Data Trawler - Survey Details

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Survey details and related metadata, reports, events and data.

SS 01/2000 (alternative identifier: SS200001)

Period: 2000-04-03 00:00 to 2000-05-20 00:00 UTC

Duration: 47.00 days

From: Hobart To: Hobart

Region: Tasmanian, Victorian, South Australian and New South Wales coastal and offshore

Ship: Southern Surveyor [details]

Description: The overall research goals for the voyage are to:
a) test and refine techniques for mapping and classifying marine benthic habitats and their biological communities using surrogate variables, and develop protocols for ground-truthing such assessments
b) map habitat and community substructure in key areas
c) sample previously unsurveyed marine habitats and communities to enable extension of the existing regionalisations in this region (principally on the lower continental slope, 1500 - 2000 m)

Leader: R. Kloser, A. Butler (CSIRO)

Project: Marine Biological Diversity Survey - South-East [details]

Voyage extents: 43° 42.4' S to 31° 49.0' S    114° 53.5' E to 150° 25.5' E Get voyage track shapefile Get CSV

Marlin Metadata:-

  • Benthic Habitats Video Image Archive [details]

  • Camera imagery (Photographic Stills ) Project OP2000-SE02 [details]

  • Camera imagery (Video Data) Project OP2000-SE02 [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 01/2000 ADCP Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 01/2000 Biological Data Overview [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 01/2000 CTD Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 01/2000 EM1002 Multibeam Echosounder Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 01/2000 Hydrology Data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 01/2000 Single beam acoustic data [details]

  • Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 01/2000 Underway Data [details]

  • Metadata from OBIS Australia datasets:- biological data is published via the OBIS-AU IPT server and delivered to one or more of OBIS, ALA and GBIF

  • Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • CSIRO, Cruise SS200001, Marine Biodiversity, South and Southeast Australia, 2001

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)    Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)    GBIF

  • Global benthic biogeographical regions and macroecological drivers for ophiuroids [Data set]

    Download from OBIS Australia IPT View at - Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)   

  • Participants - on ship:-

    no docs found CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart

    This list includes those that may have only been on part of the voyage. See voyage reports on 'Reports and Maps' tab for details.

    Marine National Facility Reports - plans, summaries and data processing

    • SS200001 Voyage Plan - includes objectives, investigator details, proposed data collection, voyage track and equipment to be used.

    Publications, reports and datasets from this voyage.


    • Lissette Victorero. (2023). Global benthic biogeographical regions and macroecological drivers for ophiuroids [Data set]. Zenodo.     10.5281/zenodo.7656699

    IPT Resource

    Journal Article

    • Ahyong, S. T. (2019) Cyclodorripoida Records of the Australian Museum 71     10.3853/j.2201-4349.71.2019.1682

    • Ahyong, S. T. and Poore, G. C. B. (2004) Deep-water Galatheidae (Crustacea : Decapoda : Anomura) from southern and eastern Australia. Zootaxa 1-76     10.11646/zootaxa.472.1.1

    • Anderson, O. F. (2016) A review of New Zealand and southeast Australian echinothurioids (Echinodermata: Echinothurioida)-excluding the subfamily Echinothuriinae-with a description of a new species of Tromikosoma. Zootaxa 4092 451-488     10.11646/zootaxa.3609.6.1

    • Chan, Tin-Yam, Cleva, Regis and Chu, Ka Hou (2016) On the genus Trachysalambria Burkenroad, 1934 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae), with descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa 4150 201-254     10.11646/zootaxa.4150.3.1

    • Holdgate, G. R.,Wallace, M. W.,Gallagher, S. J.,Smith, A. J.,Keene, J. B.,Moore, D.,Shafik, S. (2003) Plio‐Pleistocene tectonics and eustasy in the Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia: Evidence from magnetic imagery and marine geological data. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 50 pp403-426.     10.1046/j.1440-0952.2003.01004.x

    • Kloser, R.J.,Penrose, J.D.,Butler, A.J. (2010) Multi-beam backscatter measurements used to infer seabed habitats. Continental Shelf Research 30 pp1772-1782.     10.1016/j.csr.2010.08.004

    • Komai, T. and Taylor, J. (2010) Three new species of the crangonid genus Metacrangon Zarenkov (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from Australia. Memoirs of Museum of Victoria 67 45-59     10.24199/j.mmv.2010.67.05

    • Marshall, B A., Walton, K. (2018) A review of Ponder, 2010 and descriptions of new species and a new genus (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea: Buccinidae). Molluscan Research, 39, pp 70-81.     10.1080/13235818.2018.1468525

    • Moore, K., Alderslade, P. and Miller, K. (2016) A taxonomic revision of the genus Primnoisis Studer & Wright , 1887 (Coelenterata: Octocorallia: Isididae) using morphological and molecular data. Zootaxa 4075 1-+     10.11646/zootaxa.4075.1.1

    • Verhoeff, Tristan Joseph,O’Shea, Steve (2022) New records and two new species of (Octopoda: Cirrata: Grimpoteuthididae) from southern Australia and New Zealand. Molluscan Research 42 pp4-30.     10.1080/13235818.2022.2035889

    • Victorero, Lissette,Samadi, Sarah,O'Hara, Timothy D.,Mouchet, Maud,Delavenne, Juliette,Leprieur, Fabien,Leroy, Boris (2023) Global benthic biogeographical regions and macroecological drivers for ophiuroids. Ecography pp-.     10.1111/ecog.06627

    • Watling, Les,Lapointe, Abby (2022) Global biogeography of the lower bathyal (700–3000 m) as determined from the distributions of cnidarian anthozoans. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 181 pp103703-.     10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103703


    • Harris, P.T., Radke, B.M., Smith, A., Glen, K., Rollet, N., Exon, N.F., Passlow, V. (2000) Marine Geological Data Collected during Southern Surveyor Voyage 01/00 : Eastern Bass Strait and Great Australian Bight : AGSO Research Cruise no. 224. Record 2000/043. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.     External link to reference

    Search for publications, reports and datasets from this and other voyages

    Data publishing

    This is a list of online datasets hosted by CSIRO. Other processed datasets hosted by collaborating organisations may be found on the 'Metadata' or "Reports, Publications and Maps' tab.
    Use the Get data link on the right to extract data using the NCMI Data Trawler.

    Data StreamData SummaryGet data
    ADCP Data
    Time (UTC): 2000-04-06 09:04 to 2000-05-20 17:05
    Latitude: -43.69 to -31.82
    Longitude: 114.90 to 150.39
    Ensembles: 1,925
    Depth per cell: 8 m
    Cells per ensemble: 42
    Ensemble period: 1200 sec
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    Processing report for this dataset

    Marine biodiversity observations and/or samples
    Latitude: -42.96 to -31.83
    Longitude: 130.58 to 150.36
    Depth range: 46 to 2211 m
    Occurrences: 1,884
    Taxa count: 505
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    Catch Details
    Time (UTC): 2000-04-04 18:04 to 2000-05-17 07:05
    Latitude: -42.97 to -31.82
    Longitude: 130.58 to 150.36
    Catch Summary:Deployments: 293
    Catch Composition: 1503
    Measurements: 0
    Specimens: 0
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    Ship-based operations database (csv extracts)

    Voyage Plan, updates and associated information

    CTD profile
    Time (UTC): 2000-04-04 08:04 to 2000-05-11 16:05
    Latitude: -42.80 to -32.93
    Longitude: 130.75 to 150.38
    Quantity: 35 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1936 db
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    Processing report for this dataset

    Time (UTC): 2000-04-04 08:04 to 2000-05-11 16:05
    Latitude: -42.80 to -32.93
    Longitude: 130.75 to 150.38
    Quantity: 33 Casts
    Max Pressure: 1933.5 db
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    Processing report for this dataset

    Time (UTC): 2000-04-03 23:04 to 2000-05-20 23:05
    Latitude: -42.89
    Longitude: 147.34
    Track length: 13315.921 km
    Locations: 63,870
    Measurements: 173,049
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    Processing report for this dataset

    Deployments by start time:- Click on column header to sort. Use link on 'Deployment' to see full details. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data (tab delimited).

