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Current CAAB listing for family (or group)
Chilodontidae (gastropods)
Found 46 matches. Click on CAAB code to view taxon report.
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CAAB | Scientific Name | Common name |
24 051000 | Chilodontaidae | gastropods |
24 051901 | Danilia spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051907 | Euchelus spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051902 | Granata spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051903 | Herpetopoma spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051904 | Hybochelus spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051909 | Perrinia spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051908 | Tallorbis spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051905 | Turcica spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051906 | Vaceuchelus spp. | [a gastropod] |
24 051023 | Danilia insperata | [a gastropod] |
24 051001 | Danilia telebathia | [a gastropod] |
24 051005 | Euchelus atratus | [a gastropod] |
24 051024 | Euchelus dampierensis | [a gastropod] |
24 051025 | Euchelus gemmatus | [a gastropod] |
24 051020 | Euchelus mysticus | [a gastropod] |
24 051002 | Granata imbricata | [a gastropod] |
24 051013 | Granata maculata | [a gastropod] |
24 051030 | Herpetopoma alacerrimum | [a gastropod] |
24 051003 | Herpetopoma annectans | [a gastropod] |
24 051004 | Herpetopoma aspersum | [a gastropod] |
24 051031 | Herpetopoma bellum | [a gastropod] |
24 051032 | Herpetopoma benthicola | [a gastropod] |
24 051026 | Herpetopoma corallinum | [a gastropod] |
24 051027 | Herpetopoma elevatum | [a gastropod] |
24 051006 | Herpetopoma fenestratum | [a gastropod] |
24 051029 | Herpetopoma howensis | [a gastropod] |
24 051007 | Herpetopoma instrictum | [a gastropod] |
24 051033 | Herpetopoma larochei | [a gastropod] |
24 051034 | Herpetopoma mariae | [a gastropod] |
24 051028 | Herpetopoma norfolkensis | [a gastropod] |
24 051035 | Herpetopoma pruinosum | [a gastropod] |
24 051008 | Herpetopoma pumilio | [a gastropod] |
24 051009 | Herpetopoma rubrum | [a gastropod] |
24 051010 | Herpetopoma scabriusculum | [a gastropod] |
24 051011 | Herpetopoma vixumbilicatum | [a gastropod] |
24 051012 | Hybochelus cancellatus | [a gastropod] |
24 051036 | Perrinia angulifera | [a gastropod] |
24 051022 | Tallorbis roseolus | [a gastropod] |
24 051015 | Turcica maculata | [a gastropod] |
24 051014 | Turcica monilifera | [a gastropod] |
24 051016 | Vaceuchelus ampullus | [a gastropod] |
24 051017 | Vaceuchelus angulatus | [a gastropod] |
24 051019 | Vaceuchelus clathratus | [a gastropod] |
24 051018 | Vaceuchelus foveolatus | [a gastropod] |
24 051021 | Vaceuchelus profundior | [a gastropod] |
Note: CAAB codes prefixed "99" represent project-specific (informal) taxa.