Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200510 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 128

Operation No.: 128

When: 2005-12-08 04:49 to 2005-12-08 05:43 UTC

Where: 23° 59.1' S    112° 32.7' E
to 23° 59.6' S    112° 32.2' E

Maximum Depth (m): 402.2

Description: Area: Red Bluff Transect name: L4 400

Comments: Position determination - map-position based on sonardyne

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
2005-12-08 04:49 2005-12-08 05:43 398 402 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
11314002 Deltocyathus magnificus 18
99250358 Zoroaster n. sp. 1 1 0.012
19100000 Brachiopoda 12 0.011
22000000 Polychaeta
24222025 Conasprella boholensis 2 0.005
25122000 Goniasteridae 1 0.001
25176008 Amphiophiura insolita 5 0.001
25176039 Ophiura ooplax 22 0.005
25176086 Dictenophiura sp. MoV 5499 1 0.001
25185057 Ophiotreta stimulea 1 0.001
25191015 Amphipholis squamata 1 0.001
27100000 Ostracoda 2
27500000 Cirripedia 3 0.054
28079000 Mysidacea 6
28709000 Dendrobranchiata - penaeoid & sergestoid prawns 1
28711081 Parapenaeus murrayi 1 0.005
28711091 Metapenaeopsis sp. MoV 5458 1 0.001
28730000 Caridea 1
28781004 Aegaeon lacazei 1 0.001
28821001 Ibacus alticrenatus 3 0.145
28827077 Paguristes aciculus 2 0.001
28835000 Paguridae 1
28835081 Paguridae sp. MoV 5385 3 0.005
28840006 Agononida incerta 1 0.005
28840042 Phylladiorhynchus pusillus 2 0.002
28840098 Paramunida stichas 1 0.001
28875019 Mursia sp. MoV 4988 2 0.01
28911059 Ovalipes iridescens 2 0.005
99240262 ?Cochlespira sp. 1 1 0.001
99240295 Turridae sp. 06 1 0.001
99240308 Terebra sp. 7 2 0.001
99240315 Philine sp. 2 1 0.001
99250316 Luidia cf. hardwicki 1 0.001
99250336 Nymphaster sp. 1 1 0.018
11328005 Flabellum patens 51
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