    Search for deployments from this voyage and others

    Deployment OperationStationCastGearProject Start and end timesStart LocationEnd LocationDepthDescription
    Underway System [details]   Doppler speed log,Licor-UWQ 3708,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,RM Young 05103 wind monitor,Simrad EK500 echosounder,Sperry gyrocompass,Temperature sensor-41342 1178 2000-04-03 23:15 2000-05-20 23:59 -42.8865 147.3390 -32.4843 115.2100
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 3 1178 2000-04-04 08:30 2000-04-04 09:07 -42.7952 148.3852 -42.7947 148.3897 672.9
    Catch [details] 3   1178 2000-04-04 18:50 2000-04-04 21:50 -42.7617 148.7267 Area: Maria Island Transect name: test
    ADCP Data [details]   RDI VM-150 Acoustic Doppler current profiler 1178 2000-04-06 09:00 2000-05-20 17:00 -38.3820 149.2980 -32.5280 115.1990 344.8
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 4 1178 2000-04-06 09:55 2000-04-06 10:18 -38.2598 149.3147 -38.2577 149.3103 100.8
    CTD Cast [details]   Cast 5 1178 2000-04-07 00:55 2000-04-07 01:09 -38.0295 149.3378 -38.0273 149.3418 100
    Catch [details] 9   1178 2000-04-07 01:42 2000-04-07 01:48 -38.0466 149.3316 Area: Seven Hour Bank Transect name:
    Catch [details] 10   1178 2000-04-07 01:53 2000-04-07 01:58 -38.0453 149.3352 Area: Seven Hour Bank Transect name:
    Catch [details] 11   1178 2000-04-07 02:24 2000-04-07 02:24 -38.0710 149.3046 Area: Seven Hour Bank Transect name: off
    Catch [details] 13   1178 2000-04-07 04:47 2000-04-07 04:47 -38.1935 149.2754 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 14   1178 2000-04-07 05:04 2000-04-07 05:05 -38.1914 149.2792 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 6 1178 2000-04-07 23:51 2000-04-07 00:13 -38.2502 149.2937 -38.2498 149.2873 367.8
    Catch [details] 17   1178 2000-04-08 01:01 2000-04-08 01:01 -38.2455 149.2957 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 18   1178 2000-04-08 01:35 2000-04-08 01:36 -38.2262 149.2862 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: SW
    Catch [details] 19   1178 2000-04-08 02:00 2000-04-08 02:00 -38.2275 149.2857 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 21   1178 2000-04-08 06:00 2000-04-08 06:00 -38.1993 149.3000 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 22   1178 2000-04-08 06:32 2000-04-08 06:32 -38.1993 149.3000 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: SW
    Catch [details] 23   1178 2000-04-08 07:20 2000-04-08 07:20 -38.1993 149.3000 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: SW
    Catch [details] 24   1178 2000-04-08 07:53 2000-04-08 07:53 -38.1795 149.2624 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: SW
    Catch [details] 25   1178 2000-04-08 08:02 2000-04-08 08:02 -38.1795 149.2624 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: SW
    Catch [details] 26   1178 2000-04-08 08:40 2000-04-08 08:40 -38.1629 149.2300 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: SW
    Catch [details] 27   1178 2000-04-08 08:53 2000-04-08 08:53 -38.1629 149.2300 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: SW
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-08 13:33 2000-04-08 14:00 -38.0460 149.3275 -38.0483 149.3323
    Catch [details] 29   1178 2000-04-08 13:40 2000-04-08 14:01 -38.0460 149.3275 -38.0483 149.3323 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 7 1178 2000-04-08 16:07 2000-04-08 16:23 -37.9760 149.3032 -37.9762 149.2985 98.3
    Catch [details] 32   1178 2000-04-09 01:59 2000-04-09 01:59 -37.9455 149.2668 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 33   1178 2000-04-09 02:14 2000-04-09 02:14 -37.9455 149.2668 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 34   1178 2000-04-09 02:34 2000-04-09 02:34 -37.9445 149.2664 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 35   1178 2000-04-09 02:44 2000-04-09 02:44 -37.9445 149.2665 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 36   1178 2000-04-09 03:24 2000-04-09 03:24 -37.9457 149.2668 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 37   1178 2000-04-09 03:43 2000-04-09 03:43 -37.9471 149.2673 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 38   1178 2000-04-09 04:00 2000-04-09 04:00 -37.9557 149.2667 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 39   1178 2000-04-09 04:24 2000-04-09 04:24 -37.9725 149.2668 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 40   1178 2000-04-09 04:41 2000-04-09 04:36 -37.9725 149.2668 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 41   1178 2000-04-09 05:53 2000-04-09 05:53 -38.0469 149.3396 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 42   1178 2000-04-09 06:07 2000-04-09 06:08 -38.0460 149.3393 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 43   1178 2000-04-09 06:23 2000-04-09 06:23 -38.0453 149.3391 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 44   1178 2000-04-09 06:47 2000-04-09 06:47 -38.0310 149.3388 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: NW
    Catch [details] 45   1178 2000-04-09 07:25 2000-04-09 08:27 -38.0367 149.3416 -38.0472 149.3376 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: NW
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-09 07:27 2000-04-09 08:26 -38.0367 149.3416 -38.0472 149.3376
    Catch [details] 47   1178 2000-04-09 10:26 2000-04-09 10:26 -37.8504 149.1838 Area: Point Hicks Transect name:
    Catch [details] 49   1178 2000-04-09 13:57 2000-04-09 13:57 -37.8190 149.1531 Area: Point Hicks Transect name:
    Catch [details] 50   1178 2000-04-09 14:27 2000-04-09 15:15 -37.8170 149.1516 -37.8225 149.1565 48 Area: Point Hicks Transect name:
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-09 14:37 2000-04-09 15:14 -37.8170 149.1516 -37.8225 149.1565 48.6
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 8 1178 2000-04-09 20:29 2000-04-09 20:40 -37.7582 149.6045 -37.7577 149.6035 70
    Catch [details] 55   1178 2000-04-09 20:51 2000-04-09 20:00 -37.7567 149.6036 Area: Sand Patch Point Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 9 1178 2000-04-09 23:43 2000-04-09 23:55 -37.7162 150.0712 -37.7192 150.0722 119.1
    Catch [details] 58   1178 2000-04-10 00:04 2000-04-10 00:04 -37.7205 150.0726 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 60   1178 2000-04-10 06:20 2000-04-10 07:35 -37.7174 150.0486 -37.7347 150.0673 136 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-10 06:37 2000-04-10 07:35 0.0000 0.0000 -37.7347 150.0673 136.9
    Catch [details] 61   1178 2000-04-10 08:37 2000-04-10 08:37 -37.7154 150.0451 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 62   1178 2000-04-10 08:46 2000-04-10 08:46 -37.7134 150.0457 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 63   1178 2000-04-10 09:07 2000-04-10 09:07 -37.7190 150.0489 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 64   1178 2000-04-10 09:25 2000-04-10 09:25 -37.7206 150.0511 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 65   1178 2000-04-10 09:38 2000-04-10 09:38 -37.7232 150.0530 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 66   1178 2000-04-10 09:47 2000-04-10 10:03 -37.7254 150.0564 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 67   1178 2000-04-10 10:16 2000-04-10 10:16 -37.7378 150.0730 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 10 1178 2000-04-10 14:51 2000-04-10 15:03 -37.3518 150.2697 -37.3510 150.2663 118.6
    Catch [details] 70   1178 2000-04-10 15:13 2000-04-10 15:13 -37.3515 150.2629 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 11 1178 2000-04-11 03:12 2000-04-11 03:20 -37.3447 150.1790 -37.3457 150.1767 93.3
    Catch [details] 74   1178 2000-04-11 03:26 2000-04-11 03:30 -37.3463 150.1752 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 12 1178 2000-04-11 07:35 2000-04-11 07:44 -37.2543 150.1687 -37.2532 150.1667 88.5
    Catch [details] 77   1178 2000-04-11 07:49 2000-04-11 07:50 -37.2529 150.1654 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 79   1178 2000-04-11 10:00 2000-04-11 11:23 -37.3491 150.1897 -37.3486 150.2367 Area: Howe Reef Transect name: south
