Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200510 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 15

Operation No.: 15

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2005-11-20 17:02 to 2005-11-20 17:34 UTC

Where: 33° 58.8' S    114° 44.0' E
to 33° 59.0' S    114° 44.1' E

Maximum Depth (m): 96.7

Description: Area: Mentelle Transect name: L14 100

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2005-11-20 17:02 2005-11-20 17:34 97 96 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10008000 Astrophorida 1 0.262
10009023 Stelletta clavosa 0.005
10021022 Spheciospongia purpurea 1.5
10021023 Spheciospongia papillosa 2.85
10098010 Callyspongia bilamellata 0.2
10180000 Demospongiae 0.005
10200000 Calcarea 2 0.131
11001000 Hydroida 0.493
11160000 Antipatharia 0.076
11188001 Annisis sprightly 2 0.011
11188003 Oparinisis parkeri 3 0.017
11188008 Zignisis repens 10 0.065
11188009 Mopsea encrinula 7 0.041
11188011 Oparinisis flexilis 1 0.006
11188012 Oparinisis viking 1 0.006
11188034 Zignisis alternata 1 0.007
11188036 Zignisis lornae 1 0.007
11188902 Oparinisis spp. 1 0.002
11188903 Zignisis spp. 1 0.001
11197015 Pseudoplumarella filicoides 2 0.096
19161001 Cancellothyris hedleyi 1 0.002
20331000 Bugulidae 0.057
20383000 Catenicellidae 0.28
20405000 Adeonidae
20405901 Adeona spp. 0.417
20418901 Celleporaria spp. 0.03
20487000 Phidoloporidae 0.002
20487910 Reteporellina spp. 0.033
22000000 Polychaeta
22024901 Eunice spp. 6 0.02
22062000 Polynoidae, Iphionidae 2 0.001
23325016 Centrocardita rosulenta 1 0.002
24170018 Tutufa bufo 1 0.054
24209008 Austroharpa wilsoni 1 0.001
24222010 Conus anemone 1 0.001
25030011 Clarkcomanthus luteofuscum 2 0.01
25122001 Pentagonaster dubeni 1 0.002
25166001 Ophiomyxa australis 4 0.009
25170018 Astrobrachion adhaerens 2 0.01
25171019 Astrosierra microconus 1 0.019
25176016 Ophiocrossota multispina 1 0.005
25179010 Ophionereis semoni 3 0.001
25179021 Ophiochiton sp. MoV 5498 1 0.001
25180021 Ophioconis opacum 5 0
25185011 Ophiacantha alternata 1 0
25185013 Ophiacantha clavigera 2 0
25190009 Ophiactis macrolepidota 1 0
25190902 Ophiactis spp. 1 0
25191015 Amphipholis squamata 4 0
25191065 Amphiura sp. MoV 5516 1 0
25192002 Ophiothrix caespitosa 8 0.001
25192033 Ophiothela mirabilis 2 0
25192063 Macrophiothrix spongicola 3 0.003
28030000 Stomatopoda 2 0.001
28226000 Sphaeromatidae 0.001
28399000 Amphipoda 60 0.001
28765000 Alpheidae 1 0
28765140 Synalpheus neptunus germanus 1 0
28768010 Processa gracilis 1 0
28827113 Dardanus sp. MoV 5266 2 0.001
28840042 Phylladiorhynchus pusillus 4 0.001
28840912 Galathea spp. 1 0.001
28880005 Leptomithrax sternocostulatus 1 0.001
28880138 Lahaina agassizii 1 0.001
28880193 Epialtidae sp. MoV 5134 1 0.001
28911051 Nectocarcinus spinifrons 2 0.004
28911094 Thalamita macropus 1 0.001
28920001 Actaea peronii 1 0.001
28920002 Actaea calculosa 1 0.001
28926115 Paraselwynia sp. MoV 5089 1 0
33010017 Nymphon rottnesti 1 0.001
33011040 Pallenella watsonae 2 0.001
35013162 Didemnum perplexum 1 0.055
35013211 Atriolum bucinum 1 0.024
35019010 Aplidium caelestis 1 0.364
35019034 Aplidium magnilarvum 2 0.238
35019094 Synoicum laboutei 5 0.056
99100250 Acanthella WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100256 Thorecta WAM sp. SS7 1 1.409
99100305 Axinella WAM sp. Ng3 0.4
99100336 Oceanapia WAM sp. SS05 0.3
99100345 Sarcotragus WAM sp. Ng1 0.1
99100353 Axinella WAM sp. SS03 1 1.56
99100354 Asteropus WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100355 Oceanapia WAM sp. Ng1 1.7
99100356 Petrosia WAM sp. SS2 3.6
99100358 Taonura WAM sp. SS3 0.3
99100366 Phakellia WAM sp. Ng3 0.1
99100392 Ecionemia WAM sp. SS2 2.5
99100400 Asteropus WAM sp. SS5 0.6
99100413 Jaspis WAM sp. SS1 1.3
99100417 Jaspis WAM sp. SS5 2.9
99100430 Spheciospongia cf. papillosa 4.25
99100433 Hemiasterella WAM sp. SS2 0.2
99100443 Tethyastra WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100450 Agelas WAM sp. SS3 0.4
99100453 Holopsamma WAM sp. SS1 0.7
99100474 Fibulia WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100478 Coelosphaera WAM sp. SS4 0.6
99100484 Monanchora WAM sp. SS1 1.3
99100487 Crella WAM sp. SS2 1.1
99100496 Chondropsis WAM sp. SS1 0.2
99100497 Trachytedania WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100517 Mycale WAM sp. SS3 1 0.427
99100524 Axinella WAM sp. SS02 0.1
99100527 Axinella WAM sp. SS06 0.004
99100530 Phakellia WAM sp. SS1 0.4
99100548 Callyspongia WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100565 Haliclona WAM sp. SS5 0.2
99100568 Amphimedon WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100574 Siphonodictyon WAM sp. SS02 0.2
99100575 Siphonodictyon WAM sp. SS04 0.1
99100576 Siphonodictyon WAM sp. SS05 0.1
99100607 Sarcotragus WAM sp. SS05 16.5
99100613 Cacospongia WAM sp. SS3 2.4
99100615 Dactylospongia WAM sp. SS2 0.1
99100625 Taonura WAM sp. SS1 0.9
99100633 Thorecta WAM sp. Ng1 0.1
99100634 Fascaplysinopsis WAM sp. SS1 0.6
99100637 Thorectandra WAM sp. SS1 0.1
99100640 Hippospongia WAM sp. SS3 1 0.679
99100659 Sarcotragus WAM sp. Ng2 1.5
99100660 Coelocarteria WAM sp. SS1 1 1
99110317 Acabaria sp. E 5 0.006
99110441 Wrightella n.sp. A 5 0.006
99110612 Myriopathes cf. japonica 1 0.072
99110633 Chromonephthea n. sp. AA 1 0.001
99230131 Pteria cf. falcata 1 0.027
99250343 Hoplaster sp. 1 1 0.001
99250353 Paranepanthia sp. 1 2 0.01
99250373 Phyllacanthus sp. 1 4 0.01
99280437 Alpheopsis cf. trispinosa 1 0
99330008 Callipallene sp. 1 1 0.001
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