Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SO198204 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 48

Operation No.: 48

Gear: Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl

When: 1982-08-15 02:00 to 1982-08-15 02:50 UTC

Where: 19° 43.0' S    116° 12.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Description: Trawling

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Demersal Frank & Bryce trawl 1982-08-15 02:00 1982-08-15 02:50 Stern Trawl 50 minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
23607000 Sepiidae 10.5
99379999 other fishes (remainder) 38
37018020 Hemigaleus australiensis 3 2.5
37026001 Rhynchobatus australiae 1 7
37118001 Saurida undosquamis 0.5
37118006 Saurida cf filamentosa 30
37225000 Bregmacerotidae
37269002 Velifer hypselopterus
37278002 Fistularia petimba
37311009 Epinephelus areolatus
37326005 Priacanthus hamrur 11
37327012 Ostorhinchus septemstriatus
37327135 Ostorhinchus unitaeniatus
37336001 Echeneis naucrates
37337017 Decapterus macrosoma
37341009 Aurigequula fasciata
37346002 Pristipomoides multidens 43 32
37346003 Lutjanus vitta 1.5
37346007 Lutjanus malabaricus 9 22.5
37346012 Lutjanus sp. (in Yearsley, Last & Ward, 1999) 4 3.5
37346013 Dipterygonotus balteatus 8
37346019 Pristipomoides typus
37347004 Nemipterus celebicus 2
37347009 Nemipterus virgatus 0.6
37349002 Pentaprion longimanus
37351007 Lethrinus lentjan 16
37353006 Argyrops bleekeri
37355004 Parupeneus heptacanthus 5
37355008 Upeneus guttatus
37382005 Sphyraena forsteri
37386001 Scarus ghobban
37390006 Parapercis alboguttata
37447007 Ariomma indicum
37464001 Trixiphichthys weberi
37465011 Abalistes stellatus 1.1
37465018 Eubalichthys caeruleoguttatus
37466007 Lactoria diaphana
23615000 Teuthoidea 4
Deployment observations.
Bottom type:Silty Sand
Cloud cover:Trace
Current direction:340
Sea state:Glassy
Wind direction:340 degrees
Wind force:Light Air
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