    Catch [details] 80   1178 2000-04-11 11:43 2000-04-11 11:43 -37.3500 150.2234 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 81   1178 2000-04-11 12:06 2000-04-11 12:06 -37.3487 150.2058 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 82   1178 2000-04-11 12:25 2000-04-11 12:25 -37.3482 150.1926 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 83   1178 2000-04-11 13:06 2000-04-11 13:06 -37.3142 150.2351 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 84   1178 2000-04-11 13:32 2000-04-11 13:32 -37.2887 150.2659 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 85   1178 2000-04-11 14:00 2000-04-11 14:03 -37.2872 150.2602 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 86   1178 2000-04-11 14:49 2000-04-11 14:52 -37.3152 150.2353 -37.3186 150.2307 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 87   1178 2000-04-11 15:27 2000-04-11 17:48 -37.3449 150.2892 -37.2343 150.1538 Area: swath experiment Transect name: swath
    Catch [details] 91   1178 2000-04-11 21:55 2000-04-11 21:55 -37.3267 150.0756 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 92   1178 2000-04-11 22:14 2000-04-11 22:14 -37.3283 150.0707 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 93   1178 2000-04-11 23:12 2000-04-11 23:19 -37.3310 150.0813 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 14 1178 2000-04-11 23:26 2000-04-11 23:36 -37.3342 150.0798 -37.3365 150.0790 73.1
    Catch [details] 96   1178 2000-04-12 06:33 2000-04-12 08:00 -37.3257 150.0752 -37.3794 150.0756 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-12 06:35 2000-04-12 08:02 -37.3257 150.0752 -37.3794 150.0756
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 15 1178 2000-04-12 08:51 2000-04-12 09:00 -37.3693 150.0878 -37.3718 150.0855 79.2
    Catch [details] 98   1178 2000-04-12 09:10 2000-04-12 09:33 -37.3650 150.0747 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 99   1178 2000-04-12 09:57 2000-04-12 09:57 -37.3657 150.0773 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 100   1178 2000-04-12 10:20 2000-04-12 10:20 -37.3482 150.1013 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 101   1178 2000-04-12 10:41 2000-04-12 10:41 -37.3474 150.0737 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 102   1178 2000-04-12 10:50 2000-04-12 10:50 -37.3503 150.0720 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 103   1178 2000-04-12 11:31 2000-04-12 11:31 -37.3460 149.9748 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 104   1178 2000-04-12 11:44 2000-04-12 11:44 -37.3461 149.9737 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 105   1178 2000-04-12 12:07 2000-04-12 12:07 -37.3492 150.0000 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 106   1178 2000-04-12 13:16 2000-04-12 13:16 -37.3487 150.0395 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Catch [details] 107   1178 2000-04-12 14:22 2000-04-12 15:29 -37.3482 150.1032 -37.3480 150.0656 Area: Disaster Bay Transect name:
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-12 14:22 2000-04-12 15:22 -37.3482 150.1032 -37.3480 150.0656
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 16 1178 2000-04-12 16:12 2000-04-12 16:19 -37.3462 149.9733 19.2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 17 1178 2000-04-12 19:43 2000-04-12 19:54 -37.3478 150.1352 -37.3512 150.1342 88.7
    Catch [details] 111   1178 2000-04-12 20:29 2000-04-12 20:29 -37.3536 150.1334 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 18 1178 2000-04-12 21:56 2000-04-12 22:06 -37.3443 150.2892 -37.3448 150.2900 75.5
    Catch [details] 114   1178 2000-04-12 22:24 2000-04-12 22:24 -37.3529 150.2917 Area: Howe Reef Transect name: deep
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 19 1178 2000-04-13 03:10 2000-04-13 03:46 -37.3450 150.3757 -37.3562 150.3718 399.5
    Catch [details] 117   1178 2000-04-13 04:37 2000-04-13 04:37 -37.3487 150.3252 Area: Howe Reef (off shelf) Transect name: off shelf
    Catch [details] 118   1178 2000-04-13 05:02 2000-04-13 05:02 -37.3487 150.3252 Area: Howe Reef (off shelf) Transect name: off shelf
    Catch [details] 119   1178 2000-04-13 05:46 2000-04-13 05:46 -37.3481 150.3441 Area: Howe Reef (off shelf) Transect name: off shelf - 350m
    Catch [details] 120   1178 2000-04-13 06:31 2000-04-13 06:31 -37.3478 150.3556 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 121   1178 2000-04-13 06:50 2000-04-13 06:50 -37.3478 150.3557 Area: Howe Reef (off shelf) Transect name: off shelf
    Catch [details] 124   1178 2000-04-13 10:31 2000-04-13 11:55 -37.3676 150.3271 -37.3462 150.3589 466 Area: Howe Reef (off shelf) Transect name: off shelf
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-13 10:33 2000-04-13 12:11 -37.3673 150.3273 -37.3462 150.3589 466.9
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 20 1178 2000-04-13 15:02 2000-04-13 15:10 -37.3518 150.1167 -37.3548 150.1153 88.5
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 21 1178 2000-04-13 23:18 2000-04-13 23:25 -37.3430 150.0090 -37.3442 150.0080 5
    Catch [details] 128   1178 2000-04-13 23:33 2000-04-13 23:33 -37.3454 150.0070 Area: Disaster Bay (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 129   1178 2000-04-13 23:45 2000-04-13 23:45 -37.3475 150.0059 Area: Disaster Bay (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 131   1178 2000-04-14 02:54 2000-04-14 02:54 -37.3054 150.0107 Area: Disaster Bay (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 135   1178 2000-04-15 15:04 2000-04-15 15:14 -37.3127 150.2341 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 138   1178 2000-04-15 18:44 2000-04-15 18:56 -37.3018 150.2494 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 139   1178 2000-04-15 19:44 2000-04-15 19:56 -37.2803 150.2381 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 140   1178 2000-04-15 22:13 2000-04-15 22:24 -37.3546 150.3619 Area: Howe Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 141   1178 2000-04-15 23:23 2000-04-15 23:36 -37.3496 150.3265 -37.3515 150.3393 325 Area: Howe Reef (off shelf) Transect name: shallow
    Catch [details] 142   1178 2000-04-16 00:49 2000-04-16 00:55 -37.3495 150.3465 -37.3493 150.3650 640 Area: Howe Reef (off shelf) Transect name: deep
    Catch [details] 143   1178 2000-04-16 04:13 2000-04-16 04:22 -37.7118 150.0500 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 144   1178 2000-04-16 05:23 2000-04-16 05:23 -37.7311 150.0657 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 145   1178 2000-04-16 05:58 2000-04-15 15:00 -37.7654 150.0298 Area: Gabo Reef Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 22 1178 2000-04-16 09:28 2000-04-16 09:52 -38.2402 149.7228 -38.2385 149.7257 500.4
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 23 1178 2000-04-17 01:00 2000-04-17 01:23 -38.1773 149.5660 -38.1832 149.5732 286.7
    Catch [details] 150   1178 2000-04-17 02:07 2000-04-17 02:33 -38.2149 149.6625 -38.2028 149.6974 402 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S1
    Catch [details] 151   1178 2000-04-17 05:30 2000-04-17 06:03 -38.2128 149.6664 -38.2027 149.7031 397 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S1
    Catch [details] 152   1178 2000-04-17 09:28 2000-04-17 10:14 -38.3376 149.6127 -38.3365 149.6459 1000 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1000
    Catch [details] 154   1178 2000-04-17 13:40 2000-04-17 13:56 -38.4799 149.5529 -38.4723 149.5428 1527 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 155   1178 2000-04-17 15:34 2000-04-17 15:34 -38.4699 149.5300 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 156   1178 2000-04-17 17:20 2000-04-17 17:38 -38.4571 149.5170 -38.4506 149.5075 1530 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 157   1178 2000-04-17 19:35 2000-04-17 19:55 -38.4510 149.5069 -38.4574 149.5153 1533 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 158   1178 2000-04-17 21:58 2000-04-17 22:07 -38.4784 149.5566 -38.4781 149.5710 1509 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H1500
    Catch [details] 159   1178 2000-04-18 01:44 2000-04-18 01:44 -38.4774 149.5647 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H1500
    Catch [details] 160   1178 2000-04-18 03:28 2000-04-18 03:28 -38.4539 149.5113 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 161   1178 2000-04-18 04:08 2000-04-18 04:08 -38.4541 149.5112 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 162   1178 2000-04-18 05:53 2000-04-18 06:21 -38.4596 149.5282 -38.4462 149.5054 1504 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-18 11:02 2000-04-18 12:43 -38.4751 149.5416 -38.4784 149.5621 1516.7
