Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200404 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Operation No.: 72

Gear: Benthic sled,Sherman epibenthic Sled

When: 2004-04-21 16:35 to 2004-04-21 17:53 UTC

Where: 41° 47.7' S    144° 35.2' E
to 41° 44.9' S    144° 33.3' E

Maximum Depth (m): unknown

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2004-04-21 08:02 174 Sled - Sherman

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
10180000 Demospongiae
37311931 Lepidoperca spp. 9 30
11197000 Primnoidae
14000000 Nemertea 2
15402000 Priapulidae 4
17000000 Sipuncula 1
19161001 Cancellothyris hedleyi 2
20000000 Bryozoa
20000905 Bryozoa: Soft
20449000 Lanceoporidae
20487000 Phidoloporidae
22000000 Polychaeta
22024901 Eunice spp. 4
23199000 Bivalvia 1
24161003 Mysticoncha wilsonae 1
24171002 Semicassis angasi 3
24176012 Cymatona kampyla 1
24176054 Austrotriton petulans 1
24207020 Livonia roadnightae 2
24395004 Berthella medietas 1
25102000 Asteroidea 4
25154911 Asteriidae 1
25160000 Ophiuroidea 30
25166001 Ophiomyxa australis 17
25176951 Ophiuridae 2
25180000 Ophiodermatidae, Ophiopezidae 2
25192000 Ophiotrichidae 50
25200000 Echinoidea 2
25202001 Goniocidaris parasol 16
25202007 Goniocidaris tubaria 2
25307000 Spatangidae 1
28220000 Cirolanidae 3
28400000 Gammaridea 1
28730000 Caridea 1
28837000 Parapaguridae 1
28840903 Galatheidae 30
28860001 Dagnaudus petterdi 5
28880911 Majidae 2
28922002 Pycnoplax meridionalis 30
35000000 Ascidiacea 14
37224000 Melanonidae, Moridae, Euclichthyidae 2 15
10200000 Calcarea
Deployment observations.
Sea state:Moderate
Wind force:Moderate Breeze
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