Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200510 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 95

Operation No.: 95

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2005-12-03 20:46 to 2005-12-03 21:41 UTC

Where: 28° 29.4' S    113° 25.1' E
to 28° 30.1' S    113° 25.5' E

Maximum Depth (m): 430.6

Description: Area: Abrolhos Transect name: Tran 400

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2005-12-03 20:46 2005-12-03 21:41 431 416 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
11001000 Hydroida 1 0.088
99250317 Astromesites sp. 1 1 0.015
11229000 Actiniaria 9 0.058
11290000 Scleractinia 0.04
11314005 Caryophyllia grandis 6
20418901 Celleporaria spp. 1 0.001
22000000 Polychaeta 13
22024901 Eunice spp. 1 0.001
22120000 Terebellidae 1 0.001
23356020 Leptomya trigonalis 3 0.001
24176012 Cymatona kampyla 1 0.001
24200071 Babelomurex kawamurai 1 0.005
25176039 Ophiura ooplax 2 0.001
25179020 Ophiodoris malignus 1 0.001
25190022 Ophiactis sp. MoV 5496 40 0.019
25192001 Ophiothrix aristulata 4 0.06
25202023 Stereocidaris sceptriferoides 2 0.077
25220003 Caenopedina mirabilis 7 0.098
25431023 Dactylapta dubiosa 1 0.001
27500000 Cirripedia 1 0.001
28079000 Mysidacea 3 0.001
28340032 Bopyridae sp. MoV 100238 1 0.001
28711091 Metapenaeopsis sp. MoV 5458 2 0.001
28714003 Hadropenaeus lucasii 7 0.001
28770004 Heterocarpus hayashii 5 0.079
28821001 Ibacus alticrenatus 1 0.001
28835032 Propagurus haigae 1 0.009
28837029 Paragiopagurus sp. MoV 5272 4 0.035
28840160 Munida sp. MoV 5183 1 0.001
28840161 Munida sp. MoV 5203 1 0.001
28842054 Uroptychus sp. MoV 5181 4 0.001
28870011 Ethusa sp. MoV 5006 1 0.001
28876046 Ebalia tuberculosa 8 0.001
28901006 Trichopeltarion sp. MoV 5135 7 0.001
28911059 Ovalipes iridescens 1 0.001
28922033 Carcinoplax sp. MoV 4998 4 0.001
99100418 Ecionemia WAM sp. SS4 1 0.322
99110343 Bebryce sp. C 1 0.002
99230129 Limopsis sp. 6 1 0.001
99230143 Veprichlamys sp. 1 1 0.001
99240172 ?Periaulax sp. 2 1 0.001
99240178 ?Margarites sp. 1 2 0.001
99240218 Eulimidae sp. 4 1 0.001
99240246 Vermeijius cf. pallidus 1 0.001
99240256 Mitra cf. suturata 1 0.001
99240261 ?Buccinaria sp. 1 1 0.001
99240270 Gemmula cf. unedo 1 0.005
11077000 Stylasteridae 4 0.007
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