    Catch [details] 163   1178 2000-04-18 11:03 2000-04-18 12:42 -38.4751 149.5416 -38.4784 149.5621 1516 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: 1500 S&H
    Catch [details] 164   1178 2000-04-18 15:41 2000-04-18 15:57 -38.4467 149.5013 -38.4371 149.4903 1526 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 165   1178 2000-04-18 17:41 2000-04-18 18:35 -38.4296 149.5067 -38.4321 149.4611 1426 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: P1500
    Catch [details] 166   1178 2000-04-18 21:10 2000-04-18 22:12 -38.5675 149.4378 -38.5913 149.5077 2011 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S2000
    Catch [details] 167   1178 2000-04-19 00:39 2000-04-19 00:39 -38.5747 149.4741 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S2000
    Catch [details] 168   1178 2000-04-19 03:24 2000-04-19 04:33 -38.5788 149.4721 -38.5927 149.5056 1994 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S2000
    Catch [details] 169   1178 2000-04-19 08:36 2000-04-19 10:23 -38.5647 149.4412 -38.5959 149.5186 1993 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S2000
    Catch [details] 170   1178 2000-04-19 13:46 2000-04-19 15:20 -38.5894 149.4895 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S2000
    Catch [details] 171   1178 2000-04-19 17:40 2000-04-19 18:30 -38.5985 149.5248 -38.5905 149.5046 1975 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S2000
    Catch [details] 172   1178 2000-04-19 20:42 2000-04-19 21:38 -38.5004 149.4180 -38.5379 149.4061 1859 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H2000
    Catch [details] 173   1178 2000-04-20 00:00 2000-04-20 00:49 -38.5112 149.3570 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H2000
    Catch [details] 174   1178 2000-04-20 03:15 2000-04-20 03:15 -38.5140 149.3520 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H2000
    Catch [details] 175   1178 2000-04-20 04:57 2000-04-20 04:57 -38.5413 149.4051 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: P2000
    Catch [details] 176   1178 2000-04-20 07:05 2000-04-20 08:15 -38.5423 149.4328 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: P2000
    Catch [details] 177   1178 2000-04-20 11:20 2000-04-20 12:24 -38.5138 149.3679 -38.5202 149.3365 2211 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H2000
    Catch [details] 178   1178 2000-04-20 15:39 2000-04-20 16:15 -38.5031 149.4291 -38.5089 149.3967 1996 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H2000
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 24 1178 2000-04-20 17:39 2000-04-20 18:57 -38.5562 149.4203 -38.5595 149.4683 1933.5
    Catch [details] 180   1178 2000-04-20 21:03 2000-04-20 21:50 -38.3365 149.6540 -38.3378 149.6124 1000 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1000
    Catch [details] 181   1178 2000-04-20 23:31 2000-04-21 00:30 -38.3427 149.5793 -38.3417 149.5351 1088 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H1000
    Catch [details] 182   1178 2000-04-21 04:33 2000-04-21 05:35 -38.4677 149.4408 -38.4409 149.5654 1815 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1500
    Catch [details] 183   1178 2000-04-21 10:40 2000-04-21 11:15 -38.2095 149.6063 -38.2103 149.5757 435 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S2
    Catch [details] 184   1178 2000-04-21 13:58 2000-04-21 14:37 -38.2088 149.6074 -38.2076 149.5764 430 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S2
    Catch [details] 185   1178 2000-04-21 16:11 2000-04-21 16:45 -38.2447 149.6851 -38.2523 149.6664 567 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S3
    Catch [details] 186   1178 2000-04-21 18:04 2000-04-21 18:42 -38.2348 149.5775 -38.2409 149.5630 570 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S4
    Catch [details] 187   1178 2000-04-21 21:17 2000-04-21 21:41 -38.2382 149.6574 -38.2543 149.6355 563 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2
    Catch [details] 188   1178 2000-04-21 23:30 2000-04-21 23:44 -38.2406 149.7001 -38.2565 149.7021 581 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H1
    Catch [details] 189   1178 2000-04-22 01:40 2000-04-22 01:40 -38.2457 149.7078 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H1
    Catch [details] 190   1178 2000-04-22 02:36 2000-04-22 02:40 -38.2473 149.7042 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H1
    Catch [details] 191   1178 2000-04-22 03:48 2000-04-22 03:49 -38.2475 149.6901 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2
    Catch [details] 192   1178 2000-04-22 04:42 2000-04-22 04:43 -38.2475 149.6901 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2
    Catch [details] 193   1178 2000-04-22 06:59 2000-04-22 07:30 -38.2422 149.6510 -38.2555 149.6322 577 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2
    Catch [details] 194   1178 2000-04-22 09:53 2000-04-22 10:28 -38.2419 149.6909 -38.2545 149.6611 573 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S3
    Catch [details] 195   1178 2000-04-22 12:21 2000-04-22 12:46 -38.2383 149.7000 -38.2705 149.6334 644 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H1
    Catch [details] 196   1178 2000-04-22 15:32 2000-04-22 15:53 -38.2383 149.7353 -38.2563 149.7376 608 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H4
    Catch [details] 197   1178 2000-04-22 18:07 2000-04-22 18:28 -38.2236 149.6241 -38.2370 149.6061 485 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H3
    Catch [details] 198   1178 2000-04-22 19:52 2000-04-22 20:27 -38.1613 149.6503 -38.1734 149.6209 280 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: F1
    Catch [details] 199   1178 2000-04-22 22:24 2000-04-22 22:36 -38.1622 149.6987 -38.1677 149.6852 265 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: F2
    Catch [details] 200   1178 2000-04-22 23:56 2000-04-22 23:56 -38.1624 149.6956 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: F2
    Catch [details] 201   1178 2000-04-23 01:01 2000-04-23 01:02 -38.1677 149.6343 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: F1
    Catch [details] 202   1178 2000-04-23 02:48 2000-04-23 03:18 -38.1644 149.6448 -38.1751 149.6157 285 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: F1
    Catch [details] 203   1178 2000-04-23 05:16 2000-04-23 05:47 -38.1624 149.6980 -38.1739 149.6676 274 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: F2
    Catch [details] 204   1178 2000-04-23 07:06 2000-04-23 07:40 -38.2266 149.6198 -38.2450 149.6026 520 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H3
    Catch [details] 205   1178 2000-04-23 09:50 2000-04-23 10:26 -38.2323 149.5820 -38.2436 149.5586 590 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S4
    Catch [details] 206   1178 2000-04-23 12:20 2000-04-23 12:53 -38.2371 149.7337 -38.2681 149.7354 608 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H4
    Catch [details] 207   1178 2000-04-23 14:34 2000-04-23 14:34 -38.2480 149.7406 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H4
    Catch [details] 208   1178 2000-04-23 15:49 2000-04-23 15:49 -38.2487 149.6710 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S3
    Catch [details] 209   1178 2000-04-23 16:46 2000-04-23 16:46 -38.2285 149.6181 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H3
    Catch [details] 210   1178 2000-04-23 17:39 2000-04-23 17:39 -38.2376 149.5715 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S4
    Catch [details] 211   1178 2000-04-23 18:21 2000-04-23 18:21 -38.2091 149.5935 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S2
    Catch [details] 212   1178 2000-04-23 19:09 2000-04-23 19:09 -38.2085 149.6849 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S1
    Catch [details] 213   1178 2000-04-23 20:05 2000-04-23 20:22 -38.2421 149.6503 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2
    Catch [details] 214   1178 2000-04-23 22:13 2000-04-23 22:37 -38.2518 149.6640 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S3
    Catch [details] 215   1178 2000-04-23 23:36 2000-04-24 00:07 -38.2503 149.6731 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S3
    Catch [details] 216   1178 2000-04-24 00:45 2000-04-24 01:11 -38.2521 149.7008 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H1
    Catch [details] 217   1178 2000-04-24 02:07 2000-04-24 02:46 -38.2360 149.7342 -38.2571 149.7380 689 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H4
