Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200705 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 125

Operation No.: 125

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2007-07-01 05:43 to 2007-07-01 06:29 UTC

Where: 15° 48.7' S    121° 03.7' E
to 15° 48.4' S    121° 03.7' E

Maximum Depth (m): 107.2

Description: Area: Lacepede L26 Transect name: 100

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2007-07-01 05:43 2007-07-01 06:29 90 107 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10075000 Crellidae 1 0.003
99250293 Pteraster sp. 1 1 0.001
11001000 Hydroida 0.123
11173000 Alcyonacea 0.466
11290000 Scleractinia 7 0.008
22000000 Polychaeta 0.005
22085000 Serpulidae 0.005
23220000 Mytilidae 1 0.004
23236902 Pteria spp. 1 0.004
23260901 Plicatula spp. 4 0.006
23301005 Chama pulchella 2 0.014
23301006 Chama limbula 3 0.095
23356903 Semele spp. 2 0.002
23659000 Octopodidae, Eledonidae, Megaleledonidae, Bathypolypodidae, Enteroctopodidae 1 0.013
24202950 Phos spp. 1 0.001
24210901 Marginellidae 2 0.004
25048004 Pterometra trichopoda 1 0.004
25160000 Ophiuroidea 2 0.001
25171013 Astrocladus exiguus 1 0.001
25176019 Ophiolepis rugosa 1 0.001
25176028 Ophiomusa scalaris 1 0.001
25176075 Ophiozonella projecta 3 0.002
25177003 Ophioleuce seminudum 1 0.001
25179005 Ophionereis hexactis 1 0.001
25180019 Ophioconis cincta 1 0.001
25180025 Ophiopeza spinosa 5 0.002
25185016 Ophiacantha indica 1 0.001
25191011 Amphioplus depressus 1 0.001
25192051 Ophiothrix purpurea 1 0.001
25192071 Ophiothrix sp. MoV 5502 2 0.001
25282001 Oligopodia epigonus 1 0.001
25308007 Lovenia camarota 1 0.001
28030000 Stomatopoda 2 0.001
28711090 Metapenaeopsis sp. MoV 6448 4 0.005
28827106 Aniculus sp. MoV 6395 1 0.001
28835062 Paguridae MoV 5261 3 0.001
28840100 Munida roshanei 5 0.001
28852021 Lewindromia unidentata 1 0.002
28860011 Latreillopsis tetraspinosa 1 0.001
28875017 Calappa torulosa 1 0.002
28876097 Ebalia sp. MoV 6539 1 0.001
28880079 Sunipea indicus 2 0.001
28880142 Naxioides carnarvon 1 0.001
28880918 Achaeus spp. 1 0.001
28895034 Rhinolambrus cybelis 2 0.005
28911094 Thalamita macropus 1 0.001
28920000 Xanthidae 2 0.002
28920177 Pseudactaea corallina 1 0.001
28920186 Actiomera erythra 1 0.001
28926062 Vellumnus labyrinthicus 2 0.001
28926110 Actumnus sp. MoV 6469 3 0.008
35000000 Ascidiacea 0.034
36120000 Pterobranchia 1 0.005
99100248 Arenosclera WAM sp. SS1 1 0.025
99100253 Phakellia WAM sp. Ng2 2 0.013
99100260 Spheciospongia WAM sp. SS1 1 0.04
99100267 Rhabderemia WAM sp. SS2 1 0.001
99100301 Luffariella WAM sp. SS10 1 0.159
99100302 Tribrachium WAM sp. SS2 1 0.01
99100303 Timea WAM sp. SS2 1 0.137
99100304 Cliona cf. tinctoria 1 0.116
99110513 Chironephthya sp. A 0.017
99110523 Chironephthya sp. K 1 0.031
10180000 Demospongiae 4 0.144
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