Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200705 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 106

Operation No.: 106

Gear: McKenna Market Trawl (standard)

When: 2007-06-27 02:46 to 2007-06-27 05:15 UTC

Where: 14° 36.7' S    121° 19.1' E
to 14° 36.3' S    121° 21.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 714.4

Description: Area: Leveque L27 Transect name: 700

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
McKenna Market Trawl (standard) 2007-06-27 02:46 2007-06-27 05:15 714 697 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10300000 Hexactinellida 2 0.19
99250297 Mariaster cf. giganteus 1 0.42
11120000 Scyphozoa 9.3
11180901 Chrysogorgia spp. 1 0.003
11216004 Umbellula pellucida 9 0.058
11229000 Actiniaria 1 0.193
23615000 Teuthoidea 3 1.575
23643000 Cranchiidae 1 0.047
25111904 Psilaster spp. 4 0.009
25115000 Benthopectinidae 1 0.005
25176070 Ophiozonella sp. MoV 5666 1 0.001
25185029 Ophiophthalmus relictus 1 0.001
25185031 Ophioplinthaca rudis 9 0.011
25185075 Ophiacantha duplex 1 0.001
25190020 Ophiactis definita 1 0.001
25205000 Echinothuriidae 12 1.132
25418029 Paelopatides aspera 3 0.424
25418030 Synallactes reticulatus 2 0.345
25422001 Laetmogone fimbriata 1 0.024
25424003 Benthodytes sanguinolenta 3 0.071
27500000 Cirripedia 1 0.001
28714030 Hymenopenaeus equalis 1 0.004
28734006 Systellaspis curvispina 2 0.007
28735003 Acanthephyra eximia 2 0.007
28770002 Heterocarpus dorsalis 2 0.011
28770052 Plesionika acinacifer 1 0.009
28780011 Glyphocrangon lineata 5 0.002
28780014 Glyphocrangon proxima 2 0.001
28780901 Glyphocrangon spp. 5 0.058
28786008 Nephropsis stewarti 1 0.007
28786012 Nephropsis sulcata 1 0.007
28840138 Agononida sp. MoV 5544 2 0.005
10321000 Euplectellidae 1 0.084
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