    Catch [details] 218   1178 2000-04-24 09:45 2000-04-24 09:56 -37.9429 149.2623 Area: Broken Reef Transect name: hard
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-24 11:39 2000-04-24 13:18 -37.9647 149.2854 116.4
    Catch [details] 219   1178 2000-04-24 11:40 2000-04-24 13:18 -37.9379 149.2551 -37.9647 149.2855 116 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-24 16:02 2000-04-24 18:26 -38.2054 149.3163 288.9
    Catch [details] 220   1178 2000-04-24 16:03 2000-04-24 18:24 -38.1649 149.2322 -38.2054 149.3163 288 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: 150m
    Catch [details] 221   1178 2000-04-24 19:49 2000-04-24 19:49 -38.2017 149.3150 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    Catch [details] 222   1178 2000-04-24 20:42 2000-04-24 20:43 -38.1676 149.2399 Area: Big Horseshoe (west) Transect name: west
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 25 1178 2000-04-24 22:45 2000-04-24 22:52 -37.9437 149.2643 -37.9443 149.2643 99.1
    Catch [details] 225   1178 2000-04-25 00:03 2000-04-25 00:03 -37.9456 149.2431 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 226   1178 2000-04-25 00:29 2000-04-25 00:29 -37.9469 149.2485 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 227   1178 2000-04-25 00:59 2000-04-25 00:59 -37.9404 149.2720 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    Catch [details] 228   1178 2000-04-25 01:25 2000-04-25 01:25 -37.9599 149.2811 Area: Broken Reef Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 26 1178 2000-04-25 06:20 2000-04-25 06:42 -38.1378 149.4382 -38.1365 149.4400 472.6
    Catch [details] 232   1178 2000-04-25 13:11 2000-04-25 13:36 -38.1654 149.6903 -38.1749 149.6678 274 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: F2
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-25 16:14 2000-04-25 18:46 -38.2473 149.6466 -38.2418 149.7427 551.9
    Catch [details] 233   1178 2000-04-25 16:16 2000-04-25 18:46 -38.2473 149.6465 -38.2418 149.7428 551 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2+
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-25 22:41 2000-04-26 01:37 -38.2411 149.5594 -38.2102 149.6820 585.8
    Catch [details] 234   1178 2000-04-25 22:42 2000-04-26 01:38 -38.2409 149.5593 -38.2102 149.6820 585 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S4+
    Catch [details] 235   1178 2000-04-26 04:30 2000-04-26 08:12 -38.2417 149.7421 -38.2476 149.6411 559 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H4
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-26 04:40 2000-04-26 08:11 -38.2414 149.7421 -38.2477 149.6411 559
    Catch [details] 236   1178 2000-04-26 10:07 2000-04-26 12:30 -38.1845 149.5628 -38.2295 149.5088 899 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: canyon
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-26 10:07 2000-04-26 12:35 -38.1845 149.5627 -38.2299 149.5091 899.2
    Catch [details] 237   1178 2000-04-26 15:35 2000-04-26 16:12 -38.1850 149.5633 -38.1974 149.5481 510 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: steep
    Catch [details] 238   1178 2000-04-26 17:09 2000-04-26 17:09 -38.2154 149.5269 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: canyon
    Catch [details] 239   1178 2000-04-26 17:51 2000-04-26 17:51 -38.2154 149.5256 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: canyon
    Catch [details] 240   1178 2000-04-26 18:41 2000-04-26 18:41 -38.1868 149.5578 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: steep
    Catch [details] 241   1178 2000-04-26 19:53 2000-04-26 20:14 -38.2424 149.6554 -38.2534 149.6414 565 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2
    Catch [details] 242   1178 2000-04-26 21:51 2000-04-26 22:11 -38.2339 149.6588 -38.2490 149.6405 530 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2
    Catch [details] 243   1178 2000-04-27 00:54 2000-04-27 01:40 -38.2110 149.6046 -38.2105 149.5902 406 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: S2
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-27 00:54 2000-04-27 01:36 -38.2108 149.6045 -38.2105 149.5902 407
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-27 02:32 2000-04-27 03:14 -38.1923 149.5756 -38.1879 149.5588 399.9
    Catch [details] 244   1178 2000-04-27 02:34 2000-04-27 03:15 -38.1924 149.5756 -38.1878 149.5587 399 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: steep
    Catch [details] 246   1178 2000-04-27 09:20 2000-04-27 09:20 -38.3309 149.6572 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1000
    Catch [details] 247   1178 2000-04-27 11:13 2000-04-27 11:56 -38.3371 149.6405 -38.3385 149.6236 1001 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: S1000
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-27 11:13 2000-04-27 11:55 -38.3368 149.6405 -38.3386 149.6236 1001.6
    Video [details]   1178 2000-04-27 13:35 2000-04-27 14:17 -38.3409 149.5621 -38.3415 149.5502 1095.3
    Catch [details] 248   1178 2000-04-27 13:37 2000-04-27 14:17 -38.3414 149.5622 -38.3412 149.5490 1095 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H1000
    Catch [details] 249   1178 2000-04-27 16:34 2000-04-27 16:34 -38.3449 149.5578 Area: Big Horseshoe (deep) Transect name: H1000
    Catch [details] 250   1178 2000-04-27 18:33 2000-04-27 18:33 -38.2182 149.5197 Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: canyon
    CTD Cast [details]   Cast 27 1178 2000-04-27 21:35 2000-04-27 21:41 -37.9427 149.2695 108
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 28 1178 2000-04-28 07:21 2000-04-28 07:32 -38.8555 148.4175 -38.8568 148.4162 197.2
    Catch [details] 255   1178 2000-04-28 18:22 2000-04-28 18:46 -39.8844 149.0268 -39.8981 149.0548 1539 Area: Flinders Transect name: 1500 m - soft
    Catch [details] 256   1178 2000-04-28 20:41 2000-04-28 21:15 -39.9155 149.0884 -39.9035 149.0681 1608 Area: Flinders Transect name: 1500 m - hard
    Catch [details] 257   1178 2000-04-28 23:25 2000-04-28 23:25 -39.8898 149.0370 Area: Flinders Transect name: 1500 - soft
    Catch [details] 258   1178 2000-04-29 00:40 2000-04-29 00:40 -39.9085 149.0775 Area: Flinders Transect name: 1500 - hard
    Catch [details] 259   1178 2000-04-29 02:25 2000-04-29 03:18 -39.8956 149.0506 -39.8805 149.0189 1538 Area: Flinders Transect name: 1500 m - soft
    Catch [details] 260   1178 2000-04-29 05:58 2000-04-29 06:49 -39.9158 149.0736 Area: Flinders Transect name: 1500 m - S1/H1
    Catch [details] 261   1178 2000-04-29 10:17 2000-04-29 11:11 -39.8364 149.1041 -39.8017 149.0990 1962 Area: Flinders Transect name: 1500 m - hard
    Catch [details] 262   1178 2000-04-29 13:28 2000-04-29 13:54 -39.8047 149.0925 -39.8203 149.0908 1935 Area: Flinders Transect name: 2000 m - hard
    Catch [details] 263   1178 2000-04-29 16:51 2000-04-29 17:26 -39.8222 149.0909 Area: Flinders Transect name: 2000 m - H1
    Catch [details] 265   1178 2000-04-29 22:25 2000-04-29 22:29 -39.8105 149.1030 Area: Flinders Transect name: 2000 - soft
    Catch [details] 267   1178 2000-04-30 16:59 2000-04-30 17:23 -42.9716 148.4199 -42.9527 148.4461 1467 Area: Maria Island Transect name: 1500 m - soft
    Catch [details] 268   1178 2000-04-30 19:23 2000-04-30 19:23 -42.9658 148.4382 Area: Maria Island Transect name: 1500 - soft
    Catch [details] 270   1178 2000-04-30 23:30 2000-04-30 23:58 -42.8009 148.3968 -42.8015 148.4370 1283 Area: Maria Island Transect name: Canyon
    Catch [details] 271   1178 2000-05-01 02:00 2000-05-01 05:30 -42.8003 148.4006 Area: Maria Island Transect name: Canyon
    Catch [details] 272   1178 2000-05-01 07:40 2000-05-01 08:33 -42.7170 148.4090 -42.6480 148.4355 400 Area: Maria Island Transect name: Darcey's Patch
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 29 1178 2000-05-01 10:37 2000-05-01 10:44 -42.6695 148.2663 -42.6710 148.2673 84.9
    Catch [details] 275   1178 2000-05-01 13:20 2000-05-01 13:56 -42.6762 148.2366 -42.6689 148.2595 Area: Maria Island Transect name: Training Site
    Catch [details] 276   1178 2000-05-01 14:25 2000-05-01 14:25 -42.6700 148.2540 Area: Maria Island Transect name: Training Site
    Catch [details] 277   1178 2000-05-01 14:42 2000-05-01 14:42 -42.6744 148.2417 Area: Maria Island Transect name: Training Site
    Catch [details] 278   1178 2000-05-01 16:01 2000-05-01 16:01 -42.6811 148.4071 Area: Maria Island Transect name: 150 m
    Catch [details] 279   1178 2000-05-01 18:39 2000-05-01 19:16 -42.9605 148.4386 Area: Maria Island Transect name: 1500 m
