CAAB - Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota - Catch Records

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Catch Data - from CSIRO surveys.

CAAB Code: 39 125004 [taxon report]
Scientific Name
and Authority
Aipysurus mosaicus    Sanders, Rasmussen, Elmberg, Mumpuni, Guinea, Blias, Lee & Fry, 2012
CAAB category: 39 - Reptilia
Common Name: stagger-banded seasnake
Distribution map:
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Occurrence locations [19] shown as red circles - View CSIRO Catch records

Catch records - 19 records found.
Click on survey to see survey details. Click on Operation to see full details of the catch. Use the CSV button at the bottom to export data.

Date (UTC)PositionSurveyOperationDepth
Range (m)
CountWeight (kg)MethodEffortGear
1997-10-11 04:14 14° 27.8' S    136° 29.0' E SS199708 113   28 to 29 1 0.353 Trawl 30 Minutes
1997-10-12 19:36 14° 27.5' S    135° 59.3' E SS199708 145   21 to 22 1 0.5 Trawl 34 Minutes
1997-10-25 03:30 16° 00.4' S    139° 39.0' E SS199708 376   40 to 40 1 0.339 Trawl 32 Minutes
1997-10-25 06:31 15° 59.3' S    139° 39.7' E SS199708 379   40 to 40 1 0.416 Trawl 30 Minutes
1997-10-25 17:27 15° 57.1' S    139° 32.9' E SS199708 390   41 to 42 2 0.835 Trawl 133 Minutes
1998-09-30 17:36 13° 25.3' S    136° 19.6' E SS199803 122   2 0.78 Trawl 30 Minutes
1998-10-08 00:34 14° 26.9' S    136° 24.6' E SS199803 360   21 to 22 1 0.322 Trawl 30 Minutes
1998-10-08 02:16 14° 27.5' S    136° 28.0' E SS199803 362   22 to 24 1 0.311 Trawl 30 Minutes
1998-10-12 00:56 14° 26.8' S    136° 35.8' E SS199803 537   27 to 27 1 0.68 Trawl 31 Minutes
1998-10-12 15:33 14° 29.6' S    136° 20.9' E SS199803 550   1 0.561 Trawl 30 Minutes
1998-10-16 04:30 14° 27.3' S    136° 34.2' E SS199803 632   26 to 26 1 0.615 Trawl 30 Minutes
1998-10-16 05:20 14° 26.6' S    136° 32.6' E SS199803 633   25 to 27 1 0.713 Trawl 30 Minutes
2003-11-25 17:04 18° 12.3' S    146° 15.9' E GM200301 46   11 to 11 1 Prawn Trawl
2003-11-26 16:19 18° 57.3' S    146° 53.7' E GM200301 53   26 to 26 1 Prawn Trawl
2003-11-29 16:26 18° 50.1' S    147° 09.9' E GM200301 61   39 to 39 1 Prawn Trawl
2003-12-02 13:20 19° 07.5' S    147° 11.1' E GM200301 77   24 to 24 1 Prawn Trawl
2004-04-27 15:40 22° 00.3' S    149° 32.7' E GM200401 71   13 to 13 1 Prawn Trawl
2004-10-03 10:49 12° 45.3' S    143° 27.3' E GM200402 65   12 to 12 1 Prawn Trawl
2005-11-26 10:56 21° 39.9' S    151° 56.7' E GM200501 53   50 to 50 1 Prawn Trawl

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