Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS199602 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 43

Operation No.: 43

Gear: McKenna Market Trawl (standard)

When: 1996-04-21 20:15 to 1996-04-21 21:22 UTC

Where: 38° 12.1' S    149° 15.9' E
to 38° 08.4' S    149° 18.4' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Description: Market Trawl

Comments: Pt. Hicks, Heavy sponge and weed in the net

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
McKenna Market Trawl (standard) 1996-04-21 20:15 1996-04-21 21:22 206 230 Trawl

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
23607901 Sepia spp.
99999999 unknown/other (no information)
37015009 Figaro boardmani
37031002 Dentiraja australis
37031005 Dentiraja confusa
37031009 Pavoraja nitida
37038002 Urolophus cruciatus
37042001 Chimaera ogilbyi
37097001 Argentina australiae
37120001 Paraulopus nigripinnis
37228002 Genypterus blacodes
37232001 Coelorinchus australis
37232003 Coelorinchus mirus
37255003 Paratrachichthys macleayi
37258003 Centroberyx affinis
37264002 Cyttus australis
37264003 Zenopsis nebulosa
37264005 Cyttus novaezealandiae
37279002 Macroramphosus scolopax
37287001 Helicolenus percoides
37287006 Neosebastes thetidis
37288005 Pterygotrigla andertoni
37288006 Pterygotrigla polyommata
37297001 Hoplichthys haswelli
37311003 Caesioperca rasor
37311006 Polyprion oxygeneios
37311053 Verilus anomalus
37311055 Callanthias australis
37337002 Trachurus declivis
37345001 Emmelichthys nitidus
37377003 Nemadactylus macropterus
37378001 Latris lineata
37384001 Bodianus vulpinus
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster
37439001 Thyrsites atun
37439002 Rexea solandri
37440002 Lepidopus caudatus
37445006 Seriolella punctata
37469002 Allomycterus pilatus
99999998 unknown/other (no information)
23636004 Nototodarus gouldi

Catch Specimen data

CAABSpeciesSpecimen numberCountSexLength (cm)Length codeWeight (g)CSIRO AccessionSample lodged withMuseum registration
37337002 Trachurus declivis 1 Unchecked 360 FL 523
37337002 Trachurus declivis 2 Unchecked 370 FL 612
37337002 Trachurus declivis 3 Unchecked 370 FL 573
37337002 Trachurus declivis 4 Unchecked 377 FL 598
37337002 Trachurus declivis 5 Unchecked 395 FL 731
37337002 Trachurus declivis 6 Unchecked 380 FL 639
37337002 Trachurus declivis 7 Unchecked 380 FL 600
37337002 Trachurus declivis 8 Unchecked 395 FL 762
37337002 Trachurus declivis 9 Unchecked 373 FL 641
37337002 Trachurus declivis 10 Unchecked 377 FL 598
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 1 Unchecked 435 TL 1623
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 2 Unchecked 375 TL 1072
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 3 Unchecked 320 TL 587
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 4 Unchecked 533 TL 3690
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 5 Unchecked 550 TL 4430
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 6 Unchecked 495 TL 3080
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 7 Unchecked 445 TL 1752
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 8 Unchecked 382 TL 1085
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 9 Unchecked 565 TL 4410
37400018 Kathetostoma canaster 10 Unchecked 450 TL 1885
37439002 Rexea solandri 1 Unchecked 378 FL 337
37439002 Rexea solandri 2 Unchecked 385 FL 382
37439002 Rexea solandri 3 Unchecked 378 FL 368
37439002 Rexea solandri 4 Unchecked 378 FL 446
37439002 Rexea solandri 5 Unchecked 377 FL 366
37439002 Rexea solandri 6 Unchecked 297 FL 805
37439002 Rexea solandri 7 Unchecked 398 FL 444
37439002 Rexea solandri 8 Unchecked 400 FL 451
37439002 Rexea solandri 9 Unchecked 533 FL 935
37439002 Rexea solandri 10 Unchecked 402 FL 410
37439002 Rexea solandri 11 Unchecked 810 FL 3750
37445006 Seriolella punctata 1 Unchecked 454 FL 1736
37445006 Seriolella punctata 2 Unchecked 407 FL 1175
37445006 Seriolella punctata 3 Unchecked 482 FL 2242
37445006 Seriolella punctata 4 Female 452 FL 1857
37445006 Seriolella punctata 5 Unchecked 446 FL 1504
37445006 Seriolella punctata 6 Unchecked 446 FL 1504
37445006 Seriolella punctata 7 Unchecked 420 FL 1465
37445006 Seriolella punctata 8 Unchecked 426 FL 1602
37445006 Seriolella punctata 9 Unchecked 485 FL 2114
37445006 Seriolella punctata 10 Unchecked 462 FL 1723
Deployment observations.
Cloud cover:3/4
Sea direction:225 degrees
Sea state:Rippled
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