    Catch [details] 280   1178 2000-05-04 00:32 2000-05-04 00:43 -41.6944 144.2448 Area: West Coast Tasmania Transect name:
    Catch [details] 281   1178 2000-05-04 10:01 2000-05-04 10:09 -40.2739 143.0405 Area: King Island Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 30 1178 2000-05-04 10:20 2000-05-04 10:30 -40.2767 143.0278 -40.2755 143.0263 4.1
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 32 1178 2000-05-04 22:35 2000-05-04 22:44 -38.4588 141.3253 -38.4593 141.3265 78.7
    Catch [details] 286   1178 2000-05-05 00:44 2000-05-05 00:53 -38.3630 141.1276 Area: Portland Day Plankton Transect name:
    Catch [details] 287   1178 2000-05-05 10:12 2000-05-05 10:22 -38.0343 140.3417 Area: off Nene Valley Transect name:
    Catch [details] 288   1178 2000-05-06 00:43 2000-05-06 00:53 -36.9829 138.3509 Area: Lacepede Shelf Transect name:
    Catch [details] 289   1178 2000-05-06 01:29 2000-05-06 01:40 -36.9881 138.3266 -36.9846 138.3411 78 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: ? m
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 33 1178 2000-05-06 08:22 2000-05-06 08:32 -36.9803 138.3312 -36.9798 138.3342 69.2
    Catch [details] 292   1178 2000-05-06 09:05 2000-05-06 09:19 -36.9864 138.3300 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-06 10:14 2000-05-06 11:06 -36.9858 138.3328 -36.9820 138.3590 77
    Catch [details] 293   1178 2000-05-06 10:15 2000-05-06 11:07 -36.9858 138.3328 -36.9820 138.3590 77 Area: Lacepede Shelf Transect name: 80 m
    Catch [details] 294   1178 2000-05-06 11:47 2000-05-06 11:48 -36.9846 138.3412 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 80 m
    Catch [details] 297   1178 2000-05-06 20:20 2000-05-06 20:28 -36.5411 139.4080 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m
    Catch [details] 299   1178 2000-05-06 23:02 2000-05-06 23:14 -36.2619 139.3580 Area: Lacepede Shelf Transect name: 40 m
    Catch [details] 301   1178 2000-05-07 00:51 2000-05-07 00:55 -36.2521 139.3609 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m - site2
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 34 1178 2000-05-07 02:22 2000-05-07 02:31 -36.2415 139.3533 34.4
    Catch [details] 303   1178 2000-05-07 02:46 2000-05-07 02:46 -36.2416 139.3519 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m
    Catch [details] 304   1178 2000-05-07 03:02 2000-05-07 03:30 -36.2416 139.3519 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m
    Catch [details] 305   1178 2000-05-07 03:48 2000-05-07 03:49 -36.2409 139.3574 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m
    Catch [details] 306   1178 2000-05-07 03:56 2000-05-07 03:57 -36.2409 139.3574 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m
    Catch [details] 307   1178 2000-05-07 04:17 2000-05-07 04:18 -36.2412 139.3554 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m - site2
    Catch [details] 308   1178 2000-05-07 04:49 2000-05-07 04:49 -36.2479 139.3628 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m - site2
    Catch [details] 309   1178 2000-05-07 04:55 2000-05-07 04:56 -36.2480 139.3628 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m - site2
    Catch [details] 310   1178 2000-05-07 05:00 2000-05-07 05:45 -36.2479 139.3628 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m - site2
    Catch [details] 311   1178 2000-05-07 05:56 2000-05-07 05:56 -36.2488 139.3624 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 40 m - site2
    Catch [details] 313   1178 2000-05-07 10:24 2000-05-07 10:33 -36.6777 138.7806 Area: Lacepede Shelf Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 35 1178 2000-05-07 14:00 2000-05-07 00:00 -37.0613 138.2503 -37.0648 138.2465 122.2
    Catch [details] 316   1178 2000-05-07 17:38 2000-05-07 17:46 -37.0584 138.2697 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Catch [details] 317   1178 2000-05-07 19:49 2000-05-07 20:25 -37.0575 138.2815 -37.0588 138.2678 Area: Lacepede Shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-07 19:49 2000-05-07 20:31 -37.0575 138.2815 -37.0588 138.2678
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-07 20:39 2000-05-07 20:50 -37.0603 138.2658 -37.0612 138.2622 129.8
    Catch [details] 318   1178 2000-05-07 20:40 2000-05-07 20:50 -37.0603 138.2657 -37.0612 138.2622 129 Area: Lacepede Shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Catch [details] 319   1178 2000-05-07 21:51 2000-05-07 21:51 -37.0581 138.2833 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Catch [details] 320   1178 2000-05-07 22:31 2000-05-07 22:32 -37.0572 138.2811 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Catch [details] 321   1178 2000-05-07 23:06 2000-05-07 23:06 -37.0579 138.2761 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Catch [details] 322   1178 2000-05-07 23:31 2000-05-07 23:31 -37.0610 138.2607 Area: Lacepede shelf Transect name: 120 m
    Catch [details] 323   1178 2000-05-07 23:50 2000-05-08 00:02 -37.0629 138.2528 Area: Lacepede Shelf Transect name:
    Catch [details] 325   1178 2000-05-08 10:42 2000-05-08 10:42 -36.0673 136.2894 Area: transit to GAB Transect name:
    Catch [details] 326   1178 2000-05-08 10:49 2000-05-08 10:59 -36.0683 136.2891 Area: on transit to GAB Transect name:
    Catch [details] 327   1178 2000-05-08 11:16 2000-05-08 11:16 -36.0701 136.2776 Area: transit to GAB Transect name:
    Catch [details] 328   1178 2000-05-08 22:05 2000-05-08 22:15 -35.0783 134.1831 Area: Port Lincoln off shore Transect name:
    Catch [details] 329   1178 2000-05-09 10:04 2000-05-09 10:14 -34.0154 131.8619 Area: SW of Cape Adieu Transect name:
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 36 1178 2000-05-09 16:24 2000-05-09 16:57 -33.4867 130.7497 -33.4958 130.7498 544.8
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 37 1178 2000-05-09 18:55 2000-05-09 19:06 -33.2630 130.7485 -33.2660 130.7487 117.2
    Catch [details] 334   1178 2000-05-09 23:34 2000-05-09 23:45 -33.2471 130.6376 -33.2552 130.6159 141 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m
    Catch [details] 335   1178 2000-05-10 00:54 2000-05-10 01:26 -33.2592 130.6520 -33.2719 130.5966 148 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - high
    Catch [details] 336   1178 2000-05-10 03:25 2000-05-10 03:55 -33.2481 130.6371 -33.2756 130.5787 150 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - high
    Catch [details] 338   1178 2000-05-10 05:52 2000-05-10 06:35 -33.2727 130.7267 -33.2642 130.7389 143 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - low
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-10 05:52 2000-05-10 06:32 -33.2724 130.7258 -33.2642 130.7388 143.2
    Catch [details] 339   1178 2000-05-10 07:11 2000-05-10 07:41 -33.2618 130.7510 -33.2780 130.7104 142 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - low
    Catch [details] 340   1178 2000-05-10 08:44 2000-05-10 08:44 -33.2724 130.7280 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - low
    Catch [details] 341   1178 2000-05-10 09:17 2000-05-10 09:17 -33.2669 130.7328 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - low
    Catch [details] 342   1178 2000-05-10 09:43 2000-05-10 09:43 -33.2634 130.7383 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - low
    Catch [details] 343   1178 2000-05-10 10:41 2000-05-10 12:00 -33.2665 130.6687 -33.2651 130.6721 145 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - centre
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-10 10:43 2000-05-10 12:02 -33.2662 130.6681 -33.2651 130.6722 145.5
    Catch [details] 344   1178 2000-05-10 12:30 2000-05-10 12:30 -33.2627 130.6723 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - centre
    Catch [details] 345   1178 2000-05-10 12:51 2000-05-10 12:51 -33.2637 130.6709 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - centre
    Catch [details] 346   1178 2000-05-10 15:18 2000-05-10 17:46 -33.2682 130.6180 -33.2634 130.6155 149 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - high
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-10 15:18 2000-05-10 17:44 -33.2634 130.6155 149.5
    Catch [details] 347   1178 2000-05-10 18:24 2000-05-10 18:24 -33.2665 130.6263 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: ? M - high
    Catch [details] 348   1178 2000-05-10 18:52 2000-05-10 18:52 -33.2664 130.6184 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - high
