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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Callionymidae (Dragonets)
Found 74 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 427917 | Callionymidae | |
37 427000 | Draconettidae, Callionymidae | deepsea dragonets and dragonets |
37 427901 | Anaora spp. | |
37 427902 | Bathycallionymus spp. | |
37 427903 | Calliurichthys spp. | |
37 427905 | Dactylopus spp. | |
37 427906 | Diplogrammus spp. | |
37 427907 | Eocallionymus spp. | |
37 427908 | Foetorepus spp. | |
37 427909 | Minysynchiropus spp. | |
37 427910 | Neosynchiropus spp. | |
37 427911 | Orbonymus spp. | |
37 427912 | Paradiplogrammus spp. | |
37 427913 | Pseudocalliurichthys spp. | |
37 427914 | Pterosynchiropus spp. | |
37 427915 | Repomucenus spp. | |
37 427916 | Spinicapitichthys spp. | |
37 427045 | Anaora tentaculata | Weedy Dragonet |
37 427003 | Bathycallionymus bifilum | Western Ocellate Dragonet |
37 427802 | Bathycallionymus cf moretonensis sp. B | [a dragonet] |
37 427041 | Bathycallionymus kailolae | Kailola's Dragonet |
37 427800 | Bathycallionymus moretonensis (var WA) | [a dragonet] |
37 427038 | Bathycallionymus moretonensis | Ocellate Dragonet |
37 427008 | Calliurichthys afilum | Lowfin Stinkfish |
37 427013 | Calliurichthys australis | Australian Stinkfish |
37 427007 | Calliurichthys grossi | Longnose Stinkfish |
37 427036 | Calliurichthys ogilbyi | Ogilby's Stinkfish |
37 427050 | Calliurichthys scaber | Japanese Stinkfish |
37 427005 | Dactylopus dactylopus | Finger Dragonet |
37 427026 | Diplogrammus goramensis | Goram Dragonet |
37 427027 | Diplogrammus xenicus | Northern Dragonet |
37 427014 | Eocallionymus papilio | Painted Stinkfish |
37 427028 | Foetorepus apricus | Bight Stinkfish |
37 427029 | Foetorepus australis | Eastern Deepwater Stinkfish |
37 427001 | Foetorepus calauropomus | Common Stinkfish |
37 427804 | Foetorepus cf apricus (east) | [a dragonet] |
37 427803 | Foetorepus cf australis [in National Fish Collection] | [a dragonet] |
37 427052 | Foetorepus delandi | Deland's Stinkfish |
37 427043 | Foetorepus grandoculis | Bigeye Stinkfish |
37 427044 | Foetorepus paxtoni | Paxton's Stinkfish |
37 427002 | Foetorepus phasis | Longray Stinkfish |
37 427042 | Minysynchiropus claudiae | Claudia's Dragonet |
37 427031 | Neosynchiropus morrisoni | Morrison's Dragonet |
37 427032 | Neosynchiropus ocellatus | Marble Dragonet |
37 427053 | Neosynchiropus stellatus | Starry Dragonet |
37 427009 | Orbonymus rameus | Whitespotted Dragonet |
37 427047 | Paradiplogrammus corallinus | Coral Dragonet |
37 427018 | Paradiplogrammus enneactis | Mangrove Dragonet |
37 427039 | Pseudocalliurichthys brevianalis | Shortfin Dragonet |
37 427037 | Pseudocalliurichthys delicatulus | Delicate Dragonet |
37 427006 | Pseudocalliurichthys goodladi | Longspine Dragonet |
37 427021 | Pseudocalliurichthys pleurostictus | Sidespotted Dragonet |
37 427049 | Pseudocalliurichthys simplicicornis | Simplespine Dragonet |
37 427033 | Pterosynchiropus occidentalis | Western Dragonet |
37 427034 | Pterosynchiropus splendidus | Mandarinfish |
37 427016 | Repomucenus annulatus | Ringed Dragonet |
37 427011 | Repomucenus belcheri | Flathead Dragonet |
37 427015 | Repomucenus calcaratus | Spotted Dragonet |
37 427040 | Repomucenus filamentosus | Filamentous Dragonet |
37 427046 | Repomucenus keeleyi | Keeley's Dragonet |
37 427048 | Repomucenus leucobranchialis | Whitegill Dragonet |
37 427012 | Repomucenus limiceps | Rough-head Dragonet |
37 427023 | Repomucenus macdonaldi | Greyspotted Dragonet |
37 427019 | Repomucenus meridionalis | Highfin Dragonet |
37 427051 | Repomucenus octostigmatus | Eightspot Dragonet |
37 427022 | Repomucenus russelli | Russell's Dragonet |
37 427801 | Repomucenus sp. nov.? | [a dragonet] |
37 427024 | Repomucenus sphinx | Sphinx Dragonet |
37 427010 | Repomucenus sublaevis | Multifilament Dragonet |
37 427017 | Spinicapitichthys draconis | Barb Dragonet |
99 379088 | Callionymus apricus (unverified) | |
99 379089 | Callionymus calanropomus (unverified) | |
99 379207 | Dactylopus dactylopus (unverified) | |
99 379087 | Callionymidae sp. |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.