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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
(surgeonfishes and moorish idols)
Found 80 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
37 437000 | Acanthuridae, Zanclidae | surgeonfishes and moorish idols |
37 437900 | Acanthuridae | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437901 | Acanthurus spp. | |
37 437902 | Ctenochaetus spp. | |
37 437903 | Naso spp. | |
37 437904 | Paracanthurus spp. | |
37 437905 | Prionurus spp. | |
37 437907 | Zebrasoma spp. | |
37 437004 | Acanthurus albipectoralis | Whitefin Surgeonfish |
37 437005 | Acanthurus auranticavus | Ringtail Surgeonfish |
37 437006 | Acanthurus bariene | Eyespot Surgeonfish |
37 437007 | Acanthurus blochii | Dark Surgeonfish |
37 437008 | Acanthurus dussumieri | Pencil Surgeonfish |
37 437044 | Acanthurus fowleri | Horseshoe Surgeonfish |
37 437002 | Acanthurus grammoptilus | Inshore Surgeonfish |
37 437009 | Acanthurus guttatus | Whitespotted Surgeonfish |
37 437053 | Acanthurus leucocheilus | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437054 | Acanthurus leucosternon | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437010 | Acanthurus lineatus | Bluelined Surgeonfish |
37 437041 | Acanthurus maculiceps | Spotted-face Surgeonfish |
37 437011 | Acanthurus mata | Pale Surgeonfish |
37 437012 | Acanthurus nigricans | Velvet Surgeonfish |
37 437013 | Acanthurus nigricauda | Eyeline Surgeonfish |
37 437014 | Acanthurus nigrofuscus | Dusky Surgeonfish |
37 437015 | Acanthurus nigros | Greyhead Surgeonfish |
37 437016 | Acanthurus olivaceus | Orangeblotch Surgeonfish |
37 437017 | Acanthurus pyroferus | Mimic Surgeonfish |
37 437050 | Acanthurus tennentii | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437018 | Acanthurus thompsoni | Night Surgeonfish |
37 437019 | Acanthurus triostegus | Convict Surgeonfish |
37 437051 | Acanthurus tristis | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437020 | Acanthurus xanthopterus | Yellowmask Surgeonfish |
37 437021 | Ctenochaetus binotatus | Twospot Bristletooth |
37 437023 | Ctenochaetus cyanocheilus | Yelloweye Bristletooth |
37 437022 | Ctenochaetus striatus | Lined Bristletooth |
37 437042 | Ctenochaetus tominiensis | Orange-tip Bristletooth |
37 437055 | Ctenochaetus truncatus | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437024 | Naso annulatus | Ringtail Unicornfish |
37 437025 | Naso brachycentron | Humpback Unicornfish |
37 437026 | Naso brevirostris | Spotted Unicornfish |
37 437045 | Naso caeruleacauda | Blue Unicornfish |
37 437046 | Naso caesius | Silverblotched Unicornfish |
37 437052 | Naso elegans | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437027 | Naso fageni | Horseface Unicornfish |
37 437028 | Naso hexacanthus | Sleek Unicornfish |
37 437029 | Naso lituratus | Clown Unicornfish |
37 437030 | Naso lopezi | Slender Unicornfish |
37 437038 | Naso maculatus | Scribbled Unicornfish |
37 437003 | Naso mcdadei | Squarenose Unicornfish |
37 437043 | Naso minor | Blackspine Unicornfish |
37 437049 | Naso reticulatus | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437039 | Naso thorpei | Thorpe's Unicornfish |
37 437040 | Naso thynnoides | Onespine Unicornfish |
37 437047 | Naso tonganus | Humpnose Unicornfish |
37 437048 | Naso tuberosus | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437031 | Naso unicornis | Bluespine Unicornfish |
37 437032 | Naso vlamingii | Bignose Unicornfish |
37 437033 | Paracanthurus hepatus | Blue Tang |
37 437034 | Prionurus maculatus | Spotted Sawtail |
37 437035 | Prionurus microlepidotus | Australian Sawtail |
37 437056 | Zebrasoma desjardinii | [a surgeonfish] |
37 437036 | Zebrasoma scopas | Brown Tang |
37 437037 | Zebrasoma veliferum | Sailfin Tang |
37 437908 | Zanclidae | |
37 437906 | Zanclus spp. | |
37 437001 | Zanclus cornutus | Moorish Idol |
99 378001 | Acanthurus dussumieri (unverified) | |
99 378002 | Acanthurus nigrofuscus (unverified) | |
99 378076 | Naso brevirostris (unverified) | |
99 378077 | Naso sp. (unverified) | |
99 378078 | Naso tuberosus (unverified) | |
99 378079 | Naso tuberosus (unverified) | |
99 379013 | Acanthurus spp (unverified) | |
99 379011 | Acanthurus matoides (unverified) | |
99 379012 | Acanthurus sp. (unverified) | |
99 379014 | Acanthurus unicornis (unverified) | |
99 379193 | Ctenochaetus strigosus (unverified) | |
99 379439 | Naso sp. (unverified) | |
99 379010 | Acanthuridae sp. | |
99 379751 | Acanthuridae gen. sp. unknown |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.