CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 99 250268 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Asteroidea - biscuit   
CAAB category: 99 -
Common Name: [a seastar]
Distribution map:
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Occurrence locations [21] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records

Catch records - 21 records found.
Click on survey to see survey details. Click on Operation to see full details of the catch. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
2000-04-17 02:07 38° 12.9' S    149° 39.8' E SS200001 150   395 to 402 1 0.001 Benthic Sled
2000-04-17 13:40 38° 28.8' S    149° 33.2' E SS200001 154   1520 to 1527 1 0.001 Benthic Sled
2000-04-17 21:58 38° 28.7' S    149° 33.4' E SS200001 158   1426 to 1509 1 0.033 Benthic Sled
2000-04-18 05:53 38° 27.6' S    149° 31.7' E SS200001 162   1426 to 1504 1 0.002 Trawl
2000-04-18 17:41 38° 25.8' S    149° 30.4' E SS200001 165   1426 to 1426 1 0.007 Benthic Sled
2000-04-19 08:36 38° 33.9' S    149° 26.5' E SS200001 169   1963 to 1993 1 0.006 Trawl
2000-04-21 04:33 38° 28.1' S    149° 26.4' E SS200001 182   1420 to 1815 1 0.001 Trawl
2000-04-21 13:58 38° 12.5' S    149° 36.4' E SS200001 184   382 to 430 1 0 Benthic Sled
2000-04-21 18:04 38° 14.1' S    149° 34.6' E SS200001 186   520 to 570 1 0.022 Benthic Sled
2000-04-21 21:17 38° 14.3' S    149° 39.4' E SS200001 187   500 to 563 1 0.471 Benthic Sled
2000-04-21 23:30 38° 14.4' S    149° 42.0' E SS200001 188   503 to 581 1 0.066 Benthic Sled
2000-04-22 15:32 38° 14.3' S    149° 44.1' E SS200001 196   522 to 608 1 0.334 Benthic Sled
2000-04-22 18:07 38° 13.4' S    149° 37.4' E SS200001 197   435 to 485 1 0.037 Benthic Sled
2000-04-23 07:06 38° 13.6' S    149° 37.2' E SS200001 204   443 to 520 1 0.001 Trawl
2000-04-23 09:50 38° 13.9' S    149° 34.9' E SS200001 205   500 to 590 1 0.003 Trawl
2000-04-24 02:07 38° 14.2' S    149° 44.1' E SS200001 217   517 to 689 1 0.001 Trawl
2000-04-26 19:53 38° 14.5' S    149° 39.3' E SS200001 241   525 to 565 1 0.088 Benthic Sled
2000-04-26 21:51 38° 14.0' S    149° 39.5' E SS200001 242   475 to 530 1 0.101 Benthic Sled
2000-04-29 02:25 39° 53.7' S    149° 03.0' E SS200001 259   1501 to 1538 1 0.003 Trawl
2000-04-30 23:30 42° 48.1' S    148° 23.8' E SS200001 270   1073 to 1283 1 0.005 Benthic Sled
2000-05-01 07:40 42° 43.0' S    148° 24.5' E SS200001 272   400 to 400 1 0 Trawl

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