    Catch [details] 349   1178 2000-05-10 19:09 2000-05-10 19:09 -33.2669 130.6104 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - high
    Catch [details] 350   1178 2000-05-10 20:10 2000-05-10 20:34 -33.2546 130.6000 -33.2545 130.6313 143 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - high
    Catch [details] 351   1178 2000-05-10 21:34 2000-05-10 22:22 -33.2545 130.7058 -33.2644 130.8080 134 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 140 m - low
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 38 1178 2000-05-10 23:00 2000-05-10 23:12 -33.2853 130.9218 -33.2865 130.9233 117.5
    Catch [details] 355   1178 2000-05-11 04:18 2000-05-11 04:50 -33.3229 130.9739 145 Area: GAB outside BPZ Transect name: 140 m
    Catch [details] 356   1178 2000-05-11 05:33 2000-05-11 05:46 -33.3057 130.9194 -33.3103 130.9623 137 Area: GAB outside BPZ Transect name: 140 m
    Catch [details] 357   1178 2000-05-11 06:10 2000-05-11 06:25 -33.3276 130.9699 Area: GAB outside BPZ Transect name: 140 m
    Catch [details] 358   1178 2000-05-11 07:02 2000-05-11 09:54 -33.3226 130.9635 -33.3288 130.9488 146 Area: GAB outside BPZ Transect name: 140 m - 1
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-11 07:07 2000-05-11 09:51 -33.3227 130.9627 -33.3274 130.9496 146.3
    Catch [details] 359   1178 2000-05-11 10:37 2000-05-11 10:37 -33.3238 130.9509 Area: GAB outside BPZ Transect name: 140 m
    Catch [details] 360   1178 2000-05-11 10:59 2000-05-11 10:59 -33.3103 130.9488 Area: GAB outside BPZ Transect name: 120 m
    Catch [details] 361   1178 2000-05-11 11:08 2000-05-11 11:18 -33.3141 130.9476 Area: GAB outside BPZ Transect name: 140 m
    CTD Cast / Hydrology [details]   Cast 39 1178 2000-05-11 16:13 2000-05-11 16:24 -32.9267 130.7578 -32.9308 130.7603 82.8
    Catch [details] 365   1178 2000-05-11 19:47 2000-05-11 20:23 -32.9223 130.7285 -32.9217 130.7170 96 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 90 m
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-11 19:47 2000-05-11 20:22 -32.9225 130.7280 -32.9217 130.7170 96.7
    Catch [details] 366   1178 2000-05-11 21:20 2000-05-11 21:50 -32.9230 130.6927 -32.9235 130.6900 95 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 90 m
    Video [details]   1178 2000-05-11 21:21 2000-05-11 21:48 -32.9232 130.6923 -32.9236 130.6896 95.9
    Catch [details] 367   1178 2000-05-11 23:03 2000-05-11 23:25 -32.9233 130.7027 96 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 90 m
    Catch [details] 372   1178 2000-05-13 09:10 2000-05-13 09:10 -31.8303 130.7513 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 373   1178 2000-05-13 09:30 2000-05-13 09:40 -31.8238 130.7548 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 375   1178 2000-05-13 13:24 2000-05-13 13:25 -31.8357 130.7539 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 376   1178 2000-05-13 13:39 2000-05-13 13:39 -31.8360 130.7530 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 377   1178 2000-05-13 13:57 2000-05-13 13:58 -31.8315 130.7542 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 378   1178 2000-05-13 14:33 2000-05-13 14:46 -31.8320 130.7757 -31.8388 130.7517 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 379   1178 2000-05-13 18:04 2000-05-13 18:04 -31.8303 130.7600 -31.8240 130.7551 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 380   1178 2000-05-13 18:24 2000-05-13 18:44 -31.8171 130.7583 -31.8448 130.7546 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 382   1178 2000-05-14 14:42 2000-05-14 16:01 -31.8249 130.7620 -31.8327 130.7700 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 383   1178 2000-05-14 17:11 2000-05-14 17:21 -31.8317 130.6983 -31.8316 130.6880 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 55 m
    Catch [details] 386   1178 2000-05-15 01:36 2000-05-15 01:36 -32.9238 130.7441 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 90 m
    Catch [details] 387   1178 2000-05-15 01:59 2000-05-15 02:32 -38.2486 149.6445 -38.2724 149.6143 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 90 m
    Catch [details] 388   1178 2000-05-15 03:27 2000-05-15 03:27 -32.6090 130.5831 Area: GAB BPZ Transect name: 90 m
    Catch [details] 392   1178 2000-05-15 12:10 2000-05-15 12:11 -33.4659 130.8132 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 1
    Catch [details] 393   1178 2000-05-15 12:41 2000-05-15 12:41 -33.4655 130.8147 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name:
    Catch [details] 394   1178 2000-05-15 15:57 2000-05-15 15:59 -33.8522 130.8108 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 2
    Catch [details] 395   1178 2000-05-15 20:47 2000-05-15 20:49 -34.5845 130.7630 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 3
    Catch [details] 396   1178 2000-05-15 23:12 2000-05-15 23:13 -34.8567 130.7212 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 4
    Catch [details] 397   1178 2000-05-16 01:17 2000-05-16 01:19 -35.0298 130.6680 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 5
    Catch [details] 398   1178 2000-05-16 03:05 2000-05-16 03:05 -35.0705 130.8375 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 6
    Catch [details] 399   1178 2000-05-16 03:53 2000-05-16 03:56 -35.0733 130.8388 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 6
    Catch [details] 400   1178 2000-05-16 06:12 2000-05-16 06:14 -35.1689 130.8168 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 7
    Catch [details] 401   1178 2000-05-16 08:22 2000-05-16 10:06 -35.1592 130.8158 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 7
    Catch [details] 402   1178 2000-05-16 14:32 2000-05-16 16:53 -35.3340 130.5966 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 8
    Catch [details] 403   1178 2000-05-16 19:39 2000-05-16 19:39 -35.4056 130.6638 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 8
    Catch [details] 404   1178 2000-05-16 23:52 2000-05-16 23:54 -35.5983 130.6172 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 9
    Catch [details] 405   1178 2000-05-17 02:42 2000-05-17 04:02 -35.5998 130.6174 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 9
    Catch [details] 406   1178 2000-05-17 07:05 2000-05-17 07:05 -35.4060 130.6599 Area: GAB MPZ Transect name: 9
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM79 1178 -42.6742 148.2418
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM80 1178 -42.6811 148.4071
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM33 1178 -37.3142 150.2351
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM34 1178 -37.2887 150.2659
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM340 1178 -33.2752 130.7282
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM341 1178 -33.2678 130.7330
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM342 1178 -33.2646 130.7386
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM344 1178 -33.2637 130.6730
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM345 1178 -33.2646 130.6715
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM347 1178 -33.2672 130.6262
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM348 1178 -33.2666 130.6183
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM349 1178 -33.2646 130.6120
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM35 1178 -37.3267 150.0756
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM359 1178 -33.3245 130.9512
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM36 1178 -37.3651 150.0747
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM360 1178 -33.3122 130.9490
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM37 1178 -37.3482 150.1013
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM372 1178 -31.8305 130.7512
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM375 1178 -31.8356 130.7536
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM376 1178 -31.8360 130.7527
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM377 1178 -31.8319 130.7541
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM38 1178 -37.3474 150.0737
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM386 1178 -32.6090 130.5831
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM388 1178 -32.6090 130.5831
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM39 1178 -37.3461 150.9748
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM40 1178 -37.3492 151.0000
