Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SO198007 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 41

Operation No.: 41

Gear: Engel high-opening bottom trawl

When: 1980-11-15 23:55 UTC

Where: 11° 34.0' S    133° 12.0' E
to 11° 33.0' S    133° 11.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 24

Description: Trawling

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Engel high-opening bottom trawl 1980-11-15 23:55 Trawling 50 minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37018000 Carcharhinidae, Hemigaleidae 20
37341010 Eubleekeria splendens 23
37037001 Gymnura australis 2 2
37085009 Pellona ditchela 1
37321003 Terapon theraps 4
37337010 Alepes apercna 1
37337015 Selaroides leptolepis 893 47
37337016 Caranx bucculentus 904 113
37337021 Turrum caeruleopinnatum 1
37337024 Atule mate 54 9
37337028 Megalaspis cordyla 1
37337031 Carangichthys humerosus 72 9
37337042 Atropus hedlandensis 207 23
37337043 Platycaranx talamparoides 1
37337044 Scomberoides tol 40 4
37341003 Equulites laterofenestra 1
37341005 Equulites leuciscus 6
37341006 Deveximentum insidiator 3
37341007 Gazza minuta 8
37341012 Photolateralis moretoniensis
37341015 Leiognathus ruconius 2
37349003 Gerres filamentosus 3
37350002 Pomadasys maculatus 4
37362003 Zabidius novemaculeatus
37441007 Scomberomorus commerson 8
37441012 Rastrelliger kanagurta
37441014 Scomberomorus queenslandicus 147
37441015 Scomberomorus munroi 14
37457001 Psettodes erumei
37035003 Himantura australis 3 16
Deployment observations.
Cloud cover:1/4
Current direction:80
Sea state:Rippled
Wind direction:80 degrees
Wind force:Light Breeze
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