai | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066257 | Trypanosyllis taeniaeformis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066135 | Typosyllis gantheaumensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066137 | Typosyllis gerhardi | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066138 | Typosyllis glandulosa | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066139 | Typosyllis guildertonensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066142 | Typosyllis horrockensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066148 | Typosyllis macropectinans | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066152 | Typosyllis pharobroomensis | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066153 | Typosyllis pharynxcircumfuscata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066155 | Typosyllis pseudopapillata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066157 | Typosyllis raygeorgei | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066160 | Typosyllis subantennata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066165 | Typosyllis zonata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066170 | Virchowia branchiata | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066086 | Virchowia longipharyngea | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066087 | Virchowia pectinans | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066007 | Virchowia spirifer | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066229 | Westheidesyllis corallicola | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066216 | Xenosyllis moloch | [a polychaete worm] |
22 066217 | Xenosyllis scabroides | [a polychaete worm] |
99 220131 | Haplosyllis cf. spongicola | [a polychaete worm] |
99 220147 | Typosyllis sp. 1 | [a polychaete worm] |
99 220067 | Syllid 1 | [a polychaete worm] |
99 220068 | Syllid 2 | [a polychaete worm] |
99 220069 | Syllid 3 | [a polychaete worm] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.