Data Trawler - Deployment Details

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Deployment Details

Survey: - SS200001 [details]

Deployment Type: - Catch

Station: 242

Operation No.: 242

When: 2000-04-26 21:51 to 2000-04-26 22:11 UTC

Where: 38° 14.0' S    149° 39.5' E
to 38° 14.9' S    149° 38.4' E

Maximum Depth (m): 530

Description: Area: Big Horseshoe SE Transect name: H2

Gear used
NetSampleStartEndStart depthEnd depthMethodEffort
Sherman epibenthic Sled 2000-04-26 21:51 2000-04-26 22:11 475 530 Benthic Sled

Catch Composition

CAABTaxaCount Weight (kg)
11001000 Hydroida 1 0.112
99280373 Paguristes sp. 1 0.135
23270016 Veprichlamys perillustris 1 0.004
23609000 Sepiolidae 1 0.08
24202028 Fax grandior 1 0.011
24202029 Fusinus annae 1 0.107
24231000 Architectonicidae 1 0.004
25143901 Henricia spp. 1 0.015
25154000 Asteriidae, Stichasteridae 1 0.326
25176040 Ophiura palliata 1 0.001
25185001 Ophiacantha rosea 1 0.001
25192001 Ophiothrix aristulata 1 0.001
28767004 Merhippolyte chacei 1 0.029
28835005 Pagurixus handrecki 1 0.135
28840003 Munida haswelli 1 0.116
28860001 Dagnaudus petterdi 1 0.006
28922002 Pycnoplax meridionalis 1 0.006
28922011 Pycnoplax victoriensis 1 0.061
99100004 Porifera low encrusting 1 0.699
99110005 Corals - solitary, freeliving 1 0.057
99110187 Anemones (large, orange, smooth) 1 0.196
99220003 Polychaeta-tubeworms 1 0
99240139 Ranellidae - unidentified species shallow 1 0.143
99240145 Turridae - unidentified species 3 1 0.053
99250002 Echinoidea-irregular 1 6.218
99250256 Ophioplax cf. lamellosa 1 0.001
99250268 Asteroidea - biscuit 1 0.101
99250269 Asteriidae - long skinny arms 1 0.234
99250277 Holothurian - purple slime 1 0.099
22030000 Onuphidae 1 0.04
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