Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SO198005 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 78

Operation No.: 78

Gear: Engel high-opening bottom trawl

When: 1980-07-18 04:00 UTC

Where: 15° 32.0' S    124° 02.0' E
to 15° 31.0' S    124° 01.0' E

Maximum Depth (m): 62

Description: Trawling

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Engel high-opening bottom trawl 1980-07-18 04:00 Trawling 42 minutes

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
37018006 Rhizoprionodon acutus 2 1
37469004 Tragulichthys jaculiferus 2
37035004 Neotrygon australiae 1
37085007 Herklotsichthys koningsbergeri 9 1
37085008 Herklotsichthys lippa 65 1
37085009 Pellona ditchela 3
37086003 Setipinna paxtoni 7
37086004 Thryssa setirostris 10
37086005 Thryssa hamiltonii 3
37118001 Saurida undosquamis 3
37321003 Terapon theraps 20 1
37327013 Jaydia truncata 2
37327016 Jaydia melanopus 2
37327017 Siphamia roseigaster 9
37327158 Ostorhinchus fasciatus 2
37337072 Parastromateus niger 1
37341002 Photopectoralis bindus 4
37341013 Nuchequula glenysae 1
37354004 Johnius laevis 11
37354007 Johnius borneensis 1
37354010 Chrysochir aureus 2
37355007 Upeneus sulphureus 30 4
37362003 Zabidius novemaculeatus 2
37440004 Trichiurus lepturus 5
37445007 Psenopsis humerosa 2
37464001 Trixiphichthys weberi 2
37018009 Carcharhinus coatesi 2 1
Deployment observations.
Cloud cover:Trace
Current direction:70
Sea state:Rippled
Wind direction:70 degrees
Wind force:Light Air
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