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM41 1178 -37.3536 150.1334
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM42 1178 -37.3529 150.2917
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM43 1178 -37.3487 150.3252
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM44 1178 -37.3481 150.3441
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM45B 1178 -37.3478 150.3557
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM46 1178 -37.3454 150.0070
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM47 1178 -37.3054 150.0107
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM48 1178 -37.3547 150.3619
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM48B 1178 -37.7311 150.0657
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM49 1178 -37.7654 150.0298
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM51 1178 -38.4774 149.5641
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM52 1178 -38.4541 149.5112
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM53 1178 -38.5747 149.4741
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM54 1178 -38.5140 149.3520
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM55 1178 -38.5414 149.4051
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM55A 1178 -37.7567 149.6036
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM56 1178 -38.2473 149.7042
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM56A 1178 -38.2475 149.6901
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM57 1178 -38.2475 149.6901
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM58 1178 -38.1625 149.6956
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM59 1178 -38.1677 149.6343
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM60 1178 -38.2480 149.7406
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM61 1178 -38.2487 149.6710
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM62 1178 -38.2285 149.6181
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM63 1178 -38.2376 149.5715
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM64 1178 -38.2091 149.5935
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM65 1178 -38.2085 149.6849
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM66 1178 -38.2017 149.3150
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM67 1178 -38.1676 149.2399
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM68 1178 -37.9456 149.2431
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM69 1178 -37.9469 149.2485
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM70 1178 -37.9404 149.2720
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM71 1178 -37.9600 149.2811
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM72 1178 -38.2154 149.5269
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM73 1178 -38.2155 149.5256
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM74 1178 -38.1868 149.5578
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM75 1178 -38.3309 149.6572
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM76 1178 -39.8898 149.0380
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM77 1178 -42.9658 148.4382
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM78 1178 -42.6700 148.2540
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/DR01 1178 -35.1338 130.8045
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/DR02 1178 -35.3340 130.5966
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/DR03 1178 -35.5998 130.6174
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC07 1178 -35.1689 130.8168
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC06 1178 -35.0734 130.8393
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC08 1178 -35.5983 130.6172
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC03 1178 -34.5845 130.7633
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC02 1178 -33.8522 130.8108
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC05 1178 -35.0298 130.6680
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC04 1178 -34.8567 130.7213
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/GC01 1178 -33.4659 130.8132
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC05 1178 -38.2263 149.2862
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC06 1178 -38.1795 149.2624
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC07 1178 -38.1629 149.2300
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC09 1178 -37.9445 149.2665
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC11 1178 -37.7206 150.0726
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC14 1178 -37.3283 150.0707
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC15 1178 -37.3310 150.0813
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC17 1178 -37.3503 150.0720
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC19 1178 -37.3487 150.0395
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/BC21 1178 -37.3476 150.0059
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM01 1178 -38.1914 149.2792
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM03 1178 -38.2252 149.2847
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM04 1178 -38.1993 149.3000
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM05 1178 -38.1867 149.2757
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM06 1178 -38.1880 149.2829
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM07 1178 -38.1795 149.2624
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM09 1178 -37.9456 149.2668
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM10 1178 -37.9445 149.2664
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM11 1178 -37.9457 149.2668
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM12 1178 -37.9471 149.2673
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM13 1178 -37.9557 149.2667
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM14 1178 -37.9725 149.2668
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM16 1178 -38.0460 149.3393
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM17 1178 -38.0453 149.3391
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM18 1178 -38.0310 149.3388
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM19 1178 -37.8504 149.1838
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM20 1178 -37.8190 149.1531
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM21 1178 -37.7206 150.0726
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM22 1178 -37.7154 150.0451
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM23 1178 -37.7190 150.0489
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM24 1178 -37.7207 150.0511
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM25 1178 -37.7232 150.0530
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM26 1178 -37.7378 150.0730
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM27 1178 -37.3515 150.2629
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM28 1178 -37.3463 150.1752
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM29 1178 -37.2529 150.1654
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM294 1178 -36.9838 138.3412
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM30 1178 -37.4500 150.2234
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM303 1178 -36.2416 139.3519
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM305 1178 -36.2409 139.3575
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM306 1178 -36.2409 139.3574
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM307 1178 -36.2412 139.3556
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM308 1178 -36.2480 139.3628
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM309 1178 -36.2480 139.3628
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM31 1178 -37.3487 150.2058
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM311 1178 -36.2488 139.3623
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM316 1178 -37.0587 138.2665
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM319 1178 -37.0581 138.2806
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM32 1178 -37.3482 150.1926
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM320 1178 -37.0582 138.2821
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM321 1178 -37.0590 138.2765
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM322 1178 -37.0628 138.2606
    Sediment Sampling [details]   224/SM325 1178 -36.0672 136.2876

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