Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199701 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 47

Operation No.: 47

Gear: Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 1997-01-28 14:01 to 1997-01-28 15:40 UTC

Where: 44° 20.0' S    147° 06.6' E
to 44° 19.2' S    147° 10.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 1360.5

Description: Area: Dory Hill Transect name: top

Comments: Position determination - uncorrected ships position

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 1997-01-28 14:01 1361 1075 Catch

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10000000 Porifera 0.131
28901003 Trichopeltarion janetae 7
10082011 Chondrocladia tasmaniensis
10312002 Farrea occa occa
10312005 Sarostegia 4544 (Qld Mus.)
11077000 Stylasteridae 0.03
11160000 Antipatharia 0.047
11197014 Tokoprymno maia
11197018 Parastenella doederleini
11232000 Actiniidae 0.041
11290000 Scleractinia 7.45
11314031 Solenosmilia variabilis
14000000 Nemertea 0.001
17000000 Sipuncula 0.12
19170013 Jaffaia jaffaensis 0.043
22048017 Gyptis pacificus
23270059 Delectopecten fosterianus 0.002
24202965 Eosipho spp. 0.005
25154003 Cosmasterias dyscrita
25155902 Freyella spp.
25166001 Ophiomyxa australis
25176001 Ophiura flagellata
25176003 Ophiuroglypha irrorata irrorata
25185001 Ophiacantha rosea
25185002 Ophiacantha vivipara
25185003 Ophiacantha densispina
25185004 Ophiacantha spectabilis
25185042 Ophioplinthaca plicata
25185053 Ophiomitrella sp. MoV 2779
25185055 Ophiacantha sp. MoV 2780
25185089 Ophiolimna cf. bairdi (Seamount)
25190002 Ophiactis abyssicola
25202903 Aporocidaris spp.
27500000 Cirripedia 0.001
28767004 Merhippolyte chacei 1
28767040 Eualus sp. MoV 2681 6
28840050 Munida isos 126
99110260 Keratoisis sp. A
99110357 Pleurogorgia n. sp. A
99110360 Anthomastus sp. F
99110366 Chrysogorgia sp. A
99110371 Chrysogorgia sp. H
99110383 Lepidisis sp. A
99110409 Narella sp. C
99110414 Thouarella n.sp. E
99110562 Corallium sp. G
99110568 Isidella sp. B
99110627 Parantipathes cf. helicosticha
99220137 Hermadion sp. 1
99220132 Eunice cf. prognatha
11290901 Stony corals: Solitary 0.231
11314027 Desmophyllum dianthus
22056063 Nicon maculata
99220140 Polynoidae sp. 4
20000902 Bryozoa: Hard: Encrusting 0.043
25166007 Ophioscolex sp. MoV 5486
25185056 Ophiacantha sp. MoV 2731
10067038 Raspailia compressa
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