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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
(scyphozoan jellyfish)
Found 95 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
11 120000 | Scyphozoa | Jellyfish |
11 121000 | Stauromedusae | stalked jellyfish |
11 122911 | Craterolophidae | benthic medusae |
11 122901 | Craterolophus spp. | [a benthic medusa] |
11 122001 | Craterolophus macrocystis | [a benthic medusa] |
11 123000 | Atollidae | jellyfish |
11 123901 | Atolla spp. | [jellyfish] |
11 123003 | Atolla parva | [a jellyfish] |
11 123001 | Atolla vanhoeffeni | [a jellyfish] |
11 123002 | Atolla wyvillei | [a jellyfish] |
11 126000 | Nausithoidae | jellyfish |
11 126901 | Nausithoe spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 126902 | Palephyra spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 126001 | Nausithoe simplex | [a jellyfish] |
11 126002 | Palephyra indica | [a jellyfish] |
11 127000 | Paraphyllinidae | jellyfish |
11 128000 | Periphyllidae | jellyfish |
11 128902 | Pericolpa spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 128901 | Periphylla spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 128002 | Pericolpa campana | [a jellyfish] |
11 128001 | Periphylla periphylla | [a jellyfish] |
11 129000 | Tetraplatiidae | hydromedusae |
11 129901 | Tetraplatia spp. | [a hydromedusa] |
11 129001 | Tetraplatia volitans | [a hydromedusa] |
11 131000 | Cyaneidae | jellyfish |
11 131901 | Cyanea spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 131902 | Desmonema spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 131001 | Cyanea annaskala | [a jellyfish] |
11 131004 | Cyanea barkeri | [a jellyfish] |
11 131005 | Cyanea rosea | [a jellyfish] |
11 131002 | Cyanea rosella | [a jellyfish] |
11 131006 | Desmonema gaudichaudi | [a jellyfish] |
11 131003 | Desmonema scoresbyanna | [a jellyfish] |
11 132000 | Pelagiidae | jellyfish |
11 132901 | Chrysaora spp. | |
11 132902 | Pelagia spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 132903 | Sanderia spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 132002 | Chrysaora kynthia | [a jellyfish] |
11 132001 | Chrysaora pentastoma | [a jellyfish] |
11 132006 | Chrysaora southcotti | [a jellyfish] |
11 132003 | Chrysaora wurlerra | tiger sea nettle |
11 132004 | Pelagia noctiluca | mauve stinger |
11 132007 | Sanderia malayensis | [a jellyfish] |
11 132005 | Sanderia pampinosus | [a jellyfish] |
11 133000 | Ulmaridae | jellyfish |
11 133901 | Aurelia spp. | |
11 133904 | Deepstaria spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 133902 | Poralia spp. | |
11 133903 | Stygiomedusa spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 133001 | Aurelia aurita | moon jellyfish |
11 133004 | Deepstaria enigmatica | [a jellyfish] |
11 133002 | Poralia rufescens | red jellyfish |
11 133003 | Stygiomedusa gigantea | [a jellyfish] |
11 135000 | Cassiopeidae | upside-down jellyfish |
11 135901 | Cassiopea spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 135902 | Toreuma spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 135003 | Cassiopea andromeda | [an upside-down jellyfish] |
11 135001 | Cassiopea maremetens | [a upside-down jellyfish] |
11 135004 | Cassiopea ndrosia | [an upside-down jellyfish] |
11 135005 | Cassiopea ornata | [an upside-down jellyfish] |
11 135002 | Toreuma dieuphila | [a jellyfish] |
11 136000 | Catostylidae | jellyfish |
11 136901 | Catostylus spp. | |
11 136902 | Crambione spp. | |
11 136903 | Leptobrachia spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 136001 | Catostylus mosaicus | blue blubber |
11 136002 | Crambione cookii | [a jellyfish] |
11 136003 | Crambione mastigophora | [a jellyfish] |
11 136004 | Leptobrachia leptopus | [a jellyfish] |
11 137000 | Cepheidae | jellyfish |
11 137901 | Cephea spp. | |
11 137902 | Netrostoma spp. | |
11 137002 | Cephea cephea | [a jellyfish] |
11 137003 | Cephea octostyla | [a jellyfish] |
11 137001 | Netrostoma nuda | [a jellyfish] |
11 139000 | Lychnorhizidae | jellyfish |
11 139901 | Pseudorhiza spp. | |
11 139001 | Pseudorhiza haeckeli | [a jellyfish] |
11 140000 | Mastigiidae | jellyfish |
11 140902 | Mastigias spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 140901 | Phyllorhiza spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 140003 | Mastigias andersoni | [a jellyfish] |
11 140002 | Phyllorhiza pacifica | [a jellyfish] |
11 140001 | Phyllorhiza punctata | brown jellyfish |
11 141000 | Rhizostomatidae | jellyfish |
11 141901 | Rhopilema spp. | |
11 141001 | Rhopilema esculenta | [a jellyfish] |
11 141002 | Rhopilema hispidum | [a jellyfish] |
11 144000 | Versurigidae | jellyfish |
11 144901 | Versuriga spp. | |
11 144001 | Versuriga anadyomene | [a jellyfish] |
11 145000 | Bazingidae | jellyfish |
11 145901 | Bazinga spp. | [a jellyfish] |
11 145001 | Bazinga rieki | [a jellyfish] |
99 110232 | Medusae | [a medusa] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.