Sea Level Impacts
Extreme events
As mean sea level rises, extreme events of a given height tend to become more frequent, as shown schematically in the following figure:
We quantify the occurrence of such events by the Return Period or Average Recurrence Interval, which
is the average time between "exceedances" (the times when sea level exceeds a certain height). The simplest way to
estimate this from observational data is to count the number of exceedances in the record for each of a series of
prescribed heights. Estimate of the ARI are then given by the length of the observations divided by the numbers of
exceedances. The effect of sea level rise during the 20th century is indicated in the following figures, which shows
the change of Average Recurrence Interval (derived using the above method) from the first half of the century to the
second, at Fort Denison and Fremantle. It can be seen that the Average Recurrence Interval for these extremes was
reduced by a factor or around three at both sites, so that an extreme that used to occur, say, every three years now
occurs every one year. See also Church, J.A., J.R. Hunter, K.L. McInnes and N.J. White (2006), sea level rise around the
Australian coastline and the changing frequency of extreme sea level events. Australian Meteorological Magazine,
55, 253-260.
Fort Denison